Chapter 90

It was a sunny day, Aceso was standing at the edge of a cliff, lowering Naruto down the edge of a steep cliff down below so he could grab legendary Menma pickled bamboo shoots.

"I've almost gotcha!" Naruto struggled.  " A little lower, Aceso!"

  "I'm at the end of my rope!" Aceso shouted as she lowered him a little lower.

"You're mine!" Naruto cried stretching. "You stupid, bamboo!" He fell forward, bringing Aceso down with him.

"Naruto!" Aceso exclaimed as she grabbed the ledge so they wouldn't slide any further. She held on to the ledge with one hand, and the rope in the other, which was tied around Naruto.

"That was close," Naruto breathed as Aceso looked down to see a boy unconscious on a boulder in the water.

"He looks like he needs some help," Aceso said.

"Huh?" Naruto breathed as he looked down. "It's a person!"

"Is he alive?" Aceso asked. " One way to find out." She let go of the ledge and pushed off, she let go of Naruto, he splashed into the water as she landed on another boulder. Together the two of them carried the blonde boy back to the village. By the time they got back, it was dark out. It was thundering a ton.

"Sakura," Aceso breathed as they stood outside the window of the hospital. She jumped and started screaming. 

"Hey, stop yelling, keep it down! This is a hospital zone!" Naruto warned. 

 "You made me yell, you morons!" Sakura growled. 

"Whoa, look at you," Naruto said. "The medical corps finally gave you a uniform, huh?"

"You like it?" Sakura asked as she struck a pose. "Yeah, I've waiting forever to get one."

"Looks good," Naruto complimented.

"Anyway, it's a lucky break that we found you on duty, Sakura," Naruto said.

"Yeah, I got someone here we need to take a look at," Aceso added.

"What do you mean? Who?" Sakura asked.

"This fella," Aceso answered as she pointed to the guy on her back.

"What happened to him?" Sakura asked.

"I took care of the hypothermia," Aceso said. "But he is going to need a full examination."

"Hyp-what?" Naruto asked. "You mean you know this guy? That's a funny name."

"It's not his name, you idiot," Sakura groaned. "It's what happens when your body temperature--Oh, why bother. Yeah, Hypothermia, he's a guy I used to know."

"Really?" Naruto asked. "Well, that'll make things easier." Aceso started to climb through to the other side.

"Whoa, whoa, what do you think you're doing?" Sakura demanded. "This is a Leaf Village hospital, we can't admit outsiders."

"I know the rules Sakura," Acseo said as she landed on the other side. 

"We can't just leave him," Naruto argued. "And I've got an important mission, so you two, take care of him!" He dashed off.

"Wat, you can't just!" Sakura began to protest.

"It's alright, Sakura," Aceso said. "I'll fill out the forms."

"But..." Sakura began to protest. "Naruto! You get back here!"

"It's alright, Sakura," Aceso assured. "If I am to be traveling as a doctor, I can't deny people."

"I'll go find Naruto," Sakura said.

"I'll get Mitate, he should be on rounds tonight," Aceso said. She found a few medics, and they all gathered to work on the boy, and see if he is hurt anywhere else.

"Well?" Mitate asked.

"It seems this boy has no memory," Aceso answered.

"Should I try to retrieve some?" Mitate asked.

"Yes," Aceso nodded. He did the hand signs.

"Back to the Past Jutsu," Mitate said. The boy closed his eyes as the medic tried to dig into his memories. He put his hand on the boy's head.

"Can you remember anything now?" Aceso asked. He shook his head.

" I see," Mitate breathed. "Well, that's enough for today."

"We'll continue tomorrow," Aceso said.

"For now it's total amnesia," Mitate said as they walked out of the room. "Have a good night."

"You too, Mitate," Aceso said. Sakura and Naruto came into the room as Mitate left.

"Well?" Naruto asked as the two took a seat.

"Total amnesia," Aceso answered.

"Total amnesia?" Naruto repeated. 

"His name, his village. He can't remember a thing," Aceso explained. "If he won't respond to that Jutsu, it's a serious case."

"You didn't find anything on him or in his clothes that might tell us who he is?" Naruto asked. Aceso shook her head.

"All he had on him was the flute thing," Aceso answered. The wooden instrument was broken in half, Naruto picked it up. "What is it anyway?"

"An ocarina," Sakura answered. "It's a kind of flute."

"Ocarina?" Naruto repeated.

" A broken one," Sakura pointed out.

"You can fix it pretty easily," Naruto noted as he looked at the broken ends.

"It might be just a temporary state of shock causing the amnesia," Sakura said.

"Here's the release form," Aceso said as she handed Naruto the paper. " I filled out most of it, you just have to sign it."

"Huh?" Naruto asked. "What for?"

"Liability," Aceso answered. "I would do it, but I'm booked in the hospital this week."

"And like I said, this is a Leaf Village hospital," Sakura brought up. " If it wasn't for your sister, we wouldn't treat outsiders. That's why it's going to be your responsibility if anything happens because of this guy."

"Huh?" Naruto gasped.

"Will you be able to handle it, Naruto?" Aceso asked. "If I could take work off and help, I would."

"No, I can handle it," Naruto assured. "Just hoping I don't live to regret doing a good deed." They placed the boy in the hospital bed, Aceso went to her room and started to pack up a bag. Suddenly, lighting struck the hospital, the next thing Aceso knew, she was helping people out of the hospital. She ran back into the place to see if they got everyone else out. She started to hear a baby crying and dashed to the nursery section of the hospital. She held the baby close to her, protecting it from the smoke and fire. She turned to see the boy from earlier at the door.

"It's you," Aceso breathed.

"I'll see what I can do to help," the boy said as he ran next to her. He put the broken instrument up to his mouth and started to play a beautiful song. Aceso felt a strong length of energy appear in her body. "Come with me!" He grabbed her hand, and the two started to run through the hospital, avoiding the fire as best as possible, but the fire was catching up with them.

"That window there should lead out," Aceso informed.

"Hang on," the boy said as he scooped her up. He then jumped through a window.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto shouted from down below, Aceso felt the three of them being caught by a bunch of Narutos. 

" And look! Look who he's got with him!" Sakura cried out.

" Well done," Tsunade complimented.

"Ah! My baby!" a woman cried running forward.

"Oh my, what a relief," Shizune smiled.

"That was too close," Sakura said.

"Thank you so much," the woman cried as Aceso handed her the baby.

"Don't thank me, it was all his doing," Aceso said. The woman looked at the boy.

"Thank you, thank you!" She cried. "Thank you so much!"

"Y-You're welcome," the boy said softly. The baby gurgled happily.

"I can never thank you enough, never" the woman smiled as she held her baby closer.

"Same here," Naruto said as his clones disappeared. "You saved a baby and my little sister." 

Morning came Sakura, Aceso, and Naruto stood in the Hokage's office.

"A mystery outsider with amnesia," Tsunade said. "Well, this is a fine mess you two put us in."

"It's just one guy," Naruto said. "Come on, you're gonna let him stay, aren't you?"

"You know we can't," Shizune said. " To allow a complete stranger to come into the village and live among us. It's unheard of."

"You can't really suspect he's a spy or something, not after what he did at the hospital," Aceso argued.

"That doesn't make any difference when it comes to the security of the village, we cannot bend the rules," Shizune argued.

 "I've taken responsibility for him, haven't I?" Naruto pointed out as Tsunade stood up. "If he does anything, I'll handle it.

"Lady Aceso, how's he doing, anyway?" Tsunade asked as she made her way towards the front of her desk. "Has he remembered anything, yet?"

" No, ma'am, nothing yet," Aceso answered.

" I see," Tsunade breathed. 

"Come on," Naruto pleaded. "Say yes and I promise I'll let you try some of rare Menma pickled bamboo shoots!"

"Rare pickled bamboo shoots?"

"That's right," Naruto confirmed. "In fact, My sister and I were picking the bamboo for it after my last mission when we found this guy!" Tsunade grabbed his cheek.

"You were doing what?" Tsunade demanded. "You're supposed to report back after your missions, not pick bamboo!"

"You can let go now," Naruto said, Lady Tsunade let go.

"Naruto, you are serious about taking responsibility for this stranger?" Tsunade asked. 

"Yeah, completely serious," Naruto confirmed. 

"Right," Tsunade said. "I'll let the boy stay in the village for now."

"Lady Tsunade!" Shizune exclaimed.

"We can't just kick out after he saved the life of one of our children and the young doctor," Tsunade said.

"Now you're talking!" Naruto cheered. " You won't be sorry, Grandma." Naruto went and took on the responsibility of the stranger, while Aceso helped clean up at the hospital.

"Aceso," a voice flooded her ears. She turned, and in a flash, she was scooped up in a hug. She recognized the smell instantly, it was Kakashi. 

"You're back," Aceso smiled as she hugged him even tighter. 

"What happened here?" Kakashi asked as they sat down on some logs.

"Lightning struck the building," Aceso answered. 

"Is everyone alright?" Kakashi asked.

"Yes," Aceso answered. " Everyone made it out, so nobody got hurt."

"What are you going to do in the meantime?" Kakashi asked. "Have you checked your room?"

"It burned," Aceso answered. "Some things were saved, but not everything."

"What burned?" Kakashi asked.

"So, of our home tapes," Aceso answered. "Lots of memories with those. I can't believe I forgot about my sand cousins."

"You were young," Kakashi answered. "Are frustrated about forgetting them?"

"No," Aceso shook her head. "I wish I didn't forget but I can't change the past. Though this means a ton of or home videos got burned. First steps, first word, picnics I would go on with you and Gai-sensei." Kakashi nodded.

"What are you going to do now?" Kakashi asked. "You can't go back to living in the hospital, with your room in that condition."

"I'm not sure," Aceso admitted. "I didn't think about that."

"How about you stay with me, till you find a place," Kakashi suggested. 

"Do you mean it?" Aceso asked as her eyes lit up.

"No need to worry," Tsunade said as she walked up. " I already found a place for you, I have keys ready already for everyone."

"Thanks," Aceso smiled.

"Where at?" Kakashi asked.

"Grab a box and I'll show you," Tsunade said. Aceso and Kakashi both picked up two boxes of Aceso's stuff that got saved from the fire, while Tsunade and Shizune picked up the last two boxes.

" You were bound to be moved out at some point, the fire was just a shove," Shizune said. Tonton oinked in agreement.

"It was a good gesture, but it certainly did the job," Tsunade said.

"Well, I can see why you want to be out if I'm going to be gone for two years, it's the perfect opportunity to have all the hospital rooms open," Aceso said.

"That and when you don't have to be worried about being woken up in the middle of the night to help when it's not your shift," Tsunade said.

"I'm sure I still will be, even if I don't live there," Aceso laughed. Tsunade led them to the condos, they walked to the second level and all the way to the end on the corner. Aceso recognized where they were.

"You seem familiar with this floor," Shizune. "This complex in particular." 

"I was just here two nights ago," Aceso recalled. "Somebody wanted to do late-night training."

"Who?" Kakashi asked. The door next to Aceso's new place opened and out walked Rock Lee. "I think you need to rethink the location, Lady Hokage."

"It's a perfect spot," Tsunade argued. "She's not too far from the hospital." Lee looked over at them, he saw them all holding boxes.

"Pardon me, but what is going on?" Lee asked as he walked up.

"There was a fire last night at the hospital," Aceso answered. Lee's eyes went wide.

"Are you alright?" Lee asked as got close to her.

"Yes," Aceso answered. "My room got burned, I was going to stay with Kakashi for a bit, but Lady Tsunade had already made arrangements. It seems to be that we are now neighbors." A big smile grew on Lee's face.

"I think it's best she just stays with me," Kakashi spoke up. 

"It's only for a few weeks," Tsunade said. "Then Aceso will begin her doctor journey."

"A few weeks?" Kakashi asked as he looked at her.

"It's either at the end of two months, or after a third mission I give her, and right now she has one more," Tsunade explained. Kakashi didn't seem too happy to hear that. Tsunade took out a key and opened the door to the place. Aceso walked in first, down the hall a little, to the right was where the kitchen and living space was located. And the area on the left was where the bedroom was located, then straight ahead, at the end of the hall was the bathroom.

"This is a lot of space," Aceso noted. 

"Definitely a lot more room than a hospital room," Lee agreed as he peaked his head into the kitchen area. Aceso put her box down in the bedroom, she then went to leave.

"Don't you want to unpack?" Kakashi asked.

"I will do that later," Aceso said. "I still need to help out at the hospital." She walked out the door.

"You can take the girl out of the hospital, but you can't take the hospital out of the girl," Shizune groaned.

"She is a walking hospital," Tsunade smiled.

Night came, Kakashi was helping Aceso put things away in her new place. 

"You are going to need bowls and plates," Kakashi said as he opened her cabinets. "You can't rely on the dishes from the hospital anymore."

"As of this moment, I only have mugs," Aceso said as she handed him a mug with the leaf symbol on it. "And some chopsticks." 

"For what food?" Kakashi asked as he opened the fridge. He made a point, she had no food in the place. 

"If you are still around, we will just have to go to the store tomorrow," Aceso said.

"I think I will be able to stay two extra days," Kakashi said as he closed the fridge door. 

The next day, Aceso was out gathering items for her new home with Kakashi. Such as food, silverware, plates, bowls, towels, some clothes, cleaning supplies, and a plant.  

"This should be enough," Aceso said as Kakashi opened the door to her place.

"For now," Kakashi said. "You will probably wish to decorate."

"No, it will be fine," Aceso denied as she closed the door behind her. 

"You don't want to decorate?" Kakashi asked as he started to put the groceries away.

" I don't see the point of decorating right now," Aceso answered as she put the dishes away.

"To make your own style," Kakashi said.

"I could leave at any moment, why would I take the time to decorate?" Aceso asked. "Put in a ton of effort, to just not see it again for two years."

"I guess you make a point," Kakashi smiled a little. There was a knock at the door, Aceso went over and opened it. Revealing Naruto, and the boy from the river. The boy was holding a box.

"So, you live next to Bushy Brow now," Naruto stated as Aceso let them in.

"Yep," Aceso smiled.

"Not sure I agree with Grandma Tsunade's decision," Naruto said.

Aceso laughed. "Kakashi- sensei feels the same way you do."

"Here," the boy said as he held out a box. "We are about to head out to find my memories."

"Good luck," Aceso wished them as she titled her head smiling. Next door, Lee opened his front door, he started to head over to his neighbor, he stopped at the sight of Naruto and the stranger.

"I thought it would be best to give this to you," the boy said putting the box in her hands. Aceso looked down was some of her stuff. Inside was a black shirt, a couple of photos, two fresh work uniforms, and a heart made out of the grass.

"I thought I lost this in the fire," Aceso admitted. "Thank you!"

"They seemed pretty important to you, the photos," the boy said. "It would be a shame to let someone pretty like you miss these things, he put a flower in her hair. Lee started to feel jealous, and Aceso's cheeks turned red.

"Thank you..."Aceso began.

"Menma, after the bamboo we found," Naruto said.

"That's clever," Aceso smiled more. "Thank you, Menma it was really sweet of you and Naruto to grab this for me."

"Well, we oughta be going," Naruto waved. " Don't leave till I come back!"

" I will wait!" Aceso exclaimed waving.

"Until we meet again," Menma said as he grabbed her hand, he gently kissed it. She turned a brighter shade of red. Kakashi was watching like a hawk, he wasn't too pleased with Menma at the same he was getting a kick out of watching Lee go back into his place.

" See you later, little sister!" Naruto giggled as he waved, and those two left. A few hours later there was a knock at the door. Aceso opened it to see Gai.

"Papa," Aceso greeted with a  smile. "Please come in."

"I am only here for a second," Gai admitted. " Next time I will come in. Is Kakashi here?"

"What is it Gai?" Kakashi asked as he rounded the corner with a broom.

"We have been summoned for a mission," Gai said. "I know you wanted to take two days off."

"No, it's fine," Aceso said. "Just don't be gone too long."

"Aceso has one more mission and then she'll be sent on her two-year mission," Kakashi informed, Gai didn't seem to happy, but he kept up a smile. 

"We will wrap this up quick," Gai said giving her a thumbs up and a sparkly smile. "We pour our youth into it."

"See you in a few days," Kakashi said as he walked past her ruffling her hair. 

"See you in a few days," Aceso said. The door closed and she went to the kitchen area. As she worked there, she could hear the very faint sounds of a punching bag. She stopped what she was doing, grabbed ninja gear, and went out. She knocked on the door, it quickly opened revealing Lee. He seemed oddly angry. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Lee answered.

"Do you want to train together?" Aceso asked. 

"Yes," Lee responded as his mood brightened. " Let's work on your Taijutsu." He grabbed her hand and took off towards the training area. 

A few days passed and Naruto, Neji, and Tenten have all returned back from their mission. Naruto was currently on the rooftop of the hospital with Aceso, he was telling her about the passing of Menma. 

"Well, in his honor we will just have to eat some of that ramen when it is ready," Aceso said as she took down a patient's shirt. 

"Yeah," Naruto sniffed as he sat on the ledge, hanging his legs over the edge. "I'm just so upset that he gave up his life."

"It's okay to be upset, it's part of grieving," Aceso said. " Spite of the harm he has done in the past, he was nice."

"Do you think I will ever turn out like that?" Naruto asked. "Do you think I'll ever become a monster?"

"Your stupidity is quite monstrous, otherwise no," Aceso answered. "And let's not get started on your handwriting." 

"So harsh!" Naruto said in despair. He looked back at her and smiled. "So you never thought of me as a monster?"

"Never," Aceso denied as she looked at him.

"If things get bad you will come back early, won't you?" Naruto asked as he turned around. "Promise."

"If things get extremely bad I will try my best to return," Aceso said. "But I can't make a promise."

"Little Sister," Naruto frowned. "In my eyes, you are going on a suicide mission."

"Then don't look at it like that," Aceso said. "It's just a doctor traveling."

"For two years away from her family," Naruto grumbled. "From her friends, from her village."

" I will return, I'm not leaving forever," Aceso said. "I can promise on returning, but I don't think I can promise on returning early. " Naruto grumbled as he looked to the side. Soon after she finished work, Naruto was walking her home with Sakura.

"Can I see your new place?" Sakura asked. "It's odd walking into your old room and it not being your room anymore."

"You are always welcomed!" Aceso chimed as they walked up the steps. "You both should come and have tea."

"As long as you are making it," Naruto said as he walked with his hands behind his head.

"You got it," Aceso laughed as they got to her door. She took out a key as they heard a big crash come from inside.

"What was that?" Sakura asked her and Naruto both went wide eye.

"One way to find out," Aceso said sticking her key in the hole.

"Careful!" Naruto exclaimed as he got in front of her and Sakura hid behind her. "It could be an intruder." The lock clicked, and Naruto pushed open the door, and all three were greeted by debris, they all coughed a little and swatted it away. Once the debris cleared, they saw Neji and Lee making their way into the hall fighting.

"Neji? Bushy Brow?" Naruto asked. The two stopped fighting and looked over at the three. 

"Our apologies, Lady Aceso," Neji apologized. " We seemed to have gotten a bit too carried away in our argument.

"What did you two break?" Naruto asked.

"It's the possible choice of a wall," Lee answered.

" It is the wall," Neji confirmed. They walked in, looked into the kitchen area, and saw that the wall was indeed broken, on the other side was a clear view of Lee's place. Starting with the bedroom, weights easy to see and a ton of green suits, plus books.

"It's no worries," Aceso smiled as she waved dismissing the problem.


"It's a simple fix," Aceso answered as she walked into her bedroom. "Lee, can you start the tea, please?"

"You got it!" Lee quickly agreed as he went into the kitchen area. Aceso came back out with a long rod and a curtain. 

"Dad - Kakashi bought this for me, but we realized there was nowhere to put it," Aceso explained as she went into the kitchen area, everyone else followed. "Now, I have the perfect place to put it."

"Not a chance," Naruto denied as he jumped in front of her.

"For once I agree with Naruto," Neji crossed his arms.

"We should just get Kakashi-sensei for help," Sakura suggested.

"It'll be fine," Aceso shrugged as she walked around Naruto. She went over to the hole, she started to put up the pole, but had trouble reaching it.

"Let me help," Lee insisted as he walked over, he cleared away more of the wall, to make it into a more rectangle shape.

"You two are playing a dangerous game," Sakura pointed.

"How is it dangerous?" Aceso asked as the curtain got put in place. It was a green curtain, with the Leaf symbols all over it. it fell to the floor, only being a centimeter off the ground. 

"If I smell anything fishy-" Naruto began as he glared at Lee.

"You worry too much Naruto," Aceso smiled back at him as Lee pushed the curtain aside, so the new doorway was opened.

"He has every right to be," Sakura crossed her arms. "If we smell anything fishy, we will report it."

"Got it?" Neji asked narrowing his eyes.

"Understood!" Lee and Aceso chimed giving a thumbs up.


The next morning Aceso heard the sound of the curtain being shoved to the side, seconds later her bedroom door slammed open revealing a usual hyper Lee.

"Time to train!" Lee chimed. 

"It's 5 in the morning," Aceso said as she rolled away.

"Train!" Lee insisted as he jumped onto the bed, he started to jump up and down. " We can do early morning stretches! To get the youth flowing through our veins! And then a morning marathon."

"You sound like Gai-sensei," Aceso said. She gripped the sides of her bed trying to hold her stuff down.

"Get moving!" Lee urged as he dropped to his knees and began to shake her. Aceso was starting to think maybe they should have gotten the wall firmly fixed instead of a curtain. "Not training...may just die." He laid out across her, sprawling out, pretending to be dead. He closed his eyes, sticking out his tongue.

"Let's train," Aceso gave in easily with a smile.

"Yes!" Lee cheered as he bolted out the window. 

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