Chapter 72
Most days had become like the most, Aceso was wither at work, or training with Lee, Sakura, or Kakashi. Also, she did some small tasks for Lady Tsunade. At the moment it was the middle of the night and Aceso was fast asleep. She laid on her side, facing the window. Pakkun slept snuggled up to her.
It was a warm sunny day in the Leaf Village, Aceso was walking through the village as she does in real life, then she got a glimpse of the Uchiha clan symbol on someone's back.
"Sasuke?" Aceso gasped as she picked up the pace. The person in front of her kept slipping through the crowd as she tried to catch him. " Sasuke!" Aceso made it to the gates of the village, Sasuke walked through, she tried to do the same but got stopped by some invisible wall. "Sasuke! Come back!" She pounded on the invisible wall. She continued to pound on the wall as Sasuke walked further and further away.
Aceso woke up to the faint light of the sun rising, she slowly sat up staring out the window. She began to think about Sasuke.
"Scratch my belly will you?" Pakkun asked as he woke up stretching. He rolled over.
"You got it," Aceso smiled at the small dog, as she scratched his belly. She leaned over and kissed his head.
"A couple more of those," Pakkun requested. "Shiba is going to be so jealous." Aceso laughed and kissed his head more.
Was there more she could have done? Will he ever come back? She was angry, yet saddened by the Uchiha boy. Hours later Aceso was laying flat on the training grounds panting as Kakashi leaned over.
"You seem tired," Kakashi noted with a smile.
"Not at all," Aceso denied as she shook her head.
"Let's go another round," Kakashi said as he held out a hand.
"Two more minutes," Aceso said as she stared at the sky.
"Aren't you training with Lee after this?" Kakashi asked. "You can rest then." Aceso's eyes remained closed. " You aren't pushing yourself too hard are you?"
"No," Aceso answered as she finally looked at him, grabbing his hand. "Dad." She sat up.
"Somethings on your mind," Kakashi quickly gathered. " What is it?"
" Do you think Sasuke will ever come back to the village?" Aceso asked as she looked at the grass, not wanting him to see her sad eyes.
"Sasuke?" Kakashi asked. "Hm." He looked up. " That's hard to say."
" I know he wants to get stronger, but did he really have to leave, going to Orochimaru?" Aceso asked. Her hand left his hand and she wrapped her arms around her knees.
"Revenge has taken over Sasuke's heart," Kakashi explained as he squatted down. "Once someone's heart is covered in the darkness of revenge, it will become quite difficult to come back into the light." He saw there were tears brimming her eyes. Aceso rarely cried in front of people when she was sad. She had no shame in crying tears of joy in front of others.
"But it is possible, right?" Aceso asked.
"Difficult, but yes," Kakashi nodded. "Look at Gaara," Aceso recalled how Gaara used to be when he first arrived in the village.
" He was deeply in the dark," Aceso recalled. "But then he changed his views after his fight with Naruto...and now Sasuke has cut all ties with everyone he had a bond with."
"You're a bit hurt by it aren't you?" Kakashi asked.
"I'd be lying to say I wasn't affected," Aceso admitted as she avoided eye contact. " He didn't even say goodbye."
" We'll see him again, I'm sure of it," Kakashi assured as he ruffled the top of her head. " While he is out there getting stronger, we must be doing the same thing."
"We should strengthen our bonds with people as well," Aceso said. " Bonds make people stronger."
"You think so?" Kakashi asked.
"I think Naruto has said this before...but I'd risk my life for the people I loved," Aceso said. " For this village. People become stronger when they have someone to protect."
"What makes you think that?" Kakashi asked.
"Cause losing people we care about hurts, it makes us want to become stronger so we lessen the chance of losing others," Aceso said. "Cutting bonds, does it go both ways. Sasuke may have cut his bond with me, but I don't want to cut my bond with him."
"Then don't," Kakashi said. "If you wish to keep the bond you had with him, you may do so." He then sat down and pulled her into his embrace, as he did when she was younger. "Do you remember the first time you met Sasuke?"
"Of course," Aceso smiled lightly at the memory. " He asked me to marry him, he made me promise to do so. He used to be so happy." Kakashi saw a few tears escape her eyes.
"You know, I used to be as cold as Sasuke, even colder," Kakashi brought up.
"Really?" Aceso asked. " Never noticed."
"That's because I am softer on you," Kakashi said. "Before Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto, I sent two teams back to the academy, don't forget I used to be a part of the anbu."
"They didn't use teamwork, right?" Aceso asked.
"They also didn't disobey as I wanted," Kakashi said. "Those who break rules are scum..."
"But those who abandon their friends are worse than scum," Aceso finished. "You've drained that in my head...since....forever."
"Are you sure you are going to be okay with leaving for two years?" Kakashi asked.
"I'm not sure if I or you are ready," Aceso admitted. "I'm going to miss you too much." She finally looked at him.
"We may be far apart, but I will always be with you," Kakashi said, he kissed her cheek. "Are you ready to get back to training?"
"There you are rival!" a voice boomed. They looked over to see Gai-sensei running over to them with a smile. "What are you two doing?"
"She's just a little upset about Sasuke," Kakashi revealed.
"Don't you worry your youthful heart," Gai said as his smile dropped, he crouched down wiping the tears away. " He will return, he's Sasuke Uchiha of the Leaf." He smiled brightly and gave a thumbs up. Aceso likes to think of Gai sensei as a parent of some sort. He taught her how to count, how to read, and the basics of taijutsu. Kakashi taught her ninjutsu, how to walk, and how to talk. Those two were quite the team.
Though it's quite odd now since she has a crush on Lee.
The Leaf's Noble Beast always made sure to be around when Kakashi couldn't be. He helped raise her as much as Kakashi, Aceso didn't have a lot of female role models in her life, except Kurenai. Aceso was quite a wreck when her female problems started, she didn't know who to talk to. Aceso ended up going to Ino's mom for help. She found it quite embarrassing. "I came out here for a challenge...but I see important matters have risen."
"Oh no," Aceso smiled a little bigger. "You two are eternal rivals, I can't get in the way of your challenges." She waved her hands frantically. "I'm supposed to be training with Lee soon anyways."
"No training with Lee until your tears are gone," Gai said as he pulled her close to him. " I will do push-ups until you feel better." In a few swift movements, Aceso now sat on top of Gai sensei as he did push-ups. Kakashi shook his head as pulled out a book. Five minutes later Aceso was all laughter, and Guy stopped doing push-ups, he was tickling her.
"Papa!" Aceso laughed as she curled up.
"Red Rose! Red Rose!" a voice shouted, they looked over to see Lee running over to them. "Lady Hokage wants to see you!" He was waving his arm.
"What about?" Aceso asked as Gai stopped tickling her, he appeared next to Kakashi and started to talk to him.
" A mission," Lee answered.
"Huh?" Everyone asked.
"Come with," Lee insisted, he grabbed her hand, before dragging her to the Hokage's office.
"Lady Hokage?" Aceso asked as she stood in front of the desk with Lee.
"I am sending you out on a trial," Tsunade answered. " Remember Shukuba Town?"
"Yeah, it was the first place we looked for you," Aceso recalled. "What about it?"
"Well, they are wanting you to come to town," Tsunade answered. "Grey, a shopowner there, his daughter Lyra is daughter is getting married...but that is currently on hold due to the accident."
"Accident?" Lee asked.
"That's right," Tsunade answered. "Broke her back while trying to hang up decorations for the reception.
"That's horrible," Aceso gasped.
"Which is why they want you," Tsunade said. "They want you to heal her."
"I can do it," Aceso assured.
"Why did you call it a trial though?" Lee asked.
"It will be her first feel of going out traveling as a doctor," Tsunade answered. Lee opened his mouth. "I'm not sending her out alone...which is why I requested you as well."
"Huh?" the two asked, they glanced at each other.
"Rock Lee you will be accompanying Doctor Mastuba to Shukuba Town. You are to act as her bodyguard. I know missions normally require a group of three, but it's a short distance trip between here and the town. So I figure it would be fine for two-person."
"Technically one, I'm just a traveling doctor, Lee is the ninja," Aceso said.
"So you want us two?" Lee asked as his cheeks turned red. "Just us two?" He held up two fingers.
"If you want to add someone else, be my guest," Tsunade offered. "Though all my other genin is currently out on missions...but I think Kiba and Akamaru should be returning soon, he has a long list of D-Rank missions to complete."
"I can handle it!" Lee roared happily, fires appeared in both eyes.
"When do we leave?" Aceso asked.
"As soon as possible," Tsunade said. "The young lady is getting married after all." The two nodded. "After this, I will be able to determine if you are truly ready to be out on your own. Your leaving day is coming up soon."
"When?" Aceso asked as she tilted her head.
"Haven't decided yet, but it's soon," Tsunade answered as she closed her eyes. " Get going." The two quickly went to their homes, and Aceso quickly began to pack.
"Aceso?" Sakura asked as she opened the door of her room.
"Oh, hey Sakura," Aceso greeted as she put her pestle inside and zipped up the bag.
"Where are you going?" Sakura asked.
"I'm heading out to Shukuba Town," Aceso answered.
"Aren't we training tonight?" Sakura asked.
"Oh, yeah, we are going to need to put the training on hold," Aceso informed. " Tsunade is sending me there. A lady named Lyra broke her back, putting decorations up for her wedding, I'm on my way to heal her."
"You're going all alone?" Sakura asked.
"Well, Tsunade is sending me out for two years on a solo trip," Aceso reminded her. "But for this case no."
"At least you aren't going alone," Sakura sighed in relief.
"Are you ready?" Lee asked as he appeared on the window sill. Sakura blinked as she looked at the two.
"Yeah, let's go," Aceso nodded she threw the pack around her back before heading out the door. Lee climbed through the window and followed her out, leaving Sakura in thought. Minutes her blank face turned into a smile.
Down below Lee and Aceso had made it past the gates and on way to the bride.
"I got something for the trip," Lee said as he reached into his pack, she looked up at him. Lee pulled out a coin tree. " I thought we should get them a wedding gift."
"That's so sweet," Aceso complimented. He put it back in his pack as they continued to walk. He then grabbed her headband and shoved it in his pack as well. "What are you doing? Give it back."
"I'll be holding onto it," Lee said as he put a hand between them. "You're traveling as a doctor, not a ninja remember?"
"I guess you have a point," Aceso grumbled as she looked away from him. For the rest of the way, they talked to each other, some filled with laughter, others filled with arguments. They encountered some danger, but nothing too troubling. Soon they reached the town, and Aceso knocked on the door. It slowly opened to a man with orange hair.
"Just a couple of kids" the man grunted. "What do you want?"
"I'm Doctor Matsuba and this is my friend Rock Lee," Aceso greeted as she waved.
"Come this way!" The man insisted as his eyes lit up. They took their shoes off at the door. " I'm daughter is right over here." The man led them to a room, where a woman lay wrapped in bandages. Aceso put her bag down as the woman opened her eyes. Lee remained in the hall, he watched Aceso in a natural state.
"You must be Lyra," Aceso said with a smile.
"Are you the Doctor?" the girl asked weakly.
"I told you I was going to get the best," Grey told his daughter. "From the rumors, Doctor Matsuba is highly respected for her medical skills. I heard she healed a boy who was told he could never be a ninja again." Lee's eyes went wide, that was his surgery.
"But she's so young," Lyra noted.
"That is true," Grey noted. " Trust her."
"Fine," Lyra gave in. Aceso walked over, the medic chakra glowed over her hands and Aceso placed it on the girl's body, she could see the damage.
"You will be walking by the morning," Aceso assured as she removed her hand. She had everyone leave the room.
"Just let me stay," the fiance insisted, his name was Lukas.
"Please sir," Aceso insisted. " It'll just be for a couple of hours. As soon as I'm done you can see her." Lukas kept trying to get around Aceso.
" Not need to fret, sir," Lee said. "There was a time that I too didn't have faith in her." They looked at him. "But I shall never make that mistake again, I will always put my life in her hands." He smiled brightly and gave a thumbs up. The man glared at him before storming the hall.
"Thanks, Lee," Aceso smiled at him before closing the door. About three hours later, the surgery was completed, and Lyra lay on the bed asleep. She opened the door, everyone looked at her. Lee was doing pushups.
"How is my daughter?" Grey asked.
"Asleep, but she should be walking after she wakes up," Aceso answered. The man wrapped his arms around her and cried happily. "Can't breathe." The man dropped her before running into the room with Lukas. Seconds later there were cries of joy.
"You did well," Lee laughed as he squatted down to her.
"Thanks," Aceso smiled up at him. He grabbed her hands and then helped her to her feet. " Thanks again."
"Hey, you two!" a voice boomed, they looked to see Lukas appearing from the doorway. " You are more than welcome to stay for the wedding."
" Oh, we-" Aceso began.
"We both will happily attend," Lee answered as he covered her mouth. "After we really must be heading back to our village."
"Of course, we understand," Lukas nodded. " Again thank you for your help!"
Aceso removed Lee's hand."It's no trouble. I love helping people in need."
"We have rooms set up at the hotel here for you," Grey said as he poked his head out the door.
"Thank you," Aceso and Lee bowed their heads. Aceso took a step forward, almost falling over, Lee caught her.
"Make sure to get some rest before tomorrow," Grey advised.
"Right," Lee smiled, he looked down to see Aceso already asleep. They went to the place they were staying, Lee slept for four hours while Aceso slept for 6. Lee went out to go train some more. Once Aceso was awake, she went to gather more herbs, she needed to make a pain-numbing medicine for Lyra. The girl was healed, but she would still be in some pain. At some point Aceso fell asleep, she quickly woke up to the feeling of someone removing her pack, she opened her eyes to see someone's back to her as they ravage through her stuff.
"Sasuke?" Aceso asked as she slowly sat up. The person froze, slowly looked back at her, and her eyes grew wide.
Sasuke was now on the ground holding his cheek as Aceso stood over him.
"What the hell Aceso?" Sasuke demanded. He was dressed differently.
"I could ask you the same thing," Aceso said in a low angry voice. "You deserted the village."
"I'll come back once I defeat Itachi, but as of now I am an apprentice of Lord Orochimaru," Sasuke said as he stared up at her. "I am here for my supplies."
"Your supplies?" Aceso asked.
"I told you I wanted to get revenge on a certain someone and you said you would give me medicine for when that time came around," Sasuke recalled as he got back to his feet. Aceso swung her leg up, he caught it.
"You can't just desert the village and then come crawling to me for medicine," Aceso denied. " Doesn't work like that."
"Hand over the medicine," Sasuke demanded he flipped her, and Aceso landed on her hands, then pushed up, kicking Sasuke under the chin, he flew a bit back, landing on the ground.
"Don't you have Kabuto?" Aceso asked. " Why go out of your way to come to me, when he is in your clutches?"
"You've gotten stronger," Sasuke admitted as he sat up holding his chin. Aceso was grateful to have Sasuke say that, it was clear her training with Kakashi and Lee has paid off.
"Thank you," Aceso accepted his compliment. "But don't avoid my question."
"Your medicine is stronger," Sasuke answered. " Kabuto is excellent at his medical skills like you...but his food pills don't last as long as yours. Nor does he know how to make that chakra medicine." He got to his feet.
"What makes you think I'd just give it to you," Aceso brought up. "You left the left without even saying goodbye!"
"If I said goodbye, I would have been made to stay," Sasuke pointed out. " It was better to leave at night."
"Do you know how many people got hurt trying to get you to come back?" Aceso asked. "We all risked our lives for you."
"That was foolish of all you," Sasuke grunted. "People shouldn't chase after others when it's pointless in the end."
" It wasn't foolish, you're our friend, a comrade of the Leaf Village," Aceso said. The two remained standing away from each other, both ready to attack or defend at any given moment.
"Not anymore," Sasuke grunted before charging. " I have no friends, I cut those bonds...and I am Sasuke Uchiha a rogue ninja, a follower of Lord Orochimaru, not Sasuke Uchiha of the Leaf." There was a cling of metal, both of them had taken out a kunai. They jumped back from each other, they both appeared up higher in the tree branches.
"How did you even know I was here?" Aceso asked.
"With hair that red, you are easy to spot," Sasuke answered.
"If you want the medicine, then come back to the village," Aceso proposed.
"How about you give me the medicine and come back to Lord Orochimaru with me?" Sasuke countered. " You want to get stronger don't you?"
"I want to get stronger, but I will not desert the village," Aceso denied. "Orochimaru plans on taking over your're going to be okay with that? Once he takes it over, you are no longer are dead to the world."
"As long as I can defeat Itachi," Sasuke grumbled. " So are we going to do this the easy or the hard way?" He raised his kunai and she did the same. "Hard way it is." He activated his Sharingan, and Aceso remembered Gai's words. Her eyes immediately landed on Sasuke's feet. They clashed again, landing on separate branches.
"Never thought I'd have to go up against you one day," Aceso admitted as she furrowed her eyebrows.
" Can't disagree with you there," Sasuke grunted they looked back at each other. Sasuke started to do hand signs for the fireball Jutsu. " Fireball Jutsu!" It was a big blast, Aceso jumped up and out of sight. She was now above Sasuke, she took her ropes off her waist, and she went down at Sasuke. " Can't hide from me," Sasuke said as the fire cleared.
"It's not hiding," Aceso denied as she got into a dynamic entry pose. Sasuke looked up, he grabbed her leg before she could land, and then brought her closer pounding her in the stomach, she spat up blood.
"Just give it up," Sasuke advised. "Before things get worse for you."
"I was about to say the same for you," Aceso countered as she looked up at him. She quickly did her hand signs, before Sasuke could react. The ropes went around him and tree and pulled him close, he could barely move." If you want medicine go to Kabuto or come back to the Leaf, or even go to the sand...they are our allies." There was a puff of smoke. " Just a clone." She looked up to see Sasuke coming down at her, she jumped up, and she went around his leg before slamming her fist roughly into Sasuke's stomach, this time he was the one to cough up blood.
"You have kekkei Genkai, why don't you use it?" Sasuke asked.
"Not really my style," Aceso answered.
"Just give the medicine to me," Sasuke demanded in her ear. "We don't have to shed any more blood, I don't want to fight you."
"Then give up," Aceso said as she landed the two on a branch, she jumped back from him. She held up a kunai knife.
"You are going to regret going up against me," Sasuke said as he got to his feet. "Just give me the medicine." He held out his hand, holding his wrist, the Chidori appeared in his hand, it made the similar sounds of a thousand birds.
"You are going to regret leaving the village," Aceso said as she tied her rope around two kunais. They charged at each other. Aceso threw her knife, he moved his head so he didn't get hit. One end of the rope wrapped around the tree, with a kunai securing its place.
"My turn," Sasuke smirked as they got closer.
"Not quite," Aceso denied as she held up a sign. Sasuke's Chidori skinned past the side of her left leg, as her kunai knife wrapped around Sasuke, and then yanked him back into the tree. Her kunai stayed pointed at Sasuke when he slammed into the tree. Her kunai knife plunged into Sasuke's back. The ropes loosened and Sasuke slid through the ropes and onto the branch. Aceso landed on opposite trees, in branches across from each other. Sasuke coughed up blood from slamming into the tree harshly, as blood dripped from Aceso's leg. Sasuke got back to his feet and so did Aceso, both still ready to fight.
"I don't want to kill you," Sasuke grunted as he took the knife out of his back, blood dripped to the ground below. "So, I will give you one more chance." He twirled the knife in his hands. "Hand over the medicine or I will kill you." He threw the knife in her direction.
"Leaf Hurricane!" a voice shouted, there was an intense wind, and the knife flew out of sight. A few shurikens appeared, slamming into Sasuke, he got pinned to the trunk of a tree as Aceso dropped to avoid the wind. Two orange leg warmers landed in front of her.
"Well, well, isn't it Bushy Brow?" Sasuke smirked. " Back for a rematch."
" As I recall I was one that defeated you that day Sasuke Uchiha," Lee said, Aceso looked up, the bowl haircut boy was fuming. "I will gladly defeat you again. I suggest you back away."
"Next time," a voice said as they appeared in front of Sasuke, it was Kabuto. "Come Sasuke, you can't make Lord Orochimaru wait any longer." He removed the shurikens, more blood seeped through Sasuke's clothes.
"Get out of the way," Sasuke growled as he got back to his feet, he fell to his knees
"From the looks of it, you didn't get the medicine," Kabuto noted. " Until next time...Doctor Matsuba." He grabbed Sasuke and disappeared.
" I do not like the way he said that," Lee said.
"How did you find me?" Aceso panted.
" I recall the sound of the Chidori from the Chunin exams," Lee answered as he looked back at her. " I wish I could have shown up sooner."
"No, it's fine, you were training," Aceso dismissed his comment. Aceso ripped the section of her pants that got hit by the Chidori. She then placed her hand over and, she started to heal the area. Lee reached into his pack and pulled out bandages.
"Let me," Lee said as he kneeled in front of her. He ripped the rest of the pants leg off and pulled it down to her ankles. He then started to wrap the bandage around her wound. Aceso stared at him in wonder. After a few minutes, he looked up at her, their eyes connected. " What is it?"
"Oh, it's nothing," Aceso denied as she looked to the side, a light blush appeared on her cheeks. "Thanks for showing up when you did."
"What did Sasuke want?" Lee asked.
"Medicine," Aceso answered. " Kabuto is a great medical ninja, but he needed something stronger."
"Did you give it to him?" Lee asked.
"No," Aceso answered as she looked back at him, their eyes locked again. " We should head back into town...the wedding should be soon."
"Are you going to be okay to go?" Lee asked as he lifted her up bridal style.
"Positive," Aceso assured. They headed back into the town, they quickly got ready. Aceso left her room to find Lee waiting for her. He wore a dark green suit, Aceso was wearing a purple dress, that went to her knees, and her hair was down. Both blushed lightly at the sight of each other.
"You look pretty," Lee blushed more, and shortly after he started to panic. " I mean you always look pretty...I didn't mean-"
" I understand what you mean," Aceso giggled as she covered his mouth. You look pretty too," Aceso said. " Come on." She grabbed his hand. "We can't be late." She took off down the hall, Lee laughed as they ran. After the ceremony, the reception started. The happy couple was greatly thankful for Lyra's back being healed and the little coin tree. Lee and Aceso mingled with a bunch of people, Lee happily danced with her, spinning her around.
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