Mom and dad's history, Running away, and being punished
Crystal POV flashback to the past
Dear diary,
I met the nicest guys at school today. Their names are Andrew, Daniel and Antonio. They are so cute. I found myself blushing when Antonio caught me staring at him. He smiled as he brushed a strand of hair away from my face. "Don't be embarrassed beautiful, the truth is I was checking you out too." He had said with a wink.
I could hear the cruel whispers of my classmates. "Her? Beautiful? Is he blind? She's a freak." Geraldine and her friends had giggled.
I watched as Antonio shot them an angry glare before returning his attention back to me. As he he did he gently brushed the tears from my cheeks. "Don't listen to them. They are just jealous... You are a bellissimo fiore. (Beautiful flower) Your my maggior parte bellissimo e prezioso gemma. (My Most Beautiful and precious gem) He whispered in my ear.
A Week later
Dear diary, Antonio and I have been spending a lot of time together. He says that I'm the sweetest girl that he's ever met. He calls me his bellissimo e prezioso gemma which I've learned means most beautiful and precious gem in Italian. He says that he likes me because I'm not like the other girls at school. At first I felt insulted, until he explained that my being different from the other girls was a good thing. And then he kissed me on the cheek before walking off.
"Hay Crystal, could I asked you a question?"
"Yes of course."
"Would you want too..." Antonio shifted nervously his voice trailing off.
"Antonio are you alright? You froze mid sentence."
"Yeah sorry about that. I was wondering if you would want to go on a date with me?" He asked breathing a sigh of relief.
"I'd love too but..." Instantly his beautiful smile vanished.
"You don't like me that way. I understand.." Antonio replies his voice laced with disappointment. As he turned to walk away I grabbed his arm.
"It's not that. It's just that my parents are a bit old fashioned. I'm not allowed to go on a date unless they have met the young man before hand and unless he meets with their approval. You can guess how often that's happened." I reply rolling my eyes in irritation.
"Ok what?"
"If meeting parents is what it takes to take a beautiful woman like yourself on a date then so be it." He replied as he brushed a strained of hair from my face.
"Mom, dad, would it be ok if brought someone over this afternoon after school?"
"That depends, it's not a boy is it? Because if it's a boy the answers no. No bringing boys to the house until your 40 and maybe not even then."
"Dad." I reply with a groan. "Mom can't you talk some sense into him? Please?"
"Honey, you're going to have to let her grow up at some point."
"But I don't want too." My dad whines and I can hear my mother laughing in the background and my father sigh in defeat. "Alright, fine. Go ahead and bring your friend over but don't expect me to be happy about it. I won't guarantee that my wolf won't try and kill him."
Yes, he said wolf. I suppose I should have mentioned that my family and I are all werewolves. I sigh in frustration. "He had better not." I mutter under my breath.
"So, what's the verdict?"
"They agreed to meet you."
When we arrived at my house my parents stood at the door. My father stared at Antonio with a blank expression on his face. I could tell that his wolf wanted to take control but for my sake he wasn't allowing him too.
" Hello, my name is Antonio it is a pleasure to finally meet you. Might I say, that I can see where Crystal get her beauty from." He said kissing my mother's hand causing her to blush. My father let out a low growl his eyes narrowing and flashing from his normal brown to golden and the black momentarily before returning to normal. I sighed in relief.
"It's nice to meet you. Would you like to come in?" My mother asked with a wave of her hand. As we entered the house I could see my father studying Antonio and I could tell that both he and his wolf had already made up their mind. They didn't approve of him.
"So, where are you from?"
"I was born in Rockport Maine it's a small town located near the state capital."
"I know where Rockport is located young man." My father replied with a hint of irritation in his voice. My mother cleared her throat and gave my father a look of warning.
"Do you have any plans for the future?" My mother asked as she set the table for dinner.
"I would love to attend college but my father had decided that it is completely unnecessary."
"Oh? And why is that?" My father asks eyeing Antonio suspiciously.
"My father runs a very successful business. One he expects my bothers and I to take over running when he is ready to step down. When it come to the family business my father and I don't see eye to eye. I want to prove to both him and others, that I can earn a living on my own and not rely on the family name."
"Speaking of your family name, I don't recall you mentioning it. Do you have something to hide young man?" My father replies my mother clears her throat to subtly hint that he was being overly suspicious.
"No of course not. It's just that when people hear my last name they tend to become judgmental and judge me for my family's reputation instead of getting to know me. I am the youngest son of the Bendito family."
At this, my father choked on his water. "Did you say Bendito?"
Antonio sighs and nods. "So tell me, Antonio, your a handsome young man. I am sure that you have girls throwing themselves at your feet. Tell me, how many notches do you have under your belt?" My father asks causing me to choke on my food.
"I'm not sure I understand your question."
"Don't play games with me boy. Your family reputation proceeds you. You like to play the field just like your father did and still does. Tell me Antonio, how many hearts have you broken? I bet You and your brothers have a game out of seeing how quickly you can get a girl to give it up."
"Well, I can assure you, that my daughter won't be another notch on your belt. Drop the nice guy charade and go find a willing girl to be your next conquest. Unlike the wh*res your use too, my daughter is a good girl and I won't let you steal her innocence."
"Obviously I've made a big mistake in coming here. Thank you for the meal Mrs Robbinso, it was delicious. I'll see you at school Crystal." With that Antonio gave me an apologetic smile before turning and walking out the door.
"Antonio wait..." I call after him but unfortunately, he had already reached his car and gotten into it. I watched tearfully as he drove off without even looking back.
Once his car was out of sight I rushed past my father and into my bedroom. Unable to hold back my sobs any longer. I could hear my parent's arguing in the living room.
"How could you embarrass our daughter like that?"
"A guy like that is way out of our daughter's league. He's not interested in Crystal for who she is, he's interested in stealing her innocence. Once he's tricked her into giving him what he wants he will break her heart."
"You don't know that."
"I know that family better then you think. I only want what's best for her, I am just trying to protect her. I don't want to see her hurt. You and I both know that guys like Him only have one thing on their minds."
"That's not true and you know it! You weren't like that when we met."
"Yes I was. I was just like him at that age."
"If what you say is true, then I was just another conquest? Another notch under your belt?"
"Yes...Wait, that's not what I meant... of course you weren't. I knew that we were Mates the moment that I saw you. It was love at first sight. I love you more then anything. I always have and I always will..."
"I won't let Crystal wind up like my sister! She fell in love with someone just like that boy and look what happened to her, she found herself pregnant at 17. My father beat her with his belt for being a wh*re up until it was no longer safe for they baby."
"When she told the father about her pregnancy he rejected her. I refuse let the same thing happen to our daughter. I know that she's upset, but I'm doing this for her own good."
"No, honey, your not. It's not fair to judge this boy for the sins of your nephew's father. He made a mistake. We all make them. You know what the Bible says about forgiveness."
"Yeah, yeah.. Whatever..."
"Don't give me that attitude! Why do you hate your sister's Mate? He's proven himself to be a loving father and husband."
"Because my sister has never been the same. She never recovered from the depression his rejecting her caused her. After they were married, she became someone I don't even recognize anymore."
"She's a snobbish and looks down on us as if she's better than us. It's only a matter of time before he breaks her heart again. In fact, there's rumors that he's been meeting with another woman behind her back."
"I've heard that this boy that Crystal is interested in has had multiple girlfriends at the same time and that he's even gotten a few girls knocked up. They say, that his last love affair ended badly because he was overly possessive, and both physically and verbally abusive. That in a fit of rage at believing the possibility that the baby wasn't his he beat her and she lost the baby."
"Tell me honey, what does the Bible say in Matthew 6 14-15? And what does it say about judging others in Matthew 7 1-2? Come on, I know you know."
"If I don't forgive others then the Father won't forgive you."
I could hear my father sigh. "Do not judge or you too will be judged for with measure you use it will be measured to you."
"Don't you think it's time to forgive your brother in law?"
"I can't."
"Can't or won't?"
"Wait a minute, when did this become about my sister and her bum of a Mate? I thought we were discussing the boy Crystal brought home tonight?"
"That doesnt matter. As for your reasons for not liking the boy, I suggest that before you to listen to gossip about anyone, you read Proverbs chapter 11:03, 16:28, 18:8, 20:19, 26:20 26:22. They all warn against it."
"Now you are going to call that nice boy and apologize and you are going to allow our daughter to go on a date with him. Or you can sleep on the couch for the rest of the week!"
At this, my father fell silent before sighing "yes dear."
Dear Diary,
The best thing in the whole world happened to me today. I still can't believe it s true. Antonio asked me to go on a date. Of course I was skeptical at first, after all, why would he want to date me? After much persuasion from
my mother my father agreed to allow me to go on a date with him. He's picking me up shortly and we are going to go see a movie.
"Antonio, where are we going? I thought that you were taking me to see a movie? The theater is in the opposite direction."
"Close your eyes. I want it to be a surprise." At first, I looked at him skeptically but he pouted giving me those sad brown puppy dog eyes. "Don't you trust me?" I giggle and nod and then close my eyes. It seems like forever before I'm told that I can open them. My eyes go wide in shock. We are at the fanciest Italian restaurant in the city.
"Oh my gosh Antonio, you can't be serious, this place is almost impossible to get a reservation for. I'm not dressed properly for such a prestigious restaurant."
Antonio POV
"Nonsense. You look beautiful. Table for two please."
"We don't have a reservation."
"No reservation, no table." The host glanced me up and down before continuing. "Besides, I'm afraid the lady's attire doesn't meet with our standards. Someone of her upbringing is better off at a place more befitting of her status." The host replies with a laugh.
At this, Crystal's cheeks grew red in embarrassment and I could tell that she was on the brink of tears. How dare this man have the audacity to insult my girlfriend in such a manor. "What exactly is that supposed to mean?" I demand with a low growl.
"What I mean is, you might want to try Olive Garden. No wait, even that's too classy for someone like her. I mean, just look at the way she's dressed. She looks like a rag doll. Might I suggest Chucky Cheese? On second thought, you should take her through a drive through. This way you won't have to be embarrassed by people seeing her."
At this, I clenched my fist in anger and was about to deck the guy, when Crystal grabbed my arm. "He's right. I don't deserve to eat at a fancy restaurant like this. Maybe it is best if we grab some fast food." Crystal replies tearfully.
"Absolutely not! You are My girl and My girl deserves only the best, and the best is what your going to get. Sir, I believe you owe my date an apology."
"Alright I will apologize. I will apologize to them." He replied pointing to the diners. I could tell that several of them recognized me and began whispering pointing at Crystal. "I am so sorry, I hope these riff raff hasn't bothered anyone's meals?"
Several of the diners glanced in my direction and then held up their menus. This was a fight they wanted nothing to do with. "I'd like a word with your supervisor." I demanded through gritted teeth barely able to contain my anger.
"Sir, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to ask you to leave. Your upsetting our clients." The host replies signaling for security.
"I'm not going anywhere until I've spoken with whomever is in charge."
"Antonio please, let's just forget about it. We can come back another time when I'm dressed in more appropriate attire."
"There is nothing wrong with what your wearing my love." I reply causing Crystal to blush. Then turning back to the host my demeanor changed and I became eerily calm. "I believe I asked to speak to whomever is in charge, did I not?"
"Sir, please don't make me call security to escort you out of the building." The host replies with an agitated sigh. With that he snapped his fingers and motioned for the security team.
"Antonio please, let's just go..." Crystal begged but I wasn't about to let this go.
However, just as the security team arrived and was about to grab ahold of me a diner spoke up. "Excuse me sir, but I wouldn't do that if I were you."
"Oh? And why is that?" The host replies with a slight scoff.
"You don't know who that is do you?" The diner asked in amusement.
"No and quite personally, I don't care. Street rats like them don't belong in civilized society." The host replies. I closed my eyes trying to calm my wolf who was now beyond livid. This was no longer about his being rude, this was a matter of pride. No one insults us without consequences. My wolf snarled I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "He's just a dumb kid. He doesn't know any better."
Meanwhile, one of the waiters took this opportunity to call their boss. "Sir, we have a bit of a situation out here...
"What seems to be the problem ?" He demanded.
"There's a young man and his girlfriend who refuse to leave the premises. They do not meet with the standards to dine here so it was suggested they go elsewhere. When it was, the young man became quite violent. I suggest we call Police."
"May I have the phone a minute." Another waiter replies. "Sir, before you call the police
You might want to check the security footage."
Glancing at the security tape the manager's eyes went wide with shock. "Please tell me that's not who I think it is?"
"Well that depends on who you think it is sir."
"That is Antonio Bendito, the proprietor of this restaurant. Not to mention, the youngest son of one of the most dangerous Alpha's in the city. I shall deal with this situation personally. Do not allow anyone to call the police. It will only cause more problems."
"As you wish sir."
"Signore Bendito, E un piacere come sempre per farti cenare con noi. E chi potrei E questo bellissimo Piccola Fiore?" The manager asked kissing my hand.
Crystal looks at me in confusion and I could tell that she wanted to know what Santon had said. However, I could no longer contain my wolf and he responded instead. "Puoi rinunciare ai convenevoli Santon. Non sono felice non sono affatto felice!" (You can despense with the pleasantries. I am not happy Santon. I am not happy at all.)
I reply and immediately Santon's face pales. I smile obviously pleased with his fear. "Un membro del tou staff mi ha umiliato pubblicamente e il mio bellissimo appuntakento." (A member of your staff publicly humiliated my beautiful date and myself.)
Santon smiled apologetically, "per favore perdona la sua indiscrezione. Mi occupero di questo immediatamente." (Please forgive his indiscretion. I shall deal with him immediately.)
"Vedi che lo fai." (See that you do.)
With that, Santon shoves the host in the opposite direction.
Restaurant Manager AKA Santon POV
"Do you have any idea what you've done?"
"I was only trying to uphold..."
"Do you know who that is? That is Antonio Bendito, Alpha Anton Bendito's youngest son and the proprietor of this restaurant. If I don't find a way to appease him, then your a dead man. You need to go back out there and beg for forgiveness."
"I will not."
"Then you leave me no choice son. Boys, take him outside and teach him a lesson in respect."
"Father you can't be serious.. Let go of me. Father..."
"I am sorry son, but you brought this on yourself." With that, my boys dragged my son outside. It was breaking my heart to do this, but I had no choice, this had to be done. I winced as I heard the sounds of my boy being beaten. I wanted nothing more then to run out there and put and end to it, but I knew that if I did, then he would never learn. After a few minutes my men dragged my half conscious son back inside.
"Do you want us to finish the job?"
"No. I think he's learned his lesson. Take him home. However, don't let my wife see him. Or all hell will break loose when I get home."
Once my men had escorted my son to the car, I sighed and walked back into the restaurant. Hopefully, I could find some way to appease Mr. Bendito. Since talking to him in Italian didn't seem to impress him, I shall see how well my groveling skills work. "I am So sorry about that Mr. Bendito. I can assure you that nothing like this will even happen again. Would you and your lovely lady do us the favor of dining at the chef's private table?"
Crystal POV
"I don't know, what do you say my love? Should we give this place a chance or should we take our business elsewhere?"
"I... Ummm." I found myself completely speechless. Antonio had called me his love and he had defended my honor. "I'm really not that hungry anymore. Could we please just go to the movies?"
"As you wish my love." Snapping his fingers Antonio motioned for his bodyguard to come forward. "Make sure that host is taught a lesson in respect."
"I have already seen to that for you sir."
"Oh? Isn't the host your son?"
"Yes. However, his actions were unacceptable and for that I beg your forgiveness."
At this, Antonio chuckled. "Perhaps there's hope for you yet Sonton. All is forgiven."
Later at the movie theater "so what do you want to see?"
"I'm not really sure."
"How about Texas chainsaw massacre?"
I couldn't help but shutter and he laughed. "Oh come on, I hear that it's not as bad as the press has made it out to be. If it gets too scary we can leave and see a different movie. I know, how about The Godfather?"
"I'm not suppose to see rates R movies."
"It's only rated R because of the violence. Truth be told, you can see just as much violence on the news and in cartoons. Please? If you don't like it we can leave and I'll get a full refund and we will go see you that romantic comedy Ten things I hate about you. What do you say?"
"Alright. Oh and Antonio, I am so sorry about what happened at the restaurant."
"You have nothing to apologize for. That man was completely out of line. He's lucky that all he received was a fat lip and a black eye." Upon hearing this I couldn't help but gasp in shock.
I wish I could say that things got better once we arrived at the theater but unfortunately, things went from bad to worse.
"Well, well, we'll, who do we have here? What are you doing here? I thought good Christian girls like yourself don't go to the movies. I mean isn't it like a sin or something?" One of Geraldine's friends said with a smirk.
"Hay girls, listen to this, Antonio Bendito the youngest son of Anton Bendito was refused service when he arrived at the Italian restaurant Osteria Dei Mascalzoni or in English The Tavern of the Scoundrels. He had a mystery girl by his side. The young woman was wearing ripped blue jeans and what looked like a hand me down dress shirt."
"One has to wonder, why one of the most eligible batchlors in the city would choose to be seen out in public with a girl of such low social stature. What will his parent's say when they learn of this endeavor? Will they approve of this seemingly Cinderella girl? Or will she be sent back to the gutter from whence she came? Only time will tell."
"Why are you getting embarrassed? They couldn't possibly be talking about you. After all, Antonio wouldn't date a looser like you. Your far too poor, and far too ugly."
"Antonio says that I'm beautiful."
"Now, I thought that the Bible says we must not tell lies. Perhaps we should teach this girl a lesson. What do you say girls?"
"There's no way Antonio would date you. He's way out of your leauge. I mean just look at that outfit, it is so last season. And that hairstyle, it's awful. Here let me help you with that." With that the head cheerleader Geraldine, took her soda cup and poured the remains of it over my head. . "That's better isn't it girls?"
"Actually, I think it's still missing something. Oh I know.." With that one of the other girls she dumped her popcorn over the top of my head.
I stood there in shock as tears began to fill my eyes. My wolf on the other hand wanted to rip the girl apart. "Aww look girls, the little freak is going to cry."
Antonio POV
"Umm boss, you might want to get over here ASAP. Someone posted an article about today's earlier evens and it seems as if some snotty cheerleaders have stumbled upon it and are mocking your date."
"On my way." I arrived just in time to see the girls dump their drink and popcorn over Crystal's head. Upon spotting me her cheeks became bright red with embarrassment and she rushed into the girl's bathroom in tears. I frowned. "What have you done?"
At this, the cheerleaders including Geraldine Seether the head cheerleader laughed. "We just gave the little freak a well deserved make over. Can you believe that she had the audacity to say that she was on a date with you? Maybe that will make her think twice before she makes up tales like that."
"I mean, everyone knows that your way out of her league. She's nothing but white trash. She's so poor that she has to buy her clothes from goodwill. I hear that her family is so poor that she eats cat food for lunch and steals toilet paper from the school."
"At least she's not a wh*re like you." I reply trying not to loose my patience with the girls.
"I'm sorry what did you say?" Geraldine said chocking on her gum.
"You heard me. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to check on my date." With that I walked over to the ladies restrooms. "Crystal sweetheart, are you alright?"
Crystal shook her head no her eyes filling tears. "Please take me home." She whispered wrapping her arms around herself and refusing to meet my gaze. Gently I lifted her chin so that she was looking me directly in the eyes. I wiped the tears from her eyes and kissed her forehead.
I could still see the hurt in her eyes and I was livid. I wanted to make these girls pay dearly for what they had done. "Crystal, sweetheart, could you wait here for just a second." Crystal nods as I walk over to the manager.
"Just because he kissed you on the cheek it doesn't mean a thing. He's probably just being nice. Everyone here can tell that he's embarrassed by you. You're nothing but a pity date."
"Your white trash compared to him. He doesn't love you, the only reason he's dating you is because he and the guys have a bet going to see how long it will take him or one of the other boys to get you to give it up."
"Give what up?"
"You really are naive aren't you? They have a bet going on to see who can get you to give them your maidenhood, who can take your V card, who can steal your cookie, pop your cherry, deflower you, take your purity, who can steal your innocence. Your nothing but a conquest for him. One he's bet his friends that he can conquer. Is any of getting through to you?"
"Not really."
"OMG girl! Didn't you pay attention in sex education portion of health class?"
"My parent's don't want me taking that portion of class. Especially my father."
"He bet his friends that he could have sex with you. You do know what s*x is don't you? Who am I kidding of course you know nothing about sex."
"I know what s*x is Geraldine. Unlike you, I choose to remain pure until marriage."
"Why you disgusting little rat! How dare you speak to your superiors in such a manor! Get it through your head girl Antonio doesn't love you. He never will. If he truly loves you and wanted the world to know it, he's have kissed you on the lips for all to see. But he didn't did he." I heard one of the girls sneer at Crystal.
"Well, No but that doesn't mean..."
"Why don't you crawl back under whatever garbage heap you came from. Everyone knows that Antonio is way out of your league. Do yourself a favor and end this so called relationship before your little heart gets broken. And trust me, it will get broken. It's only a matter of time before Antonio tires of you."
So that's what they think huh? That I'm embarrassed by her? I couldn't wait to prove them wrong but first, I wanted a little bit of revenge.
"Excuse me sir, but I thought that you should know that this girls over there are boasting about sneaking into the movies without having to purchase tickets."
"They also stole food from your concession stand and are bullying a paying customer. They intentionally poured soda and popcorn all over her to ruin her outfit. If I were you I'd have them escorted off the property and banned from the premise."
"Thank you for informing me and I am so sorry that young woman had to suffer at their hands. I would like to offer you a free screening to tonight's premiers as a way of saying thank you and apologizing for the inexcusable actions of those girls."
"Hay sweetheart, sorry to have kept you waiting." I replied giving Crystal a peck on the lips. The cheerleaders giggled and whispered to themselves and I frowned. Perhaps this would show them my feelings concerning Crystal.
With that I pulled her into a deep passionate kiss. I heard the girls gasp. I couldn't help but smirk at them as I pulled away. "I hope that was a good enough show for you girls."
"How could you?" Crystal asked I could hear the hurt in her voice and it broke my heart. I never wanted to hurt her. She pushed me away and ran out of the movie theater.
I swore under my breath as I rushed after her. "Crystal, wait. Crystal come back! Look, I never should have said that. I'm sorry. I am an insensitive jerk. Please forgive me and come back inside. Lets not let this misunderstanding ruin our date. Please?"
Crystal sighed and looked at me warily tears streaming down her face. "Misunderstanding? There is no misunderstanding. You were just using me to put on a show for the public."
"I can't believe that I was naive enough to think that you were actually interested in me. I should have know that this was all just a cruel prank. I should have listened to my father. He was right about you all along."
"Crystal, you've got it all wrong. I didn't mean it the way that it came out. Please give me a chance to explain."
"So you can lie to me again?"
"No. So I can set the record straight."
"Alright. You have one minute. If you didn't mean it to come out the way that it did, then Then what what exactly were you trying to say to those girl? What was the purpose of the kiss?"
"I overheard what those girls said to you about my being embarrassed to be seen with you. That you are just a pity date. That I'm ashamed of being seen with you because compared to me your white trash and that's why I would never truly kiss you. I also heard them telling you that I am only interested in you for your virginity."
"I wanted them to know just how wrong they were. That's why I kissed you the way I did in front of them. I wanted to send them a message loud and clear. You are my girl and I'm not afraid nor am I ashamed to show it. In fact, I want the whole world to know it. I'm sorry if I hurt you in the process. Believe me, that was never my intention."
"Oh Antonio, that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." Crystal replied giving me a big hug.
"I want you to know that none of what those girls said was true. Well, except the part about my parents. I hate to admit it, but they can be quite snobbish. However, they would never force me to end a relationship with someone I care deeply about just because of a difference in social status."
With that, we headed inside to watch the movie. I was relieved to see that even though we were late in entering the movie was just beginning. We hadn't missed anything.
The movie was getting intense and I noticed that Crystal couldn't help but bury her face into my chest. I could see her glancing up at me every so often to ensure that I was fine with it but I pretended to be too focused on the movie to notice. I just smirked and rubbed hand up and down her back in a comforting motion.
"That was the most gruesome movie that I have ever seen." I smiled.
"If you thought that was gruesome wait till you see Saw and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It's still early. Do you think your up for seeing more movies? Or do you still want to go home?"
"I wouldn't mind seeing a few more movies."
At this, I sigh in relief. "I thought that with what happened earlier that you'd not want to continue our date. I just want You to know, that I am not ashamed of our kiss earlier, nor am I ashamed to let people to see you laying your head on my shoulder or my chest. Your my girl. Well, that is if you want to be...."
"You want me to be your girlfriend?"
"Yes. I want everyone to know that your my girl." At this, Crystal began to cry. "Sweetheart, please don't cry."
"I'm sorry, it's just that I never dreamed that someone like you would want to be in a relationship with someone like me."
"You don't see what I see." I replied as I wiped a strand of hair away from her face. When I dropped her off at her house, I sighed. "I am sorry about tonight. I had wanted everything to be perfect..."
"It was."
"You've got to be kidding me. Everything that could possibly have gone wrong went wrong. After what happened today, I'm surprised that you would ever want to see me again."
"Sure, we had a few bumps in the road, but I will cherish today for the rest of my life."
"Crystal, I know that we just agreed to be boyfriend and girlfriend but would you be willing to come over to dinner tomorrow night?"
"Yes of course."
"Until then my love, sweet dreams." I replied kissing her on the cheek.
"Antonio, what if they don't approve of me?"
"Nonsense. You are the sweetest, smartest, most beautiful girl that I have ever met. They'd have to be out of their minds not to see that." I replied giving her a kiss on the hand before turning and leaving.
Antonio mother POV
"Hasn't there been an enough bloodshed? This feud between our families needs to end."
"What do have in mind?"
"A joining of our two families."
"I'm afraid that simply won't work. There can not be two Dons at one time. Now if that is all..."
"No wait, is it true that you have a daughter?"
"Yes. Though I fail to see what that has to do with anything."
"My husband is planning on stepping down soon. Might I suggest that your daughter marry our family's future Don?"
"Agreed. Then our two families would combine ending this feud. Of course, I do have some conditions, Your son is never to divorce my daughter under any circumstances. Two: if, heaven forbid, my daughter is captured by an enemy, I will hold your son personally responsible for her safe return. If she is not returned unharmed, the treaty will be over and it will be an all out blood bath."
"Agreed. However, I too have some stipulations to add to the contract. My husband and I aren't getting any younger and I'd love to hear the pitter patter of little feet before I die. Your daughter must give me at least two grandchildren. One to be raised to carry on the family linage and the other that I can spoil. Preferably, within the first two years of their marriage.."
"This is an acceptable term. However, just a friendly reminder, the task to be fruitful and multiply applies to both the male and female. More specifically the male. Your son must do what is needed in order for my daughter to fulfill her obligations to the marriage. For while my daughter maybe fertile, she still needs your son's seed in order to become pregnant. Do you agree?"
"Yes. It takes two to tango. My only other requests is that you amend your part of the contract insisting that my son not be allowed to divorce your daughter under any circumstances."
"Oh? And why should I agree to that?"
"Because it's biblical. Should Geraldine be unfaithful to her marriage vows then my son has the right to file for divorce and the same shall also apply to my son. Geraldine should not be allowed to file for divorce save for infidelity. If for some reason, our children do divorce, Geraldine is not to file for sole custody of their children but rather, they are to have joint custody."
"Agreed. Oh and one more thing before I forget, once this contract is signed it shall be binding. If any attempt is made to violate or end this contract there will be severe consequences."
"Where have you been?"
"I had a meeting with Mr. ."
My husband frowned. "Why would you have a meeting with one of the Family's biggest enemies? You wouldn't happen to be double crossing the Family now would you?"
"You know that I would never do that. I met with him to discuss terms of a cease fire agreement."
"Oh? And what exactly is the cost of this cease fire?"
"We agreed that our families should combine into one."
"And how do you propose to make that happen?"
"Our children shall marry directly after graduation."
"And by children you mean?"
"Since Antonio has yet to find his mate we have agreed that He shall marry Geraldine directly after graduation. They are to have at least two children within the first two years of the marriage. Geraldine's father made it clear that under no circumstances was Antonio to try and worm his way out of this contract or it will have serious consequences. Antonio is obligated to marry Geraldine and the only way he can divorce her is if she's caught being unfaithful."
"I wish you had spoken to me before taking it upon yourself to meddle in the family affairs. From what Daniel tells me, Antonio has got it bad."
"What has he got?"
"Isn't it obvious sweetheart? Our little Antonio is in love."
"What?! With who?" I demand with a frown.
"I don't know. All I know is that He's fallen head over heals for the girl that he took out on a date tonight. Daniel is under the impression that it's possible that the young woman maybe Antonio's Mate. Even if she isn't he's really in love with her and plans to propose to her come graduation if not before."
"This time You've gone and screwed up big time. I suggest that you call and cancel this contract. Or try and get it amended so that she can marry one of our sons who isn't already taken."
"Unfortunately, the contract has been signed sealed and delivered. You know as well as I, that a deal with Geraldine's father is completely unbreakable. If we were to attempt to break the contract, it will result in an all out blood bath. Antonio will marry Geraldine."
"Morgan! What have you done?!"
"I was only trying to look out for our son and do what's right for the family. Think of it, this deal will open up a lot of opportunities for us. Besides, this girl he's infatuated with can't possibly be his Mate. Geraldine has made it clear that he is her Mate."
"Geraldine's father is not to be trusted Morgan. What guarantee do you have that he and his men won't try to ambush us during or even before the wedding?"
"It's part of the contract that we both signed. Besides, he seemed eager to want this merger and cease fire just as much as we do."
"You had no right to go behind my back and make a deal with my sworn enemy. I shall deal with your act of betrayal later. Right now, I have to try and undo this mess that you've created."
Anton POV
I can't believe my wife had the audacity to go behind my back and have a meeting with a known enemy. To make matters worse, she signed a contract with him that will force our son to marry a woman that he barley knows. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration and swore under my breath. "Get me the Family lawyer on the phone."
"Hello, this is Anton Bendito. I'm in need of a legal consultation."
"Might I ask what this is concerning?" Our lawyer's secretary asked.
"No. I shall provide your boss with the details upon his arrival."
"Ah Alpha, it's always a pleasure to assist you. How may I be of service to you?"
"I need to know if there is any loopholes that I could use to get out of this contract that my idiotic wife signed with one of our biggest enemies." I replied sliding a copy of the contract over to him.
After what seemed like forever, my lawyer sighed and shook his head sadly. "I'm afraid that this contract is iron clad. I am sorry Alpha. I wish there was some way that I could help."
"Your certain that there is no way to back out of this deal?"
"I'm afraid not. You could try reasoning with him and explain that your wife had no authority to make such a deal. However, I'm not sure that he is going to care. He seems adamant that this contract be unbreakable." My lawyer said with a sigh.
After dismissing the lawyer and thanking him for his assistance I dialed the number on the contract. "How May I direct your call?"
"Yes, this is Don Bendito I need to speak with your Don ASAP."
"One moment please. Sir, there's a Don Bendito on the phone."
"Anton to what do I owe the pleasure of this call?"
"We need to meet face to face to discuss a certain contract that involves our children."
"Ah, yes. I know to which contract you are referring. What seems to be the problem?"
"While I would love for a complete cease fire between the families, and the idea of a merger is intriguing, I can't in good conscience force my son to marry your daughter. I was wondering if we could meet to discuss terms of re-evaluating the contract. As it was created without my knowledge or approval. I was just wondering if we could make a slight amendment to the contract."
"Which is?"
"Is there any chance that she would be willing to marry one of my other sons? One who hasn't found their Mate yet?"
"Unfortunately, the contract states that my daughter is to marry your family's future Don. From what I can understand, that is to be your youngest son Antonio."
"Well, Yes and no. While my youngest son will hold the title of Don, it will be my eldest son who will make any final decisions concerning the wellbeing of the family. In essence, Antonio will be the Don in title only."
"That complicates things a little bit. I shall allow you to discuss this issue with my daughter. However, when it comes to this contract, my daughter has the final decisions."
"Geraldine, Don Bendito is on the phone. He'd like to discuss the contract with you."
"There is nothing to discuss. The contract is after all, self explanatory. I am Antonio's fiancé."
"That's where we have a problem. I gave Antonio my word that if he agreed to become our family's Don that he'd be allowed until his 21st birthday to find his Mate. If by the time that comes he hasn't found his Mate then we'd discuss terms of an arranged marriage."
"Then you shouldn't have allowed your wife to sign the contract. I will marry Antonio."
"If you wish to marry the Don, then you have your eyes on the wrong prize."
"What exactly is that supposed to mean?"
"It means, my dear, that if you desire to marry the Don of our family then You should be marrying my eldest son."
"From what I understand your eldest sons have chosen not to replace you as Don. That in fact, your youngest son Antonio will be your heir."
"In title only. The three of them shall run my empire together."
"I see. Well, it makes no difference to me official Don or Don in title only. I will marry Antonio. I will see you tomorrow night where I expect you to announce our engagement to the family. Until then, tata."
I let out a low growl as I hung up the phone turned to my attention to my wife who was smirking slightly. "I told you she wouldn't change her mind."
I smiled at my wife and motioned for her to come stand by me. "Come here my dear Wife." I chuckled as she shook her head no and began to backing away from me.
"Now sweetheart, lets not do anything rash. You and I both know that I did what was best for this family." My wife tried reasoning with me.
"I highly doubt that are son is going to see it that way. You never even considered Antonio's feelings did you? Well, I hope your happy because thanks to you, our son will be forced to marry a she devil. Since you took it upon yourself to decide his future, I will leave it to you to inform him of the contract. I can only imagine how he's going to take the news." I reply with a bit of a sadistic chuckle.
"Wouldn't this news be better coming from you? You are after all, this family's Don."
"True. However, this situation is entirely your fault and you alone will take the blame. Personally, I can't wait to see his reaction to this news." I replied with a sadistic chuckle.
Crystal POV
Dear diary I ran into some girls from school at the movie theater. They laughed when I told them that I was on a date with Antonio. They were so cruel I ran into the bathroom. Then something magical happened. I had my first kiss. My first real kiss. Well, my first kiss was to show off to those snotty girls. But the one I consider to be my real first kiss was the passionate kiss we shared after the movies were over. He invited me over to meet his parent's tomorrow night. I am both excited and yet terrified. What should wear? What if his parent's don't like me? Squeeel I'm so excited. I'd this what it feels like to fall in love?
Antonio POV
"Son, might we have a moment of your time?"
"Of course father. First of all, how was your date?"
"I've found my Mate. She's everything that I could ever wish for in a girl. She's brilliant, kind, gentle, most beautiful girl that I have ever had the privilege to meet. She agreed to be my girlfriend. I invited her over for dinner tomorrow night. I think you are really going to like her."
At this, my father gave me a look of sympathy and his gaze seemed apologetic. "Woman, isn't there something that you'd like to tell our son?" My father asked a hint of both irritation and amusement in his voice.
"Before I say anything, I want you to know that I had both your's and the family's best interests heart." My mother replies nervously. I watched a sadistic smile crossing my father's face as he let out a sinister chuckle.
"Stop beating around the bush and tell our son what you have done, woman." I frowned he only called her that when he was irritated with her. Which meant only one thing: whatever it was that she had done, she had done without his approval.
I watched as mother silently pleaded with my father who shook his head. "You brought this upon yourself. I suggest that you don't keep our son waiting."
"I created and signed a contract with the Don of another family. This contract creates a peace treaty between the two families."
"Why would I be upset about that?"
My mother looks towards my father pleadingly. "Go on, tell him the rest." He replies his eyes sparkling in amusement.
"We agreed to merge our two families into one."
"I'm not handing control of this family to someone else. No matter how experienced they are." I replied with frown.
"Nor am I'm asking you too."
"Then what exactly does this contract do?"
"As future Don, you are to marry the Don's daughter thus merging our two families together." My mother replies handing me copy of the contract to read. The more of the contract I read the angrier I became.
"Did you know about this?" I demanded turning to my father who remained silent. The look on his face telling that she had made this deal without his knowledge. My wolf wanted desperately to come out but I held him back for the time being.
"Tell me woman, why should I marry someone that I don't even know?"
"Don't be ridiculous, of course you know her. In fact, she goes to your school. What kind of heartless monster do you take me for? I would never sign a contract forcing you to marry a stranger."
"And who exactly am I supposed to be getting married too?"
Again my mother looked to my father pleading with him to assist her but he just smiled his eyes sparkling in amusement as he shook his head chuckling slightly. "Yes Dear, do tell our son, who you decided to agree that he'd marry."
"That lovely head cheerleader from your school, Geraldine..."
At this, my gaze darkened "you signed a contract stating that I would marry that she devil? Are you out of your mind? No! I refuse to have anything to do with this contract!."
"Unfortunately, you don't have a choice. Ending this feud is crucial to the survival of the Family. You must marry Geraldine."
At this, I chuckled sadistically but made sure that my voice remained eerily calm while in reality, I was livid and so was my wolf.
I decided to allow him to speak to her on the stipulation that he not harm her yet. "Tell me woman, what made you think you had the right to choose my future Luna for me? Let alone, conduct any business transactions on behalf of myself or the family?"
"I'm sorry. Unfortunately, the contract is legal binding and completely unbreakable even for the future Don. You will marry Geraldine upon graduation."
"Then you have left me no choice. I renounce my title as future Don."
"You can't do that."
"I can and I will. I refuse to marry that she Devil and if renouncing my title of future Don is the only way to end this contract then so be it."
"You can't let him do this."
"Son, I know your not happy with this contract. Quite frankly, neither am I but what is done is done. Renouncing your title won't solve anything."
"Quite frankly I don't give a d*mn. I will not marry anyone besides my destined mate." My wolf replies.
Later, that evening I introduced Crystal to the family. "Father, this my girlfriend, Crystal. Crystal, this is my father Anton."
"It's a pleasure to meet you."
As soon as I introduce Crystal I could tell that my mother had already taken a disliking to Her. I frowned as I heard her whisper something to my father who gave her a warning glare.
"Be nice." I heard him hiss at her.
"Tell me father, what was it your wife was saying about my future wife?" I replied still refusing to call her my mother.
"I was just saying how intriguing your date's attire is this evening. I don't recognize the designer. Wherever did it come from?"
"I'm not sure. It was a gift from my late grandmother." Crystal replies.
"I see. Antonio might we have a word with you in the other room please?"
I frowned "whatever you have to say to me you can say to my girlfriend." I replied.
At this, my mother sighed. "Must you call her that?" She the distain in her voice clearly evident.
"Why shouldn't He call her that? She is his girlfriend." Daniel replies.
"It's imperative that I speak with you in private immediately. You don't mind if I steal him for a moment do you?"
"Of course not."
Once in the other room my father's wife frowns at me. "Antonio, I am so disappointed in you. Dating a girl from the other side of the tracks? You can do so much better."
"What are you trying to say mother?" I replied through gritted teeth holding back my wolf who wanted to strangle her.
"It's obvious from the way that she's dressed that she's from the wrong side of town. You have to take her home, immediately."
"Because your fiancé Geraldine is coming for dinner tonight and it will be quite awkward for the two of them to meet don't you think?"
"Why did you invite that B*tch?" I replied with a groan.
At this, my mother gasped. "Antonio that is no way to talk about your fiancé! To answer your question, we were going to be announcing your engagement."
"For the last time, I am not going to marry that B*t*h just because you were idiotic enough to sign a contract without discussing it with either Father or myself. Especially since said contract, concerns my future. Geraldine is a cruel, heartless monster who enjoys bullying those that she considers to be of lower status then herself."
"That can't be. Geraldine is one of the nicest young women that I have ever met and your not being fair to her. Believe me, I only have your best interests in mind darling. You need to end things with her before she gets hurt."
"That is not going to happen! Now if we are done here, I have a date to see too." I replied angrily.
"Antonio don't you walk away from me young man! This conversation is far from over."
"Geraldine, darling how are you?" Mother greeted the witch warmly giving her a big hug.
Then spotting Crystal, Geraldine frowned. "What is she doing here?"
"Oh her? She's Antonio's date for this evening. Amethyst or something like that..."
"Actually, mother her name is Crystal." Daniel replies and I can tell that he's just as irritated with mom for inviting the Witch as I am.
"Whatever, I fail to see the difference. They are both rocks after all." Mother replies dismissively.
"Why is that cold hearted Witch here? She's the daughter of one of our biggest rivals." Daniel asked and I shrugged.
"Your mother, signed a contract stating that I am going to marry Geraldine directly after graduation." I reply.
Daniel POV
"What? Does father know about this? Geraldine is the daughter of the Family's second biggest rival."
"Mother evidently made and signed this deal without his knowledge. She claims that my marriage to Geraldine is in the best interest of the Family."
"Has she gone completely mental? And what about Crystal? Are you to just end your relationship with her?"
"That's what Your mother keeps insisting that it is for the best. She says that Crystal could never fit into our society because she's from the wrong side of town."
At this, I frown, and went in search of my mother. She had some explaining to do. I her found sitting with Geraldine. I watched as they exchanged glances over in Crystal's direction and then would whisper in each other's ears before giggling.
"Excuse me, I hate to interrupt your gossip but might I have a word with you Mother?" I demanded through gritted teeth.
"Would you excuse me Geraldine? I'll only be a moment. What can I do for you Daniel?"
"What are you doing mother? How could you create and sign a contract without consulting either father or Antonio and I?"
"Because I knew how your brother would react."
"So you are aware of how both Antonio and I feel about her."
"Yes, though I fail to understand your dislike for her. She's a remarkable and sweet young woman."
At this, I burst into laughter. "Geraldine, sweet? Sure and pigs can fly."
"Well Elephants can, does that count?"
"No mother it does not count. Believe me, Geraldine is more like a puppy hating fur loving woman then a sweet young lady. In fact, lyrics to a song about this villain describe Geraldine to a T. I really think you should reconsider this contract."
"Geraldine is not the kind of woman that you want representing the Family. I can assure you that she's certainly not the type of woman you want to have as the future Don's wife."
"Why is that? She's beautiful, talented, she fits our class, she's already acquainted with how our world works. She's a perfect match for your brother."
"I'm telling you, she's not. She's not what she seems. Trust me, Antonio and I know her a lot better the you do. We've seen her true colors first hand. She is not the woman for him."
At this, my mother sighs. "Unfortunately, even if that is true, it's too late, the contract has been signed and it's completely unbreakable. My hands are tied. Only Geraldine has the power to change the contract and she's adamant that it will remain the way it is. I'm truly sorry son, but there's nothing that can be done. Antonio must marry Geraldine directly after graduation."
"Fine. Then I guess I'll have to find a way to persuade Geraldine to end the contract."
"Son it's impossible."
Antonio POV
For the rest of the evening all mother did was boast about the Witch's achievements. "Why don't you and Geraldine spend some time
quality time getting to know each other while I prepare dessert?."
"Sorry. Not interested. I have a girlfriend."
At this, Crystal cleared her throat "oh right, rock girl, I'm sorry, what is your name again dear? I seem to have forgotten it. I hope we aren't boring you with this talk of all Geraldine's wonderful achievements. Tell me, have you ever won any awards dear?"
"Oh that's right, someone of your status probably doesn't have the time or money to compete in such prestigious sporting events such as horse jumping." Mother said with a slight smile.
"Alright that it! I've had it! How can you be so spiteful mother?!" Daniel replies angrily.
"I'm sorry, but I haven't the slightest idea to what you are referring." Mother replies feigning confusion.
"You have been nothing but rude and condescending towards Crystal from the moment that she arrived tonight. You made no attempt to hide your distain towards her. You have put her down every opportunity that you could find."
"Both Crystal and Antonio have remained silent through it all. Now you have the audacity to suggest that Antonio take Geraldine out on a date while his girlfriend sits right across from you!"
"Now son, that's no way to speak to your mother." Father replies scolding Daniel who then turns his anger on his.
"Oh so now the head of the family has something to say?" Daniel says with a scoff "Why did you just sit there as your wife berated your guest? Had this been a business meeting with a wealthy investor or client you'd have been furious with your wife's complete lack of respect for them. You'd have made it clear that there would be consequences for her actions."
"Yet, you sat there and didn't say a single word. Tonight's dinner has been an eye opening experience for me. I never realized until now, just how prejudice and judgmental the two of you are. I'm ashamed to call you family!" With that Daniel turned and stormed out of the room.
Mother turned towards Crystal and glared angrily at her. "This is all your fault!" She snarls but to my surprise my eldest brother spoke up next.
"No mother, Daniel is right. You had no business inviting Geraldine to dinner knowing that Crystal would be here tonight. Your attitude and behavior towards Crystal has been completely uncalled for and unacceptable. If I were in Antonio's shoes and it had been me, and you had been speaking to my girlfriend with such disrespect, I wouldn't have tolerated it!"
"Antonio hasn't said anything out of respect for you, but we all know that you are way out of line!" With that my eldest brother tossed his napkin on the table and stormed out of the room.
Again my mother turned to Crystal angrily. "Now see what you've done? You've torn this family apart! I was afraid something like this might happen if he brought you here. I hope your happy!"
"Enough. What happened just now is not this young woman's fault, it's your own. Our sons were right, I never should have allowed you to speak to this beautiful young woman in such a disrespectful manor. To disrespect a guest in my household is to disrespect me."
"I would never..."
"Silence! Now, I want you to apologize to this lovely lady, while I speak with my son. Concerning what you've done. Son, I know that you love this young woman but I'm afraid that your mother is right, your going to have to break things off with her."
"Oh not you too.."
"It's not that I don't approve of her. Believe me I do, but you and I both know the contract that your mother signed can not be undone."
"As much as it pains me to force you to do this, You have no choice but to end things with that lovely lady out there."
"No. I won't. I refuse too. I don't care what this contract says! I am not going to marry that Witch!"
"Unfortunately, sometimes, for the sake of the family the Don must make heartbreaking choices that he's rather not make."
"Then maybe I don't want to be this family's Don. Find some way to end this contract or I will, and believe me father, you won't like the results."
Dear diary,
We've been dating for almost week now. He calls me his gem and I call him my tiger since his nickname is tony. I met Antonio's parents today. I could tell that his mother took an instantly disliking to me. Putting me down every chance that she got. She even suggested that my Tiger become romantically involved with this other woman whom she intentionally invited to dinner knowing that I'd be there.
As we drove off we sat in silence until we reached my trailer. Upon arrival he did nothing but apologize. I nodded my head in understanding telling him that everything was alright. We had expected something like this would happen. I explained that none of that mattered. All that mattered is that we love each other.
Antonio POV
I was in complete shock at how my mother treated Crystal tonight. Not to mention inviting that, that parasite to dinner. I was horrified when she suggested that I take Geraldine out on a date right in front of Crystal. I could see how much it hurt Crystal and yet, I still sat there and said nothing.
What kind of boyfriend does that? Sits by and allows his mother to berate the woman he loves and not say a word? I am not sure if I can ever face her after what happened tonight. To make matters worse, Father told me that I had to break things off with her because like it or not I was going to marry Geraldine directly after graduation.
I can't hurt Crystal like that. I'll admit, at first, my dating Crystal was supposed to be just a joke but the more time I spent with her the more I found myself falling in love with her.
"Crystal is my mate and I will have no other. To hell with the contract and to hell with whatever consequences come with breaking it.
Prom night:
"Crystal we need to talk."
"Your going to dump me aren't you? Your parent's don't approve of me. They'd prefer that you marry that Geraldine girl after all, she has the social status that I lack." Crystal replies bursting into tears. As she turns to run out of the gym I grab ahold of her hand and pull her back towards me.
"I won't lie to you, my parent's expect me to marry Geraldine directly after graduation, however, I'd rather step down as head of the family then to loose you. You're my mate and I love you with all of my heart. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?"
"Oh Antonio, yes! 100 times yes!"
At this, Daniel pulled me aside. "First of all, congratulations! Crystal is a wonderful girl. That being said, have you considered what you're going to do about the contract? Breaking it will result in having serious consequences to deal with."
"To hell with the contract and to hell with the consequences! I am not going to marry that wolf in sheep's clothing! She's a witch and I hate her with a passion!" My wolf replies with a slight snarl.
Later that evening, I noticed that Crystal was getting a little tipsy. "Crystal what have you been drinking?"
"I've only had a few cups of punch." She slurred and I groaned someone must have spiked the punch without the chaperones noticing. "I need another drink."
"Oh no, no more punch for you."
"But why not?"
"Because I said so. I am your fiancé and I say that you're not to have any more punch tonight. You've had one too many already."
"Are you going to be this controlling when we're married?" Crystal demanded somewhat amused and angry at the same time. "Maybe I change my mind, maybe I don't want to marry you. I came here to have fun and you are being a big stick in the mud."
"Crystal please, I'm only trying to help you."
After taking Crystal to my family doctor I decided that it was best if I didn't take Crystal home. Her parent's would be furious and her father would find some way of making this my fault.
After much debating I decided to take Crystal to a hotel. "Antonio, where are we? I thought that you said that you were bringing me home?"
"Your drunk Crystal. I can't bring you home like this, your parents would kill me. Especially your father."
"Antonio, I want you to take me."
"Why am I not pretty enough? Is that why you don't want to have s*x with me? I thought that you said that you loved me?"
"I do. Believe me it's not that I don't want too but if we were to have s*x you'd end up regretting it in the morning and you'd resent me for taking advantage of you in your current state of mind. Let's just get you ready for bed and we will call it a night."
"You're not of legal age to consent. If we were to have s*x and someone found out, I could be arrested and sent to jail for statutory ra*e." I reply helping her out of her dress and into the bed.
"Oh pooh! Your no fun!" Crystal replies and within seconds she is fast asleep.
⚠️ this paragraph talks about how men deal with fulfilling sexual needs without having sex.
As I lay beside Crystal, I can't help but think of how lucky I am. Since neither of us want to loose our purity's until we are married, my little son will just have to be satisfied with a self given massage . After a few minutes my love juice was completely soaking her underwear. Then leaving the room I crawled into my bed and had the best nights sleep I'd had in years.
Dear diary,
I can't belief it. Antonio has asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes. The rest of the night was pretty much a blur. I think I might be coming down with something.
I can't seem to keep anything down. As I glanced at the calendar I realized that I am a week and a half overdue for my mensural cycle.
I hope that I'm not pregnant. No, that's impossible Antonio and I didn't have s*xual intercourse. We agreed to wait until after we are married. Unless he... No. He wouldn't do that to me. It has to be a bug.
Dear Diary,
Things have been off between Antonio and I ever since the day after prom. At school He seems to avoid me whenever possible and He's seems to be spending a lot of time with Geraldine lately. When I try to talk to him he refuses to even look at me and he turns and walks the other direction.
He won't even talk to me unless it's for a school project. Even then the conversations are short. What could I have done to have his attitude change so dramatically over night?
The closer it comes to graduation the further he seems to distance himself from me. It is breaking my heart and he doesn't even seem to care.
Antonio POV
After a while I began to realize that there was no way out of the contract. I saw Geraldine and her friends standing by their lockers and frowned. "Geraldine we need to talk."
At this, Geraldine's friends giggled "we will catch you two love birds later."
I rolled my eyes as they walked off. "I don't want to marry you Geraldine."
Geraldine smirked at me. "You don't have a choice. Tell me, have you broken things off with Crystal yet?"
"Why are you doing this Geraldine?"
"Because I loved you the moment that I laid eyes on you. I swore that I'd do anything to make you mine."
At this, I sigh. "You and I both know that You don't love me Geraldine. So I'll ask again, why are you doing this? Is this really what you want? To have an arranged marriage instead of marrying your destined mate?"
At this, Geraldine's eyes begin to fill with tears. "Why won't you give me a chance? Do you really hate me that much?"
I instantly feel guilty although, I'm not sure why. Maybe it was because of the look of heartbreak on her face. I could tell that it was genuine.
I sigh and wipe away her tears. "Please don't cry Geraldine. I don't hate you but I do hate the way you treat others. Especially how you treat Crystal."
"It's always going to be about her isn't it? No matter what I do or how hard I try you will never love me. My father says that marrying for love is a foolish thing to do. Love won't pay the mortgage or put porridge in our bowls. Dearie, marry me."'
Dear diary,
After feeling sick for over a month mom insisted that I go to see the doctor. We received the shock of a lifetime. The doctor says their I am pregnant.
Mom was speechless but her shock quickly turned anger. "You little wh*re!"
"But how can this be? I've never had s*x."
"Quit lying. Your pregnant. Therefore is stands to reason that your no longer a virgin."
"Actually ma'am, your daughter is telling the truth. Her hymen is still intact and her body shows no signs of s*xual intercourse of any kind."
"That's impossible. If that's true, then how is she pregnant?"
"It's possible that her boyfriend ejaculated near her vagina."
"So she was naked in bed with a boy."
"Not necessarily. On rare occasions sperm have been known to transfer via clothing into the vagina. In essence, your daughter is still a virgin."
"How did the doctor visit go? Is everything alright?"
"Absolutely not. Well go on, tell him."
"Tell me what?"
"Your daughter has gone and gotten herself pregnant." My mother replies before I can respond.
"I swear, I don't even remember what happen prom night. We both agreed not to have that type of relationship until after we were married."
"What do you mean after your married?
"Antonio proposed to me at the prom."
"Oh Crystal how can you have been so naïve? He had no intention of marrying you. He just wanted what all boys want and you were stupid enough to give it to him." My mother said with a frown.
"But I don't remember anything from that night after he proposed."
"You don't remember anything?" I shook my Head. "Nothing at all from that night?"
"No sir. I swear."
That SOB! He must have drugged and ra*ed you! I'm going to kill him!"
"No dear, he didn't. The doctor said that our daughter is still a virgin."
"How is that possible?"
"It's complicated. The question now is what to do now? I suppose I could take her to a clinic..."
"Absolutely not! How could you even suggest that? You know how I feel about abortions. Especially after reading the book Unplanned. And seeing the movie adaptation. No, abortion is out of the question."
"Then what do you want to do? I don't care what the doctor said, as far as I am concerned even if she didn't have intercourse, she still is pregnant and only a w*ore gets pregnant outside of marriage. I won't have her living under my roof. I want her gone by morning."
"We can't just."
"Oh yes we can. Let me make this easier for you. It's either she goes or I do. I will file for divorce first thing in the morning. The choice is yours. Your daughter, or your status as a church member. You know they frown upon divorce."
"When they ask why I filed, I'll tell them the truth. You chose to allow a known harlot to remain under your roof. I do hope for your sake that you make the right decision." She said coldly turning and walking out of the house.
"I don't understand my mom at all. She was all for me dating Antonio. She even used scriptures like do not judge or you too will be judged. And if you do not forgive then your father in heaven cannot forgive you. Yet, here she is insisting that I be disowned.
Father sighed. He wasted no time in helping me pack my things. I looked for sympathy but found only sadness in his gaze. In the morning I once again tried reasoning with them. "Please don't do this... Please, don't do what Gramma and Grandpa did to Auntie." My father looked away refusing to meet my gaze. I could tell that he didn't want to do this.
Mother's gaze remained cold and unchanging as she replied "We never want to see or hear from you ever again. As of this moment you are dead to us." With that she they the door in my face. I stood there in shock completely heartbroken but at least I still had Antonio or so I thought....
Dear diary,
To say I am heartbroken is the understatement of the century. When I arrived at Antonio's house I was met with an unfriendly reception. "What are you doing here? What part of your relationship with Antonio it is over didn't you understand? He ended things with you months ago. You need to leave. Can't you see that we are in the middle of preparing for Antonio's wedding? Your not wanted here."
Wait, how could Antonio be getting married today? We hadn't even discussed a date for the wedding let alone planned one. Before I could respond Antonio's father came alongside his wife and frowned. "Could someone please explain to me what's going on? I really need to see Antonio. It's important."
"Yes well, I'm afraid that he too busy preparing to get married in an hour to the most beautiful woman in the world. He doesn't have time to speak with you. Now run along."
"What?" I replied in shock. "That can't possibly be..."
"Honey, why don't you go help Geraldine get ready. I will deal with this." At this, Antonio's mother's eyes lit up and she excitedly rushed down the hallway. "I know you love my son but you need to forget about him. You can never be together."
"He told me about the engagement but he promised me that he'd find a way to get it of it."
"Unfortunately, the contract my wife signed concerning the matter is iron clad. He was supposed to end thing your relationship directly after the masquerade ball. I assume that he didn't?"
"No. He asked me to marry him. He said that if you tried to force him to marry Geraldine that he would reject the family name and he would walk away and never look back."
"Unfortunately, it's not that simple my dear. Antonio is to be the leader of the family he has obligations that he is require to fulfill even if it breaks his heart doing it. This isn't the type of family that you just walk away from and still remain alive."
"You sound like the character from the movie Antonio took me to see, The Godfather. That's why he took me to see it. He wanted me to know who you truly are without having to actually say it."
"What exactly did he tell you after you saw the saga?"
"Only that your family was a lot like the families in the movie. Now I understand what he meant."
"I can't help but notice that your pregnant. The child is my son's isn't it?"
"I am so sorry."
"Dear, what's taking so long? Why is she still
"She is carrying our grandchild."
"I'm sorry she's what?"
"She's carrying our grandchild."
"That is unfortunate. Too bad that it is an unwanted mistake. I suggest that you and rid of it. And don't even think about informing any of my sons about that thing. Especially not Antonio. If you attempt see or speak to any of them, I will have you arrested."
"Please I have no where else to go."
"That is no concern of mine."
"I am sorry, I wish there was something I could do to help you but I can't. You need to leave. Turn around and never look back."
To say that I was heartbroken, was an understatement but I knew that his father was right, I wasn't worthy of being his wife. I needed to disappear and never look back. Unfortunately, the more I thought about it the most I couldn't bring myself to do it. I couldn't kill my baby.
At first, Catrina was my whole world. I loved her dearly but as the years went by I found myself become increasingly resentful her. I hated how she reminded me of how he stole my innocence. He had stolen my future and he stole my heart.
Present day
My name is Catrina Marie Robbinson. I am the only daughter of Crystal Robbinson. My mother had me when she was young. She told me that my father had left her when he discovered that she was pregnant with me. Evidently, he told my mother that she should discreetly rid herself of me. However, my mother refused to have an abortion, to her I was a gift from God.
However, to him I was an unwanted mistake. When my mother continued to refused to have an abortion, my father left her. Mom says that he got what he deserved in the end, because, he supposedly died in a car crash several years ago.
Anyway, when I was younger I was always mom's special little princess but as I grew older I noticed her attitude towards me begin to change drastically. When I was little she would protect me with a vengeance. If anyone huwt me in any way at all she would become like a mama bear protecting her cubs. However, as I grew older she began to care less and less about how others treated me.
She became verbally abusive and she allowed her boyfriend's to hurt me. In fact, she often joined in on the beatings her lovers enjoyed giving me. One day I couldn't take it anymore and so I ran away and that is where my story begins.
Antonio POV
"Hay boss, check out that young girl over there, what's do you think she doing out here by herself? You know, if you look at her from a distance one might mistake her for our sister. Which is odd, because, I'm fairly certain mom and dad would have mentioned long before now, that we have a sister."
"I don't know, but I intend to find out. I trust you can handle the rest of the negotiations?" The man said with a sinister chuckle.
"Sure thing boss."
"Hello little one."
"Please leave me alone!" The girl replies backing away from me slightly.
"Can you tell me why your out here on the streets all alone?"
"Do you need money? Room and board? I'd be more then willing to assist you."
"Yeah? At what price? Sorry, not interested. Why don't you go seek out some other girl for your entertainment?" The young girl replied sarcastically. She must have been afraid that I was going to hit her because she shrank away from my hand. "I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me." She whimpers and I can see the fear in her eyes. The poor girl is terrified.
"I'm not going to hurt you sweetheart, can tell me your name?"
"It's Catrina."
"And what are you doing out on the streets alone at this time of night? Where are your parents?"
"My mother hates me. She is continuously reminding me that my biological father never wanted me. In fact, the whole reason for their break up, was because, she refused to get an abortion. Mom said that he died in a car crash a few years ago. To answer your question as to why I'm out here all alone it's because I ran away from home."
I sighed in disappointment as I noticed that the poor girl had bruises all over her face and probably most of her body. "Catrina, how did you get these bruises?"
"I.. I'm clumsy, I fell."
"I don't like being lied to young lady. Now do you want to tell the me the truth?"
" I can't."
"I don't like repeating myself. How did you get those bruises, and don't lie to me this time.
"My mother's boyfriend punished me for my grades. It was my fault. I deserved to be punished for not following the house rules. Even if it's not my fault. My math teacher hates me."
I let out a deep growl cutting her off mid sentence. "Now you to listen to me." I growled my eyes flashing in anger. "I want you to listen to me, there is a fine line between being punished and being abused. I need you to tell me where you live, ok?"
"I'm not suppose to give that information to strangers..."
"My name is Antonio Bendito."
Upon hearing my name Catrina scooted as far away from me as I'd allow her to be. "As in the Mr. Bendito? Mr. Bendiot the millionaire?
A this, I chuckled "well, billionaire to be more precise."
"I live in a trailer park. I don't know the address. Usually I can find my way home, but but I've never been out this long before."
"Sweetheart, do you mind if I clean that scrape?" I asked pointing to her knee. "We don't want it to get infected do we?"
"No. I guess not. Ouch!" The girl hissed.
"I'm sorry little one. I know that it stings. If you don't mind my asking how old are you?"
"I am fourteen." Catrina replies.
"Your fourteen? Catrina do you know your mother's first name is ?"
"Her first name is Crystal."
"And when were you born?"
"I was born on June fourteenth 1983."
I frowned that was the same year that I was forced to marry a horrible woman instead of the love of my life and my true mate, Crystal Robbinson. Come to think of it, Catrina reminds me a little of Crystal, though I can't put my finger on why.
Taking out a Q tip from my bag I carefully wiped the edge collecting a sample of her blood. "Sweetheart, o know this might seem like an odd question but could you open your mouth for me?"
"Ok." She replies without hesitation. "What is that for?"
"We are going to run some tests to make sure
You didn't get anything bad in your bloodstream when you fell."
"Oh. Ok."
Turning to my gamma I handed him the Q tips. "Take this and run an analysis on it. Test it against my DNA that we have on file and inform me of the results immediately."
"Sir is there something wrong?"
"I'm not sure."
Soon we arrived at a dirty apartment complex and a fairly young women open the door to the apartment and frowned. "Where the hell have you been? Get in here! You've got chores to do you good for nothing little brat!"
The woman snarls at the girl and I clear my throat in irritation. When I met her gaze I stared into a pair of eyes that I thought that I'd never see again.
""Crystal? It's been ages since I've last saw you."
"As far as I'm concerned it's not been nearly long enough. Why are you here? What do you want?"
"I saw this young woman sitting all alone at the bus station at the edge of town. She said that she lives here with her mother. Wait, are you Catrina's mother?"
"That's not really your concern."
"May I come in? I think we need to talk."
"I don't thinks so. It's late and I have to go to work in the morning so if you'll excuse me..." Crystal replied the hatred in her voice clearly evident.
"Who's at the door my love?" A man wearing reeking of beer and cigarettes and wearing only his boxers asked. He smiled when he saw Catrina. "Catrina, sweetheart, where have you been? Your mother and I were worried sick about you. You were supposed to be home hours ago."
The predatory gaze in this man's eyes as he looked at Catrina made me clench my fist in anger. My wolf begging me to let him out.
"Thank you so much for bringing our little girl home safely. How can we ever repay you? Could I offer you some sort of reward?" The man said with a slimy smile taking out his wallet. My men snickered behind me.
"That's not necessary. No reward is required. I'm just glad that she is home safe and sound. Your daughter is a really sweet little girl."
"Oh, Catrina's not my daughter."
"So Crystal isn't your wife?"
"We didn't have a wedding if that's what your asking. Crystal doesn't need a wedding to know who she belongs too. Isn't that right my dear?" The man said with a chuckle kissing Crystal on the neck.
I could see a hint of fear and sadness in her eyes as she replies "Yes my love."
"Is it true that you are in need of a job?"
"I see Catrina's still sharing far too much personal information. She just hasn't learned when to keep her mouth shut but she will learn soon enough." The man replies with a sinister chuckle flashing Catrina an evil smile. Catrina shivers and lets out a low whimper but keeps her gaze on the floor.
"Why don't you stop by my office in the morning? I have been searching for the perfect candidate for a job that I've yet to fill. I think that your just the man that I've been looking for. See you tomorrow? Say around 9:00am?"
"Sure thing."
"It was nice meeting you Catrina. I am glad that I ran into you."
As we were getting ready to leave my phone rang. "I'm so sorry, I've got to take this, can you give me one sec?"
"Sure no problem."
"What is it? I'm rather busy at the moment."
"The test are back from the samples you gave us. The girl is your biological daughter."
"I'm sorry, could you run that by me one more time?"
"The only explanation to the results is that whoever this DNA's belongs too is more then likely your daughter or sibling." Pausing for a moment at the entrance to house no turned and faced the group once more.
"oh Oh by the way, I was wondering would it be alright if Crystal were to join me for lunch tomorrow? We haven't seen each other for ages and I would like a chance to catch up with her that ok?"
The man's gaze grows dark as he glares at Crystal who glanced down at the floor. He then feins a smile and replies "no of course not. Feel free to spend as much time as you need catching up."
As we reached the car I frowned. "I want you to survey the house tonight but make sure your not seen. I have a feeling that they aren't the happy family they are trying to appear to be."
Catrina POV
I knew that based on his tone when speaking to Mr. Bedito that mom's boyfriend wasn't happy with either one of us. I had to wonder how Mr. Bendito and my mother knew each other. He seemed genuinely surprised to see her and a bit confused about her being my mother. Mom didn't seem to thrilled to see him.
I knew that once Mr. Bendito and his man were gone that my mother and I were going to be in a lot of trouble. As soon as the door was closed his gazed turned dark and a sinister smile crossed his face. "Alright ******** start talking. How the hell do you know him? Who is he to you and don't give me that he's just an old flame crap."
"Catrina go to your room. We will discuss your behavior later young lady." My mother replies turning her attention to me.
"Oh don't worry my dear, I'll deal with her as soon as I'm finished with you." He said with a chuckle as he grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to their bedroom. As promised a few minutes later he arrived in my bedroom.
My mother's boyfriend sighed as he entered my room closing the door behind him. "Here I thought that we were starting to make some real progress but you had to go screw everything up. Now I'm going to have to punish you."
"I'm sorry sir. It was a mistake, a stupid mistake. I don't know what I was thinking."
"Oh your not sorry yet, but believe me you will be." He replies with a sinister smile as he removed his belt. "Assume the position girl."
"Yes sir." I replied making sure to keep my eyes to the ground. I quickly removed my clothes so that I was standing in my underwear.
"You know that I don't take any pleasure in having to do this but you just don't learn." My mother's boyfriend said with a sinister chuckle as he brought the belt down upon my bare back and behind. By the time he was done my both mu back and behind were both raw and bleeding.
I whimpered as he whispered in my ear "I am sorry that I had to do that but if I am not stern with you, you'll never learn to behave. Come, these wounds must be treated or they will get infected." With that he poured alcohol on my back causing me to scream out in pain.
Daniel/ Antonio's second in command POV
I frowned as I heard the sound of leather colliding with flesh. That ******** was hitting the poor girl. I knew that if I needed a way to calm my nerves before I did something that I was going to regret so I dialed the boss. "Boss, your going to have to send someone else for this assignment. I can't do this any longer."
"Why is that?" He asked sighing in irritation.
"Because I'm seconds away from breaking down that door and killing that ******************!" My wolf replies.
"Calm down. You need to take a deep breath and count to ten. Better?"
"No. I still want to go in there and gut that *********** like a fish. You need to send someone else before I do something I'm going to regret."
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