D A Y 6

Hey guys, 

Thanks for being patient. My days are getting a bit hectic. Bare with me. I love you guys with all my heart. I just thought you guys should know that. Thank you for reading Obscene. In fact, thank you for a lot of things. Thank you for the support. Thank you for understanding. Just—thank you. I love you all so much. So fucking much.

Without further adieu, I present to you...

D A Y  6 



Narrator's Pov

The worried teenagers spent hours on end figuring out how to find Lola Berkshire. They took vacancy at the Berkshire household where they gathered around the dining table with spellbooks and maps scattered around. While Onyx and Lorenzo turned, the teens stopped at nothing.

Narsa and Scarlett read the books, Oliver and Zeno cast the spells, and Amelie pinpointed all the possibles parts of the world where Lola and Miles would reside. The search went on for hours. The group would take turns taking short naps on the table, then they'd go back to searching. Zeno didn't stop. At one point, everyone fell asleep on the table except Zeno.

 He refused to give up.

All the pent-up frustration would soon pay off, or so that's what he thought.

Lucille was ordered to take care of Luna and Prince back at the Malfoy residence, while Draco and Blaise made calls to shelters, hotels, and just about any possible establishment where they could reside within a 100-mile radius. 

The sun soon came up. Onyx and Lorenzo went back to their homes to help in any way. The search for Lola continues.

Lorenzo walked into his home with a fresh pair of clothes. His arms and legs are aching. He's traveled miles upon miles with Onyx in an attempt to sniff out his own daughter, but it was no use. He disregarded the possibility that she might not even be close and around. 

Or alive.

He walked in to see teenagers that have fallen asleep on his table, except for his son who's still reading spellbooks. Oliver has got drool coming out from the corner of his mouth, Narsa's hair is in knots, Scarlett is mumbling in her sleep, and Amelie's face is facing flat on the table. 

They all look like a bloody mess.

Zeno looked up at his father who came approaching with sly. He abruptly rose from his seat and cleared his throat. He locked his hands together behind his back and looked up and down the dining table where his cousins and girlfriend rested.

"Um— Any luck?" Zeno stammered. Lorenzo looked his son in the eyes and noticed that he's been up for hours. Dark circles have started to form underneath his eyes. 

Lorenzo shook his head. "No. I can't smell her anywhere."

Zeno sighed. He sat back down and leaned his head on the palms of his hands where his arm rested on his elbow. "Same here. We've all been up last night trying to cast spells and read up. No fucking luck, dad. But—But we're going to find her. Okay? We—We are. And when we—and when we do, I'm going to kill MIles with my bare hands—"

"I know we'll find her, Zeno," Lorenzo assured weakly as he took a seat next to his sleeping nephew, "But we can't find her when you've got no sleep. Go upstairs and get some rest, yeah?"

"No," Zeno cut off his father. "I'm fine. I won't stop until I find her—"

"Everyone else in this Goddamn table is asleep, Zeno. Go rest."

"But Dad, I—"

"That's a — bloody — order!"

Zeno was taken aback. He gazed at Lorenzo in utter shock; mouth ajar and fists clenched with his nails digging crescents into his palms. Then he let go.

"Fine," he huffed. He got up from the table with aggression and made his way towards the stairs. Before climbing up, he looked back at his father. "Wake me up the moment you have a lead."

"Of course," Lorenzo replied. Zeno nodded and continued his way upstairs. Lorenzo sighed and grabbed the nearest spellbook in his reach, which was under Oliver. He flipped through the pages and grabbed the map that was in the center of the table.

Amelie moved from the sudden grab of the map and immediately wiped her drool, then continuing her slumber. Lorenzo ran his fingers against the pinpointed parts of the maps. 

Moscow, Philippines, Beijing, Dubai, Stockholm.

The possibilities are completely endless. After realizing that Lola could be literally anywhere around the world, it's almost as if Lorenzo's throat tightens. His heart race speeds up and his hands become clammy. His world feels tight and he can feel just about every pulsating vein in his body.

"Fuck!" Lorenzo slams the book close and runs his hand down his face out of disappointment. He's at a dead end. If the spells didn't work for the teenagers, they most definitely wouldn't work for him. He would try anyway.

Lorenzo patted his waist for his wand to make sure it was on him before casting a spell. He then placed his hand over the map. His mind raced while trying to pick the right spell to use to track Lola. 

"Invenio Spatium," he mutters under his breath. Nothing. Lorenzo chants it again. "Invenio Spatium."

"We've already tried that," Narsa mumbled in her arms. She lifts her head from the table and yawns. Narsa rubs her eyes with her palm and looks right at Lorenzo. "About 4 times. Each."

"Each? Each person?"

She nods. "We've tried a lot of incantations that had to do with location and locating. Nothing is working. We've tried using objects to help look for her, but our magic combined isn't enough."

"What have you tried?"

"Just about anything, Uncle," Oliver added. He, too, lifted his head up from the table and wiped away his drool on the table and at the corner of his mouth with his sleeve. "We've done everything but blood rituals—"

"Don't even think about doing those," Lorenzo interrupted, "We know nothing of that practice. I refused to bring—that—kind of magic into this home."

The conversations soon awoke Amelie and Scarlett. They both looked up and down the table then stretched and shake themselves awake.

"It's worth a shot," Oliver pestered, "We could try—"

"I said no, Oliver," Lorenzo snapped. He shook his head and burst out of his seat to head to the other side of the table to skim through other spellbooks. "Amelie, what other possible locations could she possibly be? Are there any shelters? Any wizarding shelters? Safehouses?"

"My dad and Draco called up places and such last night. They could still be doing that as they speak. I could call them if you'd like."

"No need," Lorenzo responded, not taking his eyes off the book, "I'll head over there in a bit to go pick up my wife. Do you know how she is? Is Prince with her?"

"Yes, Prince is with her. I'm just now sure how she's doing. Not so good, I suppose," Scarlett nipped at the dead skin around her nails nervously. The table was pretty quiet after that. 

The second-generation of teens watched Lorenzo cast spells they've already tried, with only expectations that he wouldn't succeed. 

He didn't.

Lorenzo didn't entirely give up, but he put the spellbooks down and stomped out of the house and right into his car to pick up Luna. It wasn't a long drive. Less than 5 minutes, really. But he drove fast. Gripped the steering wheel as his life depended on it. Shifted gears every damn second. 

Soon enough, he pulled into the Malfoys' driveway. Lorenzo stepped out of his Rolls Royce and slammed the door closed. He was upset that nothing was working. He wasn't sure whether or not he'd ever see his daughter again. Lorenzo refused to even think like that.

Lorenzo didn't have to knock. He invited himself in and stomped his feet onto the welcoming mat to rid the snow from his shoes. "Luna!" He shouted. 

Chatter emitted from upstairs. Two familiar voices—women voices— Lucille and Luna.

In the kitchen resided Blaise and Draco. Draco came storming towards the entrance with his landline phone in hand. "Any luck?" Draco huffed as he gripped the phone.

Lorenzo shook his head. "Kids said they've tried everything in the book. Zeno was the only one awake when I got back."

Blaise soon came running in with a phone in his hand, too. "Where's Onny?" Blaise asks.

"Cleaning herself up. She fell in some ditch—" 

"What? Is she alright?"

"She fell in a ditch in her wolf form. Don't panic," Lorenzo assured. He looked back at the grey-eyed boy who had a stern look. "Is Luna alright?"

"She's been weeping non-stop," Draco answers quietly. "Prince has been trying to comfort her. Lucille, too."

Lorenzo shook his head. "Mind if I go up?"

"Go ahead," Draco settled, "Blaise and I will keep making calls."

Lorenzo sprinted upstairs and headed straight to Draco's room. He knocked lightly before opening the door. Lorenzo swung the door open to see Luna sobbing in Lucille's arms. Lucille is asleep, yet her arms are wrapped around tightly around his wife. Prince is on the other side; his little arms wrapped around his mum, too.

"Hey," he whispers. Lucille flutters her eyes open only to see Lorenzo standing with his hands in his pockets. "Luna? My love?"

Luna lifts her head up from the pillow and gazes right into his eyes. "Any—any news?" Her teeth met the bottom of her lip as she anticipated her husband's next response.

Lorenzo shook his head slowly. Luna only wept more. "We're not going to stop, Luna. No need to stress so much—"

"You better look for her, Lorenzo!" Luna screamed, which woke up Prince. Startled him. He jolted and shot his whole body up. Prince glanced around the room before realizing that he wasn't in his own home. That he wasn't dreaming. "You need to keep looking for her. You need to look for my daughter, Enzo."

Lucille rubbed her arm in an attempt to calm her down. Luna was boiling. Her face flushed with scarlet, and her eyes were puffy.

"It isn't up for debate, Luna," Lorenzo replied, "We're going to find her. I promise. Do you want to come back home? Or do you want to stay wi—"

"I want to stay here," she sniffled, scooting closer to Lucille, "I would only be a distraction. Don't worry about me. You have to find our daughter."

"You wouldn't be a distr—"

"I've already made my mind up," she spat, "You're wasting time. Find—Find Lola."

Lorenzo couldn't afford to upset Luna any further. She's carrying precious cargo, so it's best for him to listen. He nodded immediately, then found himself storming out the room and down the stairs. 

"I'm heading to the Wright House," Lorenzo blurted to the boys in the kitchen,

"Wait," Draco commanded, "Are you going alone?"

"Do you see me with anyone else?" Lorenzo beckoned. He looked around him out of stupidity. "Seems like I'm alone. Does that answer your question?"

"Do you want me to come with you?" Draco asked.

"No," he replied, "I've got this."

Before Lorenzo, could make his way towards the door, Draco stormed at him to stop him in his tracks. "Bring Xenophilius."

"No," Lorenzo said, "He's been up the whole night. I just put him to bed."

"Either I come with you or you wait for your son to get rest," Draco snarled, "You yourself should get some rest. You just came from a full moon. Don't be too hard on yourself." His voice was stern. Cold like ice, yet tinge of warmth resonated. 

Lorenzo looked down, avoiding eye contact. Draco had a point. Lorenzo, unadmittingly, is exhausted. "I can't stop looking for my daughter, Draco. I don't need rest—"

"Lorenzo, come on."

"You would do the exact same thing if Scarlett was fucking missing! Narsa! Oliver! Lucille!"

Lorenzo took a sharp turn around up until Draco planted his hand on his shoulder. Lorenzo shoved his hand off of him and looked at Draco with pure frustration.

"I will bloody hex you if you go to the Wright's home alone. Wait for Zeno. I'm sure he would want to be there, too. You're not the only one who lost Lola, Lorenzo," Draco attested.

Lorenzo huffed. "Fine. Whatever. Fuck you, Draco. Big fuck you."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Get out my house and get into your bed. We'll take it from here. We'll wake you up the moment we hear something," Draco turned Lorenzo right back around by placing both his hands on his broad shoulders. He directed him towards the door. "My kids are at your place, right?"

"Drooling on my fucking dining table."

Lorenzo stormed out the house and right into his car. He went back home. The moment he went back home, the teens moved to the living room. Scarlett and Amelie wrapped in each other's arm on a loveseat, asleep. Oliver sitting on an armchair leaning on his elbow, asleep. 

He took a quick glance at them before ascending his stair case where he'd soon catch some rest of his own. Lorenzo felt guilty for even taking a nap. 30 minutes, at least. 

But he was aware that he needed to power up. 


Draco sat in the passenger seat of the Rolls Royce. Oliver and Zeno sat in the back. Lorenzo was driving. They were making their way towards the Wrights' home. The car ride was silent. Zeno was itching to throw a punch at Miles. Itching to throw a punch at Miles' father. Itching to throw a punch in general.

They parked outside his home. Lorenzo took notice of a red convertible parked in their driveway. A car that wasn't there the day before.

"His daughter must be here," Lorenzo mumbled to the boys. In a trail, they each walked up to the porch. They were like a squad. Ready for anything. Anticipating the absolute worst, yet ready to face it. Lorenzo knocked on the door. Hard. Three knocks. Threw in another one just because.

He backed up from the door when he heard an approach of footsteps. The men on the porch braced themselves. The door swung open to see Mr. Wright standing tall with his hand in his pockets.

"Your daughter," Lorenzo announced, "She's back?"

"Ah, yes!" Mr. Wright blurted, "Would you like me to get her?"

"We're here for that only, aren't we?" Zeno spat through his teeth. Oliver  nudged him to tone it down, but it was no use. Zeno being on the Wrights' property made his blood boil.

"Of—course," Mr. Wright nodded, "Nore! Could you come down? Nore!" he shouted. "I'm sure she has no clue, either. She does not know much, you see—"

"Yes?" the angelic voice beamed. She appeared from behind him, and it was all so sudden. Everything was so sudden. 

Eleanor Farrell. Standing behind Mr. Wright. She looked at the four men standing in front of her and her step-father. Her heart immediately dropped down to the pit of her stomach, and her throat tightened immediately. Her mouth ajar. Eyes wide. 

"Good afternoon," Lorenzo spoke, "My family and I were wondering if you knew the whereabouts of your brother, Mil—"

It was too late before Zeno's hands wrapped around Eleanor's neck. His blood was hot to the touch. Face flushed of absolute crimson. Eleanor's eyes immediately filled with fear. As Zeno pushed himself further into her home, the boys followed.

"Zeno! What the fuck are you doing!" Lorenzo shouted as he tried his very best to grab his son off of her. Mr. Wright, too, was trying to get his grasp off of her.

But he couldn't. His body was locked onto one thing only.

Killing her.

"It was you!" Zeno shouted, nearly spitting as he spoke. "It was fucking you! Where the fuck is she, Eleanor! What the fuck did you do! What the fuck did you do, Eleanor!"

Eleanor was, clearly, struggling to speak. She grabbed onto Zeno's forearms. He wasn't budging. Zeno couldn't care less. Rage was running through his entire body. His core. Adrenaline pumped through his veins at ludicrous speeds. 

"Zeno! Let—her—go!" Oliver wrapped his arms around his shoulders in attempt to pull him back, but it wasn't budging. He just couldn't let go. He didn't want to. 

The opportunity was here. Her eyes were watering. Her face nearly blue. Her nails dug into his skin as she tried to fight back. She had no strength. She tried to speak. She really did.

But Zeno held onto her dear life. He had the opportunity to end it all. To end the mental and emotional deprivation that she's caused him. All the things she did to Zeno would soon pay back at this moment. It was written in the stars for this to happen to her. 

People were shouting around him. They pushed and pulled. Screamed. Cussed. Did everything they could to get Zeno to let go. But all he saw was opportunity. 

Her death wouldn't rid the memories of the pain he put her through. The opportunity to end her life wouldn't erase the memories. He could still taste her on his tongue no matter how hard he tried not to. Everything was embedded. Realization hit.

It wasn't worth killing Eleanor. Not yet, at least.

So he let go. 

She fell to the ground. Everyone sighed out of relief. Yet, they still kept him in their grasp. It took 3 grown men to hold back a man like Zeno. 

"Fuck you, you fucking whore!" Zeno shouted. Mr. Wright fell to the ground to help his daughter. She was in tears. Her neck had the engravings of Zeno's hands.

Lorenzo was unaware of the history between the two. In fact, everyone had no clue. All but Eleanor and Zeno. 

"What the bloody fucking hell is going on!" Draco shouted. "Your father—no, we need answers, Zeno!"

"Ask that fucking whore on the ground!" Zeno berated. He tried to free himself from their grasp. 

Lorenzo couldn't believe what he was hearing. In fact, he couldn't believe what was occurring this very moment. His son? Disrespecting a, presumably, stranger? Particularly a woman? It was totally uncalled for!

"Go on, Eleanor!" Zeno was raging. "Explain yourself—"

"Why don't you!" she screamed with a rough voice. A vicious cough followed as she grasped onto her own neck in an attempt to ease pain. "Why don't you tell them what you made me do! If you ha— *cough* — If you hadn't forced me to rid—"

"Shut your fucking mouth, Eleanor. Enough is enough. Bullshit! You do nothing but ruin lives!"

"Can someone please explain?" Mr. Wright stammered. Poor man was clueless. He had no idea what was going on. Draco, Lorenzo, and Oliver included.

"I should've known! You had something to do with my sister's disappearance, don't you?" Zeno berated.

"Because you! But you're— *cough*— lucky that my fucking pussy of a brother ran away with your sleazy sister!" Eleanor pestered.

Zeno was about to make another move, but the 3 men had him in his grasp. "Don't you ever call her that! Don't you ever—"

"I remember this fucking kid," Draco muttered under his breath as he shook his head. 

Lorenzo turned to his cousin as his face was plastered with utter confusion. "Wh—what? You know this Eleanor? Why is my son going berserk!"

"That's something your son should tell you—"

"What did you do, Eleanor! What the fuck did you do!" his voice resonated in the home. Everyone's ears nearly vibrated. Each person in the room could feel his anger.

Eleanor giggled through her tears. Her demeanor was unrealistically confusing. She had a smirk on her visage all while the tears streamed down. "Don't worry so much," she spat, "My step-brother couldn't even go through with the fucking plan anyway. I'm sure your little sister is perfectly fine—"

"Eleanor! You tell these men what you did right this instant!" Mr. Wright bellowed. Eleanor jumped as she turned to her step-father. "I am tired of acting like everything you and your mother do is okay! Start bloody  talking!"

Eleanor rolled her eyes. She turned to Zeno as she wiped her tears. She was still shaking, but she hastily got up from the ground. The black-haired woman remained eye contact with Zeno. "After this prick made me kill our child, I went ahead and did everything I could to get back to you. I had to avenge my unborn."

"Oh, fuck you! You are an abomination, Eleanor. You're fucking insane." Zeno clenched his fists as if he were to punch her right at her jaw. He hates hurting women. But Eleanor is far from that.

She's the Devil herself. In the form of a beautiful being. 

"So you're going to pretend that we didn't... fuck? That you didn't... release yourself inside me? Get  me pregnant?"

"Shut up!" Zeno screamed. He fought off the 3 men, but they acted so fast that they held him back once more. "Shut your fucking mouth, Eleanor! Fuck you! You don't see it the way I fucking see it! You're—you're evil! I did nothing to you to ever earn this!"

"We could've had a family, Zeno! You—You ruined it! Everything!" Eleanor's eyes bawled once more. Zeno repetitively shook his head,

"What is this—what is she talking about, Xenophilius," Lorenzo grit through his teeth, "What is this fucking imbecile talking about?"

"Oh? You didn't tell mommy and daddy? What you made me do?" Eleanor spat. "Your son fucked me, got me pregnant, and then he and his little fucking Uncle made me rid the child! Paid me hush money, too! So they are to blame for the disappearance of your daughter!"

"You—You twisted cunt!" Zeno berated. "You—You just wanted my money, Eleanor! You didn't give a fuck about me! It was my name you gave a fuck about! No, it was my name that made you fuck me! Fuck you!"

"Eleanor—" Mr. Wright stammered, "What are you—talking about? What did—What did you make Miles do! What did you do to my son!"

She turned her head to her step-father and cried. "Your son and I are really close, Mr. Wright. It's him who betrayed this family—"

"Don't believe a word she's saying!" Zeno interrupted, "Tell me where my sister is! Tell me where she is!"

"How much money will it take for you to tell us, Eleanor," Draco snapped, "Give me another price. I'll—I'll make it happen. I'll give it to you. Money. That's what you've always wanted, right? Money? We have loads of it. Just—just tell us where Lola is."

"How unlucky of me," Eleanor spoke, "For I have no clue where she is. That's entirely on you guys. You think Miles would be smart enough to tell me where he is? I threatened to kill your little Lola if he didn't finish what I asked him to do—"

"And what exactly did you ask him to do?" Oliver queried.

Eleanor smirked.

"I whispered in my step-brother's ear and told him to 'get her pregnant for me'."

That was it. Zeno built the courage to shove off the men that held him back and he swung his large fist into her face. And she fell over. Onto the ground. Unresponsive, but, unfortunately, still alive and breathing. Zeno was about to crouch down and pound her face to dust, but Lorenzo and Draco grabbed ahold of him once more.

"Stop it," Lorenzo seethed, "No use. We're going home. We're—going home. She doesn't know where your sister is. Get up—"

"She's lying!" Zeno screamed, "She's lying! She's lying!" Tears were speeding down his visage without even knowing. Angry tears, if you will. Frustration. Steam found its way out.

Mr. Wright kept trying to wake her up. Shook her body. She was alive, that was for sure. But she was knocked out.


Lorenzo, Draco, and Oliver dragged Zeno out the home. He was a complete mess. They toppled down the stairs and shoved Zeno back into the car. From there, they drove home.


"You have—a lot. A lot of explaining to do, Xenophilius," Lorenzo said sternly as he gripped onto the steering wheel. He drove down the main road at such a high speed, Oliver and Draco gripped onto the handle bars above. "I cannot—I don't even know where to begin with you, Zeno. I don't. All of this. All of this could have been avoided. All of this."

"She's the one who's insane! Dad, she's fucking insane!"

"And YOU are the one who kept secrets from ME! From your whole fucking family! If we had known the whole situation, this all could have been avoided! Now your fucking sister is MISSING! Do you realize that, Zeno? Do you realize that your fucking sister is missing?" Lorenzo shouted. He looked at the rear mirror to see his son. His son refused to look back. Zeno looked down at his lap. Like a kid in trouble.

Except he was far from a kid.

His innocence was robbed the moment his father's diary fell in his hands. 14 years old.

His purity was stolen when he was 15. 

He was far from a kid. Xenophilius had no time to be a kid. He would kill to be a kid again. He would do anything to be a kid again. Care free and worriless. 

"It's not that easy," he spoke quietly. "There was more to the story, and it's not that easy to say—"

"Your sister is GONE because you couldn't fucking speak up, Zeno! Bloody fucking hell, Zeno. You—fuck!"

By the time Lorenzo finished his sentence, he pulled into his driveway and stormed out his car, and the rest followed. 

They all stomped into the home. Slammed the door close. This startled Amelie, Narsa, and Scarlett at the dining table. 

Their heads lifted as they saw the three men storm their way. "So what happened? Did you hear any news?" Narsa asked as she closed her spellbook.

"I've added 4 additional and possible locations as to where Lola might be—" Amelie was cut off.

"Thank you," Lorenzo stammered, "But I'm going to need everyone out the house." Lorenzo turned his head behind him and made eye contact with Draco. "I need you to take your fucking kids. Get the fuck out of my home. I need to speak to my son."

Draco was mute. He shot a glance—a worrisome glance— at his daughters as they jolted from their seats and immediately made their way towards him. 

"Is... everything alright?" Amelie asked. 

"Mel," Zeno spoke quietly, "Take the Floo home. I'll—. I'll talk to you later, alright?"

"Are you okay?" she croaked. 


"My son impregnated someone. Did you know anything about that? Did he tell you that? Do you know Eleanor? Farrell? Because if you do—"

"Dad, are you kidding me?" Zeno raised his voice as he stomped towards him. "What the fuck?"

"Is—I'm sorry, is this some kind of sick joke? I'm not really following—" Amelie looked at Zeno and Lorenzo repetitively. "You're joking? Right?"

Zeno's eyes melted onto hers. His throat tightened. "I need to talk to my father, Mel. Please just—please just take the Floo and go. Please? I'll explain everyth—"

Before he could even finish that sentence, she grabbed her hoodie and made her way towards the fireplace where the green fire emitted brightly and harshly. Just like that, she was gone.

"Dad, you can't just—you can't just do that. You can't just go around telling her shit like that. Not until after I explain everything—"

"Well fucking start, Zeno. Because the clock is ticking. Your sister has been gone for a day. Almost two. Start fucking talking, Zeno."

And so he did. He explained his relationships with Eleanor Farrell. He had no clue that Eleanor had a brother, He had no idea that Eleanor was insane. Crazy. Money-driven. Zeno admitted to getting her pregnant.

But he also admitted that it wasn't his idea. 

"She raped me," he said. "Multiple times. She didn't care. She just—she just—didn't care. She raped me. When you're having sex without consent. That's rape. Isn't it? That's exactly what she did to me, dad. She raped me."

By that point, Lorenzo's eyes were filling with tears. He wanted to comfort him. He saw his son crying, too. But he had to let him finish. Lorenzo had to know everything.

Eleanor Farrell formed a relationship with Xenophilius Berkshire during their Fifth Year at Hogwarts. Rumors got to Eleanor that Xenophilius was a manwhore. All he ever did was simple acts of sex. He touched girls sensually and with consent. But he never actually had sex

Not until he met Eleanor—no, not until Eleanor met Zeno. Eleanor Farrell only ever gained interest in him because of the money to his name. Berkshire. The co-founders of Gringotts Wizarding Bank. 

Zeno admitted to having sex with Eleanor a few times. Up until she fell in love. And to his head, he thought he did, too. 

But what she did to him was far from love. 

Manipulation. Guilt-tripping. Degraded him. Body shamed him. Slut shamed him. Everything in the book to make him stay. Because after the degradation, she'd praise him. She'd tell him he's the most beautiful boy she's ever seen. The nicest boy she's ever met. The perfect boy.

Anything to make him stay. Anything.

Zeno told everything she did to him to his father. 

And it was hard for him. Even if it was hard to say them, he owed his father an explanation.

If only Zeno knew that his father went through something similar back when he was 14 years old. Where he had to prove his adulthood. At the ripe age of 14. 

Zeno told everything to Lorenzo. Everything from the beginning of his relationship with Eleanor to the end.

Xenophilius Lorenzo Berkshire is a victim of sexual assault. Rape. Manipulation. Emotional deprivation.

He is a victim. 

In Lorenzo's head, Eleanor would soon become a victim, too. 

That is, of course, a victim of murder.


D I S C U S S I O N  


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