Chapter 68
*Movie Section of Legend of Stone of Gelel
Aceso was sent on a mission with Shikamaru, Sakura, and Naruto. The four were sent to go look for a missing ferret, it was a beautiful day out. Sakura and Naruto stood behind one tree, as Aceso and Shikamaru stood behind one across from it. They were watching the red-eye Ferrett nibbling at the food they set out. The ferret avoided most of the traps they had set out.
" Oh, yeah," Naruto giggled. "We got him."
" Hey, this is important, be quiet," Sakura scolded. They watched the little guy stand up to get some food, he broke something and ran off in a panic. He ran all the way into a box they had set up with a stuffed animal on top.
"Nice," Aceso smiled.
" We did it!" Naruto cheered as Sakura giggled. They ran over to the box as Naruto laughed. Sakura lifted up the box and held out her hand, the ferret slowly came out before jumping onto Sakura's shoulder.
"Well now, you're friendly," Sakura smiled as she pets the animal. " Aren't you boy?"
" His hind legs got black fur on them," Shikamaru nodded. " Yep, it looks like we bagged our animal." Naruto chuckled and put his arms behind his head. " You, going to cage him?" He laughed more, bent over, patting his leg,
" I can't believe this fur ball for such a lame trap!" Naruto teased. The ferret hissed and growled angrily. " Huh? What is it?"
" Naruto, you shouldn't antagonize him," Aceso advised.
"What do you mean? What did I do?" Naruto asked. The ferret jumped on Naruto and started attacking him, he cried out.
" You knucklehead!" Shikamaru scolded as the ferret jumped off Naruto's head. He started to run away. " Don't let him get away!"
" If you lose him, I'll beat you senseless!" Sakura threatened. Naruto grabbed the little guy and then got caught in one of the traps, he was now hanging upside down from a branch. The animal hung onto Naruto's cheek by his teeth.
"You shouldn't have insulted him when you fell a trap as well," Aceso shook her head as she held out her hands.
" You idiot!" Sakura yelled as Shikamaru groaned. The ferret glanced down, he dropped into Aceso's hands, before going up to her shoulder.
" Cute little guy," Aceso smiled as scratched under his chin.
"Troublesome little guy," Shikamaru groaned. They got the ferret into its cage and they set off to return it.
" Man, I can't believe someone would pay us to find this little rabid little runt, he's like the meanest," Naruto complained.
" Quit your complaining, will ya?" Shikamaru said. " A mission's a mission. Besides, the hard parts over. Now we just have to deliver him to his owner."
" And he's not a cat, Naruto," Sakura pointed out. " Haven't you ever seen a ferret before?" She leaped forward and opened Naruto's pack. Inside was the ferret in its cage.
" He's totally adorable," Acesob smiled as the ferret looked up at the two girls.
" Whatever," Naruto grunted. Sakura closed the pack. " Let's just dump him and get back to the Leaf Village already."
" So if we cross this bridge," Shikamaru began as he pulled out a map.
" All right!" Naruto cheered before taking off.
" Naruto, slow down!" Shikamaru protested.
"Come on guys!" Naruto cheered as he began to cross the bridge. " Let's get this mission over with!" Some of the planks broke, and Naruto fell through, he grabbed onto the remaining parts of the bridge.
" What are you doing, you idiot!" Sakura demanded as she appeared above him. Aceso stood next to Shikamaru on the bridge as the two looked at the map." It says right over there, that this bridge is dangerous! And I don't care about you! What do we do if something happens to the ferret!"
" Oh man, Sakura, that's cold," Naruto whimpered.
" Shikamaru?" Aceso asked as she looked up at him. He was staring out in the open. " Something wrong?"
" Maybe," Shikamaru shrugged. " The village that hired us, is just beyond that field. I don't know, something feels kind of strange here?"
" Why? What do you mean?" Aceso asked as he looked forward.
" It's the middle of the day and there's not a single person in sight," Shikamaru explained.
" Now that you mention it," Sakura said.
"Well, what do you know," Naruto said. Sakura punched him on the head. They all then split up as they went through the forest.
Shikamaru looked at his teammates. " Ok, let's start running tactics, Aceso and I will take the woods to the west. You two head over to the opposite end. Alright."
" Roger," they all responded.
" I hope this doesn't turn out to be a drag," Shikamaru groaned. Aceso and Shikamaru soon stopped in a tree, Aceso was on a branch above him. She looked around and saw that there was no village in sight, but the place was completely torn up.
" Woah," Aceso gasped.
"What is it?" Shikamaru asked as he glanced around the tree. He stood straight up. " What the?"
"Guys," Aceso said as she touched the earpiece, suddenly Sakura started to scream.
" Hey! What's going on?" Shikamaru demanded. The two started to hear a fight going on.
" Naruto!" Aceso exclaimed.
" We got company over here," Sakura reported.
" On our way!" Shikamaru responded the two took off towards their comrades. They arrived just as Naruto was trying to go off against a small blonde guy, and a big metal guy. The big guy held Sakura up by her wrist. Shikamaru extended his shadow, he connected it to the big guy and had it swing at the smaller one.
" Shadow Possession Jutsu complete," Shikamaru said as Sakura joined them up in the tree. " Naruto, leave that one to me."
" Right!" Naruto nodded. " I don't care who you guys are, I'm taking you all out at once!" His chakra appeared all around him. " Multi-Shadow Clone," Multiple Narutos popped up. The blonde guy waved his sword, then set it out, it became longer and some green energy appeared. " Let's go!" All the Narutos all took off towards the guy. The guy waved his sword and the green stuff attacked Naruto's clones, taking them out easily. More clones were wiped out, and more smoke appeared. " Rasengan!"
" Rising Thunder!" the blonde shouted as he moved his sword. The forces of energy hit each other, holding each other back like repelling magnets. Moments later a huge explosion was let off between the two energies. Parts of the cliff broke off, falling below along with the two people fighting.
"Naruto!" Sakura cried out. They quickly went over to the cliff to see how far the drop was.
" This is bad," Shikamaru grunted.
" Naruto..."Aceso breathed. Another explosion happened and the ground started rumbling. They looked back to see if the sound was closer.
" Aceso," Shikamaru said as he grabbed her wrist. " Sakura this way." They jumped out of the way, hiding behind a rock. In the distance, they saw a weird boat thing bulldozing through the forest and rocks.
" What the heck is that?" Aceso asked as it stopped. They watched the dock till it got dark. They watched more of those metal things pop out, they carried items on and off the ship. "This area is crawling with those guys."
"Yeah," Shikamaru breathed.
"Who are they?" Sakura asked. "Got any ideas."
"Beats me," Shikamaru denied. He then glanced at the two. " Ok, Sakura, you keep looking around and see if you can find Naruto. If he turns up radio in."
"I'm on it," Sakura agreed. "What about you two?"
" Aceso is staying with me, I need to check something out," Shikamaru answered. As Sakura went to go look for Naruto, Shikamaru and Aceso snuck into the ship. They currently hid in the vents watching the soldiers pass. " Oh, come on...there's no end to them, insight"
"They're everywhere," Aceso added as they continue to crawl down the vents. They got out of the vents and into a giant room, they sneakily ran around, trying to not get caught. They were up at the highest point. They peaked in through a window. Down below there was a blue glowing light, inside there were multiple glass balls inside, with humans holding onto a blue glowing orb. "What are they trapped in?"
"Not sure, but it doesn't look like they're conscious," Shikamaru answered. They saw two females walk in, they were dressed similarly to how the blonde guy dressed. One girl kicked a lever and turned the wheel. One of the balls, opened up, draining out the liquid.
" I don't know how much longer I am going have to watch these brats, you know," one girl complained.
" Easy now," the other girl advised. " Watch your temper dear."
"Lay off will you," the other girl groaned as she put her hands behind her head. " Once the Stone of Gelel is in our possession. We will have no further use for them." She glanced up. " Just have a little bit of patience." The girl at the wheel pulled a lever.
" Well, we can sure use its power now," the girl said as four tubes started to fill up. Once a tube filled completely up with the liquid, it disappeared out of sight, down the shoot. Shikamaru and Aceso looked forward and down below a weird ball thing shot out. It started to move, soon turning into one of the metal soldiers. Both of them gasped, they then quickly disappeared out of sight before the two girls down below could find them.
" We need to go report this to Sakura," Shikamaru whispered to her as they hid in the vents again.
" I agree," Aceso nodded. "Hopefully she found Naruto." They crawled their way through the vents, having to wait till it was clear. But there seemed to be no end, is now the next morning.
"Come on, I think I saw another way out," Shikamaru huffed.
" Master Haido," they heard a voice say over the pa. "We have a problem. The fleet that we sent to the Land of Wind was annihilated."
" Land of Wind," Aceso gasped quietly, she and Shikamaru glanced at each other. The two managed to get out of the ship. They caught up with a girl, she had red eyes, she held an old man up by his throat. Everyone around them had been destroyed or knocked down. This must have been the caravan. Shikamaru used shadow possession jutsu on the girl and made her drop the old man. Aceso inched her ropes toward the girl.
"What?" the girl demanded as she turned back to look at them.
" Shadow Possession complete," Shikamaru smirked. The old man was on all four, he was coughing.
" Take it easy now, are you alright?" Sakura suggested as she ran over to him. Shikamaru released his Jutsu and Aceso quickly used the ropes to bind the girl up, she fell over.
" We saw your signal flare," Aceso informed as Sakura help up the man. She thought of letting Sakura do most of the healing if needed, this mission. Tsunade wanted her to observe and then report back to her on Sakura's medical training progress. " Pretty flashy."
" Who are you?" The girl demanded.
" By the way, don't bother calling for your goon squad," Shikamaru advised. " I don't think they can make it. Useless bunch of lugs, aren't they?" She started to growl angrily, the ropes snapped as her irises grew bigger, ears and teeth got pointier, and she was sounding like a dog.
" What the?" Aceso breathed as they witnessed the girl's transformation. She fully transformed into a wolf-like creature, letting out a sonic howl. The land Shikamaru and Aceso stood on, broke apart. Pieces flew everywhere, Shikamaru landed behind a boulder, and Aceso landed behind a boulder, not too far from him. The wolf then took off.
"What was that?" Sakura asked. " A wolf?" Shikamaru and Aceso went over to Sakura and the old man, he was still coughing. "Catch your breath." She leaned him against the rock.
"Thank you," He breathed.
" Hey, Grandpa," Shikamaru greeted. " What is the Stone of Gelel?"
" Gelel?" Sakura repeated.
"Look, I know it's got nothing to do with us," Shikamaru admitted. " I'm just a little curious, is all. They were talking about it, back in their stronghold."
"So you think they need it to achieve their goals somehow?" Sakura asked as she looked back at the man.
" The stone could very well be their goal," Aceso said.
" Well anyway, it's no skin off our backs if you don't wanna tell us," Shikamaru shrugged. " We've got a friend around here to look for. Come on Sakura."
" Yeah, but," Sakura began uneasily. She glanced at the old man, before getting up and following the other two.
" Just a moment," the old man spoke up. " Is this friend you speak of, Naruto?"
" You mean, you've seen my brother; Naruto?" Aceso asked as they looked back at him.
" Please help me," the old man pleaded. " I have no one else to turn to if we don't hurry. Something terrible is going to happen."
"What are you talking about?" Sakura asked. Shikamaru bowed his head sighing. They waited around the destruction of the caravan till the blonde guy showed up. As he looked around for survivors, Shikamaru extended his shadow, he became successful.
"What the!" the blonde guy cried out.
" We've been waiting for you," Shikamaru revealed as he stood behind the blonde guy. " What's up?" They took the blonde guy down to a cave, where survivors and Naruto were waiting.
" You idiot!" Naruto growled. " Do you realize what you've done to those people?"
" I have nothing further to say to you," Temujin said.
" Oh, yeah!?" Naruto growled.
" Hold on now, Naruto!" Kahiko spoke up. "You let me talk to him for a bit."
" It never occurred to me that you'd know anything about the stones," Temujin admitted.
" Nevermind that," Kahiko denied. " Why are you after them?
"They're essential to our cause," Temujin answered.
" You don't know the horror, those stones carry with them," Kahiko said. " They must never be returned to this world. Do you understand me?"
"Save your lecture for someone else," Temujin smirked as a light appeared on his chest. They saw a projection of a stone.
" It's just as I thought," Kahiko sighed.
" What is that light?" Sakura asked.
" This is a crystal of Gelel, the source of all light energy," Kahiko answered.
" I know more about the stones than anybody," Temujin said.
" That explains your power of recovery," Kahiko gathered. " How exactly did you come by it?"
" It was given to me, by my master Haido," Temujin answered.
" I see," the old man breathed. " And is that the only stone, you have in your possession?" Temujin looked at him. " That's peculiar. If you're a descendant of our ancestors who traveled, why wouldn't you know that? I wonder, was the Book of Gelel lost then?"
" What in the world are you talking about?" Temujin demanded.
"In the days of old, it was only the royal family that led our clan," Kahiko explained. " Who was able to fuse the stone of Gelel with the flesh of the body. Naruto, I spoke of this the other day. How some of our people took to the sea after our country was lost.
" Now that you mention it," Naruto began to recall.
" According to Legend, it was the royal family itself that left, taking the book of Gelel and the last of the remaining stone across the waves. Temujin, isn't it?" Kahiko asked. " You haven't come to a new land boy, you're returning home. You and I are the same people, both descended of a single clan. We knew little of the stone's origin. But it seems in very early times, a mysterious vein of minerals were discovered. Our ancestors were able to refine it, in a crystallized form and they named the mineral Gelel. A vast empire was built on this continent with the precious stone as its foundation. Wells never ran dry, livestock multiplied overnight, and trees continually boring food. It evens says it stopped all life from aging."
" The first I've ever heard it," Shikamaru grumbled.
" This was a very long time ago," Kahiko said. " But as often the case, great power brought with it, unimaginable catastrophe. People fought and quarreled shamelessly over the stones and in the end, their power was used to wave a massive war. Mountains earth ripped to sunder. But eventually, the battle obliterated the empire altogether."
"How awful," Aceso breathed.
" Only a handful of the young survived," Kahiko said. " Our ancestors sealed away the mineral deep underground and vowed to never revive the stone again."
" If it was really that dangerous, why didn't they try to get rid of it for good?" Sakura asked.
" Because those stones can only be destroyed by those of royal blood," Kahiko answered as he looked at the ground. " But with the royal family lost to us forever. We can only watch over them, guarding their secret with every generation. The legends have slowly faded away. One day the story of our pass will just die out altogether."
"Die out?" Temujin laughed. " Fadeaway? Hearing all that, my resolve is stronger than before. Nothing will stop me from getting those stones now.
" Why you," Naruto growled. " Weren't you even listening?"
"Power is power," Temujin declared. "Nothing more. The only thing that matters is who's wielding it."
" The stone is too dangerous to the world of men," Kahiko argued. " It must never be awoken from its slumber."
"Whatever power it may hold...Master Haido will use it justly," Temujin declared. " War breeds only suffering and without someone guiding us from above. There can be no end to the bloodshed. This is what my master teaches. The truth of his words is edged into my heart. In the fog of war, my village fell prey to biggins. Those of that survived were orphaned...but master Haido took us in. I want to grant him his wish to free this world of war. My comrades and I feel the same. No sacrifice is too great that is my only dream. And I need the Stone of Gelel to bring it about." He broke free of his bondage, and jumped back, took out a sword, putting it at Kahiko's neck.
" He was faking us out from the beginning," Shikamaru grunted as the ninja got in a ready stance.
" No way," Aceso grunted.
" Alright, you're going to tell me where the mines of Gelel is hidden," Temujin demanded from Kahiko.
" I will not," Kahiko refused.
" You leave me no choice," Temujin said. He knocked his sword in the back of Kahiko's neck knocking him out, then threw down an item. The whole area was so bright, it blinded them.
" That dirty bastard," Naruto growled as the door closed, and the light faded. " Come we have to go after him!"
" Emina..." Aceso began gently. " Do you think you could tell us where the mines of Gelel are located?"
" I would if I could," Emina responded sadly. " But only my grandfather knows."
" We sure could use a ninja hound right," Shikamaru said. They looked over to Neurgui scratching at the entrance.
" Hey, you think?" Naruto asked. The Leaf looked among each other, nodded, then went to go move the boulder. The ferret immediately ran as soon as the boulder was moved, and they all followed. They followed the ferret through the mountains, then down below to an old abandoned building.
"Does he even know where's he's going?" Naruto asked as they ran through the abandoned place.
" Doesn't matter," Shikamaru said. " He's the only shot we have."
" Hey, an exit!" Naruto cheered. Naruto stopped suddenly, everyone crushed into him, and they went over the edge. Aceso held on to the ledge, as Shikamaru held on to her waist, Sakura held on to his waist, and Naruto held on to her waist.
" Naruto, do something!" Shikamaru ordered. He looked down below. Naruto let go of Sakura, grabbed the edge, and hoisted himself up. He heard the ferret. " There he is." He then helped everyone else up and followed the small animal. Neugui led them to three circle areas, where Kahiko and Temujin stood below. " Hey! You let gramps go!" He jumped down.
"Stay out of this," Temujin demanded. The walls started rumbling, pieces fell all around them. The wall broke, and something came right through, drilling.
"What is that?" Aceso asked. The bottom started lower, revealing the metal soldiers, Master Haido, Fugai, and Kamira.
" Master Haido," Temujin kneeled. "The mines of Gelel lie below."
" Thank you, son, I'm in your debt," Haido smiled. " Cause of all your sacrifice. Our utopia is finally near at hand."
"Yes, my lord," Temujin said.
" Very well, then everyone," Haido smirked. " Let's get going." He turned to leave.
"Hold on a sec," Shikamaru held the people in his Jutsu. " Sorry, I hate to be rude and all. But I had a couple of questions."
" Master Haido," Kamira breathed.
"Easy Kamira," Haido assured. " I'm fine. A bit unsettling though, good manners are such a rarity. He's not a friend of yours, now is he, Naruto?" He looked down at him. " I'm a little puzzled my boy. We made a promise to one another. Did we not? We swore that we would do our best to make this world a better place."
"Whatever pal," Naruto grunted. " Your the only one who should be explaining himself here."
"What do you plan to do once you get the stone?" Shikamaru asked. "What's your endgame?"
"What will I do?" Haido countered. " Why I'm going to create a Utopia. A world without war, where the weal will be free from the weight of oppression."
" It's funny though, you know," Shikamaru said. " Cause it looks like your doing the exact opposite of that."
"All that I do is in the name of true justice," Haido said.
"And why attack an innocent caravan?" Aceso asked.
"Is that justice?" Sakura demanded.
" It couldn't be avoided," Haido answered. "My children and I have made great sacrifices you see. Noble sacrifices necessarily to finally create a world free of war."
" Hey, old man," Naruto called. " People gave their lives for your dream. Do you even care? But in your book, they were just a means to an end. Is that all your fallen comrades are to you now?
" This is what it means to accomplish something," Haido said.
" So you don't mind that these noble sacrifices are your friends?" Naruto grew angry.
" That's right," Temujin said. " I've accepted it. As the rest of my brethren have done."
"It can't be helped," Haido said. " We share a common vision. Each of us dreams of a world where peace is finally possible.
"Then they aren't really your friends," Naruto said.
" And why's that?" Haido asked.
" I don't know how to put it exactly," Naruto admitted. " But a friend...a friend is someone who matters. They should be the most precious in the whole world to you!" Temujin glanced back at Naruto. " For the longest time, I was alone, but I made friends and that loneliness went away. That's why I dream of becoming Hokage, so I can protect all the people that are important to me. This Utopia you talk about." Naruto began as he pointed at Haido. " Who's is even more. Dreams who don't even include your friends are nothing, but garbage. That's why I'm putting an end to all this!" Suddenly the room started to shake and one of the circles moved up.
" Old man, what do you think you're doing?" Temujin demanded.
" It's time this thing was eliminated from the world once and for all," Kahiko declared. " Even if it means all our doom." Suddenly the circle with the two dropped downhole.
" Oh no! Gramps!" Naruto cried out. He ran over to see the whole being covered up.
" Eliminate the stone?" Haido asked. " That cannot be possible." He took out a book and flipped through the pages. He then threw the book down angrily. " He must know something." He jumped down all the way to Naruto. He smacked Naruto all the way into a wall as he passed to look over the edge.
"Naruto!" Aceso gasped. The man punched the ground making it break.
" Hurry!" Haido ordered. " I'll catch up to you."
" Mater Haido, return to the stronghold," Fugai urged.
"We'll never make it in time," Haido countered. " Bring the stronghold with you." Wing-like features appeared on his back and he jumped down with three of the metal soldiers, Aceso jumped down and went over to Naruto.
"Hey!" Shikamaru protested, he looked up to see Kamira, and then Sakura went after Fugai.
" Come on, Naruto!" Aceso urged as he pulled him out of the rubble.
"Right!" Naruto agreed as he took off down the hole. " Here I come!" Sakura and Aceso teamed up to fight against Fugai. She was laughing.
" Stupid little girls!" Fugai laughed. "Your meddling will get you killed!" They went down a corridor. Fugai appeared on the other side.
" Duck!" Aceso yelled she dropped and slid, while Sakura didn't process it fast enough, Fugai landed a few hits on Sakura with ease. They rounded a corner, and Aceso ran after them.
" How did you like that?" Sakura asked after throwing some paper bombs.
"Surprise!" Fugai cried as she appeared out of the smoke, Sakura screamed.
"Not so fast!" Aceso denied as did her Jutsu, the rope wrapped around the wolf girl's leg, Aceso yanked her towards, she landed a kick, dropped the rope, and sent Fugai flying into the wall.
" I blinded her earlier!" Sakura exclaimed as s the wolf girl got up. " How could she still be chasing me!" Aceso caught up with Sakura and the two continued to try to outmaneuver the enemy.
" I can smell your blood!" the wolf cried laughing as she followed them. " That's all I need!" She sent a shock wave of a howl at them. The girls stopped down below, they looked to see large chimes beside them. They looked a each other and nodded. They went up and hide, waiting for their prey. "No use hiding. Where can you be?" Her voice echoed as she looked up from the blood mark. Sakura was between all the chimes, but she didn't see Aceso who hid off to the side. " Nice knowing ya!" She let out a howl, Aceso used her ropes, wrapped it around Sakura, and pulled her out of the chimes. Fugai began groaning as the sound echoed off her eardrums. " Damn! You!" The chimes broke, crumbling onto the person below. Aceso stabled herself between two sold rock parts on the wall while holding on to Sakura, who dangled a bit below. They watched as the whole thing collapsed. Neither would admit it, but they made a pretty good team.
After they defeated Fugia and Kamari, they took people out of the weird ship and brought them to a safe spot. Aceso and Sakura tended to them. She was quite surprised to see Kankuro and Gaara.
"How are they?" Shikamaru asked as he brought up two more.
" They're still breathing thankfully," Aceso reported. " But they're not regaining consciousness."
" I see," Shikamaru said as he set the two down. There was a huge explosion.
"What's going on?" Sakura demanded as the ground shook.
" I don't know," Shikamaru answered. " But whatever it is, it sure doesn't sound good." They continued to evacuate the people. Kankuro came up with two more. " How many are left?"
" Not a lot," Kankuro denied. "Just two or three of them."
" Alright then," Shikamaru said. Moments later they watched the building the ship sink.
" No way," Sakura gasped as she looked over the edge. There was a weird sea of black gas. There had been no sign of Naruto and Aceso was extremely worried.
" Where's Naruto?" Aceso asked as glanced at Shikamaru. " He's still not in there is he?" He didn't respond, Aceso ran over and jumped down.
"Aceso, wait!" Shikamaru called out as he followed her. " Darn it!" The gas disappeared, along with a green light, leaving a huge crater in the center.
" Big brother Naruto!" Aceso called out as a yellow orb appeared down below. " Where are you!" She looked down at the crater as Shikamaru appeared beside her.
"Naruto!" Shikamaru called. Suddenly a giant green light shot up past, blinding them. It shot up high into the sky. It quickly faded, shortly followed by the ground rumbling.
" What is this?" Aceso demanded as the ground rose and a tree appeared. All around them the rocks shifted along with the forest filling up all around.
" What the heck is going on around?" Shikamaru demanded as they backed over the edge.
" It was even more powerful than the legends tell!" Kahiko's voice echoed.
" Is that Gramps?" Shikamaru asked. They looked over to see two big square rocks being pushed over, revealing the old man.
" Are you okay?" Aceso asked as they walked over to him.
" I was tossed like a ragdoll and practically crushed," Kahiko answered. " I was sure that my time had come."
" So, Gramps, what happened?" Shikamaru asked.
" The wastelands have given birth to new life," He answered. " This happened because a fraction of the power of the stone was able to escape when it was destroyed." He held up his biceps. " That's why I'm as fit as a fiddle again." A ferret squeaked. " Oh, there's my Nerugui!" The ferret jumped on the man happily.
All the trouble came to an end, Naruto was going to be alright, they now stood at the shore. Temujin and his people were all packing up the ship.
" Temujin's part of your clam, he should've stayed here," Sakura said.
" He's heading towards warring lands," Shikamaru said.
" Well, what can you do," Kahiko sighed as he sat on an ostrich. " That's the path he's chosen. Besides our destinies split a long time ago. His soul isn't tied to this land, it's tied elsewhere."
" It's gonna be tough," Sakura said.
" At least he won't be alone," Kahiko noted. " He said for sure this time. He wants to create a world free of war, with the help of his friends." He sighed.
" Something wrong?" Aceso asked.
" So much for loyalty," Kahiko groaned as he pointed. They saw Nerugui climb up Temujin. " I've been dumped." The foghorn blew and the people sailed away. They all happily waved goodbye to each other.
" Oh yeah, where's Naruto?" Shikamaru asked as he looked around.
" Well, I've been looking for him, but he's nowhere around," Sakura answered.
" He said he wanted to get a better view," Aceso answered.
" A better view, what does he mean by that?" Sakura asked. Aceso pointed in the direction where Naruto stood. He was at the very top of a bunch of boulders, staring down at the boat sailing away.
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