Chapter 84

The group moved through the night, transporting Michiru and Hikaru to a different part of the island, to take them on a boat and to another land for safety. 

"There are simply too few of us. We haven't had a chance against traitor Shabadaba and his forces. For now, the only thing to do is to get the prince and his son out of the Land of the Moon. We'll go to the other lands, our allies, and hope they'll help us with other troops," Korega explained. They reached a beach, and hid in the trees, waiting for people to come around with some boats. "Where are they?" He gasped when he saw two boats come around.

"Captain Korega!" a man called out as he lept off a boat, coming to shore. "There's a ship waiting for you all, just beyond the bay."

"Excellent, well done," Korega nodded. He waved at the others.

"Right," Kakashi nodded as he waved at them. "Let's go." They ran out onto the beach, racing towards the boats. Hikaru stopped, he looked back at his father who laid against a tree in sadness. He pulled his father to his feet.

"Don't run so fast!" Michiru panted. The leaf shinobi stopped running.

"Go on ahead," Kakashi ordered as they went back to help Michiru back to his feet.

"Get up!" Naruto grunted as they tried to get him to his feet. "We gotta go!" Michiru went on his back.

" I know! I know!" Michiru cried. "Just a minute." They looked up to see three figures appearing out of nowhere, a girl threw a kunai at the ground, it exploded as soon as it lodged into the sand. As soon as it cleared, three people stood in front of them.

"Are you guys really that stupid?" Kalenbana taunted.

"We knew you'd arrange for a ship," Ishidate brought up. "We've been watching the coast, just waiting for you to show up. "Now, hand over the prince and his son." Naruto marched forward a little, holding out his fist.

"Yeah, like that would ever happen," Naruto growled. "Get lost!"

"Aren't you the spiny one?" Ishidate taunted. He suddenly appeared behind Naruto and gave him a good smack. Naruto got back on his feet just to be punched in the face. With each attack Naruto tried to land, Ishidate easily dodged it. "What's wrong? What are you swinging at?" He kicked Naruto in the stomach, then plummeted him with his fist. He laughed as Aceso appeared behind with a knife to his throat.

"That's enough," Aceso warned.

"Oh, really?" Ishidate smirked. The big guy appeared out of nowhere and punched Naruto, he rolled further away. He punched Naruto a couple of times, sent him into the air, jumped up, and slammed him to the ground. The debris cleared, and Naruto was buried waist up in the sand, his legs then slumped over.

"You're going to pay for that," Kakashi growled as he appeared in front of Ishidate. He smirked, then he took out a knife, he and Aceso both clashed with their weapons.

"Ahh!" Lee growled as he charged over to Kongo. 

"Lee, wait!" Sakura cried.

"How dare you do that to Naruto!" Lee yelled as he started to attack. Sakura then took on the girl. Aceso jumped back to Kakashi's side as Ishidate jumped back a little.

"Leaf Village Shinobi," Ishidate said. "I've heard you're good. But I wonder, are you as good as I am."

"One way to find out," Aceso said, the man scoffed. Aceso and Ishidate charge at each other, Aceso was she sure got him, she was surprised to see that her arm got cut.

"I'll get him this time for sure," Kakashi said as he clashed with the guy, his arm got cut, as well.

"Something's wrong," Kakashi whispered to Aceso.

"Almost as if everything's been slowed down," Aceso whispered back. 

"Must be some sort of Genjutsu," Kakashi suspected. He put his fingers together. "Release!" The man showed his hand, an eye popped up.

"What?" Aceso asked as the man charged at them. Kakashi dodged him, but Ishidate grabbed his arm.

"Sorry," Ishidate declined as Kakashi's arm began to turn to stone. " But this isn't genjutsu."

"So, now I get it, it was that paper bomb," Sakura concluded.

"Exactly," Kalenbana smiled. "Effective, isn't it? An odorless poison that slows the reflexes."

"And until it wears off you're all sitting ducks," Kongo taunted as he punched Lee into the water.

"So much for a test of strength," Ishidate taunted as Kakashi dropped to his knees, Aceso got in front of Kakashi holding her kunai up. "It was over before it even began." Aceso did a hand sign as the eye appeared on the guy's glove again. "Foolish little girl." He dropped wrapped around the guy's wrist, she had it tied to a log underground, and it pulled his wrist back. He smirked and raised his other hand to strike. Korega then stepped up and swung his sword, accidentally cutting the rope.

"Not yet," Korega denied. "You must still face me. I will avenge our king. Now die!" He swung his sword, and Ishidate easily leaped out of the way. He appeared all around, Korega constantly swung his sword, missing with each swing. Michiru let out a cry.

"They've got me surrounded!" Michiru cried out. Aceso glanced over to see guards and their horses circling around the new king.

"Prince Michiru!" Korega cried out, then Ishidate struck him in the back, turning his whole body to stone.

" Captain Korega!" Kakashi exclaimed.

"What?" a soldier asked.

"Captain!" another cried out. Ishidate picked up a sword and looked around the captain.

"Mm, what a remarkable look on his face," Ishidate complimented. "Almost to say a work of art. Almost it's not quite right." He raised his sword.

"No!" Aceso cried out as she grabbed the sword to prevent him from swinging down. Digging her hand into the blade, her blood dripped onto the ground.

"Don't think I forgot about you," Ishidate smirked as he stored his hand off the blade, then he touched her stomach with the eye glove, in horror Kakashi watched Aceso get turned to stone. 

"Aceso," Kakashi gasped in horror.

"Now, where was I." Ishidate looked back at Korega and struck his sword through Korega. 

"Captain!" the other guards cried. Ishidate then turned to the young doctor.

"Now, this one might actually be worth keeping intact," Ishidate smirked as he placed a hand on Aceso's stone face. 

"Get away from her," Kakashi growled angrily. Kongo then jumped onto the boat going for Hikaru.

"Get back you swine!" a guard growled as he came to defense, Kongo easily took over the guards easily getting to Hikaru. The boy shot an arrow, landing it on the guy's forehead protector. He easily took it off, snapping the arrow in half.

"I have to say," Kalenbana taunted as she walked over to Sakura. "I expected this to be more fun."

"So that's it, aye?" Ishidate asked looking back at Kakashi.

"How disappointing," Kalenbana said as she raised a kunai.

"It's over, kid," Kongo smiled as he got closer to Hikaru.

 "No, don't!" Hikaru cried out. There was a sudden powerful air blast, ripples ran through the water. Naruto stood up, on the water, his eyes red, the demon fox state had been awakened. He took off with incredible speed, he kicked Kongo off the boat angrily. Then appeared by him in the water, kicking Kongo again, Kongo blasted right onto shore.

"Kongo!" Kalebana cried out. Naruto appeared behind Kongo, who was whimpering to get away. Kalebana circled around Naruto, throwing petals around, creating a genjutsu. Naruto got sliced up a bit, he roared blasting away the petals and the girl into the water.

"Where'd that come from?" Ishidate asked. He was so caught off guard, that he didn't see Kakashi charging at him with the Chidori, he dodged only getting his arm struck. He saw Michiru being dragged away. "Kongo! Kalebana! That's enough! We're pulling out." The two both agreed, and the three quickly retreated. Naruto panted heavily returning back to normal as Sakura got back to her sense, and Kakashi dropped to his knees.

"Sensei!" Sakura exclaimed. "Aceso!" She ran over to the two, Naruto looked back, his eyes widened, and he ran over to her. Lee came out of the water coughing

"Darnnit," Lee grunted. 

"Captain," a soldier cried sitting in the water.

"Father," Hikaru sniffed.

"Captain Korega," Kakashi breathed as he looked at the pile of rubble. Lee looked up from the water, his eyes immediately landed on the stone Red Rose, his eyes went wide as he let out a small gasp. After Sakura returned his arm back to normal, she immediately worked on Aceso. Once the stone disappeared, Aceso fell forward, and Kakashi caught her in his arms. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tighter, as Aceso regained her thoughts and sight.

"Captain Korega?" Aceso asked as she glanced up. Kakashi patted her head, she took that it wasn't good. She glanced back to see a pile of rubble, her eyes went wide as she let out a small gasp. He then sat down, and Aceso leaned onto him from the side.

"Thanks for saving me, Sakura," Aceso smiled at the pink hair girl. "I owe you my life, I am eternally grateful."

"You're just being nice," Sakura blushed a little.

"No, I am speaking from the heart," Aceso answered. "You are truly becoming a remarkable medical ninja."

"I have to be, someone has to step up when you are gone," Sakura reminded her. "You are just a complete mess." Sakura started to wrap up Aceso's hand that got cut.

"Sorry," Aceso apologized. "Michiru and Hikaru?"

"Hikaru is here, but Michiru got taken," Lee answered softly as he knelt beside her. 

"Oh," Aceso breathed softly.

"We can still save King Michiru," Kakashi assured her. "We just need a plan." The day went on, Aceso and Kakashi went to look at the castle, to see if they could get in.

"It's no good," Aceso noted. "Security is too tight."

"We can't infiltrate it," Kakashi added. "Time is running out." 

"We still have a chance," Aceso said.

"How do you expect us to get in?" Kakashi asked he could see a plan forming in her eyes.

"You go report back to others, I'll meet you there," Aceso answered.

"Be on your guard," Kakashi warned.

"You too," Aceso said. Kakashi went back to the others as Aceso went to go find the circus. She dropped in front of them.

"Doctor Matsuba," the ringmaster said in surprise already as Kiki jumped into her arms. "I thought you left already."

"No," Aceso denied. "We ran into a bit of trouble, could you come with me, something has happened to the prince." Chamu rubbed up against her, she used one arm to give the big cat some scratches. 

"He didn't get eaten did he?" the ringmaster asked. "I knew something was off when we saw the prince's coach taking off like that, and then the castle people wouldn't let us in. They planned to arrest us if we didn't leave." 

"I'll tell you every that has happened to us along the way, in short Hikaru really needs all of our help," Aceso answered, Chamu stopped in concern.

"What can we do?" the ringmaster asked. "We are just circus people"

"I'll explain once we meet up with the others," Aceso answered. "Follow me." Aceso led them back to the others. They arrived just as they vowed to rescue Michiru. Kakashi pulled out a knife as anyone looked over.

"Put your knife away," Aceso said as she stepped into the light.

"Red Rose?" Lee asked in surprise. 

"If you guys are going infiltrate the castle, you need a plan," Acseo stated. "Step one...a little distraction so we can get people in."

"Huh?" they all asked. Kiki landed on her shoulder as Chamu appeared next to her.

"Chamu! Kiki!" Hikaru exclaimed happily as he ran forward. They happily embraced each other, Kiki jumped down to Chamu's head.

"The circus?" Kakashi asked.  "What exactly do you have in mind, kid?"

"Let me just start off, as I told the Doctor," the ringmaster said as he stepped into view. Hikaru went and laid down with Chamu and Kiki as everyone gathered around. "I was saying we thought it was strange seeing the prince's coach taking off like that," the ringmaster began to explain his side of the story. "So, I went to the prince's palace to see what was up. Wouldn't even let me into the door. They threatened to arrest us. I thought they were going to slaughter us all. So we got the heck out of there and hid in the forest. Then we met up with the kid. What's going? This wasn't the deal. When do we get paid? I wish we didn't come to the stupid island. Listen here, we aren't running a charity, I want my money! So who's running it?"

"You're right," Aceso agreed. " We don't blame you for being upset, you were promised payment, you should be paid right? We can do something about it." Kakashi smiled, the plan Aceso had, finally clicked in his head.

"Wait, I don't get it," Naruto said.

"It's simple," Aceso began. "We use the circus as a way to distract the palace, as that's going on a few of us sneak in through the back, rescue Prince Michiru and overthrow the Shabadaba."

"It's genius," Kakashi complimented. "Who's doing what?" They all gathered in a circle as Aceso explained everything. Sakura, Lee, and Naruto glanced at Aceso a couple of times in admiration. 

"Kakashi and I will come into the castle with the circus," Aceso explained. "Naruto, Sakura, Lee, and the guards. I want you all to help Hikaru back into the castle...that's if you up for it Hikaru?"

"Of course," Hikaru nodded. She smiled at the boy. 

"When should we start the show?" Kakashi asked.

"Right after sunset," Aceso answered.

"What about my father?" Hikaru asked.

"He's most likely still alive and will be when we get there," Aceso answered.

"How do you know?" Naruto said.

"Gut feeling," Aceso answered. "But we shouldn't waste time or be late."

 "Are we circus people are going to have to do any fighting?" the ringmaster asked nervously. 

"No," Aceso answered. "If fighting is to break out, I want all of you to excuse yourselves, I don't want any of you or the animals to get hurt."

"What if we choose to fight?" a performer asked.

"Then you are free to do as you choose, I just don't want any of you to get hurt," Aceso answered. "But you will be paid."

"So, wait till nightfall?" Naruto asked.

"The Land of Moon is known for amusement," Aceso said. "Let's put on a show."

"I say your plan is good," Lee complimented.

"Mhmm," Sakura nodded in agreement. "But what about those three shinobi, what if we run into them?"

"Excellent question," Aceso answered. "You see, they are probably going to try to break you off one by one, and I have a feeling who's going to verse who. Sakura you are going probably going to want to settle your score with the girl, Lee will probably want to do the same with the big guy. That leaves Naruto to Ishidate and the guards to rescue Prince Michiru." 

"Anything else?" Kakashi asked.

"Oh, one more thing," Aceso said as she looked at the circus people. "Is it possible we can borrow some clothes to blend in with you?" Aceso looked over to see Hikaru a bit scared. "No matter what, we will rescue your father, and nothing bad will happen to you and that's a promise." She held out her pinkie finger, the boy looked at her. "Friends always have each other's backs, we are friends forever." A small smile appeared on his face as he wrapped his pinkie around hers.

"From me too," Naruto said.

"And I," Sakura said as they put their pinkies in.

"Count me in as well," Lee smiled as he put his finger in. Chamu and Kiki happily joined the pile.

Nightfall came, and Aceso and Kakashi traveled up to the gates with the circus as they played carnival music. Kakashi had an orange vest over his black shirt, while Aceso had a long black suit and a green tutu. Her ropes crossed around her body like a satchel. She took her hair out of the braids and put it up in two high pigtails, tied them off with green ribbons.

"You, what are you doing here, again?" a guard asked.

"Well, you," the ringmaster began to explain.

"Get out of here," the guard ordered pointing his spear.

"Woah, there brother," Kakashi stepped forward trying to ease the tension. "We were summoned by your boss for a command performance."

I received no orders," the guard said.

"Didn't?" Kakashi asked as he lifted up his eyepatch. "Are you sure about that?" With his Sharingan, he put the guards in a genjutsu. The palace gates opened up, they happily walked through, and the performers did a few simple tricks. With help from others, a girl flew up, and backflipped, landing on an elephant. As they continued to put on the circus show, people gathered around to watch happily. They could see Michiru being held up.

"Michiru is being held on the up terrace," Aceso reported to Sakura, into a mic, with a smile.

"Remember, there's no time to lose," Kakashi added.

"We are ready, Aceso," Sakura reported back to her. The Aruara Expedition team was now putting on their show.

"Alright," Aceso said as she stood off to the side. "Let's get this started." Kakashi stood on the bottom of the water structure. 

"And now ladies and gentlemen, our grand finale," Kakashi announced as he bowed a little. "So, sit back and enjoy!" He lifted his eyepatch, showing off his Sharingan once again. He did a few hand signs, the water blasted up, taking the form of a bear, and blasted the guards. The soldiers came out and the fighting started, the circus people happily accompanied them. Aceso took on as many as she could. The water Kakashi was using died down, she looked back to see him on his knees. He must have used overused his Sharingan again.

"Dad!" Aceso exclaimed as she tossed him ointment.

"Thank you!" Kakashi said as he quickly wiped some on himself, and then got back up ready to fight. As she fought, she saw Chamu looking up at the castle. 

"Go on, Chamu," Aceso said. "Go to Hikaru." The big cat took off instantly. Aceso saw a bunch of people start to corner Kakashi, she kicked a few aside before running over to assist. " Leaf Hurricane!" She spun around, kicking a guard, sending him flying.

"When did you learn that?" Kakashi asked as he punched someone.

"Lee taught it to me," Aceso answered. " That was my first time using it in battle." The two continued their conversation as they fought opponents. 

"I said to touch up on your taijutsu. not learn moves," Kakashi pointed out.

"I had the same argument," Aceso laughed. " But Lee insisted on teaching me dynamic entry and Leaf hurricane." Kakashi laughed as they continued on with the battle. In the end, they ended up defeating the three shinobi, and Shabadaba, and they were able to rescue Michiru. Aceso and Sakura now knelt beside Kakashi. "Are you alright, Dad?" 

"Sure," Kakashi squeaked out. "Do you have any of that chakra medicine?" Aceso reached into her pack and Sakura pushed her hand back down.

"Must have got destroyed in the fight," Sakura said.

"Then a couple of weeks of intensive care," Kakashi said.

"Yeah!" Sakura and Aceso cheered as they grabbed onto each other and stood up.

 "That means, we got a couple of weeks of vacation duty!" Sakura cheered. Kakashi laughed at the girl's happy state. Aceso looked back to see Lee walking into view, he gave her a thumbs-up, but she didn't return it. Instead, Aceso ran over, and engulfed him in a hug, spinning around, Lee laughed. 

"We have a couple of weeks of vacation," Aceso revealed as she pulled away. "All till Kakashi-sensei is better."

"Did something happen to him?" Lee asked as he tilted his head.

"Overused his Sharingan again," Aceso answered. "After a couple of weeks of intensive care, and he's better, we should be on our way home." Lee closed his eyes and laughed, he opened them and looked at her closely.

"Your plan went excellent," Lee said. "And almost as you predicted." He couldn't help but notice how cute she looked with the ribbons in her hair. She looked kind of like a ballerina to him.

"It wouldn't have gone well if I didn't know my friends," Aceso answered. "Oh!" Her eyes lit up. "The leaf hurricane, it went well." Tears happily flooded out of Lee's eyes as he engulfed her in a hug this time.

Once all the horror ended and returned Naruto's leg back to normal. The people of the land happily flooded the streets of the village again. The circus found a spot, and it went up, attracting more people to the island. They got to play around on the beach, Aceso and Kakashi even got to go and finish with each other a couple of times when he was feeling better to leave the hospital. Hikaru, Chamu, and Kiki got to come to hang out with them for a bit, they did some barbecuing, and Aceso and Sakura buried Naruto in the sand. And of course, Lee and Aceso kept up on their training. She couldn't help but notice how physically fit Lee really was without his suit. They normally trained at night.

At the moment, Aceso was out in the water, not too far from the shore, but not close either. She was chilling in an inner tube. She hung over the edge of the inner tube, sinking her body in the water, her head resting on the tube. She let the water push her back and forth gently, it was highly relaxing. Suddenly, someone splashed her, she looked up to see Lee in front of her. She splashed him back, the two then started to out splash each other. Suddenly, she felt someone push her against one side of the tube, as they came up, squeezing into the tube with her. She looked back to see Lee.

"This is a one-person tube," Aceso said as she squinted at him. "And we are in a splash war."

"I want to make it more challenging with two," Lee answered as he looked back at her. "It can be part of our training before we get to land." He started to paddle towards the shore.

"Wait, hold up!" Aceso denied it as she started to paddle away from the shore.

"Time to train!" Lee insisted as he paddled ever harder.

"Not yet!" Aceso denied. Lee stopped paddling and looked back at her.

"Fine, we'll train out here," Lee grunted as help lifted himself up.

"No training right now," Aceso denied. "It's so nice out here."

"Prepare yourself," Lee urged as he stood on the inner tube, he was in a fighting stance, looking down at her. At the shore, Naruto was building a sandcastle with Sakura and Hikaru.

"Are they at it again?" Sakura groaned as he looked at the two. "This is a vacation." 

"That bushy brow," Naruto laughed. "Let's join in." He ran back and grabbed an inner tube, back out on the water, Lee was still staring down at her.

"Fight me," Lee demanded. "Let's show our passion for youth and explore it even further!" Aceso pushed herself up and out of the tube, put a hand on his stomach, and pushed him back. She fell back into the tube as Lee fell backward into the water. Aceso laughed, she stopped when Lee didn't resurface right away. At this point, Naruto and Sakura started to swim out to them, Naruto pulling Sakura and Hikaru into the inner tube. 

"Lee?" Aceso asked worryingly as she looked over the tube. The water was clear, but she couldn't see him anyway. "Lee!?" She put her face in the water and wasn't able to see him. On the other side, Lee surfaced and sneaked up on her from behind. He ducked down planning to lift himself up and pushed out of the tube from above, Aceso moved to the other side of the tube, just as Lee lifted himself up. It happened in slow motion, on accident their lips connected. Aceso felt as if she was flying, and Lee felt like he was about to explode as their hearts dance around each other. Naruto stopped moving as they stared at Lee and Aceso in complete shock. Naruto could feel his blood boiling, that was his sister.

"It's true love," Sakura said as she clapped her hands together and hearts filled her eyes.

"I had my suspicions, they were dating," Hikaru admitted. "My mom may not look at my dad like that, and I don't know much about love...but they definitely seem to have a thing for each other."

 "The kiss was an accident," Sakura said. "And no they aren't a couple...yet...Aceso says she's too young to have a relationship like that. But everyone knows they totally have the hots for each other."

"Bushy brow," Naruto growled.

Now, Aceso has thought about kissing Lee a couple of times, only when she was older, and not like this, and vice versa for how Lee felt about Aceso. The two pulled away from each other in complete shock, their eyes grew wide as both their faces turned a complete red. They slowly opened their mouths trying to find the words to say. Lee grew completely red to the point of passing out. Aceso blink in surprise to process what happened, she then looked to see Lee was sinking to the bottom of the ocean. She went over the tube, to go rescue him. 

"BUSHY BROW!" Naruto growled loudly as he went to go dive into the water. 

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Sakura growled as she lept up and punched Naruto in the opposite direction.

Before leaving they got to attend the coronation for Michiru. They got on the boat to go back home, happily waving goodbye to everyone. Aceso and Lee stood next to each other, they both glanced at each other and turned completely red. With a quick swift movement, Aceso stood on the other side of Kakashi and Lee stood on the other end next to Naruto. 

"What's up with those two?" Kakashi asked as he looked between Aceso and Lee. Naruto started to get a little angry and opened his mouth.

"Oh, they just got into a bit of an argument earlier," Sakura lied as she put a hand over Naruto's mouth. "You can say it was quite unexpected." Aceso shot a look of thank you and Sakura, and Sakura shot a look of she's so telling Hinata when they get back, and Aceso grew pale. Word was going to get around quickly about this incident. Aceso was not ready to face grounding from Gai and Kakashi.

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