Chapter 74

They went back to give Mizura his cane, before regrouping with the other leaf ninjas outside. Aceso sat in between Lee and Naruto along the rocks, Tenten sat on the other side of Lee as Neji leaned against a tree.

"His condition's stabilized, at least," Aceso huffed, she needed to come up with a solution to Mizura's life. And fast.

"Then for the moment, I guess everyone's all right," Lee tried to cheer her up.

"Something's not right, not by a long shot," Naruto said as he picked up a rock. " Hokuto and Mizura..." He threw it into the boulders. "The way they're always thinking about the village. And Sumaru, too. Same thing. The village, the village." 

"Wouldn't you do the same for our village as well?" Aceso asked as Hokuto stopped at the doors waving at them. Naruto happily waved back.

"What are you two saying?"Neji asked. 

" I mean, I know how they feel," Naruto answered. "I'm sure my sister does as well. When it comes to defending your village and your friends, I'd do the same thing. I'd be willing to risk everything. Even my life."

"Of course, we all would," Neji agreed.

"Right," Lee agreed.

"Well, this isn't the time to try and figure it out," Naruto said as he got up dusting the dust off. " Right now, we've gotta catch that thief and get the star back."

"Yeah, but..."Tenten began. "If they didn't get it back, at least they wouldn't have to suffer through that training."

"Tenten has a point," Lee and Aceso said at the same time. They both looked at each other.

"Yeah," Naruto agreed as he had Aceso switch places with him. "Without the star, they can't train, which means they put the village at risk. If they do train, they put their lives at risk--Gah, I give up!" He ruffled the top of his head in frustration. "It's too confusing, I don't know what to do!"

"We fulfill our mission, which is to protect the star," Neji instructed. "And the means that we have to get it back. What these people choose to do with it after that is none of our affair."

"Yes, you're right," Lee agreed as he stood up.

" Okay!" Tenten agreed as she jumped to her feet.

" All right, let's do it," Aceso agreed.

"Lee and Tenten, I want you to investigate the village leader one more time," Neji ordered.

"What, again?" Lee asked.

" I want to know why that flying Shinobi would risk his life going into the Valley of Death," Neji explained. "And if he already had the star, why kidnap Sumaru?"

"Good question," Aceso agreed.

"Why would he?" Naruto asked.

"The shinobi who grabbed the star had a very different chakra from the one who took Sumaru," Neji explained. They all gasped.

" So, you mean..."Tenten began.

"Yes, they're two different Shinobi," Neji answered.

"But what does that mean?" Naruto asked.

"The mission is more complicated than we thought," Aceso answered. Neji nodded in agreement. 

"Aceso you go back into the infirmary, and Naruto you stay with me," Neji instructed.

"Right," the two agreed. Lee and Tenten went back to follow the leader, Aceso went back to the infirmary, and Neji and Naruto did their part. After taking care of everyone, Aceso went to the well with Mizura and Hokuto to gather water, she has been working on some medicine for him as well. The bell on his cane tingled and he gasped.

 "What is it, Mizura?" Hokuto asked. " Something wrong."

"Uh, no it's nothing," Mizura declined. They went back to the hospital, and not too long afterward, Neji showed up.

"Neji, where's Naruto?" Aceso asked.

"He fell off a cliff," Neji answered as he sat down.

"What?" Hokuto demanded as they all gathered around him. "Naruto went off the cliff?"

  "Yes. Along with the kunoichi who stole the star," Neji answered. "The only good news is I didn't see them anywhere in the Valley of Death."

"So you think they might have escaped the poison gas in the valley somehow?" Hokuto asked.

"There is a chance," Neji answered.

"Well, if that's the case, it could be they got out of the valley safely and into the forest," Hokuto said. "What are we waiting for? We've got to find them." The others all looked questionable. " Hey, what's wrong? Come on. Naruto was helping in our village. Have you forgotten?"

"No, but we should wait for orders," a star shinobi advised. "Right?"

"Yeah," A girl agreed.

"We don't have tome be waiting for orders," Hokuto argued. "I'm going out there now." The bell tinkled.

" I wanna go with you," Mizura said as he sat up. "If it's to help find Naruto I have to go."

"Mizura, it's best you don't," Aceso advised. "Not in your condition."

"There has to be some way I can be of use," Mizura pleaded.

"No," a familiar voice denied. "I'll go." The door slid open, they looked back gasping at the sight of Sumaru. He was being held up by Tenten and Lee.

"Sumaru," Mizura smiled along with the others.

"Then you're okay?" Hokuto asked.

"We found him in your Hoshikage's residence," Lee reported. "In a hospital bed, heavily sedated.

"The Hoshikage's residence?" Hokuto asked as her smile dropped. "But why?"

"The shinobi who knocked all of you out and took Sumaru away he wasn't a stranger from some other village," Tenten explained.

" No indeed. It was not," Lee continued. "In fact, it was your leader, Akashoshi. Meaning that the shinobi who attacked you and the one who stole the star are two different people." He cleared his throat.

"Brilliant, Lee, except that Neji already said that," Tenten reminded him. He groaned.

"Why would Lord Akahoshi?" one of them began.

"But why would he do that to us?" a girl asked.

"What does it all mean, Sumaru?" Hokuto asked.

" I only wish I knew, Hokuto," Sumaru responded. "But I'm beginning to suspect that Lord Akahoshi may be hiding something from us."

"When will you all finally realize that this man, Akahoshi, is using you?" Neji demanded. They all looked at Mizura, he was panting.

"Mizura won't be the only one to end up like this," Aceso informed. "If you keep on with this training, you'll all be sick, or worse."

"No way," a guy gasped.

"No, it's a lie. No," a girl denied. " You're wrong. Lord Akahoshi would never do something like that."

"Maybe the other shinobi, the one who stole the star can explain what's going on," Neji suspected.

"Then our next step is to find that shinobi no matter what," Lee declared.

"The forest in the Land of Bears is dep," Sumaru revealed. "You're never gonna find your way through those woods on your own."

"Very well. Then show us the way," Neji proposed. Sumaru nodded.

"Mizura, nom it's all right. I'll do it," Sumaru assured.

"But..."Mizura began.

"You have to rest and get your strength back," Sumaru ordered. " Don't worry, the time will come soon enough when we need your help." They all prepared to leave.

"You guys go on ahead," Aceso said. " I'll be right behind you." She had a pestle and mortar in her hands.

"Red Rose," Lee began to protest.

"Go on ahead," Aceso insisted as knelt beside Mizura.

"How will you know how to find us?" Tenten asked.

"Leave that to us," a star shinobi offered. 

"Come on Lee, Tenten," Neji said, they all took off to find Naruto.

"Mizura, can you reveal your chest to me please," Aceso requested as she covered the pestle in medicine.

"You want me to do what?" Mizura asked as his cheeks turn red.

"I'm sure this medicine will work, it has to be put on through direct skin contact," Aceso explained.

"Oh, right," Mizura nodded. He opened the robe revealing his chest, Aceso gasped. There were numerous purple spots, effects of the star training. "So what exactly is happening?"

"Your chakra is being overloaded, and it's trying to kill you," Aceso explained as she smeared medicine along his stomach, she rubbed it in. The spots slowly began to shrink. "But it's curable." Mizura stared down at it. "You are going to be okay Mizura."

" I can feel my body getting better," Mizura admitted. " Can you put that all over?"

"Not quite yet," Aceso denied. "You will be able to help out later tonight, everyone needs to see the effects of the star training. Afterward, I will be more than happy to help."

"Right!" Mizura nodded. "Are you going to go now?"

"Did you want me to stay?" Aceso asked.

"How will I know to come out?" Mizura asked.

"I'll come to get you," Aceso answered as she stood up. "As of now, get some rest." Mizura nodded, he laid back down as Aceso went off to join the others. She easily found her way from a couple of markings on the tree. She showed up to find Sumaru trapped in chakra, Naruto, and some woman. "What's going on?"

"Akahoshi is using Sumaru as bait so that woman would give up the star," a kunoichi answered.

"That doesn't explain why you're crushing the life out of Sumaru right now!" Tenten argued with Akahoshi.

"Now, just hold on that woman is Sumaru's mom!" Naruto argued as he got to his feet.

" My...Mother?" Sumaru managed out. "She's my mother?"

"That's right, Sumaru," Akahoshi confirmed. " She's your mother. But far more important than that, she's also your enemy! All that matters is that she stole the star, and by doing so, risked the destruction of the village and everyone in it!"

"That isn't true!" Naruto argued. " She only took it so you couldn't train with it anymore. It's the star training that's risking the lives of everyone in the village!"

 "Fool!" Akahoshi grunted. "Giving your life for the sake of your village is every Shinobi's dream. Sumaru knows that. One day, he will become Hoshikage and put the Five Great Hidden Villages to shame isn't that right."

"Yes, I will be Hoshikage," Sumaru confirmed. "And I will make them all pay."

"Show your foolish mother just how much you would sacrifice to achieve that dream," Akahoshi said.

" For that," Sumaru began as he pulled out a kunai. "I would give my life."

"No!" Hokuto cried out.

"Don't do anything crazy Sumaru!" Naruto exclaimed. 

"Something is controlling his chakra," Neji reported. "Sumaru's will is not his own!"

" I see you guessed it," Akahoshi said. " Yes, I hold Sumaru's life in the palm of my hand. Lady Natsuhi. It's time to make a choice, which will it be? Will you keep the star or trade it for your son's life?"

" No, stop!" Natsuhi cried out as the knife got closer to Sumaru's neck.

"Well, well, what is it, Lady Natsuhi?" Akahoshi asked. "Does this mean you've come to see the error of your ways?"

"Don't give in," Naruto pleaded. 

"Very well. You win, Akahoshi," Natushi gave in. She put her hands together, and the rocks under Naruto began rumbling. Pebbles rose up as the chakra still circled around the air.

 "Excellent," smirked the bald henchmen. Moments later the star was handed into the hands of Akahoshi. The Jutsu was released, and Sumaru fell to his knees unconscious. 

"Sumaru!" Hokuto gasped rushing to his side. She glared at their Hoshikage.

"You did it," the bald guy congratulated. 

"Well done," Henchmen 2 congratulated as he walked up to his boss. "How did you get it?"

"Actually, Lady Natsuhi was gracious enough to give it to me," Akahoshi answered. Natsuhi dropped her knees to her, stopping her star chakra. Naruto dropped back down along with the rest of the rocks. Akahoshi used her jutsu to attack Natushi with it.

"No, that's not fair!" Naruto yelled.

 "Sumaru!" Natushi cried out as the beast retracted.

"W-what?" Sumaru shifted to consciousness to look at his mother.

"Sumaru," She softly whispered.

"That was a dirty trick!" Naruto growled as he held up a hand sign. "Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!" More Narutos appeared. "So you wanna play rough?"

"Leaf Village Shinobi, are you forgetting that it was I who hired you?" Akahosi asked.

"And what does that have to do with anything?" Narutos demanded.

" Wait! Naruto!" Neji protested.

"What?" Narutos demanded.

"What are you saying, Neji!" Lee demanded. "Are you going to listen to this fiend?"

"He's right, Lee," Neji said. " We fulfilled the mission we came here to do." He clenched his jaw in frustration. " The rest of it is none of our concern."

"You're saying we just stand by and let him get away with it?" Naruto asked.

"You know we can't interfere!" Neji argued. " On no account can we go beyond the scope of the mission for which the client has hired us," Naruto growled angrily.

"Neji's right," Aceso sighed as she furrowed her eyebrows. She wanted to help fight Akahoshi as much as the others.

"Darn it!" Naruto huffed as his clones disappeared.

"Well, then," Akahoshi laughed mischievously. "We have the star back, so we'll overlook everything else that happened here today. Follow me, all of you who would dedicate your lives to serving the village."

"But, my lord..."Hokuto began. "Sumaru's hurt."

"Leave him there, he's nothing but the son of a traitor," Akahoshi ordered. "Now get moving!"

"Right!" they nodded, and they all left besides Hokuto. They then went over to Sumaru and Natsuhi, Aceso knelt beside Sumaru, she put a hand on his back and started to heal him. Hokuto stood up facing the Hoshikage. 

"Sorry, my lord," Hokuto apologized. "But I will not leave Sumaru."

"Then you are a rogue ninja," Akashoshi declared. He left.

"You'll be sorry, Hokuto," the bald guy warned before leaving.

"It's your funeral," the other guy said before leaving.

"You jerks!" Naruto growled. They all looked over at Sumaru, before taking him and his mother inside the cave. In there, Aceso cared for the two with the help of Neji while the others waited outside.

"They should be coming around soon," Aceso said as finished up.

"Should we wait here?" Neji asked. 

"It's probably best to give the two some alone time," Aceso answered. "If I ever got the chance to meet my biological mom after so many years, I would like some space as well." Neji nodded in agreement.

"We shall take our leave then," Neji said as he stood up, the two started to make their way out. "If you don't mind me asking...who do you see a parent?"

"Kakashi-sensei of course," Aceso answered as she looked at him too. " A bit of Gai-sensei as well." Neji looked at her. "Kakashi and Gai both take a place as parental roles for me. They make a great team."

"So you suspect it too?" Neji asked. "That does two are dating."

"Yeah," Aceso smiled. "I know they won't admit it publicly, but I am pretty sure they are dating."

"So do all of Team Gai," Neji said as they made their way over to the others. The sun was setting, they were looking out at the stars while sitting on a cliff. They looked over at the two.

"Well? How are they doing?" Naruto asked as he and Lee got to their feet.

"They're both resting comfortably," Aceso answered. "Should be coming around shortly."

"But Sumaru's mother's hurt badly," Neji added. "She was already weakened from the effects of the star training. Aceso gave her some medicine, it won't heal her all the way as it will for Mizura."

"Mizura is going to be okay?" Hokuto asked as her eyes lit up.

"Yes," Aceso answered. " As for Sumaru's mother..."

"Fighting Akahoshi may have been too much," Neji cut her off. "Her chakra network is failing. All I know is, if she tries that jutsu one more time, she'll die."

"You positive?" Naruto asked. "Wait, Grandma Tsunade!"

" I don't know..." Aceso said.

"If Aceso is unsure, then I'm not sure if Tsunade is able either," Neji answered.

"She would have to go through many treatments," Aceso answered. "It's will just take a long time."

"Okay, that does it!" Naruto growled. " Just wait 'til I get my hands on that Akahoshi! I'll knock his block off--"

"Naruto, we can do nothing," Neji said.

"But he is a most heinous villain!" Lee argued.

"He's even worse than that!" Naruto added.

" If we of the Leaf Village were ever to betray a client, then no other village would trust us again," Neji explained.

"So you're saying we should just do nothing?" Naruto asked.

" Unfortunately, Neji has a point," Lee grumbled as he folded his arms. "Perhaps we should go home and ask the Hokage for advice."

"Yes, and we could give them better treatment if we took them to the Village Hidden in the Leaves," Tenten said. "Aceso would get some help."

" All right, we'll let the matter rest until then," Neji said. 

"Can we go see them?" Hokuto asked.

"I believe it's best to give the two some time alone together," Aceso answered. 

"Right," Naruto agreed. The rest all nodded, they distance themselves from each other a little. Aceso sat down on the edge dangling her legs over it. She sensed someone sitting next o her. She looked over to see Lee beside her.

"Naruto, called that star Natushibori earlier," Lee said as he pointed, she looked to see him pointing at a red star. "But I think most people know that as the planet Mars."

"Well, Mars is also known as the summer star," Aceso said.

"It is?" Lee asked.

"That's what Kakashi told me," Aceso recalled. 

"So, do you really think you can heal Sumaru's mom?" Naruto asked as he squeezed himself in between the two. In the background. Tenten and Hokuto were holding Neji back from strangling Naruto.

"Yes," Aceso answered. "I have this medicine back with Miizura at the moment, it will take a couple of rounds. But with each treatment, her life force would be extended and no longer shortened." Her face then lit up.

"What is it?" Naruto asked.

"Mizura," Aceso answered. "When I looked at him earlier, there were these purple markings along his chest from the star training, a side effect."

"We can't interfere Aceso," Neji reminded her.

"It's not really interfering," Aceso pointed out. "If they were to have Mizura reveal the side effects of the star training." She looked back at him, her eyes went wide at Hokuto and Tenten trying to fend him off.

"How are they going to protect their village then?" Naruto asked.

"If they wish to continue training with the star after seeing the results is up to them. But their hearts might change if they see the damage that's being done to the children, the future of their village," Aceso explained. "I'm sure they will find a way to make their village extremely strong no matter what."

"It's probably best we wait for what Sumaru and his mom have to say," Tenten said. "How exactly are you going to get to Mizura? Our mission is over, you can't just walk in there."

"She does have a point," Lee agreed, he started to reach his hand over and Naruto swatted it away. A few hours later, they went back to the cave to find Sumaru asleep and his mom missing.

"Hey, Sumaru!" Naruto explained. " Sumaru, wake up!"

"W-What?" Sumaru jolted awake.

"What's going on?" Naruto asked. "Your mom's bed, it's empty. She's gone, do you know where she went?" He jumped to his feet, gasping.

" Oh, no," Neji gasped in realization.

"Mother, you didn't," Sumaru frowned. They chased after his mother, as his mother went to go destroy the star. They suddenly stopped. "Mother, no." The necklace he was wearing shattered.

"Sumaru? What happened?" Aceso asked.

" Is it Lady Natsuhi? Is she...?" Hokuto asked. 

"Mother, hear me," Sumaru pleaded as his star chakra went off. His eyes glowed purple. " I will make him pay for your life, with his!"

"Sumaru!" Naruto cried out as Sumaru took off angrily. Naruto then dashed ahead, going to the other side. They all followed him.

"Naruto, wait!" Neji protested.

"Uh, I don't wanna wait!" Naruto growled as he turned to look at them.

"I'm giving the orders," Neji said. " You can't just run off on your own."

"So you want me to just let Sumaru get away?" Naruto asked.

"You know Sumaru, did have strange look in his eye back there," Lee recalled. 

"It's pretty obvious he went to get his revenge on Akahoshi," Tenten said.

" If he raises a hand against the village chief, not only will he be ostracized from his people, but he will probably lose the fight," Lee said.

"Hokuto, wait!" Aceso pleaded as she took off towards the village. They all quickly followed, knowing there was no stopping. They arrived near the training halls to find the village leaders, and a whole bunch ninja surrounding it. They hid behind a boulder, Neji pulled Naruto back from getting any further.

"Hey, what's the big deal?" Naruto demanded.

"Shh," Neji ordered, putting a finger to his lips. "You can't run off when you feel like it."

"But something really weird is going on in there," Naruto argued.

"He's right," Tenten agreed." That many ninja means something pretty serious is happening."

"It looks like they've mobilized all the Star Village's ninja," Hokuto noted.

"That's why we're going to hang back and observe before we move it," Neji explained.

"Right," the two girls nodded. Neji peered around the rock to look inside the building. 

"Sumaru's inside that training chamber," Neji reported.

"And Sumaru's mom, is she okay?" Naruto asked. Neji shook his head. "No way."

 "Sumaru," Hokuto breathed sadly. 

"So do we really have to go in there and finish him off?" Henchmen 2 asked.

"He's only a little kid, sir," Henchmen one pointed out. "Maybe we should let the whole thing slide."

"That boy is a danger to our village," Akahoshi said. "Letting him live is not a risk we can afford."

" But sir, Sumaru's always been the most effective Genin in our entire village," henchmen 2 reminded him.

"Hmph. There are more pawns at our disposal," Akahoshi said. " We can just train another one."

"Another one?" Hokuto gasped.

" I can't listen to this. Someone needs to do something right now," Naruto growled.

"No, you'll stay put," Neji ordered pulling him back.

"Let go of me," Naruto ordered. "I"m gonna kick that Akahoshi's butt." 

"This matter is a Star Village concern," Neji said. "We must stand back and allow the villagers to resolve it themselves.

"But there must be something we can do to help out," Tenten said.

"Exactly," Lee agreed as he held up a fist. " In fact, I have a good mind to charge over there and punch Akahoshi's lights out myself."

"What the heck is you saying?" Aceso demanded as she shoved him down, he lit out a light yelp. "You're starting to sound just like Naruto."

"Are you telling me, we're gonna sit on our butts and let them tear the guy to pieces?" Naruto demanded.

 " I am," Neji confirmed. " Unless the village orders us to attack Akahoshi, there is nothing that we can do. I'm sorry, Naruto, but our hands are tied."

"Archers. Take aim," Akahoshi ordered. Everyone gasped, they saw arches with crossbows with fire on the end. "Fire!" They all landed on the building. The building exploded, and everyone gasped in horror.

"Pretty pathetic way to go, huh?" henchmen 2 chuckled.

"What're you talking about?" Akahoshi laughed. " A young boy and his mother buried side by side. There's not a happier ending than that. Ha-ha-ha!" Naruto growled angrily, Aceso was fuming. 

"How can we do nothing and just let this happen?" Naruto demanded with tears in his eyes. Hokuto jumped over their rock hideout, running over to the sight.

"Sumaru!" Hokuto cried out as she reached the pile of debris. She started crying. "Sumaru..." She turned around angrily. "Listen to me! If you continue with the star training, you're all going to die!"

" We're gonna die?" they all gasped.

"The person who stole the village star, it was Sumaru's mother," Hokuto explained. "But the only reason she died was because she knew it was the only way to protect you from it."

"Lord Akahoshi?"

"Is it really true that the star training will kill us?"

" Don't tell me you all honestly believe this nonsense," Akahoshi said as he faced his people. "The only person who cannot withstand this training are the ones who don't love this village enough." They murmured among each other. "Those with enough loyalty to the village will become true Shinobi. And one day, our humble land will finally surpass those of the Five Great Hidden Villages."

"Either Hokuto or Lord Akahoshi...I don't know which one is telling us the truth." The sound of bells rang in their ears, they looked over to see Mizura entering the scene.

" Mizura..." Hokuto breathed.

"What's he doing? " Naruto asked. " He's in no condition to--"

"Mizura is doing a lot better," Aceso answered. "I'm glad he came out, but he should go back to resting after this, so I can treat him more."

" Everyone, please wait," Mizura pleaded as he made his way over to Hokuto. "Listen to me. There's something that all of you here need to see." He opened his robe, revealing the purple markings on his body.

"W-what is all that?" a  genin asked.

"What happened to him?" Another asked.

" Is that an effect of the star training?" an adult asked.

"That's horrifying."

"Lord Akahoshi, you know that my heart is filled with pride for the Star Village," Mizura said. "The incredible pain I was in? I endured it for the star training. can you say I failed because I don't love this village enough?"

"Mizura!" Hokuto rushed to his side as he grew weaker.

" There's no way he's laying," Mustache man said. " An innocent child whose body has been through all that?"

"This must be the reason the Third Hoshikahe prohibited it the star training from continuing for so long," glasses suspected. " He was worried that this might happen.

"Maybe we've been wrong this whole time," unibrows said. "We got so carried away training to make this village great that we were lead down the wrong path."

"You weak little, loser," Akahoshi growled. " Your lies will cause the downfall of this village." He snatched a crossbow.

"No, Akahoshi, don't do it!" Mustache protested as the weapon was aimed at the children.

"Those kids aren't traitors, sir," glasses added.

"For goodness sake, they're just children from our village," the goatee said.

"We won't let this happen!" a genin cried out as Hokuto got in front of Mizura protectively, he joined her.

"You dare betray our village?" Akahoshi asked.

" Lord Akahoshi, I'm sorry, but I won't follow you blindly any longer," the shinobi declared.

" Me too."

"And me."

" Me too."

"I'm with them." All the genin got banded together.

"They have turned their backs on their own people." Akahoshi accused. "They have betrayed us, execute them all."

"Lord Akahoshi, have you gone mad?" 

"You would have us wipe out all of the children? That's horrific. The village would have no future."

"Sir, please," Henchmen 2 pleaded. " I think you've taken this too far."

"Perhaps you should listen to your people and back down for the moment," Henchmen one advised.

"Keep your mouths shut," Akahoshi snapped. "You have a lot of nerve playing the innocent. You have just as much blood on your hands as I do."

"Stop sir, don't," Henchmen 2 pleaded as they put their hands up. " Please, don't."

"Akahoshi. Whose blood?" glasses asked.

"We should take pride in our star," Akahoshi answered. " It sets us apart from all others. I couldn't stand by and allow some foolish leader to prevent our village from ever using our strongest weapon."

"You mean..." Mustache began. "So you killed the Third Hoshikage?"

" Of course! That explains the mysterious circumstances around his death."

"What do you have to say about this accusation?" Mustache asked. "Answer the charges, and then accept your fate." Akahoshi laughed some more.

"Yes, it was the three of us who assassinated the Third Hoshikage," Akahoshi laughed. " We had to do it. It was the only way we could save the village."

"You've gone mad."

 "You're the ones who betrayed us." They all clamored, yelling at the betrayers.

"Wait. We can explain all this," Henchmen 2 said.

" It was his idea, we just went along with it," henchmen 2 added.

"Shut up, you idiot," henchmen two snapped. " Don't acknowledge anything."

"Lord Akahoshi, we can no longer recognize you as village leader. Our allegiance is not with you criminals now. The heart of this village is inside those children."

"Everyone listen. For the honor of the great star village, let us rise up and stand together with the children."

"Yeah!" they all agreed. Two adults went up to the children.

"Please accept our apologies."

" We were completely taken in by Akahoshi's fast talk and deceptive ways."

"From this point on, we pledge that we'll fight with you." All the children cheered happily. 

"Lord Akahoshi, let's give up," henchmen 1 advised.

"It's over, sir, we're finished-" Henchmen 2 began.

" Shut up!" Akahoshi snapped. "I say when we're finished." He shot the arrow, and Mizura spun around so he would take the blow instead of Hokuto.

"Mizura," Hokuto gasped as he fell to his knees.

"Hokuto..."Mizura began. "Keep on fighting for me."

"Don't go," Hokuto pleaded.

" Akahoshi! You can't do as you please any longer!" a villager raged. Akahoshi just kept laughing.

"You really think you can stop me?" Akahoshi taunted.

"Have you gone completely insane?"

" Akahoshi, you've already lost. Accept your fate like a man."

"Oh, is that so?" Akahoshi asked. He pulled the star out. "How can I lose when I possess the star?"

"The star?" Naruto repeated.

"With the star's power, I shall become the Fourth Hoshikage," Akahoshi declared. He then shoved the star into the center of his chest. He screamed throughout the process. The starlight up with the man's heartbeat, before beams of lights, shot out. " Such power!" His eyes glowed purple. " No amount of training could ever produce this kind of immense power. I should have done this from the start, made my body one with the star." He laughed before gasping in pain. " What is this? What's going on?" Purple shot out from his mouth and eyes. The purple hen engulfed him in its power.

"What's happening to him?" Aceso asked.

" All of the chakra from the star, it's being poured into his chakra network and causing an overload," Neji reported from his Byakugan.

"What?" Naruto asked. Akahoshi's hair puffed out, he turned around, and both the henchmen screamed. The chakra blasted the two away, before turning into a dragon. Akahoshi blasted the people with the chakra.

"Hokuto!" Aceso gasped. Then Akahoshi aimed the blast towards the Leaf shinobi. The last thing Aceso saw was Naruto's feet. 

In the end, Naruto defeated Akahoshi with the help of Sumaru's mom's spirit. Sumaru ended up still being alive, they all went back to the leaf village. There the star genin would receive treatment. Aceso now stood in front of Lady Tsunade with the rest of the leaf that got sent to protect the star.

" The assignment was to protect the village's star, yet you destroyed the very thing you were hired to protect," Tsunade scolded. " Not only did you completely fail the mission, but the damages we'd have to pay would be huge!"

"Aww, come on, Grandma," Naruto complained. "There was no other way but to smash that star thing."

" I was the mission leader, so it's my fault for not being able to stop him," Neji took the blame.

" I am responsible as well," Lee said.

" And you should punish me for this too," Tenten said.

"Me as well," Aceso said.

"Nah. I think we can let this one slide," Tsunade denied. They all gasped. " So far, we've received no formal complaints over the lost." They all sighed in relief. "In fact, since the culprit who was behind the whole nefarious plot turned out to be the deputy Hoshikage and our client...Well, the mission was canceled altogether."

"Speaking of which, what happened to that jerk, anyway?" Naruto asked.

" Apparently, Akahoshi and his two accomplices, Yotaka and Shisou, are being held in Star village, where they face severe punishment," Tsunade answered.

" That's good news," Naruto smiled as he put his hands behind his head. " I guess that means the Star Village will become peaceful again." There was a knock on the door.

"What is it?" Tsunade asked, the door opened, and in walked Shizune.

" Excuse me, Lady Tsunade," Shizune began. " We've completed the  examination of the Genin from Star Village."

" How are they?" Aceso asked.

"With a proper course of treatment, and your medicine, they should all make a full recovery," Shizune answered.

" And Mizura?" Aceso asked.

"Yes," Shizune smiled. " He should be healthy in no time."

" All right!" Naruto cheered as Aceso smiled. "So where is everyone?"

"They've all been checked out and are on their way back home," Shizune answered.

" Woo-hoo!" Naruto cheered, he grabbed Aceso's hand and ran out the door.

" Naruto, Aceso, get back here!" Tsunade demanded. " This lecture isn't over!" They caught up with Hokuto, Sumaru, and Mizura.

"Hey, guys!" Naruto greeted them as they got in front of them. " It's great to see you, Mizura. Looks like you're doing better, huh?"

"Yeah," Mizura nodded.

"I'm still not gonna lose to you, you know.," Sumaru declared. 

" What's that mean?" Naruto asked.

"It means I will become Hoshikage before you," Sumaru declared. "Even with the power of our star taken from us, I will turn my village into the strongest of the mighty hidden ninja villages."

"Oh, yeah?" Naruto growled. "There's no way I'll lose. I'll become Hokage way before you."

"Shut up! I'm gonna be first," Sumaru declared.

"I'll be first and that's a promise!" Naruto argued.

"Oh, Doctor Mastuba," Hokuto greeted.

"Huh?" Aceso asked as they looked at her.

"I heard that you were going to be going on a long trip, traveling as a doctor, our village will be more than willing to welcome you for a few nights," Hokuto offered.

"Oh, thank you!" Aceso smiled. "At this rate, you are going to become Hoshikage before Sumaru."

"What?!" Sumaru stammered, and they all laughed.

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