-chapter 19-
tbh i was actually prepared to say sorry to jeno but GUESS HE HAD TO DO THAT TO ME FODKNDKSJ
im legit crying so much why wHy WHY
my is my heart so broken because of that jerk. he isnt even a jerk he is a TWO-FACED ASSHOLE!! UGH IM SO ANGRY
i finally stop crying because i ran out of tissue . i seriously dont know why i was crying so much. i was crying over the fact that jeno did to me for 5 mins but i just continued crying for no reason. wtf right ?
i hear footsteps towards my room and see jisung
jisung: noona ~ are you ok ?
jangmi: hehe *sniff* im fine thanks
we just stay frozen for 10 seconds
jangmi: come here !
i open my arms and jisung jumped into my arms. his hugs are so nice gosh
jisung: you know .. although jeno did that shit to you ..
omo jisung sweared •.•
jisung: just remember i am always there for you :)
jangmi: aww~ thank you jisung
jisung: omg that was so cheezy *whisper*
jangmi: hahahha
mhm we are still hugging but we just stopped
jisung: i made ramyeon and kimchi pancakes ! come down to eat !!
jangmi: OOO I WANT TO EAT !!
we rush down together
at school
jangmi and jisung left to go home
how dare that shit face say that to my girl
i glare at him
jeno: ooo im so scared
he said sarcastically
jeno: do you mind leaving im in the middle of something
and he looks back at the girl he was kissing . he was about to kiss her again when i asked him
jihoon: what do you have against jangmi to make you treat her like shit? you made the only person who could help me , confort me and make me happy feel horrible. but you made her heart break into pieces by your words. thanks a lot asshole
jeno just froze
i left the whole scene and went to my class without saying anything else. i hope that son of a bitch realised what he did.
after eating i took my phone and looked through my instagram. i was just browsing through until i saw a post on jeno's account. the caption was, "with my one and only love, jinsol 😘😘"
wow he is such a playboy !! eww
jisung: umm.. noona ?
i look up from my phone
jangmi: ye ?
jisung: can i go see my friends ??
jangmi: aren't they at school ??
jisung: they skipped school today
jangmi: wow ok . you can go meet your-
jeno is in that group but is at school ?
jangmi: jeno is in your group of friends isn't he? he is at school how is he going to go meet all of you ?
jisung: he skipped his afternoon classes
jangmi: oh ..
jisung: to be honest i don't want to see him after what he said to you. i'm still angry at him ! but the rest invited him because i haven't told them yet.
jangmi: oh .. well have fun then
jisung: thanks noona !!
he rushed to the door but suddenly stopped and turned around
jisung: try to cheer up while i'm gone ok?
i nod and he leaves the house. i look back at my phone and look through social media
i meet my hyungs at the cafe we go to most often. i thought i was early but everyone else was there already. execpt jeno though. i greeted all my hyungs and ordered what i wanted.
taeyong: jisung ! how's jangmi??
jisung: she was crying a lot today .. she was soooo heart broken
nct: what ?? why ??
jeno: hey guys ! what you talking about ??
he has the guts to come
jaemin: jangmi was crying today ! apparently she was heartbroken by someone!! jisung !! you have to tell us more !! once we find out who broke her heart we are going to KILL HIM!! or her but thats highly impossible..
i glare at jeno and look back at nct. i saw fear in jeno's eyes. HAAHAH
i can make this so frightening for him MUHAHAHA
jisung: you might or might not be surprised. do you think your gonna be surprised.. jeno ?
jeno quickly turns his head to me.
jeno: h-huh w-what ahh n-no i won't
i chuckle
jisung: so yall will really kill the person ??
nct except jeno: YES
i smirk at jeno and look back.
jisung: it's-
doyoung: jeno.. isn't it ?
jisung: how did you know hyung? i wanted to say it !
nct: WHAT ??!! JENO??!!
they all glare at jeno.
jaehyun: what did you do to jangmi, jeno ??
jeno: n-nothing-
jisung: he called jangmi a slutty bitch
all of them stood up immediately.
taeyong: lets go to my house shall we ?
jeno: oh shit
nct except jeno: let's go
hewo i am actually updating regularly (hehe regular) hope you like this chapter !! try to bare with me through this ff :)
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