I left my bedroom and I walked through the hallways with Raven to talk to Satan. I just hope it doesn't come back to bite me.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Raven asked me for the fifth time.
"No, but, Satan getting kicked out of the house won't help me earn Lucifer's respect and I'm sure there might be another way for me to get him to make a pact without having to upset Lucifer," I told him.
"Good luck and be careful, he's known as the Avatar of Wrath for a reason," Raven told me.
"You make it sound like you know what he's capable of."
"Hey, Devildom is my home, remember? My fellow shape-sifters and I have heard a few things about the brothers including Belphegor," Raven told me.
"Any last minute advice?" I asked him as we approached his room.
"Yeah, don't make him angry. Trust me, you don't want to get on his bad side," Raven warned me before I knocked on the door.
"Come in," Satan spoke from the other side of the door.
I opened the door and when I walked inside I was shocked when I saw his room or should I say library. Satan has millions of books. Some of them were in stacks that reached the ceiling or they were about the height of his desk. The others were in shelves from top to bottom.
"Ah, (Y/n). It's you. Did someone tell you to come here to stop me? Because if so, you're wasting your time. Although, none of those guys would send you here to stop me. They all think it's funny," Satan spoke with a frown.
"Well, no surprise there. So what are you doing right now?" I asked him as I looked around his room.
"I'm trying to decide which of my books to take with me, since I couldn't possibly take them all."
"I can see that, how many books do you have?" I asked him.
"I lost count. So, you interested in books?" Satan asked me with a smile.
"I am. I read a little bit of books based on music to help me improve my skills on an instrument or to learn a new song for my next street performance. And of course, I love reading novels based on Supernatural creatures and manga books, if those count as well," I spoke with a smile.
"Huh...I guess you're not so bad after all," Satan mumbled before he stopped me.
"Hey, watch your step. A lot of my precious books and documents are over there."
"Oops, sorry," I apologised before I slowly stepped back from the pile. "What kind of books do you read, Satan? Also, are they all yours?"
"Every one of the books in this room belongs to me. They're all part of my collection. That shelf there is full of books having to do with magic. And there are all ancient manuscripts. Here we have astronomy and physics," Satan explained as he showed each one of his book stacks and shelves.
"And that right there...whoa, be careful with that. Actually, don't even touch it."
"Why? what's wrong with this one?" I asked him.
"That's a forbidden book...if two or more people touch it they'll switch bodies," Satan warned me.
Raven whimpered in fear before he leapt into the shadows.
"I don't want to switch bodies with my master!!" He shouted in a panicked tone which made me laugh.
"...Books are knowledge, and all of the knowledge from these books, it's all inside me. Knowledge is power. People respect someone who's well-informed. No matter who you are, no matter the circumstances of your birth, if you're smart enough, then people can't dismiss you," Satan's speech took me by surprise because he almost sounded like one of those wise old scholars or something.
"I'm guessing that my loose-lipped brothers already told you about me, right? About the circumstances of my birth?" Satan asked me.
"Yeah, they told me how you were born from Lucifer's anger and how you're the fourth oldest," I told him.
"Hmm...I suppose it isn't wrong to think of the order in which we were given our demon names as the order in which we were born into the Devildom. Our names were given by the Demon King. The old guy gave us our names based on our power as demons, from most to least powerful, you see. I was the last of us to be born into the world, and the fourth most powerful. The fourth..." Satan spoke with a frown.
"I mean, I was born from Lucifer himself...right? Ugh, it irritates the hell out of me," Satan grumbled.
"Raven is that true? Do all demons have special ranks like Satan and the others?" I asked him.
Raven came out of the shadows and he nodded his head. "That's right. Unlike the brothers, we demons who become familiars are also based on how strong we are. Take me for example, I can turn into anyone and anything you command me to do."
"Really? even a battle form as well?" I asked him.
"Of course. I know you haven't seen me fight yet but, I am strong."
"How strong are we talking?" I asked him.
"Based on how strong the brothers are, I'm between Satan and Levi."
"I don't believe you. All you've done is coward and hide from us when you get the opportunity," Satan spoke with a smirk.
"That's because Lucifer scares the crap out of me and to top it off, he's stronger than you, no offence," Raven told him before hiding behind me.
"None taken, mutt," Satan grumbled before he looked at me.
"All right. Enough chitchat. Let's make this pact. That's why you're here, right? Well, I said I'd do it, so I will," Satan told me.
"Uh Satan, about that..."
"Hm?" Satan looked at me with a confused.
"I've been giving this a lot of thought and I'm sorry but...I'm not making a pact with you," I told him.
Satan was silent for a moment before he frowned at me.
"What did you say?"
"I said I'm not making a pact with you. I'm sorry, I can't make a pact with you if you're just going to-"
"I told you I'd make a pact with you. You can't seriously be planning on rejecting me? You, a human...reject me?" Satan spoke as a dark aura surrounded him.
"Oh boy, that's not good," Raven mumbled.
"Whoa, Satan calm down," I told him nervously as I took a few steps back from him.
"Don't you dare trifle with me. Do you think I'm called the Avatar of Wrath for nothing? I usually contain my anger so it doesn't show. But I will make you suffer if you cross me, and it will be much more cruel and much less humane than anything my brothers would ever do," Satan spoke in an angry tone as he slowly approached me.
"I'll slice off your nose and ears, rip off your arms and legs, and feed you to the lower-level demons...!
"Over my dead body!!"
Raven got in front of me protectively and he growled at Satan.
"Listen well, human! If you dare say that you won't make a pact with me again, you'll pay for it with your-"
"Enough Satan," Lucider spoke up.
"(Y/n) is our guest, whom Diavolo invited as part of our exchange program. I won't permit you to lay a hand on hour exchange student," Lucifer told Satan before he stood in front of me.
"Oh, there you go again! Every time you open your mouth, it's Diavolo this, Diavolo that...You're telling me that you'd actually step in to defend a human? For Diavolo? Well, I had no idea you were such a sweetheart...!" Satan shouted as the room started to shake.
"Calm down. Don't give in to your rage, Satan," Lucifer told him.
"You're telling me not to give in to my rage?! You're really telling me that? YOU of all demons?!"
"Whoa, whoa, easy Satan. Don't get mad just listen to Lucifer, please?" I asked nicely but he wasn't listening.
"Stay out of this, or I'll burn you to a crisp...!" Satan shouted in anger.
Suddenly, Satan's wrath grew stronger and stronger until some of the books started flying off of the shelves and they headed towards Lucifer. I ducked for cover with Raven before Lucifer shouted.
"Didn't you hear me? I said stop."
"Don't you tell me what to do...! And don't touch my books!" Satan shouted before he and Lucifer touched the forbidden book.
"Wait, this looks like-"
Lucifer's sentence was cut off before a bright appeared in the room making me and Raven cover our eyes. Once the light died down, I came out of my hiding spot and I saw Lucifer and Satan standing there with frozen looks on their faces.
"What's going on...? That flash of light...what was it...?" Lucifer spoke up after a moment of silence.
"No, it can't be...!" Satan shouted in a shocked tone.
"Wh-what's going on?! Why's there another ME here?!"
I looked between Satan and Lucifer with a confused look on my face before I asked them.
" everything okay?"
"So then, I was right... That was the book I thought it was," Satan or at least I think it was him talking.
"Lucifer...! What's going on?! Why have you taken my form!? What is it you're plotting?!"
"I'm not plotting anything. Calm down, Satan. It's not that I took your form. It's that we've switched bodies.
"WHAT...?" Lucifer? shouted in a shocked tone.
"Huh, I guess that explains why they're acting oddly," Raven commented before Satan or Lucifer spoke up.
"The book I caught as it flew through the tried to take it away from me, didn't you?"
", it couldn't be..."
"Oh it very much is, I'm afraid. That's a forbidden book, one that causes any who touch it at the same time to switch bodies," Lucifer told him.
"So... Lucifer is in Satan's body and Satan is in Lucifer's body?" I asked them.
"In a nutshell," Lucifer grumbled.
"Oh dear, this did not end well at all, did it?" Raven asked me.
"I'm afraid not Raven. I believe things have gone from bad to worse," I told him as I looked between Lucifer and Satan who have now switched bodies.
After Lucifer and Satan's little...incident. We went into the music room to explain the other brothers about what just happened.
"Whoa, slow down a second. So, you're telling me that Satan here is actually Lucifer on the inside and Lucifer is Satan on the inside?!" Asmo asked in a surprised tone.
"...For real?" Beel asked me and I nodded my head.
"Yes they are."
"No way...!" Mammon shouted in a shocked tone.
"Eh," Levi mumbled.
"Like, it's just that the whole switching bodies story is standard anime fare. I've seen it a million times. LMAO," Levi told us.
"Like that one episode in Fairy Tail where Erza, Natsu, Lucy, Grey, Happy and Loki switch bodies?" I asked with a smile.
"Exactly," Levi spoke with a grin.
"Oy, this ain't an anime, you two! This is for real!" Mammom told us.
"Ugh, I can't believe this is happening... How am I going to explain this to Diavolo...?" Lucifer or should I say Satan spoke up.
"Pff...! Heh, Satan, were you doing an impression of Lucifer just now?!" Asmo laughed.
"BWAHAHAHAHA!" Mammon laughed.
"MAAAAMOOON?" Satan shouted which made me laugh because that was definitely a perfect impression of Lucifer there.
"AHAHA! *Gasp*! Oh man, my stomach hurts from laughin'!" Mammon laughed while I kept my mouth covered to prevent myself from laughing.
"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself..." Lucifer grumbled.
"My apologises," I mumbled after clearing my throat.
"So Lucifer, are you two going to go back to normal eventually?" Beel asked the wrong person. He was talking to Satan instead of Lucifer, who is actually in Satan's body.
"Beel. That's Satan in there. I'm Lucifer," Lucifer told him.
"Oh, this is confusing," Beel mumbled.
"According to the literature on this subject, the effect is supposed to last for several days," Lucifer (Satan) told us.
"Aww, lucky. That means you get to skip school and hang out in your room playing online games all you want until it's over. I'm so jealous..." Levi pouted.
"Oh no, we're going to school," Satan (Lucifer) spoke with a frown.
"What...? Are you insane?" Lucifer (Satan) asked with a surprised look on his face.
"Of course we're going to school. What did you expect? If we stay home, Diavolo will probably start asking questions."
"Hmhm, yep," Mammon nodded his head in agreement.
"Yeah, and if you try to play it off like you're sick or something, then he'll worry even more. He'll show up here at the house and insist on taking care of you," Asmo pointed out.
"He's right and knowing Diavolo, he'll definitely be worried about you Lucifer," I told him.
"I don't want Diavolo knowing I've allowed a mistake like this to happen," Satan (Lucifer) spoke with a small frown.
"So in the end this is all about saving face, huh?" Lucifer (Satan) asked him.
"It doesn't matter what this is about. Satan, until we return to normal, you are to stay with me whenever possible. Understood?"
"Wha?! You've gotta be kidding me! Oh no, I don't think so! Hard pass!" Satan refused.
"I don't like it any more than you do, but it seems we've got no choice. I need to keep an eye on you to make sure you don't take advantage of the fact that you look like me to cause trouble," Lucifer spoke with a frown.
"So you can protest all you want, but that's the way it's going to be. You're not to leave my side, udnerstood?"
"Uh-uh, forget it!"
"In case you've forgotten, Satan, I look like you as well..." Lucifer pointed out which made Satan frown.
"Hehehe. Now things're gettin' interesting...!"
"In any event, you'll be staying in my room until we both return to normal."
"Oh no, nuh-uh! We may have no choice but to stay where we can see each other, but I'm not staying in your room! Anything but that!" Satan protested.
"Well, your room has nothing but books all over the place, so many that it's impossible to even set food in there."
Lucifer wasn't wrong there, Satan's room looks like a library, nevermind a bedroom.
"If you give me something to eat, I'll let you use my room..." Beel offered.
"No thanks. If we sleep in your room, you'll end up sleepwalking over and taking a bite out of me in the middle of the night," Satan spoke with a frown.
"Uh, just so we're clear., I'm NOT letting you use my room. I've got too many priceless figurines and super-rare posters in there," Levi warned them.
"We didn't ask you, Levi," Satan told him.
"Fine then, guess I ain't got choice. Okay, if both of you pay me a proper sum for each and every night you spend, then you can stay in my-"
"Asmo, what about your room?" Satan asked Asmo while ignoring Mammon.
"Pass. I mean, we're talking about my castle, and every inch of it is dedicated to ensuring that I always look beautiful. I'm afraid that's just the way it is," Asmo told them.
"HEY! Someone listen to what I'm sayin'!"
"Let's see, we need a room that's fairly large, where there are no problems with the room or it's occupant and it needs to be someone who isn't allowed to refuse us..."
Satan and Lucifer looked at me and I sweat dropped a little.
"So then, (Y/n), it looks like Satan and I will be staying with you for a while. Pardon the imposition," Lucifer apologised.
"No worries at all, Lucifer," I spoke with a smile on my face.
'I mean technically it's kinda my fault they're in this mess to begin with,' I thought to myself before Mammon shouted at them.
"WHAT?! HEY!" Mammon shouted while we continued to ignore him.
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