part twelve
So, here we are, at the final part of this story. Their story. We find ourselves around eight months since the proposal in a cabin Upstate, surrounded by trees painted in orange and yellow tones, the lovely autumn color scheme. If there is one thing Annalise always fantasised about after watching the Twilight movies was having a wedding like Bella and Edward's, all fairytale-like.
She was standing in front of the mirror looking into her reflection as she breathed in and out with the people very close to her helping her out to look the most perfect. Naomi made sure the short train of the dress was placed perfectly over the ground, Lennon made sure there were no unnecessary locks of hair out of place from her low bun and pinned two brads around it carefully before Marjorie placed the veil right on top of the bun.
"You look like a princess, dear." She told her daughter, who smiled tenderly at her.
"Thank you, mom." The woman smiled. Lately, she remembers things better and is able to recall Lise's name more often. Marjorie nodded and Lise looked at herself in the mirror as a huge amount of thoughts rushed through her head like the wagons of a train that goes at high speed. "Um...could I have a moment, please?" She asked the other three that were in the room and they all nodded with smiles before walking out.
When they stepped outside, she remained there, standing and thinking. Moments later, her Best Man —or Maid of Honour, however you'd like to call him— walked in.
"Lise...Kid Cudi, the rapper, is here. I just bumped into him as I walked out of the bathroom." Tom said as he looked at the hall, not looking at Anna. "It's still pretty nuts to see the amount of famous people here, you know?" He commented with a chuckle before looking at the blonde woman. "Goodness, Lissie."
"What?" Her eyes opened wildly. "Is there something wrong? Is it my hair? Lenn was struggling with some pieces of hair and the braids. Or is it the dress? The guys that brought our things here didn't really pay much attention and all the dresses had to be ironed, it still has wrinkles, doesn't it? it just me or is the veil flat? Because it shouldn't be flat." Tom smiled and shook his head, they were so alike. That's why they have the past that they have.
"No, there's no problem with anything. Your hair is on point, it looks really pretty, the fabric is perfectly smooth and the veil doesn't look flat." He said placing his hands on her arms.
"Oh...okay. Great." He nodded.
"I was going to say that you look beautiful." He smiled and she smiled back at him. "That is all."
"Thanks, Tommy."
"No problem."
"And yes, it's insane to look at all those people's faces."
"I know!"
"I mean, Zendaya is here."
"I know!" They laughed.
"Like, shut the fuck up." She sighed and sat down on the ground as the last echoes of their laughter resonated in the room. "This is nuts. Everything is nuts."
"I know." He sat right beside her. "Do you want to go on with it? Because if you don't, I think most people will understand." While he had an amused smile, she had barely a smirk. Lise knew it was a joke but... "Bad joke, sorry." They chuckled it off.
"Of course I want to go on with it." She said after a short pause. "I just feel very overwhelmed. There's a bunch of people out there and I don't know if everything is going according to plan."
"It is, I'm making sure of it." She smiled at him. "The food is tasty, the flowers are looking very elegant right next to the seats and on the tables, Tim looks like a prince, you look like a princess." He made a hand gesture to point her out, she indeed looked like a princess: her blonde hair was curled perfectly, the veil fell perfectly down her back and looked like a waterfall because of the small jewels it had, the silk of the dress shone beautifully and her makeup made a lovely contrast with her whole picture. Lennon was right in suggesting her lipstick matched her flowers, it looked so great. "Your mother is having a blast gossiping with Lennon, the bridesmaids' dresses look really nice, you piked a great shade of green, by the way, and my tie looks great." She chuckled and he held her hand. "Everything is looking perfect and like you wanted it to." She nodded.
"What if I freeze? You know, like it happens in a few movies." She asked after a while and he shrugged.
"I think it's understandable if you're nervous. I was. I remember feeling like I could vomit at any given second." She chuckled, it was a dumb comment that gave off a reassuring feeling, he smiled at her. "Look, like you told me, you know your vows by heart because you wrote them and you write amazingly and right after that part comes the 'I do' part, should come more or less naturally."
"Right." He nodded.
"I promise you, if it doesn't, you have my permission to turn around and kick my leg if you feel like it." She laughed again and they remained silent for a while.
"Thank you." He nodded once more.
"No problem." An exchange of sweet smiles. "And, seriously, if you feel like you don't want to go through with it anymore, everyone will understand and Lennon will be your getaway car driver." She punched him as he laughed and she smiled.
"You idiot. Does it really look like I don't want to go through it or are you annoying the living hell out of me?"
"The second one, definitely. You are so in love with him, I noticed since the first day, and he is madly in love with you too. Very noticeable since day one too. You've got little to nothing to worry about, I promise." She sighed and it was her turn to nod, that's when the classic Canon in D started being played by the group of violinists and the harpist that were hired for tonight. "The time has come." Tom stood up and offered Lise his hand to help her stand. "You ready?" It took her a hot second but this is what she wanted, she was ready. She was.
With another gentle head nod, she grabbed his hand and stood up. That's when she looped her arm with his and they started walking out of the small dressing room that was meant for the bride. When she appeared, every guest stood up and turned around to look at her as the music shifted to a slow and instrumental version of 'Iris' by The Goo Goo Dolls. Obviously.
And I say 'obviously' because that's a song they bonded fondly with, picture this: one day, when Lise's shift was over early at the office, he picked her up by surprise and they had an improvised date where they ran around places and everything felt like the movies. They sang this song at the top of their lungs in the car with the windows down as they crossed the Brooklyn Bridge. They looked at each other and they knew that they never wanted to let go, that their lives would be incomplete without the other, that they needed each other like oxygen. They. Knew.
Tommy walked Lise down the aisle and everyone looked at her, faces that she only dreamed to meet just to have a chat and maybe interview, familiar faces that had seen her go through hell and helped her get up once she crawled away from any sort of tough situation, and he met his face. Tom was right, Timmy looked like a prince. His curly hair was messily brushed, but that's what made the chocolate locks look so perfectly styled, his tux made his eyes and freckles pop, the small pieces of jewellery he was wearing made him look so hot for no reason, and his smile looked so beautiful on his lips.
His eyes were glued to his ange and the way her dress was wrapped around her figure perfectly, how her hair was meticulously placed in place and how her red lip looked so smooth and kissable. Tim felt the air leave his lungs when they locked eyes, he was nervous and emotional. It was as if he couldn't bare with the beauty of the woman before him because every fibre of his being wanted to yell to the seven seas and heaven how stunning she looked, how lovely she is and how much he loves her. His eyes teared up as Lise made her way to stand with him. By him. Right next to him. The sight of it made Anna's eyes fill with tears and those tears fell by the time she had reached Tim's position and Tom had let go of her to give her hand to his.
His touch was warm and reassuring, it was as if by simply holding her hand she had the strength she needed in her knees to stand tall. With a final smile, Tom walked behind Lise and held the flower bouquet before handing it over to Naomi, who was behind him. When her earthy eyes met his oceanic eyes, he washed the tears away gently, making her smile even brighter.
"Hi." She whispered as the guests sat back down, making him smile.
"Hi. You look beautiful, breathtaking." He whispered back, making her giggle as the ceremony started properly. "I literally ran out of breath." They looked at each other and a sense of calmness filled them up quickly, any feeling of nervousness was erased away and left no trace behind it.
"I love you." He smiled tenderly and kissed her knuckles.
"I love you too." She smiled and they focused on the ceremony. Soon enough, they reached the vows.
"Annalise." Said Noah. Yes, he's officiating the wedding because the guy that was going to do it didn't show up, but he got a certification online for 'just in case' circumstances. Lise almost stopped her walk down the aisle when she saw the world's worst cook standing there. "Could you recite your vows, please?" She smiled at his friend as she took Tim's hands, hers got a squeeze of comfort and excitement that made her chuckle.
"Timmy." She started and took a deep breath, she didn't need the paper Tom was keeping in his pocket where her words had been written, she knew them by heart. "I am someone who has dreamt of the type of love only seen in movies or read in books her whole life. I met people, I loved and I got my heart broken a few times. And then, when I least expected it, I met you." Tim smiled at her as both of them started to tear up. "I met you in a way I've only seen in my favourite movie. It was a huge, messy and orange juice scented cliché." Everyone laughed. "That day my life changed drastically, not only did I meet one of my favourite actors, most fancied and handsome man on Earth, but I met a friend. A guy that I felt seen with, understood with, that I could be myself with...that I felt loved by, that tells me I'm pretty every morning regardless of how messy my hair is, someone that knows what and when to say something to cheer me up, someone that knows how dangerous it might be to speak to me if I haven't had my morning coffee and knows how to prepare it depending on the occasion, someone that understands when I need space and when I need to be hugged. I met a guy who saw right through me, understood me, knew what he was signing up for, and wanted to stay. A guy that stayed." He washed a tear that fell from his eye quickly. "Like you said a while ago, we've had our ups and downs, but we've overcame them; and I'm ready to face whatever it is to come. No matter what, because I will be with you, my friend, my soulmate...the love of my life." He chuckled and washed off another tear that fell as she nodded at Noah, who smiled and looked at Tim.
"Mister Flintstone." Noah said gently and Chalamet nodded as everyone that knew the inside joke —and found the nickname funny either way— laughed.
"Lise." He started and he obviously didn't need the script he had crafted. "They day I met you, I knew my life would never be the same. Things had been crazy for me and it felt as if I was stuck in a hurricane, but, when you asked me if I wanted to use your phone and flooded me with that characteristic kindness of yours, I felt safe in that hurricane. I had reached the eye of the storm where everything was silent. You became someone so important in my life so quickly, I suddenly needed you, like I need my coffee in the mornings, tea at night, or the air that I breathe. When I met you, my heart, my mind and soul knew that it was you." She washed her own tears away. "They knew that I was meant for you. They were all in agreement that you were something I should hold onto, something that I shouldn't let go of and just keep so close to me and my heart, and maybe I've failed a bit on that, but you're my reason to keep trying because I really do not know what I would do if you weren't with me. I'm used to collapsing but you always find a way to bring me back up with a simple smile or a hug. You make me so genuinely happy, the happiest I've ever been, that I had been in a long time. I remember talking to my Mom about you and she said 'she sounds wonderful'." The crowd and the bride chuckled, everyone looked at Tim's mother and she nodded with a smile. "I swear I'be been feeling like a stupid kid in love, but that's just the effect you have on me." A pause in which he took a deep breath and exhaled. "I'm also ready for face whatever fate has up for us, because I know that, by being by your side, I will remain strong and happy, because you're the person I should and want to spend the rest of my life with."
"I love you." They smiled at each other and he kissed her knuckles again.
"I love you."
"So." Noah called the attention. "Do you, Annalise Marie Lewis, take this man to be your husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"
"I do." She said with a beaming smile that made butterflies fly around Tim's tummy as he slid the ring given by his Best Man —yes, a guy named Scott— down Lise's finger.
"Do you, Timothée Hal Chalamet, take this woman to be your wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for..." He sighed. "You know, for everything that I have just said, until death do you part?" Tim, as well as everyone else, busted into laughter. Lise punched Noah's arm as she giggled and called him an idiot, making everyone laugh once more.
"Yes, I do." Said Timmy as he smiled brightly at his girl while she placed the ring on his finger as well.
"Well, then, I guess by the powers vested in me by the state of New York...and the internet guys...I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Tim wasted no time in leaning over and pressing his lips against hers. His hands wrapped around her waist while hers crawled up his arms and shoulders until her fingers played with the hair on the back of his neck.
The music started playing and the guests freed the butterflies when they kissed, and cheered for the new Mr & Mrs. When the kiss broke, Naomi gave Anna her flowers and they started walking down the aisle towards the opposite end, hand in hand, fingers laced with each other, smiles that made their cheeks hurt on and laughter echoing around.
Their eyes met as they walked and they laughed very hard, there was a hint of shock and surprise in their eyes. It was as if they were just acknowledging what just happened. Did we really just do that? Did all of that happen? Those questions were being asked by their sights and they nodded to each other, assuring that, yes. It had happened, indeed. When they were about to walk into the house, they kissed again and everyone cheered once more. From that moment on, the party started.
Everyone was having a good time, the music was on point, Noah and Lenn offered themselves to be the entertainment once again, but it was different this time because there were a few singers in the room too and everyone wanted to have a go and sing some of their songs. It was like a massive karaoke party. The weather was perfect, not too cold, not too hot, and no rain threatening to ruin everything. The flowers were looking very pretty and the mimosas were tasty.
"Time for our first dance, my beautiful wife." Said Tim, offering a hand to Lise, who smiled at him and took his hand before walking to the middle of the dance floor.
"Your what?" He laughed.
"My beautiful wife." He kissed her quickly as the violins started playing, he smiled at her as they got ready to dance. "Now, I have you a wedding gift, just promise me you won't freakout too much." She frowned and seconds later, when the piano started to be heard, the curtain that was hiding the stage fell and revealed the group's therapist, miss Taylor Swift herself, playing the piano and smiling at them. Lise screamed, covered her smile and took a step back before looking at her friends, who were as shocked as she was, and then at Tim.
"What?" She asked with a smile as she stepped close to him again and placed her arms around his neck while his were placed around her waist, so effortlessly natural. He chuckled, as well as Blondie, and shook his head while she started singing Lover for them. "This is insane. Insane!" He laughed against her lips before kissing them gently. "Thank you." She added, breaking the kiss and looking into his eyes.
"You're very welcome, mon ange." He said softly as they danced and everyone looked at them. They sang the song to themselves and made the promise to think of the song as a to-do list. They would do everything it says the couple does, from leaving the Christmas lights until January, to go out and be taken home, to be overdramatic and true, to save their dirtiest jokes only for each other and to save a seat at every table for each other.
As they foreheads touched, they swore to go wherever the other one would go, to always be this close, forever and ever. No matter what. He twirled her around and it was as if they were Aurora and Phillip at the end of the animated film Sleeping Beauty, do you remember it? Where it's just the two of them dancing around clouds that looked like cotton candy and the crowd had faded away? It felt just like that.
They laughed as they came from here to there dancing to the song's rhythm, allowing themselves to be moved by the flow of the moment. Because, right now, no one else mattered. For Tim, only Lise mattered. For Lise, only Timmy mattered. They were the only ones that mattered.
As they enjoyed themselves and their moment, both thought of what the future might look like: lots of travelling, lots of movie premieres, exclusives and interviews, reading dates, walks down the busy New York streets and parks, maybe even a family someday. The future look brightly from their perspective. They embraced each other again and just moved slowly from one side to another.
"This is the best day of my life." She said.
"I thought the best day of your life was when you met Robert Pattinson." She laughed and threw her head back like a little kid, one of the manny little things Tim loved and adored about her. He kissed her neck softly.
"Yeah, that case, this day is a close second to that day." He smiled, knowing all too well that today topped meeting RPatz.
"Good to know." Her hands played with the hair on the back of his neck while his drew lines across her naked back. He knew where each mole was and it was as if he was drawing a constellation on her skin.
"I love you." He smiled and moved an inch closer to her.
"I love you more."
"More?" They foreheads touched.
"What if I love you more?"
"Don't think that's possible."
"Are we gonna have this argument?" He nodded.
"Just not now, perhaps later on tonight. I'll show you how I love you more." She laughed again and he kissed her neck again as butterflies flew around the whole place, the dirty jokes have started. These two are like fireworks.
"I'm eager to see that."
"Good." He kissed her tenderly as the last 'lover' was sang and the violins echoed in the place. Everyone clapped and cheered for them as they hugged.
And the party continued, laughter echoing everywhere you walked to, people having a good time wherever you looked at, music flooding every corner of the garden. It had been a magical day for everyone. But you know how it is, whenever you're having a blast with loved ones, time flies.
Sooner than what seemed to be expected, the party had to end, liquor started lacking, the music started fading and people started leaving until the only ones that remained were groom and bride. They were staying at the cabin for the night before taking a plane to Italy for their honeymoon.
In the bedroom, he did show her how much he loved her and she showed him too, with laughs, kisses and cuddles. It had been a while since they had become one, but this time was different. This time not only their bodies were involved, or their hearts, but their souls. The two flames became one. After a while, he just looked at her, as if he had never seen her features before and would never be able to again and had to memorise every single little detail.
"What?" Lise asked after a while, smiling at him as she reclined herself on her forearm, his hand moved a blonde lock of hair behind her ear to have a clear view of her eyes.
"Nothing,'re beautiful're mine." She smiled more, making him smile at her too.
"I've been for a while."
"Yeah, but now it's different. We're wearing rings and I can call you wife." She chuckled, it sounded like music every time he said it.
"It's fun and lovely." He nodded. "Calling you husband sounds so...surreal." He nodded, everything felt surreal, that's the effect she had on things. He sighed through his nose, his smile remaining.
"You know? You're the best thing that's ever-"
"Been yours?"
"Taylor Swift really is in every conversation we have, isn't she?" Lise laughed and nodded. "While that's true, I was going to say that you're the best thing that has ever happened to me." She smiled tenderly at him.
"I'm glad I can say the same. Despite every single mess we've been involved in." His turn to laugh.
"I love you, Annalise Lewis. Endlessly." She placed her head on top of his chest, her nose brushing his neck.
"And I love you, Chalamalabingbong." He laughed at the nickname Florence Pugh had given him and that, ever since Lise found out, she never stopped calling him by. "Forever." She moved up to kiss him and, moments later, she placed her head on his chest again.
As the moonlight kissed their skin and he kissed his partner's head and brushed her hair while she kissed his neck and drew stars with his freckles, they fell asleep, diving into a new phase of their life. A phase they knew would be filled with rumours, gossip and scandals, but also love, compassion and empathy. A phase they will grow fond of because of the simple joy of being with each other, of falling asleep and waking up beside one another. Till the end of their time.
The End.
a/n: well, everybody, this is it. we've met the end of this story.
thank you all for stopping by and reading this work of mine, i had so much fun writing it and i'm so glad some of you did too! i loved reading the comments with your thoughts and quotes of the film!
i hope you've enjoyed the ride as much as i have. i believe i'll write more stories about chalamalabingbong soon, so, keep an eye out for them!
i love u all sm and i hope you have a lovely day/night or whatever time it is wherever you are. i send u a hug and all my best wishes! take care and drink lots of water.
yours truly, mare.
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