
|May 15, 1994|

*ring ring ring*

I slowly opened my eyes, being awakened by my phone ringing. I closed my eyes again and groaned before turning over to reach for my phone.  I felt around my night stand. Didn't seem to find my phone. I opened my eyes again but quickly closed them again because the bright sun beamed straight to my eyes, trough the crack between my curtains. "Fucking.. bright yellow bitch." I groaned.
I shielded my eyes with my hand, before yawning. My phone kept ringing and I finally found it I clicked it open.

"Hello?" I rested my eyes again. " Girl why Is you still in bed?" I heard my friend Lisas voice on the other end.

"Because I love my bed, lisa." I told her simply as I ran my hand trough my black curly hair. " Girl get yo ass up. You are suppose to meet me and Aaliyah in 20 minutes. We already here at the coffee shop. Hurry up. "

I turned my head to look at the clock. Its 10.10. I sighed." Im gon be ten minutes late." I told her before sitting up in my bed. " Yeah aight girl we will be waiting. Hurry up." She said before hanging up.

I stood up from my bed and walked in the bathroom. I flicked on the lights before taking off my oversized grey shirt. I stared at my topless self. Before taking off my panties and stepping in the shower.

I ran the cloth all over my caramel body. Shampooed my hair and body and did all my hygiene before stepping out. I picked up my clothes. White sleeveless and backless turtleneck, highwaist denim jeans and white fila sneakers.

I sat down on my bed and lotioned my body with coconut butter. After lotioning my body, I put on my clothes. I didn't put much make up. I just put on lip gloss and a little mascara and tied my hair into a low bun. I slid on my glasses before checking myself out in my full body mirror. I sighed.

Turned off all the lights in my little apartment before sliding on my backpack grabbing my keys and walking out of my apartment.

I walked in the drive way where my black BMW was and I got in the car, placing my backpack on the passenger seat.


I arrived at my school parking lot. There is a coffee shop opposite of my school. So students usually meet there before their classes start.

I walked in the coffeeshop. Fresh smell of coffee and pastries fill my nose and I immediately relax. And my ears are filled with bunch of people talking.

This place was full and I didn't see Lisa and Aaliyah no where. I found an empty seat and decided to wait for them. I slid off my backpack and put it on the seat next to me.

Lisa always does this. She always calls me, talm bout im late but she always late. 'We already here' my ass. I took my journal out of my backpack. I looked around before taking out my pencil and started writing my own things. Im a very awkward person. Usually my friends tell me that im funny but most of the times im serious. I don't really know whats wrong with me. I like to isolate myself from people and do my own thing.

Lisa thinks Im depressed and lonely and I just need some good 'Dick' but thats not the case. Im not looking for no man and plus I get very nervous and shy when I meet new people.  I just want to be alone and follow my dreams and that is to make music. 

I want to be alone because I dont want to get hurt again. I had somebody. I thought he loved me and later I learned that he wasn't ready for commitment.

"Hey Caramel." I heard lisas bubbly voice say before she sat infront of me. Aaliyah sat down next to me and she hugged me from the side.

I pulled away from her and glared at Lisa. " Lisa why you always late? You be waking me up in the morning so I wont be late but you are late always?"

  She rolled her eyes, playfully." Shut up, nerd. I had to take my little brothers to day care.. Now listen.. I heard there is a new boy in school." Lisa smirked, wickedly. Scaring me a little bit.

"Okayy..?" I dragged and looked at her weirdly." Why you staring at me like that?" She clapped her hands." Because this is your chance."

  "Chance for wha-" I cut myself off before shaking my head knowing what she getting at." Ah uh Lisa, I ain't got time for no one in my life, okay. Im good." I rolled my eyes before getting back to writing.

  " Come on now, mayah.." Aaliyah nudged me. I glanced at her." You need a little adventure girl. You been alone for few years now and..." she sighed." Im starting to wonder.. Hell, my grandma starting to wonder. " I frowned at her.

Lisa pursed her lips at Aaliyah." Come on Li. There is nothing wrong with kitty cat lickin but dick will keep you mo satisfied." She twisted her face at me playfully and my frown just deepened.

Aaliyah laughed at her foolishness and I shook my head. These friends of mine..

We started to make a little small talk but suddenly Lisa stopped talking and stared at something.. or someone.

She tapped me." Look there he go." She nodded towards the guy. I slowly turned my head around and saw a boy wearing all black with a baseball cap holding some books in his hands.

His baseball cap was covering his face so I didn't really see his face. He sat down few tables away from us.

  "You should go and talk to him." Aaliyah smiled at me. I glanced at her then at him before shaking my head." Nahh." I dragged nervously.

  She and Lisa looked at eachother. "Okay, lookie here.." Lisa came closer to me." We gon buy us sumthing to drink, aight? And you gon go talk to that boy." She said before she took Aaliyahs hand and went to buy us something to drink.

I just went back to writing and didn't even care to look at anyone. But soon I felt like someone was looking at me. Thinking that its Lisa trying to get me to talk to him so I can just look at her and roll my eyes but no.. I looked up and lisa wasn't even looking at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head and went back to my writing but I still felt those eyes on me.

I slowly looked up again my eyes meeting with beautiful hazel ones and I realized it was that guy. I quickly shifted my eyes back down to my journal. Scared to meet those eyes again.

  I looked away but I felt him still looking at me. I slowly started to get a little uncomfortable. Lisa and Aaliyah came back to the table and started talking about him. Especially lisa. Her mouth has no filter. She is talking sexually about him too.

  I can see in the corner of my eyes that he sometimes looked down and I think... he was laughing because his shoulders shook a little bit.

"Can yall shut up!?" I whisper yelled." I know there is a lot of peope here but he is sitting two tables away from us.. the nigga can hear us."

They grinned at me and kept questioning me about him and other things about him making me blush in embarrassment.


Little did they know. Whisper/yelling isn't helping. He could still hear them. Laughing about what they're saying about him.

  He would raise his head just a little bit, to look at the caramel beauty sitting few tables away from him.

She has beautiful caramel skin, long black curly hair, light beautiful brown eyes , beautiful big plump pink lips, long eyelashes and bright smile. The glasses made her look sexy and innocent at the same time.

  He could already see himself, caressing her soft skin and pressing his lips against her soft looking lips.


At school

The classes just started and Amayah was struggling with her locker. Everybody were rushing to their classes but she was still struggling to open up her locker.

"Shit." She dropped her bag on the floor not bothering to pick it up. She looked around the hall and saw all the students were already in their classes.

  She groaned and softly banged her head against the locker in frustration.
She sat stood there for few minutes still softly banging her head against the locker not knowing that somebody is watching her.

  "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Her actions came into a halt as soon as she heard that deep voice speak.

Who the fu- God... is that you?

She slowly turned around and saw the boy who was staring at her at the coffee shop standing right next to her.

He stood there and just stared at her. She felt really intimidated by his eyes. He looked like the person who can read your mind. Staring straight in your soul. Almost making her knees buckle.

  "Mind if I help?" He asked nodding towards the locker. She didn't answer him she stood there in a daze.

He stepped closer to her their noses almost touching.

He smells so good... His eyes never left hers before he raised his hand and touched around her locked before banging it open with his fist.

  Her eyes widened a bit in shock before she shifted her gaze to her locker before looking back at him again.

  " T-thanks." She stuttered nervously while still looking at him in the eyes. He just nodded before turning around and walking back to his locker that was already open.

She quickly grabbed the books that she needed and all the papers she was supposed to return to the teacher today. In a hurry she threw her small backpack on her back before slamming the locker shut and sprinting to her class.

She opened the door to her class making every students eyes shift to her as she awkwardly looked at the teacher.

" Ahh. Ms. Genesis. Third time this week.." Mr. Jefferson, my math teacher says while his hands were behind his back. Shifting his weight from side to side.

  "Im sorry bu-" She stuttered but he interrupted her again. " No buts missy. This is your last warning the next time its detention."

She sighed." Yes sir.." she said before finding herself a seat. "Okay everybody take your papers out. We had them for homework last week."

she searched for her paper between her books but cant seem to find it. She swears she took it with her but now its gone. She slowly started to panic. She had to return it today.

  "Maybe I dropped it." She mumbled to her self. She looked behind her trying to see if she dropped it near. She knows that there is no way Mr. Jefferson will let her go look for it.

  She sighed in frustration as she saw her teacher was few steps away from coming to retrieve the paper.

"Ms.Genesis where is your homework?" He asked her as he held a pen and pad to mark who didn't do their homework.

I nervously, rubbed my hands together." I ..uhh... I- I lost my pa-

"Sorry Im late Mr. Jefferson." The guy that I saw few moments ago jogged down the steps towards us. He came up to me and passed me a paper. I took the paper and observed it.

This is my paper..

"You dropped this when you were rushing to class." He grinned at me. I gave the teacher my paper and he took it. He stared at it before, nodding his head at me. "Good job." He said before walking away from us.

  The boy walked away from us and back to his seat. "Class I will like to welcome our schools new student Donald. He is sitting in the back of the class." Mr. Jefferson pointed where the boy was sitting. " Everybody welcome Donald to our class."

I looked in the back as everyone waved and said a few 'hi's and 'wassups and he just nodded at them. He sat in the corner with the baseball cap covering his face.

Even though the baseball cap and his big hands was covering his face. I could see his eyes looking straight at me. Making him look even more intimidating.

His hazel/ green eyes seemed to glisten a little making him look slight scary too. I saw his lips form into a tiny smirk making me turn away from his intense stare quickly.

Donald, huh?


After school

"We gon go to Rozondas house now?" Aaliyah asked as the girls walked trough the school doors. They walked towards the parking lot before stopping to chat a little.

  "Yeah she said Titi got something to show us or tell us." Lisa said. Her beeper started to beep. She looked at who was beepin at her she rolled her eyes.

  "Girl who is that?" I asked, curiosly. Lisa rolled her eyes. "Andres annoying ass.." She smacks her teeth. Aaliyah shook her head."Girl he still bothering you?" Lisa groaned." Yeah! The nigga keep lying and cheating on me and thinks that I dont know about what he be doing!" She chuckled."Nigga better watch out.. If he keep fucking around like this  i'll burn all his shoes.." She folded her arms across her chest, tapping her foot and like she was in thought.

"Or better yet i'll burn down his fucking house! Then he will learn." She said pursing her lips. Me and Aaliyah laughed at her craziness.

You can always think Lisa be joking.. but baby probably is dead serious.

"Ah uh girl you trippin." Aaliyah said laughing. Lisa rolled her eyes. "No girl I cant keep letting himp...

Suddenly I couldn't pay attention to what Lisa and Aaliyah were talking about when I saw Donald walking past us. My eyes followed him as I saw he hopped in his black Mercedes-Benz. He glanced at me and I looked away quickly and continued to listen to what Lisa and Aaliyah were saying. In the corner of my eyes I saw his car pull away quickly and driving away.

  The girls walked towards Amayahs black BMW, laughing amongst eachother not knowing that someone was watching them.

They watched as the girls hopped in the black BMW and drove away.


| This is my first D. Swing story so pls be patient with me. You might notice my english is a little fucked up..so some of the chapters might be confusing. Anywayyy... I hope you enjoyed this boring chapter but I promise there will be more interesting chapters on the way.

Ps. If yall wanna give me some ideas yall can PM me.. I still got alot to learn about Devante.| 😜

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