Chapter 89
On the bottom half of the boat, stood the Ninja Dropouts, Todoroki and the two Leaf ninjas.
"Farewell," Shura bid them. Wires shot out of the umbrella, going all around them.
"Get this off of me, you jerk!" Naruto demanded. Shura ran around the wires and charged.
"Watch out!" Todoroki warned. The boat started to creak, the wires retracted as the boat started to turn, then at frightening speed, the boat started to plunder.
"Aceso!" Naruto cried out reaching out his hand. "Give me your hand!"
"Naruto!" Aceso cried out as she grabbed it. Just as they pulled close to each other, the boat crashed onto the land below creating a huge explosion. They crawled out of the boat before they could be burned.
"Where's everyone else?" Aceso coughed when she didn't see Todoroki or Gantetsu.
"They can't have gone far," Naruto grunted as they got to their feet and began to look around. They quickly found the two. " Todoroki!"
"There you are," Aceso said as they jumped over. " You both all right?"
"Ah. Yes. We're both fine," Todoroki answered as he lowered his sword.
"So, what do we do now?" Naruto asked as Aceso treated surface injuries. "I mean, who knows how far away Sakura and Bushy Brow are."
"I know what I must do," Todoroki confirmed. "My mission is to make sure he is delivered to justice."
"Argh. Easier said than done with the ship split in half," Naruto pointed out. Needles struck the ground, they looked up to see the rest of the Ninja Dropouts heading their way. "Here they come again. We've gotta run." The other two didn't budge.
"Hey," Aceso breathed as she stood up. " We gotta get moving."
" I won't allow him to escape," Todoroki declared as he stared at Gantetsu. "The safest thing is to finish him off right here.
"What are you up to?" Aceso demanded as she furrowed her eyebrows. "What the heck do you mean finish him off?"
"He's certain to be found guilty and sentenced to death anyway," Todoroki explained. "We save them the trouble. Better that than to let his friends recuse him."
"Take it easy," Aceso advised.
"They haven't rescued him yet," Naruto added. He ran forward, grabbing Gantetsu, he ran into the forest.
"Let's go!" Aceso insisted as she grabbed Todoroki and ran behind Naruto. "Your mission's the same as ours. We're supposed to guard him, not be as judge and executioner."
" I warn you," Todoroki began as he put his sword at the back of Gantetsu's head. " If you so much as try anything, your head will roll." Kunai struck right in front of Naruto, he stopped so they wouldn't get it.
"Come on, move it," Naruto ordered as they ran into the forest. They soon came to a stop. Naruto let go of Gantetsu. he bent over panting. " That'll do it for now. We've lost them.
"Just as well, you've seemed exhausted," Todoroki noted.
"We've gone so deep into this forest, I just hope we can find our way out," Aceso said.
" Don't worry," Todoroki said. "We'll take our bearings from the moon's transit. We can't go back to the river. Instead, we'll continue on through the forest to the capital. " Todoroki and Naruto stared each other down. "That is my mission."
"You sure about that?" Naruto asked.
"What do you mean?" Todoroki demanded.
"I heard what you said," Naruto answered. "You said you were ready to finish him off on your own."
"That was when I thought I had no choice," Todoroki explained.
"If you say so," Naruto said. " Then let's get moving." They started moving, Aceso in the back and Naruto in the back.
'I hope Lee and Sakura are alright,' Aceso wished as she glanced up at the moon. The more the traveled the foggier it became.
"Hey," Naruto said as they came to a stop.
"What is it?" Todoroki asked.
"There's something I don't get," Naruto admitted. "We're supposed to be following the moon, right?"
"Right," Aceso nodded.
"Well, then, how come the moon's back there following us?" Naruto asked as he pointed at the moon, it was indeed behind them. Todoroki gasped as he turned to get a look.
"That's peculiar," Todoroki commented as the fog thickened. There was a large wind gust.
"What the heck is going on?" Aceso asked.
"It's the Forest of Bewilderment," Gantetsu answered. "Once you get lost in this place, you'll never find your way out again.
"Whoa," Naruto breathed. " He spoke."
"Whoa," Aceso breathed.
"Nobody said you could talk," Todoroki growled. "Be quiet prisoner."
"Wait, hold a minute," Naruto ordered holding up his hand. "Maybe he knows something."
"What is the Forest of Bewilderment?" Aceso asked.
" All right, prisoner, tell us," Todoroki ordered.
" I know everything about it," Gantetsu answered, " This place is our hideout."
"It's your what?" Naruto's eyes went wide.
" So all this time, when we thought we were escorting you, you were leading us into your own hideout," Todoroki accused.
"It's the perfect hiding place," Gantetsu said. "The fog winds that blow from every direction, magnetic field so strong that compasses are useless. Someone who doesn't know this place and gets lost in it forever."
"Oh, yeah?" Naruto's voice trembled. "Well, I'll find out way out, all right."
" Not alive, you won't," Gantetsu denied.
"Oh," Naruto's voice trembled more.
"It takes someone like me who knows every inch of this forest," Gantetsu said. "Listen, you'll never find your way out without me to guide you."
"Good idea," Naruto smiled. "If this forest is your gang's hideout you must know it like the back of your hand, huh? All right, then, it's a deal. You'll be our guide."
"Our what?" Todoroki demanded. "Are you mad? Our guide. Yes, you'd like that wouldn't you, villain? I believe you when you say this wretched place is your hideout. That would explain why and your friends are able to maneuver your way through it so well."
"There you go!" Aceso chimed.
"That's why we can't trust him," Todoroki snapped. Naruto and Aceso gasped.
"Don't you understand?" Todoroki asked. "All the time he's pretending to lead us out of here, he'll be leading us deeper into his lair."
"What do you think we should do?" Naruto asked.
"We have no choice," Todoroki answered. "We need to finish him, now. Or he'll most surely finish us."
"Whoa. Slow down," Aceso pleaded as she waved her arms frantically.
" No one will care," Todoroki stated. "The world's better off without him." His eyeballs started to twitch.
"Todoroki, wait," Naruto pleaded as Gantetsu took off his shirt, revealing numerous scars.
"Who did that?" Aceso gasped.
"Everything my comrades and I stole from others, I stole from them," Gantetsu answered. "They wanted to know where I hid it. And they didn't ask nicely. My comrades aren't coming to rescue me. All they're after is the money I took from them. And once they have all that money, they want me as dead as you do."
"Oh, is that right?" Todoroki scoffed. "You expect me to believe that?"
"Wait. Hang on a second," Naruto ordered as he stepped up to Todoroki. "You said yourself, you believed this is their hideout, right? Which means that the others must know their way around it as well as he does. Hmm. Which means that..."
"Which means what, Naruto?" Aceso asked gently.
"It doesn't really matter if his friends are coming to rescue him or tear him limb from limb. The point is they're coming and we're on their stomping grounds," Naruto explained. "Which means they know they're going and we don't have a clue. I think we have to trust him. He's the only chance we've got. Well, am I wrong or what?"
"No, you are not wrong," Aceso answered. They both looked at Todoroki. "Naruto does have an excellent point." In the end, Gantetsu became the leader through the forest, soon daybreak came, the sun made their path a little brighter. They kept stopping at trees, Gantetsu would get a good look at them, before making a move.
"Are you sure, you know where you are going?" Naruto asked as he got next to the man.
"Yes," Gantetsu answered. "Don't worry. I'm taking a route they'll never be able to follow." They suddenly stopped, in front of them was an orange, white, and black snake. Aceso jumped behind Naruto as it hissed at them. It slid forward, it launched Naruto, but Gantetsu took the bite. Todoroki gasped.
"But why?" Naruto asked.
"Its venom has no effect on me," Gantetsu answered as he held up the snake. "I'm used to it." He threw the snake far away from them. He then sucked on his arm.
"Really?" Naruto asked. " Because it sure would affect me."
"Yeah," Gantetsu agreed after spitting out the venom. They then continued their journey through the forest." They stopped at a tree, Gantetsu stared up at it for a long time.
"Well?" Todoroki grunted.
"What is it?" Aceso asked. "Is something wrong?" They all looked up
"No way," Gantetsu said in denial. Suddenly, the ground below them broke away.
"Man, you fell for it," a man laughed. " Oh, get? You 'fell' for it. That's a good one."Naruto made clones and the transformation technique, they went into the bushes to hide as they looked up to see a man standing upside down on a tree branch.
"Watch it," Naruto warned as he and Aceso took out a kunai. The metal hand on the man started to spin.
"Ninja Art: Crimson Mud," the man said. He dropped from the tree, aimed right at them, slamming into the ground. They stepped away, then looked down the hole the man-made.
"Well, looks like you fell for it," Naruto said. "That was the old Shadow Clone and Transformation Jutsu combo. "
"The what?" The man demanded.
"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto shouted. Another Naruto appeared, he started to form the Rasengan. "Now it's my turn to pick the game." His clones disappeared, Naruto jumped down. " Rasengan!" The ground exploded at the moment of impact. The debris cleared leaving only Naruto and a new hole. The ground broke apart again, Naruto jumped to the side as the guy reappeared.
"I'm gonna bury you," the guy taunted as his machine spun.
"Well, first you gotta catch me, jerk!" Naruto shouted as he ran into the tunnel.
"That won't be hard," the man smirked.
"Naruto!" Aceso shouted.
"Gantetsu! Stop!" Todoroki ordered as they looked up to the man running."I knew it! You won't get away!" Gantetsu stopped and put his ear to the ground as Todoroki ran up to him. He suddenly got up again, running, they stopped at a downhill, Gantetsu felt the grass before punching it, his knuckles becoming bloody. "What the hell are you doing?"
"I'll help!" Aceso offered as she too started to punch at the ground. Soon the ground broke, down in the hole was Naruto.
"Here." Gantetsu offered as he held out his hand.
"What?" Naruto asked.
"What the heck?" the other guy demanded. Gantetsu threw Naruto out of the hole.
"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto shouted, another appeared, he got ready for another attack. "Rasengan!" Naruto dove right back into the hole. Naruto jumped out before the land around the hole could collapse on him as well. "Your timing couldn't have been better. Thanks a lot." Soon they started back off on the trail. Naruto was right next to Gantetsu. "I'm gonna stick with you big guy. You seem to know what you're doing." Aceso walked in the back, she wanted to keep an eye on Todoroki. He broke into a run. He charged leaping up with the sword.
"Todoroki!" Aceso shouted as she held up a hand sign, her ropes shot out, they wrapped around him, she pulled him back. Naruto tried his best to push Gantetsu away, but at the last second, the blade sliced him.
" Gantetsu!" Aceso exclaimed running over to him.
"Stop it, Todoroki!" Naruto pleaded as Todoroki struggled to get out of the rope. "This isn't what your mission's about. You're supposed to get him to the capital alive."
"Not this one," Todoroki growled as he finally got free. "He must pay for what he did." He shoved Narut off of him.
"What are you talking about?" Aceso demanded as she stood in front of Gantetsu with her arms out.
"Let him live? No," Todoroki denied. "Not him. He slaughtered them all! My family. My little brother!"
"Huh? He did what?" Naruto asked as he looked at Gantetsu. "Gantetsu?"
"Yeah," Todoroki breathed. "Five years ago. I witness is it with my own eyes!" He explained the fire at his house. He grabbed the fish on the handle of his sword. "The irony of it. I can finally avenge my family and make him pay for what he's done to us. Except that...I must escort him safely to the capital..."
"Todoroki," Naruto breathed.
" I know where my duty lies," Todoroki assured. " I know it's my mission. I should be satisfied that he'll no doubt be sentenced to death. But seeing him now within reach, with the calm expression on his face. The face of the man who destroyed my family, who took the life of my little brother!"
"Hm? Your brother?" Gantetsu asked. "You lost him?"
"Now die, Gantetsu!" Todoroki ordered. He started charging yelling at the top of his lungs.
"No!" Aceso shouted as she ran forward she pushed Todoroki down as Naruto pushed him to the side. The sword fell out of Todoroki's hands.
"Out of my way!" Todoroki growled.
" Stop it!" Aceso demanded.
"He's thug, a monster who's taken the lives of countless innocent people!" Todoroki argued.
" Like you said, your mission is to escort Gantetsu to the Capital!" Naruto exclaimed.
"I don't care about that!" Todoroki shouted. "He took my little brother away from me!"
"We can't judge him, even if he's as bad as you say," Naruto argued. "We can't, it's wrong!"
"There's no one around," Todoroki said as he sat up. "Here in the, one would see."
"Don't even think like that," Aceso warned.
"No one would ever need to know what happened," Todoroki said as he picked up his sword.
"Todoroki, stop!" Naruto demanded. " We are around! We'll see!"
" No one will ever know..."Todoroki said.
"Don't do this!" Naruto pleaded as Aceso started to do some hand signs, she wasn't liking where this was going.
" As long as you two keep your mouth shut..."Todoroki said darkly. " Better if you two weren't even here at all..."
"Put the sword down, Todoroki," Aceso ordered. Naruto looked back at her, his eyes went wider than they have been then back at Todoroki.
"Now, hold on a minute," Naruto ordered. "What the hell are you thinking? You've gotta calm down!"
"I am perfectly calm," Todoroki assured. " One way to be sure."
" Well, here we go again," Naruto sighed. "Seems like half the time we end up fighting the guy we thought we could trust!" Todoroki started charging.
"Rope Capture Jutsu!" Aceso said the ropes went around Todoroki's wrist and ankles, making him fall over, dropping the sword again.
"Get this off of me!" Todoroki demanded as the ropes swirled around his hands, so they wouldn't get loose again. "Let me go! I need to avenge my parents and my brother!" He started to try to get up, Naruto made clones, to tackle and keep the man down.
"You need to calm down is what you need to do!" Aceso ordered as she knelt in front of him.
" And think this thing through," Naruto agreed.
"Did you say your brother?" Gantetsu asked as he walked forward.
" Don't be stupid, Gantetsu, just stay out of it!" Naruto demanded as Aceso got up to go stop Gantetsu from getting any closer. The two met in the middle, next thing Aceso knew, she was trapped into a net with Gantetsu, and her rope bondage on Todoroki was released.
" Gantetsu! Little Sister!" Naruto cried out. Wires shot about taking out Naruto's clones. They then trapped Naruto and Todoroki, Naruto cried out in pain
"Big Brother!" Aceso cried out.
"Who are you? What do you want?" Todoroki demanded.
" I can't move..." Naruto struggled. "What is this?"
" Save your strength," Monju advised. Out of the first walked a guy. " Those strands are stronger than steel. All the struggling in the world won't get you out.
"And who the heck are you?" Naruto demanded.
" Ninja Dropout Monju," He answered, he jumped up to the branch where the captured was lifted.
" A Ninja Dropout," Todoroki repeated.
"I've come for Gantetsu," Monju said. "And now that I have him, I won't trouble you any further. The girl is just an extra prize. By the way, that web will shrink as it gets warmer out...First, you'll do some suffering. And then, eventually, you'll be cut into tiny pieces." He jumped onto the piece that rode across the rope. "Take it easy." He chuckled as the piece started moving.
"Todoroki!" Gantetsu yelled as they strolled out of view.
"Naruto!" Aceso yelled.
" Gantetsu! Aceso!" Naruto shouted. Soon they passed by an opening, down below they saw a bunch of kids including Sakura and Lee.
"Gantetsu!" a boy shouted with a beige headband.
"What!?" Sakura exclaimed.
"What in the world is going on?" Lee demanded.
"What can this be?" Monju asked.
"Start moving to drop sweat," Gantetsu whispered as he started to move around, Aceso did as she was told.
"What are you doing, you idiots?!" Monju demanded. Soon the net broke free, Gantetsu wrapped his arms around Aceso, so when they landed, he took most of the damage.
"Gantetsu!" the older kid shouted running over.
"You okay?" another kid asked.
"Gantetsu!" a kid yelled running over.
"Be careful, little boy," Monju advised as he got in the way.
"He's one of them," Sakura noted.
" A Ninja Dropout," Lee said.
"Right you are," Monju laughed. "Ninja Dropout Monju."
"Let Gantetsu go!" a kid shouted.
"Or you're gonna pay!" another shouted.
"You brats need to have someone explain things to you," Monju scoffed. "I'll cut you some slack since you're only kids, but you should be careful about giving me orders! 'Give us what we want,' that's been our line, right, Gantetsu? Who the hell are you kids, anyway?"
"We are the ones who avenge our families," the older boy declared.
" 'Scuse me?" Monju demanded. The older kid ran forward, Monju easily overpowered him, trapping the kid in his wires. "Just lie there and be quiet, punk."
"I'll get you," the boy trembled.
"Monju! Let him go!" Gantetsu ordered. "You don't have to torture the kid!"
"The boy needs to be taught some manners!" Monju argued. "And what did he mean when he said they're avenging their families? Huh? What's that about?"
"I've had enough of you!" Sakura growled as she ran forward, throwing kunai.
"Ninja Art Mesh Cage!" Monju shouted. A big barrier of the wires formed around Monju blocking the kunai.
"And now you must face me!" Lee declared rushing forward. He kicked the cage, jumped off landing on his feet. " I did not even make a dent!"
"Of course not," Monju smirked. "There's nothing that can penetrate that. And now, I want an answer, friend."
"You won't get it," Gantetsu denied.
"So it's like that," Monju said. "And what if I do this, hm?" He tightened the wires around the boy, he let out a scream of pain.
"Aiko!" Gantetsu shouted. "Alright, I'll talk! I'll do anything you want me to, just stop! " He put Aceso down, on the ground, he hovered over her, like a parent would do to protect their children.
"You should have said that in the beginning," Monju said.
"They're our victims, these children," Gantetsu answered. "They're all from homes attacked by the Ninja Dropouts," Monju grunted. " I rescued them, made them safe..."
"You did what? You rescued witnesses?" Monju asked in anger. "Did you betray us? Did you take our treasure and give it back?"
"That money didn't belong to us, it belonged to their families!" Gantetsu argued.
" Don't talk to me, you dirty traitor!" Monju growled.
"Hey!" Naruto shouted as he appeared out of the trees. " Hold it down in there!" He landed on top of the cage. "Sorry if I kept you waiting! But Naruto Uzumaki is on the scene!"
"Naruto!" Sakura cheered.
"I knew you would make it in time!" Lee added. "Though I was expecting you to show up with your sister."
" Oh, I wasn't gonna miss the fun," Naruto said. "Just so you know, you're not taking Gantetsu." Akio sat up as Todoroki arrived at the scene.
"You brat," Monju growled. "So you've managed to get out of my net!"
"Your nets not so tough, I can chew right through it, Naruto smirked. " I eat nets like this for breakfast." He laughed, showing a sparkly smile. He started to chew on the cage,
"Go ahead," Monju encouraged. "You can chew on that all day.
Naruto's teeth started to break, but he still continued to chew on the net. "It's a waste of time, you fool!" He put his palm up the net reversed, capturing Naruto.
"You think you can stop me?" Naruto asked as he rolled around. "I'll get out of this. You just wait!"
"Not alive you won't, little boy," Monju denied. He pulled on the wires, Naruto let out screams of pain.
"Naruto!" Aceso, Lee, and Sakura exclaimed. Naruto popped out of the ground and the captured one disappeared.
"You're going down," Naruto declared as he shot down at Monju. He punched the ninja drop out, he flew back. Wires popped out of his palms, wrapping around trees, he then lunged forward.
"I hate to steal your line, but I think you're the one going down," Monju declared.
"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto smirked. " Get going!" They ran around, the jumped kicking Monju into the ground. "Like I said you're going down!" Monju slanted forward, Naruto laughed, he immediately stopped at the sound of the wind. " What's that?" He looked up.
"It's Shura," Aceso said.
"Padron me for dropping in, " Shura said.
"The kid!" Monju shouted lifting his upper body. "The kid caught inside my net knows where our treasure is ." Lee leaped forward, kicking Monju, he flew back.
"Well down, Monju," Shura complimented. He grabbed Akio before flying back up, laughing evilly.
" Akio!" Gantetsu yelled.
"Oh no, Akio--where is he taking him?" all the kids asked in unison. Naruto managed to break the net with his teeth freeing Aceso and Gantetsu.
"Thanks a lot," Gantetsu said as he sat up, Aceso crawled out from under Gantetsu and sat down herself.
" Gantetsu, did I hear you right?" Todoroki asked as he walked up. "Did you call him Akio...the boy who was taken?"
"You heard right," Gantetsu confirmed. " That is his name. That boy is your--he is your younger brother." Todoroki, Aceso, and Naruto all gasped.
"He is?" Lee and Sakura gasped.
" No, that's a lie," Todoroki denied. " Akio was--he died. In the flames. I saw it myself. You should know. It was you who killed him!"
"No you're wrong!" a kid shouted.
"No way. Not Gantetsu," another kid denied. "He didn't kill anyone! He saved Akio's life. Same as he did with all of us."
"Five years ago--it was five years ago that I first woke up to the evil I'd been a part of," Gantetsu explained. "When I found myself carrying Akio. I thought by saving the boy, maybe I could make amends for what we'd been doing. But it wasn't enough. There would always be more of them to save. More young victims like Akio. That was when I first came up with my plan to destroy the Ninja Dropouts."
"You really mean that?" Naruto asked.
" Gantetsu," a kid said.
"Gantetsu, are you alright?" another kid asked as he walked up grabbing onto the man's arm." All the kids started to surround them.
"They didn't hurt you did they?"
"We were so worried." Aceso felt an arm go around her waist, pick her, and carry her out of the circle of kids and Gantetsu. Aceso didn't even have to guess who it was from the way butterflies filled up inside of her.
"He rescued them all from villages that were attacked," Sakura explained. "He secretly took care of them with the treasure he stole from the gang. Since Akio was the oldest, he helped Gantetsu look after the others. They're like a family now. Gantetsu is like their father."
"My little brother," Todoroki breathed softly as Lee let go of Aceso as soon as her feet touched the ground. "To think I found him...only to lose him again." He walked forward sobbing, shortly afterward he fell to his knees. Everyone watched as he sobbed, he lifted his head. "Akio!" They watched the leaves blow up in the direction. Gantetsu got up and started walking. "And just where do you think you're going?" Gantetsu stopped walking
"I know where they've gone," Gantetsu said. " I'll find him. I'll get him back."
"I'll get my brother back, not you," Todoroki said. "Your only job is to show me where they are. Then just stay out of my way!"
" I understand how you feel," Naruto said. " But don't you think you're forgetting something? After all, he saved these kids. He saved Akio too. You wouldn't even have a brother if it hadn't been for him!"
"What is it you want?" Todoroki demanded. "Do you really expect me to be grateful to him? He's a murderer and a thief. Have you forgotten he's part of the gang that killed my mother and father?"
"He's right," Gantetsu said. "My guilt can't be so easily washed away." He looked back at them. " Do whatever you want with me. But after we get Akio back."
"All right then, but I'm coming too!" Naruto declared.
"Me too!" Aceso chimed in.
" As am I," Lee said.
" Sakura, you stay and keep an eye on the kids, all right?" Naruto ordered.
"Leave them to me," Sakura nodded. They walked off with Gantetsu while Sakura stayed back with the kids. By the time they reached the base of the hideout, the sun was setting. Gantetsu was in lead.
"Hey, are you okay?" Naruto asked as he ran beside Todoroki.
"For years, five long years, I've lived hating that man," Todoroki said. " I can't change the way I feel. It's too late."
"The important thing right now is saving your little brother," Naruto said.
"Yes, I know," Todoroki said. "And I will save him. I will not fail this time." In dark, they finally reach the hideout, they hid in the bushes.
"That's the hideout?" Aceso whispered. "It's the size of a village."
"The big ones were Shura lives," Gantetsu informed pointing at the building. "He's the leader. I'm certain that's where we'll find Akio."
"Akio," Todoroki repeated. He took out his sword, charging towards the big building, Gantetsu followed.
"Hey, don't just go running in there!" Naruto protested. "Terrific!" They too ran forward. Todoroki broke through a tripwire, blocks started to hit each other. "Great. Now they know we're here!" The main doors opened revealing numerous men, they all charged out to attack. They all took on multiple people at once. Aceso managed to whack a few people with her bow.
"Go on ahead," Lee called out. "Let me handle this."
"This many, all by yourself," Aceso said looking back at him.
"Go on," Lee insisted as he kicked someone, he slapped the front of her hand, she nodded.
"Got it," Naruto said. "They're all yours." They ran inside the building leaving Lee to handle to rest outside.
"Akio!" Todoroki called out.
"This way," Gantetsu directed them down a hall, they stopped at a set of stairs. "The cellar. That's where Shura would take him to question him. Todoroki stepped forward, Naruto and Aceso put their arms in front of him.
"He's a fully trained shinobi," Naruto said.
"No telling what this guy's got in store for us," Aceso added.
"Best if I got first," Gantetsu said. He took the lead, they all quietly followed. They jumped over the stairs, to see Akio in the room, lying on his stomach. The back of the shirt was ripped open, it was clear the boy was ripped.
"Akio!" Todoroki cried out. He charged forward.
"Todoroki, wait!" Naruto demanded. Gantetsu knocked Todorki away, sliding into the area as Akio.
"Gantetsu, out of the way!" Todoroki demanded. He charged forward.
"Stay back!" Gantetsu ordered. Aceso dove forward, pushing Todoroki back, bars started to come down. Gantetsu grabbed Aceso and pulled him on his side, as bars slammed into the ground separating them from Naruto and Todoroki.
" Gantetsu! Little Sister!" Naruto exclaimed. Aceso went over to Gantetsu she immediately started to perform medical ninjutsu on the child.
"Akio! I'm here!" Todoroki shouted.
"Hey, are you alright?" Naruto asked. "How is he, Aceso?"
" Badly injured, but he will survive," Aceso answered. There was laughter.
"Only two rats were caught in the trap, eh?" Shura laughed stepping out of the shadows.
"Shura," Aceso breathed.
"That is one stubborn brat," Shura said as he bounced his umbrella up and down. "He wouldn't tell me a thing. But I've thought of another way of finding the treasure. So I have no use for any of you now. He pointed his umbrella out towards them, it opened up, and fire shot out. Naruto and Todoroki dove out of the way to avoid being hit." He ran up the steps laughing.
"Don't just stand there, get after him!" Gantetsu ordered. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. These bars are nothing." He grabbed two and started to pull them apart.
"Aceso," Naruto breathed looking at her.
"Listen to Gantetsu," Aceso said as she held out her hand. Naruto held out his to her hand. "We'll be fine." She high-fived his hand just like Lee did to her.
"Ok, if you're sure about this," Naruto nodded. "Todoroki, I'm leaving them in your care." He dashed up the stairs after Shura. As Todoroki stood there trembling, Aceso tended to Akio and Gantetsu pulled apart the bars. Aceso put a green glowing orb over Akio's body, that way the smoke wouldn't damage his lungs even if can still get in and any other recent wounds would heal. Gantetsu ran over and picked up Akio's body, he ran back over to the bars.
"Here, take Akio," Gantetsu urged. "Hurry!" Todorki stayed still, trembling at the sight of the fire.
"Snap out of it, Todoroki!" Aceso demanded. The ceiling started to cave it, Aceso used a rope to hold it up more, Gantetsu stepped back to avoid falling pieces. Akio coughed, and Gantetsu put a hand over the child's mouth. Todoroki gasped, then took out his sword and stabbed himself in the leg. He ran forward shoving the sword back into his pouch.
"Give him to me Gantetsu!" Todoroki ordered. "Hurry!" Gantetsu handed Akio to his older brother, Todoroki put him on his back and ran up the stairs. Gantetsu and Aceso both quickly followed right behind him.
"Brother," Akio breathed. " I always knew you'd come for me someday."
"You're going to be all right, Akio," Todoroki assured.
"Brother--it really is you, my brother isn't it?" Akio asked with tears in his eyes. They made it out of the building at the last minute, the ceiling fell blocking the entrance into the building.
"Red Rose!" Lee shouted in delight. Lee looked extremely happy, he had tears flowing out of his eyes.
"Lee!" Aceso breathed happily as they engulfed each other in a hug. She felt someone tap her back multiple times, she looked back to see Lee's hand.
"You were on fire," Lee said.
"Oh, thanks," Aceso breathed. They all watched the building burn together.
"That's the end of the Ninja Dropouts," Todoroki said.
"Yeah," Todoroki said.
"Good riddance," Lee said. "Hey, whatever happened to Naruto?"
"He went after Shura," Aceso answered. " He got out before any of us."
"Look out below!" a voice shouted. They look up to see Naruto flying down on the umbrella. "Don't give up, don't despair. Naruto Uzumaki at your service!" He lost his grip, and let go of the umbrella. Aceso caught him before he could faceplant into the ground.
"Smooth Naruto," Aceso said.
They went back to the kids, by the time they reached them, the sun was rising. Gantetsu carried Akio all the way back.
"Thank goodness, you're all right!" Sakura cheered, all the other children cheered as well running up to Gantetsu.
"How are you feeling Akio?" Aceso asked.
"Yeah," Akio answered. "You really helped with my injuries."
"They had a pretty rough time, you take a look at them," Naruto advised.
"Right," Aceso nodded. "I'm on it."
"Treat Akio first," Gantetsu said as he lowered Akio to the ground, Aceso went over to him to treat him, Gantetsu then walked up to Todoroki. "No more interruptions. Take me to the capital." They stared at each other.
"In my heart, I can't forgive you for the crimes you committed," Todoroki said. "But it's true, you saved my brother." He turned his back to Gantetsu. " I'll report there was a rescue attempt. All of the Ninja Dropouts were killed, and the prisoner along with them."
"Oh," Gantetsu breathed.
"You mean it?" Akio asked.
"You sure, Todoroki?" Naruto asked. All the children started to cheer. Todoroki knelt beside his brother.
"You'll be staying too, right?" Todoroki asked. "You belong here with Gantetsu and all these other children." Akio looked away. " I wasn't much of a big brother. Here's your chance to be a better one. Be their big brother." Akio liked back up at Todoroki.
"I'm going to try," Akio smiled. Todoroki handed him the small toy fish. "What is it?"
"Something I was going to give you five years ago," Todoroki answered.
"Thanks, brother," Akio smiled up at him with tears in his eyes. "That means a lot." They were all smiles. Todoroki then stood up. "Let's be off, Leaf Ninja."
"Right!" Naruto agreed. They took off with the children, Gantetsu, and Akio waving goodbye at them.
" See you later!
All the leaf ninja waved back at them with smiles.
"Goodbye, everyone!" They made their way through the forest.
"Uh, one thing we forgot about," Naruto pointed out.
"What's that?" Aceso asked.
"How do we find our way out of here without Gantetsu?" Naruto asked.
"Well, we can't go back," Todoroki said.
"This looks familiar," Sakura said as she looked around. "Are we going in circles?"
"Oh, without something to eat I cannot go another step," Lee said as he dropped to his knees holding his stomach.
"Help!" Naruto yelled. "Someone send out a mission to rescue the mission!" They started to try to find their way back, Lee was still down.
"Here," Aceso offered as she pulled out a food pellet. " I only use them for emergencies." She knelt next to him.
"Are you sure?" Lee asked as he looked up at her with tears in his eyes.
"I know it's not much," Aceso said. "But it should be enough to get you back on your feet." She placed the pellet in the palms of his hands. "I made it myself."
"Thank you," Lee cried. He ate the food pellet, and his eyes went wide with delight, He then kissed her cheek, and her cheeks turned red.
"Hey!" Sakura shouted as she ran up to them. " Gantetsu found us and is willing to help us find a way out!"
"That's great!" Aceso chimed as she stood up, pulling Lee to his feet.
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