I was in my room working on my homework while Raven was snoozing happily on my bed. However, I couldn't concentrate because I couldn't forget about that black-grey haired man in the attic and his instructions to make a pact with Beel. I know he has faith in me to do this but, how was I supposed to make a pact with him without him eating me first?
My thoughts were interrupted when my phone pinged. I picked it up and it was a message from Mammon. As I read the message, Raven came over to me and sat on my lap.
Mammon: I'm feeling a little hungry.
Mammon: Come meet me in the kitchen. Now.
Mammon: Just to be clear, it's not like I'm afraid Lucifer might catch me if I go alone. That's not what this is about.
Mammon: "Seriously, that's not what this is about! For real, it isn't!"
I sighed when I saw that message because I knew that Mammon is afraid of Lucifer catching him which is why he needs eyes at the back of his head which also means he needs someone to be the lookout.
"Man, what a scaredy cat," Raven commented after looking at the message.
"I know... you know what? I'm feeling a little peckish myself. What do you want to eat, Shadow?" I asked him.
"Doesn't matter to me, as long as it's edible and not one of Mammon's rat poisoned food."
I chuckled at him before he hides in my shadow. I stood up from my desk chair and then I headed to the kitchen. Once I got there, Mammon was already in the fridge looking for food.
"Took ya long enough. Listen, when I call you, you need to come lickity-spill. I'm hungry, and I'm in a bad mood to boot. Ya shoulda known that."
"Hey, unlike you demons, we humans move at a slower pace so excuse me for being slow."
"Whatever. Let's have a look inside the fridge and see what we can find."
"Be quick about it before someone realises what we're up to," I told him before Mammon began to raid the fridge.
While I was keeping an eye out, Mammon looked through the fridge to see what we can have.
"...Ugh, there's nothin' good in here."
"Well, there's got to be something," I told him before Mammon finally found something.
" what do we have here? Looks like a custard," Mammon told me before he turned to look at me and he held out the custard to me.
"Here, eat this. I need an accomplice. I don't wanna be the only one in trouble."
I looked at the tub of custard and I saw a note written on it. It says: 'Property of Beelzebud. You eat it, you die.'
"Uh, Mammon, that's Beel's and I don't think he'll thank us if we ate it."
"You've gotta be seriously brave to eat this custard here. If you can do that, I'll admit that you've got guts."
"No, it's not worth it. Besides, the last thing I need is a very angry and very hungry demon chasing after me," I told him with a frown.
"Wha? oh come on. You're a real drag, you know what? A total killjoy."
"Good, now put that back before- hmpf!!" My sentence was cut off when Mammon forced a spoon of the custard into my mouth.
"You'll be fine! If you do it voluntarily, then I'll have to MAKE you eat it! Go on, down the hatch!"
I struggled against him until he made me swallow it. I coughed a little while Mammon stood there with a smug look on his face.
"Here we go , you did it. You totally ate Beel's custard! I saw ya! Great, now that I have an accomplice. If you ate his stuff too, that means were in this boat together."
I death glared at Mammon which made him look at me in fear.
"Mammon, you better sleep with one eye open because there's high chance that the boogeyman might come knocking on your door tonight!" I threatened him.
"Now, now...let's not get angry about this besides, there's probably something else we can eat. Let's see, there's probably something nice hiding in the back here in this corner-"
"Uh...Mammon," I called out to him after we saw a certain demon standing in the doorway with a very angry look on his face.
D'AH...! Beel! Wh-What's the big idea sneakin' up on us like that? How long have you been there...?"
"...Did you eat my custard?" Beel asked him.
"Did you actually eat my CUSTARD?! Answer me, Mammon!" Beel shouted angrily.
"N-Now wait a second, Beel! Lemme explain! There's a good reason for-"
"You did, didn't you..?"
Suddenly, Beel transformed into his demon form and he is furious.
"Uh oh..." Mammon and I spoke in unison.
"I'm out of here!" I shouted as I dashed out of the kitchen.
"Hey come back here!"
Mammon shouted before I heard a loud crash from the kitchen. Thank goodness I got out of there on time before Beel struck. I peered into the kitchen and I called out.
"Mammon, are you still alive?"
"Barely..." He spoke up.
I looked at the wall and I was horrified because Beel's attack not only destroyed the wall in the kitchen but, it also destroyed my room as well.
"You have got to be kidding me!!" I shouted in anger as I saw the state of my room.
My book shelf was destroyed so my books were scattered onto the floor, dust and rubble were on the carpet, my desk was broken as well and there's so much damage that I don't even want to mention as well.
"Now look what you did Beel!" I scolded him.
"Don't worry, there's one person to blame for this mess..." I grumbled before I glared at Mammon who tip-toeing away from us.
I grabbed the back of Mammon's collar and I shouted.
"Wait, why are you getting angry at me? it was Beel's fault!"
"No, it's all your fault! because of your stupid prank! you made Beel go on a rampage and now the kitchen is destroyed along with my room thanks to you!! Honestly! you don't even think about the consequences before pulling a stupid stunt like this!! You know what?! I've had enough! As Levi would say; time for you to die, Mammon!!"
I shouted before I wrapped my hands around his neck before choking him.
"W-Wait! there's no need for this *cough!* Beel! do somethin'!"
"No way, I'm staying out of this," Beel told him as I continued to throttle Mammon.
"What's going on here?" A familiar voice spoke up.
We turned our attention to the doorway and Lucifer was standing there with a frown and he has his arms folded.
"Oh hey, Lucifer. As you can see I'm in the middle of strangling your idiot brother that you call the avatar of greed!" I shouted furiously while tighten my grip on him.
"It was all Beel's fault!!" Mammon choked while trying to get out of my grip.
Lucifer looked at the mess before sighing in annoyance.
"(Y/n), release Mammon right now."
"What?! but, Lucifer-"
"Now," He spoke in a stern voice.
I growled in annoyance before I released him. Mammon gasped and coughed to get his breath back.
"Come to my room at once and you three can tell me exactly why there is a massive wall in the kitchen and how (Y/n)'s room got destroyed."
Lucifer told us before Beel turned back to normal and then we left the mess. We got to Lucifer's room and we explained to what happened.
"What happened?" Lucifer asked us.
"I was hungry, so I went into the kitchen lookin' for something to eat and while I was diggin' through the fridge, Beel suddenly came up and attacked me!"
"That's because you ate my custard!" Beel told him with a frown.
"No, I DIDN'T eat your custard, Beel. I told ya, I was just holdin' it in my hand, that's all."
"Liar. You were eating it. I could tell. The lid was off."
"Wha? Well, don't look at me it was probably open to begin with."
"Mammon, your pants are on fire. I saw the label myself but oh no, you still thought it was a good idea to open it," I told him with my arms folded since I was ticked off at him.
"Wait, he had his name on it?"
"Yes, it said 'Property of Beelzebud. You eat it, you die."
"Oh...really? Huh...I never noticed..." Mammon mumbled but, he clearly did and he still thought it was a good idea.
"That was MY custard," Beel spoke with a frown.
"You never give up, do ya? But whatever, it doesn't have nothin' to do with me anyway, cause (Y/n) is the one who ate."
"I did not!! You forced that stuff down my throat until Beel showed up and then he got so angry he went on a rampage," I spoke in a furious tone.
"Wha?! don't listen to the human, she's making up lies! She's tryin' to put the blame onto me!" Mammon argued.
"I knew you were the one behind this before (Y/n) said anything, Mammon," Beel spoke with a frown.
"Now hold on a second here. Wow, you don't trust your older brother even a lilttle, do ya? ...I mean, I knew you didn't but still."
"OW! what was that for?!" Mammon shouted at me after I whacked him over the head.
"For being an idiot and a liar," I spoke with a frown before Lucifer spoke up.
"So, let me get this straight; Mammon was hungry, so he went rummaging for food in the kitchen late at night, and he dragged (Y/n) along with him. That's when he found Beel's custard. Then he talked (Y/n) into eating the custard. And when Beel saw what happened, he was so angry that he lost control of himself and went on a rampage. The kitchen ended up getting destroyed, along with (Y/n)'s room, which was opposite of the wall from it all because of YOUR LITTLE PRANK."
I nodded my head in agreement before Mammon spoke up.
"...Well, I guess that pretty much sums it up, yeah?"
"My custard..." Beel pouted.
"Forget about your custard, what about my room? where the heck am I supposed to sleep for the next couple of nights?" I asked him with a frown.
"Enough," Lucifer commanded us and then he continued. "Now listen, and listen well. First of all, you three..."
"Ugh, I can tell this is gonna take forever."
"It's not fair. I'M the victim here."
Beel and Mammon complained before Lucifer gave them the death glare.
"Did you two say something?"
"Wha?, nuthin'," Mammon mumbled.
"To begin with, your recklessness has impacted not just Diavolo, but also..."
'This is gonna take a VERY long time...'
I thought to myself as Lucifer carried on with his lecture.
Three hours later...
"...So, now that we're got that straight, I expect each of you to learn something from all of this," Lucifer finished his lecture.
I groaned a little since I got tired of standing there for so long and the other two were the same.
" took forever..."
Beel's stomach growled loudly before he complained that he was hungry.
"(Y/n), it seems you won't be able to use your room for some time. You know, since it lacks a wall now."
"Yeah, I know. I wonder who's going to fix that?" I asked as I glared at Mammon.
"Why're you glaring at me?" Mammon asked me.
"Where am I supposed to stay now?" I asked Lucifer.
"Until the wall is fixed, I want you to stay in Beel's room."
Beel looked at me with a surprised look when Lucifer told me this. Mammon, on the other hand, looked angry.
"WHA?! Now just a second. Why're ya puttin' (Y/n) in his room? I mean, there's enough space in my room, isn't there?"
"After what you did tonight I don't want to be around you!" I shouted in a furious tone making Mammon looked at me with a shocked look before he went to sulk in the corner of the room.
"Was I too harsh?" I asked Beel and Lucifer.
"Nope. It serves Mammon right. Being jealous over something like this just shows immaturity."
Mammon heard this before he stopped sulking and then he stormed over to Lucifer.
"Who're you callin' jealous?! as if I'd be jealous...pff! Anyway, (Y/n) has a pact with me."
"Your pact is irrelevant. Also, if I'm not mistaken there's an extra bed in Beel's room."
Mammon pouted when Lucifer told him this making me chuckle a little. Lucifer turned to look at Beel and he asked him.
"Do you understand this Beel? This isn't a request."
"...Yeah. I understand."
"...Ugh...this sucks..." Mammon grumbled.
"Well maybe the next time you decide to eat one of Beel's snacks, think twice before you even think about pulling a stunt like that again," I warned Mammon before Beel and I left the room.
I got back to my room to get some stuff. I packed away some extra clothes and my uniform along with some school supplies. I also brought my guitar with me since Mammon might get the opportunity to try and steal it from me and sell it including the money that I got from my street performances. I kinda felt bad for Beel since Mammon ate his custard so, I went into my secret stash of chocolate and sweets (which was under the floorboards where my desk is) and I grabbed a couple of snacks for him.
"You got everything you need?" Raven asked me from my shadow.
"Yep," I told him before picking up my duffel bag and my guitar case. Beel was waiting outside of my room and then he led me to his room.
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