Level 9: My happy day <3

Yanari's P.O.V.

"Are all your things packed here?" Onii-san asked, pointing to the bags.


He sat on the sofa beside me and sighed. "Say, Yanari.."


"Are you in love?" He bluntly asked, making me turned to him with my eyes widened. I just responded with a are-you-nuts look.

His brows creased, and said, "Don't look at me like that. Yanari, yes or no?"

Why he is asking that now? What's into him? =__=

"You sound so indiferrent today, nii-san! Well, I am not."

"Oh, really.." He said with a hint of doubt, looking away.

"What, you doubt me? I may lie to you but I will eventually tell you the truth. You know that, nii-chan~" I said with a teasing tone on nii-chan.

"Then you are lying at the moment. I wonder when that 'eventually' will come." He looked down after saying that and sighed again. He suddenly faced me and hold both of my hands making me look at him with a weird expression.

"Listen, Yanari." He let out a sigh again and continued, "You may be a hot-blooded and hard-headed kid, but I trust you. You are too young for that. But..." He paused for a while and looked down again, his hold on my hands becoming more tight.

"If, just if, you already feel it towards someone, tell onii-san. I'm not good at that thing but I will help you in any ways that I can."

I was dumbfounded for a moment. Really, what's gotten into him?

"Y-yes, onii-san. Thank you," was all that I managed to utter.

There was a moment of silence for like 59 seconds, then I remembered something. My sketchpad!

"Ah! Nii-san, i'll just get something from my room." I ran upstairs without looking at him.

Shintaro's P.O.V.

"Listen, Yanari." I sighed again and continued, "You may be a hot-blooded and hard-headed kid, but I trust you. You are too young for that. But..."

I looked down for a while, thinking of how should I properly say my advice for her.

"If, just if, you already feel it towards someone, tell onii-san. I'm not good at that thing but I will help you in any ways that I can."

I can tell from her expression that she thinks it's odd for me to say this, but i'm really concerned about them. It's better to assume things and get wronged afterwards than not even bothering at all.

It's not that I don't trust Akashi, but it's his father that i'm worried. I'm worried about what his father can do to Yanari. We're from a decent and well-off family, but we're not on par with them.

"Y-yes, onii-san. Thank you," was all she could answer.

"Ah! Nii-san, i'll just get something from my room." She rushed upstairs without even looking around. That kid's really forgetful, and i'm still calling her a kid. Seriously..

I took advantage of the chance. I put my birthday gift for her inside her bag, the one with shoes and other footwear.

"Phew.." she walks downstairs panting, holding a sketchpad. It's just a sketchpad after all. =__= But thanks to that sketchpad, though. I don't want her to open my gift in front of me. It's better for her to know later because sometimes, she's annoying when getting excited.


Yanari's P.O.V.

Huff... huff...

"Phew.." I'm panting from running upstairs and rushing to find to my sketchpad and getting down to the sala. I looked at onii-san, and he looked back with a "what?!" expression.

"What's with that face?" I came closer to him after asking him that, and poked his forehead. And there's the animated vein again, popping on his head. Hihi.


"Seriously, Yana.. go now."

He's dismissing me like that now? After he's gotten sweet and so concerned a while ago... HUH?

"Tsundere onii-san! Bye~" I stuck my tongue out to him, and walked backwards, facing him as I leave the house. Watching him getting so annoyed that easy is so fun! XD So fun I got carried away from grinning  at his expression that I...

"Ow!!!" I groaned when I fell on my butt. Damn this rock that I stepped on, so stupid!

"That's what you get from being naughty. Take care." Then he closed the door without helping me stand. Can you get even more tsundere, onii-san? =__=

"Tsundere aniki! Kuso..." I cussed into thin air as I help myself to get up. Geez.

(Time skip~! :3)

*sfx: door creaked open*


I put down my bags and turned on the lights.

"Wow.." I muttered, amazed by the minimal design of my apartment. I touched the sofa and sit onto it, jump onto it, and rolled over while hugging the throw pillow I grabbed at the end of the sofa.

I stopped, realizing i'm all alone after all. I sighed and get my phone from my pocket, hoping for a text message from anyone.

No new messages.

Eh? -3-

I go to my gallery and take a look at the stolen shots of my tsundere aniki. I clicked at one photo and talked to it as if i'm actually facing him.

"Nee, nii-san. I'll miss your breakfast meals even it tastes bad sometimes!" I giggled, but I...


"...i'll miss annoying you." *sobs*

I went to my room to unpack my things and arrange them. I opened the bag which has my shoes, and to my surprise, there are two boxes inside, along with a note. One is like a shoe box in size, and the other one a little smaller than that. And the note says:

It's not that i'm tolerating your bad study habits, but I know you must play sometimes. Hope you like it. Advanced happy birthday, take care of yourself ALWAYS.



I laughed by seeing that "!!!" in the note. Hahahahahaha!!! Really, what does that mean? It's like he's saying this personally and his veins are popping out of his head. lol

Inside the big box is a pair of rollerblades, the other one has safety gears.

Kyaaah~!! New rollerblades!! <33

"Of course I like it, bakaaa!" I smiled while wiping my tears. Eh? Tears?


I just got finished showering when I heard my phone beeped.

From: Ryo-chan ^u^

Yanaricchi~! Happy birthdaaay!! <3

"Uhh..?" I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time: 11:47pm

I grinned at the thought.

To: Ryo-chan ^u^

Haha, but it's still early! Anyway thank you. <3

From: Ryo-chan ^u^

Hehe~ of course I want to be the one who greeted you first! Or maybe after Midorimacchi~ either way is fine! You're so welcome-ssu, Yanaricchi~ <3

"Yanaricchi~" I tried to imitate his tone and I giggled at my own humorless humor. Hi readers, if you think i'm kind of retarded, blame the author! -w-

I flipped my phone close dived into my bed. I stared at the ceiling for a moment which I dunno how long was that moment. My phone beeped again.. twice. owo

From: Tetsu-nii :)

Happy birthday, Yanari-san. Have a good one.

Still monotonous, eh?

I opened the other one, and it's from Taka-takao Kazu-nii. Ehehe. I sometimes play with his name. XD

From: Kazu-nii :3

Yana-chan! Hooray!! It's your birthday! ^o^


To: Tetsu-nii :)

Thank you, Tetsu-nii! :D

To: Kazu-nii :3

Yesh it's my birthday but you're happier than the celebrant. -w- Happy birthday, too! :P lol thank you, Taka-taka nii! :)

In less than a minute, he replied. owo

From: Kazu-nii :3

Meanie Yana-chan! I'll tell Shin-chan! ><

Hahaha. He's way too childish than me at times. =))

I'm waiting for a certain someone's text, but I don't think he will bother to do so. >< I sighed at the thought.

I opened my laptop and logged on to facebook. There are notifs from my friends' greetings. It's too bothersome to like and comment on each wallposts so I just posted a status.

"Thanks for your greetings, ppl! <3"

After just a minute, some people liked my status and commented, "You're welcome!" something like that. But someone caught my attention.

Seijuro Akashi: SLEEP NOW. RIGHT NOW.

You sure know how to ruin a birthday. -w-

A chat box appeared and it's...

Saeko Shiki: Nari-kun, happy birthday! See you later. Love you a lot! <3

D'aww. <3

Yanari Midorima: Thank chu Sae-chan! <3 Yush see ya laturr~

Saeko Shiki: ^^ I'm going to bed now, hbu? Uhm goodnight Nari-kun!

Yanari Midorima: I'm still not sleepy ^^ goodnight Sae-chan!

*scroll and scroll and scroll down*

*scrolls up and up and up*


"You're still not going to greet me?" I pouted at the sight of my chat list. He's still online and yet...


But why am I waiting for him to greet me?

Sometimes, I feel like I don't like him anymore. But there are times that I feel like I still do. I don't know if i'm just denying my feelings or i'm just amazed to him that I think he's my crush when actually not.

Stil, somehow... I hope that.....



*sfx: chat pop*

"Sensei notice me!!" I exclaimed as I see his name at the lower right corner of the screen. I'm so excited and nervous at the same time.

I point the cursor at the chatbox, deciding if i'm going to open or not to open it yet.






Seijuro Akashi: Sleep now. I'm looking forward to see you with energy later and have a nice chat with you.

"Hmp!" I pouted and closed the chat window, and logged out of facebook. I thought he's going to greet me. Thank you for ruining my birthday mood, evil tutor. -w-

Because I stayed up late, I am now rushing to go to school. After I finished doing my morning rituals, I dressed up quickly and go outside of my room. I opened the fridge and grab a bottle of water to bring along with me, and a loaf to eat along the way to school.

"....Congratulations on your matriculation, everyone."

The speaker finally finished his boring speech and stepped down the stage. We were dismissed to go to our respective classroom. Eh.. wait, where's Saeko? -3-

I looked around and walk and walk and walk, until I finally heard of someone calling me.

"Nari-kun!!" I turned around and saw her. We ran to meet each other and I hugged her.


"Happy birthday!!!"

"Haha, but you already greeted me! Thanks!"

"Ehe~ come on," she let go from our hug and pulled me.

"Excuse me.."

"Excuse me please.."

"Nari-kun! Here," Sae-chan lend out her hand to me because I can't see the bulletin board. I grabbed her hand but somebody walked between and I lost sight of her for a while. These annoying people....

"HEY!" I grabbed the hem of that somebody's uniform and she looked back.

"What's your problem?" She asked peevishly.

Ah, you've got the nerves to talk to me like that huh?

"You, you are my problem!" I shouted at her and pushed her away. "Now, excuse me please." I said after pushing her.

But someone suddenly lifted me behind. I was so surprised that I can't say a word for a while. Then I looked at him and I...

"..a-ah.. P-pu..t Put me down! Put me doooown!"

Gosh. What am I going to do now? He's so... handsome. Oh my gosh...!!!


He raised an eyebrow and finally spoke, "But you can't see the bulletin board, right? Because of too many people here. And because you're short."


He put me down finally and sighed. "I thought I could be of help." Then he walked away.

And all the people were like O____O

"Midorima Yanari. Rank 1, section A." A familiar voice announce as I was standing dumb somewhere near the crowd.

I turned around when I finally got my unconsciousness's conscious and found my evil red-haired tutor. "No need for you to look there. Now, come." He said and pulled me along with him.

He let go of my wrist and continued to walk, and i'm trying to catch up to him. Geez, he's walking fast!

I stopped for a while to catch my breath, bent down and hold my knees. "..wait," *huffs*

He stopped walking and turned to face me. I lift my body from holding my knees and realized that we're in front of the school gate.

"Wait, why are we here?" I asked. He's not going to drop me out this day, right?

"My bag." He said to someone who's standing by the gate, probably a member of the student council too.

He searched something from his bag and i'm just watching him. Then he got it out finally. A book!

He threw the book to me, and I luckily managed to catch those. I studied the book and to my surprise, it is...

"Durarara!! Yellow Scarves volume 1... k-ky-kyaaaahhh!!!" I squealed in excitement. I wasn't able to buy this before because onii-san said I should cut my vices. Yes, light novels, manga, anime... they are my vices. XD

"Happy birthday," he greeted me and smiled. >///<

But he left immediately.

He smiled... >////<

I won't definitely forget this day... my 16th birthday. April 5, 20XX

<3 <3 <3

Third Person's P.O.V.

Akashi threw away the books he got out from his bag. Durarara!! Yellow Scarves volume 1, his gift for Yanari.

"Durarara!! Yellow Scarves volume 1... k-ky-kyaaaahhh!!!" She squealed, very much thrilled upon receiving Akashi's present.

"Happy birthday." Akashi greeted her and smiled that made her blush crimson.

Without them noticing, a girl who came out from a car just a while ago saw them.

"Ah, ohayou, Takeshima-san!" someone from the student council greeted her after the scene. He just noticed her just now.

The girl called Takeshima frowned at what just she had witnessed and asked the boy, "who's that?"

"Probably a first year." The boy simply answered.

"Eh.. and Seijuro knows her?" She smirked as she mutters to herself.


"That girl ranked 1st and is in section A?!"

"Did you just saw what she did to a girl a while ago? She don't deserve the rank after all!"

"Say the people who also have rough personalities." A handsome boy with black hair and plum eyes leaning to a wall spoke to the gossiping girls.

The girls shrieked and asked, "and who the hell are you?! W-wait, you're the one who lifted that green-haired bitch!!"

"Before I tell you my name, listen very well." He said as he walks towards the girls. He leaned forward to a girl and held her chin, then he continued, "If she's ranked 1st and in section A despite her rough attitude, then I believe you girls were tied on the same rank and are placed in the same section."

The girl blushed deep red, while the other one answered him, "What kind of logic is that?! Are you dumb?!"

He let go of the girl's chin and stand straight. He smirked and replied, "I based my answer on your logic, girls of the intelligent world."

Then he walked out and waved his left hand, leaving the girls dumbfounded.

"H-heeyy! But you haven't told us your name yet!!"


[A/N: Ehehe... I hope you like it, minna-san! XD Wondering who are they? :P Hello Kate! ^^]

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