Chapter 70
It was an early morning, Aceso had just finished up a nightshift. She was now walking down through the village with Sakura and Ino, who was holding a bouquet of flowers.
" Jeez. I can't believe it. This is so unfair," Ino complained.
" It's not so bad," Sakura said. " I'm training so hard these days, I can barely keep my eyes open."
"Same here," Aceso smiled. " Work has been pretty easy though."
"Hey, Sakura!" Naruto called.
"Huh?" the three asked as they turned, he ran up to them happily.
" Speaking of being lazy," Ino said.
" Oh yeah?" Naruto glared. " Well, last I checked you're just sitting around a flower show all day! Where are Choji and Shikamaru anyway?"
" Off somewhere with Asuma sensei," Ino answered. She started to pout. " Oh, man. I'd give anything to be out there on a mission right now." Naruto seemed confused.
"Ino was down with a cold for a while, and the guys were sent off on a mission without her," Aceso explained.
" Argh," Ino grunted. " And I'm like totally recovered now. If I don't blow off some steam I'll just go crazy."
" Hey, nothing a little training won't cure," Naruto suggested.
" Not at my house," Ino denied as she shook her head. " If my family ever finds out I don't have someone to spar with, I get roped into helping out at the shop."
" Whatever," Naruto grunted as he folded his arms. " They know you'd just skip the training if you were on your own."
" Wh-wait a minute," Ino protested as she blushed. " That's not true at all. Take it back. I train by myself all the time." Sakura giggled.
" Naruto," Shino said suddenly appearing behind him.
"Aah!" Naruto jumped. "Shino, don't sneak up on me like that!"
"Ino, Naruto, the Hokage wishes to see you now," Shino informed.
" Huh? Both of us?" Ino asked.
" I was told to come fetch you," Shino said. " She wants to see all three of us."
" Huh?" Everyone asked.
" You, Shino, and me?" Naruto asked.
"Huh?" they asked again. Those three went up to the Hokage's office as Aceso and Sakura continued through the village.
"What are we to do?" Sakura huffed.
"Training," Aceso answered. "With all medical chakra training, you should also learn the terms as well."
"So, bookwork," Sakura grumbled as she hung her head.
" Don't be so down in the dumps about it," Aceso giggled.
"Easy for you to say," Sakura grumbled.
"I'll have you learn it the way Gai-sensei did," Aceso said.
"And what way is that?" Sakura asked.
"Just meet me at training grounds in 2 hours," Aceso said before off to the hospital. She did a few jobs, grabbed a skeleton and a few books, and ran off the training grounds.
"You're late!" Sakura declared as she jumped to her feet.
" I saw a black cat," Aceso answered as she ran up. " Had to go around."
"LIES!" Sakura declared as her hair rose up angrily. Then it dropped as she looked at the skeleton. " What is that for?"
"We are learning the bones of the body," Aceso answered as she put the skeleton on a stand.
"So we are doing it here?" Sakura asked as she raised her eyebrows.
"Duh," Aceso answered as she glanced at her. "This will help you remember." Sakura still looked confused. " First, I will go over the bones, and then we shall review." For an hour, Aceso taught Sakura about bones. Now they were two hours into the review, and Sakura was hanging upside down, doing hanging sit-ups. "How many bones are in the body?" Aceso was hanging upside down next to her.
"201," Sakura panted.
"Wrong," Aceso denied. " 206, now we do twenty of these." They started to go in the motion of sit-ups. It was a lot of ab work. Aceso picked up a stick and pointed a body part on the skeleton after the 20. "What is this?"
"Tibia," Sakura panted.
"Good," Aceso smiled. " Release." The ropes dropped them, and Aceso landed on her feet, while Sakura flopped on her back,
"And this helped you learn them?" Sakura groaned as she closed her eyes.
"Oddly yes," Aceso answered. " With Gai-sensei a wrong answer always meant a set of 20, from laps to push-ups. A right answer meant a set of five or we were done with that activity." Aceso held a water bottle out for Sakura. "Hydrate yourself." Sakura reached up and grabbed the bottle. " Ready for the next set?" She pink hair girl slowly sat up and leaned against the tree.
"THERE YOU TWO ARE!" A voice boomed, and they looked to see Tsunade marching towards them. " WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR YOU!"
" Lady Tsunade!" both girls exclaimed as they shot to their feet.
" We are so sorry!" Aceso apologized.
"Is there a problem?" Sakura asked.
"Lady Aceso," Tsunade began.
" You can just call me Aceso," Aceso insisted.
"You're a young teen who earned the title of doctor at 10, I will call you whatever I want, especially since you and Naruto call me Grandma Tsunade," Tsunade said as she put her hands on her hips.
" Yes, ma'am," Aceso smiled.
"Lady Aceso, in case you have have to retake your medical exam," Tsunade informed. Aceso's eyes went wide, she had completely forgotten about it.
"When is the due date?" Aceso asked.
" In two days," Tsunade said. " If I were you, I would get reviewing and fast, I can't send you out if you don't complete these things. You will be taking the test tomorrow night" She looked at the skeleton. "Why is this here?"
"Lady Aceso was quizzing me on bones," Sakura answered. " She says I need to know the medical terms as well as the actions." Tsunade smiled.
"You came to me to be an apprentice, yet you've done most of your medical training under Lady Aceso, I am sorry," Tsunade apologized.
"It's not a big deal," Sakura said. "Knowledge is knowledge and she's a pretty good teacher."
The next morning, Aceso was sitting on the rooftop as patient clothes were drying and going over all the material she had to go over.
"Why are you studying so hard?" Sakura asked as she looked over her own material.
"I always study this hard," Aceso grunted. She sat on the edge, her leg hung over the ledge, and she was concentrating hard.
"But you know everything already," Sakura pointed out.
"I wouldn't say everything," Aceso shook her head. "New things are always popping up." Sakura shook her head.
"I'm home!" a voice chimed as Aceso got tackled over the side and onto the balcony. Aceso looked up to see Lee now standing one foot on top of her while looking down at her with a big smile. " Mission went without a hitch!"
"There was some trouble," Tenten corrected as she appeared. "What is this all about?" She picked up one of the textbooks.
"Lady Aceso has to retake some sort of doctor exam to keep her license," Sakura answered.
"Lady Aceso?" Neji asked as he appeared out of nowhere.
"Lady Tsunade called her that," Sakura giggled as Aceso groaned as she proper herself on her elbows.
" I prefer just Aceso," Aceso grumbled as she sat up a little.
"Well, she's not wrong to call you that," Neji said. " You are a doctor." Aceso just shrugged.
" I guess this means you can't train today," Lee groaned as he leaned down towards her.
"No, I'm sorry," Aceso apologized.
"You haven't mastered those moves yet," Lee pointed out as he leaned closer.
"Those will just have to be put off for a bit," Aceso said as she leaned back, he was really close to her face.
"Red Rose," Lee groaned as he continued to get closer, a panic button on Aceso was pressed and she put her hands up to push him back. Her face was starting to heat up. "Are you just trying to avoid me? Avoid your youth?"
"Back off Lee," Neji ordered as he grabbed his shoulder.
"Not till she answers me," Lee said.
"Lee," Aceso breathed uneasily as she looked up at him, her eyes locked on to his, Lee then finally realized how close he had gotten. " I can train with you afterward, I just need to focus on the exam. Please." He didn't seem happy with that answer.
"That will be fine," Tenten said as Neji pulled Lee off Aceso. " We understand how important this is and will help you if you need anything."
"Thank you," Aceso managed out, she glanced at Sakura to see her eyes wide.
"Then when will you train with me?" Lee asked.
"Not till next week," Sakura answered. " Aceso has been training me and well she does have work as well." Aceso back onto her feet as Lee started to look sad. " But I'm sure after her exam she'll be more than happy to train."
"No, it's fine," Aceso said. " I can train now as long as I can study at the same time."
"YOUTH!" Lee cried out happily, he grabbed the ropes on Aceso and started to run, but the ropes easily undid themselves, and Aceso grabbed the top of her pants from falling as Lee fell forward onto his face.
"Maybe you should stop using your ninja tools to hold up your pants," Tenten laughed as she put her arms around Aceso, resting her head on Aceso's shoulder.
"I supposed you are right," Aceso frowned.
"Come on," Tenten smiled. " Before we do anything, you are updating your pants situation." She giggled, put Aceso in her armpit, and then started to walk away. " Then you can train."
"I want to help!" Sakura cheered as she speeds off with them. About an hour later Aceso stood in front of her mirror in her room with Tenten and Sakura. She was wearing brown pants, that stopped at her knees, she had wrappings from her knees to her ankles, and wore her regular ninja shoes. Above the pants she wore a fishnet, that stopped at her elbows with a purple shirt on top, that was tucked into the pants. The newest accessorize was a pair of suspenders on top of the shirt. Her ninja headband was tied around her waist, still wore her signature braids. Along the floor was a ton of medical books Aceso was using to study.
"It certainly keeps my pants up better," Aceso noted as she turned to get a glance at the back.
" I like it," Sakura giggled as she appeared beside Aceso. " But do you really need the braids?" She took the ponytails out, and with one scoop, the braids were undone. Aceso's hair reached down to the lower part of her back.
"I think the braids make her look cuter," Tenten said as she sat on the bed sharpening her kunai knife. The door opened revealing Tsunade, Neji, and Lee.
"You look ready to go off on a two-year journey," Tsunade smiled. " A new look."
"That's not what we were going for," Sakura admitted. " We just came up with a way so her pants would stay on better.
"Well, it's probably best the headband goes on her forehead," Tsunade said as they walked in. " Where would she keep her ropes?" Lee held up the ones he took earlier.
"I supposed she's right," Aceso agreed. She removed her headband and placed it back on her forehead, grabbed the ropes from Lee, and put them back around her waist. Lee was staring at her intensely, as Neji appeared beside Tenten.
"It's rude to stare Lee," Neji scolded as he sat on the bed.
" My apologies," Lee blushed as he forced his eyes away.
"Are you ready for your exam?" Tsunade asked.
"Yes," Aceso answered as she looked at her.
"What about training?" Lee asked as he looked at her again.
"Afterward," Aceso answered. " Promise." She gave a thumbs up.
"Well come on, the exam won't take itself," Tsunade ordered, she grabbed Aceso by the back of her suspenders and dragged her out of the room. An hour later Aceso had finished her exam and immediately got the results back. She got 100% just as she had expected. She was now heading out to the training field, she saw Lee training in the distance as usual. Aceso took this as a chance to try out one of the moves, Lee was teaching her.
"Dynamic Entry!" Aceso shouted when she was close enough.
"Ah!" Lee yelped as Aceso's foot landed on the front of his body in the middle, and he got shoved onto the ground. He stared up at her in surprise. " How was that?" She leaned down towards him, just like how he did to her earlier. Aceso was smiling big, her eyes were closed, her hair was still down, and the sun shined all around her. His heart was flipping out.
" Nicely executed," Lee complimented.
"Thanks," Aceso smiled as she opened her eyes. " You are a great teacher."
"Thanks," Lee blushed heavily.
"Your turning red, are you feeling alright?" Aceso asked.
" Yeah," Lee answered, he sounded almost out of breath. " How did the exam go?"
" I got every answer right!" Aceso cheered as she jumped back and off Lee, she put her hands up happily.
" I had no doubt you would get anything wrong," Lee said as Aceso sat down.
"Thanks," Aceso blushed lightly. " Ready to train more?"
"Before that," Lee said as he dug into his pack and pulled out two ponytails, he appeared behind her and began to put her hair back into the two braids.
"Oh, I was going to put it back up later," Aceso grunted as she started to pull away.
"No need, I shall do them for you Red Rose," Lee insisted as he grabbed her head. His grip was firm, but not harsh. He finished the first one and moved on to the second one. " Do you have to go?"
"Huh?" Aceso asked as she glanced back at him. He moved her head back forward. " Sorry."
"Lady Hokage brought up you looking ready to go," Lee brought up. "Do you have to leave for 2 years?"
"I agreed to it, I can't back out," Aceso answered. " It won't be so bad."
"What if something bad happens?" Lee asked.
"If it gets really bad, I will come home," Aceso assured. " Otherwise, I'm traveling from place to place as a wandering doctor." Lee finished the braid. "Me and Kakashi are going to stay in touch through letters, I'm doing the same with Naruto."
"Can I stay in touch the same way?" Lee asked. "Please."
" Of course," Aceso smiled back at him. She saw that he was down. " Come on, let's train." His face lit back up immediately.
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