[Their cheerleading uniform is blood red not blue, just like on the picture]
Right when Hayley, Klaus and Elijah came back from their small outing to catch sight of Nova with their own eyes, they tried to come up with a plan to talk to her or get into contact with her.
What made Rebekah to have a really bad idea.
"to be honest, it's a bad idea, no offense aunt Bekah", Hope started to argue with her family again about the whole situation they planned.
Their plan was to send Davina to the try outs for the cheerleading team, that will take place tomorrow at the gym of the high school. Hope refused to do it, because she saw the hate in her twin sister's eyes. She wanted to kill her right there in front of everyone for the things that were for Hope still unknown.
Klaus sighed and looked up from his book.
"I know, sweetheart, but we have to do something about the situation", Hayley said motherly, while she sat down next to her.
"She left without saying anything, we are her family, Hope", Klaus reasoned with her and stood up from his desk.
"At least we should get an explanation from her", Rebekah argued back but meant it nicely.
"What if little Nova had a good reason to leave, if you didn't notice, this family is fucked up since the very first day of us becoming vampires", Kol greeted his family in his way, while making his way to the bookshelf, because Freya needed a special book.
All five of them gave him a weird glance and just continued talking.
"You had to say that, brother", Hope heard her uncle, Elijah, say and started to lose the desire to listen into the conversation.
Davina let out a slow controlled breath and attempted to loosen her body movements. She was walking like a guard from the Buckingham palace and that was no way to be in this high school. She gave her shoulders a wiggle and lolled her head in a circle, let her stride slacken to a more casual pace.
It was a decent effort, enough to fool the casual observer, but for the onlooker with a keen eye she was a walking advert for tension. Her eyes moved with the alertness that comes from heavy stress and her hands remained clenched by subconscious demand.
"Calm down, Davina, nothing bad will happen, she can't kill you in front of so many people", Kol tried to calm her down and held her into place by laying both of his hands on her shoulders.
Rebekah on the other hand rolled her eyes at his comment and pushed herself away from the wall she was leaning against.
It was the next day right before Davina had to try out, Rebekah and Kol went with them to school, since they both still looked like teenagers, so they could look after Davina, if something is going to happen again. Not that the last time was the worst case scenario, but just for the safety for everyone. After all they didn't know how powerful Nova was.
They were also here to see their niece with their own two eyes after almost three years of disappearance.
"Nothing will happen, we're here, plus you were a cheerleader back then, it can't be that bad", Rebekah cold Davina's anxiety off and stood right next to her brother.
Hope was only watching them from afar. She wished to have a bond like Rebekah and Kol with Nova one day.
They were always there for each other, whatever it was, wherever they were, even when they couldn't see each other for almost ten years because of the hollow inside of them, they were still there for each other. Which you couldn't say about the bond between the twins, if they even had one.
"Yes, how you said, back then. Before I met Marcel, before I used witchcraft and before I died. It's almost twenty years ago", Davina started to worry again, but it couldn't get much worse, because she was called in by a random cheerleader.
While Davina followed the cheerleader, who was calming her down by telling her the team was very nice, the three Mikaelson sat down at the very back watching the reaction of the cheerleader captain, who is Nova.
Nova was already starting to cross all the girls who hadn't got it in themselves away, some of them needed some more practice, but it would work eventually.
As an anxious Davina walked in and stood in the middle of the gym, Nova stopped writing and already could sort out who's scent it was.
She tried her best not to react to it for the sake of the pack. They didn't needed her past problems at the moment, because Nova closed up that part of her life.
She didn't wanted Scott to worry any more, than he already does, just like the rest of the pack.
"Davina Claire, how can I help you?", Nova questioned her with a cold hearted voice and didn't say Davina's new last name on purpose.
"I-", Davina started to say but forgot how to communicate normally and was playing with her hands nervously.
"We don't have enough time for someone who is too shy to even talk, we have a way too strict schedule, since the lacrosse team has a game against Devenford prep today and we have to be there as their support", Nova told her strictly, not even letting Davina talk.
"So talk now or leave and let us continue with our work"
In the back, Rebekah and Kol sat there with open mouths not believing what just came out of their niece's innocent mouth, Hope on the other hand was by now used to it.
"I told you so", she whispered over to them.
After Davina jumped over her own shadow and started to talk, she concentrated on the music, so she wouldn't make any mistake.
Nova was already done by the show Hope's family was making, that she doesn't even consider as hers anymore, and just wanted to leave and spent time with her actually family.
As Davina's performance came to an end, the whole gym was silent, waiting for Nova's decision on the perfomance.
"You have to work on your landing, your arms should be stretched out more in some movements, also lose the nervosity, because that makes your performance godawful to watch", Nova started to fish out the negative points in Davina's performance.
"But all in one, it was a better performance than some of those fives", she finally said and added, "the game starts at 6 pm, we will perform right when it will start and then when they will have a break, don't be late, it will be your second attempt, if you screw that up, you're out for good".
Davina and just like everyone else were shocked at Nova's reaction, but took it how it was before making it worse.
Amal was surprised how good Nova reacted to all members of her family, Davina included. But then she noticed why, Scott was nearby the whole time whispering honeyed words to her, when he heard her heart started to skip faster and she began to become angrier the more she felt the presence of her family.
Only closed ones knew that Nova's anchor was Scott since day one, maybe day two, well the message is clear. Since the day it was clear that Allison and Scott wouldn't get together again, he realized that Nova being his anchor wasn't meant as a friendly way, but more romantically.
Right outside of the gym Scott was standing there together with Isaac waiting for their girlfriends to come out. As Nova saw his worried face she didn't let him ask her any questions, but let herself fall into his arms, which he respond by holding her tightly.
It took her a few minutes until she was feeling a little bit better. Even though her head was telling her to run as far as she could, her heart was telling her to stay with her mate.
Nova was feeling sick to her stomach, most of the times it didn't meant she is ill or she is going to get sick, it meant something bad is going to happen today and since a lot of supernatural creatures are getting assassinated by a lot of professionals and there is still three lists out there, it meant someone is going to die today if she isn't going to do anything against it.
But for now, Nova had to wait for her uncle to come and get her, since the school refused to let a 'ill' girl walk around the town and most likely fall unconscious on the way home.
Still in her cheerleader outfit, she sat down on the staircase in the hallway and let Deaton know about the forecast she's getting throughout the whole morning.
Just when she was about to send a text message to Argent, she heard someone call out for her name.
"How can I help you?", Nova asked in a flat voice, not even looking up from her phone to see the person who was calling her name out loud.
"Can I, or maybe, can we talk to you?", Rebekah tried it out and used her 'aunt' voice that she only used on Hope until now.
Still not looking up from her phone, Nova started to become sarcastic.
"Oh, wow, I feel honored that you found the time to talk to me after 17 years of living, instead to Hope."
"Excuse me?", Rebekah asked in a surprised voice, not believing what she said a second ago after missing for almost three years.
Nova rolled her eyes and stood up, to be in a perfect eye to eye position with Rebekah.
"Oh no, you heard me right. When did the sudden change of mind happen? Huh? After I left? After you found me three years later? Or now?", Nova asked her, now giving Rebekah her full attention. With every question she asked, she took a step forward, letting Rebekah see her rage better and better by every second.
"Or even worse, it never happened at all", Nova whispered over to her, now standing only minimum three steps away from her.
Rebekah felt Nova's breathing in her face, making her feel uncomfortable, she could smell her rage towards her, disappointment also included.
"And you should come out from your hiding place.", Nova was referring to Kol, who was listening to the conversation the whole time.
Both of them were way too speechless to react to it, so Nova continued with her hatred towards the Mikaelson's sudden appearance in Beacon Hills.
"You really think I want to talk to you after everything you have done to me? Isn't me missing for years and not wanting to get tracked down sign enough for you? And suddenly you care about me? Really-"
She was about to continue, but was interrupted by her uncle, who was like a father to her.
"Nova, that is enough! Wait in the car for me"
Nova rolled her eyes but listened to him, making her way to the car.
After coach Finstock did a big speech about tonight's game with the lacrosse team as well as their cheerleader team, Nova instantly grabbed her phone to dial Alice number.
"What should I do again?", Alice asked her frustrated again.
After Stiles, Nova and Derek left the police station and drove over to Scott, there were some weird moments thanks to Mr. McCall, and Kate also made an surprised entrance. She took Derek with her, because he knew her back then as, well, someone nice.
But luckily he came back to Nova, because he trusted her more than Kate, surprisingly. Nova took him to her house and brought him back to his normal self, the only difference was he was weaker from the transformation. Since then he's staying over at their house and Alice, Finn and Chris were trying to fix him up until the game was over.
"Burn white sage, but only use it in the room you are staying in, also use a red and a brown candle, but the red candle's burning time is only a hour.", Nova answered her question and gave her instructions to follow.
"Uh, and I probably have somewhere in my room a necklace with an druzy shaped onyx crystal hanging on it, give it to him", she added to her instructions and asked more questions about his state, still worrying about the whole situation.
"McCall, Chatwin, get over here", Coach screamed the captain's names of the lacrosse and cheerleader team.
"A little bit faster, a man ain't got time for some teenage dramas"
Nova said her goodbye to Alice and wished her good luck.
"How can I help you, Coach Finstock?", Nova asked him, not forgetting her famous smile, as she approached him with Scott on her side.
As Davina saw Nova and her friends were all busy, she sneaked out of the changing room searching for Hope and the others.
She found them in the parking lot waiting for the newly cheerleader for telling them where to go.
"Do you have an uneasy feeling? Like someone is going to do something?", Hope asked Davina feeling watched, but tried to wash it off, so her parents won't worry about her.
"Uh, no? Maybe that's why Nova wasn't feeling good today", Davina whispered over to her, but they all forgot about the conversation when they walked into the school watching how everyone was making space for the one and only Nova Chatwin and, how everyone are calling her cheerleader followers, her minions.
She looked so confident and happy, giving everyone she glanced into their eyes a full-blown smile and waving at them, making them feel special.
Randomly Hope felt a burst of sadness after remembering what Rebekah and Kol told them what Nova and Finn said. They wanted to be left alone, continue to live their life in 'peace', without the rest of the Mikaelson family.
"We should go to our seats, before it will start", Freya told them and was on her way out with her siblings following her.
Hope on the other side wasn't moving away, staying there as if she was rooted to the floor.
"We have to go sweetheart", Hayley whispered softly to her daughter and laid her hand on her right arm.
While the Mikaelson family was waiting for the game to start, the McCall pack was worrying about the killer that was going to play with them.
"Chatwin your turn, come on, the people still want to see the game today", Coach Finstock said and was holding the microphone for her.
"I'll be there soon, give me five minutes", Nova replied to him, but only got an annoyed huffing back.
"Ok, then two minutes, jeez", she corrected herself and rolled her eyes, laughing at Coach's reaction.
Nova and Scott had a ritual for before the game started and they did it since they came together, she always ran over to her boyfriend to wish him luck, give him a good luck kiss and warned him not to get himself hurt on the field, like now, but this time it was more than just lacrosse.
"V, shouldn't you be out there?", Scott questioned her confused and took off his helmet, so she could see him clearly.
Nova was waiting until all the players were outside till she could answer him or do anything else.
"Well, I wanted to give you your good luck kiss, silly", Nova answered him and gave him a soft kiss, forgetting that she had red lipstick on her lips and leaving an imprint on his cheeks.
"Let me guess, you left an imprint?", Scott joked and smiled brightly.
"Maybe", she teased him, giggling like a child, gazing around the hallway, except at him.
It was one of those small moments, that nobody cared about, that made him fall more and more in love with her. If people only saw this side of her daily like he did, then everyone would love her even more than they do now.
Wordless, he grabbed Nova by her waist to move her towards himself and kissed her passionately. As he broke off the kiss and took a step back, he smiled brightly, even though he was smeared with Nova's lipstick.
Nova was still smiling but not as bright as before, because she remembered what they had to face against. Killers who get million of dollars for killing them. Killing innocent people, who have done nothing but lived.
"Be safe, please. And look after Liam, I don't want anything to happen to him or you", Nova sighed, playing with his back hair, since her arms are still around his neck.
"I promise I always am and will be safe", he said, clearly wanting her not to worry about him or his beta.
"I, uh, maybe heard what you said earlier to the new girl's aunt and uncle", Scott confessed to her, changing the subject and was looking for any sign of reaction, since he knew she doesn't like to consider them as her family.
"I told you I was in the mood for some hell-raising", Nova only joked with it and didn't took it serious.
"No, serious now. How do you feel?", he asked her serious.
"I never felt better, you don't have to worry about me, pretty boy"
The stadium stands were full of people cheering up their children, friends or favourite lacrosse team, from both teams. Everyone was having a good time, even the Mikaelson family, who never saw a lacrosse team, but through everyone's good vibes, they started to like it too.
The lacrosse and the cheerleading team was making themselves ready, while Nova was walking over to the middle of the lacrosse field, so everyone could see her, with a microphone.
"Hello beloved Beacon Hills residents, I'm Nova Chatwin, your cheerleader captain and elected student body president, welcoming you to the very first game against Devenford prep private school", Nova started off her speech with her bright smile, welcoming everyone with good vibes, though she knew Hope and the others were under the cheering people.
"But before the game starts, I'm welcoming the cheerleading team, who are going to perform something small and welcome all the hot players", Nova gushed and added to her welcoming speech.
"Beside the captain of the Beacon Hills High lacrosse team, he's taking", she joked and pointed to herself, making the crowd laugh.
Through her vampire side she heard Scott say that he loved her, what she whispered back and winked to his way.
With that she ended her speech and gave Coach the microphone back, in order to perform with the cheerleading team.
The cheerleaders ran into the field and started to perform, while the crowd was cheering for them and the players of both teams, who were running into the field.
Klaus sighed and tried to hide his sadness, though his brother, Elijah, knew how he felt. Throughout the 1000 years he memorized everything his brother did when he felt a specific emotion.
"I know you want to talk to her, but what will you tell her? How will you react if she isn't reacting the way you want it to be?", Elijah asked him and looked him deep in the eyes.
Klaus kept his eyes focused on his second daughter, he still didn't figure out the reason for her leaving and not reaching out for her parents or anyone.
"I don't know"
"You saw how it went down when Davina and Hope tried to talk to her and it was even worse with Kol and Rebekah", Elijah tried to reason with him, but Klaus was too stubborn, he always got to have the last word.
"You are both hot tempered, so it won't go well, Klaus", Rebekah tuned in as well and tried to warn him, but was interrupted by a banshee scream.
When all three of them turned around to try to examine what happened, they saw a Devenford prep player on the ground and players standing all around him.
Klaus used his vampire hearing to know where Nova was or if something happened to her, as he heard her voice, the voice of her boyfriend and best friend with the weird name, he understood what was happening.
"Wait, I thought they wanted to kill Liam", Stiles said confused.
"Who is it?", her boyfriend's voice came up.
"Brett Talbot, he's the one who was making fun of Liam earlier, he's also a werewolf. He got stabbed by one of the killers with a different kind of wolfsbane, what can kill him painfully in the next half hour", Nova informed them.
The boys didn't question her knowledge, as she always did her homework about certain.
Since Hope was standing right next to Klaus and his siblings and she was alright, he speeded away into the school were the hallway was still empty.
At the same time the whole pack was looking for the hurt beta. Nova, Scott and Liam were running into the changing room when they found him laying on the ground trying to get up.
"What are we going to do?", Liam gasped as he was taking Brett's pain away.
"Get him to Deaton's vet, because he knows how to heal him, also we should call my uncle and Derek to help out", she answered him with a clear plan.
But the plan was interrupted by Violet, Nova's so called best friend, because she attempted to strangle Scott with a thermal wire, but thanks to Scott's reflexes he got his hands between him and the wire, before it could cut through him.
As Nova was about to help Scott out, Klaus was faster, took the wire away from Scott and slammed Violet against the wall. He was about to snap her neck yet he was stopped by Nova.
Suddenly everyone was out of the changing room beside Nova and her father, who she doesn't consider as her father anymore.
For the first time in years Klaus was standing right in front of his missing daughter, who changed dramatically, and he didn't know what to say. He made up so many conversations in his head if he ever saw her again, but now he didn't know what to say and could only stare at her.
Nova on the other hand was feeling a lot of different emotions at once. Her father didn't change even a little bit since she left but then again he's a hybrid.
After Stiles came in and helped Liam and Scott to get Brett into Stiles jeep, Scott ran back into the changing room to get Nova.
However he noticed in what scenario she was in, because the guy, who saved him, had similarities with Nova and, since her family is in town, he thought maybe it was her father.
"Nova?", he called her name out, but didn't get any reaction, so he called her name out louder again, but this time he laid his hand on her arm and glowed his red alpha eyes at her for a quick second.
She broke off of her trance, just like Klaus, and she gave her boyfriend a confused look.
As Klaus didn't know what to do or say, he looked at her one last time before he speeded away from the school.
"Who was that?", Scott asked her as he drove to the vet with Nova looking out of the window, trying to sort of her feelings.
"Someone, who I don't call my father anymore", was her answer.
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