Aceso ended up getting sent out on a mission with Kakashi, it went smoothly. She came back to find almost every ninja out on a mission. She walked into the Hokage's office to drop off the report. She found her and Shizune trying to figure out a combination for a mission.
"Is everything alright?" Aceso asked as she walked up to the desk.
"No," Shizune denied. " No matter what combination, Lady Tsunade tries, she can't seem to find a leader and it's only an escort duty for a caravan of merchants. I'm sure they'll be able to handle it no matter who you end up sending."
"It's not the difficulty of the mission I'm worried about," Tsunade admitted. "It's impressing the client."
"What's so special about this client?" Aceso asked.
"The Land of Greens hired us for this one," Tsunade answered. "And you see, the lord of that land was very good to me once."
" I remember," Shizune recalled. " He paid off that gigantic gambling debt of yours. I'm not really sure if he was doing you a favor."
"It's just a little place, but so lovely and peaceful," Tsunade recalled. " I remember a charming little princess. With two handsome young ninja bodyguards looking after her. Foolish boys, always fighting over me. Both of them were dying to marry me. Heh, I wonder if they still feel the same?"
"I wouldn't hold your breath," Shizune denied.
"They must be all grown up by now," Tsunade continued to smile. She ended up sending Naruto, Hinata, and Choji.
Aceso went to the hospital to do some work there. She was in the lab making some medicine and looking at bacteria.
"Hey! Hey! Aceso!" a voice shouted as the doors busted open. She looked up to see Sakura, she had a giant smile on her face, Lee then appeared behind her.
"Hey," Aceso greeted with a smile. "You seem really happy today Sakura."
"Are you busy?" Sakura asked.
"Just a little," Aceso answered as she looked down at the vials.
"Come train with me!" Lee insisted.
"No, she's training me," Sakura denied. The two glared at each other. Aceso took off her gloves and took out her schedule.
"As of today, I'm not training with anyone today," Aceso said as she looked at it.
"We need to touch upon your taijutsu!" Lee insisted.
"And you need to help me learn more medical terms," Sakura insisted.
"Later after my shift," Aceso answered. "Physicals are coming up soon, we have to prepare for them."
"Then teach me how to deliver a shot!" Sakura insisted as she appeared beside Aceso.
"What about taijutsu?" Lee asked with tears in his eyes.
"Afterwards," Aceso smiled at him. "Sakura can join as well...we can all go get some ramen after it."
"So, let's start now!" Sakura insisted.
"Hm," Aceso frowned as she looked back at the table. "Lee, can you go grab a couple of oranges for me, please?"
"Oranges?" Lee asked.
"Yes, please," Aceso confirmed.
"Why oranges?" Sakura asked as Lee left.
"I'm not going to have you learn how to give a shot on a person," Aceso said. "So we are going to use an orange." Sakura walked over to the table and looked into the microscope.
"What are you doing here?" Sakura asked.
"Well, you see, I am on the work," Aceso answered.
"More details," Sakura requested.
"A patient in the hospital got some weird foot fungus, and I'm trying to figure out to get rid of it," Aceso explained.
"Ew!" Sakura shrieked as she jumped back.
"I got some oranges," Lee said as he entered the room with a basket of four.
"Thank you," Aceso smiled at him. "Please put them on the table next to this one." She walked back to the cabinets, pulled out a syringe, and filled them up with water. She then went back over to the table. "You can learn too if you wish Lee."
"I don't see why not," Lee said as Aceso grabbed an orange, each of them grabbed one. She handed the two a syringe full of water.
"First, you want to wipe the skin with an alcohol swab or cotton ball, remove the needle cap," Aceso explained everything as she was doing, and each of them watched intensely. "Lastly, throw away the syringe, we don't reuse needles or syringes for health purposes. Now you try." Aceso watched them both try, the juice from the orange squirted out from both of them.
"That didn't go as well as I would want," Sakura frowned.
"It's alright, not everyone gets it on the first try," Aceso smiled. "Practice makes perfect."
"Well, when you are done with that, we are going to be on the roof taking care of the sheets," Sakura offered.
"Are you sure?" Aceso asked.
"The sooner we get to training the better," Lee said. The two disappeared, Aceso smiled before returning to her work. She managed to figure out a solution and happily gave some antibiotics to the patient. After her shift was over, Aceso met the other two on the roof, before she could even say a thing. Lee grabbed her by the suspenders before heading off to go train. It was now dark out, the three were still at it. Lee was not about it any of them a rest. As they did some laps, Tonton ran up to her.
"Tonton?" Aceso asked as she stopped. " What is it?"
"Oink," Tonton said. " Oink, Oink, oink."
"A war could breach?" Aceso asked.
"Oink!" Tonton exclaimed. Aceso then disappeared from the training site, and met at the Hokage's office. Before being sent off to the Land of Greens with other ninjas, also to the caravan that Naruto's team was escorting. As they made their way, the team had to stop and treat a couple of the injured. By the time they arrived, Naruto was walking up to the guy named Renga.
"It's too late..." Renga said. "You may have beaten me, but I've left the Land of Greens devastated and without a leader-It will soon fall to its neighbors."
Aceso did a Jutsu, her ropes tied him up, and he fell over face planting in the dirt.
"Sorry, I don't think so," Shizune denied. Naruto gasped, he turned to look at them.
"Shizune? Little sister?" Naruto asked.
"It's such a drag, cleaning up after you," Shikamaru complained as he stepped into view.
"Shikamaru!" Naruto exclaimed as he walked over to them. "But, uh, what are you doing here? It's not like I needed your help."
"Oh, you didn't, huh?" Shikamaru smirked.
"How come you're looking so beat up?" Aceso asked.
"What do you mean?" Naruto laughed as he waved his hands. " I tripped, that's all."
"Naruto," Hinata said.
"Huh?" Naruto asked looking over at her.
"Hinata. Choji. Yurinojo," Naruto listed. " Then you guys are all alright."
"Yes," Yurinojo confirmed. "Thanks to all of your comrades from the Leaf Village.
" Wait a minute. I still don't get it, How come you guys are here?" Naruto asked.
"We received word that there might be trouble here," Shizune explained. "So Lady Tsunade sent us to offer assistance. She's fond of the Land of Greens. The Lord of this place was very generous to her once."
"My father?" Princess Haruna asked.
"Unfortunately, by the time we arrived your father--"Shizune began. "Your father was already..."
"I understand," Haruna looked down. "How can I thank you?"
" So close. I was finally lord of the land," Renga complained as he rolled onto his back.
"But wait, won't the Land of Greens be attacked by its neighbors now?" Naruto asked.
"They wouldn't dare," Aceso denied.
"We've let them all know that the rightful leader of the Land of Greens is alive and well," Shizune explained. "You, Princess Haruna."
"So at least that's one thing you won't have to worry about, Haruna," Naruto stated. He looked back to see the princess with a knife over Renga. "Haruna?" She was breathing heavily. She held up the kunai higher.
"Go ahead," Renga encouraged. " I don't blame you for wanting your revenge. I would do the same thing. Haruna let out a scream, driving the kunai into the dirt next to the man's head, he let out a scream as well.
" I won't do it," Haruna denied as she took the knife out of the ground. Naruto walked over to the two of them. " I'm not like you." She dropped the knife, turned, and cried into Naruto.
"Haruna..." Naruto breathed sadly. After the tears were shed, Princess Haruna cleaned up, and they all stood before Kikiuonoj's grave.
"Forgive me, Kikuonojo," Haruna pleaded.
"Princess Haruna..." Yurinojo began.
"He can see everything from way up here," Naruto assured. "You can be sure he'll be watching over the Land of Greens from now on." Shizune stepped forward.
"Well, Lady Haruna, we'd better be on our way," Shizune informed
"Thank you," Yurinojo smiled as they got to their feet. "Naruto, Choji, Hinata."
"Please, Shizune," Haruna began as she stepped forward. "I'd like to ask a favor, if I may."
"Of course. What is it?" Shizune asked.
"I'm not sure I am ready to assume my father's role as protector of this land," Haruna admitted. "I'd be much more confident if I had the help of the Leaf Village."
"Our help?" Shizune asked.
"Yes," Haruna nodded. "Will you let Naruto stay with me?" Ge gasped as she walked over to him. "Please, Naruto."
"Haruna..."Naruto blushed lightly.
"Won't you help me restore the Land of Greens to what it once was?" Haruna requested.
" Uh, well..." Naruto chuckled. Everyone intensely watched the scene unfold. "I'm honored, but I'm afraid I can't. You see, I'm needed at home. I've got a lot of responsibilities too. A lot of people depend on me to keep training and making myself stronger, and I depend on them to do the same. My friends and me, we need each other. And well, see that redhead that's with us...that's my sister, the one I told you about. We need each other as well." Aceso's face lit up.
"Well then, I can't take you away from them," Haruna smiled. "All right, I'll do my best. And one thing that will help me follow in my father's footsteps is if you'll promise to always be my friend too, Naruto. Will you do that?"
"Sure," Naruto chuckled. " You've got my word." He put his hand over his heart. " Haruno smiled happily as yellow flower petals flew through the air. They all started back off for the Leaf village. " Thank you, Naruto."
"Farewell, everyone," Yurinojo yelled.
" So long!" Choji exclaimed.
" Don't worry, we'll be back someday!" Naruto added.
"Goodbye!" Hinata smiled.
"See you then!" Naruto added.
When they arrived back home, everyone went to respectable places, such as home or the ramen shop.
"Did you really mean that?" Aceso asked as they sat at the ramen shop.
"Mean what?" Naruto asked.
"That you need me...I know I need you," Aceso said. " But wasn't so sure..."
"Of course, I need you," Naruto laughed. "Not only are you a top medical ninja...but you are my that means is my, of course, I need you. Believe it!"
" I believe it," Aceso smiled at him.
"Do you really mean it?" Naruto asked. " When you say you need me?"
"Of course," Aceso answered. "Knowing I have you in my life, makes the world seem brighter and happier, you bring a lot of comforts. I appreciate you highly as a family member and friend."
"You're just saying that," Naruto said with happy tears dripping into his soup.
"Nope, it's all from the heart," Aceso smiled at him. Naruto picked up the bowl slurping down the rest of the soup.
"Thank you, little sister," Naruto said as he put the bowl down. "I've just realized, you are the youngest out of all of us."
"Youngest?" Aceso asked as she paid for both of them.
"Either youngest or oldest," Naruto said.
"I was born the same year as you," Aceso informed. "On December 31st, and, then a day later is Guy-sensei's birthday."
"See you next time!" Teuchi waved at them happily.
"See you next time!" the two waved with a smile as they walked away.
"So that clears are the baby," Naruto laughed. "Out of our friends, that are ninja, you are the youngest."
"Huh," Aceso breathed. " I guess I never thought about it that way."
"So technically at some point, that would make Tenten about two years older than me," Aceso said. " Doesn't matter, when it comes to friendships, age doesn't matter."
"Yeah," Naruto smiled.
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