part seven
The morning sang a soft song that made them wake up. For a moment, Lise thought she was still asleep, for having this guy by her side seemed like the wildest dream. And even in reality, it was that...a dream.
Tim thought just the same. Last night had been marvellous. He's never felt the way she had made him feel, in every way possible that you may imagine. He smiled at her and kissed her forehead. Lise frowned and that made Tim frown. She moved and sat against the headboard while Tim sat by the feet of the bed, his back against the metal of said part.
"What?" He asked.
"Nothing. I'm just thinking." She smiled and he smiled back at her.
"About what?"
"About how crazy it is that I got to see you naked." He chuckled.
"I was thinking about saying that." She arched an eyebrow. "It was surreal."
"You have a thing for talking nicely."
"It's the French part of me. We're hopeless romantics."
"Yeah, you and half of the world's population." He nodded. And they stayed silent for a moment.
"Can I ask you something?" She nodded. "Okay. So, there are a lot of people that would like know, do this, with me, and with famous people in general." She nodded in agreement. "And there's something Rita Hayworth used to say: 'they go to bed with Gilda, they wake up with me'. Men went to bed with the dream and they didn't like waking up with reality." Lise frowned again. "Would you say that? You went to bed with...I don't know, Laurie and woke up with me? Was it like...good waking up with reality? Or?" She moved forward and kissed his lips.
"I wasn't thinking about that." She told him once the kiss has broken. "And if I was, I'd gladly wake up with reality. Because I didn't meet Laurie at the bookshop, I met a sarcastic Tim who told a girl that stealing is not cool." He chuckled and kissed her again. He moved slowly, but moved at the point of making her lay down against the pillow again. "You know?" She started speaking in between kisses. "I was...right."
"About what?"
"About what they...say about guys...with big feet." He busted into laughter and made her laugh too. There it was, the dirty joke that finally went right.
"Such a mood killer."
"Oh, come on." She laughed. "That should be a turn-on." He laughed again against her collarbone.
"I'll be right back." He stood up. "You stay there and if I make a mess, I'll clean it later." She frowned. "Don't ask." He put on his underwear and the trousers of the pyjama on while Lise stayed in bed, covering her freckled body with the white bedsheets. About ten minutes in, the scent of pancakes filled Annalise's nose. She smiled. Later on, and by this I mean fifteen minutes, Tim walked in with a trade where two plates with the pancakes and some berries he had found in the fridge, and two mugs with coffee in them. "Breakfast in bed." He said with a bright smile as Lise sat up and reclined her back on the board again, while he sat and placed the trade on the nightstand. "Or brunch, lunch, or something." And that's the truth, they had no clue what time it was, nor they cared. Lise should though, she didn't go to work yesterday, but she was in a happy place right now. And he was too, he didn't care about it, as long as he stayed there.
"Well look at that. He's a chef too." He chuckled and looked at her as she took a sip of one of the mugs.
"Can I stay a little longer?"
"Stay forever." He smiled and looked at the trade.
"I forgot the honey." He stood up after he took a strawberry and ate it. The bell ranged and Lise stood up, she put her underwear on too and proceeded to throw over herself the flannel dress she was wearing.
As she made her way to the door, she tied her hair on a low bun. When her hand found the handle and she opened it, she was blinded. Blinded by the overwhelming amount of camera flashes that were before her. It seemed like the entire press from every single paper, magazine or whatever was standing in her doorstep. She turned around and closed the door. Placing her back against the wood.
"Oh God." She said.
"What?" Asked Tim. She didn't say anything, Lise just looked around to find a way to hide or leave, she didn't know. Timothée walked up to her. "What is it?"
"Nothing, just..."
"You're up to something." He said with a smile, certainly thinking that her friends could be on the opposite side. He walked up to the door and placed his hand on the handle.
"No. Tim, please don't-" Too late. He opened the door and his smile dropped to the ground when he was blinded by the flashes too. It took him a second to close the door as people called his name from the other side. He turned around and found a confused and worried Anna.
"Oh God." He said as well, then, he analysed the situation they were in. "They took pictures of us dressed like this." He was still shirtless and she was wearing an oversized flannel shirt. It wasn't good looking. "I need your phone." He left the honey on the kitchen island and rushed to get it. As he dialed whoever's number, Lennon walked our of her room, as well as Naomi.
"Morning lovebirds." Said Lennon with a bright smile.
"Hey, hey. It's me. Yes Tim. Look, the press is here...yes, where I told you I'd be. No, they're hundreds of them. I know, I know, my plan was not as brilliant, but-" He sighed. "No. Yes. I know, I know. Just...get over here." Tim hung up and ran upstairs. "Shit." Lise sighed and sat on the couch after she made sure the curtains were still closed.
"What's going on?" Asked Naomi as she walked to open the curtains.
"Don't." Lise said and Nom backed up. "I wouldn't go out if I were you, nor open those." The girls frowned.
"Why not?" Asked Naomi.
"Just take my word for it." The girls nodded and stayed away from the door and windows while Anna walked upstairs to find Tim putting on his clothes. He was tying up his Converse, sitting on the bed. "How are you doing?" He sighed.
"How do you think I'm doing?" He answered dryly. She bit her nail.
"Sorry, that was a dumb question. I don't know what happened." She whispered more to herself while she peaked through her window, spotting all the people that were outside.
"I do." He said and her attention snapped towards him. "I think someone thought about making easy money and called them all." She frowned.
"Who would do that?"
"I don't know, a neighbour, a co-worker, a roommate." She scoffed.
"What?" She felt offended. "That's not true."
"If it's not true, then the press woke up saying: I know where Timothée Chalamet is. He's in that house in Lenox Hill with red door." He grabbed his stuff and kept it in his backpack. "And then you go out with that oversized shirt."
"Hey." She snapped. "It is not my fault. Usually when I miss a day of work Jess comes by first hour in the morning to ask if I'm okay, some other days Noah picks up Lennon. That's why I opened the door without asking. Not everyone has a big life like yours." He sighed. "I'm so sorry this is happening but I think it's really mean to say that my friends, who never said a word when you walked through their homes even if they knew I was the other girl, were the ones to call the papers." He stood there, hands on hips. Then, he sighed.
"This is such an unbelievable mess." He continued to keep his stuff. "I came here to protect myself from all the gossip and now it's all gotten worse." He started pacing once the backpack had everything in it. "And as far as they're concerned Lily and I are still together because they don't know what actually happened." He looked at her. "And now, tomorrow, there will be pictures of you in every newspaper and magazine from here to Timbuktu!" Annalise sighed and sat on the bed.
"I know that, I know how it works. I work at one."
"What if they fire you?" She did think of that. It wasn't good.
"I don't think they're going to fire me for doing this...I don't think so. No. It would be unfair, but, let's not worry about that now, and calm down for a second."
"Calm down? Calm down?!" He was freaking out. "I can't calm down and you know what? This seems to be a perfect situation for you." Crack. The second crack on the glass and the heart. He put his jacket on.
"Excuse me?!"
"Yeah. Minimum input and maximum publicity. Everywhere you go people will say: 'oh! Well done! You slept with that actor, we saw the pictures!" She swallowed the tears.
"You're being very unfair right now!" He grabbed his backpack and threw it over his shoulder.
"Maybe this will be better for your business."
"'Buy a book from the girl who fucked Timothée'." She scoffed.
"You know you're the one who fucked me, right?" He shook his head. "Look, please, calm down, sit...I don't know, take you coffee-"
"I don't want the goddamned coffee." They walked down stairs. "I just wanna go home." He grabbed his script from the coffee table. Naomi looked sadly at him. They definitely heard the argument. The doorbell went off.
"Lenn, see who that is, please. Discretely." Lennon nodded, stood up fast from the couch and looked through the window. In a second, she opened the window, looked through it, placed the head back in and closed it.
"Looks like a chauffeur." Lenn told them.
"Whoever called owes you a dinner or holiday, depending if they've got the brains to get the going rate on betrayal." They stepped into the corridor towards the door. His sarcasm hurt her.
"Tim, that's not true! Wait a minute, please." He turned around to see her and she found an anger...a hurt that she didn't want to see in his eyes. Just like he found a hint of anger, sadness and worry in hers. "This is crazy behaviour. Can we just...not...we could." She stuttered like she does when she feels overwhelmed or nervous. "We could laugh about it." He raised his eyebrows.
"Laugh about it?" He repeated. "You serious right now?"
"Maybe?" He sighed. "Look, in the huge sweep fo things, this stuff doesn't mater."
"It doesn't?"
"Yes. It doesn't." She thought quickly. " like- like- Tom's cousin. She slipped downstairs, cracked her back and will be on a wheelchair for the rest of her life, however, she makes jokes about it." He frowned. "What I'm trying to say, and all I'm asking for, is a normal amount of perspective."
"Yes." He clicked his tongue.
"Right." He nodded. "You're right. Sure. The problem is that I've deal with this drama for five years, if not seven. You've dealt with it for five minutes. Our perspectives are different." He gave a step towards the door.
"Please. Today's papers and magazines will be lining on tomorrow's paper bins."
"Excuse me?"
"'s just one day. Tomorrow, they will be thrown out." He frowned with a hint of anger and another one of incredibility.
"For a journalist that works for Entertainment, you don't seem to be that familiarised with that system." Lise frowned. "This story, just like yesterday's, will be filed. Anytime, anyone writes something about me, they'll take up these photos. Newspapers last forever. I'll regret this forever." Lise's face relaxed when she heard what he said, that's when he acknowledged his words. He couldn't believe he had said that. Nor could she.
"Right." He looked at her, tried to say something but couldn't. Well done douchebag. "Right." She repeated and smiled to hide the third crack. "Well, I'll do the opposite...if you don't mind. And I'll remain glad about the fact that you came to me when you felt low." She sighed and she couldn't hold back the tears right now. "But, I do think it's better for you and for me if you leave." She nodded to herself as she washed off the tears quickly. "You're right, you better go." He opened his mouth to apologise but the bell rang again. "Please, go. It's what you wanted after all, right? The reason fo the rush."
"Lise." She shook her head.
"Put the glasses on champ. I'll get it for you." She placed her hand on the handle of the door and when he had placed the sunglasses on, she opened it. Dave was there, and Karen. They held Tim by the arms and managed to push their way through the press. Anna didn't wait to check if they got to the car, she didn't want more pictures taken. She closed the door and breathed in as she walked through the corridor and got to the kitchen, then, she looked at her friends who were on the couch with sad expressions on their faces. She sat on one of the stools and the two of them got up to walk and sit on the opposite stools. "None of you called, right?" They shook their heads. "Did you tell anyone?" Another denial manner. "Okay." She started to think...who else knows. "Jess." She stood up and got the phone, in a second, she called the local. and Jess picked up. "Jess, hi."
"Hey." She said from the other side of the line. "Is everything okay? There's a lot of people outside your house. You can see them from here."
"Yeah, no, things are not alright right now." She breathed in. "Yesterday someone walked in looking for me."
"Timothée himself. Yes. I told him you were home."
"And did you tell anyone else? That he'd be here?" A silence. "Jess?"
"I...may have told a few J's diner." Lise closed her eyes and bit her lip. "I'm sorry."
"Mhm. Mhm. It's...don't worry." She sighed. "Uh...I won't be attending today either. There's no need for you to attend today either. Just, close and go home."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Very sure." She was angry.
"Okay. Talk and see you soon."
"Yes. And Lise..."
"I really am sorry if things got blown up because of it."
"Don't worry about it. Seriously." She lied.
"If you say so."
"Bye." She hung up and placed the phone on its place. She looked at her friends.
"You've got to go to your jobs. I'd say you can get out from the basement door. If Noah or Tommy are coming over later on, or whenever, tell them to get in from behind too." They nodded. "I'll be in my room." The girls nodded once more and walked their blonde gal going upstairs before their gazes met.
Naomi couldn't miss her shift, so, she finished her breakfast and started getting ready. Then, she got out through the backdoor. Lennon stayed though, day off. She gave her friend her space for the moment and ate her breakfast alone.
In her bedroom, Lise sat down and ate the breakfast Tim kindly did before shit hit the fan. During the calm before the storm. Afterwards, she felt like sinking. Every hurtful word, every disbelief mannerism from him ached her. And with what had happened months ago, she felt the wave getting closer.
She knows herself too well as to know when will the episode hit. So, she started doing what she always does to keep her mind busy. That is, cleaning. She changed her clothes into more suitable clothes for the activity and that make her feel comfortable. That is her yoga pants, a sports bra and an oversized cardigan. A second later, she started in the kitchen and low level. And Lenn helped. They played some beats as they washed the dishes, cleaned the wooden floors, the bookshelf, etc.
When they walked upstairs, they cleaned Naomi's room together before cleaning their respective ones. When Lise had tied up her bed, she found underneath one of the bedsheets the baseball cap Tim was wearing when he arrived yesterday.
She grabbed it and kept it in the bottom of her closet. She continued to tide up her bedroom. When she was done, she grabbed her book, walked downstairs and sat by the fire-escape —without even walking out— to read while Lennon sat on the couch with her laptop to edit the lyrics of her new song, her pink guitar right beside her to check the chords if needed.
Anna stopped reading every now and then to peak through the window, spotting no one. Not many people were there. Just the usual amount of people that walk up and down the street. And remotely, she had a thought.
"Should we get a dog?" She asked out of the blue, calling her friend's attention. Lennon smiled kindly at her.
"A dog?" Lise nodded. "I'm more of a cat person." Lise smiled back.
"Yes, but Nom and I are dog people." Lenn narrowed her eyes and sighed a second later. "Come on. Dogs are great emotional support buddies."
"Well, if you put it like that...we should get a dog." Anna smiled more.
So, they got up, grabbed their bags, and sunglasses. Lise even grabbed her own baseball cap before they walked through the backdoor. After a quick walk where they shared a very loving supportive hug, they arrived at the adoption centre. Lise picked a very pretty Appenzeller lil guy, signed documents, paid for what she had to pay, etcetera. It surprised them how remotely fast is a pet the adoption process. An hour and a half, or so, later, they took their new friend home. They decided to name him Ollie.
When they arrived, both girls played with him but he was just a sleepy guy. He fell asleep on their lap as she continued to read and listen to Lennon's music playing in the background. The pup also spelt on the couch, the rag, the wooden floors, everywhere.
After a while, Lise stopped reading and Lenn stopped playing to watch movies as the afternoon went by. They ordered take-out. Sushi. And went on with a boring day. Sooner than expected, night fell on New York.
When Anna felt tired, she carried the pup and walked to her bedroom, once there, she just laid down and fell asleep. Not without crying a bit before, just to let the morning rollercoaster out, and keep her mind calm. Slowly, as she closed her eyes, the tears fell on the pillow case before she submerged in the vast galaxy that dreams are.
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