Chapter 66

The past couple of days had seemed to be calm, with no intruders, or any other chaos that's brought into the village. Aceso was now going down to the surgery room when Naruto appeared beside her.

"Can you train with me?" Naruto pleaded. " I have no one to train with, believe it!"

" As much as I would love to, I have to decline," Aceso said. " I had just started my shift."

" Come on little sister!" Naruto pleaded as he jumped in front of her. Naruto held out his arms so she couldn't pass. " Don't you need to touch upon your training before you go?"

"Working is touching upon my medical training in a way," Aceso pointed out.

"But I am just so bored," Naruto pleaded as tears streamed out of his eyes.

" I will after my shift ends or during my break," Aceso gave in. She then kissed his cheek and slipped past him. " Till then I am needed here." Naruto was completely shocked, but he appreciated the loving nature of his sister. It was a nice change. After a few hours, Aceso went over to the Hokage building to drop off a few papers.

"Have you seen Naruto?" Aceso asked.

"Not today," Tsunade smiled in relief.

"He wanted to train with me, and my breaks coming up soon, so I thought I would train with him in between," Aceso said.

"I'm sure he's around here somewhere," Tsunade said. Suddenly the door opened and Naruto charged into the room with anger.

" I've seen some dirty tricks in my time, but this takes the cake!" Naruto raged. He slammed his fists on the table.

" Listen you, the least you could do is knock before you come barging in here," Tsunade scolded.

" Yeah, yeah, never mind that," Naruto brushed off. " What do you mean by taking every cent the poor guy has and then refusing to do his mission for him?" 

" What are you talking about Naruto?" Aceso asked.

" This guy Chishima from the Land of Birds used up every bit of his money for a mission. He has no money for food and Grandma Tsunade won't accept it," Naruto explained on a rampage. He looked at the Hokage. " You oughta be ashamed of yourself, Grandma Tsunade. You're a big, fat cheat!"

" You want to try that again?" Tsunade asked as she gave him a deadly look. She then started to hit him as she explained everything.

" Ow!" Naruto yelped. "Nevermind! Sorry!"

" Idiot," Lady Tsunade scolded after she finished. Naruto had a blue circle around his eye. " Who said I refused his mission?"

" I see, so you weren't cheating him," Naruto realized. " You were waiting for Neji to get back from the mission he's on.

" That's right, you little jerk," Tsunade confirmed. He giggled. " So, Neji is finishing a mission with Lee. Meanwhile, find Tenten and get ready. You'll be going out with Neji as squad leader. Got it?"

" Yeah," Naruto smiled unhappily.

" By the way, did your friend tell you the details of the mission?" Shizune asked.

" Well, no, not exactly," Naruto answered. They looked at the Hokage.

" Their land's being haunted," Tsunade answered.

" I--what?" Naruto asked nervously.

" They call it the cursed warrior," Tsunade informed. " A ghost wearing white armor that appears in the dead of night. Or so they say." Quickly after the explanation, they found Naruto shaking under the Hokage's desk.

" It's nothing, I just thought you said something about a ghost, that's all," Naruto said in a shaky voice.

" She did," Aceso confirmed. " Are you scared of ghosts, Naruto?"

" Course not," Naruto denied as he shot to his feet. " What kind of ninja would I be if I was scared by stuff like that?" His knees were clicking together in fear. 

"Everyone's scared of something," Aceso said. " I think your fear is ghosts."

" Is not!" Naruto denied it as his legs shook more. " But come to think of it, will ninjutsu even work against a ghost?"

" Good question," Tsunade agreed.

" Taijutsu definitely wouldn't work," Aceso stated.

" Looks like you'll be the first to find out, Naruto," Shizune said. His body began to shake with fear.

"C-Come on, little sister, we need to find Tenten," Naruto said as he turned towards the door shakily.

" She won't be going on this mission," Lady Tsunade denied. " She will remain right here in the village, she's needed at the hospital." Naruto started to shake even more.

"Good luck," Aceso dismissed him with a smile and a wave.

"Oh, please, Grandma Tsunade!" Naruto pleaded. "This will be a good chance to find another safe village! Not only will be helping out a friend! Little sister can have safer travel in the future!"

"He does make a good point, my lady," Shizune began.

"He makes a good point, but I am needed here more than out there," Aceso said. "I'm sure your mission will go completely well, especially since Neji is the captain."

"But-" Naruto began.

"I would if I could," Aceso admitted. " But I'm still in the middle of work and I don't get off till later tonight. I can't just leave work like this."

" She makes a good point as well," Tsunade backed up the young doctor. 

"Though they do say salt keeps ghosts away," Aceso informed.

"Who did you hear that from?" Naruto asked in disbelief.

"Gai-sensei of course," Aceso answered.

" Though that won't come in need since it's the ghost you're trying to find," Shizune said.

"You have a good point," Aceso agreed.

"Stop making this worse!" Naruto squeaked with wide eyes. He then went to go find Tenten and Aceso went back to the hospital. A few hours passed, and work was going slow and steady. Aceso rounded the corner to just be slammed into the ground.

"Ow," Aceso breathed as she held her head.

"I am so sorry!" a voice cried, there was a thump. Aceso looked to see Lee on his knees in front of her. " My mission went on without a hitch! And I thought if we got faster, me and you could do some training! And I just-"

"It's alright, Lee," Aceso giggled as she got to her knees. He looked up at her with tears still in his eyes. Aceso put her hand on the side of his face, his face started to go red. "Honestly, it just caught me off guard a little, but it's alright."She removed her hand. 

"Are you sure, Red Rose?" Lee asked as he held out his hand. 

"Positive," Aceso smiled as she grabbed his hand. 

"Ready to get to training?" Lee asked as he got up, then pulled Aceso to her feet.

"I'm booked today," Aceso denied. "I don't get off till seven."

"Then I shall wait for you till then," Lee said.

"Sorry to interrupt," Kakashi said as he appeared behind Aceso. "But your work shift had just gotten shortened."

"Huh?" Aceso asked. " So training early?"

"No," Kakashi denied. " You're coming with me to the Land of Birds, Lee you carry on with your training."

"Sir!" Lee replied as he saluted before heading off.  

"Isn't that where Naruto is heading?" Aceso asked. " Why are we going there?"

"The Land of Birds is quite far away," Kakashi answered. "And besides, a haunted land has caught my attention."

"And Lady Hokage agreed to this?" Aceso asked.

"Yes," Kakashi answered. " Meet me at the gates in ten minutes."

" Yes, sir," Aceso nodded. She went up to her room, switched out of her work clothes, and quickly headed over to the gates where Kakashi waited for her.

" 10 seconds late," Kakashi informed.

"Sorry," Aceso apologized. " No, time to waste, let's get going." They started off towards the Land of Birds.

" Let's not get too close to others," Kakashi advised. " Don't let them know we're here till I say so." Aceso nodded.

"By the way, who's taking over the rest of my shift?" Aceso asked as she glanced at him.

"Shizune was more than happy to cover for today," Kakashi answered. " She also said she can get a few others to take over your shifts while we're gone."

"I don't mind helping out when it comes to missions, but I can't always be pulled away from the hospital," Aceso informed.

"I believe it will help the hospital adjust to your future absence," Kakashi said. " Besides, it will be good for you to know the land during your travels."

"You do make a good point," Aceso agreed. A day later they had finally reached the Land of Birds, they looked down at the village from above. They stayed in that spot for two nights, on the third day.

"Time to let them know we're here," Kakashi informed. They then made their way closer to the village.

"There's someone else," Aceso whispered as they stopped down the road, she looked to the side. The person in the forest was close.

"Be on your guard," Kakashi advised as he pulled out a knife.

"I'll go check it out, you continue on," Aceso said as she pulled out a knife. She then stopped off to the side and ventured into the forest. Quickly afterward, she came across a boy with glasses, he was bleeding badly from his shoulder. "Are you alright?" She dropped her knife and rushed over to the boy, he was dripping wet. He looked up at her. Aceso took out some tissues and put pressure on the major wound on his shoulder.

"I need to speak to Lord Sagi," the boy said urgently. He started to fall forward and Aceso caught him.

"From the sounds and looks of it, you must be Chishima," Aceso noted. "I can take you to Lord Sagi, but I need to tend to your wounds."

"Hurry," Chishima insisted. He directed her in the direction of the Feudal Lord's palace. "There's a tunnel that goes underground, I can get you in the palace without being discovered."

"Are you sure, in your condition?" Aceso asked.

"Please," Chishima requested. He led her down the tunnels, to the dungeons, where they came across a guy in armor and Naruto. " Lord Sagi?"

"Chishima!" Sagi gasped when he saw them.

"Little sister!" Naruto gasped as he ran over. " What happened?"

"I'm not sure, but these are shuriken wounds," Aceso answered.

"I'll summon a doctor at once," Sagi urged.

"No, need, my sister's a doctor," Naruto denied. " She can take care of him.

"He has something to tell you, Lord Sagi," Aceso informed as Chishima grabbed his hand,

"You must listen," Chishima urged. " Your enemy--the one who betrayed you--is Lord Moso!?"

"You're sure?" Sagi asked in surprise.

"Yes," Chishima confirmed. " Moso's the one who murdered Lord Owashi, your father, and your sister, Lady Toki." He gasped and help up a shuriken. " He had his assassins use this shuriken of the palace guard to commit the crime. In order to implicate Lord Kome. I suspect that Lord Kome had somehow discovered Moso's plan." He let out a cry of pain. 

"Chishima!" Sagi cried out. Aceso focused her chakra, till her hand glowed green, she dropped the tissue and put her hand on his wound.

"Lord Sagi, you must hurry," Chishima urged. " You've got to call off Lord Kome's execution."

" He's right, there's no time to lose," Naruto agreed.

"No," Sagi denied. " That is something I cannot do."

" What do you mean, you can't?" Naruto demanded.

" It would mean revealing to Lord Moso that I know about his truth about him," Sagi answered. " I wouldn't get my revenge."

" You're saying you'd sacrifice an innocent guy for the sake of your stupid revenge?" Aceso asked in disbelief.

" I have no choice," Sagi stated. " Besides, Lord Kome is guarded by an army of soldiers. We could never save him by anything mess than starting a civil war."

"Not if I go alone," Naruto said as he pointed to himself. " I could save Lord Kome by myself. So, do you have any problem with that?"

"Put your trust in Naruto," Aceso advised. " While is saving Lord Kome, I can take care of Chishima." The man looked between the two.

"Do as you please," Sagi allowed. Naruto went to go rescue Lord Kome as Aceso healed Chishima.

"Quite young for being a doctor?" Sagi stated as he walked in after twenty minutes.

" I get that a lot," Aceso admitted.

"I've heard that there was a young doctor at the Leaf Village, I just didn't realize how young," Sagi said. "I would have not Chishima in your hands just by the looks, you seem like 10."

"I became a doctor at 10," Aceso informed. " Chishima is in good hands."

"You have earned the reputation I've heard about," Sagi said.

"Oh, thank you," Aceso blushed a little as she hooked Chishima up to a breathing machine. "But it's really nothing." 

"How is he?" Sagi asked as he stared at the injured boy.

"He is recovering, he will live" Aceso answered as she finished up. " Thank you for letting me use your medical supplies I'm sorry for busting in on your palace like this."

"Thank you for your help," Sagi said. "But as soon as your friends return, you must all leave."

"But-" Aceso began.

"It's for the best," Sagi said before heading out.

"One more thing," Aceso said, the young Lord stopped and looked at her. " Is this place really haunted?"

"No," Lord Sagi answered. " I am the one who's behind that, I wanted to find out who was behind the assassinations." He then headed out.


Up by the doors of the palace, Naruto walked in with Kome, Tenten, and Neji.

" Sagi, we've got company," Naruto revealed. " Bur first, what's the news on our friend Chishima?" The others gasped.

"Recovering well," Sagi answered. " His life is not in danger. He's sleeping now. Being looked after by your sister, in special quarters in the palace."

"Well, that's good news," Naruto smiled. 

"When did Aceso get here and did something happen to Chishima?" Tenten asked.

" Who was it? Who did this to him?" Neji demanded.

"Kome, forgive me for our misunderstanding," Sagi apologized.

" My lord, I'm the one who seeks forgiveness," Kome apologized as he dropped to his knees.

" Chishima, it was he who risked his life to make me see the truth," Sagi explained. 

" I was there," Naruto confirmed as the others gasped. He then explained everything. " You guys know the rest of it. I put on that ghost costume and snatched Lord Kome."

" I played the part of the Cursed Warrior in hopes of discovering who was behind the assassinations," Lord Sagi explained. "But I achieved exactly the opposite. Instead of finding the real traitor, understand, I was used by Moso as a tool to implicate you."

" For my part, I was sure the apparition I met in my room was you, so I went to the abandoned temple where witnesses had seen it coming and going," Lord Kome explained. " At the temple, I encountered the Cursed Warrior again."

" Yes, but that Cursed Warrior was not me," Sagi informed. " It was most likely something of Moso's devising."

" Exactly," Naruto growled. " Probably one of his henchmen. It was all part of the old man's trap."

"Moso," Lord Kome breathed. " It's clear that his fiendish plan was first to dispose of me, and then gain control of the Land of Birds by disposing of Lord Sagi."

"All the time playing the good guy," Naruto growled. " I can't wait to get my hands on him!"

" No, Naruto," Sagi denied. " You've done well." He stood up. " However, from this point on, I act alone." They all gasped.

" But-what do you mean?" Naruto asked.

" Understand," Sagi requested. " I must settle this myself." He then pulled out a watch. " Until I've done this, my heart is as broken as this watch. We are both stuck forever in the past."

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