"Tell me that wasn't really you," he growled into Draco's face, "tell me you didn't kill her."
Draco was dumbstruck. Not to mention in the desperate need of taking a full breath, "It wasn't me." He choked out, "can't- can't breathe."
"Don't lie to me," Theodore said, his voice dangerously low.
"Let him go," Hermione said, trying her best not to sound scared, "let him go, Nott."
"No," Theodore said, Draco tapped helplessly at Theodore's arm, begging him to let go. Draco's wand had fallen out of reach.
"Let go now!" Harry said, the command in his voice very audible.
"You really think I'd do that?" Draco managed to gasp out, "I loved her just as much as you, I would never."
"You clearly didn't read the article," Theodore let him go with a scoff.
Draco hadn't read the article
He'd seen the headlines and lost his bearings.
"It said you were spotted near her house minutes before the incident," Potter clarified at the perplexed look on Draco's face.
Draco's breathing became laboured. To know that the last face she had seen before she had been killed had been his, to know that she had died thinking he had killed her, was devastating. Draco reached for his throat, wishing that Theodore's hold were on it once more so that this time he may actually die.
"No," he breathed.
Hermione's hand was over her mouth, she was having difficulty holding back sobs. Potter looked on solemnly.
"Swear to me," Theodore said, his eyes red rimmed, "swear to me it wasn't you."
"I swear," Draco beseeched him, "I swear it wasn't me, I could never do that."
"Fine," Theodore turned away, "you're still a git for running away. We were worried."
Draco felt very small.
"Theo," he said without really wanting to, "I'm sorry."
"You'd better be," Theo came forward to embrace him, patting him brusquely on his back, "don't ever do that again."
Draco patted him back, then let go. Theo sniffled, and cracked a small smile. Hermione and Harry had moved to the other side of the kitchen to give them some space.
"You and Granger, eh?" Theodore asked in a voice near a whisper, so that only Draco could hear.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Draco shook his head, but couldn't help smiling.
"I can see it," Theodore said solemnly, "you both, you're- you fit."
"She's mad at me," Draco rubbed the back of his neck.
"Well, go apologise and get her back," Theodore said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"I will," Draco said, looking Theodore full in the eyes. He really had missed his old friends.
"I have to be off now," Theodore announced. He fastened his cloak around his neck.
"Take care, mate," Harry said, patting him lightly on his back. Hermione offered him a small smile. With one last glance at Draco, Theodore turned on the spot and vanished.
Draco felt light, like some of the weight had been lifted from his shoulders. A part of the boulder of guilt had been broken off. It felt great.
"There's some treacle tart left," Potter opened the smaller than usual refrigerator, and took out a plate of some gooey, mushy blocks of what Draco assumed was tart.
"No, I'm not that hungry," Hermione said, and Draco had to bite back a laugh. He was in considerably better spirits. Hermione cleared her throat, "but Draco would like to try it. He loves treacle tart, don't you Draco?"
His laughter died instantly and he glared at her, "Actually-"
"Wonderful. Harry, give him a little bit," Hermione said, smirking. Potter was more than glad to dish out a generous serving.
"Really, Potter, it's not necessary," Draco began.
"It's rude to turn food down," Hermione said, examining her fingernails.
Draco glared at her again and accepted the plate, albeit grudgingly. He looked apprehensively at the sticky mess in front of him, and slowly lifted the spoon. He tried to cut a piece off, but the spoon stuck and wouldn't come off the plate again.
After a few minutes of fruitless trying, he gave up. He vanished it when nobody was looking and placed the plate back on the centre of the table, "It was good, but I can't have any more."
Potter flashed him a grin, "Wait till Ginny hears that."
Hermione sent him a sideways glance, clearly trying not to laugh.
"So, begin explaining," Potter sat down opposite Hermione and clasped his hands over the table.
When he was serious and wasn't joking around, his presence did seem pretty regal. Draco himself felt a little smaller than usual under Potter's scrutinising yet kind gaze.
"So, you remember the attack on Gringotts?" Hermione began, "People said it was Draco."
"Clear as day, gave me a bloody headache with all the work," Potter said, summoning himself a glass of water.
"It wasn't him," Hermione said, getting straight to the point as always, "he ran when they ordered the search because he knew there was no chance the Ministry would let him explain. Somehow, I don't know why or how, he came to live in the same apartment as me, as Carson. It wasn't polyjuice, it was concealment and modifying charms. He's rather good at those. Well, I found out about him one night, and he told me everything. So I decided to help him. We didn't call the Ministry because we knew they wouldn't give a rat's arse about what Draco had to say. We figured out a way to track the impersonator down, but by the time we could execute it, Ron had to step in. We escaped, and stayed for the past few days at a place I found. We saw the newspaper reports. They're spewing nonsense, Harry."
"I know," Harry said, "did you see the -?"
"Yes, let's not discuss it," Hermione said hastily, wanting to avoid that morning's front page picture from conversation "it's Rena Podmore. We tracked her to her house. And we're sure that there are several more under her. They're using polyjuice to turn into people and do things to appease the reporters and keep the focus away from any actual happenings. Draco and me are sure that Kingsley is Imperiused. And we think the Bodes may have something to do with this too."
"I knew that Rena was a bitch," Harry said, his voice turning into a growl in the end, "Francis Bode works at the Prophet."
"Good, it's all coming together," Draco said, causing Potter to glance his way, "the house elf at Malfoy Manor is in with them. Her name is Tibby."
"As long as she's at the Manor they have a way to get inside," Harry said, "your parents aren't safe. They are our first priority."
"So we get Tibby first," Hermione said, "then call the others out."
"How are you sure they're using polyjuice?" Harry asked Hermione.
"I went to the apothecary yesterday," Hermione said, and Draco felt a pang of guilt, "I snuck into their records. Podmore has been taking out large quantities of boomslang skin and lacewing flies and the other ingredients on the third of every month. She seems very dimwitted, she bought them with her own name."
"She is." Draco added unhelpfully.
"Do you know how to free someone of the imperius curse?" Harry asked earnestly. He was getting excited and it was only a matter of time before he began running around and gathering things to start planning.
"A simple counter spell could be tried," Hermione said, "but I'm not sure."
"I'll read up," Draco offered, "I know a good deal about it. It shouldn't be hard, the general counter spell usually works."
He averted his eyes from Harry's, unable to hold his gaze. What he had done to Katie Bell and Madame Rosmerta was still fresh in his mind. Usually he did everything in his power to avoid those topics, but today was different.
"Great," Harry said, not coldly, but not sounding enthusiastic or convinced either, "Ginny should be back in the evening."
"Alright," Hermione nodded.
"'Mione?" Harry added as an afterthought, sounding hesitant, "Ron's going to be here."
Draco tensed and glanced sideways at Hermione. She was looking down at her hands with her jaw clenched. Draco was tempted to reach out and hold her, but after what had happened, he doubted the action would be welcome.
"When?" She asked after a few seconds of profound silence.
"He's coming with Ginny," Harry said as clarification, "if you want, I can-"
"No, it's fine," she said, waving his concern away, "I'd like to see his sorry face."
"You know that if he does anything even remotely bad to you," Harry said solemnly, his eyebrows raised, "I'll kill him."
"Thank you, but I can take care of myself," Hermione smiled. Harry nodded and stood.
"You guys can wash up. The restroom's next to the guest room on the upper floor," Harry said.
"Thank you," Hermione said again. She stood, and Draco followed her lead, feeling extremely out of place. He had been mostly silent, because he didn't know what to say to the man who had until recently been his sworn enemy. Their enmity felt childish now, really. They'd been through an entire war. Grudges didn't seem important anymore.
Clearly, not everyone felt that way.
They climbed the stairs to the second floor, and walked down a short hallway to the end. Hermione was in front of him. She turned abruptly, and Draco nearly walked into her.
"A little warning, next time," he muttered.
"I forgive you."
His head snapped up, and he regretted it because it made him look like an eager child. Not that he wasn't eager to be forgiven, but he didn't want to seem clingy.
"You do?" he asked cautiously.
"Yes," she said without hesitation, "I don't want to spend the time we spend together trying to ignore you or you ignoring me."
He pursed his lips and nodded.
"You do trust me, don't you?" Hermione asked, as though looking for surety, "You said you do.''
"I do," he said firmly, "at that time, my insecurities got the best of me. I swear it won't happen again."
"I hope there isn't any other occasion like that," she offered him a small smile.
He realised how close they were standing. Would it really be wrong of he were to lean in for a kiss? Merlin knows he wanted it. He opened his mouth and closed it again, unsure. It wouldn't be right, he decided. She was emotionally vulnerable at the moment, and it would be wrong to take advantage of it.
"See you in a bit," she said, conjuring a towel and turning to the bathroom door.
He stood for a while after she had disappeared through the door, in a daze.
"Malfoy, if you want there's more treacle tart, I can get you a-"
"No!" he hastily tried to cover up his sudden shout of surprise, "I mean, no, I'm not hungry. Thank you, anyways."
Draco breathed a sigh of relief when Harry's steps faded away from near the foot of the stairs. He'd do anything, but he'd never have his treacle tart again. Never.
Assuming the door to the right was the guest room, he turned the door knob. The cleanliness and discipline in the room was a godsend. He gratefully sank onto the mattress. There was a warming charm on it, and his muscles relaxed. Harry's Firebolt stood in one corner, with a box of broom supplies. Another broom, probably the Weaslette's, stood next to it, with its own box of supplies. A Holyhead Harpies uniform was draped over the edge of the dressing mirror, along with a chaser badge. A shelf that covered half of the wall opposite the door was full of books.
It wasn't much, but he assumed it was comfortable. Atleast it wasn't The Frog on a Bike.
Merlin, he would never go back there again.
Everything about that place was filthy. Even the people's thoughts.
He waited for precisely eight minutes and fifty three seconds before Hermione walked through the door. She was clad in the towel she had conjured, and ducked her head when she entered.
"What is it with us seeing each other in bathtowels?" Draco asked, tugging at her sopping wet hair as he walked past.
"When you say it like that, it sounds as though you like when it happens," she shot back, smirking.
"You are a disgusting minded person, I'll tell you that," he frowned at her. She reached up and prodded a finger between his creased eyebrows, and he unknitted them.
"You frown too much," she said, turning away, "try smiling for a change."
"Very funny," he was feeling inexplicably flustered and was eager to get out of there. He shut the door before she could say anything else and headed to the bathroom.
It took him a while to figure out how the shower worked. After turning the knob this way and that, he finally realised that he had to lift it, not turn it. The warm water was welcome. He flexed his muscles and rinsed his hair out, it had been a while since he had had the privilege of a warm shower. There hadn't been a water heater at The Frog On a Bike. According to Henry, it was 'busted'.
Draco took his own sweet time. Perhaps it was rude to hog in someone else's house, but he didn't care. All he cared about was the availability of warm water.
When his whims had been satisfied, he stepped out and cast a quick drying charm on himself.
Hermione wasn't in the room when he opened the door. Thank Merlin. He dressed as speedily as he could and headed down the stairs. He heard Hermione and Harry's voice from the kitchen.
He didn't mean to eavesdrop. He just thought the wallpaper near the stairs was so interesting. The flower patterns were very exquisite.
"But, Hermione, the others-"
"It doesn't matter what others think, Harry."
"So….whatever I say won't change your mind?"
"You're happy with him?"
"Gosh Harry, I'm not with him."
"You're as good as."
"I like him."
"And he likes you, I can tell."
"Stop it…"
"I'm happy for you, honestly, I am. But just…if he does anything, anything, to hurt you, even you won't be able to stop me from hexing him to before Merlin's time."
"I can do it myself too, but thanks. I trust him, Harry, he won't hurt me knowingly. If you trust my judgement as much as you say you do, then you should trust him too."
"Just because you say so. I'll be nice."
"Thank you."
Draco couldn't help the smile that grew on his face. After a few seconds of fumbling with his shirt so that his entrance wouldn't seem staged, he entered the kitchen.
"Didn't Mummy ever tell you that it's rude to eavesdrop, Malfoy?"
Draco was shocked still, "I wasn't- it wasn't-"
"Relax I'm only joking," Harry said, shaking his head.
"Oh, you're out," Hermione said. She was sat atop the counter, thumbing through a cooking manual.
"Yes," he said stupidly. He took a seat on one of the kitchen chairs.
Harry was walking around, setting the teapot on, and charming some dishes to clean themselves. He looked deep in thought. Draco had begun to feel uncomfortable, but Harry spun around and walked to stand in front of Draco. He stuck a hand out.
"I've decided to be civil to you," he spoke solemnly, "just because she's asked me to."
"Love the enthusiasm, Potter," Draco drawled, giving Harry's hand a firm shake.
"Why's this page charred?" Hermione saud, turning the book around so that they could see it. The page that said 'Flaming Pudding' had char marks on the right side.
"Well," Harry rubbed the back of his neck, "I tried it out, nearly set the kitchen on fire, that's all you need to know."
Draco snorted, but quickly covered it with a violent coughing fit. Hermione glanced at him, trying hard not to laugh herself. Harry glared at both of them.
"You could atleast fix it," Hermione said, "you're a wizard, Harry."
"Ginny thought it will act as a good reminder for me the next time I try not to listen to her instructions while cooking," Harry grinned sheepishly.
"Brilliant," Hermione said. She placed the book back on the shelf she had procured it from. As she did so, her footing slipped. She had turned too much. Draco watched in horror as she slipped off the counter and into the floor, her eyes widening in the split second realisation that she had. She landed on the floor with a loud 'thump' on her backside.
Draco was beside her in an instant, "Are you stupid?"
She was gingerly rubbing a spot on her head where she had hit the edge of the chair, "I'm fine, thanks for asking."
"You're stupid," Draco repeated. He slipped an arm around her and helped her stand. Her knees were wobbly from the fall.
"No offense, but that was rather funny," Harry said, slapping his knee as he guffawed heartily. Hermione glared at him.
"You guys are supposed to be my friends," she muttered, still rubbing her head.
"That's why we're laughing," Harry managed to say between his laughter. Draco himself was cracking up.
"Very funny!" Hermione slapped his arm, "Stop it! Both of you!"
"Alright, alright," Harry moved out of the way of the tea cosy she threw at him, "I'll stop."
"You'd better," she stuck her chin out defiantly and narrowed her eyes, "gits."
"Hey, I helped you up," Draco said, trying to defend himself.
"Still a git," Hermione smiled sweetly up at him. He made a face at her before returning to his seat. Harry had been carefully observing him, and Draco looked him right back in the eye. Eventually, Harry looked away.
They spent their time till evening going over the things they had to take care of. Hermione also cast some extra protection wards around the house, just as precautionary measures. When the clock hands were nearing half past five, they heard the crack of apparition from the sitting room. Two sets of footsteps came towards the kitchen.
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