Upon arriving at the registration table, Numi sat on Rukhar's head. He didn't really pay attention.
"May I uh... Help you?" The lamia at the desk asked.
"Where do I sign someone up for assassin class?" Rukhar asked.
"Ask Valencia. She's over there." The lamia pointed to a very imposing Valkrie.
Numi saw her and was surprised. "She has wings!" She said in awe.
Rukhar went over to her.
"Hello." She said. "What can I do for you today?"
Numi got off Rukhar's head and onto the desk. It was a process.
"I'm here to get this little one registered for assassin class." Rukhar said.
Numi stealthily crossed the desk.
"What little one, sir?" Valencia asked.
Numi poked her wing. "It's so soft!" She said, petting it.
Valencia noticed. "Oh. This little one?"
Rukhar nodded, unsure of what one was supposed to say in a situation like that.
"Oh course. What's her name?" Valencia asked, very chill about the situation.
"My name's Numi!" Numi said happily, still petting Valencia's wing.
"Age?" Valencia asked.
"14!" Numi said. She rather liked the soft feathers.
Valencia blanked.
"How is she so small if she's 14?" She eventually asked.
"Your guess is as good as mine." Rukhar said. "She's not from this dimension."
"That's a given. But, that also makes as much sense as can be made." Valencia replied. "Anyways..."
Numi looked up at her. "Yeah?"
"I got your medical information from the medical ward. You're all set." Valencia said, patting her. "Now please let go of my wing, you're pulling my feathers."
"Awww..." Numi reluctantly let go. "Ok..."
"I thought Valkries hated anything touching their wings." Rukhar said.
"That's angels you're thinking. Some Valkries don't like it, but I don't mind." Valencia said.
She noticed one of her feathers was loose.
She plucked it. "Here." She said. "Since you like them so much."
Numi's eyes lit up. "Thank you! She said happily. She hugged Valencia, or tried to at least.
"Alright, alright, personal space please ." Valencia smiled. "Go on now. Your first class is in 80 minutes. I marked the location on big guy's headgear.
"The name is Rukhar..." Rukhar said.
"Eh. See you around." Valencia waved as Numi climbed back onto Rukhar's back and the pair departed.
Back at their room, Numi was super excited. "I can't wait to be cool like Kumi is!" She kept saying, running around. Callie eventually picked her up.
"I know you're excited but relax please. If you're too tense the classes are gonna be harder." She said gently.
Numi tried to calm down. It wasn't gonna happen, but she tried.
"Sorry, I'm just super excited!" Numi said, kicking her legs.
Callie put her down onto the bed. The feather Valencia gave her fell out of her coat. "Look what I got today!" She proudly said, picking it up.
"A feather huh?" Callie said. "Where'd you find it?"
"A nice lady gave me it!" Numi said happily, hugging the feather. "It's very soft..."
An alarm Rukhar had set went off.
"We gotta go get your equipment first." He said.
Axel dropped through the ceiling again. Then he fell through the floor, but a box was left on the floor where he dropped.
Numi was still as a statue. She only knew one person who could do that.
Rukhar picked up the box. "To Numi." It read. "Sorry I scared you."
Rukhar gave Numi the box. It was twice as big as she was, at least.
"Wow!" Numi said. Then she read the note. "Aw..." She opened the box with Callie's help and looked inside.
Inside were several things. Her new custom made assassin glove was on top. She took it and put it on.
"Look look! It fits perfectly!" she said.
She flicked her wrist like back in the dojo and a set of modified throwing knives popped out. They were lighter and smaller.
"Looks like Axel made sure it would be perfect for her." Rukhar said, admiring the handiwork.
Meanwhile Numi was digging in the large box still. She found a shiny crystal, colored purple and yellow. She hugged it.
Callie thought she heard Numi whisper "I miss you."
Then Numi returned to the box. There was one last thing in it. A custom made remote controlled helicopter, with grappling hook, lowerable ladder, interior space for one small individual, and a basket platform for holding things. There was also internal controls, which were easy to understand. Numi crawled inside, and found she fit in a little chair in the front.
Callie thought this was the cutest thing.
Then Numi turned the helicopter on. It slowly rose into the air.
"What did I do?" She wondered, looking out. She was 3 feet off the floor.
"Ah!" She said, surprised. But she felt safe in her little helicopter, and rose a bit higher. Then she flew around the room, and managed to not crash into a single wall.
"Wee!" She said, happy.
Rukhar and Callie let her at for a few minutes. Rukhar's alarm was to get Numi her glove, but it was already there. Soon however, a second alarm went off.
"Ok Numi, come down now!" He said. "It's time to go to class for today!"
Numi heard him.
"Ok!" She said. She landed the helicopter. Crash landed, unsurprisingly. But she and the copter were both ok. She crawled out, and Rukhar picked her up.
"Don't get hurt now! Do what the teacher says!" Callie called as the pair left.
"Ok!" Numi said.
Callie lied back down. She was still hurt from the water earlier.
5 minutes later.
Rukhar arrived at the marked classroom. He gently put Numi down. Numi immediately grabbed his leg.
"It's ok. I'll be here all class, don't worry." He smiled reassuringly.
"But scary!" Numi said, nervous now that she had to be away from Rukhar and Callie at the same time.
"No one will hurt you, I promise." Rukhar said. "Class doesn't start for another ten minutes, but I wanted you to try and talk to some of your classmates."
Numi held his leg tighter. "Scary!"
Rukhar sighed. He understood that a lot of the races looked intimidating, but he wanted to find a way to show Numi it was ok. Outside of just calling Rago, he had no ideas.
Several kids were outside. A dragonkin came up to Numi, and she quickly hid behind Rukhar's leg.
"Hello!" He said.
Numi trembled.
"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.
Numi tried to climb up Rukhar's leg. It didn't really work.
"I don't bite..." The kid said, feeling a little sad.
Numi peeked put from behind Rukhar's leg, hearing his saddened tone.
"H-hi." She said, still scared.
The dragonkin kid smiled. "What's your name?" He asked.
"N-Numi." Numi said softly.
"That's a fun name! My name is Blaze." The dragonkin smiled. "I'll see you inside!"
Numi waved timidly after him. Then, another kid came up. A little girl, with her hair in a ponytail.
"Hi!" She said cheerfully.
Numi wasn't scared of her. "Hello!" She replied.
"Is it your first day too?" The girl asked.
"Uh huh." Numi said. "I'm very excited!"
"I'm kinda nervous." The girl said.
"How come?" Numi asked.
"So many people. But I saw you talking to that dragonkin. You're so brave!" The girl said.
"Not really..." Numi said bashfully.
"Oh, I forgot. What's your name?" The girl asked. "My name is Lily."
"My name is Numi!" Numi said. "I like your name. I named one of my toys Lilly too."
"That's funny." Lily said.
"What do you like to do?" Numi asked.
Rukhar smiled. "Bingo." He thought. "Wish it were a nonhuman but still, progress!"
"I like coloring." Lily said. "And I play the clarinet."
"I play the flute, but I lost mine..." Numi said.
"I'm sure you'll find it." Lily smiled. "Then we can play together!"
Numi smiled back. "That sounds fun!"
Rukhar thought again. "Wait till Numi tells this kid her 15th birthday is soon. That'll be a great facial expression. Good thing she's so childish. The teens here can be brutal."
The teacher waved outside. "Come in everyone. Class is starting soon."
"Come on!" Numi said, tugging in Lily's arm.
"O-ok!" Lily followed, nervous.
Outside the room, Rukhar was chilling by himself. Axel appeared right next to him.
"Wassup." He said.
"Dude!" Rukhar was startled. "Don't sneak up on me like that!"
"Just thought I'd drop this. Lily is also new to the dimension, and she's cursed to be small. She's actually 12, but also childish." Axel said. Then he fell through the floor.
Rukhar was left with his thoughts. "Huh. That's neat."
Inside the room...
"So I assume all of you have not done much with knives." The teacher, a vampire elf hybrid, said.
The class shook their heads. Numi was sitting next to Lily.
"As I thought. Now, there's a lot to know about knives before we get to using them. There's also a lot of math involved, but you don't need to worry about that very much until the advanced classes." The teacher said.
A treant boy raised his hand. "Are we gonna throw today?"
The teacher sighed. "If we go smoothly with NO interruptions, we may have time for a few practice throws this class."
The treant put his hand down swiftly.
What followed was an hour of talking about weight distribution, velocity, weak points on different targets, angles of exit, and most importantly, how to catch the knives when you flick your wrist.
"Now everyone," the teacher said. "I want you to try and do what I'm talking about. Catch the knives. You're of no use in combat of you have to stop and pick up every single blade."
The class began. Some kids had more luck than others, namely the dragonkin and treant boys with their thicker fingers with lots of catches.
Numi tried her best. It wasn't working. So she tried something else. She stretched her fingers a little further out, and caught half of the knives. She kept going, catching one or two knives with each try. Eventually, she caught all four. She looked over at Lily to see how she was doing. Lilly couldn't catch the last knife, but got all 3 others each time.
Numi went back to her own knives. She still had issues catching more than two, but she got all four every few tries.
"This is hard..." She said, quietly so the teacher didn't hear her. The teacher was right behind her.
"Miss Numi, it's hard because those are lightweight knives. Here, try this... " She showed the startled Numi a slightly different way and soon enough Numi could frequently catch all 4 knives.
Back at the front of the room, the teacher waited a few more minutes, before speaking up. "Alright. I promised, so here's your target practice. You get to throw all the knives you catch with one flick."
She pulled up a few targets.
"3 at a time now. 3 at a time. Line up in 3 lines." The kids followed her instructions.
Numi was in line with Lily behind her and an energetic demon in front of her. At the front if her line was the Blaze. He caught all four knives and landed all four close to center. In fact, as she looked around, most kids were landing close to center.
After a few minutes, it was the demons turn. He went up, and caught all four knives. His first knife completely missed the target. A few kids laughed. His second knife also missed. The kids laughed harder. The poor demon blushed redder, and tossed his third knife. It hit the edge of the target. Then his last knife hit the other edge. A few kids whispered jeers at him as he went back to his desk sadly. Numi patted him on the back.
"It's ok. You'll get better." She said, mimicking Rukhar. Then she went up.
Her first knife also missed. A few kids laughed again, but Numi ignored them, finding the weight. Her second knife hit close to center. The kids stopped laughing. Then her third knife hit the bullseye. Her last knife almost followed suit.
The kids were silent after that. Then it was Lily's turn only caught three knives, but each one landed very close to center.
She went back to where Numi was after getting her knives back. The pair left the room after a minute, when the teacher dismissed them.
Numi ran up to Rukhar once outside. She hugged him.
"See?" He asked. "They're nice, usually. No one is gonna hurt you."
Numi nodded. "Still a little scary though." She said. Lily walked up behind her.
"Are you friends now?" Rukhar asked.
"Yes!" Numi said happily. She hugged Lily.
Lily blushed a moment. "No one's ever done that before..." She said.
"You don't get hugs?" Numi looked appalled. Then she hugged Lily again. "Everyone should get hugs." Numi said simply.
"But I'm a big kid. I'm 12..." Lily said.
"So what?" Numi asked. "Everyone needs hugs. I'm 14 but my big sisters always hugged me."
"You're so old!" Lily said.
The thought that Lily was oddly small for a human didn't occur. She was happy someone like her was her friend. "You wanna hang out tomorrow?" She asked.
"Maybe." Lily said. "But I still live in the village with my mom and dad. Where do you live?"
Rukhar spoke up. "She lives in my apartment with my girlfriend and I."
"You get to live in here? Lucky." Lily said. "Those order tablets are dreamy..." She drooled a bit.
"I haven't seen them." Numi said.
"You haven't looked." Rukhar patted her head.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow. I have to go home now." Lily said, leaving.
"Bye!" Numi said.
Before Rukhar and Numi could leave, the little demon boy came up to her.
"Thanks for being nice to me..." He said.
"Look at you, so popular." Rukhar joked.
"I-it's nothing." Numi said. "The world needs lots of kindness to go around."
"You're a special person." The demon boy smiled a little. "Everyone around here is so tough and mean."
"What do you mean?" Numi asked.
"You gotta be strong to live in the Lost Realm." The demon boy said. "I gotta go home now too. Bye bye!" He left.
Rukhar picked Numi up. "I don't see anymore fans..." He squeezed her cheeks. "So I think we can go home too. I have class in the morning, so Callie will be with you tomorrow. Ok?"
"Ok." Numi said.
Rukhar returned to his room.
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