D A Y 4
Hey guys,
Thank you so much for being patient with me. The last wholesome chapter before the storm. Enjoy.
Without further adieu, I present to you...
D A Y 4
Narrator's POV
Malfoy Residence, Christmas Day
"Did you bring the casserole as I asked you to?" Onyx whispered harshly to her husband as they approached the Malfoy residence. In response, her husband shook his head. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, which earned a faint chuckle from her daughter. "Well, you need to head back home and get the fucking thing! Mumsy needs to know I've aced her recipe."
Beneath them, the snow crunched at their soles as they tried to maintain balance in hopes that they wouldn't slip. The night before, the skies wove a blanket of snowfall—a thick blanket of snowfall.
All the men and their households shoveled the moment the women told them to. As a result, mothers made hot chocolate (or tea, e.g. Berkshire Residence) for their families. Throughout the day, all households among the Slytherin Clique were busy making food, wrapping gifts, and prepping for Christmas.
"Can't you just—ah, I don't know. Do you really want me to go back home and get the bloody casserole?" Blaise faltered as he removed his aviator winter hat.
"It took Mum 2 and a half hours to make the casserole. I'm pretty sure she wants you to go back and get—"
"It's not even up for debate, Blaise," Onyx bleated, "You're getting that fucking casserole, and you're going to get it right now."
Blaise raised his hands in surrender as he turned right around. He aggressively put his hat back on and stomped his way towards the car that the Zabini's arrived in. Floo Network was off-limits during Christmas to avoid the destruction of the decorations by the Malfoy's fireplace.
"He's going to be the death of me, do you know that?" Onyx muttered to her daughter as they approached the doorstep.
"Yes," Amelie responded lowly as she rolled her eyes. "Heard that multiple times before, Mum." Amelie carried a blue sack full of gifts over her shoulder, which resulted in pain given the fact that her lover very much so loves marking her in discreet places.
Onyx knocked on the door. A few noises emitted from the other side, but it came to a halt when Draco Malfoy swung the door open. With yet another Christmas hat on his blonde head.
"Happy Christmas Zabinis minus Blaise," Draco cheered. He stepped aside for Onyx and Amelie to walk in. Both girls embraced Draco before entering further into the home. "We've got some charcuterie boards and all that other stuff out on the table."
"Happy Christmas everyone!" Onyx beamed as she waved at the crowd. In the kitchen stood Luna, Lorenzo, Lucille, Prince, and Narsa nipping and poking around the charcuterie board curated by Lorenzo Berkshire himself.
Their heads turned towards the brash woman as smiles appeared across their faces. "Happy Christmas, Onny," Lucille spoke as she approached her. Her arms wrapped around Onyx as they engulfed one another in their sweet scent. Amelie walked towards the large Christmas tree where she placed the sack of gifts by the other sacks.
Amelie and Onyx greeted everyone present in the kitchen. 'Happy Christmas' was tossed around back and forth like there was no tomorrow. "Where's Blaise?" Draco queried.
"Grabbing my bloody casserole that he forgot to bring," Onyx responded as she set herself on a stool. She popped the cork of a wine bottle and immediately poured it into a glass, "He should arrive pretty soon—Where—Where's everybody else? I could've sworn you all had more children?"
"They're in the basement," Luna replied. She was busy slicing Gruyere with the help of her husband. "Amelie, if you're going down there, could you take this board with you?" Luna gestured towards the second charcuterie board designed with nuts of different types, grapes, olives, cheeses, and an assortment of meats.
"Yeah, of course," she responded. "Is there anything else you'd like me to take down?"
"Ah... Nothing right now" answered Luna. "But I'll send Prince down if anything."
As soon as Luna finishes up the board, she hands it to Amelie carefully. She headed towards the basement, where Scarlett, Lola, Oliver, and Zeno reside. Narsa followed with a bottle of Firewhisky that she snuck in her hoodie from her father's cabinet of aged alcohol.
"What time did everyone wake up today?" Lucille interrogated as she sipped on her white wine. "Because I've been up since 6:25 AM. Cleaning, prepping, cooking, et cetera."
"Luna and I have been up since 7 AM. Was busy shoveling and crafting perfect charcuterie boards," he replied as he poked around the board, "Luna and the kids were wrapping gifts."
"I had the kids wrap all the gifts, too," Draco trilled. He twisted the cap off a bottle of Dragon Tears 1953 — a whisky aged in a Sherry Oak Cask. "They'll do anything you tell them to if you offer to throw in allowance."
Lucille shook her head as a chuckle emitted from her very lips. "Why bother throwing in allowance when you give them literally everything they ask for?"
Onyx and Luna mocked the married couple by 'ooo'ing them. Draco looked at Lucille with a stern glare. "It's called blessing my children, thank you very much," he replied. He rolled his tongue against the inside of his cheek before brushing off his slight frustration with a subtle smile.
"Call it what you want," she smirks, "I call it being spoiled—"
"Your children wrapped the many gifts I spoiled you with. I can easily tell them to just... dispose of them."
Lorenzo and Onyx proceeded to 'ooo' them once more before laughing at the duo and their small and insignificant argument.
"Right," Lucille pestered. "Just remember who gave you those children. The children you wanted badly. Isn't that right, Draco?"
"Him and his breeding kink—" Lorenzo snorted, but Luna smacked his chest in response to his childishness.
"Enzo, I wouldn't start if I were you—" Draco cackled with an arched brow, shaking his finger as he inched closer.
"Alright, alright," Lucille said as she got up from the stool, "Stand where you were standing, Draco."
Lorenzo stuck his tongue out as he simultaneously worked on cutting up imported meats. Lucille pulled Draco towards her. She wrapped her arms around his large frame as he swung his arm around her shoulder. Draco looked down at her and placed a gentle kiss on her head before diverting his attention back onto the handful of adults.
Blaise stormed into the house with his hands grasping onto the large dish of casserole. He stomped his feet onto the obnoxiously rich Christmas-themed mat by the door. Blaise found himself stomping towards the kitchen with a smile.
"Happy Christmas everyone," he cheered with a high tone towards the end, "Sorry I took a while. Mistress wanted me to fetch her casserole." Blaise placed the dish on top of the kitchen island.
"Happy Christmas," everyone but Onyx responded. Blaise walked towards his wife and kissed her cheek as she rolled her eyes.
Prince approached the dish with closed eyes. He took a whiff as his mouth immediately salivated.
"Mmm!" he praised, "Smells like Mumsy's casserole!"
"Does it really?" Onyx queried with a cheesy, full-ego smile. "That's Mumsy's recipe. Matter of fact, where is she? She's coming this year, right?"
"Well, that's what she told me," Draco replied, "Said she's coming with her little boy-toy."
Lorenzo and Blaise snorted. "Mumsy and her lover," Blaise added.
"Mumsy and her Dudsy," Lorenzo joked.
"Mumsy and her Bubsy," Draco smirked.
"Mumsy and her little pet," Blaise added once again.
"Mumsy and her sugar baby," Lorenzo laughed out.
"You all are so mean, do you guys know that?" Luna guffawed. "She's finally happy and you're all making fun of her!"
"We're not— *laughs* — making fun of her," Lorenzo cackled. He tried his best to stop laughing, but it was too much. At this point, Draco was turning bright crimson as he smacked his hand over his mouth in an attempt to muffle his laugh. "We just — *laughs* — We just—"
"It's just a little odd, y'know?" Blaise laughed, "The age gap is a little weird, no?"
"10 years is not a lot. Mumsy is 61. He's 51. What's the big deal?" Onyx snapped. "You guys just ridicule her because you think that being with someone older makes you less of a person. Especially if you're a man dating an older woman."
"You know what that sounds like?" Luna asked.
"Toxic masculinity, I believe?" Lucille replied.
Lorenzo, Draco, and Blaise groaned. The trio knocked their heads back. They just entered dangerous waters without even knowing it.
"It's just a joke," Draco stated with a smile, "We're not toxic, we swear."
"Uh-huh," Onyx rolled her eyes. "Draco surely isn't toxic."
"Fucking Christ," he muttered under his breath, "I'm not the same person I was in school."
"It's just a joke," Onyx mocked. Luna and Lucille gave each other a 'yikes' stare before proceeding to their roles in the kitchen: Lucille drinking wine, and Luna cutting grapes.
"Anyways," Lorenzo quickly shifted the conversation, "Guess who's coming?"
"Who's coming? Mumsy? " Onyx pondered. She reached over the charcuterie board to grab a piece of imported meats before Lorenzo smacked her hand away. "Rude," she muttered under her breath.
"Rude indeed," Lorenzo replied, "But, no. I mean, yes, Mumsy is coming, but that's not the person I'm talking about."
"How do you want us to guess? Like, what are we supposed to say—" Draco was interrupted by Lorenzo's ecstatic self.
"It's Miles," he smiled, "The nice muggle boy from a couple of miles down. Lola's love interest?"
"The one with the curly hair?" asked Lucille.
"Yup," Luna responded, "Lola begged us to allow him to come."
"And when did I grant permission for this... stranger to spend Christmas with my family?" the blonde faltered. He picked up the glass of whisky and pressed the glass against his lips. Before sipping, he spoke. "Is this boy even nice?"
"I granted permission," Lucille derided. "Plus, Miles is indeed nice. I mean, that's what Lola and Lorenzo told me. If Lorenzo approves, then I think we all should."
"Zeno doesn't like Miles," Luna prodded, "He wouldn't shut up about it behind Lola's back. But he's trying to be a supportive big brother."
"Zeno probably doesn't like Miles for a reason, no?" Blaise speculated.
"There is no other reason other than him being an overprotective little shit," Luna sighed. She put her knife down and positioned all the grapes onto the board nicely and in a pristine pattern. "Must be the lycanthropy."
"I'm not even like that, though," Lorenzo interrupted, "I'm not overprotective like that."
"Well, that's just how Zeno is wired," Luna replied, "Nothing we can do about it."
"I think it's sweet," Lucille spoke softly, "Zeno being protective of his little sister and such."
"It's sweet until it's toxic," said Luna, "Lola complains to me about how much of a cockblock Zeno is to Scarlett, her, and Narsa."
"Good," Draco mumbled to himself, though loud enough for everyone to hear. "What? Is it a crime for wanting my daughters to stay away from the male specimen?"
"Your daughter, Narsa, doesn't even like the male specimen," Lucille avowed.
"Even better!" Draco flailed his arms up before downing the rest of his drink. "Were you aware that Narsa likes... girls?"
Onyx's eyes widened. "She likes girls?" asked Onyx.
"I knew the moment she came out of your womb, Lucille," Luna giggled, "I knew the moment I held her. It's times like those where I just love being able to sense things like that."
"I knew as she grew a bit older," Lucille replied, "It was pretty obvious when she chose to play outside with Zeno, Zenith, and Oliver rather than stay inside with Lola, Mel, and Scarlett."
"My radar must be pretty shitty, huh?" Draco laughed. "I would've never thought."
"Fathers least expect things like that," Lorenzo pipped. "But I'm not really shocked. That kid despises affection— I've even got a story! One time, I was planting kisses on my wife's forehead. It was rudely interrupted when your spawn fake-gagged as she walked towards us."
Lucille and Draco looked at each other — that look where it's like, 'Hey, your child. Not mine'. They both smiled at each other before looking back into the group.
"Narsa is affectionate when she wants to be," Lucille commented. "When she's affectionate, she's the absolute MOST. I think—I think out of all of my children, Narsa has got to be one of the most affectionate—"
"Oh, shut up," Onyx interrupted, "There's no way Narsa is affectionate."
"I promise you she is," Draco added. "She's just too afraid to show it, but she's got a lot of love stored up in that head of hers."
"I find that very hard to believe," said Blaise. "Narsa? Affectionate?"
"Yup," Draco boasted, "Lucille and I have noticed the little things that show the most affection."
"Go on," Lorenzo said, "Tell us the little things because we are finding it very hard to believe that little miss Narsa Draconis is affectionate."
Draco glanced back at Lucille. Both of them found themselves smirking at each other. "You want to say something?" Draco asked his wife.
She rolled her eyes as she proceeded to look back at the adults dying to know how their daughter is affectionate.
It can be admitted that it is quite a difficult concept to grasp. To everyone around them, Narsa doesn't seem like the affectionate and caring type. She seems very nonchalant and careless. But of course, the parents— and only the parents— know their own child.
She's far from careless.
"She doesn't like eating family dinners alone," Lucille spoke, "meaning that she wants our family altogether during dinner. Narsa likes saving the last pieces of buttered toast for her brother Oliver, despite buttered toast being her absolute favorite. Narsa loves lemonade, and so does her older sister, Scarlett. If there's one more packet of powder, she lets Scarlett take it."
"She doesn't know we know this, but Narsa makes sure the doors are all locked around the house before the whole family goes to bed. Narsa, believe it or not, offers to make chicken noodle soup when one of us is sick. I get that it's the bare minimum, but out of the patch of Malfoy-Granger's, it's Narsa who truly gives a fuck."
"Don't get us wrong, though," Lucille added, "Oliver and Scarlett contribute to the family in their own ways. Scarlett's a mediator, Oliver's the foundation. Narsa is just—. She just really cares. A lot."
Everyone looked around in awe. It was, again, a weird concept to grasp. A weird concept to wrap their heads around. Finding out that Narsa is affectionate was far more of a shocker than finding out that she's a lesbian.
Adults carried on their conversation when it was halted by a knock on the door. Draco pulled away from the group of his friends and scurried towards the door expecting his mother and her boyfriend to stand right in front of him.
The blonde was wrong.
It was Miles Wright—black curly hair and all, ivory-toned button-up tucked in his black dress pants, and a pair of expensive cufflinks. In his hands were two bottles of champagne. Dom Perignon, to be exact.
"Happy Christmas, Mr. Malfoy," Miles exclaimed. His lips curled into a smile.
Draco looked into his green eyes in search of anxiousness, but Miles seems to be a confident person. He liked that; an unfazed attitude.
"Happy Christmas," Draco replied flatly, "Come on in." The way Draco spoke was full of uninterest, but in truth, he was intrigued by this 'Miles' boy.
Miles walked into the home as Draco slammed the door behind him. Miles wanted to jolt in fright, but he thought to himself that it'd be embarrassing if he showed such.
The authorial figures turned their heads to see Miles, and all their eyes lit up. "Miles!" Lorenzo beamed, "So glad you could make it."
"Thank you for inviting me," replied Miles as he made his way towards the group. He set the two champagne bottles on the kitchen counter and gave everyone a nice gaze with a subtle smile. He wasn't sure what else to say. The mothers kept staring at him in awe as if they were expecting him to do something great given the 'hype' that Lola Berkshire spoke of. "So um—. Where's Lola?"
"Oh, right!" Luna chimed, "They're all downstairs. Dinner doesn't start until later, so you're more than welcome to pick at the charcuterie boards—actually, there's a board downstairs. I'll have Prince bring you down—Prince! Prince, my love," Luna called out. She turned her head a couple of times in search of her son.
Prince came from the dining room with chocolate smeared all on and around his mouth. "Yes, Mum?"
Onyx and Lucille burst into motherly laughter as Luna shook her head. "Did you sneak off to eat chocolate before dinner?" Luna queried as she eyed her son.
Prince smiled and nodded. "I'm going to assume that my appearance is smothered with chocolate," he blurted, "So, yes. I did sneak off to consume God's greatest gifts: Cocoa."
"Come here, Prince," Lorenzo ordered. He grabbed a paper towel and ran it under cool water. He wrung the towel before unfolding it. Lorenzo pulled his son a bit closer and arched down to Prince's level. He wiped Prince's mouth as Prince groaned. "Ah, don't whine now. You've got yourself into this mess, and you and I both know that you wouldn't get out of it."
"I was going to clean myself up, Dad," Prince mumbled, "This is embarrassing."
"I find that hard to believe," Lorenzo muttered under his breath as he disposed of the paper towel, "Could you bring Miles downstairs?"
Prince glanced at Miles with uncertainty. Before Prince could even say anything, he looked into Miles' eyes deeply. Miles looked back and smiled an awkward smile, but deep down he felt a bit uncomfortable.
"Sure," Prince preened, "Come, Miles."
Prince started walking towards the door to the basement when Miles immediately followed.
"It—I will see you all later!" Miles said before catching up towards Prince.
As Prince and Miles strayed from the adults, it was back to the regular program. Lorenzo and Luna continued organizing their meat and cheese boards, Lucille and Onyx shared a bottle of wine together, and Blaise and Draco took their time sipping on Sherry Oak Cask whisky.
Back in the basement, the Malfoy, Zabini, and Berkshire offsprings all bonded over Firewhisky and Berkshire-curated charcuterie boards. Zeno and Mel were situated on a loveseat where their arms were locked onto one another like there was no tomorrow. Across them, on another loveseat, sat Scarlett, Narsa, and Lola hugging one another, slightly buzzed and satisfied after eating imported meats. Oliver sat up close towards the coffee table where the charcuterie board and whisky were. He wanted to make sure everything was within reach.
To most of them, life was going great. They were all spending time with one another. All of them shared laughs, stories, memories, and even took turns insulting one another. To most of them, life was going great.
Amelie just misses her brother. A lot. But she wouldn't dare mention it. She was surrounded by Berkshires and Malfoys. Both names were tied by blood. Despite being raised with them all, it was common for her to feel like an outcast every now and then. But, with Zenith by her side, it wasn't always an issue.
It seems like the issue surfaced this year.
"Oi! Stop hogging!" Oliver snarled with his eyes towards Amelie. The shot glass was in her hand, and it seemed as if she zoned out thinking about her brother.
"My bad," she mumbled before passing the shot glass to the blonde-haired boy, "Lola, when is your little lover coming?"
"Bud's already here," Prince interrupted as he hopped off the last step on the staircase with Miles behind him, "and he brought the parents champagne."
All the heads turned to Miles Wright. He was like a deer in headlights. Reluctantly, he flashed a smile and waved at the teenagers. Oliver and Zeno gave each other a look. Amelie caught on. Lola jumped up from her seat with a squeal.
"Miles!" she exclaimed as she trotted towards her significant other, "You made it."
Miles stepped closer as Lola nearly pounced on him. Her arms wrapped around his neck, her whole body pressed against him. Miles reacted respectively—arms wrapped around her small figure, hands above her waist.
He couldn't afford picking on a fight with Lola's older brother.
"Of course I made it," Miles smiled, "Anything for you."
Pulling away from their embrace, Lola felt incredibly bold. She pulled his face towards hers and placed a kiss on his lips. Of course, Miles kissed her back with the same tempo—the same pressure.
Zeno was about to get up from his seat, but Amelie grabbed him before he could make any other move.
"Don't be fucking embarrassing, my love," Amelie whispered harshly, but with an innocent smile on her face.
Zeno rolled his eyes as he leaned back into his seat out of defeat. "He's lucky you exist, Amelie," Zeno spoke lowly, almost with a grumble, "Because I probably would've ripped his head off by now."
"You're literally the most extra person I know," she bickered back, "It's just a bloody kiss."
"Whatever," Zeno huffed.
Miles and Lola, together, made their way towards the formed circle of teens. With Miles approaching them, everyone—yes, everyone including Zeno— waved and said their 'hello's' to Miles. With a bright and welcoming smile.
"Guys, this is Miles! Please," she glanced at her brother sternly, "be nice and welcoming."
Zeno avoided eye contact with Miles throughout the whole time they all hung out. Lola wedged Miles between her and Narsa. Scarlett moved to the loveseat where Zeno and Mel resided. Oliver stayed on the ground closer to the board and whisky. Prince ran back upstairs.
He didn't like hanging out with the big kids.
"Hello there!" Scarlett finally said. She was wearing bright red lipstick, which accentuated her full lips and stunning teeth. "Would you like to drink? Firewhisky, perhaps? Because—*giggles*—that's all we have right now! No chaser!"
Scarlett was tipsy. It was no secret.
"Yeah. I'll have a shot," Miles replied. "May I have some of—" he points at the charcuterie board, "—that"
"Go right ahead, mate," Oliver said flatly. He pushed the board closer towards the loveseat where Narsa, Lola, and Miles sat.
Miles picked at the board and popped prosciutto right into his mouth. He closed his eyes as the melting of the imported meat engulfed in his tastebuds. "This is fucking good," he commented while nodding.
"My parents made it," Zeno prodded with a monotone voice.
"Well, your parents are amazing," Miles replied as he smiled at Lola, then at Zeno. Zeno, of course, didn't look back. He kept his eyes on Amelie and his cousins.
"I wish my mum made these," Narsa frowned while probing around the board. She picked up a garlic cracker and a spreading knife. Narsa took the edge of the knife and prodded the Gruyere, leaving a content amount on the edge. She spread the cheese across the cracker and immediately devoured it. "You could never go wrong with charcuterie boards."
"Didn't Uncle Enzo sell charcuteries for a while? Back at the shop?" asked Oliver. "I remember he had some sort of Valentine's Day special."
"What is it with the Berkshires and charcuterie boards every Christmas?" Amelie wondered. The blondes and brunettes turned to her with a dumbfounded expression.
"Do you have a problem?" Zeno teased. He playfully placed his large hand around her neck and pulled her towards his face. "If you have a problem, say it to my face." A smirk played across his visage as Amelie rolled her eyes out of agitation.
She pulled Zeno's hand away from her neck and smacked his chest, though not hard enough for it to be painful—besides, Zeno doesn't necessarily feel pain so easily.
"There's no problem," Amelie jeered.
"Are you sexually frustrated, Zeno?" Narsa snickered, "You won't stop touching Mel. Like, you can't last 25 minutes without her touch or something?"
Zeno stuck a middle finger towards her, while Amelie pushed his hand down with a chuckle.
"Nar, let them be," Scarlett murmured, "Have a sprinkle of affection in your life for a change!" Scarlett blew a kiss to Narsa, in which a giggle escaped her lips shortly after. "Catch my kiss and hold it to your heart!"
Narsa looked at Scarlett with annoyance. "Alright, can we stop giving Scarlett whisky? She's doing too much—"
"No, I'm not! I'm—I'm having a great time!" Scarlett bubbled. A grin was cemented onto her face as she kept giggling all while looking around.
"Is she always like this?" Miles whispered into Lola's ear, "No complaints, but she seems like a lightweight—"
"Oh, she's definitely a lightweight," Lola remarked. She turned her head to her silver-haired cousin and rubbed her back. "Lay off the whisky for a while, yeah? You can resume your drinking later—"
"But whyyy?" Scarlett whined.
"Scar, you need to be sober for dinner. Or at least act sober," Oliver sighed. "I don't think Dad wants to see you drunk during Christmas dinner—"
"But don't you think that's a little hypo —*hiccup* — critical? I mean, do you remember what happened in 2008?" she slurred.
"What happened in 2008?" Miles queried.
"Oh, don't ask her that— please don't ask her that—" Zeno was rudely interrupted by Scarlett's preparation to explain what happened in 2008.
"My father—he — *hiccup* — drank a whole bloody fucking bottle of tequila! By himself! And it was only—it was only 6:30 PM! So you know what he did? He announced my aunt's pregnancy out of nowhere! And none of us knew! Yep! None of us. I mean, NONE of us knew. Matter of fact, I don't think we were supposed to know until —*hiccup*— later. Sooo I personally think that it's a bit hypocritical. I mean, if my father doesn't want to see me drunk, why? Be—cause he was super drunk and no one told him shit!"
"I'm pretty sure he and Mum had an argument when we got home," Narsa added. Scarlett turned to her sister and stuck her tongue out.
"Nah, Mum was drunk herself," spoke Oliver.
"That was the worst Christmas ever," Zeno muttered under his breath, "My mum was anxious throughout her whole pregnancy with Prince because she feared that Uncle Draco jinxed it."
"Fuck, that's horrible," Miles told him. "Surely, her pregnancy was fine though, right?"
Zeno glanced at Miles—their green eyes meeting—and he pondered to himself.
"Yes," Zeno replied flatly. Ambivalence settled in the bottom of his stomach, but he tried to disregard the feeling.
Throughout the evening, the teens downstairs and the adults above chatted and bonded. The second-generation spent time getting to know more about Miles Wright. Miles was at his very best—he was driven to have a good first impression. Miles carried conversations with each individual person in the crowd of his peers. Amelie and Miles got along, Scarlett and Miles got along, Narsa and Miles got along, and even Oliver—tipsy Oliver—got along with Miles. All but one.
Well, all but two— Prince and Zeno.
The door at the top of the staircase swung open, and it could be heard by Narsa Malfoy. She immediately took two shot glasses and the nearly empty Firewhisky and hid them underneath the sofa.
The group found themselves confused. "What are you doing?" Lola asked.
"Someone's coming—" Narsa was disrupted by the loud, familiar, and energetic boast.
"My darlings!" a familiar voice resonated as it descended from the staircase. The group turned their heads to see Narcissa Black in a bright red dress that passes her knees by a smidge, accentuating her figure and bosom. It's hard to tell whether she's 61 or 41.
"Mumsy!" Scarlett squeals. She jolts up from her sofa and trots towards her grandmother, with Narsa tailing after her. Scarlett opens her arms widely and pulls Narcissa into an aggressive hug, which substantially startles Narcissa. "I missed you a lot, Mumsy. A ton, a million," she mumbles.
Narsa shakes her head discreetly while crossing her arms over her chest. "Fucking hell, Scar," she mutters to herself.
"Hey, Mumsy," Oliver got up from the ground and swiped his hands on the sides of his thighs to rid any crumbs, "Happy Christmas."
After Scarlett and Narsa exchanged embraces with their grandmother, Oliver approached her next. Zeno, Amelie, and Lola also got up from their seats, leaving Miles on the sofa. Lola thought that it isn't important for Miles to meet Mumsy, given that they'll bond more over dinner.
"Happy Christmas everyone!" Narcissa beamed with a bright smile, "I've got all the gifts upstairs, which will be opened later. Oh! I also brought a large pot of ramen—"
"YOU BROUGHT RAMEN?" Scarlett asked loudly. Her eyes lit up and her lips curled into a smile. Narcissa looked at her granddaughter in utter confusion, but she quickly rid the thought. "I love ramen! Ramen for Christmas dinner? That's very new..." Scarlett started going back to the sofas to sit down because, in her head, the world was spinning.
Narcissa's eyes followed her granddaughter as she took a seat on the sofa and giggled at Miles. Once Scarlett was seated, Narcissa looked up at the large man in front of her. "Alright, Zeno. You better sober her up before your uncle nearly kills all of you," she stated sternly, her lips flat and brows arched. "What the bloody hell did you give her?"
"It wasn't my idea to give her liquor," Zeno raised his hands in defense, "If anyone is to blame it's Oli over there," he jerked his thumb towards Oliver. Oliver gave him a disgusted look.
"I didn't do jackshit! If anyone is to blame it's Lola!" Oliver berated.
"What? I didn't even bring the whiskey! You should be pointing at—"
"Enough! The three of you—no, all of you— have to sober up little miss giggles over there before dinner, which won't be for another hour. Can you do that for me?"
"Yes, of course, Mumsy," Zeno frantically responded, "I'll make sure of it."
Narcissa softly chuckled and cupped Xenophilius' face. "You and your father both make a nervous face," she spoke, "just like this one."
"I obviously work it better than him," Zeno joked. Narcissa rolled her eyes and backed away from her grandson. "I've got my height from my grandfather, Xenophilius. I've got my dad's charming looks. I've got dashing green eyes from God knows where—"
"Okay, Mr. Big Ego, tone it down a notch," Amelie gave his forearm a squeeze. Zeno was slightly tipsy, hence his bickering, "I think we're all aware that Merlin has blessed you with green eyes out of the batch in your family."
Narcissa giggled. "You, Amelie, have quite a sharp attitude like your mother. You've always had that sharp attitude since you were younger. I'm glad I've been able to watch you grow up," she looked around and scanned the group of teens that nearly toppled over small Narcissa. "Where is... Zenith?"
Amelie looked down at the ground in an instant. She refused to show any emotion in the whole situation. It was all straightforward and reflected. Since no one wanted to talk about Zenith, she didn't either. The energy was reciprocated. Narsa and Zeno immediately picked up on her emotions, though.
"He—I think you should ask dad, Mumsy," Oliver bleated. His hand slithered at the nape of his neck. Oliver wasn't sure what to do with his hands. It all got awkward.
"What is it that you can't say right now?" Narcissa mused. She looked at all the teens in front of her, reading their expressions. Narcissa noticed how the energy in the room shifted. "Huh, so it must be serious. Amelie, are you alright?"
Amelie shot her head up and looked into Narcissa's eyes. "Yes, I'm alright," Amelie nodded immediately. She even forced out a subtle smile.
Narcissa wasn't buying it. But, nonetheless, she'd have to ask her son, Draco Malfoy, for answers. She realized that the children in front of her are tight-lipped.
"I guess I'll see you all during dinner," Narcissa murmured while glancing around, "You guys behave down here."
"Of course, Mumsy," Lola affirmed, "We'll behave!"
Narcissa walked back up the stairs, her hips swaying and the heels clacking. Once she was out of everyone's vision, they all sighed out of relief.
"It is fucking hard keeping a serious face," Oliver scorned as he made his way back to the sofas. Everyone else followed. All but two.
Zeno grabbed Amelie's hand to halt her from straying away from him. She turned to him with fluster. "What's up?" asked Amelie.
"Are you alright?" Zeno tucked her curls behind her ear and brushed her cheek with his finger. He gently lifted her chin so that their eyes can meet. So that he can look deeper. "You can talk to me."
"I'm fine," Amelie smiled, "Are you alright?"
"I don't believe you, Amelie," his hand traveled down to her arm as he absently rubbed it for comfort. "I love you, okay? So, whatever's on your mind you can—"
"I am okay, Zeno," she sternly replied. "I love you more." Amelie took her hand and grabbed the nape of his neck only to pull him closer. She kissed him. Their warm lips accompanied one another, and for a moment, it felt like it was only the two of them to exist. All her worries melted away. She wasn't entirely alone. She had Zeno.
They pulled away from the kiss, but Zeno pulled her back in for another kiss. She smiled against his lips while a chuckle emitted from his throat. Once the affection was over, they found themselves heading towards the group.
Zeno sat on the sofa, and instead of having Amelie right next to him, he had her cradled onto his lap with his arms wrapped around her waist.
Draco and Lucille sat at both ends of the table. Lorenzo sat by Draco, with Blaise across him. Next to Lucille sat Onyx, with Luna across her. In between Blaise and Onyx sat Miles, Oliver, Narsa, and Lola. In between Luna and Lorenzo sat Amelie, Zeno, and Scarlett. Prince was wedged between Scarlett and Zeno, and Mumsy and her boyfriend sat between Amelie and Lorenzo.
Everyone squished altogether this Christmas. Draco thanked himself for wanting a long dinner table, otherwise, Christmas dinners wouldn't be made possible.
"Well, Happy Christmas everyone," Draco announced as he raised his glass of bourbon. He glanced down the table and noticed everyone all tight-knit and close, while he looked back at his seat. "It feels great to be the one hosting Christmas this year."
"And why's that?" Lorenzo jeered, "Because you have all the space in the bloody world?"
Draco guffawed and raised his glass towards him. "Correct."
Dinner plates and dishes were getting passed around the incredibly large dinner table. Stories from the past were brought up, and inklings of the future were spoken about, too. August, Narcissa's boyfriend, shared stories about his life as a zookeeper. Prince, out of all the people at the dinner table, was the most amazed.
Prince loved animals. In fact, underneath the table, he'd feed his scraps to the two chocolate labradors, Hellen and Claudia. Prince loves animals but hates Brussel sprouts.
August and Miles, the only two muggles at the table, made it harder for the family to converse the way they usually do. Magic was not to be discussed, despite Miles knowing a tad bit about Lola and her abilities.
Narcissa made it clear not to speak about magic around August. August doesn't really have an open mind regarding things like that, but he sure does make her happy. And really that's all that matters.
Draco doesn't like August. In fact, Lorenzo, too, dislikes him. But if he makes their Mumsy happy, then so be it.
Anytime August would talk, Lorenzo and Draco would give each other a ludicrous glare and a smirk, which they'd cover up with their glasses of alcohol.
The Zabinis were doing an amazing job keeping their true emotions underneath a sheet. But in retrospect, The Berkshires had a clue on how they were really feeling. Onyx, out of all the Zabinis, portrayed her biggest smiles and her loudest laughs, but it was all just a façade.
Onyx De Loughrey misses her son.
She has a gift tucked in her Valentino tote specifically for Scarlett Mae Malfoy. A letter was written to her by Zenith Arlo Zabini. Onyx was instructed not to open it despite how badly she wanted to know what was written. She knew better than that.
Though she thought her son did, too.
"...and I went to Brazil with my sister once..." Miles blurted across the table.
"...I think this year has the most snowfall, don't you think? Draco says it was a 'bitch' to shovel..." Lucille told Onyx and Luna.
"...I've got stung by a stingray a few times..." August chuckled.
"...Uncle Draco stepped on Hellen's shit out in the backyard today..." Zeno laughed.
"...Lola and I want matching butt tattoos. Butterflies, maybe. Or an expiration date like an egg..." Scarlett giggled.
"...I've never tried knife-play before, no. Is it fun? Have you tried it on Lucille?" Blaise queried lowly to Draco with Lorenzo's all ears.
"...but you haven't touched your wine! You need to drink, Luna. This year was bloody stressful..." Onyx gestured towards the wine glass.
"...I bet you three galleons you can't chug the remains of that bottle over there..." Oliver told Narsa as he pointed to the half-full bottle of liquor.
"...turtles seem like peaceful animals. They just—swim. And swim. And swim. One day, I wish to reincarnate as one. Or you know what? A jellyfish would be nice, too..." Prince bickered to Mumsy and August.
Conversations carried on up until Draco sat up from his chair and dramatically clinked his silverware onto his glass, gaining everyone's attention.
"I see that everyone's been fulfilled with food," Draco gazed around the table, "Shall we start opening presents?"
Prince shouted out of excitement. He flailed his arms into the air and immediately made his way from the table, bolting to the living room. Soon enough, everyone else followed, with alcoholic beverages in each adult's hand. All but one.
The teens created a circle around the tree, while the adults stayed back and sat in and by the sofas. The fathers felt too 'cool' to be sitting down on the sofas, so they just sat on the arms of it.
"Which family would like to pass out gifts first?" Draco asked.
"I'll go!" Narcissa exclaimed as she and August untied the large sack of gifts. Narcissa got everyone but Miles a gift, which was expected given that she had no clue the muggle would be here for Christmas. Miles, too, was aware that he wouldn't receive anything. Lola, on the other hand, did give him a gift.
After Narcissa Black, handed out her gifts, it was the Malfoys next. Scarlett volunteered to pass them around. She passed the gifts given by the parents to everyone else, then Oliver's gifts to everyone, then Narsa, then so on. Narsa didn't get anyone anything. It's been like that for years. No one expects anything from her, anyway.
"Alright, before you think 'why the hell didn't my son or brother get me a bloody gift for Christmas?', I have something to show you three," Oliver announced to his mother and sisters. "So, I did something yesterday. Now Mum don't freak out, and Narsa don't call me a 'pussy'—"
"Oh fucking hell," Lucille muttered under her breath as she sat up straight, "Alright, what is it, Oliver?"
Oliver smirked. "Are you guys ready?"
"It better be something cool. You're dragging this out longer than it has to be," Narsa arched a brow and tilted her head, with her arms crossed. Like her father at this very moment.
"It is. Trust me," Oliver assured. He proceeded to unbutton his blouse. Confusion grew on the Malfoy women's faces.
"Are you going to fucking strip for your own mum?" Draco jeered, which earned a snort from Lorenzo and Zeno.
"Jesus Christ—Dad, no," Oliver rolled his eyes. After unbuttoning his blouse, he pulled back the silk top and revealed his tattoo that was placed on his ribcage. It was larger than expected.
Scarlett and Narsa's jaws dropped. Lucille was speechless.
"You did not," Draco said slowly, "Holy fuck."
"Oliver," Lucille spoke softly. She got up from her sofa and walked towards him with her hand out. "You—what? You—got a tattoo?"
"Do you like it?" Oliver asked.
Lucille pressed around it with two fingers with light pressure. It wasn't painful to Oliver. Lucille was in utter shock.
"I personally love it so much!" Scarlett squealed. "It's—beautiful! I can't believe you did that!"
"Okay, it's pretty cool I'm not going to lie to you—" Narsa stated.
"Mum? What do you think?" Oliver looked into his mother's eyes. She was astounded.
"I...love it," Lucille's lips curled into a smile, and pulled her son into an embrace. "It's beautiful, Oliver. Thank you."
"Of course, Mum," he mumbled against her head, "I love you."
"I love you more, Oli," she wept softly. After 3 kids, some would've thought that she'd turned tough. In reality, it only made her softer.
Soon, everyone passed their gifts to whoever they owed. Prince was the last to receive a gift from his own family.
"Now, Prince," Lorenzo handed him a small box, "Go on ahead and open this box for me, yeah?"
The whole living room was covered in absolute clutter. Ribbons, wrapping paper, plastic, and all sorts of rummage covered the large vintage rug.
"And stand in the middle for me, yeah? So that everyone can see your gift," Lorenzo grabbed his son's shoulders and positioned him in the center of the living room.
Prince shook the box. "Dad, it sounds like clothes."
Draco and Blaise laughed but covered it with a clear of their throats.
"Just open the bloody gift, son," Lorenzo groaned. Luna stood beside her husband, their hands intertwined yet she clung to his arm. Together, they watched their son unwrap the gift.
In fact, everyone around them watched Prince Berkshire open the gift.
He peeled back all the wrapping paper and tossed it onto the ground. Prince continued to open the small white box while his parents grew anxious.
Prince looked down at the box and stared right into it.
"It's a bloody shirt!" Prince groaned. "You had me thinking you got me a muggle iPod or something!"
"What's a muggle?" August whispered to Narcissa.
"Not sure, probably some young child lingo," she responded immediately.
"Well, it's not just any shirt, darling," Luna jeered, "Go on and pull it out the box. Show everyone your new shirt!"
Prince grabbed the shirt from the box and flipped it to face him. He read the shirt.
"Ah, you've got to be fucking kidding me!" Prince berated. Luna's mouth gaped open as Draco and Blaise laughed once more, in which Lucille smacked his chest.
"Language, Prince! Geez," Zeno snapped. "What are you cussing about?"
Prince turned the shirt to face everyone around him for everyone to read.
Big Brother
Everyone gasped.
"Holy shit, I bloody knew it!" Lucille jumped from her seat and clapped her hands quickly. "You're fucking pregnant, Luna!"
"Yep!" Luna squealed. Instantly, Onyx and Lucille screamed a motherly scream that startled everyone around them. Narcissa chuckled as tears streamed down her face. Onyx and Lucille jolted towards Luna and shoved Lorenzo to the side, which made him tumble a bit.
The girls wrapped their arms around Luna and jumped together out of excitement. Prince stormed out of the living room while the fathers laughed. Lola and Zeno looked at one another in shock.
"Another fucking Berkshire, Zeno," Lola muttered under her breath, "You ready to change diapers again?"
"Nope," Zeno chuckled as he swung his arm around Amelie, "That's why Prince is a big brother now. Not doing any of that shit anymore. Nope."
"Babies are the absolute best! Are you guys not excited?!" Scarlett cheered as she clung onto Narsa, which stirred annoyance.
"I'm excited to see how Prince would be as a big brother," Amelie commented, "Prince doesn't seem happy about it, though."
"You thought I was happy when my mum told us about Narsa?" Oliver joked.
Narsa turned to her brother with disgust. "Are you stupid? You were literally 2 something years old. I'm positive you had no clue what pregnancy was when you were 2 fucking years old—"
"Jesus Christ, Narsa! It was only a joke," Oliver awkwardly laughed as he raised his hands up in surrender. "Can't tolerate a joke?"
"I tolerate you, don't I?" Narsa snapped back.
Zeno, Miles, Lola, and Amelie laughed at Narsa's response.
"Sharp as a bullet," Zeno ridiculed.
4:32 AM, Berkshire Residence
A knock emitted from Lola's window. She jolted out of fright and looked at her sill.
She got up from her bed and rubbed her eye. Lola grabbed a robe from the edge of her bed and slipped it on before finding her way towards the window.
Lola pushed the curtains aside and saw Miles in a black hoodie. Her eyes widened. She unlocked the window and swung it open immediately.
"Miles!" she whispered harshly as the cold wind poured into her warm room. "What in the bloody fuck are you doing here?"
"There's no time to explain," he whispered as he climbed into the room, "Are you alright?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
Miles pulled out a wand from his waistband and grasped onto it. Lola was in shock.
"What the fuck is going on?" she asked.
"Shh, please," he muttered under his breath. Miles placed his hand onto her stomach and closed his eyes. "Reperio Fordus," he muttered.
No heartbeat detected.
"Oh, thank the fucking Lord," Miles sighed as he tucked his wand back. "Lola, we have to go—"
"No! What—what the fuck did you cast that for? No— you're—you're a wizard? What— the fuck is going on!"
"Lola, please—"
"No! Explain to me what the fuck is going on! What the hell— no, who the hell are you?"
Miles sighed. "You might want to...sit down for this."
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