Chapter 69

A few days have passed, Aceso had spent them working or training. At the moment she was currently out training with Kakashi down by the lake.

"Fireball Jutsu!" Aceso exclaimed as she blew out a ball of fire, it was a lot bigger, but not as big as Kakashi's fireball.

"Good, you've made progress," Kakashi complimented as he patted her head. " Though I need you to make it need to be able to use different sizes of fireballs depending on the situation. "

"Huh?" Aceso asked.

"If you are building a fire in the night, you don't want it to be super big, but if you are fighting multiple opponents at once, you don't want it to be small," Kakashi explained as he pulled out a slinky. " You can have it large." He pulled it all the way out. " Or super small." He squished it back together. " Either way, have range." He opened and closed the slinky multiple times.

"I think I get it," Aceso said as she watched the slinky. " Like with your Chidori, it appears in your hand as a small ball, but you call also make it larger with currents.

"Kind of," Kakashi smiled. " That is a change in chakra nature." She looked at him harder. " Which you should probably do as well...the fireball Jutsu is mainly used by the Uchihas, so you should try creating your own shape."

"Like a stream of water?' Aceso asked. " But in fire a fire stream."

"Preciously," Kakashi nodded. "But are you up for the challenge?"

" A ninja should never back away from a challenge when it comes to training, no matter how tricky it gets," Aceso said. 

"That's the spirit," Kakashi said as he folded his arms. " Now let's move on to a different section of training."

"What will be doing?" Aceso asked.

"It's important to visualize," Kakashi answered. "When people read a book, people tend to visualize what they are reading...whether it's through training or reading visualizing can make a difference in your performance."

"How do you plan on visualizing today?" Aceso asked.

" Simple," Kakashi answered. Aceso wished she didn't ask, cause now she was directly under a waterfall. She sat on a rock and let the waterfall on top of her, spilling all over and going down to the lake below. She was in a tank top and shorts.

" It's cold," Aceso shivered.

"You wouldn't be so cold if you visualized better," Kakashi said, he sat next to her on a different rock. "As the cold water rushes over you, imagine a hot fire in front, warming you up."

"So you want me to visualize the opposite?" Aceso asked.

"I shouldn't hear talking if you visualizing," Kakashi said.

"Sorry," Aceso huffed. She closed her eyes again and put her hands together. She kept getting colder and colder, no matter how big of a fire she imagined, she never got warmer. This went on for five more minutes. " I don't think the fires working."

"That's odd," Kakashi said. " One of the aspects of fire is heat."

" I know," Aceso said. 

"We'll try again tomorrow," Kakashi said. " I think that's enough training."

"Hmm," Aceso grunted in dissatisfaction.

"Don't be so disappointed," Kakashi said as he looked at her. " You are quite well already." 

After training, Aceso headed back to the hospital while Kakashi met Gai up at a restaurant.

"Little Sister!" Naruto called as he ran up to her with Choji. " Little Sister!"

" Hello Big brother Naruto and Choji," Aceso greeted. " What are you two up to today?"

"We are about to go get some ramen, come with us?" Choji asked. 

"You two always catch me at a bad time," Aceso frowned. " If I don't get a move on, I'm going to be late for work."

"Another night shift?" Choji asked.

"Yeah," Aceso breathed.

" We'll make sure to get some ramen to bring to you for later," Naruto said. 

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a bother," Aceso said.

" You a bother? Never!" Naruto exclaimed. " With all these missions lately, I haven't had time to sit down and eat ramen. And getting some for you is no big deal!"

"Thank you," Aceso smiled. " I really do appreciate you two." She went off to work that night, she was put on the same night shift as Sakura.

"Hey, Doctor Matsuba," Sakura started as she walked up to her, Aceso was about to head into a room where a woman was giving birth.

"Whatever it is, I am sure you can handle it," Aceso said. " Don't doubt yourself."

"Let's say I need to leave the hospital?" Sakura asked.

"Sometimes patients are too sick or hurt to come here, so we should go to them," Aceso explained. " I am trusting your judgment. You are a great medical ninja."

"So, I can take the wheel this time?" Sakura asked.

"You have my clearing," Aceso nodded. "Now, before I make this poor woman wait any longer, I am going to go deliver this baby."

" Oh, thank you!" Sakura cheered, she hugged Aceso before hurrying off down the hall. Aceso blinked, Sakura has never hugged her. Aceso was sure Sakura would stab first, hugging was the last thing to cross her mind. She smiled before entering the room of a screaming woman. About five hours later the baby was delivered and the mother was happily cradling her newborn. Aceso was able to step out for a small break. She walked over to the break recipe to find Choji, Naruto, Sakura, and Teuchi. 

"Mr. Teuchi, are you alright?" Aceso asked as she looked at the burns on his arms.

" I am quite alright," Teuchi smiled. " We need a favor."

"Oh?" Aceso asked as she sat down at the table.

" Try this!" Naruto insisted as he held out a bowl of ramen.

"What is this about?" Aceso asked.

" A new item," Choji answered. " We need your opinion."

"Me? Choji your opinion is always the highest value, why me?" Aceso asked as she looked at the bowl.

"We did say we would bring you some food," Naruto reminded her.

"Oh, yeah, sorry I forgot," Aceso laughed as she scratched the back of her head.

"Try it!" Sakura insisted. 

"Sorry," Aceso smiled. " Thank you for the food." Aceso tried the new food, just like Choji taught her. First, she tried the soup. "Dreamy." Then she dipped the noodles in the stew before eating them. " The stew seemed to outshine the noodles just a little, but it's still good."

"Thank you for your opinion," all three genins said as they bowed at her. " We must be going now!

"Thanks for the food again!" Aceso thanked everyone as they quickly left the hospital. Hours later Aceso had finally ended her shift, she had just gotten to her room to find Lee waiting for her on the windowsill. 

"Time to train!" Lee insisted as he jumped up on the bed and started to jump up and down.

"Later," Aceso huffed as she walked over to the bed.

"No, now," Lee corrected as he grabbed her hand.

"Let me sleep for four hours," Aceso requested as she flopped onto the bed, Lee was still holding her hand.

"Why sleep when you can train?" Lee demanded, he started to get a bit angry.

"Why train when you don't have the energy to do it?" Aceso asked. " Wouldn't training be more effective with some sleep, that way you are at full potential to last longer?" She wiggled a little so her feet were no longer touching the ground. She then curled up, used her free arm to hug her knees, turned away from Lee, and went to sleep.

"Red Rose!" Lee squeaked as he shook his arm, she started to be moved around the air violently.

"Please Lee," Aceso cried as she woke back up. "Some of us work nights." Lee stopped shaking his arm and realized Aceso was in her doctor's uniform.

"I'm sure you still have some energy left," Lee said. She opened her eyes and glared at him. " I realize that our schedules don't always match up, but we should work with what we got. You need to work on taijutsu."

"I have a move," Aceso commented as she sat up.

"You do?" Lee asked his eyebrows.

"Leaf...Hug!" Aceso exclaimed, she pulled him down towards her and wrapped her arms and legs around him, rest her head on his shoulder, and went back to sleep. Lee turned bright red. He then stood up.

"I guess you are just trying to embrace your youth," Lee muttered, with his pulled back the covers. " I'd call it a Leaf Sleep." With great difficulty, he unwrapped her limbs and put her down on the bed. He then quickly left the room. Hours later Aceso was awake, and now fully charged, or so she thought. She was out on the training grounds with Lee.

"Today, I am going to teach you a move," Lee said as Aceso sat on the post. She nodded her head a bit. 

"Huh?" Aceso asked. "Nothing extreme."

"Just a few simple techniques," Lee assured with a thumbs up.

"You said a move," Aceso pointed out.

"More like two," Lee laughed. "Today I will show you Dynamic Entry and Leaf Hurricane."

"Don't you think Leaf Hurricane is a bit...intense?" Aceso asked. "You said it would be simple."

"It is simple," Lee frowned at her.

"For you," Aceso said.

"You won't get it done with that attitude," Lee noted. "Embrace the prime of your youth, with hard work and heart you will be able to succeed in perfecting those moves." Aceso's eyes widened and she let out a little gasp. She remembers telling Lee those exact same words about two years ago. He then pulled something out of his pack. He held out a heart made out of vines. " So you don't forget."

"I will cherish it forever," Aceso smiled as he put it in her hands. "Thank you."

"I won't go on easier on you," Lee warned.

"You never do in the first place," Aceso told him as she put the heart in her pack.

"Today is going to be even harder," Lee warned. "Are you up for it?"

"Yes," Aceso agreed as she looked him in the eyes.

"First, we will warm up with three hundred laps," Lee instructed.

" Three hundred!" Aceso exclaimed.

"And after that three hundred pushups," Lee added. He pulled her off the stump and they started to do their laps. As they ran, Lee started to naturally lap her. At some point, Aceso lost sight of Lee, she passed by the waterfall she did training yesterday at with Kakashi. She stopped running and skipped down over towards the water.

"Doctor Matsuba?" 

Aceso looked over to see Hinata standing at the edge, she was skipping rocks.

" Hinata, just call me Aceso," Aceso requested.

"Sorry," Hinata blushed. " What are you doing out here?"

"Oh, I'm training with Lee," Aceso said as she glanced back at the path, she saw a green blur pass by.

"Having a hard time keeping up?" Hinata asked.

"Yeah," Aceso admitted as she stood back up with a few rocks in her hands. "What are you doing out here?"

"Oh, I just finished some training with Neji," Hinata answered. " Thought I would come waste time."

"Oh, how's training with Neji?" Aceso asked.

" Really well," Hinata answered. "I can feel myself getting stronger every day."

" That's amazing!" Aceso gushed as she skipped a rock.

"How many laps are you supposed to be doing?" Hinata asked.

"300," Aceso grumbled.

"That's a bit...much," Hinata said.

"It's quite a lot," Aceso admitted. " I don't understand why it's in such long amounts." Hinata laughed. " What?"

" I'm sure he wants to help you get stronger, but the more the laps, the more time he gets to spend time with you," Hinata answered. "And I'm sure you like the amount of time you are spending with him as well. I wish I could spend time with Naruto that much." Her face grew red at the mention of Naruto.

"He likes to go eat ramen a lot," Aceso said. "I'm sure you'll be able to catch him at the Ichiraku's, or out here training, whenever he's not on a mission." 

"To run into him at ramen?" Hinata blushed. "Eating food a date." She turned even redder. Aceso opened her mouth, to get quickly cut off.

"There you are !" Lee exclaimed they looked back to see them running towards them. He skidded to a stop inches away. " Good to see you, Hinata." He then grabbed Aceso's hand. "Come on you still 100 laps left."

"Bye Hinata!" Aceso waved at her. A few days later, Aceso and Lee had just returned from doing more training. Aceso was exhausted, while Lee was still full of energy.

"You're getting closer, but you still have no power behind your kick," Lee said. " The spin is good, but the kick isn't."

"How do you get so much power behind your kick in it?" Aceso asked as she glanced at him. He went to go open his mouth.

"Little Sister!" Aceso looked back to see Naruto, Sakura, and Choji. "Bushy brow!"

"Oh hey!" Aceso greeted with a bright smile, as Naruto grabbed her arm and dragged her along, Lee followed. " Apparently Ichiraku's got a new item."

"It does?" Aceso asked.

"I think it's the one ramen we made to get Ayame back," Choji informed.

" Yeah, right," Sakura scoffed. " It's a special diet ramen, really popular with the girls."

"Diet ramen?" Lee repeated. They approached the shop to see a ton of girls in line, including Temari.

" Temari?" She looked over at the two. " What are you doing here in the village?"

"Heard a fuss over the new item," Temari answered. "Thought I'd give it a try."

"You came all the way to the leaf for some ramen?" Aceso asked as she tilted her head.

"Well, we were on a mission and we were passing by," Temari answered. "We leave in the morning."

"We?" Lee asked. 

"Who do you think I came here with?" Temari asked as she narrowed her eyebrows.

"Oh! Where are they?" Aceso exclaimed as her eyes lit up.

"They should be at the hospital," Temari answered. Aceso took off before anymore else could be said. She entered the hospital, and without hesitation, she scooped both Gaara and Kankuro into a hug.

"You're so sweaty," Kankuro commented.

"Sorry," Aceso apologized quickly as she pulled away. " I've been doing a lot of training lately."

"What for?" Gaara asked as they stepped off to the side. At that moment Aceso realized she never told the sand siblings about the mission Tsunade has for her.

"I thought you three would have been the first she told," the nurse from the front desk said.

"Told what?" Kankuro asked as they looked at Aceso.

"Lady Hokage has assigned her a two-year mission, and Aceso accepted it," the nurse said. Aceso started to get a bit nervous. "She's being sent away for two years to travel as a doctor, dropping all signs of being a ninja. She'll be strengthing ties we have with countries and gaining new ones all while healing people. So, she's been increasing her medical training, along with ninjutsu and taijutsu."

"You didn't care to mention this?" Gaara asked as he narrowed his eyes at her.

"It must have slipped," Aceso smiled nervously. " I thought I told you three, but I must have forgotten, my bad."

"Looks like we got to discuss," Kankuro murmured, he grabbed her hand and they took her up to the rooftop. " Start talking." He threw wet sheets at her. Then Aceso spent the time doing laundry and telling them about the mission, eventually, Temari joined. She was not too happy about the news as well.

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