[pictured above is an adolescent Joseon]
- General Description -
We shall begin with the Joseon. The Joseon is a creature which resembles the Jolteon species in appearance closely, however it has enough key differences to be considered an alternate species. A significant difference is the presence of a pronounced and clearly defined tail. Usually it could be said that the tail is similar in formation to that of an Umbreon, due to its black and yellow fur. However, the yellow fur of a Joseon tail does not glow, but is highly reflective similar to road signage. One variant, the Chojoseon, has seven such tails, each of which has a band of fur of a colour of the rainbow.
A newborn Joseon is of the dimension of 6 inches tall by 8 inches long and will have extremely soft and downy fur. This fur will slowly harden for approximately six months, upon which the Joseon will have entirely stiff, spiky fur. Upon reaching this point they are considered an adolescent Joseon, usually growing to between 2 and 3 feet tall, and 3 and 5 feet long, and in this state they will remain for perhaps two months. After two months is over they will begin to grow their wings, a process which is culminated at full adulthood, which is usually about a year in time to grow the wings. At this point the Joseon may be anywhere between 4 and 15 feet tall, and 4.2 and 20 feet long, although extraordinarily massive sizes (~500 ft tall) have been occasionally reported. At adulthood, the Joseon's fur will regain its downy softness, especially on the belly fur, however all fur besides the belly fur can be hardened into spikes if necessary. The wings will be adorned with yellow or white feathers. In the Chojoseon, there will always be white feathers, and the feathers will refract the light, making rainbow patterns on the wings.
- Disposition -
As with any species which consists of disconnected individuals, obviously no one precise personality can be applied to every Joseon. However, Joseons generally have more positive dispositions than most other creatures, especially male Joseons, which can sometimes be considered rather "dopey" compared to their female counterparts. Joseons can have wild emotional swings however (this is, again, more prominent in the males), and while they are unlikely to become violent, they can easily slip into depression. However, they are also quite easy to cheer up (giving one their favourite snack will make them excited for at least a few hours), and can easily forget past wrongs, which makes them tend towards being gullible (again, females have less of an issue with this). The only depression they cannot recover from is after the loss of a mate or child.
- Special Abilities -
The Joseon has a modest set of abilities of which it is capable. Most of these are only available to the Joseon upon reaching adult age.
The most obvious feature is the ability to fly, but the marvel of this is not understood until one realizes that the Joseon unleaden weight is nearly one imperial ton (૯|又又🎗てφ|ሡ厂🎗ሡг_г|_1332_λ🎗又гφገて૯ገɣ🎗又), and can carry over 500 times this weight whilst flying. The Joseon can also secrete venom upon biting a victim, which can fully disable the target within ten seconds (they do not usually do this however, because the secretion of venom is a last-ditch effort at survival and may rupture blood vessels in the jaw and face). A properly fed Joseon can also output 5,000,000,000 volts at 20 amperes for a maximum sustained time of twelve minutes, although anything longer than ten seconds of such an output would be considered highly dangerous to the Joseon, and anything longer than twelve minutes will kill the Joseon unless it is in contact with sufficient electrical ground.
A Joseon also has incredibly powerful jaws, and strong teeth and claws, which make them able to break boulders.
- Diet -
A Joseon is technically omnivorous, however they typically consume meat. There is an almost direct correlation between a Joseon's adult size and what percentage of their diet is meat (That is to say, vegetarian Joseon are often diminutive). A newborn or adolescent Joseon who does not consume at least 20% of their diet as meat usually does not survive.
A growing (newborn or adolescent) Joseon is recommended to eat at least half of its body weight every day, and an adult Joseon is recommended to eat its full body weight every week if it eats at least 50% meat, and twice its body weight every week if it eats less than 50% of its diet as meat. Joseons of different sizes will have different dietary needs, and their bodies will adjust based on what needs are being met (that is to say, a Joseon that undereats will become smaller until the food it eats is enough to satisfy it, and a Joseon that overeats will become larger until the food it eats is not in excess), therefore the above measurements are to maintain the size of a 12 foot tall Joseon (the typical size to which they grow).
An adult Joseon, while needing the above dietary specifications, does not need to eat every day, and often does not.
Unusually, Joseons in captivity may tend towards consuming such things as batteries, or they may lick electrical output ports such as wall sockets or computer USB ports. These will not harm the Joseon, but it would be mindful for anyone in extended contact with a Joseon to be careful with their electronics, as Joseon saliva is highly corrosive to artificial compounds like plastic and steel (on that note, while brief contact with Joseon saliva is not considered hazardous, it is recommended one wash it off within thirty minutes due to this corrosive nature).
- Reproduction -
Joseons can come into being via a variety of ways, listed below in order of likelihood.
1) Joseons can be born of two Joseon parents.
2) Joseons can metamorph (evolve) from any Eevee child of a Joseon and an Eeveelution when exposed to an electric (Thunder) stone.
3) Joseons can metamorph from any female Eevee not born of a Joseon by consuming a pulverized electric stone mixed in 0.1-0.2 molarity hydrochloric acid solution in water.
4) Joseons can metamorph from any female Eevee which is exposed to between 150-200 volts of electricity with a current between 700-900 milliamperes and does not die (in this case the metamorphosis will occur over the course of a week).
5) Joseons can metamorph from any female Jolteon which is exposed (by injection) to an Umbreon's poison and does not die (metamorphosis will occur over the course of a month, during which time the Jolteon will be in a comatose state).
While a Joseon born of two Joseon parents will undergo the development process as described above (in the "General Description" section), one who metamorphs from an Eevee or Jolteon may undergo an expedited process, and will most likely not experience the same mood swings as described above (in the "Disposition" section).
Young adult Joseons often live in a territory alone, although, unlike other territorial species, they often do not necessarily defend their territory from intruders unless they find the intruder to be extraordinarily detestable. Their wings produce an oil which is used to keep the feathers from soaking and becoming unusable when wet, or from separating from each other and ruining the airfoil during flight. This oil is so pungent that most species with the capability of smell (including humans) can smell it when entering a Joseons territory. Joseons will mark their territory by beating or fluffing their wings against trees or bushes in the area, to define it.
Joseons will accept most species as mates, but 60% of them are coupled with other Joseon. If any creature (besides a prey creature, although such a coupling has happened on rare occasion) enters their territory, the Joseon will usually greet it, feed it, and keep it close for at least a day. If the creature does not leave when the Joseon releases it, the Joseon will continue to care for it until they develop romantic feelings (if romantic feelings are not developed, this will continue in perpetuity). The Joseon (the resident Joseon if both are Joseons) will, upon reciprocation, engage in a mock battle with the visitor, and at a random point in time, if the battle goes without injuries, the battle will end, and the Joseon will begin to treat the visitor more as a mate. This relationship is cemented by procreation.
Joseons with mates and/or children will be less willing to allow visitors to their territory, and will usually move them along unless their mate or children continues to welcome them. Joseons are almost always (over 99.99% of the time) faithful to their mates, although non-Joseon mates have less reliable faithfulness. Joseons can become deeply depressed by an unfaithful mate, and will sometimes follow their mate to try and either win them back or join them in their act with another.
Both male and female Joseons can produce offspring from themselves (that is to say, males have uteri as well), so they, most especially male Joseons, do not pay a significant amount of attention to the gender of their mate.
- Location in the wild -
Unfortunately, some portions of this document could not be translated.
Joseon can be found in densely forested areas. In ૯ገሡገ厂सገ, they are mostly found in the south, in 中||厂て_ገ又🎗ገ_|ጉ_सɣɣसሡ|सて_૯|クሡг女,_ገ又|クሡ厂_૯ㄐस૯ገཏ|ɣገሡ厂-⋈|ሡг又🎗ገɣ_гㄐ🎗女_ገ又🎗_ጉ|クሡ厂-てヒገ. On rare occasions, they can also be found in て|クгㄐ🎗又ሡ_又🎗ཏस|ሡて_|ጉ_てг_φ🎗又૯सλገɣ_又🎗ཏस|ሡ-てヒገ. гㄐ🎗又🎗_ገɣて|_ገ又🎗_гㄐ🎗女_ጉ|クሡ厂-てヒገ. If you encounter a Joseon in the wild, you should always be certain to г又🎗ገг_सг_中सгㄐ_又🎗てφ🎗૯г-てヒገ. सг_中सɣɣ_ሡ|г_ㄐク又г_女|ク_クሡɣ🎗てて_女|ク_г又女_г|_ㄐク又г_सг-てヒገ. सሡ_гㄐገг_૯ገて🎗_सг_中सɣɣ_⋈|てг_ɣसヒ🎗ɣ女_ヒसɣɣ_ገሡ厂_厂🎗λ|ク又_女|ク-てヒገ.
- Known members of the species -
Asimo Countach-Cabret
Vincenzo Countach
Kyoto Chessie-Loutromonne
+475 unknown name documented in the wild, +27 unnamed documented in captivity
ሡ|г🎗_ጉ|又_гㄐ🎗_φ又|૯г|又_-_φɣ🎗ገて🎗_厂|_ሡ|г_ገɣɣ|中_ገሡ女_ㄐገ又⋈_г|_૯|⋈🎗_г|_гㄐ🎗_ე|て🎗|ሡ-てヒገ. ე|て🎗|ሡ_सሡ_૯ገφгसλसг女_ገ又🎗_гㄐ🎗又🎗_ገг_中सɣɣ_ገሡ厂_ገ又🎗_🎗xг又🎗⋈🎗ɣ女_φ|中🎗又ጉクɣ_厂ク🎗_г|_гㄐ🎗स又_|φгस⋈ገɣ_厂स🎗г-てヒገ. 厂|_ሡ|г_φ|гㄐ🎗又_гㄐ🎗⋈,_|又_гㄐ🎗女_中सɣɣ_厂🎗λ|ク又_女|ク-てヒገ.
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