"She's an old hag." Harry hissed to me as he emerged from Umbridge's office. He had just done his third detention, and I had waited loyally for him until gone midnight.
"I would use stronger words, but she is." I sighed. We walked down the length of the corridor, and then I sat Harry down on the windowsill. "Put your hand out."
It was bright red and weeping blood as the cuts healed over. I reached into my pocket and grabbed a pile of bandages and disinfectant I'd stolen from the hospital wing. Slowly, I poured the disinfectant onto Harry's hand, and he swore as it burnt.
"Stop squirming, it'll prevent infection." I said sternly, making sure every inch of the cuts were hygienic. Then I began wrapping the bandages around the cuts and pulling them tightly to avoid any dirt or grime getting in them.
Tying a knot on Harry's hand, I admired my handiwork. "There!" I said, patting his mummified hand. "Is that better?"
Harry nodded. "It'll just get ripped open tomorrow."
"But it won't get infected, and it'll lessen your chances at getting scars." I said logically. "I think. I'm not very good at this nursing crap."
Harry patted my head affectionately. "You're better than you think, sis." he got to his feet. "Are you coming back to the tower?"
I shook my head. "Cole said he heard from Gennie who heard from Dennis Creevy that Alia's lurking around somewhere. I've been given orders to drag her back."
Harry nodded. "Don't be too late though, okay?"
I nodded, and settled into my place on the windowsill as Harry's figure retreated further down the corridor. I wasn't even sure why I had agreed to dragging Alia back to the tower in the first place. She was a teenager, with practically a boyfriend--she could maker her own choices about how late to stay out.
But as soon as I thought this, I heard giggles coming down the corridor. I stuck my head out, to see Colin Creevy and Alia heavily snogging against a wall. It seems she also aquired Cole's need for passionately making out with the ones they loved.
"Alia!" I hissed into the darkness. Nothing. "Alia Emmeline Wilde!" I hissed louder.
Still she didn't turn. It was time for drastic actions. I reached into my pocket and got out the bandages, and threw them. They hit Colin right in the back of the head, causing a head collision between the two of them.
"What the hell?" Alia hissed, rubbing at her head. "Cole? I swear to God--"
"It's me." I said loudly, and I went over to the two of them. I clapped Colin on the shoulder. "Nice to see you guys finally got together. However, it's not a good idea to do so in the corridors past midnight."
Alia folded her arms over her chest. "You're out here past midnight."
"I was waiting for Harry to come from his detention." I said. "Couldn't you both just do that in the common room or something?"
"Cole shouts at us." Colin said, turning bright pink. "It was Alia's idea, not mine."
Alia hit him on the arm. "Great going, Col. Now Cole will have somebody to blame once we go back to the common room!"
"I think he'll blame both of you, to be honest." I rolled my eyes. "It's a school night, you guys need to sleep! God, when did I turn into Jenna... Anyway, we'd better head back to the common room--"
But I was interrupted by an obnoxious 'hem hem'. With an awful feeling, I turned around to see a furious looking Umbridge. "I think that would be the best idea, wouldn't it Miss Potter?"
"Uh..." I said. "I suppose it would, yes."
"And why are the three of you out at such an hour?" she said, walking closer to us. I could see the terrified looks on Alia and Colin's face. I took a deep breath, I knew what I had to do.
"The two of them came looking for me, Professor." I lied. "I sleepwalk you see, and they decided to try and bring me back."
Umbridge's eyes narrowed. "That's no excuse for breaking the rules, Miss Potter. I think five points each from Mr Creevy and Miss Wilde will suffice. But Miss Potter, I think you aren't listening to your lessons... Detention tomorrow evening."
My heart sank. "But I have quidditch practice tomorrow. Can't I just do two detentions monday?"
Umbridge shook her head. "Maybe losing your privileges will make you learn, hmm? Now, why not the three of you head back to Gryffindor tower before I am forced to call Professor McGonagall?"
"Yes Professor Umbridge." We all said in a monotone, and headed up to Gryffindor tower in silence.
I was relieved that I had saved Alia and Colin from the pain of detention, but I could feel my stomach churn at the thought of holding that quill again.
* * *
Friday dawned, dark and dismal to match my thoughts about the evening's detention. I sat down at lunch time with a twitch in my hand and a headache over the thought of tonight's detention.
"You feeling alright?" Gennie asked from next to me. "Are you still coming to tryouts tonight... or?"
"Yeah... about that..." I said sheepishly. With piles of homework, I hadn't gotten the chance to tell Gennie about my detention.
Gennie narrowed her eyes at me. "Did you get detention? Really Rory, really? Harry's already missing, and now you bail on me as well!"
"It's not like I have a choice!" I snapped. I saw Alia walking down the hall, holding Colin's hand. "Blame Alia! She was the one I took the fall for when she was out on wednesday!"
Cole looked up suspiciously from his lunch at his sister. Alia seemed to sense where our conversation was heading, and she dashed out of the hall with Colin.
"Ugh, can't she just take responsibility for herself?" Cole groaned. "It's only lines for crying out loud!"
I pulled my sleeve over my right hand, where the skin was still raw and broken. "Exactly, it's just lines." I said. "I'm sorry about missing practice Gen, but I'd rather have detention than Alia."
Both Cole and Gennie exchanged a worried glance. "What do you mean? What's so bad about detention that you don't want Alia to go?"
Panicking, I knocked my cutlery off my plate and sent food flying onto my skirt. "Let me just clean this up, and I'll be back."
Ignoring their protests, I grabbed my bag and sped-walked out of the hall. I know I should have told my best friends exactly what Umbridge was doing, but there was a part of me that felt uncomfortable about telling them.
They had spent the entire summer trying to fix me, and thought they had succeeded. And I couldn't let them feel failed because the darkest part of me still desired pain.
* * *
Somehow I managed to skirt Gennie and Cole's questions for the afternoon, as I knew I only had today, and four more Monday's--and I was done. I wouldn't sass Umbridge, I could stay quiet and the whole painful affair could be ironically forgotten.
At ten to five, Harry and I both began to make our way up to Umbridge's office. We were both silent in our journey, just enjoying each other's company, when Harry finally spoke.
"Ron's trying out for the quidditch team--as keeper."
"Really?" I said happily. "Well that's just great! Is he any good?"
"Very." Harry said, though there was a sadness in his voice.
"I wish we were at practice too," I confessed. "But, you may be able to see him out of the window!"
This seemed to brighten Harry's outlooks, but then he frowned. "How did you even get detention? We haven't had anymore lessons with that old toad."
"Ugh, it's a long story. But I'm not just here for us to soppily share in each other's pain--let me tell you."
At five o'clock we arrived at Umbridge's office, and Harry knocked on the door. Moments later, Umbridge called for us to come in.
We entered the grisly pink office of doom, to find the same pieces of parchment and quills on the desk.
I took a deep breath, and forced myself to politely smile at her. She closed the door behind us, before clapping her hands together.
"You both know what to do." Her smile was a dazzling one you gave to babies and kittens, not before you forced children to harm themselves.
I sat down in the chair, gingerly putting my bag on the floor. If I sat up straight, I could see the Quidditch hoops--and the trials.
Taking a deep breath, I picked up the quill, reminding myself the pain would be temporary. That thought didn't stop the sickness in the pit of my stomach.
As soon as the quill hit the page, pain shot across my hand. Clenching my teeth, I continued the sentence.
I will not disrespect authority figures.
As time went on, I could hear the shouts from the Quidditch pitch. I swore I heard Gennie calling somebody 'a idiotic fool'. She really was channelling Wood.
I will not disrespect authority figures.
As more time passed, the blood began to dry on my hand, giving my hand a dark red glove.
I will not disrespect authority figures.
Somebody was missing the goal posts all of the time. I hoped it wasn't Ron.
I will not disrespect authority figures.
Blood was running down my hand now, dripping on the page. It took an effort to make sure I didn't cry.
I will not district authority figures.
"Right, well I think you're done for the evening, Miss Potter." Umbridge said finally.
I dropped my quill to the parchment, and my hand started to throb, like it had a life of its own. Possibly one of the greatest relief was that it hurt--I didn't get no euphoric high off it.
I picked up my bag with my left hand, and then noticed Harry wasn't there. "Where is my brother?"
"He seemed to grasp the message... More effectively." Umbridge smiled. "You were so absorbed in your punishment, you didn't notice him leave."
"I see." I said quietly. "Good night professor."
I quickly exited the classroom, pulling my sleeves over my hands as a form of comfort. According to my watch it was almost eleven--I'd been kept an hour longer than Harry.
With a stinging hand, I headed in the direction of the toilets. While I would prefer to use the dormitory one--Gennie would no doubt be up to meet me and ask awkward questions.
I was so concentrated on my goal of cool water and toilet paper on my hand, I was hardly aware of walking into somebody.
"Hey! You're not supposed to be---Wait, it's only you Rory."
It was Draco, his wand bright and eyes confused. Feeling slightly mortified, I pulled my sleeves over my hands further.
"Yup, just me." I chuckled. "What are you doing up?"
"I've got prefect duties until half eleven." He pulled a face. "How stupid is that? But what are you doing out here?"
"Detention from Umbridge." I explained.
Draco frowned. "I saw your brother pass an hour ago--why were you in there longer?"
"Wanted to punish me more I guess." I laughed humourlessly. "It's nice to see you and all, but I have to go."
"Gryffindor is the other way, you idiot." Draco rolled his eyes. I was silent. I couldn't tell him about what happened.
He seemed to take my lack of witty comment as a need to worry. He frowned, and before I could protest he had put my hand in his palm.
"Draco, no--" I protested, trying to pull my arm back.
But he was persistent, and his grip tightened the slightest bit so he was gripping my wrist lightly. I took a deep breath as he rolled my sleeve down.
"Rory... Your hand is bleeding. Bad."
I jerked my hand away from him. "I caught it on a quill, if you must know."
"Well of course I must know," Draco imitated. "That's one of the drawbacks of being in love with someone--you worry all the time."
Despite everything, a bit of colour came to my face. "It's just a scratch."
Draco sighed, and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a handkerchief--the posh sort of ones with letters sown on. It had a small silver 'D' in the corner with green stitching.
Draco put the handkerchief around the cuts, and tied a knot at my wrist. Unfortunately, it was soon speckled with blood.
"Come on, we'll sort this out in the prefects bathroom. They always keep medical supplies there."
Despite my protests, Draco laced his fingers into mine and led me down corridors to the prefect bathroom.
It felt almost normal and as strange as it was to think, at home holding Draco's hand. It could have been any other evening after a date--but our past dates hasn't included blood running down my hand. I still felt pangs of nostalgia for the simpler times though as Draco's lit wand led us down corridors.
"You don't have to hold my hand." I told him, even though I enjoyed my fingers interlocked with his. "I'm not on my death bed. Plus, we are meant to be broke up."
"I could always pass it off as dragging you to Snape's office for punishment." Draco shrugged. "But I enjoy holding your hand, and I'm not denying myself the pleasure of your sweaty hand in mine."
I rolled my eyes as he grinned like the Cheshire Cat from Alice in wonderland. "Oh be quiet, you idiot."
As I got more relaxed with the situation--especially since no questions were asked about my injury--we arrived at the bathroom.
"Flutterby." Draco said, and the door sprang open. "It's a naff password, I'll admit."
The bathrooms hasn't changed since Harry and I came to solve the egg clue about a millennia ago. Draco however led me away from the baths and down a side-corridor.
We came out to a row of toilets and sinks--much nicer than the regular ones--and a small office looking door.
"Just sit on a sink, I'll be right back." Draco said, dropping his hand from mine.
"How hygienic." I said dryly.
"I didn't really want to administer first aid with you sitting on a toilet, but if you want..."
I rolled my eyes. "I'll sit on the sink."
Draco took a key from his pocket and darted into the office. With great difficulty I used my hands to gather an upwards momentum to sit on the sink edge.
I sat there for a few moments, feeling tired with my hand burning through the handkerchief wrapped around it.
Draco emerged from the office clutching a large metal tin; waving it triumphantly. "I have the emergency supply kit!"
He put it inside the sink next to me, and began searching through for bandages and disinfectant. I watched over his shoulder in intrest to end up seeing small bottles of firewhisky, a lighter complete with cigarettes, and what appeared to be--condoms.
"Real emergency items there, Draco."
"Don't blame me, the older prefects started that. This box contains all, ah prohibited items of enjoyment at Hogwarts. But some more responsible prefects put medical stuff in as well--Ah! Got them!"
Slowly, he un-tied the knot around my wrist and pulled the handkerchief off. It was stained red now, my hand practically glowing with dried blood and swelling.
It looked bad.
To diffuse the tension that was sure to come, I asked: "Where did you get fancy handkerchiefs?"
A dark look passed over Draco's face. "Blame my mother. When I turned thirteen, she claimed I was old enough to act like 'a gentleman'. So the house elves made a bunch for Christmas. I'm meant to wear them in the pockets of all my dress robes."
Draco ducked into the box, bringing out a torn rag. He tipped disinfectant onto it, and placed it gently on my hand. My hissed with pain as it worked, and I let out a few choice swears.
"I had one in my Yule Ball robes." Draco blabbered on. "Didn't you notice?"
"I was preoccupied with jealousy of Pansy Parkinson, arguing with you before a heavy kissing session." I said truthfully. "Your robes were the last thing on my mind."
"You said my collar looked like a vicar's. They marry muggles, right?" Draco said, and I nodded encouragingly. He was silent as the disinfectant soaked in. "One day we'll have a proper dance since our childishness prevented a good one."
"Talking about vicars and dancing? Are you trying to hint at something?" I teased.
"Shut up, you idiot." Draco rolled his eyes. "I need to heal you."
So I sat in silence as Draco wrapped and bandaged my hand until there was no evidence of any cuts underneath--except the bandages themselves of course.
"You're very optimistic about the future." I noted. "We don't even know if Voldemort is going to launch a full blown attack yet or not."
Draco shrugged, and gave a small smile. "Gotta have a goal, Rory. That dance is mine."
He packed up all of the supplies and pottered around to put everything in the correct place ('otherwise the older prefects will think I'm nicking condoms and will tease me forever').
Once everything was done, Draco sat on the sink next to me, swinging his long legs. I had expected him to take me back to the tower, but he clearly had something to say.
"Rory," he said hesitantly, like something was caught in his throat. "Where did you get all the blood and cuts from?"
I shut my eyes, praying this wasn't happening. We had been having such a relaxed time, joking and hand-holding with such optimism. Why did he have to bring up such a thing?
"I uh, noticed that under all the blood, there was uh... Words inscribed to your skin." Draco said, his voice thick. I prayed he wasn't crying. This wasn't something worth tears over. "You weren't... You didn't do that to ah... Discipline yourself?"
I shook my head adamantly, but kept my eyes shut. I could feel Draco's judging glare on me, but I couldn't bare to see it.
"The only things that go on my hand are song lyrics that are stuck in my head or smiley faces. Honestly."
Draco was silent and I could tell he didn't believe me. His face was a mixture of sadness and distrust. Is that what he'd really thought if I had done it to myself?
"If you must know, it was a punishment." I said, looking to my shoes. "But not from myself. From Umbridge."
Draco's eyes buldged. "What?" His voice sounded sharp, a dangerous tinge to it.
"We have to write lines, and the quills use your blood as ink, and the words go on your hand..." I said quietly.
Draco was quiet, and then he swung himself off the sink. He began pacing back and for, making me nervous. Then he kept running his hands through his hair, shaking his head. He looked quite neurotic to be honest.
"Draco?" I asked tentatively. "Are you okay?"
He shook his head vigorously. "If I was there, I could have stopped her. I could have made sure you did detention with Snape, or even the giant squid! I'm meant to protect you from this sort of pain, but I've practically pushed you to it!"
Draco looked near-pain himself, eyes clenched shut and hand locked in his hair with fustration.
"It's not like you handed me the quill." I snapped. "And there's nothing you could have done to stop it--or me. Whatever the situation, I still would have lost my temper or taken the blame for Alia! I only have four left, Draco." My voice grew quieter as I tried to show him I was fine. "I can cover any scars with make-up, endure the pain... I've done it before."
"Well that's an utter bullshit way to look at things." Draco snapped. He lent against the wall and shut his eyes. "Why should you have all this pain and suffering? How is it fair that Umbridge gets to hurt and torment you? It's not fair you have to go through this pain."
"Yeah Draco? In case you haven't seen, I've had worse pain than scars on my hands. That is nothing compared to all these people dying for me, torture, depression-or even giving you up because of i-it!"
Tears started down my face in torrents as my voice broke, blurring the world. I'd tried to stay calm and hold everything back since I'd come back to schools, but now the flood gates were open and there was nothing stopping them.
Arms came around me, and I realised Draco was holding me. Throwing my arms around him, he held me as I sobbed. I was aware of nothing but the tears coming from my eyes and Draco's head leaning on mine as a form of comfort. After what seemed like forever, Draco let me go and went somewhere.
He returned moments later with tissues and wiped away the tears. I was so exhausted from crying, I was barely aware of his lips softly touching my forehead.
"Hey now," he said quietly. "We're okay. Nobody is hurt, we're all safe in the castle. And you haven't given me up--that suggests I'm going somewhere. And I'm not."
His lips touched my cheek, and his arms went around my waist to support me on the sink. I was painfully aware of his closeness. "You promise?" I whispered.
One of his hands cupped the side of my face tenderly. "I promise you, Aurora."
The way he spoke my name like a guarded secret made me feel hopeful that not all was lost; and it was because of that I didn't push away when he kissed me.
The kiss was soft and gentle, as if Draco was reflecting he didn't want me hurt. My hands went around his neck and as his made their way around my waist, I felt a peaceful sort of oblivion. Not the fiery sort that fire whisky gave, but something that made me feel truly alive.
Just as things started to get slightly more heated, I found myself slipping backwards. Before I could stop myself, I was half sat in the sink, my legs comically resting on Draco's forearms. We both stared at each other, before we started to laugh hysterically. Still with a huge grin on his face, Draco pulled me out of the sink so severely that I was pressed right against his chest.
"I should probably get back." I said quietly. "Before a search party is sent out."
"With Gennie as the lead sniffer dog." Draco snickered. I hit him on the arm. "In animagus form of course."
So we left the bathroom behind, clutching onto each other's hands. We didn't say word on the journey back, just followed the faint light from Draco's wand.
Soon we were outside Gryffindor tower, and I was unsure of what to say. Draco seemed to know however,.
"I'll talk to Umbridge for you tomorrow," He said. "Tell her that you can't stand detention because it brings up painful memories of Cedric, and your loyalty to him is the only reason you said rude things to her."
"I'm grateful and all, but would that work?"
"I'll threaten her by telling the Wizard courts about her." Draco said with a grin.
"You're a genius."
"And that's why you love me." Draco said lightheartedly, but an underlying question was there.
"About that kiss...." I trailed off. "We shouldn't do anymore of that until this little break is over."
Draco rolled his eyes. "A break means you have something to come back to. That's what we'll have to come back to. I was just giving you a sneak peek."
By the smirk his face, he was expecting anther kiss.
"Don't look so hopeful, I'm not kissing you again until we're properly back together."
"Oh come on Rory," Draco scoffed. "You keep a lot of promises, but you certainly won't keep that one."
"Good night Draco." I said firmly, dropping my hand from his.
"Love you?" Draco said hopefully.
Chuckling, I gave him a light kiss on the check. "Love you too, you adorable idiot."
And with that, I said the tower password, and headed inside. I collapsed into an armchair, and massaged my right hand. Who would have thought a night of pain would end with something as sweet and happy as time with Draco?
Deciding to head to bed, I got up. I found Cole lying on a sofa with a bottle in hand. I prised the bottle from his hand and tossed it into one of the common room bins. I tossed a blanket over him, and pushed his hair from his eyes. I organised a stack of his letters, and noticed some pills next to them.
I frowned, as they were unfamiliar to any tablets I'd ever seen. But knowing Cole well, I knew he would tell me if they weren't medication.
Once again I went on my way, but was stopped by a sheet of parchment with my name on.
I tried staying up for you, but clearly you met up with Draco or something. Practice went fine-and Ron made the team! He needs lots of improvement, but he has the basis to be great. Your spot is still open if you want it. If not, I think Angelina was interested in rejoining. By the way, keep an eye on Cole. Sam's been in contact with him, and he's on edge.
Screwing the parchment up, I finally decided to go to bed before I collapsed. Taking one last worried look at Cole, I headed up the stairs.
A/N This chapter took a year to write and I don't feel its that good but idk. I nearly thought I lost it earlier and my tablet is REALLY slow to type with.
Egypt is like 40 degrees right now and I'm about to die its so hot. I may have also just been bitten by a mosquito a minute ago.
Heads up, all of you are going to kill me a few chapters time. :)
-Emily (my actual name lol)
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