Chapter 93
Two months had passed, and Lee had woken up early that day, he pushed the curtains aside and walked into Aceso's bedroom, only to remember that she wasn't there. It's only been two months, but it felt like centuries, it was certainly different with her gone.
Now over in the Waterfall village, Aceso was patching up the Shibuki, he had fallen ill. In the same room was a tan girl with teal hair and orange eyes. She was very pretty, but she noticed the villagers had disliked the girl. Her name was Fu.
"Wow, I wish I had medical skills like that," Fu said. "Maybe I will be able to make friends."
"You don't need medical skills to make friends," Aceso said. "I'm your friend."
"Really?" Fu asked as her face lit up. Aceso nodded. The girl reminded her of Naruto. "I can't wait for the chunin exams when they come, I am going to sign up."
"Good luck to you," Aceso wished as Shibuki sat up. "How are you feeling?"
"I no longer feel like I am on a death bed," Shibuki said. "Thank you."
"No sweat," Aceso answered as she got to her feet. "Just doing my job."
"No, really," Shibuki said. "Not only you healed me, but you also saved Fu's life and the life of two jonin."
"Would you like to stay forever?" Fu asked as she grabbed Aceso's hands. " I would love to keep you here."
"I'm afraid not," Aceso answered. "I am going to have to get going as a matter of fact."
"So soon," Fu asked. "At least stay the night."
"Please," Shikbuki said. "It will be our treat."
"Just one night," Aceso agreed. Fu squealed happily and hugged her.
A week later, Aceso had come across a circus, she was patching up the arms of two of the performers, they were about her age.
"How did you two injure yourselves?" Aceso asked. Both boys were tan, one had orange eyes and the other had purple eyes, and both had dark hair.
"During practice," the purple eye asked.
"Our shields collided," the other answered. "Fell a couple of feet."
"Shields?" Aceso asked.
"We are the shield brothers," the purple eye said. "I'm Mico and that's my twin brother Nico."
"We are fifteen," Nico answered. "Our parents used to be ninjas, but they had more of a desire of joining the circus."
"As long as they do what makes them happy," Aceso said.
"Why are you traveling all alone?" Nico asked.
"It's part of my job," Aceso said. "I am a traveling doctor."
"But all alone?" Nico asked. "Dangerous for a little girl your age."
"I'll be turning 14 soon," Aceso pointed out. "What village were your parents from?"
"The waterfall village," Mico answered. "Don't your parents get worried about you?"
"Yeah, my dads balled their eyes the night before I left," Aceso answered.
"Dads," they both repeated.
"Dads," Aceso repeated as she stood up. "Your arms should be ready for the next show."
"Stick around," Mico said as he handed her a ticket. "It should be a nice night off for you."
"I guess a night at the circus won't be too bad," Aceso smiled, it made her think of Haruhi, which led her mind to think about other things. The show was great, she watched Nico and Mico act as a wheel, moving around their shields, they had a ton of tricks. After the show, Aceso waited around to say bye.
"Ready?" Nico asked as the twins walked up to her with bags.
"Where are you two going?" Aceso asked.
"We are traveling with you," Mico answered. "Our time at the circus is done for now."
"What about your parents?" Aceso asked.
"They passed away," Nico said softly. "It happened when we were six, there was an accident during one of the shows, they were a double act."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," Aceso apologized.
"Thanks," Mico breathed softly. "So, we are coming with you."
"Are you sure about this?" Aceso asked.
"Positive," they both answered. "We know some ninjutsu, plus our shields. You really shouldn't be traveling alone."
"Plus, I want to know more about your dads," Nico said. "Which one is your biological one?"
"Neither, " Aceso answered.
"So who are your real parents?" Nico asked as the circus packed up around them.
"They were both doctors as well, passed away a few months after I was born," Aceso answered. " I don't have much memory of them."
"And your dads?" Mico asked.
"They took me in," Aceso answered. "I'm like you, but I grew up in a hospital, not a circus." They started off to the next destination.
"Where to next, Doctor Matsuba?" Mico asked.
"Not sure," Aceso answered. "We'll land wherever someone needs help. Are you sure you two can handle this?"
"You can count on us for company," Nico assured her as he gave a thumbs up.
It had now been three months, and Aceso had gotten to know Mico and Nico a lot better. Both of them have gained her trust and learned that she was from the Leaf Village, and was a ninja herself. They both promised to keep it a secret. At the moment, they were in the Land of Lightning, they had stopped at an Inn for a place to sleep for the night, they had been sleeping in trees for the past few days. It was night, all sat down at a picnic table eating food and having tea. Nico and Mico sat on one side as Aceso sat alone on the other.
"So where is our next stop?" Nico asked as he shined up his shield. "We are near the land of lightning and we just left the village hidden in hot water."
"Land of lightning is our next stop," Aceso said before sipping on tea.
"Not going to jump around this time, you were quick to get out of the land of sound," Mico brought up.
"I'd rather not be there," Aceso answered. "A lot of bad blood."
"Care to explain," Nico asked as he looked at her.
"That's for another time," Aceso shook her head.
"Why didn't we just go to the Land of Wind, or do you have bad blood with them?" Mico asked.
"No," Aceso smiled. Aceso felt sad at the mention of the sand, she missed the sand siblings, especially Gaara. "I want to save it for my second to last stop."
"And where's your last stop?" Nico asked.
"Home," Aceso answered.
"I have a question for you my girl," a voice asked. They jumped, and they turned to see two people standing at their table, one had blonde hair and blue eyes, and the other was hunched over. Both of them had Akatsuki robes. Aceso had managed to run into a few of them, she would scribble down a few things and send it to the sand and leaf. This is the first they had ever stopped to talk to her. "It deals with the Land of Wind, care to answer?"
"Who are you?" Mico asked.
"We're asking the questions here," the hunched over man asked. "Answer quickly, I don't like to be kept waiting."
"Rumor has it that you, my dear, know the jinchūriki of the one tail," the blonde admitted. He seemed young and to any eye, he is deemed cute. The one hunched over was creepy, he seemed ready to strike.
"I have no idea who you are talking about," Aceso said. While out on her travels was to keep quiet about knowing any jinchūriki, as if she's never met them. It hurt to say she didn't know Gaara, Naruto, or Fu.
"But this is where it gets really foggy, I heard that the one-tail jinchūriki was close friends with a pretty redhead like you," the blonde said as he took a seat next to her. "A healer, and from the looks of these hands—" He grabbed her hands. "You're the exact person we're looking for." He got even closer to her, Aceso could feel mouths on his palms.
"I think you have the wrong person," Nico said. "Who are you?"
"The name Deidra," the blonde said as he touched Aceso's hair. "And that there is my man Sasori."
"You idiot," Sasori hissed.
"Nothing wrong with an exchange of names, "Deidara stated. "So, tell me, what do you know about one-tail or nine-tails?"
"I'm not sure what you're talking about," Aceso answered sticking with her cover.
"If she doesn't know, then she doesn't know," Mico said as he eyed the two carefully.
"Very well" Deidara sighed as he got up. "I'll take your word for now." The two then left.
"What's going on?" Mico asked.
"Not now," Aceso whispered. The next morning the two set out, they spent most of the day walking, and it got dark. Nico and Mico put an arm in front of her. "What is it?"
"We're being followed," Nico sensed.
"And they are close," Mico added.
"Behind us?" Aceso asked.
"And above," a familiar voice, they turned to see Deidara and Sasori once again. "I'll ask again, what do you know about the one-tail?"
"I told you, I don't know anything," Aceso said as she tried to step around.
"No rumors, or anything?" Deidara asked.
"Not a thing," Aceso said. "This person is as much as a mystery as they are to you." She tried to step around again.
"I think you are pulling our legs," Deidara glared at her, he kept getting in front of her.
"I truly do not know a thing," Aceso said.
"Tell us the truth," Deidara said. "Or I will give you an art show." The man shoved his hands in his pockets.
"I don't like to be kept waiting," Sasori said. "So, make it a quick answer or we'll make it a quick death."
"I don't know anything, none of us do," Aceso answered. "Why are you looking for the one-tail in the first place?"
"We plan on extracting it from the jinchūriki," Deidara answered as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "We will be rewarded hugely if we find them."
"Keep quiet!" Sasori hissed.
"No worries, Sasori my man, the dead can't reveal secrets," Deidara laughed as he pulled out his hands. "But we can extract hers." His one hand had a bird, it flew over to the other two. "Let me tell you about my art."
"We aren't interested," Nico answered as they stepped back.
"I'll make you become interested! Nobody ever wants to appreciate it. I will make you appreciate it," Deidara hooted. "Art is an explosion!" He did a hand sign and the bird exploded in front of them. The five of them ended up, engaging in battle, forty minutes later. Aceso was holding up Mico, and Nico laid by the shirts as she made her way through the forest. Nico and Mico got cut by Sasori's puppets, and the lower part of Aceso's torso was blown open. On the other side of the forest Deidara laid on the ground with only one arm and one leg, Aceso had managed to them off. He was injured badly, part of Sasori's tail had been cut off from one of the shields.
"She's getting away and we haven't gotten a word out of her about the one tail," Deidara grunted. "To make it worse, all my clay is gone." He started to slowly crawl through the ground looking for his other arm and leg
"We will retreat for now," Sasori said. "We'll get answers out of her tomorrow." He was looking for other parts of his tail. "With that much blood loss, she shouldn't be able to go far, and we'll have a trail to follow." His eyes landed on the blood trail.
"And if we ended up extracting nothing?" Deidara asked." Pain isn't going to be too happy."
"I'll get to have more puppets at least," Sasori said. "A collection to my art."
On the other side of the forest, Aceso's eyesight was starting to get fuzzy. She saw a giant tree in front of them.
"This will be a good spot to rest," Aceso said to herself. She placed the shield brother down in front of the tree before sitting against it herself. She glanced over at Nico and Mico, then looked up to see a bird, it was the one from the sand village. She raised her hand to her lips shakenly, she whistled, and the bird flew down, landing next to her. Aceso then pulled out a piece of paper,, she looked around for some ink, she was running out of time. She put a finger on her front and wrote the message in blood.
"Take this to Gaara," Aceso said softly as she rolled up the message, she put it in the pouch. "He must not engage the Akatsuki alone." The bird then took off, as her eyes closed.
Over at the Leaf Village, Kakashi just entered his home after a long mission and picked up groceries. Right as he opened it, he saw the flower bowl sitting on the window sill. A flower that was linked with Aceso's lifeline. He had the jutsu set up before she left, this way he would feel more at ease, knowing about her life state. He watched as the flower quickly sunk to the bottom, and the bag he was carrying dropped to the floor.
"Not possible," Kakashi breathed in disbelief as his eyes went wide.
"How about a late- "Guy began as he appeared outside the window. "Kakashi? Why did you throw your groceries all over the floor?" He then looked down at the flower bowl and frowned. "Kid."
Aceso woke up, she was lying flat, she saw that the walls were a dark red, there was a little yellow light on the wall. She sat up and looked at her hands to see them completely clean, she looked down at her body to see not a scratch on it.
"Confused?" a voice asked.
"Yes," Aceso answered as she looked up, in front of her stood someone in a black cloak and a skull, he held a scythe in his hand. He held out his other. She looked at him questionably before grabbing it.
"Most people start screaming at this point," the person said as he helped Aceso onto her feet.
"Who are you? Aceso asked as they started to walk.
"The Grim Reaper," the person said.
"As in the guy that collects souls?" Aceso asked.
"Only dead ones," He answered.
"That's cool," Aceso breathed, seconds her eyes went wide. "Wait, what!?"
"I'm having trouble collecting yours," Grim Reaper answered. "Technically you're dead, but a little bit of your soul is still hanging on in the living world."
"How's my friend? Nico? Mico? The Shield Brothers?" Aceso asked.
"They both got about three days till they come here," Grim answered.
"They can't be saved?" Aceso asked.
"Not an antidote has been made for that poison yet," Grim answered. "Why does it matter to you? They'll be joining you very soon, no longer to be sad about someone dying, when you're are dying as well."
"Is it possible to return to the land of the living?" Aceso asked. "I'm not dead yet if I live I can find an antidote and save Mico and Nico."
"Think carefully about this," Grim advised. "First, I will let you speak to a few people." He opened a door, there stood two people sitting around a fire. Aceso recognized them from pictures A woman with orange hair and green eyes, next to her sat a man with bright hair and yellow eyes. They were her biological parents. They both looked over at her.
"Come here," her dad said holding out his arms. In seconds, Aceso was in both of their arms.
"You've gotten so big," her mom said as tears formed in her eye.
"I have so much to ask you," Aceso smiled as she pulled away, happy tears fell from her eyes. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to cry."
"No need to apologize," her mom laughed.
"I cry when I get overjoyed as well," Dad informed. "It seems you do too, especially when you help a woman with labor, a new life made you so happy."
"It sure did," Aceso smiled.
"You look so much like your father, but my eyes," Mom said as they sat around the fire, Aceso sat in the middle of the two.
"I've been told," Aceso smiled more.
"So, what do you want to know?" Dad asked.
"Where did you grow up? How did you and dad meet?" Aceso asked.
"I grew up in the hidden sand village, I'm sure Kakashi and Gai told you that part," her mom answered.
"They did," Aceso laughed.
"Well, my mother died after giving birth to my younger sister, shortly after that our father abandoned us," mom answered. "One windy day in the sand village, we had another storm like always, it was a rough place to live in terms of geography. On that very same day, we met Rasa, the fourth Kazekage, but at the time he was just a kid like us."
"As in Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro's father?" Aceso asked.
"Precisely," her mom answered as they sat down on a bench outside the hall. "Anyways, Rasa took us in as siblings, says he needs practice looking after people, if he wants to be Kazekage, so we really did become a family of some sort, we trained together, did missions together, we were there the day of his coronation. Anyways, during the 3rd Shinobi war, I met your father at the hot springs."
"I'm not sure if I want to hear the rest of that," Aceso said as she scrunched her face.
"You definitely have a mixture of mine and your father's personality," her mom laughed, it was a gorgeous laugh. "We only talked at the Hot springs, shortly afterward we met again on the battlefield, our love was well...forbidden in Rasa's eyes and I fell hard for the medic ninja from the leaf village. Rasa banned me from seeing Aeson, but that didn't stop me. We secretly got married behind Rasa's back, but my sister was all for it. I helped deliver every single one of his children, yet he showed nothing but disappointment towards me for deflecting the sand village for love. I didn't even deflect it, I just moved to another village, I always came back to visit after the war came to an end, even a few weeks at a time."
"I think Rasa warmed up to me," Dad said. "He just didn't want to admit it."
"Not surprised," Aceso grumbled, knowing how he treated Gaara.
"Rasa taunted me for not having any kids, after getting married in secret, and then shortly after Gaara was born I got pregnant with you and I'm pretty sure Kakashi and Gai told you the rest," Mom explained.
"I'm sorry Dad, but I'm not really a fan of my eyes glowing like that," Aceso apologized.
"It's alright," Dad laughed as he rubbed her back.
"Sounds like you and Mr. Rasa didn't exactly see eye to eye," Aceso brought up.
"Not all siblings do," Mom smiled more. "We got along for a ended when he tried to tell me who I can and can not love. I never listened to him whenever love was involved and I don't regret it, even if it cost me my life."
"You didn't mind being killed?" Aceso asked.
"We died because of the power people wanted from my eyes, they were going to take them dead or alive," Dad answered. "Honestly, I would have loved to see you grow up at my hands, but Kakashi and Gai did a splendid job looking after you."
"They are my dads," Aceso answered, she then realized what she said. "I mean you two are wonderful as well—"
"It's alright," Dad laughed. "They went above and beyond with you, we saw."
"How's Gaara?" Mom asked.
"From the last time I saw him, very well," Aceso answered. "I thought you just helped with the labor?"
"I'm all three of their aunts technically," her mom pointed out. "And no matter how much Rasa tried to stop me, I became Gaara's godmother." Aceso's eyes widen. "I and your father did think about moving to the sand village, I wanted to look after all those kids, and you of course. So we decided to do a trial, so we decided to go visit the village with you as a baby, we didn't get very far."
"Me and Gaara are actually very close," Aceso informed. "I am close with Temari and Kankuro as well."
"How did you meet them again?" her mom asked.
"When we were younger," Aceso answered. "Our memories got erased of each other at Uncle Rasa's request, but we remet when they took the chunin exams."
"That sounds like Rasa," Mom shook her head. "When we get back, he's getting an earful. Despite erasing memories, you all seemed to have become friends anyways."
"Yeah," Aceso answered.
"So, how's Naruto?" her mom asked.
"We looked after him as a baby after the passing of his parents," Dad said. "He loved to lay on your mom's belly when she was pregnant with you." Aceso smiled, it was destined for Naruto and Aceso to be 'siblings'.
"Haven't seen him in a while as well," Aceso admitted. "He's out with Master Jiraya to become even stronger. He's the best big brother ever, he's funny, he's great at making friends, everyone views him as a hero."
"That's good," her mom smiled. "I was afraid people would reject him."
"Oh, they did, for the longest of time," Aceso answered sadly.
"Did you?" her mom answered.
"No," Aceso answered. "He never did anything wrong, I never understood why people treated him so horribly."
"I'm glad you weren't some sheep that followed everyone else," Dad said in relief. "You follow your heart, don't you?"
"I like to make a decision for myself, rather than follow what everyone else does," Aceso answered. "Though I didn't really get to play with Naruto when I was younger, I was always so busy studying to become a doctor and well...being a doctor."
"Only at the age of ten, did you become a doctor," her mom noted. "You are certainly a better medical ninja than me and your father."
"I get it from you two," Aceso answered. "Honestly, I'm not surprised that the daughter of two medical ninja became a doctor." Her mom laughed. "I love being a doctor, I get to care for people, give them hope."
"Can't do that when you're dead," her mom said.
"Oh, yeah," Aceso breathed as she looked back at the Grim Reaper. He stood at the doorway. She then stood up. "Thank you for giving me life...but I'm not quite ready to commit to this place if I still have that option."
"Take your time on the earth darling," Dad nodded. "Keep everyone you love close, treat every goodbye as a last one, you'll never know if you'll get a hello again."
"I will," Aceso said.
"One last thing," Her mom said. "Me and your father are both so proud of you, you have become highly skilled being a doctor, at such a young age as well, don't be afraid to fall in love...though I expect you have no problem with that."
"Huh?" Aceso asked as the color rose to her cheeks.
"You may be young, but I even I can tell you already gave your heart away to that young man, the taijutsu master from your village," Dad brought up. "As I said, we see everything."
"Mom...Dad," Aceso blushed more.
"He's a dork, isn't he?" mom asked. "You are definitely my child, I too fell in love with a dork, it's my favorite aspect of him, tell me something else you like about him." Aceso stared at her.
"He's kind," Aceso answered with a soft smile. "He's one of the strongest, kindest, and dorkiest people I've ever met."
"Sounds like a keeper," her mom laughed with approval.
"One last thing?" Dad requested Sorry for keeping you."
"I don't mind," Aceso said.
"We love you," they both said as they held out their arms.
"I love you too," Aceso returned the words as she hugged them. Aceso then walked back over to the Grim.
"So, what is it?" Grim asked as she walked closer.
"I'm going to stay with the living," Aceso answered. "I'm going to save my friends."
"I'd hurry if I were you," Grim answered. "You spent a day talking to your mother."
"How much time does the three of us have?" Aceso asked.
"You have twenty minutes and Nico and Mico have eight hours," Grim answered. "If you can heal them, then I won't take your soul, if you can't I'll take both your souls."
"Deal," Aceso agreed. Down the hall a door opened, leading up, leading to the light.
"Just go up there and you'll return to the living," Grim answered. "I shall see you soon."
"Don't count on that," Aceso answered as she took off up the stairs.
A group of cloud ninja had just zipped a body bag closed; they were in a room at the hospital. Suddenly the body bag opened back up and Aceso sat up gasping.
"AHHHH!" all of them screamed before fainting. Aceso jumped out of the body bag, busted out of the room, and ran down the hall, she opened the door to each room. She finally came across one that Nico and Mico were in.
Over at the Leaf village, it's been two days, and Kakashi had barely left his place, barely eaten.
"Rival?" Gai asked as he knocked on the door. Gai didn't sound well either, both of them had been worried.
"It's been two days, Kakashi-sensei," Sakura's voice echoed. "What's wrong?" She opened the door, they saw Kakashi holding a teddy bear and staring out the window. It was Aceso's stuffed bunny from her room.
"I haven't seen him like this in ages," Gai answered. "It's different this time."
"Kakashi," Tsunade's said as they all walked into the room, including Lee. "It's going to be rough, Gai told me everything, but I need you for missions."
"Why is it going to be rough?" Lee asked, his eyes flickered to the flower bowl. "Why is this flower sitting on the bottom of the bowl? How strange? It's pretty." They looked at each other. "What?"
"He deserves to know," Gai said. "That girl means everything to him.
"Huh?" Lee asked. "Are you talking about Red Rose, she's alright, she's a strong ninja. She has the power of youth on her side" He gave thumbs up, his teeth sparkled as he smiled. Lee wasn't sure what was going on, but he knew Aceso was alright. He missed her terribly, he kept going into her place thinking she was still home. At some point, Tenten gave him a heart locket, inside it was a picture of Aceso from when they were at the Land of the Moon. She burnt her cheeks a little bit, smiling huge, the sunset was complimenting her as usual. Lee pulled it out from time to time, especially out on missions when it's only him awake.
"The truth is," Kakashi began as he looked at the bowl, suddenly the flower shot back up to the top. "You're right, she's going to be alright." His eyes were wide, but he was relieved. Lee looked back at the bowl, Kakashi seemed a lot sadder when it was at the bottom. Then it clicked Aceso wasn't alright, but from what he could see, she was better now.
"That's connected to her lifeline, isn't it?" Lee asked coldly. The flower was at the bottom, Red Rose was almost...dead.
"Lee," Sakura said slowly.
"I know you're just trying to protect me," Lee said looking at her. "But don't ever keep something like this from me again."
"Excuse me," a medical ninja said getting in front of her.
"Let me heal my friend," Aceso said as she swiped their legs. She got next to Nico, opened his mouth, and stuck her fingers in, she then leaned down and listened to his body. She then went to the cabinets; she grabbed a few things and a bowl. She made a mixture of hot water and went back over to Nico.
"What are you doing?" a voice asked. She looked up to see a blonde guy with blue eyes.
"Saving my friends," Aceso answered as she put her hand on top of the water. She then took her hand off, she held a glob of water, and then put it on Nico, he started to scream as he shuffled. "Hold him!"
"Right," a medical ninja responded as they all gathered, they held him down as Aceso did her work. Shortly after, she pulled out a purple liquid, that was held in the water glob.
"Is that?" a girl asked a from the doorway. She looked up to see a dark girl with dark red hair, and yellow eyes. Extremely pretty.
"Poison," Aceso answered. "Another." They followed her demands for a while. "I got most of the poison out, now I need to see what herbs you have in supply, we need to sterilize the poison and come up with an antidote and I will work on his brother."
"Not till we get a few things straight," a voice denied. She looked up to see a giant man and another next to him with sunglasses. "No one move."
"Yes, Lord Raikage," they responded.
"Where are you from?" He asked. "No lies."
"Leaf Village," Aceso answered.
"And why should we let you look at our medical supplies," He asked.
"I'm a doctor, please let me save my friends and deal with us afterward," Aceso pleaded.
"Saving a life is pretty dope, you'd be a fool to not let her, ya fool," the other guy said. "These are poor injured souls, I found dying. Yo, it'd be a shame if to let them die at this time, fool, ya fool."
"Fine," The man grunted through his teeth. Soon Aceso was shown their herbs and other supplies, she put together an antidote that worked against the poison, and she then had Nico drink some. She then worked on Mico and gave him the same stuff.
"You're a miracle worker," Mico said after the cup was taken from his mouth.
"Just rest, for now, Nico and Mico," Aceso said. "I'll talk to the Raikage."
"Is your mistress, Lady Tsunade?" Third asked. "The current Hokage."
"No," Aceso answered. " Lady Tsunade had sent me on a mission to go around and heal, she wants me to develop my skills while away. Learn from others and get stronger."
"Tell you what, since you're technically trespassing, you'll work here for a bit," Third said. "Train our staff a little."
"Not forever," Aceso requested.
"Your travels are reckless, but your friends be neckless if you didn't step in," the other said. "Call me Lord, Lord Killer Bee, Lord Jinchūriki." He held out a fist.
"Doctor Matsuba," Aceso answered as she touched her fist to his. They looked over to the Lord Third, tears were flowing down his cheeks.
"You stay here for a month at least," a boy said with a sucker in his mouth. "You did just come up from the dead, you were in a body bag."
"Oh yeah," Aceso recalled. "I forgot about that."
"FORGOT ABOUT IT!" the girl exclaimed.
"Well, I wasn't really dead," Aceso said. " I was almost dead, there is a difference."
"A DIFFERENCE!" Karui beloved.
"Karui, we are in a hospital," the boy said. "Unless this really is the afterlife."
"Shut it, Omoi!" Karui snapped hitting him.
"Young doctor, may you look at the injured cloud ninja you took out, ya fool?" Killer B asked.
"Oh, sorry about that," Aceso apologized. " I panicked."
"Rose from the dead and dropped ninja to their knees, that was rad yo," Killer B rapped. Nico, Mico, and Aceso stayed in the Hidden Cloud village recovering. Aceso made a few more antidotes for Sasori's poison. She managed to friend a few other Lighting ninja, including Samui, Darui, and surprisingly Cee. No matter how much he muttered about disliking Leaf Ninja. He was a medical ninja like her, they worked well together at the hospital.
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