Chapter 12: We're Just Friends

The scene changed to Kage and Raijin who were chilling, suddenly they were approached by a man.

Raijin noticed him.

Raijin: Hey Kage someone's approaching us.

The man stopped.

???: So you're the Hakos Kage and Ouro Raijin that was Baelz was talking about.
Kage: That's us and judging by your appearance I take it your a Vtuber like us.

The man nodded.

Jaakuna: I'm Usada Jaakuna, member of the Holocouncil like you guys.

Raijin and Kage were surprised.

Raijin: The girls noe Yagoo didn't tell us about you.
Jaakuna: Well I was actually on a small business trip that Yagoo ordered me to go and now I'm back and and we finally meet.

He extended his hand for a handshake.

Raijin shook it and then Kage did it as well.

Kage: Pleasure to be working with you Jaakuna, hope we get to do a triple collab. Team Holoboys.
Jaakuna: I sure hope so.
Raijin: Yeah, I support Kage's idea.

Then Kage had something to do.

Kage: I gtg and do something guys and then I gotta go and stream with Polka-san.
Jaakuna: Good luck.
Kage: Thanks.

He left as it was just Raijin and Jaakuna.

Raijin: So.... What do you wanna do?
Jaakuna: I don't know, up for a hang out in catering?
Raijin: Sure why not?

Polka was walking down the hallway as she was daydreaming about something.

Polka's mind: 私の心はあなたのことを考えるたびにドキドキに行きます影先輩(My heart goes doki doki everytime I think of you, Kage-senpai)

Said the circus fenec as she kept walking.

Kage was walking down the hallway.

4 hours away till he does his collab stream with Polka and her friends aka gen 5.

Kage: *dark voice* Lalalala, guess who's out for blood lol.

He noticed Polka and smirked.

Kage: Hey Polka.

Polka flinched and looked at Kage with hearty eyes.

Polka: O-oh hai, Kage-senpai!

She waved at him as the rat approached her.

Polka: Goodo eveningu.
Kage: Good evening to you too.

He stopped in front of her.

Kage: 元気ですか? (How are you doing)
Polka: あなたと同じように元気です。(Just as fine as you are)
Kage: 素晴らしい! 数時間でコラボレーションの準備はできましたか?(Great. Ready for our collab in a few hours) Polka: あなたは私がいるに違いない!(You bet I am)

They then began walking down the hallway.

Kage: 素晴らしい, あなたがコラボを受け入れるだろうと私は知っていました、一般的に新しい新鮮な顔を見るのは楽しいです。(Great, I knew you'd accept the collab, it's fun to see new fresh faces in general)
Polka: 私は正しいことを知っています...異なる顔... (I know right... Diffrent faces...)
Kage: ええ、それは私、雷神、Jaakunaという名前の別のメンバー、そして私が聞いたその人の誰かがこの業界の男性を代表するAldryxと呼ばれています。(Yeah, it's just me, Raijin, another member named Jaakuna and some guy I heard of that's called Aldryx representing as the males of this industry)

Little did they know behind them, a certain kirin was watching.

She wasn't very happy.


She began following them.

Polka: もっと多くの人が参加すると確信しています。あなたはそれほど孤独になることはないでしょうが、それまでは。(I'm sure more guys will join in, then you won't be very lonely. Until then...)

She stopped and leaned to Kage's face.

Polka: 君は。 もつ。 自分. 😊(You. Have. Me.)

Kage cackled.

Kage: ええええ、本当ですが、違いは私たちが異なるブランドを使用しているということです。 あなたは日本人で、私は英語ですが、言葉の壁は問題ではありません。 それはただのタイムスケジュールです。(Yeah yeah, true but the diffrence is that we're on diffrent brands. You're Japanese and I'm English, but the languange barrier isn't a problem. It's just the time schedules)
Polka: 本当...本当... (True... True...)

Kage smirked.

Kage: 私の意見ではあなたはとてもカワイイです(You're so Kawaii in my opinion)
Polka: キュウ、本当に?(Kyuu, really?)

She hid herself behind her ears and tail.

Kage mad a smug.

Kage: ええ、私は正直なリルラットです。(Yeah, I'm an honest lil' rat)
Polka: そして本当にハンサムなもの。(And a really handsome one)

Kage lightly blushed.

Kage: ありがとう(Thanks)

Upon hearing that, Fauna's face darkened.

But then she changed it into her signature smile.

Fauna: Kage~

The two noticed her as she approached them.

Fauna: How are you?
Kage: Pretty good Fau Fau, you?

Polka's face was a bit miffled, but her smile stayed the same.

Polka: Ohayo Fauna.

Fauna turned to Polka.

Fauna: Ohayo Polka...
Kage: Well this is something huh?

Fauna turned to Kage.

Fauna: Kage, weren't we going to do an ASMR stream together?
Kage: Huh? But we-

She grabbed his wrist.

Fauna: We did, remember? Now let's go.

Polka grabbed his other wrist.

Polka: 実は影と私はすでに確認済みのコラボを持っていましたね、影くん〜? (Actually, Kage and I had an already confirmed collab stream, right Kage-kun~)
Kage: Yeah we-
Fauna: But OUR ASMR stream is about to start in an hour, yours is in 4-5 hours or so.

She tightened her grip around his wrist.

Polka: ええ、でもあなたはすでに数回彼とコラボしていたので、今度は彼と遊ぶ番です(Yeah, but you already collabed with him a few times already, now it's my turn to play with him)

She too tightened her grip around him.

Kage: Girls let's not get feisty here.
Fauna: I don't plan on hurting you at all, so please follow me Kage~
Polka: あなたの元気な先輩を傷つけたくないので、この問題から逃げてみませんか~?(I wouldn't wanna hurt your fine body senpai, so why not flee from this problem hm~)

Fauna was getting frustrated.

Fauna: Ignore the midget, come with me~

Polka this time tried to reply this time in English, despite having difficulties with it.

Polka: Yuo sedo yuo wantedo neuo fresho faceso raito, so wai stei with dis talkingo busho?

Fauna felt offended.

Fauna: How dare you, you annoying little furball? He's from the English brand and that's where he belongs!
Polka: Thiso "furballo" haso been workingo here more than yuo havo leafo brain, so don't worry he will justo be fino elsewhero.

Kage stepped in.

Kage: Don't I have a say in this?
Kage's mind: This is fine....

Fauna began pulling Kage to her side.

Kage chuckled nervousky.

A red vain appeared on Polka's head, her smile remained the same.

She then pulled Kage to her side.

Fauna grit her teeth was fuming as she then pulled Kage to her side again.

Polka's left eye was twitching as her grip on Kage's wrist was shaking, she pulled the rat to her side again with a furious grip.

Fauna had enough and pushed Polka away and she hugged Kage like a protective mother, while the rat had a "kill me" expression.

Polka: おほほほ! それでおしまい! ここに来て、草を食べてください! (Ohohoho! That's it! Get over here you grass eating thot!)

She pushed Kage away and pinned Fauna to the ground.

Fauna grabbed her by the hair and pulled her.

Fauna: Shut up you dumb fur coat slut, you don't anything about Kage unlike me!

Polka grunted as Fauna kept pulling her hair, but the fenec fox kick her in the chest.

Polka: あなたは彼を囚人のように飼っていたので、あなたは母親を酷評しました-(Because you've been keeping him like a prisoner you damn mother-)
Kage: That's enough!

Kage stepped in and pulled then away and held their hands.

Kage: What's wrong with you? Why this agression towards each other?

Both girls panted.

Kage: And now Polka, I'm not her prisoner. I'm NO ONE'S prisoner.

Polka looked at Kage with worry.

Fauna: Kage-sama, I want you safe that's all. You have all the free will and I don't even bother taking it away from you. I just want you to be happy.

Polka had a look of disbelief in her features.

Polka: Den waio wero yuo so mad wheno I waso justo talkingo to himo?

Fauna raised an eyebrow.

Fauna: Is it really that important to know Polka?
Kage: Usually I'm with her so maybe she's not used to being without me.
Polka: I... *exhales* I see...

She then blinked twice.

Polka: しかし、それでも影と私がASの友達と話していたという事実は変わりません。私たちは、ASの友達と協力することを計画しました。 (But that still doesn't change the fact that Kage and I were speaking AS friends, and we planned on collabing AS friends)

She then crossed fingers behind her back.

Polka: 新しいコウハイと会って時間を過ごしたかっただけです(I just wanted to meet and spend some time with my new kouhai)

Fauna knew she was suspicious.

Fauna: Very well then.

She then leaned closer towards Polka's ear.

Fauna: 彼が1本の髪を失っているなら...私はあなたの手足を手足から引き裂きます...(If he's missing 1 hair... I will tear you limb from limb...)

Polka smirked and whispered so Fauna could hear.

Polka: 私はあなたが雌犬を試すのを見るのが好きです、しかし心配しないでください...彼は安全です...(I like to see you try bitch, but don't worry... He'll be safe...)

Fauna growled.

Kage: Ok enough, now say you're both sorry.
Fauna's mind: Only because of you dana-sama.
Fauna:.... Sorry Polka-san....
Polka: Hmph.

She lookef away.

Kage: Come on Polka, say you're sorry... For me...
Polka: Aww, ok fino... *disgusted* Sorry busho heado.
Fauna: What the- She insulted me! In that case you're a retarded fur coat.

Polka folded her arms and looked away.

Kage: Stop it! What would Yagoo say if he saw you? He would fire you. So please stop..

He then showed a cute rat face.

Fauna couldn't resist and gave in.

Fauna: AWWW, ok I'll stop Kage-sama.

Kage's face striked Polka's heart.

Polka: KAWAIIII! Ok, Aimo really really really really really really really really really really really really sorry.

Kage smiled and closed his eyes.

Kage: That's better.

Both Fauna and Polka gave each other death glares.

Kage: Alright let's get going Polka, I'll cya later Fau Fau.
Polka: Yey! Letso gou.

Fauna forced a smile.

Fauna: I'll see you later Kage. Have fun...

As the two left, Polka flipped the bird to Fauna behind her back, causing the Keeper of Nature to get triggered.

How will this turn out?

To be continued...

OK guys, this was chapter 12.

Peace out!

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