Character Ask!

Okay there was so many it's taken me like 2 days to write them up, so please read it took me forver :(

Obviously the character's don't know about events like the battle yet so they're a bit confused by some questions. Also, sorry if Cameron's rude or offensive to anyone, he's a noob.

The next book will be up in a few weeks I think, though I might just put the preface up soon...

Hope I got all the questions!!

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Questions for: Aurora Potter

elisemalfoy: Will you forgive Draco for how he hurt you?

Well that's a good question, um. Well what he did hurt me so much, you all know how off the rails I went by it... And I'm still pretty pissed off he didn't think I could protect myself from Voldemort and the other death eaters, and that I even cared if he was forced to be one considering Sam was.... But now I know it was him just being an overprotective idiot.... Time will have to tell. I mean we are in the middle of a war, not to mention I don't have any idea where he is, or if he's alive...

AdLRox: Will you find it hard to leave everyone behind as you focus on the fate of the Wizarding world?

Yes. Extremley. I mean we've only just lost Sam, and Maia was only born recently.... But as much as I'd rather give up and hide away with the ones I love, I have to end this. It's the only way I can live as I want to.

MilaRaph: What exactly are you doing on your mission? Are you hunting horcruxes with everybody or are you hunting Draco and Voldemort?

I'm sticking with my brother for as long as I can, so hunting horcruxes. He can't possibly think he can do this alone, but he is an idiot, so---Yeah. Not to mention I have no idea where Draco is... If our paths cross, I'll be damn glad to see him.

Claire_the_wizard: Do you think about your old life, do you miss it?

*Sighs* I do, I still think about Jenna making me pancakes and me and Kayley winding Lacey up at 3am.... But my old life is in tatters with most people I knew from it dead, and I can't turn back. I have my new family and friends now, and I have to try and create something new from what I've got.

awesomemma720: Are you ever going to go back to Draco?

We'll see.

-weirdo-: I think your prophecy mentions something along the lines of you choosing good ofr evil, why do you think this was included?

Well I've always struggled with the dark side of my brain, we all know what I nearly did to Mark...

GageJohnson741: Do you ever wish you remaiend ignorant to it all and that peope hadn't died around you, for you?

I do quite a lot, but I know it would hurt the remaining friends and family I have, so I try to block that out.

Elise_Malfoy: How do you feel about falling into this world so fast and having to deal with everything that has happened?

It's just all so overwhelming and when this is over I'm going to sleep for like two years.

stubbs99: Do you ever feel jealous of your brother?

Not really. I mean sometimes I wish I was recognised for stopping Voldemort as a baby more, but eh, it happens.

OonaghOMalley: Do you think the ones you loved are in a better place?

I'd like to think so.

Fangirlishbooks: Do you believe in higher power?

I don't think so, no. I mean Mark and Jenna weren't religious, so I wasn't brought up with it. I'd like to find faith, but I'd find it hard to accept a God would want me to lose all these people...


Questions for: Draco Malfoy

BellaMoonlight: If you had the chance would you run away from your family to be with Rory?

I would in a heartbeat if it would fix things between us. But I couldn't ask that of her, she's got to save the world before I can even think about trying to love her again.

MilaRaph: What will happen during the Battle of Hogwarts? Will you and Rory take on somebody together?

*Scoffs* A Battle at Hogwarts? Yeah right, that place is so well-protected, nobody could get through. But in seriousness if there was a battle I would work with Rory if I could, even if we argue a lot we do make a good team.

under-the-sky? Ok, so did Draco only start to date Rory to find out about Harry? If so when did he realise he loved her, like what about Rory made Draco love her?

I never used Rory, even when I was more of a prick in the past. My parents were cooler about me dating Rory than I thought, mostly because at the time the Dark Lord wasn't back.... But God, I could give you so many reasons about why I love Rory...

But the moment I knew had to be after she finished the second task and let me hold her and keep her warm. She'd just essentially saved Gennie's life from the lake but didn't even ask for a thank you, she just accepted that's what she had to do. Not to mention how beautiful she looked--big green eyes and a cheshire cat smile....

And why do I love her? She makes me want to be a better person, one I like.

georgieporge1: What made you fall in love with Rory?

Everything about her, even her drooling in her sleep.

Claire_the_wizard: If you could change the past couple of years, would you?

Yes, and no. I'd like to change some of the mistakes I've made, like breaking Rory's heart and being so rude and cruel to everybody. But then I don't want to change my relationship with Rory--yes it was messy and chaoutic, but it was real.

emiliahn: When and how did you realise you had feelings for Rory?

Probably after she hugged me in Christmas of third year, I had stupid little butterflies and I knew what that meant.

awesomemma720: Why didn't you just tell her the truth?

I'm an asshat.

-weirdo-: How come you couldn't come up with a better way to break up with someone asshat?

I just wanted to make sure she stayed away from me, but like I said before, I'm an asshat.

Elise_Malfoy: If you could reset your life, would you?


OonaghOMalley: What is your biggest regret?

Being an asshat for the majority of my life, I want to try and change that.

Fangirlishbooks: Have you thought about proposing to Rory?

I'd like to one day.

Dorkerella5: Would you start a family with Rory?

If she wanted to, yes.


Questions for: Arthur Wilde

wizzyfizzyizzy: How hard was it to let go of Rory?

So hard. But it is what it is, it was my choice and I accept it.

bookworm875: How did it feel to let go of Rory?

Like I was swallowing back knifes, but then also a weight being lifted off my shoulder.

For a while, it was clear to me that Rory wasn't as comitted to the relationship as I was, she saw it more as having a friend who would kiss and her and tell her everything she wanted to hear from Draco.... 

But carpe diem, maybe we can both find want we want.

MilaRaph: How did you manage to get in contact with Sam's brother?

Well I've known him since I was nine and he was eleven, and we met up every now and then, and a couple of drunken cheeky snogs I'm not going to mention.... But anywho, I snuck out of the hospital wing and managed to apparate to his house where I told him. He cried for almost four hours and I comforted him before we sorted out funeral arrangements.

MilaRaph: Are you going to find somebody else?

Well considering my track record with romance, I may stay clear of it for a while... Hopefully I can find somebody who can treat me right....And of course they have to love Lord of the Rings or I'm out.

meeganrulz: Are you going to eat meat now because you are part werewolf now?

Ew, no, I'll stick to my quorn nuggets thank you very much.

-weirdo-: What's your favourite Green Day song? Mine is City of the Damned

YESYEYESYEYS THAT SONG IS AWESOME I LOVE GREEN DAY SO MUCH. I mean, *cough* trying not to be cliche but I love Boulevard of Broken Dreams, and American idiot--but who doesn't love American Idiot?

IDIOTS. Haha, I'm so funny...

GageJohnson741: why didn't you get an eye like Mad-Eye Moody's eye?

Well I was only fourteen when I had the eye, I just wanted to look as normal as possible.

severus_snape_: Can you marry me please???? lol

But I haven't got a ring :(

Dorkerella5: Will you ever go back to Rory?

I don't know, because I don't think she could ever love me in the romantic way....

bellalauren2: What was it like to go through your eye cancer in the wizarding world? Any methods of treatment kinda different? Kinda odd question but I'm curious.

Well because I fell ill in the summer holidays my mum took me to the muggle hospital (she's a muggle) and I got all my treatment through there. But people always treat me differently when they know, so I've tried not to tell many people.

Elise_Malfoy: Are you ever going to try to win over Rory's heart?

Well I tried once and failed so, eh, we'll see.

OonaghOMalley: What do you hope for your future?

To be alive and happy.

MollyMoo9999: On a scale of 1 to 10 how much did getting attacked by a werewolf hurt?



Questions for: Samantha Lockwood

elisemalfoy: What made you decide to change for the better? ps: ilysm

Love you too, I bet you are a wonderful person (*Goes to wink but Jia glares from beside her*)... Uh, anyway, I suppose it's when I found out all of the torture Cameron inflicted on Cole....

I mean I knew Cameron was an awful person from hitting me and saying slurs every two second about Jia, but the fact he tortured and controlled his own brother in the name of the Dark Lord.... It seemed twisted and wrong.

MilaRaph: If you could have known your fate before Jia died, would you have married her? And if you could have turned back time, would you still have drunk the poison?

Fate or no fate, if Jia and I were both alive we'd get married as soon as it became legal in the UK. I always wanted a poofy wedding dress, as girly as it sounds.

And would I have drunk it? Well the whole reason I took the poison was to help me kill Cameron out of revenge, so probably not. If Jia was alive, she would have killed me before I took a poison.

-weirdo: When did you realise you were a lesbian? Like the first moment

It was a gradual thing, I mean I loved all the Disney Princesses (Mulan was my favourite) and they made me feel all tingly and happy inside. Then I tried shutting out these thoughts because I thought they weren't normal, and a phase.... But then I met Jia and this one time we went swimming and well I had a moment I thought: Well shit, I'm attracted to her.

GageJohnson741: If you had known that Mira was imperorised to slap you by Cameron would you have continued to date her and eventually forgotten Jia?

Probably, Mira was pretty awesome (and a great kisser).

Dorkerella5: If you could come back to life would you?


cupcakes4eva: Do you go into the 'broom cupboards' for fun or because you actually liked them?

Both, I mean enclosed spaces are always fun.... Anyway, moving on....

OonaghOMalley: Do you love Rory?

In a way, I mean she trusted me months after I was such a bitch to her.... And apart from Jia, she was the girl I was closest to, but alas, she's straight. But come on, I mean we all have crushes on people we can't have.

MollyMoo9999: How many girls have you dated?

Well officially, three. Jia, Riley (Cole's friend from rehab) briefly over the summer and Mira. But I've 'been' with three or four other girls.

silverwolf25: Do you still support Dory? Do you have any regrets?

Yeah, as long as Draco stops being an asshat. Any regrets? Uh, probably wiping Rory's memories of him telling her, that was bad on my part...


Questions for: Genesis Lupin

purebloodwatson: How many kids do you want with Cole?

I'd like one, maybe two. I know he's a bit hesitant, in case he passes on his biploar but I'd love our kids no matter what.

harry_potter_fanatic: What do you think of your dad and Tonks getting married?

I'm so happy for them, because Tonks will be the coolest step-mother ever and I get to be bridesmaid! 

MilaRaph: Are you going to your dad's wedding?

Hell yeah!

MilaRaph: What are you going to do if Cameron kills Cole

I'll kill Cameron before he could even lay a finger on Cole

What if Cameron kills Cole and you find out your pregnant?

Well uh, we're well protected so hopefully that wouldn't happen for a while. And if something that nightmareish happened, I would somehow cope, knowing that Cole wouldn't want me to give up on myself and our child.

Claire_the_wizard: If you could change your dad, would you?

Things would be less complicated if he wasn't a werewolf, I'll admit. But if he wasn't, he never would have made friends with James Potter and I may have never met Rory or Harry...

-weirdo-: How would you want Cole to propose to you?

As long as it's memorable, I don't really mind.

GageJohnson741: How are you going to react if Remus has a child with Tonks?

Really well, I've always wanted a younger sibling.

Dorkerella5: Have you and Cole ever done 'it'?

I think all the questions about me getting pregnant speak for themselves.... Anyway....

nighlifegirlie: How do you like Tonks? Are you excited that your dad is going to marry her?

I love her, she's so laidback and sweet. And I'm happy, I just want my dad happy.

Elise_Malfoy: If you could run away with Cole, would you?


MollyMoo9999: If you could have a different animagus, what would it be?

A cat, I'm sure Cole would love that.


Questions for: Cole Wilde

YouAreDaDeadBish: If you and Gennie get married then how many kids do you want???

Uh..... I know I want to marry Gennie but...... um, next question??

MilaRaph: Is your soul shattered or healing?

I.... I'm not going to lie, I feel like I'm falling apart. Sam was there through all of my worst times, pulled me back, and my dark thoughts are growing louder every night. But I've got Gennie, my sisters and my friends.... They'll get me through.

MilaRaph: What if Gennie gets pregnant during your chase?

Holy Shit, ummmm, hopefully that won't happen. I mean, I'm not ready to be a father in any case and I wouldn't be a good one. I mean who wants a father who isn't emotionally stable and takes a bunch of medication? And I wouldn't want to pass on my disorders to a child, that's just cruel....

But if it did happen, I'd support Gennie no matter what decision she made.

MilaRaph: What if you lose her during the Battle of Hogwarts?

A Battle?? What battle??? But if I lost Gen in any battle, I honestly don't know what I'd do and that scares me.

emiliahn: How do you plan on ending Cameron?

I have a whole notebook of ideas, trust me.

-weirdo-: Would you buy a kitten for Gennie, yourself and each of your kids?

Of course, but why all the questions about kids???

GageJohnson741: How will you handle Sam's death. Are you going to blame yourself endlessly and torture your mind worse than crucio?

We'll have to see, I'm not handling it well, but I have to try and move on, like I did with Ashton's death...

Dorkerella5: How many kids do you want with Gennie?

Uh none???

Elise_Malfoy: What is your best memory of Gennie?

I've got too many, ugh, but if I had to pick one it would be when she said she loved me. Up until that moment, I didn't think anybody could love me that way.

OonaghOMalley: What is your greatest memory with Sam?

We were like eleven I think, and I taught her how to play the piano. It was funny to see her get fustrated at how I was better than her at something for once.

inkgirl4: Have you heard Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows? I think it describes you :)

I think it describes me too.

Fangirlishbooks: On a scale of 1 to 1 billion how much do you love kittens?

1 billion and 1


Questions for: Cameron Wilde

*Loud booing starts until Cameron shoots a killing curse into the crowd*

neonfalcon: How long until you die?

Aw, I love you too!

elisemalfoy: Can I shoot you in the balls for killing Sam?

But that would hurt???

purebloodwatson: why are you an idiot?


MilaRaph: What delusion made you join the death eaters?

Delusion? I joined because I wanted to.

MilaRaph: Did you ever feel any remorse?

Nope, I do what I want.

MilaRaph: Do you have any Horcruxes?

Only my master is allowed to have horcruxes.

under-the-sky: Why does he have an obsession with Rory?

He is right here, thank you very much. But she's beautiful and is playing hard to get with me, which is always such a turn-on, I know she secretly wants me no matter how much she denies it. And it gets my brother so worked up which is funny to watch.

Fangirlishbooks: How does it feel, being the scum of the earth?

Pretty damn great, how's your day going?

MollyMoo9999: What did Cole ever do to you to make you hate him so much?

Well his existence annoys me...? No but he's so freakish and a disgrace to our family name I need to teach him a lesson. It's fun to hear him scream, he's such a girl!

0MMXV0: Do you ever regret what you've done?


anubisforever: Why did you kill Sam? You mother trucker

Ick, she was so annoying and whining to me about killing her dyke plaything I had to shut her up somehow. And I heard Cole cry which was like music to my ears!

anubisforever: Why did you kill Sam?

She annoyed me, god do you listen?

GageJohnson741: Where did you learn your lack of manners and etiquette you pig

Oh my god you can't just ask somebody where they learned their lack of manners from

-weirdo-: Didn't you die when Sam was killed? I remember her drinking a poison that connected the two of you.... Or was I mistaken?

I'm alive though my leg hurts like hell from where that Potter bitch hit that spell at me. Now, what were you saying about a poison...?

emiliahan:Were you telling the truth when you said you loved Sam in Obliviate my Rebellion?

*Looks uncomfortable* Well our parents thought we'd be good together, I was ready to spend my life with her? But no, she chose to be a lesbian when she could have been happy with me!

OonaghOMalley: What ever came over you to thinking that treating Cole that way when he was eight was right? Ps Burn in hell :)

Well he needed toughening up, he was always a girl when it came to emotions. It's not my fault he took it so seriously! And I won't be, Sam will be for comitting disgusting acts with her so-called girlfriend!


Questions for: Alia Fawcett-Wilde

elisemalfoy: Are you and Colin going to keep up a realtionship?

That's my plan.

elisemalfoy: Are you going to Hogwarts when Harry, Ron, Hermione, Gennie, Cole and Rory leave?

I suppose I'll have to, Cole will probably handcuff me to another desk if I try to follow him.

MilaRaph: What are you going to do in seventh year?

Well it's my fifth year, so my OWLS I guess? Unless Rory and Harry cause another shit storm that cancels my exams

MollyMoo9999: How did you feel when you found out you were Cole's sister?

Really happy, because me and that dork had loads in common already and I'd been trying to find my real family for ages.

stubbs99: What is your relationship with Camille like? Is it a love/hate relationsip of what?

I do I love her (don't tell her I said that) but she just annoys she shit out of me sometimes we're really different.

cupcakes4eva: How is your relationship with Colin doing? And what do you wanna do after Hogwarts?

It's going good, he wants me to go to Disneyland with him over the summer with his family. And after Hogwarts? I wanna be an auror, fight some evil since somebody *Glares at Cole* won't let me.

-weirdo-: When you finally tell Colin your sexuality and saying he accepts it, do you plan on having a future with him? Oh wait, I realised something, Colin dies... How would you deal with his death saying you had the same scenario as mentioned before?

Well Colin accepts me, and if we don't break up I wouldn't mind raising a herd of puppies with him. Wait--what? No, no, my Colin is not dying anytime soon, you are a liar! But hypothetically, I'd just raise my own herd of puppies alone.

~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 

Questions for: Camille Wilde

YouAreDaDeadBish: How did you feel when you and Alia got close?

Really happy, I really want things to work out with us!

MollyMoo9999: What was life like before Cameron turned evil?


But I think he always kind of was, he always ripped the wings of butterflies and threw our family cat out of the window...

GageJohnson741: Whom in your siblings do you like the most?

Cole, well at least he's the nicest to me.

-weirdo-: Now that you and Alia seem to be getting along, do you plan on helping her with her sexuality problem? Well not that you haven't before, I'm just saying will you approach her in a more subtle way now that you know her personality better?

Yeah, I kinda blurt things out a lot... Not to mention she slapped me after I blurted it out to everybody.... But yeah, I'll support her when's she's ready to talk and not slap me.

Dorkerella5: Do you like Alia?

Of course I do.

Elise_Malfoy: How do you feel about finally meeting Alia?

Well she's a lot different than I thought she was.

OonaghOMalley: Do you wish that things had turned out differently with your family?

All the time

Harrypotterfan24: Did you have suspicous feelings that Alia didn't like you when you first met her?

Yes.... But I think she's finally starting to like me at last.


Questions for: Harry Potter

AdLRox: How do you feel about Rory being your sister, but always hanging out with Cole and Gennie more than you?

Meh, we all have our own friends, like I hang out with Ron and Hermione more than Gennie and Cole.... 

AdLRox: How do you feel about Rory's continuing love for Draco?

I think she's an idiot for still going back to that ferrett, but it's her choice and I can't stop her.

MilaRaph: What would you do if Rory died in the last battle?

I'd feel betrayed, because she promised to never leave me...

MilaRaph: What if Draco tried to protect her but failed?

I'd kill him.

Claire_the_wizard: Would you ever accept Draco and Rory's relationship?

I did for a length of time, but then he hurt her again. If he actually cleans his act up, I'll think about it.

Fangirlishbooks: How much sass do you feel you have?

More than Rory.

MollyMoo9999: If you hadn't have met Ron or Hermione, who do you think your besties would be?

Eh, probably Neville, Seamus and Dean.

OonaghOMalley: If Rory hadn't approached you in Diagon Alley, how different do you think your life would be?

It'd probably be a lot less crazy, but I'm glad she did otherwise I would have spent my whole life thinking she was dead.

stubbs99: When Rory has boy problems are you ever like 'ugh not again'?

All the time, but what brother doesn't feel like that?

GageJohnson741: Do you think if Rory truly asked you or begged you to accept Draco, you could?

If he he treats her right, then I'd accept him on the spot.

-weirdo-: How would you react if you only found out Rory was your sister while looking at Snape's memories before you died?

Why would I have Snape's memories??? But I'd be heartbroken knowing I didn't get to know her, but if I knew she'd lived a good safe life (if she hadn't gone to Hogwarts) I'd be happy.

Rita-Smiles: How did you feel when you met Rory for the first time?

I was relieved she was alive.


Questions for: Ron Weasley

MilaRaph: No questions for him yet... How do you feel about Cole?

First of all, RUDE. But Cole's one of my best mates, we always have a laugh. And if I was attracted to boys, well he'd be the first one I'd go to.

Fangirlishbooks: How much do you love food?

To the moon and back.

MollyMoo9999: What is your favourite thing from Honeydukes?


Dorkerella5: Do you love Hermione yet?

Uh, Uh, I have to go, um *Trips over chair*

GageJohnson741: Have you ever wanted to find the mirror of Erised and see your greatest desire as a young adult?

That'd be wicked but the mirror was destroyed I think??

-weirdo-: Do you like chicken wings?

Do we need water to survive?


Questions for: Hermione Granger

Dorkerella5: Were you ever close to Sam?

We shared a lot of classes together and we were the only ones out of our friends that liked revision and getting everything right. I'll miss her.

GageJohnson741: Did you ever feel attraction to any of your friends, male or female, apart from Ron?

Me and Ron? Pfft, what gave you that idea? But no, none of my friends. If I had to pick a girl though, it would be Sam.

-weirdo-: After the war will you go find your parents and try to repair their memories?

Why would I need to fix their memories? But if that hypotheically happened, then yes.

OonaghOMalley: Do you ever feel out of place? Does the teasing about your intelligence ever hurt you?

Not as much when I was younger. And yes, it does sometimes, but I just think, because I'm smarter I'll have a wonderful job while they're miserable working in fast food!


Questions for: Jenna Oswin

MilaRaph: Did you ever want another kid?

I already have four, I wouldn't want a fifth.

MilaRaph: Did you know about Mark?

That he killed Kayley Hopkirk and was a death eater again? No, it was a total shock to me, and was what made me stop loving him.

MilaRaph: Were you ever sad that Lacey doesn't have magic, and would you give her yours if you could?

Well I'm a squib too, so obviously I couldn't give her magic... But I would, I feel so sorry that my daughter couldn't experience what her sisters could.

 MollyMoo9999: If you could give Hollie, Lacey and Rory one last piece of advice what would it be?

Hollie: Don't let the world kill your smile.

Lacey: Make sure nobody ever takes your child from you.

Rory: None of this is your fault.

 Dorkerella5: If you could trade Rory for Robyn would you?

No, I'd rather if I could have both of my daughters alive than one.

GageJohnson741: Why did you let Mark do the things he did and stay with him, he may have promised, but it doesn't make sense...

He became a death eater in the first place to protect myself and our two young daughters, considering I had no magic and I don't speak to my family. But after Robyn.... I stayed with him because of Lacey and Rory, they deserved to have a father growing up.

And as for all the things he did with Kayley and betraying Rory... I didn't know about any of that at the time, otherwise I would have left him in a second.

-weirdo-: How would you have reacted to Lacey's pregnancy?

I'd be shocked, considering she was only 18 at the time, but I would have supported her no matter what.

stubbs99: Do you ever wish you'd told Rory about magic sooner?

No, I don't. I didn't know she had magic until her thirteenth birthday, so I thought there was no need unless Hollie had magic.


Questions for: Mark Oswin

*Booing starts, but Mark glares at the crowd*

harry_potter_fanatic: Did you ever really love Rory?

Yes, and no. I hated her when she was a baby, why should we take in a child that should be dead instead of our own daughter? But as she grew older, I did grow to care for her when I thought the dark lord was gone for good... But she was never my daughter, just a mere child my wife wanted to bring up.

MilaRaph: Did you really love your family or did you just pretend?

No, I loved them, I still do.

MilaRaph: What if your whole magic had magic but you?

That would be bad, I couldn't protect them then.

MilaRaph: Would you have stayed out of the death eaters if you could've seen the future?


MollyMoo9999: Why didn't you erase Kayley's memories or make her do an unbreakable vow instead of killing her?

I would have preferred an unbreakable vow, but hey, it was my master's orders.

Dorkererlla5: Did you ever love Rory or your family at all?

Geez, I have more of a heart than Cameron Wilde, people, please. Yes, I always did (well apart from Rory, I was just fond of her).

-weirdo-: Do you feel you'll go to the isolated part of hell or to the fire pits of hell? I think you deserve both?

I think I deserve both too.


Questions for: Lacey Oswin

elisemalfoy: Are you and George getting married anytime soon? You're so cute together!

We're adorable, yes. But not anytime soon, I literally just had a kid!

MilaRaph: What if George and you die in the battle like Fred? Who would your child go to?

George, Fred and I dying??? We're too smart to be killed, honey. But if that did happen, she'd go to Rory (if she was alive) or Molly.

MilaRaph: What would you do when George breaks down after Fred's death?

Again, I have no idea where all you people are getting the idea that Fred dies, but okay... I'd remind him he has me and Maia, and all his family, that we're going through the same thing. Plus, I've dealt with grieving for my mother, I could really help him.

MilaRaph: What if you die because you don't have magic?

Please, if there's a battle I'm hiding out with Maia in a safe place, I'm not getting involved.

MilaRaph: Does your kid have magic?

It's too early to tell, but I hope she does.

MollyMoo9999: What would you have called your baby if he was a boy?

Fred Issac Weasley.

Elise_Malfoy: Do you want more kids?

If we did have more kids, it'd be a looong way into the future, pregnancy is one of the most bloodiest, painful and irritating things in the world (apart from when you get the kid at the end of it)

 Elise_Malfoy: Why did you always hate Rory, is is because you knew she had magic and you didn't?

Give me credit, I'm not like Cole's psychopath brother, I cared and loved her up uptil that letter arrived. Imagine if your sister got a letter to Hogwarts and you couldn't go, how would you feel?

But I overcame that as we've all seen, I've built a great life for myself without magic.

Dorkerella5: Did you ever know your father was a death eater?


Dorkerella5: Would you ever hurt Rory for magic?

Jesus, is everyone thinking I'm a psycotic bitch?? No, I wouldn't, plus it's not possible, I've done all the research.

-weirdo-: Do you ever regret saying those words you said to Rory when she was thirteen and going to Hogwarts?

Yes, all the time.

JuliaNycz: What house do you think you'd be in if you were a witch and went to Hogwarts?

Probably Slytherin or Hufflepuff.


Questions for: Hollie Oswin

Lozipop: Are you still going to Hogwarts without Dumbledore there?

Of course, why wouldn't I?

harry_potter_fanatic: What do you think of your new niece (Lacey's daughter) ?

She's super cute!!! I just hope Lacey won't forget about me.

meghan-garfield: Are you going to Hogwarts or are you going to stay at home and help with the joke shop? And if you are on a level of 1-10 how excited are you?

I'm going!! And my excitment rate is.... 11!!

MilaRaph: What house would you be in at Hogwarts if nothing happened?

I'm not sure, maybe Hufflepuff?

MollyMoo9999: If you had to choose out of Fred and George for a best friend, who would you choose?

Freddie's already my best friend, though Uncle George is cool as well! 

GageJohnson741: What interests you the ost about what you've heard about Hogwarts, are you like society's standard and scared to say you-know-who's name?

I'm really excited to see all the unicorns in the forest, and the food and the moving stairs and the lessons and making new friends.... EVERYTHING. 

What does society's standards mean?? I'm only eleven.

But I say You-Know-Who, he scares me.

-weirdo-: What house would you want to be in? What house do you think you'll be in?

I'd like to be in Gryffindor since all of my family are. But I think.... Maybe Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw??

Rose9821: What are you most excited about being an Auntie?

Protecting Maia, because Rory and Lacey have been protecting me for my whole life, I want to help someone!

Miss_Messi9: How do you feel about your father being a death eater?

Really angry.


Questions for: Jia Horrowitz

MilaRaph: If you would've known what happened to Sam would you have come down and scolded her as a ghost?

Who says I didn't already?

MilaRaph: What if you'd gotten married?

That would have made me so unbelievably happy.

MilaRaph: What if you had an illegitimate child with Sam that died and you didn't tell her?

I don't think that's biologically possible yet.... But why kill my child, you sadist? Somehow I think I would have told her about our own child's death?

MollyMoo9999: When did you and Sam get together?

The summer just before our third year, we were arguing because some dickhead guy flirted with her and I blurted out how I felt, and everything snowballed from there.

Dorkererlla5: If you could change something you did wrong what would it be?

I would have ran away with Sam sooner.

GageJohnson741: When did you know you were a lesbian?

I saw Winona Ryder on Edward Sciccorhands and fell in love with her, I mean come on who wouldn't?

-weirdo-: Why did you randomly come back into Sam's life?

It wasn't random at all, it took a lot of planning and realisation that her decision to leave our former master was the right thing to do, it wasn't her just leaving me.

harry_potter_fanatic: Did you ever support Voldemort?

For a long time, yes.


Questions for: Emily a.ka. xXFleurRebelleXx (Me!)

wizzyfizzyizzy: Why does Cole have so many issues?

Well I knew he was going to have biploar disorder from book one, but all his other 'issues' stem off from his abuse from Cameron. His depression, sucicidal thoughts, anger issues and heavy drinking (at least in the third book) are the concequences of Cameron's abuse of him.

wizzyfizzyizzy: And can you make Cameron die but so that no-one feels sympathy just happy that the bastard dies?

Well if he does die, that's the plan! :))

Blue3St0Rm: What made you start up this (amazing) series?

Aw, thank you! Well I dabbled in writing some other Harry Potter twin stories on my old account I had when I was twelve (but it's deleted so you can't find it HA) but they were so bad it's cringey to remember!

But basically I wanted to create a twin story that was different from all the others, but ironically I can't remember where the idea came from!

BellaMoonlight: What character would you say you are like the most?

Arthur. We're both Bi, love Pokemon, Nirvana and Lord of the Rings (though I prefer the Hobbit films whoops)

purebloodwatson: Did you know that you're amazing and I love you?

Did you know that you are also amazing and that I love you back? (in a non-creepy way fyi)

AdLRox: Did you know that you have one of the best series on Wattpad? It's the only book I wait for updates right now! I've been following since the first book, Obliviate, and I absolutley love how you have introduced so many different characters to the world of Harry Potter and how they all flow into the plot! :) Thanks for the amazing journey so far and I can't wait to see how it ends!

*Sniffs* Well this just made me emotional.

Thank you for supporting since all the way back in 2012 (WOW) and thanks to everybody who's read this book, whether if it was back in 2012, or even last week :))

Can't wait for you all to see how this all ends!

xrmwnerdx: Has Rory's journey for the book been confirmed yet? Like I know we've got the golden trio and Genine and Cole are doing that thing for Sam, but did Rory say where she's going?

She intends to go with Harry, Ron and Hermione, but if she does is another matter.

YouAreDaDeadBish: Who is your favourite character?

Either Cole or Sam.

Marvel890: I know I can ask Rory this but you're the author so I'm going to ask you: Who is Rory's best friend? I remember her saying Cole is her best friend, but in this book she says Sam is, and I'm confused lol.

Simple answer: Rory has lots of best friends. Gennie is her best friend. Cole is her best friend. Sam is her best friend etc. In real life I have more than one best friend so Rory does as well lol, sorry for confusing!

MilaRaph: Are you going to let Rory use the resseruction stone, and who would she see if she did? Am I the best questions asker?

Well you'll have to wait and see, won't you? ;) And yes, you do ask some very amazing questions haha

IsitMidnight: Did you ever consider making Rory on the LGBT+ spectrum? You do have a lot of the characters who identify as part of it.

Honestly, back in 2012 I was a fourteen year old who at the time was only ever exposed to hetrosexual media/books and didn't consider making any characters on the LGBT+ spectrum at the time, until of course December 2013 rolled around and I made Sam a lesbian.

But honestly if I had to label Rory with a sexuality knowing her so well now I would say she is bi-curious or leaning towards bisexual (fun fact, I ship her with Sam so badly at some points in the series)

MollyMoo9999: If you had to pick 1 character to take out of the series, who would you pick?

Cole, because he's damn awesome.

WildyTheDreamDemon: How much much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck was eating Swedish potatos? (And thanks for the compliment on the previous username)

Oh yes, I remember you, WildyThePsycopath!! But I have no idea, so here's a question for you: How much wod could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?

Elise_Malfoy: Are you going to let Cole and Gennie live?


Elise_Malfoy: Are there going to be anymore sad deaths we don't know about?

Well there's four deaths, but it depends your definition of sad.... There is a death of a character in the preface though just saying.

stubbs99: Is Rory or any of the other characters a reflection of yourself?

Let's see... Well I'm as sarcastic and stubborn as Rory, Arthur and I are both Bi, I'm the same height as Alia, and well Cole is played by Ashton Irwin who is my fictional husband so yeah... Lol.

cupcakes4eva: If you could bring back one deceased character, who would you bring?


cupcakes4eva: This isn't a question as much of a reassurance, Hogwarts has never been proven not to exist, Just putting it out there....

I like you :)

eupcakes4eva: Why can't I have your AMAZING writing talent?

I wouldn't say I'm amazing, but I do have my good points haha. But seriously, if you want to be an author, NEVER GIVE UP and metaphorically punch anybody who says it isn't a real career.

bellalauren2_: Who out of Rory, Gennie and Cole each pick which Hallow? Love this series btw :3

Rory: Ressurection stone

Gennie: Cloak

Cole: Wand

-weirdo-: How did you come up with these ideas? Like you have details from the first book I blew off until the second book... You are just amazing.

Thank you :3 But honestly, I just plan and plan and plan until I come up with the ideas.

GageJohnson741: I notice a resemblance to some scanarios in the actual books, word for word... Did you pore over copies of the book to write and add Rory in or something???

I used to do this more in the first book as my scaffold, I go onto online PDF's to see exactly what happens but of course changing it around to fit my plot lines

 sorry-: What are some of your favourite bands? And I think you love 5sos so who in the band has a special place in your heart?

*Internally freaks out* Okay, well I love music almost as much as books, so this is going to be lenghty.

My ultimate favourite bands are: 5 Seconds of Summer, One Direction (insult them and I'll slap you with a fish) All time Low, Fall out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, Twenty one Pilots, and I have a soft spot for Bring me the Horizon as well.

5SOS' drummer, Ashton Irwin as a special place in my heart. I just love everything about him.

He's a wonderful person. He's the one who always says he loves us, stayed out until 3am after a concert meeting fans, drew butterflies on scarred wrists, apologised after he had apendicitis because he thought he'd let us down, he loves his younger brother and sister with everything and takes cares of the other boys like brothers.... I could go on like forever.

10cimbfab: Favourite character to write as?

I'm not sure because I haven't written many POV's but I enjoyed writing Draco and Arthur's.

georgieporge1: The original characters that die in the books and movie originally die in the next one?

Yes :(

georgieporge1: Can you give us any hints to if any of the characters die?

Right so: One death is in the preface. One death is by accident. One death is a greatly anticipated death. One death is very unexpected.



Question for: Lacey and Hollie

Rose9821: Are you happy in the wizarding world or do you miss your old muggle life?

Lacey: Well I miss it, but I'm a lot happier here

Hollie: Who'd want to go back to the muggle world when you have magic???

Question for: Gennie and Cole

TessNawijn: Why can't you two just go with Harry, Ron, Rory and Hermione? Or are you two going to find Cameron?

Cole: I suppose finding Cameron would be an excellent pit stop...

Gennie: No, but seriously we would but we have a job Sam left us do do that's very classified--

Cole: She left us list and we have to--

Gennie: SHHH

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