minecrafT-! (Leviathan)
(based on a true story btw 😔✊)
"KEEP RUNNING LEVI-!" He quickly whipped his head around to look at the surrounding oak trees, finding nothing but them everywhere he turned. That, with hoards of zombies and skeletons shooting at him from every fucking direction one could possibly think of. Levi was now the definition of screwed, even more so then Asmo... and that's really saying something.
He gulped as he fiddled with his controller, desperately trying to dodge everything coming his way while also keeping his eyes focused on the direction he was heading. Thing is..he didnt know where he was heading, just getting more lost with every sprint he took.
"I-IM COMPLETELY LOST, W-WHERE IS THE BASE?" You growled, quickly smacking the top of his head, easy to do so as he was sitting right next to you. He sank into his bean bag chair while still dodging the arrows, pouting at your sudden hit. It was understandable, to him anyway, as in the moment you were experiencing gamer rage.
"NEAR THE HILLS, D-DONT YOU REMEMBER?!?!" He shook his head, still dazed by your touch and shouts, very confused as to his location in game. The poor guy is too tired to remember anything at the moment, almost dozing off a dozen times in the past 10 minutes.
Levi hasn't gotten any sleep since he finally found a dog in game after hours of playing, aka he literally just found one last night. He dragged you out of your room, you half asleep and confused out of your mind. On the way to his room, the demon explained what 'marvellous' event had just happened as you just grumbled. You were to tired to go back to your room, so getting dragged to Levi's was better then nothing.
Of course you were happy for him, as grumpy as you were, for his new found achievment. It's a doggo so of course you wanted to see it, and so stopped complain...too much anyway. The urge to take care of the dog was strong, even overpassing the urge to scold Levi for waking you up at 1 am. Everyone already knows Levi isnt really the best with animals too..
...real life or not.
You were all now severely sleep deprived, the bags in your eyes almost as big as his. If Asmo was here, he would've said something about his skin care routine and how sleeping was important. Like, actual good advice instead of telling yourself to stay awake every 3 minutes.
You would've agreed with him too..but the both of you couldn't sleep now if yall wanted too anyway, as Levi had gotten lost in the oak forest near your base with the pooch. It was a mining expedition gone horribly wrong, as all his stuff was lost as he fell into the lava while trying to get them shiny diamond's. He quickly threw a fit, mad at himself knowing never to be as greedy as Mammon. "Not fair.." was the only thing he mumbled for minutes after that.
Sighing afterwardsand quickly calming down, he started looking at the screen with a stern stare. You could see a vein popping out from his forehead, knowing he was desperately holding back his urge to not break his PC.
Luckily, his dog which they both adorably and expectedly named "Henry 3.0" was okay, making for a heart attack free get away. Its always one thing losing stuff, another losing your pet in the game. You knew not to even try to fight with him with which one brings more pain, because you are going to lose. Always.
..Unluckily for the two, it was already night time.
You sniffled, your hands trembling as so did the controller you were holding. He looked over to you with pitying eyes, quickly pausing his game to calm you down. Seeing you sad made his heart crack a little..he would much rather see you smile. It always brightened his day after all.
"Y/n, dont worry. We'll get back to the base safely.." He cupped your cheeks as tears streamed down your face, his thumb quickly wiping them away. Your cheeks were very puffy, making him grin as you huffed in embarrassment. To him, your cuter than any anime babe/dude in the world. Hell, you are his world...and his Minecraft game file but you brushed it off for the sake of your sanity.
"A-Are you sure Levi? You dont even have a map on you.." He shook his head, pointing a finger to his mind. "My memory is the best when it comes to games lolol. I just...need to focus."
He sighed, my man cant actually focus for shit.
No matter how hard he tried, something would always grab his attention and get him off track. Levi gets distracted easily, its a fact his brothers knew all to well. Getting lost in anime stores all the time is a normal occurrence as once hes in one, it takes an entire team of fucking detectives to get him out. Its entertaining to watch from a T.v, annoying as hell to actually handle.
You rubbed your eyes with your hoodie sleeve, smirking when you came up with an idea. Scooting closer to Levi, you placed your head onto his shoulder, snuggling into it. He was very comfy for a demon, which you didn't really know was possible. To be fair, your always comfortable around him so maybe its bias. "..Could I make you focused..?" His face instantly heated up, every part redder than Henry's 3.0 collar.
Congrats, you just broke the man.
He started to rub his neck, as to ease his nerves from your sudden rise in adorableness. Guy was gonna die for your cuteness if you didn't cut it out soon. "Y-y-yeah that c-could work.." He instantly picked up his controller from the floor, almost dropping it again because of your sudden chuckle at his nervous behaviour. Taking a few deep breaths, he looked at your face one last time, seeing your adorably hopeful smile. It made his heart flutter, his face turning more serious than it ever has been in his long ass life span. Guess thats the power of love..or whatever. Hell that's cliche but who cares, the life of the guys dog is on the line.
"Here goes nothing-"
He quickly unpaused the game, barely dodging an arrow that headed towards him just a second later. You shut your eyes, scared at his ever empending doom. Obviously you believed in him but...you were still scared that they wouldn't make it. This entire thing was just very nerve wracking, even more so than getting caught eating Beels food. You just couldn't help but feel worried, even if was "just a game."
From what he recalled, he was heading eastward before all the mobs started attacking. He couldn't remember which direction the base was in though, causing his lips to turn into a small frown. You saw this, instantly rubbing his arms in an attempt to cheer him back up. He blushed suddenly at your touch, making you smile. Such a small move made him quickly remember the base was always in the direction of moon, so obviously, he should follow it...if it wasnt for the fact if he kept running that way he would surely be killed by some skeleton's stupid arrow. Thats when he had the brilliant idea to make a staircase type structure, so that he could use the trees who were getting in his way before to his advantage. They were tightly packed together in clumps, which would just mean that he would have to look out for a few holes here in there. He would just have to hope Henry 3.0 wouldn't fall off.
He took one last inhale as he closed one of his eyes, holding in his breath. Taking some dirt to make a staircase type thing, he quickly climbed on with Henry 3.0 not to far behind. Arrows were shooting at the two from every direction, Levi dodging each with swift moves from his controller. You really gotta remember hes a fucking badass when it comes to games, the fact calming your nerves. You slowly opened your eyes, to gasp at the sight. From beyond a few of the trees, you could see the base from hours before. Henry 3.0 was also okay following behind Levi as he ran, making you chuckle in happiness. You looked up to Levis face, his eyes still closed and his cheeks puffed as he held his controller close. It was really cute but-
"D-dude breathe!" You shook him as gasped for air as he let go of his controller. "W-wait but I have to-" You pointed to the screen, trying to explain.
He slowly opened one of his eyes, scared of what might have happened The blocky sun was slowly rising in game, creating a beautiful pixel sunrise. Their were no mobs in sight, the few that were were now fleeing to the darkness of the forest as to not burn. The cozy small base you two made hours ago and Henry 3.0 chasing their tail made you smile, making Levi widen his eyes.
"I-I d-did it..?" You rapidly nodded, tears forming in the corner of your eyes from joy. "Yes! Yes you did!" Quickly wrapping your arms around the demon, you pulled him into a strong loving embrace. He was so stunned at first that he didn't notice what you just did, noticing a few seconds later made his face turned a bright pink. You happily giggled as his smile wobbled, you were never really this affectionate. Not that this was a bad thing, he loved to see you cuddly. He looked down upon your adorable face, some tears streaming your face as your smile grew.
"W-Well t-then.." Levi handed over your controller to you as your eyes sparkled in awe. He tilted his head, eyes closed with a small smile.
"Will you keep playing with me, Mc..?"
"..your a complete dork!"
He quickly fell into a pit of dispair, somehow ending up in the corner of the room to sulk. Words hurt y'know? Even if you didn't mean for it to come out that way, you felt guilty. You sighed as you went over to him, putting a hand to his shoulder. He looked back to you with a hopeful smile.
"..of course dude. Now let's go get some fuckin diamondS-!"
this is dumb
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