Chapter 7

Tsunami and Aceso were now cleaning around the house, Tsunami was drying the dishes as Aceso dusted.

" Inari!" Tsunami called. " Could you give us a hand here? Inari!"

" I'll be right there!" Inari shouted. Aceso was dusting the wall when something sliced through it, cutting her in the process, the wall fell revealing two men, one had an eye patch and the other wore a hat. Both are known as Zori and Waraji.

" Huh!" Tsunami and Aceso gasped. Aceso grabbed out a kunai knife and held it out in front of her, not letting them go any further into the house.

" So your Tazuna's daughter?" Zori asked not even addressing Aceso. " Too bad. You'll have to come with us. Now."

" You have to go through me first," Aceso growled.

" Easy," Waraji man grunted. He swung his sword, Aceso dodged it and jabbed him on the side. " You punk!"Zori grabbed her by the arm, and threw her, she slammed into the wall, some glass broke and Tsunami screamed. Aceso looked up to see that Tsunami was cowering against the sink on the floor.

" Get away from her!" Aceso demanded as she got up and ran in front. She did a few hand signs, her ropes went around each of Waraji's limbs, she lifted her fingers out, small blades popped out, and she then pulled back. Waraji's let out a shot as blood poured out, dropping to his knees.  

" Ah, Mother!" Inari shouted.

" No! Don't come out here!" Tsunami demanded. " Runaway! Hurry!"

" Don't move," Waraji ordered as he looked back at him and looked back at the other guy. " Should we grab this one too?"

" No," Zori denied. " Gato asked for just one hostage, and we'll have one once we get through this red hair brat."

"All right," Waraji smiled as he turned and pulled out his sword. " Then let's waste him!"

" Don't even think about it!" Aceso threatened as she made a sign, and pulled out a kunai. One of her ropes went around the handle section of the sword, she pulled, restricting his hand movements. 

" Wait!" Tsunami cried out.

" Hm?" Waraji asked, seconds later they looked back at her. " Please don't hurt my son. I'm begging you. He's just a boy. I'll do anything. Just please don't hurt him."

" Hm," Zori smiled.

" Tsunami?" Aceso gasped as she glanced back at her.

" Look after him, won't you?" Tsunami requested with tears in her eyes

" Looks like your mom came through for you, kid. Lucky," Zori said. Inari was whimpering and fell to his knees.

" What a waste," Waraji groaned. " I was in the mood to cut something, hungry for blood."

" Give it a rest," Zori ordered. " You already drew blood today. Let's get her out of here."

" Let go," Waraji ordered. 

" You are not taking her," Aceso stated. Zori reached forward and Aceso sliced at his hand, blood dripped onto the floor.

" Let go, you brat!!" Waraji ordered as he tugged on the sword. 

"Hold on, I 'll cut you loose!" Zoji shouted as he raised his sword, Aceso moved one finger, and another one of her ropes shot out. Zoji's sword knicked Aceso's side as the kunai on the ned of her ropes struck him on both of his sides. "She knows how to play." Zoji started to smile as he licked his lips. 

" Aceso, please you don't need to shed any more blood for me," Tsunami said. " Just look after Inari."

" Yes, Ma'am," Aceso said reluctantly, without any more violence between the two men. They tied Tsunami's hands behind her back and started to walk her out of the house.

" I'm sorry, Mom!" Inari cried out. " I'm sorry! What could I do? I'm too weak to protect you. I'm scared. I don't wanna die!"

" You won't," Aceso said as she shakingly stood up, he looked at her.

" What are you going to do about it?" Inari asked.

" We can do something," Aceso informed. " We just need courage."

" C-Courage?" Inari stuttered, his eyes went wide as if he went into deep thought. Tears streamed down his face. " Can I--Can--I be that strong, too?"

" If it's what your heart desires," Aceso said, he then stood up with a look of determination on his face.

" Father," Inari breathed. " Come on we are going to rescue my mom, I'm going to protect her with both my arms!" They ran out of the house and down the dock to find the three still walking. " Stop!"

" Well, well," Waraji breathed. " If it ain't the little tough guy and reddie."

" Inari!" Tsunami yelled.

" How cute. You've come to save your mommy," Waraji teased.

" You'd better get away from my mom!" Inari demanded angrily before breaking out into a run

" Inari!" Aceso gasped as she ran behind him.

" No!" Tsunami yelled.

" This kid's a little short on brains, don't you think?" Waraji asked. Tsunami gasped.

" Take them both down," Zori instructed as they pulled out their swords.

" Aah. If you hurt him, I swear I'll--" Tsunami began before getting knocked out by Zori.

" Shut up," Zori ordered. " Take a nap."

" Inari--" Tsunami pleaded.

Aceso whipped her kunai knife, it went through the sword and into Waraji's body. She felt someone grab her and saw a hat go flying. She looked to see a log being sliced into three. Aceso felt herself be put down on the dock.

" That brat!" Waraji yelled as he touched his side.

" A substitution Jutsu!" Zori gasped.

" The woman. She's gone," Waraji noticed as he looked back.

" Sorry I'm a little late," a voice informed, it was Naruto.

"Huh?" Waraji asked. " Who's that?" Naruto laid Tsunami down.

" You know, heroes, usually show up at the last minute," Naruto informed.

" Naruto, it's you," Inari gasped.

" Who else?" Naruto laughed as he put him down. " Inari, Aceso, you two did great." He looked at both of them.

" Huh?" Inari asked as he stood up.

" When you charged, they forgot about your mom for a minute," Naruto explained. " That gave me the chance to use a cool Jutsu to get her away from them."

" Awe," Inari breathed.

" Naruto, how did you know these samurai guys were coming here?" Aceso asked.

" Uh, in the forest, I found a boar that had been attacked, and there the trees were all cut up too like someone had been practicing with a sword or something," Naruto explained as his eyes fixed blood on her clothes, he slowly became angry. " The cuts led me back towards the house, so I followed them here."

" That was really smart," Inari complimented.

" Blah, blah," Waraji mocked. They all looked at the other two. " It's those puny ninja brats Tazuna hired."

" Did these guys hurt you?" Naruto asked.

" Yeah, but I'm fine," Aceso said.

" They aren't!" Naruto shouted.

" Get him!" The two guys shouted as they started to run towards them.

" They're coming!" Inari shouted. Naruto whipped throwing stars at them, and they reflected it with their swords,

" Aah. Try something else!" Zori stated,

" I'm going to return your knife reddie!" Waraji shouted. " Just like how you gave it to me!"

" Ha, ha. I did," Naruto smiled standing up. " And don't even think about touching her."

" I want him! He's mine!" Waraji requested. Suddenly two Naruto's appeared behind him. They kicked both guys and cut them a little, the men fell over in pain and shock. Naruto's clones then disappeared. Aceso then used Jutsu and started to tie up the other two with all the rope around them.

" Ah. You did it!" Inari cheered as he looked back at Naruto.

" Yeah! Believe it!" Naruto laughed as he put a fist out.

" Huh?" Inari asked. " Ha, ha, ha. That was so excellent. Like a real ninja!"

" Ha-ha-ha-ha. You twerp. I am a real ninja," Naruto corrected. " That's what 've been telling you." Both of them were laughing, Aceso couldn't help but smile, and she slowly got back on her feet. " Aceso, are you alright?"

" I'm fine," Aceso apologized. " Sorry, I couldn't fully protect you and your mom Inari."

" I forgive you," Inari smiled as Aceso took out a bandage. "You only did what my mom asked, you are really strong."

"Thanks," Aceso smiled at him. 

" Let me help," Naruto insisted as they looked out onto the ocean.

" I got it," Aceso assured as she lifted her shirt a little. She put pressure on the wound, then started to wrap it around her body, then couldn't go all around.

" I don't think you do," Inari laughed as Naruto grabbed and began to help.

" Thanks," Aceso breathed then Naruto sneezed.

" They say when you sneeze, it's cause somebody's talking about you somewhere."

" You don't believe that do you?" Naruto asked. " Hey, by the way, sorry about yesterday."

" Huh?" Inari asked. Naruto chuckled as he poorly finished with the bandage, it was a bad job, but at least it was done.

" Callin you a coward was pretty mean, I guess," Naruto admitted with his arm behind his head. " Anyway, it's not true, you know?" He put a hand on Inari's head and ruffled his hair. " Cause you are really brave.

" Hm?" Inari whimpered. He had his head down, tears in his eyes, Naruto pulled his hand back.

" What's wrong Inari?" Aceso asked.

" Darn it!" Inari cried out as he put his hands to his eyes. " I promised myself I wouldn't cry anymore." He was crying a bit. " You're gonna make fun of me again and call me a baby, but I can't stop!"

" What are you talking about?" Naruto asked as he turned toward the water. " You're happy. What's wrong with that?" He turned back towards the boy laughing, both hands behind his head.

" Huh?" Inari asked.

" When you're happy it's okay to cry," Naruto explained. " Really, it is."

" Naruto," Inari whimpered.

" Aceso always cries from happiness after helping a mother bring a baby into this world," Naruto cried.

" He's not wrong," Aceso smiled and Inari laughed. ' How did he know that?'

" Okay!" Naruto began as he faced the house. " We can leave you in charge of things now, right?"

" Yeah," Inari confirmed.

" Good!" Naruto cheered as he glanced back. " Then we're going over to the bridge."

" We?" Aceso asked.

" Of course!" Naruto shouted, he started running off and Aceso followed. " It's not easy being a hero. It's tough. Believe it!"

" Believe it!" Inari repeated in a cheery tone.

" How did you know about the baby thing?" Aceso asked.

" I've seen you from the window," Naruto laughed. " Always so happy about a new birth that you end up crying. Believe it! " He laughed more as they ran toward the bridge. By the time they arrived at the bridge, there was a giant thing of ice, Sasuke was down, Kakashi was facing off with Zabuza, and Sakura was far from Tazuna. " I got Sasuke, you protect the bridge builder." Aceso nodded in agreement. Naruto threw some throwing stars, hitting the fake tracking ninja, and he fell out as Aceso jumped in front of Tazuna, holding out a knife.

" Huh?" Sakura asked, the tracking ninja as there was an explosion. " Who is it?"

" Who else?" Aceso asked, she jumped, glanced behind and saw her, gasped, and looked forward.

" Number one hyperactive knucklehead ninja," Haku reported. " And the tag a long medical ninja." The smoke disappeared and Naruto was there ready to battle.

" Naruto Uzumaki is here," Naruto reported. " Yeah. Believe it!" He laughed. " Ha! Now that I'm here everything will be all right."

" Huh?" Tazuna gasped.

" Naruto!" Sakura cheered.

" You know how in stories the hero usually shows up at last minute then kicks butt?" Naruto asked. " Well, that's what I'm going to do right now!" Aceso shook her head. " All right! Your history. Shadow clone Jutsu!"

" Huh?" Kakashi asked as Zabuza threw several throwing stars at him. " No!"

" Huh?" Naruto asked.

" Naruto! Move!" Kakashi yelled.

" Aah!" Naruto yelled as the weapons came closer, they got canceled out by Haku throwing needles at them, and everyone gasped. " Oh."

" They didn't get him," Sakura noted.

" Their weapons canceled each other out," Tazuna added.

" Amazing," Aceso breathed.

" Now, that's what I call lucky, I think," Tazuna stated.

" What are you doing Naruto? Are you crazy?" Sakura shouted angrily.

" This a battle, not a talent show!" Kakashi scolded. " Don't let your opponent see you Jutsu."

" Uh," Naruto whimpered.

" The shinobi's art is deception," Kakashi explained. " Always keep the enemy guessing. Even when executing a single Jutsu, one must distract their opponent's attention, catch them off guard and outmaneuver them. You just turned yourself into a human target when you enter a battle like that." Naruto let out a scream.

" I'm sorry!" Naruto screamed as he put his hands on the side of his head. " I was just trying to rescue everybody!"

" But there's another mystery here," Kakashi added.

" Haku, what are you doing?" Zabuza demanded.

" Zabuza, this boy, let me fight him my own way," Haku requested as he stood up. " Please."

" Bring it on!" Naruto encouraged as he balled his hands into fists.

" Hm," Zabuza laughed. " So you want me to leave this to you? Is that it, Haku?" He was silent. " As usual, you're too soft."

" Forgive me," Haku pleaded.

" I'm warning you!" Naruto shouted as he pointed at Haku. " One way or another, I'm going to rip off that mask and take you apart!"

" Don't even think about it," Zabuza warned as he stepped in front of Kakashi. " You know the score, Kakashi. If you go after Haku, I go after the bridge builder." Kakashi grunted, he then glanced to see Aceso in front of Tazuna, then at Sakura. " Relax, Kakashi. Sit back and enjoy the show. Let's see how they do, one on one."

" That mask and your bogus story!" Naruto exclaimed. " You were with Zabuza all along! You think you can get away with a stunt like that?"

" I'm sorry," Haku apologized as he bowed his head.

" Huh?" Naruto gasped.

" But as your sensei said, deceiving your opponent, catching them off guard, that is the art of the shinobi," Haku regarded. " Please don't take it personally. A kunai knife came flying out of the ice sculpture, and Haku moved.

" Sasuke?" Naruto asked as he looked at him.

" I haven't forgotten about you," Haku informed. " Not for an instant." He looked at the small angry child. " Some warriors accept defeat gracefully. They know when they are beaten. Others do not. So be it. Let us finish our battle then. To the death!"

" Wha-" Naruto began as Haku went back into the ice mirrors. " Hey! Where are you going?"

" It's all right, Naruto," Haku assured. " We'll have our fight next." He then walked through the ice. Moments later needles fell all over, striking Sasuke, he fell over onto his back.

" Sasuke!" Aceso, Naruto, and Sakura shouted.

" Sasuke, Naruto, think!" Kakashi instructed. " You need to attack from the outside and attack from the inside at the same time!"

'Brilliant!' Aceso thought to herself. Aceso blinked and when her eyes opened, she saw Naruto sitting in the ice mirror sculpture with Sasuke.

" Hey!" Naruto shouted/whispered. " I snuck in here to save you!"

" Aah!" Sasuke shouted in disbelief.

" Pretty cool move, huh, Sasuke?" Naruto smiled.

" Uh," Sasuke groaned with a look ready to kill Naruto.

" Uh," Sakura groaned.

" Naruto, you sneak up on your enemy, not your ally," Kakashi instructed.

" You idiot," Aceso groaned as she shook her head.

" Uuh. You are a complete loser!" Sasuke yelled at him. " You're a shinobi. Think carefully before you move."

" What the heck's your problem?" Naruto demanded. " You should thank me for coming in here to help you!".

" Naruto, if we're both inside here--," Sasuke began to explain. " Uuh! Forget it!" He looked away. " I've had it with your mistakes!"

" And I've had it with your attitude! Believe it!" Naruto yelled.

" That's it," Sasuke declared as he stood up and faced the mirrors. " I'm going to destroy these mirrors right now." He did hand movements. " Fire style."

" Hey!" Naruto shouted. " What attack are you using?"

" These mirrors are made of ice, so how do you destroy ice?" Sasuke informed. " Figure it out. Fireball Jutsu!" Flames went all over, but the mirrors were barely affected.

" You'll need much more heat than that to melt this ice," Haku informed. The ice mirrors shined brightly and all that Aceso could hear was both boys screaming out in pain.

" Where is he?" Naruto demanded. " Where's the needle attack coming at us from? Are they clones?" He got back onto his feet and turned to Sasuke. " We've got to find the real one! Which one is it?"

" Look into every mirror as hard as you like," Haku advised. " You'll never learn the secret."

" Oh, yeah? Shadow clone Jutsu!" Naruto shouted.

" No, don't!" Sasuke shouted, but it was too late. Hundreds of Narutos had appeared and were leaping at every mirror.

" You've got 100 mirrors, then 100 of me will smash them all," Naruto insisted. " Then I'll find where you really are!" Many Haku's jumped out of the mirrors, taking down Naruto's clones and himself in an instant. He fell to the ground, shaking.

" These mirrors only reflect my image, allowing me to transport myself at light speed," Haku explained. " Through my eyes, you appear to be moving in slow motion."

" I knew it," Kakashi groaned his eyes went wide. " It's a bloodline trait, Kekkei Genkai." Zabuza laughed.

"Kekkei Genkai? What is it?" Aceso asked.

" It's like my Sharingan," Kakashi began to explain. " You can't learn it. It has to be in your blood, in your genetic code passed down from generation to generation within a single clan."

" But that means--" Sakura began.

" Yes," Kakashi confirmed. " Even I can't copy that Jutsu. There's no way to destroy it and no way to stop him."

" I couldn't breakthrough," Naruto admitted. " So what." Everyone looked at him. " He's not gonna stop me."

" Huh?" Haku asked.

" I'm not giving up, and I'm not gonna lose here," Naruto declared. " Cause I have a dream and no one's going to take it away from me. Some day, I'll be respected in my village. That's my dream to be the greatest Hokage!"

" Dreams?" Haku asked he went into deep thought. " It was not my desire to be a shinobi. It's painful. I don't want to kill you. But if you advance, I will have no choice. Then I will kill the kindness in my own heart and fully embrace the shinobi way. And there will be no mercy, no turning back. This bridge will be the battlefield where our dreams collide. Now I must fight for my dream as you fight for yours. Please do not blame me. I fight for someone who is precious to me. I live for him and I face death for him, so his dream may become a reality. That is my dream. And for the sake of that dream, if I must, I will act as a shinobi and take your lives." Naruto and Sasuke both smiled lightly.

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