Chapter 33


Later on that night, I got back to my room to get changed into (f/c) sweatshirt, a sleeveless jacket, (f/c) skinny jeans and (f/c) ankle boots. I was sitting on my bed and I sent Mammon text about getting his help along with Beel and Levi. While I was waiting for a response, Raven was lying next to me and he looked happy right now. My guess is, it has something to do with a female shape shifter.

"You seem happy," I told him as I rubbed his belly.

"Oh (Y/n)...Crystal is amazing and she's beautiful..."

"Aww...I think someone has a crush," I teased him.

"I think so too."

"Do you think you'll see her again?" I asked him.

"I hope so..." Raven spoke with a dreamy look on his face which made me laugh.

Just then my phone started beeping. I looked at my D.D.D. and under the title 'Brothers under pact (4) there were a few text messages.

(Y/n): I want you three to help me to try to get another candid shot of Lucifer asleep. Call it revenge for the fact that we failed the first time.

Mammon: No way. It's impossible.

Leviathan: Well, there goes that plan! That was quick. lololo

Leviathan: LMAO loool

Beelzebud: I mean, we couldn't do it last time.

Mammon: Man, I don't believe Asmo.

Mammon: He knows it's impossible, but he goes and tells (Y/n) to do it anyway. What an ass.

Leviathan: I wouldn't mind going, personally.

Mammon: Wha?

Mammon: Seriously?

Mammon: Why?

Leviathan: I mean, a picture of Lucifer's face while he's asleep? That'd totally blow up on social media.

Leviathan: And you didn't invite me along last time, so this time I'm going.

I sweat dropped when I remembered the last time we tried to take a picture of a sleeping Lucifer. I had my camera at the ready while Beel and Mammon stayed outside to keep an eye out. I managed to get a photo but, I forgot to put my phone on silent and no surprise, Lucifer caught us red handed. He ended up deleting the photo and we got a scolding from him.

Mammon: Fine. Do whatever you want!

Leviathan: How about you Beel?

Leviathan: Interested?

Beelzebud: No thanks.

Leviathan: Would a hellfire-Baked Cheesecake from Madam Devian change your mind?

Leviathan: Because if you come along, I'll give you one.

Beelzebud: I'll be there.

Mammon: What...that's all it took?!

Leviathan: Ok, that settles it. I'll be me, Beel, and (Y/n). Just the three of us.

Leviathan: Well, see you there.

Mammon: Wait.

Mammon: Who said I wasn't going, huh?

Beelzebud: You did.

Beelzebud: Just now.

Mammon: Shut up, Beel!



Mammon: Fine, I'll go.

Leviathan: Man, you're totally transparent. looool

I chuckled at Levi's comment before I put away my D.D.D. and then I stood up from the bed. Raven rolled onto his belly and he asked me.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean surely there's got to be another way for you to outwit Lucifer other than this stupid plan."

"Do you have any other ideas? because I don't," I told him.

"No I do not. But, causing trouble is quite fun," Raven told me with a smirk before leaping off the bed and then we left the room to meet up with the others.

We got into the hallway and we met up with Mammon and the others.

"...All right, so it's time to commence Operation Photograph Lucifer Sleeping," Mammon told us the name of the plan. "Now, listen up you guys. We have to learn from our screw-ups last time. This time we gotta make sure we-"

"Levi, where's my cheesecake?" Beel asked him with a smile.

"You'll get it when we're done. ...You know, you're drooling right now, Beel," Levi told him with a frown.

"HEY! Listen to me when I'm talkin' to ya!" Mammon shouted.

"...'Let's see, Diavolo and Lucifer's room should be right at the end of this hall. And...posted!" Levi commented as he posted another post on social media.

"Hey! Wait for me!"

I quickly covered Mammon's mouth and whispered, "Shut up, Lucifer might notice us with your yelling. So keep it down!"

"Sorry..." Mammon mumbled behind my hand before I removed it from his mouth.

"He's got to be asleep at this hour, right?" Beel whispered as we slowly approached his room.

"...'We've made it to the door to his room.' All right, (Y/n). Let's do this," Levi spoke with a smirk.

"Ready when you are."

"...'Commencing break-in."

We slowly opened the door and we looked around and it was pitch black for some reason.

"I can't see anythin'!" Mammon whispered.

"Let's wait for our eyes to adjust," Beel suggested.

"Raven, go and check and see if he's asleep," I whispered to him.

"Why me?" Raven asked.

"Because you can merged with shadows and you can transform into anything can't you?" I asked him.

"Fine, I'll go but, I better get a dog bone after this," Raven told me before he entered the shadows.

We waited for a moment until Raven finally came back and I asked him, "That was quick."

"I can't see anything either. I don't know what's going on."

Suddenly we heard growling sound.

"Don't make weird noises, Mammon," Beel told him.

"Huh? You are the one makin' the weird noises, Beel."

"...Oh. Guess it must be my stomach," Beel mumbled as he rubbed his stomach.

"You can't seriously still be hungry, can you?" I asked Beel with a small frown before we heard that loud growling sound again and this time, it didn't came from Beel's stomach, for once.

"...Wait, no it's not. That didn't come from my stomach. It came from somewhere above Levi's head," Beel told us.

"Beel, I TOLD you to stop drooling, didn't I? Ugh, gross," Levi complained.

"I'm not drooling right now," Beel told him.

"Uh, yes you are. You're drolling all over my arm. I can feel it. Thick, sticky, warm drool dripping down onto me," Levi told us as he wiped the drool off his arm.

"Hey, do you feel a breeze in here. Like every so often there's this wave of warm, wet air, almost like something breathing on us. And it seems like something dead," Mammon told us.

"Saliva and breath that smells like something dead...sort of reminds me of Ceberus," Beel told us about the three dog.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing," Levi spoke up.

"Ahahahaha. No way he'd be in here though, right?" Mammon laughed. 

Raven turned around and he started growling in a defensive position. I looked at Raven and I asked him, "What's wrong, buddy?"

Suddenly, I felt breath hot air behind me. I flinched a little when I felt that breath from behind and then I slowly turned around and there he was, the three headed dog demon Cerberus.

"Uh...guys...dumb question, does Cerberus by any chance have three heads, Black-brown fur and has flames coming out of his mouth?" I asked in a nervous tone.

"Yeah, how did you know that?" Mammon asked me.

I pointed in the direction where Cerberus was standing and then Mammon, Levi and Beel started panicking when they saw him.

"EEEEEKKKK!" Mammon screamed or shouted.

"I-IT'S CEBERUS!" Levi shouted in fear.

"Back out into the hall! now!" Beel shouted before he grabbed my hand and we made a run for it but, the door is locked.

"What the...? The door we came in through, it's LOOOOCKED!!"

"Wait! There's somethin' over here! It feels like a door! C'mon, (Y/n)!" Mammon shouted as he offered his hand and I took it.

"Come on Raven!" I yelled at him and then he shifted into his smaller form before leaping into my arms.

I held onto him tightly before Mammon opened the door and we stepped through only to find that there's no floor!

"OH NO OH NO OH NOOOO!!!" Mammon yelled.


"I'm hungry..." Beel mumbled as we fell.

"This not the time to think about your stomach Beel!" I yelled in anger.

We all yelled and screamed as we fell and fell until finally we landed onto the ground.

Levi: "Ow!"

Beelzebud: "UGH!"

Mammon: "GUHUH!"

We all groaned in pain after that long fall.

" about a rough landing..." I grumbled.

"Owww..." Levi grumbled.

"Oh, YOU'RE in pain?! How d'ya think I feel with you guys on top of me?! Go on, get off me! You too, (Y/n)!" Mammon told us as we got off of him."

"Raven? Raven! where are you?!" I called out to him and then he came out from under Mammon's shadow.

"I'm under Mammon's butt..." Raven grumbled before he climbed out of Mammon's shadow.

"Are you okay?" I asked him before picking him up from the ground.

"Next time, when you get a dumb idea to outwith Lucifer, leave me out of it. Master or not, I don't want to get involved the next time you four come up with another stupid plan," Raven grumbled.

"I'm sorry, Raven. Tell you what? how about I buy two big dog bones to make up for it?" I asked him before he wagged his tail in excitement.

"Yes please!!" Raven shouted before licking my face making me giggle.

"Wait a minute. Are we where I think we are...?" Beel asked as he looked around.

"The underground labyrinth," Levi finished his sentence.

"Again?!" Mammon shouted in a shocked tone before we heard something slithering toward us.

"Hey, do you hear something?"

"...Yeah, like something big and heavy is sliding along the ground," Levi told us.

"Levi, are you sure your tail isn't out right now? It's not hanging down and dragging on the ground?"

"Uh Mammon, I don't think that was Levi's tail. In fact, it's not even out right now," I told Mammon.

"Okay, then what's makin' that noise?" Mammon asked us.

"I feel like I've heard this sound before. Realatively recently...and I'm pretty sure it was here. You know, back when Henry 1.0 appeared..." Levi trailed off.

We looked in the direction where the sound was coming from and he was right, it is Henry 1.0!

"Oh no...Henry 1.0...!" We shouted in unison.

"RUN!!" Beel shouted and then I dropped Raven onto the ground before making a run for it.

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