Chapter 94

A month had passed, and Aceso and the Shield Brothers were leaving the Hidden Cloud. Right now the three of them stood in the Raikage's office.

"Are you sure you will be alright?" Raikage asked.

"Yes, sir," Aceso answered.

"Where will you be heading off to next?" Raikage asked.

"Possibly back to the Land of Hot Water," Mico answered.

"But honestly not sure," Nico added. "Doctor Matsuba just travels where ever the wind takes her." Raikage looked at Aceso. "Wherever the next call for help is located." 

" We just follow," Mico said. "Providing her assistance and protection." 

"Time is tickin'," Killer B. "It's a trickin' if you ain't thinkin'."

"Thank you again for letting us stay here," Aceso said. "I hope to see you all again in the future."

"Don't be shy, and come back I'll be putting on a concert," Killer B said as handed her a flyer.

"B! They have no time for your concerts!" Raikage roared as he stood up. "Everyone should be training!"

"Chill out bro, if you work too hard, you'll rot your brain fool, ya fool," Killer B said. He then held out a fist.

"See you later," Aceso said as she put her fist against his. With that, the three began to leave the office.

"Maybe you Leaf aren't that bad," Cee said as he and Omoi led them to the gates.

"Change of heart, sparky pants?" Aceso asked.

"I take it back," Cee groaned glaring at her. Mico and Nico both laughed. 

"You don't have to escort us out," Mico said. "We should know the way."

"Hm," Omoi sounded. "If you run into any trouble, the Hidden Cloud will offer you a place."

"We appreciate it," Nico said. "Though I don't think we'll be back around here for a while."

"But if you see us out while on a mission, don't be afraid to say hi," Aceso said. 

"It's a date," Omoi said as Aceso pulled a vial and container out of her pocket. "Here's an extra antidote for the poison, and ointment for that rash."

"Don't say it out loud!" Omoi exclaimed as his cheeks turned red. "Now everyone is going to avoid me like the plague."


After leaving the Hidden Cloud, the three traveled back to the Land of Hot Water...six months had passed the three of them were now in the Hidden Stone Village. Aceso handing the Tsuchikage, Onoki some ointment.

"What is this supposed to do now?" A girl asked as he looked at the container. That was Kurotsuchi, the granddaughter.

"According to Doctor Mastuba, it can make the back pain numb for a day," Mico answered. "One swipe of the ointment on the back and it will be effective for 24 hours."

"Will this really work on the old man?" Kurotsuchi asked not convinced.

"It worked on me," Mico answered.

"Here old man," Kurotsuchi said handing it to Onoki.

"You aren't trying to poison me, are you?" Onoki asked suspiciously. "The youth these days are terrible."

"I promise, it is not poison," Aceso assured. 

7 months had passed and the group was now at Land of the Moon, Haruhi was ecstatic to see her again, same with Chamu and Kiki. Mico and Nico were interested in attending the circus instead of being part of it.

"How's Naruto?" Haruhi asked as they built a sandcastle on the beach.

"Not sure," Aceso answered. "Like me, he too left the village for two years."

"Why?" Haruhi asked.

"Master Jiraya is going to make a real ninja out of him," Aceso answered. "When he comes back, he will be stronger than ever." Haruhi gasped as his eyes went wide.

"Aceso, Haruhi, come out in the water," Nico insisted as he and his brother ran out.

"Are you going to kiss one of them, too?" Haruhi asked.

"No," Aceso answered as she looked at him. "What makes you think that?"

"You kissed Lee," Haruhi pointed out. "So out in the water, you are going to kiss one of them right?"

"No," Aceso answered. 

"That's because she doesn't love them like that," a woman said as she walked up with the king, it was Haruhi's mother.

"Oh," Haruhi breathed. 

"It was an accident," Aceso said.

"Sure," Michiru laughed. Aceso looked out at the water, her eyes landed on the very spot she kissed the taijutsu master. It's been hard not being able to talk to Lee almost every day like she used to.


They hit a couple more places, and Aceso had to practically be tricked into leaving the village of medicine. It was a wonderful place, the medics didn't want her to leave either. They wanted to keep someone with her skill around. At the moment, they had entered a small town, Aceso had to heal ten people's backs. It was also a good place to stop to rest and stock up on food. The three of them entered a shop, it was a pottery place. The designs were beautiful, some had symbols of the five great nations. Aceso walked past a shelf, where the designs mainly were of the sand village. She then backed up at the sight of a picture.

"What is it?" Mico asked walking over to her.

"I don't think that's for sale," Nico said as he looked at a mug with waterfall designs. 

"I know these people," Aceso said. "Well, some of them." In the picture was a picture of a lady with orange hair and pink eyes, she was knelt down, holding a giggling redhead boy, he didn't have a scar on his head. It was Gaara. According to Gaara, next to the orange hair lady was Yashamaru, he was holding Temari, and on top of them was Kankuro, they all seemed to be happy and laughing, they were young.

"Put that down!" a voice snapped. "It's not for sale!" They looked over to see a woman with orange hair and pink eyes marching over to them.

"My apologies," Aceso said as she put the frame down. "It just caught my eye." She looked at the woman, and she stopped walking. 

"Is everything alright?" Nico asked. "You were about to go ballistic."

"My dear, your eyes just reminded me of someone," the woman said. "I'm the shop owner, Fizzy, though I am about to be closing up shop."

"Why is that?" Mico asked.

"Someone with more bought the building for their needs," Fizzy answered.

"That stinks," Mico frowned. "We just came from a town over, my friend here is this incredible doctor, she healed ten backs yesterday."

"Don't you think you are a bit young to be a doctor?" Fizzy asked.

"That's what a lot of people said when I was younger," Aceso laughed. "I've been a doctor for about four years now, though I have always worked in a hospital."

"Huh," Fizzy breathed. "Where are you heading off to?"

"We go anywhere the wind blows," Nico answered.

"More like anywhere to next cry out for help," Mico corrected. "We are all over the place, it's never in one direction."

"You kids are a bit young to be traveling on your own," Fizzy said. "Well, she is at least."

"So we've been told," they all said. 

"Tell you what, if you help me sell of this, I will travel with you," Fizzy offered. "That way, you aren't spending most of your money on food."

"You don't even know who we are," Mico pointed out.

"My name is Aceso Mastuba," Aceso blurted.

"Don't give out your name like that!" Nico exclaimed as the woman grew quiet, she seemed shocked at the name. "She could be a killer!"

"I trust her," Aceso said.

"We just met her," Nico pointed out. "How could you trust her?"

"I trusted you, two doofuses," Aceso pointed out.

"Fine," Nico groaned. They looked at the Fizzy. "My name is Nico and my twin is Mico, the shield brothers." For two weeks they spent it selling all the pottery, except for the ones they wished to keep. Nico and Mico both noticed how Lady Fizzy treated Aceso as if she was her own daughter.

It had now been ten months, they had just reached a place called Bensui island, at the same time everyone noticed Aceso seemed a bit sad. She was missing everyone so much. They came to Bensui island, and Aceso heard there were items with numerous medical specialties to it.

"What do you think you are doing?" a voice demanded as Aceso picked a herb. They looked over to see three boys marching over to them, they were all ninjas. " Each herb will cost you!" He pulled out a manual calculator.

"Huh?" Mico asked. "We are only taking a few, not robbing the place."

"Hand over the money!" the boy demanded. "There is no way, I will let large villages trample over us all the time."

"Uh, she's a doctor, we are from a circus, and Lady Fizzy makes pottery," Mico said. "What makes you think we are from a big village."

"I don't care," the boy said as he and his team stopped. Aceso stood up, the boy noticed how close he was and backed up. "Sorry."

"My name is Aceso Matsuba," Aceso said. "I'm a doctor. These two are Nico and Mico, the Shield brothers from a circus, and Lady Fizzy, who just had to close up shop because of some jerk. It was rude of us to seek for these things without your permission, our apologies."

"It's alright," the boy said. "I'm Bando, these are Kiji and Sada."

"Let's strike a deal," Mico offered. "How about our doctor heals two of the most critical on your island, and you cut the price by two percent."

"First, let me show you everything," Bando said. "I'm sure the doctor wants to score as many medical supplies as she needs."

"Let's show her then Exlir mud," Sada said. "It's highly popular."

"You two stay here, I will escort the doctor, keep an eye on the other trespassers," Bando ordered.

"Yes, sir!" Sada and Kiji saluted their team leader.

"No, way, she isn't going with some creep like you," Mico denied.

"It will be okay, Mico," Aceso said. "I'm not a pushover."

"Fine," Mico grumbled as he crossed his arms. Bando then led Aceso up to the special mud.

"Has anyone ever told you, that you have pretty eyes?" Bando asked.

"More than I can count," Aceso answered.

"How about hair?" Bando asked.

"More than I can count," Aceso repeated. "Your island is beautiful."

"Thanks, our people are very proud of it," Bando answered.

"I heard that this island was inhabited," Aceso brought up.

"Only because it's not a big nation," Bando grumbled. They reached the cave, and the moment they stepped inside, they were met by a giant lizard.

"Ahh!" both screamed as they tried to run away from it.

"Wait!" Aceso exclaimed as she stopped running, she faced the lizard.

"Are you trying to get killed?" Bandon demanded.

"Come on," Aceso a small voice. "Everyone sees you as a big bad lizard, I bet you just want a friend." The lizard stopped charging and stared at Aceso. "Come closer." He leaned forward. Aceso started to run his head, giving it scratches, and his tail began to wag happily like a dog's tail. "I shall name you Squishy."

"Squishy?" Bando asked in alarm.

"He's just so cute," Aceso coed as Squishy licked him. "May we borrow some mud, please? I can't stay long, but I am sure Bando will happily take care of you." They looked at Bando, he was still in alarm.

"Sure," Bando gave in. They got some mud, and Aceso went and healed the two most critical people, there was an exchange of service, medical supplies, and money. Now they were going back to the boat.

"So, how about you and I go on a date?" Bando asked as he held out a bundle of flowers.

"You seem sweet, but no," Aceso answered.

"No," Kiji repeated.

"Any person would be lucky to be Bando's lover," Sada said.

"I understand that," Aceso. "It's just that...I already gave my heart away to someone."

"I can change your mind," Bando said. "I can show you sweet skateboard skills."

"Back off weirdo," Mico said. "She said no."

"And no means no," Nico added. They both held up shields ready to fight.

"Bando, you are sweet, but my heart really does belong to someone else," Aceso said. "When you fall in love, your heart doesn't change so easily."

"I understand," Bando nodded. "Aceso...whoever has your heart...make sure you tell them how you feel."

"I plan on it," Aceso said. " I haven't seen him in about 10 months, I miss him terribly."

"Good luck," Bando said.

"Same to you," Aceso said.


It had been about eleven months now, they stopped at a town to get some sleep and stock up on food, it was night, and Aceso was now outside training. She was kicking her leg against a tree, denting it. Tears were flowing down her cheeks a little, she was missing everyone so much.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" a voice asked. She looked back at Lady Fizzy.

" I couldn't sleep," Aceso answered as she wiped her tears away. "Plus, I need to do stay up only training."

"You know, I used to be ninja myself," Lady Fizzy brought up. 

"You were?" Aceso asked.

"I can teach you a few things," Fizzy offered.

" I know quite a lot," Aceso answered.

"Do you know the summoning Jutsu?" Fizzy asked.

"Surprisingly no," Aceso laughed. "My dad can summon a pack of dogs, my other dad can summon turtles or a giant tortoise, my brother can summon a frog...I think my cousin can summon a weasel of someone sort."

"Your dads?" Fizzy asked.

"Yeah," Aceso answered. " I could really use their guidance at the moment, I miss them. My dad that can summon dogs, is probably kicking himself for not having me make a contract with them. I know they would have no issue with it either."

"I understand," Fizzy said. "I miss my family."

"Your family?" Aceso asked. "Are you talking about the people in the picture?"

"Yeah," Fizzy answered. Aceso's suspicions had come true.

"You are my mom's sister, aren't you?" Aceso asked. Fizzy jumped in alarm. "If you are wondering, Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara are all chunin."

"What gave it away?" Fizzy asked.

"The picture," Aceso answered. "Plus, you look like my mom, but with pink eyes."

"You are a lot like her," Fizzy said. "But you are a lot like your father as well. Rasa told me you got killed all those years ago if I knew-"

"No," Aceso cut her off. "I was fine, Gaara needed you the most, it was good that you were there for him when you could be."

"It wasn't very good of me to leave," Fizzy said. "I've got to be the worst aunt to just leave for years, not even bother checking if you were alive."

"You are here now," Aceso said. "And that's all that counts, and I'm sure Gaara would love to see you again."

"What about the monster?" Fizzy asked.

"The only monstrous thing about him is stupidity and handwriting," Aceso answered. "Gaara...he's a good friend...he's my best friend. I can't wait to see him again. Kankuro and Temari as well."

"Thank you," Fizzy breathed.

"So, what did you want to teach me?" Aceso asked.

"The summoning Jutsu," Fizzy answered. For weeks, they continued traveling, they trained, Aceso healed people. Mico and Nico shined their shields, as Aceso was about to perform the summoning Jutsu.

"Summoning Jutsu!" Aceso exclaimed as she put her hand on the ground. Out of the smoke appeared a large bunny, it was a bit smaller than Katsuyu." The bunny was a light brown, with dark spots all around her.

"Who are you?" the bunny asked. "Did you summon me here?"

"Yes, ma'am," Aceso answered as the others paid more attention. "My name is Aceso, I am a doctor."

"The name's Paprika," the large rodent replied. "I am good at retreating, I can fight, but I prefer not to."

"Understood," Aceso smiled.  

"Though I can deliver a mighty kick," Paprika said, she stuck out her leg, and she took out several trees.

"Impressive," Aceso complimented as they all clapped.

"What can you do?" Paprika asked.

"As I said earlier, I am a doctor," Aceso answered. Paprika tilted her head in curiosity. 

**** (The next part is a heavy topic, it deals with dark topics of sexual assault and heavy violence.)

It's been a whole year, only one more year to go and Aceso would be allowed to see everyone again. Aunt Fizzy planned to go back to the sand village, the shield brothers vowed to follow Aceso. They wanted to see if the Leaf Village is as amazing as she said it was, and eat a bowl of Ichiraku ramen. Aunt Fizzy took it upon herself to train the three of them the best she could. The group is walking through the forest, it was getting late.

"Let's stop here for the night," Nico advised. "We'll get up early in the morning and then head for the Village Hidden in the Grass."

"Sounds like a plan," Fizzy Aunt agreed. "Everyone set up for camp and get some sleep."

"We will leave as soon as the sun rises," Mico said.

"I'm going to go down to the river. Would anyone like to come with?" Aceso asked.

"No, thank you," Aunt Fizzy denied, and the others nodded. "Be back in ten minutes."

"Yes, ma'am," Aceso smiled. She grabbed her canteen and went out to the river, it wasn't that far from the sleeping area, but it was far enough that she couldn't hear or see them. Aceso took off her purple hoodie and began to wash it as fast as possible, leaving her only in her mesh shirt and pants. There was some blood and dirt on her sleeves hoodie that she wanted to get it out. As she was cleaning up, something hit the ground next to her. Purple smoke erupted all around, she passed out.


Hours later Aceso woke up to bright lights shining in her eyes. Her eyes adjusted; she saw that she was staring up at the ceiling. She was laying on a flat surface, her legs were hanging off the edge of it. She started to sit up, to find herself jolting back down, she turned her head to the side to see her hands locked down, she looked at her other to see that it was the same thing. Aceso moved her legs, her they were strapped down as well, she looked down to see chains around her knees.

"Good, you're awake," a voice said, she jumped, and she looked to see Kabuto.

"You!" Aceso hissed as tried to wiggle around to get loose.

"No use in that," Kabuto laughed. "You'll just be wasting your energy."

"I have no desire to be an experiment," Aceso informed as she still tried to get loose.

"That's not what you are here for," Kabuto said as she turned back towards a screen. "Lord Orochimaru has no want to experiment on you in that way...for now."

"I don't care which way, let me go," Aceso insisted.

"But don't you want to help poor Sasuke Uchiha?" Kabuto asked.

"Huh?" Aceso asked.

"The stronger he gets, the more hatred he possesses," Kabuto said. "Even if he needs to feed off the anger of others, or even gain more hatred, he does have a hatred for the Leaf Village, and you're the young princess doctor." The door opened and Aceso looked to see Orochimaru and Sasuke, his eyes were darker than before.

"Finally found you," Sasuke said. "You have been a difficulty tracking down."

"You shouldn't have been able to find me," Aceso said as glared at him. "I made sure I traveled in a way that was impossible to track."

"You sure are a clever one. But we finally have you in our grasps," Orochimaru laughed as his tongue slithered out. "Now...this part of the training will help you fuel your anger."

"Are you sure this will help me harbor my hatred?" Sasuke said in disbelief.

"Yes," Orochimaru smiled. "You be able to feed off her anger and hatred."

"What am I to be doing again?" Sasuke asked in a sour voice.

"Be patient Sasuke," Orochimaru laughed as he walked over to the table, he put a hand on Aceso's head. "Have someone ever told you that it is unwise to walk alone? Especially for a pretty young thing, like you, it's quite dangerous."

"I had people with me," Aceso informed.

"They didn't put up much of a fight," Kabuto said, Aceso's eyes brimmed with tears as a gasp left her mouth. "Don't worry, they weren't killed, they were put under the same sleeping smoke as you, but we only wanted you."

"I'll leave the rest in your hands," Orochimaru smiled. "I expect perfect results."

"Of course, Lord Orochimaru," Kabuto as the snake man left the room.

"Killing, fighting, and training are all ways to harbor your anger and get stronger," Kabuto began. "But so are other ways. A young woman for instance."

"Huh?" Aceso asked as she grew flustered.

"If it gathers more hatred, I'll do it, more the hatred, the harder I train, and the stronger I get, then I'll be able to kill Itachi," Sasuke said darkly as he walked over to the table.

"Glad you're on board," Kabuto smirked as he faced Aceso. "Plus, you did say you wanted to combine the bloodlines of Uchiha and Matsuba." Aceso's eyes went wide, she recalls Sasuke saying similar words to her a long time ago. Kabuto's hands landed on Aceso's chest, she let out a sound of discomfort. Like most, she was growing more in certain areas, and her chest seemed to be growing rapidly, it was rather embarrassing.

"Please don't do that," Aceso pleaded.

"From this point forward you're nothing but a tool for Sasuke," Kabuto said as pulled down her top, it was a short top. Aceso's eyes widen, she doesn't recall having that short. She looked down to see her top was just a bunch of bandages wrapped around her chest and white skirt, she saw witnessed her chest become bare for all to see, her face became pink in embarrassment, she became more flustered.

"Wouldn't it just be better to kill me?" Aceso asked. "Or anything but this?"

"Lord Orochimaru insisted on this," Kabuto laughed as he put his hands back on her chest, she started wiggling even more in discomfort. "If anything is to happen, he will have a new experiment, one that hasn't even been born. Possibly unethical, but Lord Orochimaru is brilliant." He started to move his hands around and squeezed her chest. "You had a lot to hide under that hoodie, didn't you? Big, soft, and squishy."

"Please stop," Aceso squeaked tears brimmed her eyes.

"Now if she starts to misbehave and leave, just flip this switch," Kabuto said as he pointed to a switch on the panel.

"What does it do?" Sasuke asked, he wasn't shy, he stared at her chest. 

"I put a sparker in the hole on her torso," Kabuto said as he used one hand to gesture. Aceso looked to see a metal rod sticking out of the hole left by Kimimaru. He flipped the switch on the panel and electrical strikes sparked all around the rod, Aceso arched her back a little as she screamed out in pain, as the item sent various shocks through her whole body. Kabuto flipped it off and Aceso collapsed back down on the table, breathing heavily.

"Is there anything else?" Sasuke asked in annoyance.

"Getting a little impatient, are we?" Kabuto asked. He grabbed a triangle string that dangled from the ceiling and pulled out it, Aceso's legs went up, and she could feel tears start to build up as the skirt fell back. Kabuto walked to the back of her and stuck a finger in her. Aceso let out a cry of discomfort.

"Please stop," Aceso pleaded as a tear left her eye.

"If her voices annoy, you can always put something over her mouth," Kabuto answered. "Now you give it a try." Sasuke got right behind Aceso, he reached his hands up and they hovered over her chest.

"We were friends, please don't do this Sasuke," Aceso pleaded.

"I don't need friends," Sasuke growled as he brought his hand down, roughly grabbing her boob, she squeaked out in pain. His face dropped at the feeling of it, he then began to fondle it, and his face slowly returned being full of hatred. He noticed how her breast still spilled out of his hand, even as he grabbed one. As right hand took to charge up north as the other took charge down south.

"I'll leave you to your work," Kabuto laughed as he took the time to step out. The minute the door closed, all of Sasuke's s clothes fell to the floor.

"Sasuke please," Aceso pleaded.

"Just shut up" Sasuke growled. "I will make things a lot worse for you, any hatred I can steal from you the better." He put the tip right at her entrance, and then shoved his way in, Aceso cried out in pain, it was horrible pain. Sasuke placed his hands back on her breasts and started to go in and out. He was quite interested in how big her breasts, really were, how her nipple felt against his hands. Sasuke removed his hands, and put them on the side, before leaning down and taking her nipple into his mouth. Aceso was silently sobbing, he then picked up the pace and his hands landed on her hips. Once Sasuke finished up, he put his clothes back on, and he left the room leaving Aceso alone in her sorrow. A few hours later, the door opened, Kabuto walked back into the room with Orochimaru.

"Perfect results," Orochimaru laughed as Kabuto lowered Aceso's legs and pulled her top back up. She stared blankly at the ceiling, it looked almost as if she saw a ghost.

"You will be doing other things while you're here," Kabuto informed as he undid the locks and let her limbs free. "Such as cleaning and the cooking and...well...medical assistance of course."

"We'll show you to your quarters," Orochimaru said as Kabuto picked her up. "How wonderful...I can already sense the hatred brewing inside her." He laughed some more. Kabuto put her over his shoulder and they took her to her quarters, Kabuto put her on the bed, and the two then left, locking the door in the process.

A few days passed, Aceso had just dropped off food for Orochimaru, and she was walking back to her quarters in silence. She's barely said a word since she's been here, she's been trying to come up with a plan to escape, but all hit a dead end. Suddenly someone was behind her and a pair of her hands were squeezing her chest.

"Please stop," Aceso pleaded as she tried to rip the hands off her body.

"You're a tool, nothing more and nothing less," a voice said lowly, she looked back to see Sasuke, he was staring down at her as his hands did the work. She smacked his hands, and he stopped. She became relieved. "Bad mistake." In a few seconds, Sasuke had knocked Aceso down to her knees. Sasuke then grabbed her hips and hosted them towards his hips as the pants dropped.

"Sasuke, please don't," Aceso pleaded as she tried to pull away from him.

"You don't make the rules around here," Sasuke recalled. "It's my revenge, not yours." He pushed in, she let out another cry as tears flowed down her cheeks rapidly, this gave just as much pain as a few days ago.

"It hurts," Aceso cried as Sasuke leaned over her.

"Good," Sasuke said as he shoved his hands between the bandages and her chest, his hands went to work as well as his lower half. Aceso glanced back to see they Sasuke had activated his Sharingan. He then pulled down her top, letting things hang. A few feet from them was an open door, inside was a ton of tubes filled with water, and medical ninja, all of them were getting a kick from what was happening right outside. Some of them started to drop their pants, and rub their cocks. In one of the tubes appeared a boy, he had purple eyes, white hair, and sharp teeth. He looked at the girl in question.

A few days later, Aceso passed the same room, she had just left a round of being tortured and sexually harassed, her entire torso was slashed up, and at the end of a single strand of her hair, it was burning, and some burn marks all over her body. All from Sasuke, all so he can harness and build up his hatred.

"PSs," a voice sounded as she passed the room. She stopped walking and tensed up. "In here." She glanced over, the room was completely empty, she titled her head in confusion. "That's right, in here." She looked down the hall, before taking a step in. "Come closer."

"Who are you?" Aceso asked not moving from the spot.

"Your buddy," a person said before the white-haired boy appeared in front of her. Aceso turned bright red and turned away. "Don't be so shy, you put on quite the show the other day with Sasuke."

"I wouldn't call it that," Aceso said sadly as her voice dropped.

"I thought that much," the boy laughed. "Say you're a bit of a tool here aren't you."

"Only towards Sasuke," Aceso answered. "What are you getting at?"

"Let's say I use you as a tool," the boy proposed.

"I don't want to get in any more trouble," Aceso insisted as she turned his way a little, staring at the floor. 

"It'll be our little secret," the guy said with confidence. "You help me get out of here and I will help you get out of here, either way, it's a win-win for me, I get out of here and my freedom from this place."

"Your freedom?" Aceso asked.

"That's right," the boy said. "Like you and a ton of others, I was captured as well."

"Well, if I am to break you out, I should probably break out everyone else," Aceso said. "I'm not going to escape with you and leave everyone else here to suffer even more."

"All that matters if you get a hold of Sasuke and murder him," the boy said.

"No!" Aceso gasped softly. "Murder isn't an option."

"That's weak," the boy groaned. "I love killing. So, what do you say? I want you looking at me, when you give an answer, cutie."

"I don't even know your name," Aceso informed as she turned around, her eyes glued to his face.

"It's Suigetsu, member of the Hozuki clan," the boy answered as the bottom half of him disappeared. Aceso's eyes went wide. "Not to worry, liquefying my body is my specialty." He had his bottom half reappear, and Aceso's cheeks turned pink. "Now we've both seen each other, big whoops, we are all naked in reality, now what's your name braids?"

"Aceso," Aceso answered. "So, if I am to team up with you? What do you have in mind?"

"A little bit of stabbing, a little bit drugging, a little of escaping," Suigetsu answered.

"You sound like you have a pla, not a plan," Aceso said. "I'm going to try something and if it doesn't work, I'll come to you."

"Why don't you just let me out now and I'll release havoc," Suigetsu suggested. "Push the second button on the top and I'm free baby." Aceso looked over at the panel and back at the boy.

"I don't want anyone to die," Aceso answered.

"You just back me up then," Suigetsu suggested. "Once we are out, I'm hunting down swords from the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist and taking leadership of the organization."

"Sounds like a good dream," Aceso said.

"And what's yours?" Suigetsu asked.

"I'm already in the middle of mine, I'm traveling the world as a Doctor and get to heal people," Aceso answered. "Well, I was."

"That's strange, sort of a complete opposite of mine," Suigetsu said. "And aren't you a medical ninja?"

"Yes," Aceso answered. 

"Let me out," Suigetsu ordered.

"Not yet," Aceso answered. She looked out the door. "I should probably go before anyone gets suspicious."

"I'll be waiting, braids," Suigetsu smirked as she stepped out.

A few days later Aceso was now running down the hall with a few ropes around her body, she had just knocked out a few medical ninjas, released a few prisoners before some of the followers found her. Aceso was racing towards Suigetsu's containment room, a few people were chasing after her. Sasuke was out for the day training with Kabuto and Orochimaru.

"Suigetsu!" Aceso exclaimed as she almost passed the door.

"Crawling for my help?" Suigetsu asked as he appeared, he saw Aceso scrambling into the room, over to the panel. He noticed that she had a few drops of blood spots on her. Her eyes glowed green, she did a Jutsu and held up a hand towards the door, and a green barrier appeared on it like a screen, and all the medical ninja slammed into the green wall not being able to get through. He saw that she had put on dark brown pants. Her hair wasn't in braids, it flowed freely. Before her hand could hit the open button for Suigetsu, there was a sound of shattering, the sound of a blade, and blood sprayed everywhere. Aceso flew into the wall, fell onto the ground, and held her left eye. She removed her hand to see blood spilling out on it.

"Next time I will be taking your eye," a cold voice warned, she looked over to see Sasuke with the others.

"You need to be more ruthless Sasuke if you wish to defeat Itachi," Orochimaru advised. "Take away the sight in one of her eyes."

"I'll save this anger for only one person, I'll take the eyes from only one person and that'll be Itachi," Sasuke said.

"She must be punished Sasuke," Kabuto advised. "She took out a few of our men single handily and put her in her place. Can't let her get ideas that she is strong enough to escape."

"I have my own idea in mind for punishment," Sasuke said as he walked over to Aceso. Over in the water tank, Suigetsu watched nervously, the girl had shown him an awful lot of strength, and for someone that didn't want to kill anyone, it sure did happen. Things must have gotten really bad, and he was so close to freedom.

"You're not getting off the hook either Mr. Hozuki," Kabuto warned. "I supposed you helped her with this."

"It would have worked if you three didn't return," Suigetsu said as Sasuke knelt down beside Aceso, with his blade still out. He grabbed her chin and lifted her face towards him, there was a cut through her eye, like Kakashi, except her eyesight remained. It was going to scar her, just like all the other marks he made on her. Sasuke put his sword away and picked her up, putting her over his shoulder. "You should be gentler with a lady, Sasuke."

"Stay out of my business before I take out your eye," Sasuke warned before walking out with the redhead. He took her right to the punishment room, the first thing he did was put a bandage around her eye, so blood wouldn't drip everywhere. He then hooked her up and flipped on the switch, Aceso screamed loudly as the shocks were sent through her body. "Have you learned your lesson?" Aceso remained silent, he flipped the switch back on, outside the door were Orochimaru and Sasuke, both of them smiled at the sound of her screams. 

They could be heard throughout the whole lair, over where Suigetsu was being contained, he sat at the bottom of his tank, covering his ears. Normally he's fine with violence, but this was different. She received this treatment on his behalf, for wanting to free him. The screaming ended an hour later, and Aceso laid on the bed half-conscious. Over in the room, Sasuke had chained Aceso with her arms up, and her legs hosted up in the air, wide open. Sasuke had removed any sort of clothing she had, he stood at the door with a whip in hand. He started to whip her, any spot possible, and as hard as possible, she grunted from each slash as her body got whipped, gripping onto the chains. 

A few days later Aceso was slowly walking down the hall, she had just gotten done cleaning a cell after a blood bath happened between two prisoners. She looked inside the water tank room, saw nobody, and slowly and softly walked in.

"S-Suigetsu?" Aceso asked that was the first time using her voice in days.

"What are you doing here braids?" Suigetsu asked as he appeared. He noticed she had a bandage over her left eye, and that one braid was shorter than the other.

"What did you have in mind for a plan?" Aceso asked.

"Just drop it," Suigetsu ordered. "Nothing good will come of it, you know what happened last time."

"I can handle it," Aceso softly.

"I don't think I can," He said as he looked into her eyes.

"It'll work this time," Aceso insisted. "Please, just trust me."

"Fine," Suigetsu gave in. He then told her of the plan, and then the two discussed it.

"Doctor Matsuba," Orochimaru's voice taunted in the distance. "I sure hope you aren't disobeying."

"I'll see you later," Aceso said as she quickly left the room. She walked a bit before the snake man came into view.

"There you are," Orochimaru said as he licked his lips, Aceso froze. "You have every right to fear me, but I'm not the one looking for you. My new vessel needs to harness more hatred." He held out a pile of ropes, Aceso recognized them, it was the ropes she always wore around her waist. "I was just so impressed with last time; your screams were music to mine and Kabuto's ears. Please keep up the melody this time."

"Yes, sir," Aceso agreed as she stared blankly.

"Oh, and I would like some curry next week," Orochimaru requested before walking past her and dumping the ropes in her arms. "Make it a good batch, we are moving locations next week."

A few hours later, Sasuke was pounding into Aceso, they were in her room. They used the edge of the bed, she laid on her stomach as he took her from behind. She no longer felt pain when he harassed her. As he had a field day, Aceso stared blankly at the wall going over every ounce of the plan, taking in every measure, she would much rather not have to kill anyone, but if it has to come to it, she will. Sasuke then flipped her over and stared down at her.

"What are you thinking about?" Sasuke asked as he lifted up her legs to his shoulders. 

"Nothing," Aceso answered bluntly as he went back to penetrating.

"You're planning an escape, aren't you?" Sasuke asked as he leaned down as one hand went above her head, and the other landed on her chest.

"If I was, why would I tell you," Aceso glared as he got close to her. "Besides I've been over everything, all escape plans end horrible, and I'd much rather keep sight in both eyes."

Now, Aceso was in the medical lab, she was helping one of the medics with medicine for Orochimaru.

"Chapstick?" Aceso asked picking up one of the small tubes from a bucket.

"Not just any chapstick," the man answered as a nasty smile appeared on his face. "If you kiss someone wearing it, it will knock them out for 12 hours. Sasuke won't let me try it on you." Aceso froze. " But he's not here now." As fast as his pants dropped, the faster his throat was slit, in that spit second Aceso shoved the chapstick in a spot nobody would suspect.

"Now, now," a voice said, it was Kabuto. "Aceso is only for the use of Sasuke." Kabuto looked back at her. "You just love to cause trouble, don't you?" The man's act landed Aceso another round of horror, but she got what she needed.

Aceso bared another week of punishment before curry day came, that morning she was cleaning up Sasuke's room, it wasn't dirty, but it was dusty. She heard the door open.

"Will I be remaining here?" Aceso asked she looked back to see Sasuke dropping his clothes as he shut the door. "But--"

"Shut up," Sasuke ordered as he pushed her against the wall in his hands under the bandages on her chest, groping her harshly. Perfect. Aceso dropped the duster, grabbed Sasuke's face, and kissed him. His eyes went wide, he barely got a sound out before he shut, drifting off to sleep. Aceso pushed him back and placed him in the bed. Shortly, afterward, she was in the kitchen stirring up a pot, nobody was around. She looked around carefully, pulled out an elixir that was mixed with sleeping powdered, and poured it into the big bowl. She stirred it up more, before adding extra pepper to make it spicier.

"No, Sasuke?" Aceso asked.

"Seems he is rather tired today," Orochimaru said. "Is that the curry, I requested?"

"Yes, sir," Aceso answered.

"Smells good," Kabuto said as he sniffed the air. "I can smell a hint of extra pepper."

"It'd be wise to train your taste buds to different levels of spices, it can also be lifesaving," Aceso answered, she recalled the Curry of Life Shop. She put a plate down for all of them and stepped out. Minutes later she heard the thump of bodies hitting the floor, she peered inside to see the both of them on the floor fast asleep. She then reaches into her pocket and pulled out sleeping bombs, she threw them up in the air, and closed the door, locking them in. She slipped on some pants, then took off towards Suigetsu. "Get ready." She ran over and hit the button, immediately alarms started to go off everywhere, and the sound of many feet could be heard in the distance. But it was too late Suigetsu was freed, and he was coming out of the puddle that was formed on the floor.

"Nicely done braids," Sugiestu complimented as Aceso reached under the cart she had and threw him a sword.

"It may not be a blade you're looking for, but it should work for now," Aceso said as she grabbed the ropes and tied them around her waist.

"I appreciate the thought," Suigetsu said as he slipped on some pants, and the two took off out of the room. They fought off anyone that was trying to stop them, the two go to the dungeons and started to slash open the locks.

"Is he letting us go?" a man asked in surprise.

"I'd move it before he changes his mind," Suigetsu advised. It turned in a stampede, all the prisoners bolted before another word could be said. The other two followed. "I'm surprised it worked."

"All it took was stealing knocking out chapstick, sneaking some scentless elixir and sleeping powder into the curry," Aceso explained.

"Say, why don't you come, look for the swords with me?" Suigetsu asked. "I could use a medic like you."

"I appreciate your request, but I will have to deny it," Aceso said as they took out some of the guards. They got closer to the opening that led them outside, suddenly Aceso fell down. They saw the oil was spreading it was coming from the left hallway. They stopped to see a kid against the wall crying.

"It's going to be alright," Aceso said softly kneeling in front of him.

"The snake man," the boy cried. 

"Snake man won't hurt you anymore," Aceso said as she picked him up. She gave him to Suigestu and pushed him down the hall.

"Braids!" Suigetsu shouted as he stopped as arrows flew past them.

"Keep going Suigetsu!" Aceso shouted as she looked back, there was an arrow poking out of her torso, she looked up to see about twenty guards all running towards them, all with weapons. "Get going!"

"But- "Suigetsu began.

"Just make sure everyone else gets out, I'll be right behind you," Aceso assured. "Make sure the kid gets out."

"You can't take on all of these," Suigetsu denied as started to fight off the ones that popped out from the side. The blades kept going through Suigetsu like nothing as he moved the kid away from harm. There was a spark, they looked to see Aceso's sparker starting up. Aceso grunted, she grabbed it and ripped it right out of her body, blood spilled out immediately, dropping it onto the ground. "Get going Suigetsu."

"And leave without you?" He asked.

"Just go," Aceso ordered. With reluctance Suigetsu ran out of the place. Aceso looked down to see a bow and arrow by her feet, she picked it up and positioned herself, she pointed down the right hallway, a few medics headed her way. Aceso took one of her ropes and tied it around the end of the arrow. She then aimed it carefully, waiting for them to get close enough. Aceso released her arrow and it shot right through the heart of a medic, Aceso did a Jutsu, the arrow kept going and went through the rest of the medics, she grabbed the end of her rope and yanked it. When the arrow returned back to her hand, there were 3 hearts on the stick, all along the floor were other hearts scattered among the floor. Aceso then looked down the middle hallway she was running out of time, not only was she low on chakra, but she was still bleeding. She let her eyes glow green, everyone running towards her was individually trapped by a green barrier. 

"What are you doing?" one of them asked. "Sasuke is not going to be very happy, just you wait!"

"Yeah!" they all agreed.


Up above Suigetsu had just gotten the last of everyone out, they were running through the forest, getting away as fast as possible. The little kid clung to him, he then got stopped by a boy a group of Leaf ninja, plus the people Aceso was traveling with.

"Aceso's scent stops here," Kiba said as Akamaru barked.

"Neij," Shino ordered. 

"Right," Neji nodded. "Byakugan!"

"Take the kid out of here," Suigestu ordered as he handed the kid to Mico.

"What about--" Mico asked.

"I'm going back for her, there's no way she can take on all those people by herself," Suigestu answered.  

"We will get her, you go with this Mico guy," Kiba. "Just leave the leaf ninja to handle it."


Down below Aceso had started to use her rope Jutsu, the rope was a big giant one that stretches far back to the last person, it was connected into a nameless shape, she did a hand Jutsu, blades popped out, and then she did another, the ropes all closed in, slicing off every single person's head in her grasp. She then released the Jutsu, she started to stumble, she hit the wall, she slid down, her eyes started to close.


"Just up ahead," Neji said as they approached the entrance. He came to a stop.

"What is it Neji?" Kiba demanded. 

"It's probably best we send one person down there," Hinata answered nervously.

"Why is that?" Shino asked. "We were all sent out here to locate her."

"Hold on," Kiba said as he sniffed the air. "Do you smell that too boy?" Akamaru barked in agreement. "It's Sasuke's scent." 

"This isn't good, why you may ask?" Shino asked. "We all know he was hunting her down for his sick purposes."

"I'll go into the lair, the rest of you stay up here," Neji said as he went down. When he reached the bottom, his eyes widened at the sight. Countless bodies, a hallway on fire, people without heads, and people without hearts. He looked down to see Aceso unconscious, she was leaning against a wall, a bandage over her left eye, she was passed out. He heard footsteps running down the place. As Neji scanned the place.

"Is she here?" a voice asked. Neji looked to see Kankuro entering the place. "We ran into some trouble, nothing a puppet show couldn't handle."

"It's best we get out of here as soon as possible," Neji said. "Sasuke is here."

"Sasuke?" Kankuro furrowed his eyebrows. "So where's my cousin?" He moved forward, his foot hit something, he looked down to see the redhead girl. He then looked at the whole scene, he was in complete shock. Kankuro scooped Aceso in his arms. "Let's go, if Sasuke's here. I don't know what else is waiting down here for us." They walked back up, and by the time they got there, Temari was there as well. She looked over at them. 

"Is she going to be alright?" Temari asked.

"She needs immediate assistance," Neji answered. "We will have to take her to the nearest village."

"That would be the Village of Flowers," Shino informed. "Luckily, they are a welcoming village."

"Lady Hokage was right to send us out here," Kiba said as they took towards the village. 

"She said it was odd she hasn't received any updates from Aceso in a while," Hinata said. "A month to be exact."

"What did you see down there?" Shino asked. 

"Something I would never expect from Lady Aceso," Neji reported. "It was not a pleasant sight."


Days later Aceso woke up, she was blinded by a bright light. The plan failed. She looked over to see someone asleep next to her, they had sat in a chair, head buried in their arms, she jumped. The person woke up, their head lifted, Aceso recognized the purple face paint.

"Kankuro?" Aceso asked softly. "Is it really you?" 

"Don't scare me like that," Kankuro said as he pulled her in a hug. "You had all of us worried."

"I'm sorry," Aceso breathed as she froze up a little. Kankuro noticed it right away, he became angry, not at her, but at Orochimaru, his people, toward Sasuke. "Wait, you aren't captured?"

"No," Kankuro answered as he pulled back. He moved her eyepatch, his anger grew at the sight of the scar." By the time we found you, you were passed out with countless dead bodies." Aceso's eyes went wide.

 Aceso looked away. " All those people, I had no right to take their lives." Tears streamed down her face.

"Hey," Kankuro said as he sat on the bed and he lifted a hand to put on her back.

"Kankuro," Aceso jumped as she backed away from his hand.

"I'm not going to hurt you," Kankuro said. "Listen to me Aceso, you saved more lives than you took."

"H-how are the others?" Aceso asked. 

"They are doing better," Kankuro answered.

"They won't be found?" Aceso asked. " And Suigestu?"

"Who?" Kankuro asked.

"He had purple eyes, white hair," Aceso answered.

"He left to go look for swords," Kankuro answered. "And the people you helped freed, they will be fine."

"They will?" Aceso asked. 

"Yeah, they are resting here as well," Kankuro answered. "You did good, kid." He ruffled the top of her head. "So, you found Aunt Fizzy?"

"Yeah, she got kicked out of her shop, I and the shield brothers helped sell everything," Aceso answered.

"She's pretty cool," Kankuro said.

"You should take her back to the sand village," Aceso said.

"What about you?" Kankuro said. "You are a young 15-year-old kid."

" Gaara needs her more than I do," Aceso answered.

"Do you know what you are saying?" Kankuro asked. "This person is biologically related to you, and you want her to leave your travel group."

"Yes," Aceso answered. "She just met me not too long ago, but she misses you and your siblings so much."

"Also, what makes you think you are continuing with this?" Kankuro asked.

"I'm not finished," Aceso answered. "I have less than a year left."

"You almost died," Kankuro reminded her. "Twice." Aceso looked away from him. 

"For all those lives I took, I have to save three times as many," Aceso said. 

"Cousin," Kankuro frowned. 

"Please," Aceso requested. " I will rest here for a month before moving on." She looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Fine," Kankuro gave in. 

"Who else is all here?" Aceso asked. "You didn't come alone, did you?"

"Oh, yeah," Kankuro said as he got up. He opened the door, people poured. Hinata, Neji, Shino, Kiba, Akamaru, and Temari.

"So reckless!" Temari scolded as she rushed forward. Aceso tensed up a bit in fear as Akamaru jumped onto the bed and started to lick Aceso's face.

"You've gotten bigger," Aceso noticed as she petted him. 

"How are you feeling?" Neji asked as Akamaru stopped licking her and laid on the bed.

"Better," Aceso said. "But not strong enough to walk yet." Then Temari took her into a hug.

"The doctors gave us a full report," Hinata informed. "You had an infection...uh...down...there." Aceso grew sad, her eyes filled with pain, as she gripped onto Temari more. Everyone instantly knew what had happened. 

"It was Sasuke, wasn't it?" Kiba asked lowly. He looked up at Aceso finally, his eyes landed on the scar going across her eye, just like it did on Kakashi. 

"He's different," Aceso said. "He is much different."

"That lousy-"Kiba began.

"Don't," Shino cut him off. "We are all feeling the same way as you...but we need to keep our cool. Why you may ask? So we don't frighten her."

"I'm just glad Lee couldn't come on this mission," Neji said. "He would have been furious."

"Same with Gaara," Temari said. "Aceso is precious to him. His precious kid cousin."

"You won't tell them, will you?" Aceso asked.

"We are sorry," Hinata bowed her head. "We already sent a letter."


Back in the Leaf village, Lee was in a hospital bed, he had gotten sick with bronchitis and wasn't allowed on missions till he recovered. He was staring at the picture of Aceso in her heart locket. 

"How are you feeling, Lee?" Sakura asked entering the room. She seemed off.

Lee looked at her. "I would be better if I was allowed on missions."

"If Aceso was here, you know she wouldn't be happy with you trying to go on a mission in your condition," Sakura answered. "Did you always give her this much trouble as a patient, honestly Lee." Lee's heart dropped, everyone has been avoiding saying her name around him, they avoided saying her name around Gai-sensei and Kakashi-sensei as well. It didn't help that he has developed a bad habit of opening the curtain, and thinking Aceso would be home. Her names have not been said around him for a month now.

"Sakura, did something happen?" Lee asked as he sat up.

"No, why would you think that?" Sakura denied it as she shook her head in a panic.

"When it comes to need to tell me," Lee ordered. Sakura looked like she was going to run. "Please." Sakura cracked, and the truth spilled out, at least everything she knew.


Days later, Aceso was still in the hospital, everyone was leaving. Aunt Fizzy was going back to the sand village.

"Are you sure you will be alright?" Aunt Fizzy asked. "You sure you don't want me to stay?"

"Go on," Aceso said. "Gaara will be so happy to see you." Her eyes lit up. "One more thing, it's one of the things you made at your shop." She reached into her bag and pulled out a snow globe. Instead of snow, it was sand, with a fake sand dollar in the middle of it. " I want to give to Gaara if you could- "

"I will happily give this to him for you," Aunt Fizzy smiled as she took the item.

"Thank you," Aceso smiled. With that everyone left to go back to their villages, while Aceso stayed recovering, and the shield brothers stayed as well.


Note: Thank you, everyone, for reading this story!!  hope you all liked it! There will be a sequel. 

It was be called: Rest Your Love

This will be for all of Naruto Shippuden 

Once again! Thank you, everyone! I appreciate all of you!! Don't be afraid to comment. 

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