Chapter 71

It was a lovely morning, Aceso was going up to the Hokage's office to drop off more medical files. Lady Tsunade liked to have copies of medical files in her office. Aceso opened the door as she heard Naruto shouting.

"WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?" Naruto demanded. " You really mean it? No kidding!"

"Will you calm down!" Tsunade snapped.

"Okay," Naruto agreed as he backed off. "Sorry 'bout that, you're right, okay. I'm fine now."

" Oink," Tonton whimpered as Shizune sighed nervously.

"What's going on?" Aceso asked as she walked in.

" I have a very important person coming in and I can't think of no better for the job than Naruto," Tsunade answered as Aceso placed the files on the desk.

"At last," Naruto cheered. " I'm finally gonna get a mission worthy of my awesome abilities." His eyes turned big as he dreamed about the mission. " It's everything I've dreamed of. Being the escort of a real VIP."

"Will you shut up for once second!" Tsunade growled as she stood up. " AND LISTEN!" Naruto screamed as Aceso nervously stepped off to the side next to Shizune.

" Right," Naruto bowed his head. " Sorry. Gotcha."

"Do you want to hear the details of your mission, or not?" Tsunade asked as she sat back down. " Shizune."

"Yes, my lady," Shizune said as she walked over to Naruto with a clipboard.

"The client's name is Kunjiro," Tsunade informed as Aceso appeared next to Naruto to get a look. An old friend. He started with nothing and made himself into one of the richest and most successful rare gem dealers around?"

"And he's a friend of yours?" Aceso brought up.

" That's right," Tsunade confirmed. " But he's not Naruto's assignment. Your brother's mission is to look after his only son and heir, Kunishia."

"So, what do you say brother?" Aceso said asked, he started growling and flames appeared in both eyes.

"Right!" Naruto exclaimed. " Okay, I'm all fired up and ready to go! I accept the mission! And I won't let you down, I promise! So when do we get started where is he?" There was a knock at the door."

"Huh?" Aceso asked as she looked back.

"Come in," Tsunade announced. The door opened revealing a man, suddenly a boy appeared before Naruto, with snot running down his nose.

" Ninja!" Kunishia exclaimed.

"Wha-" Naruto began.

"Ninja!" the boy repeated. 

"Hey! Whoa!" Naruto exclaimed as the boy began to touch his face, climbing all over him, repeating the word ninja. " What're you doing?"

"You're a ninja?" the boy asked as he stood in front of Naruto.

" I don't really like the way you asked that question," Naruto grumbled as he glared down at the boy.

" So you're the one?" the man asked, they looked up at him. Behind him were two bodyguards. " You really don't mind if my little boy tags along with you and plays ninja-for-a-day, hmm?" He placed his hands on Naruto's shoulders. " I can't tell you how grateful I am."

"Did you say he wants to play ninja-for-a-day?" Aceso asked as Naruto looked a bit annoyed.

" It's an obsession," Kunjiro informed. " He's wild about everything ninja. You should hear him. Ninja, ninja, ninja. All-day long! " He started laughing.

"What is this?" Naruto demanded as he appeared at Tsunade's desk angrily. " I thought I was escorting an important VIP!"

"Well, that's your problem," Tsunade smiled as she closed her eyes. " I never told you it was an important VIP, now did I?"

" What a dirty, rotten trick-" Naruto began.

" That's enough, Naruto!" Tsunade snapped. " Your mission is play ninja-for-a-day.

 " What the?" Naruto fumed. " This is so not fair!"

" What's more, on top of that, you have your regular missions to perform," Tsunade informed as she held up a sheet of paper.

" What's going on, Grandma?" Naruto demanded. " Why are you doing this to me? Why?" Naruto angrily walked out of the office with Kunishia following. Aceso, on the other hand, went to the Senju park and healed a broken spine, the person couldn't be moved so she had to go to them. Afterward, Aceso was heading down a trail, she ran into Naruto and Kunishia at the bridge.

"That's my little sister," Naruto informed as they approached the bridge. " She's the youngest doctor I know."

" You're a doctor?" Kunishia asked as he looked at her.

" I don't like the way you asked that question," Aceso glared down at the boy as she and Naruto began to cross the bridge. 

" Unh! Are you sure it's safe?" Kunishia asked nervously as he remained off the bridge. They stopped, turning to look back at him.

" Yeah, it's safe, it's safe," Naruto assured.

" Are you positively sure it's safe? 

"We're standing on it, aren't we?" Aceso pointed out. " Come on, it's okay, trust us."

"Cross your heart and hope to die?" Kunishia asked.

" She said it's safe!" Naruto exploded. " Now knock it off and get out here!"

" Okay, okay," Kunishia gave in. " But first, I'm just gonna make sure." He held hand signs. " Ninja Art Subsistion Jutsu!" He chuckled, reached into his jacket, and threw money onto the bridge. A bodyguard ran out, grabbing the money. Aceso looked at Naruto oddly.

"Are you, satisfied?" Naruto asked. " Now come on, let's go.

" Yeah, but what if my weight's enough to make it break?" Kunishia asked. " Let's try a few more." He threw out more money, more bodyguards appeared fighting over the money, the bridge began to shake. " I'm still not convinced. Once more!" He reached deep into his jacket. "Fetch!" He launched the money into the air.

"MONEY!" all the bodyguards exclaimed, jumping up and grabbing it. Once they landed, the bridge broke, and Naruto and his bodyguards fell into the water. Aceso quickly did a Jutsu and the ropes around her waist wrapped around the bodyguards and Naruto, they stopped right a few feet before the water as Aceso held on to the other end. They were swinging back and forth.

"I think I'm going to be sick," Naruto groaned as his cheeks puffed out.

" So it wasn't safe," Kunishia declared. Aceso swung them over to the edge, carefully lowering the rope, till they were all safely on the ground, then she went down to see if everyone was okay.

" See what you did?" Naruto demanded as Aceso applied light care. The injuries were nothing serious. "What was that?"

" You should be happy, I wasn't on the bridge when it broke," Kunishia said.

" Why you crazy little-" Naruto began. Aceso put a hand over his mouth.

"Gentlemen, you deserve a nice big tip," the little boy announced. " There you go!" He threw money out, the men fought over it.

"Hey! Cut it out, will you? Stop that!" Aceso insisted. " Well, I have to head back to the hospital."

"See you later," Naruto sighed as he bowed his head. Aceso made her way back, as soon as she got there, Aceso was rushed into the ICU for an emergency operation. Later that day Aceso stood at the village gates with Naruto, Tsunade, Kunishia, and his father. " Guess this is goodbye."

"Next time, you can come play ninja-for-day at my house," Kunishia offered.

"You bet, got yourself a deal," Naruto agreed.

"You did a fine job looking after my son," Kunjiro complimented. "You have my thanks."

"It was nothing," Naruto laughed.

" Goodbye my ladies," Kunjiro nodded at the two.

" See you soon," Tsunade smiled. They watched the two walk away.


A few days later Aceso was doing medical training with Sakura, she was assisting her in a simple operation. A shinobi had badly broken his leg, Aceso was having Sakura realign the bones with her medical Jutsu.

"Not...enough...chakra," Sakura huffed as she fell back on the floor. Aceso squatted next to her. "I'm a failure."

"Just because you don't get it the first time, doesn't mean you are a failure," Aceso denied. "It takes practice."

"But I am fully capable of healing a rabbit's broken foot," Sakura recalled.

"That is true," Aceso acknowledged. " Though in bone structure humans and rabbits are different," Aceso answered as she stood back up and went over to the shinobi. She placed her hand on the guy's leg, focusing on her medical chakra. Sakura watched Aceso, not even breaking a sweat.

"If you don't mind me asking...but who did you train under?" Sakura asked as Aceso completed fixing the man's leg. She started the wrap it.

"Honestly, I taught myself for a bit," Aceso answered as she looked at it. " I snuck the records and Hokage's office taking medical books, studying them."

"Lord Third didn't sense you?" Sakura asked as she sat up.

"Not at first, but about the fifth time, he caught me red-handed," Aceso answered. " After that, I got paired with a ton of doctors and medical Jonin."

"So you learned under numerous people," Sakura gathered.

"Yeah," Aceso nodded. " And living in a hospital, I already had some medical knowledge, I started early."

" You started around like four right?" Sakura asked.

" Something like that," Aceso nodded. " Can you go grab this man some crutches?"

"Uh, sure," Sakura agreed. " I just need my strength to return." Aceso reached into her pack and threw her ointment. "Thanks." Sakura put some on her arm, she got to go retrieve the crutch. Moments later Sakura came back. "Can you come to the library for me? Help me pick out books for more medical knowledge?"

"Of course," Aceso smiled. Two hours later the two were scanning all the books.

"Are all these necessary?" Sakura asked.

"It's better to know more than less," Aceso answered. "Absolute necessary." They started to leave the library.

" I really do wonder if we checked out too many books," Sakura said as they made it off the steps.

" I don't think we did," Aceso denied. Suddenly there was a collision, books flew up as three people screamed.

"Naruto?" Aceso asked as she lifted a book off her head, looking at him.

"Something maybe you'd like to say?" Sakura growled. " Like, oh, I don't know, sorry?" Naruto got up and started laughing.

"Check it out," Naruto laughed. " Both of you landed right on your butt because it's the biggest part of you." He waved his butt in the air, smacking it. " Butt queen. All hail the butt queen. And that forehead, more like a five-head. Am I right?" the book fell off a furious Sakura.   

" By the time I'm done with you, Naruto, you won't have a butt," Sakura growled as she stood up. " Cause I'm gonna kick it all over the village!"

" Sakura! Little sister! Get out of the way!" Naruto shouted as he came running up from behind. Aceso looked to see he was carrying a chest on his back.

" But you were just," Aceso began as pointed forward.

" Naruto!" Sakura growled as she clenched a fist. "Shut up!" She slammed her fist right under his chin.

"What's that for?" Naruto whimpered. He flew off.

"Sakura...wait a minute," Aceso began. " Naruto ran off in that direction." She pointed one way. "How did he get back over there so quickly?"

" I'm not sure," Sakura blinked. Minutes later tons of Naruto appeared, all yelling, with tears in their eyes.

" What's going on with Naruto, today?" Aceso asked as they picked up the books.

"Beats me," Sakura huffed as they started back towards the hospital. 

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