Ark 0.5, Chapter 4: The Reaping's Bloodshed.



This cannot continue.

This world is full of impurity.



Corrupt people undeserving of your gift.

Because of this,

History will always repeat itself.

They all deserve death.

Not your protection.

Waste your time not on those that don't deserve it.

But those who truly need protecting from the hatred this world is made from.

THAT is what we are made for Lightbulb.

I'll show them.



Bot shifted on the ground, the pain, and their feelings nullifying in an instant. They didn't feel... Anything. They felt so blank. So dull and lifeless. Their mind having no emotion as a base, and began to question things the average person wouldn't.

They lifted their head up, and looked around at the staring eyes that littered the room. "What happened...?" They asked in a monotone voice, as the wounds on their limbs slowly closed.

Lightbulb looked down nervously to the child at her feet. "Y-you... You got caught in the blast...! A-are you alright?"

Bot stared into Lightbulb's eyes before nodding their head blankly.

Soon after Lightbulb took a step back and ran to the alter, where Knife was. She turned him from his side to his back. "Knife...?!" She whispered worriedly.

Knife groaned and opened his eyes a bit, "y-yeah... I... I think... I-I'm fine..." He muttered, his body burning as if it was still on fire.

Lightbulb helped Knife up, and then directed towards Pickle. Pickle was trying to recover, adrenaline kicked in after the explosion, and he was sitting against the stalagmite Bot had pushed him behind, breathing heavily.

"Are you okay...?!" Knife pushed himself away from Lightbulb, he collapsed immediately onto his knees but managed to get over to him.

"As fine as I could be—b-but you shouldn't be doing that Knife!" Pickle strained, but Knife just held him close.

"You know I'll never listen to that..." Knife chuckled.

"H-hah... You dumbass." He said as he reciprocated the hug that was being given to him.

Bot was standing staring off into space. Their confusion and perception of what was happening slowly twisting and swirling around like mist in the wind.

Many of the students that were once in silent horror are now gossiping, chatting, and are taking excitement at promises freedom that awaited them. Some were also still recovering from the horrors they had just witnessed.

The caretakers began to take a step back and talk amongst themselves. OJ leading the conversation. Some seemed to be upset, others focused.

Lightbulb, Pickle, and Knife also talked amongst themselves. All three of them discussing the unlikely event that just took place. The three of them count their blessings, while Knife and Lightbulb also prepare for a the responsibility the future had in store for them.

Bot stood up and walked to the side. Trying to make sense of what just happened. They didn't understand... What... Why... How...

"Go close the doors..." OJ commanded of one of the Mephones. To which they nodded and walked off with their partner. "And You two, make sure nobody is off to the side..." he commanded.

Paper worriedly took a step back with a defeated nod, and Fan gripped the sides of his arms in discomfort.

Fan took a deep breath. "OJ, they're all just kids... I don't think—!"

"What do you think will happen to the capital of the public found out about what we do here? What is REALLY going on?! It will be like last time. Think of the king. Think of us. Do you want your head on a platter? Or theirs?!" OJ growled in a threatening tone.

Fan was about to protest again, but knew what would happen if he did. And began to round up the other children to the centre of the room along with Paper, both doing it reluctantly.

OJ turned to Mephone4s and pointed at Pickle. They nodded, and walked over to Pickle.

Mephone4s yanked Pickle to his feet despite him being obviously injured.

Knife gasped and tried to grab him back in confusion and panic. "What the—?! What are you doing?!"

Lightbulb stood up too in a panic. "Yeah! What the heck?! You're hurting him!" Lightbulb cried.

Pickle yelped in pain as he was thrown in with the crowd of children being huddled together.

"We're doing what we have to." Mephone4s growled and then walked back to OJ.

OJ looked out over the sea of children. And then looked towards Lightbulb. "Come here." He commanded.

Lightbulb worriedly ran over, her face having an expression of clear concern. "Yes sir...?" She raised an eyebrow.

"As your first direct order as a guardian of us kingdom, and Capital. You are required to kill them." OJ pointed out towards everyone who seemed scared now and distraught.

"WHAT?!" Lightbulb screamed.

Knife stood up through his pain with a look of anger and betrayal. "YOU— YOU CANT JUST KILL THEM! YOU PROMISED US FREEDOM!!!" Knife barked.

"Death is a form of freedom." OJ said in a bitter voice.

"YOU LIED TO US!" Knife shouted in response.

"I never said you'd be free to leave. Just free." OJ jabbed a finger towards Knife. Before turning to Lightbulb. "I only want what's best for the kingdom, all the knowledge they have of what this school is could spread... "False" rumours that could damage the Capitals safety." OJ stated. "Don't you want to protect the people?"

"Don't listen to him Lighty... he's a CORRUPT LIAR." Knife screamed.

Lightbulb took a step back. "I-I can't! I don't even know how to use my powers yet! And I'm not gonna kill people!" Lightbulb had tears falling down her face.

OJ grunted in annoyance before he turned to the Mephones. "We can't use her yet... Take them out yourselves." He spat.

The Mephones drew their weapons. Many people attempted to escape into the crowd. But everyone was so packed close together, and they were surrounded. Lightbulb ran to try and protect them.

"This is for the greater good Lightbulb..." OJ informed with furrowed brows, he then stopped her.

People were screaming. Trying to fight or run, blood splattered and spilled across the stone floors of the room. Kids were stabbed, slashed, and beaten violently with no means of escape. Lightbulb didn't have the strength to hurt anyone. She cried and tried to look away and cover her ears.

Knife watched in horror. He felt a rage deep down building inside him. Manifesting into... Power...

This wasn't fair...


He felt his teeth grind and the orb that formed to bind his cloak together began to glow. His body enveloped in shadow with glowing purple eyes. The mist and concentration of darkness spread as he brute forced his way through his pain. He was angry... Angry everyone was dying. Angry Pickle was hurt. Angry LIGHTBULB wasn't doing anything...

He shoved Lightbulb away from OJ, She yelled and hit her head on a rock, a large rock, her light flickered and signified her electricity had been damaged in someway. She was out cold too.

Knife screamed in rage and a large sword materialized in his hand. It was massive and purple tears were rapidly falling from his face, and destroyed eye.

OJ stumbled back, but Knife slashed at him, glass shattered and fell around the room as he juice began to pour away.

Knife clutched the Claymore in his hands tighter, and kept from the platform. He slashed at a Mephone, killing it and a few other kids in the process. He didn't care anymore. Everyone who worked with that selfish orange prick needed to die in his eyes, despite if there are a few casualties or not. He turned and sliced the arm clean off of another Mephone its pink screen flickered and they stumbled back, only to have Knife knock it over and stab into it.

People were panicking, they were scared— terrified! And couldn't get away as Knife continued to kill everything and everyone that got in his way.

He slashed at Mephone after Mephone... and then turned to Paper. He flinched and stepped away, shaking his head no begging Knife to spare his life. Before Knife managed to swing his sword...

Pickle grabbed his shoulder, he was injured, one of Pickle's eyes had been destroyed by the weapon of a Mephone.

Knife looked and his eyes widened, he immediately grabbed his face and looked to see if he was okay. "D-did I...?!"

"No... N-no it was a Mephone... a-and... I think... I think you've done enough o-okay...? Calm down." Pickle tried to soothe the other boy.

"No— NO! THEY NEED TO DIE PICKLE!" Knife insisted his voice raw and filled with hate.

"Dude... please... P-please we can leave! Let's just leave! The Mephones and OJ are gone! Leave the caretakers be..." He gently pulled the other boy closer to him.

"What about MEPHONE4?! The one who trained us! He's—!"

"Who cares?! We have an opening!" Pickle grabbed his hand. "You'd be hung! The kingdom would have your head if they saw this! We HAVE to leave!" Pickle frowned before dragging him off towards the entrance from which they entered from.

Paper stumbled back and fell into a puddle of blood. Tears streamed down his face. He was horrified. He'd lost his husband... he'd lost the children he cared about... But at least he hadn't lost his life. Even though he probably deserved it. He never wanted this... He just... Wanted to make OJ happy...!

The sea of bodies that littered the once lively room. The cries of those left alive and the screams of the ones gravely injured were horrifying to hear. Many ran out and tried to escape back into the ruins.

Many injured were left behind. Lightbulb would've helped them if she wasn't out cold.

Bot looked out at the blood that painted the stone floors. It should've scared them. But they didn't feel a thing, everything felt so underwhelming, in fact, they didn't understand why they didn't feel anything.

Everything was just... Null...

They walk down the stairs from the steps of the platform. The blood their feet sunk into didn't cause any chills. They walked over the bodies until recognized a familiar face.

It was Goo. He was breathing heavily slowly dying from the blood loss of his eye being skewered exposing a gateway to his bodily tissue. He was rapidly losing blood through his eye, and his body was more purple than blue now due to the blood. They felt like... they should've felt something. But... There wasn't anything.

Bot walked over and looked down into his pleading eye. The only one he had. They looked closely, and felt nothing. No empathy, no pity, no sympathy. Maybe a twinge of confusion. But more of technical confusion, as a question would be rather than an actual emotion.

The know they should do something, right? Would it make sense to stay and help? Or run like the rest? They reach down to help Goo, his cries obvious, and being silenced as blood poured from his mouth.

As soon as Bot touched Goo, he seemed to stop moving as much, and his screaming slowly silenced. Bot felt better physically than they had prior. They try to stop the bleeding but no more than a few moments of touching the boy the life that he was grasping onto had been ripped away.

Bot watched his breathing stop, and the life leave his eyes. They were confused again. How did he die? Why did he die? Why weren't they reacting? Was it the blast? This shouldn't be possible. They just didn't understand. They wanted to know why. To learn. They try to help the ones injured. The ones that stayed behind. They tried to help, but all of them died. They were trying to help, why were they dying?!

They step away. This is all wrong.

The silence was driving them crazy. They didn't know what to do. They just didn't. They backed up and just ran like the rest. Unsure why. Just letting their legs take them somewhere. Far away.


It was a few hours before Lightbulb awoke. Her head was spinning what happened...?! Where was everyone...?! She... Couldn't remember all of it was fuzzy... It was so fuzzy... She remembered... Waking up, and walking down but then—everything goes blank. Her head was pounding and the warm blood sticking to her face was sickening.

Lightbulb lifted her head and looked around, her eyes widened at the sight of things. Everyone was dead...?! How did— how did this happen...?! Where was Paintbrush?! Knife?! Pickle?! Bot?! Nothing was coming back to her. She turned to see OJ, half of his glass scattered around. The last of his orange juice was slowly flowing out onto the floor along with his blood.

Lightbulb rushed over and helped him up. Her head was aching too. She felt blood dripping down the side of her face.

"O-OJ?! Are you okay...?!" She asked in a worried but disoriented tone. Her head was still spinning. "What happened?! Why are you injured—?! Who hurt you?! Why—why is everyone dead...?"

OJ faintly groaned. He was alive...! Lightbulb breathed a sigh of relief.

OJ looked at her. His eyes filled with fear and hate. But he knew what to do. "You... Don't remember?" He asked.

"N-no! I hit my head! All this wacky stuff went down— I think...? I don't remember! Wh—where is everyone?! Why are so of them many dead...?! Why am I not in my uniform...?!" Lightbulb cried.

OJ saw opportunity. "Y-you became a guardian. A-And your brother was so upset that you were more important than him he forced his way onto the alter. We tried to stop him, but he was successful like you. He killed everyone... I'm so sorry..." OJ weakly grabbed her shoulder. His voice strained.

Lightbulb's eyes widened. It was her brother...? Knife did this...?! She was confused, and... Angry. How could he have done this...?

Something isn't right.

That wasn't like him...


"How could he have done that...?" She felt tears form in her eyes. She sat down and began to cry in confusion.

Mephone4 entered through the massive doors with Paper and looked around in horror. Paper saw Lightbulb and OJ and ran to them. Paper kneeled down and checked on OJ who seemed to be doing poorly, but was thankful that he wasn't dead.

Mephone walked over to Lightbulb. "You okay kid?" He asked worriedly.

"Y-yeah... No— maybe? I'm not sure anymore to be honest..." Lightbulb tucked her knees into her chest.

Mephone generated some bandages, and wrapped them around her head wound.

"Mephone, help me lift OJ up please— a-and Lightbulb? Pick up the glass shards that you're able to and meet us up stairs...?" Paper asked politely.

"Okay..." She muttered and began doing the task that was given to her.

As Mephone and Paper helped OJ get back to the academy through the catacombs. OJ then spoke ip in a serious tone.

"Don't tell her what actually happened..." OJ said in a dead serious tone. "She thinks Knife did it. Did everything. Killed everyone... Because of jealousy and anger. Feed into the lie. She will be more loyal to the kingdom that way." OJ commanded of Paper and Mephone.

"What—?! But... What if she finds out on her own?!" Paper cried.

"We can't let that happen. The more control we have over her, the more control we have over the kingdom, and the less likely she is to leave like the last guardians." OJ huffed, his eyebrows furrowed.

Mephone looked angered by OJ's power hungry demeanour, it reminded him of the king. His father. He rolled his eyes with a sigh and nodded.

Paper frowned and then nodded softly. "Alright OJ..."

"Good. This will better our lives... and the King's. He will be excited to hear of this your loyalty won't go unrewarded." OJ smiled weakly as he strained to get up the stairs, even with the help of Paper and Mephone.

As they reach the top they sit down and wait for Lightbulb to arrive. She rushed out of the catacombs shards in hand and then placed them down on the nearest table.

Paper thanked her and then grabbed the glue and began to stick the shard of glass back onto his head which eventually helped stop the bleeding.

Paper and Mephone then helped OJ back to his feet.

"We should be going to the capital. The King will want to know of you Lightbulb." He smiled in a reassuring way.

Lightbulb perked up. "O-oh right...! I got powers h-hahah..." Her head ache grew worse by a small bit. Pieces of what happened were still lost and the rest was too fuzzy to see. She could only remember fear, dread, screaming... it was all so out of reach.

They leave out to the village and to the stable. Mephone walks over to the reserved stalls and lead out two horses and helped OJ onto the first one before climbing on himself. Paper hopped on the other and helped Lightbulb on too. Many saw her and waved some happy and others confused.

That was when their journey to the capital began.


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