Chapter 65
The past couple of days has been filled with work and training. Aceso was just starting to get the hang of the sealing Jutsu. He was now explaining chakra nature to her. They were on the training field, she sat on a post as he explained it to her.
" Are you paying attention?" Kakashi asked as he stood in front of her.
" Yes," Aceso answered as she stared at him.
" There are five basic types of or natures of chakra," Kakashi began as he held up his hand. " Fire, wind, water, lightning, and earth-"
"Which is also the name of all five great nations," Aceso recalled.
" Correct," Kakashi nodded. " Can I continue?"
" Sorry," She apologized,
" They are the foundation of all ninjutsu and the foundation for everything we learn as shinobi. Most of everyone's chakra falls under these five natures. For example, members of the Uchiha clan have fiery natures, which is why they excel at Fire Style Jutsu. Wind nature leads to Wind Style Jutsu and lightning to Lightning Style, like the Chidori, which is, of course, a lightning style Jutsu."
" Sasuke is an Uchiha, which means he most likely has a fire nature due to his fireball jutsu, but he can also use the Chidori like you, which means he has lightning as he has two?" Aceso gathered.
" That's right," Kakashi sighed as he reached into his pocket. " You never did like letting me finish when I try to explain things."
" Sorry," Aceso apologized once again.
" Today we will figure out which nature you're predisposed to," Kakashi said as he pulled out five small pieces of paper. " We will find out, using these slips of paper."
" That simple?" Aceso asked as she tilted her head. He held up a piece of paper, it wrinkled up. " Woah."
"If you have a lightning nature like me, the paper will wrinkle. If you have wind nature, it tears. A fire nature will make it burn. A water nature, the paper becomes wet. An earth nature and it crumbles away." He held out the papers in front of her. " These are litmus papers that react to chakra. They come from a special kind of tree that grows by absorbing chakra. Just let your chakra flow into this paper and we'll find out what nature you possess." She picked up one and closed her eyes. She focused on the paper. "I'd remove your hand before it gets burned." She opened her eyes to see the paper on fire.
" A fire nature?" Aceso asked as she tilted her head, she then blew out the fire. " I'd think a medical ninja chakra nature would be more water or earth."
"But not yours," Kakashi pointed out. "Your chakra nature is fire. That chakra nature is more offensive when in battle."
"Now I'm going to teach you the fireball Jutsu, like the one that Sasuke uses," Kakashi said as he began to walk away.
" And the rest of the Uchiha's...well the last two," Aceso brought up as followed.
" Correct," Kakashi said. " It is said an Uchiha isn't an adult till they can master the Jutsu, and make it look like the crescent." He looked back at her. " If you weren't so focused on the hospital, we probably would have found out your nature a lot earlier."
" I'm not sorry about that," Aceso said. " The people of this village are as important as any Jutsu."
" You think so?" Kakashi asked as she caught up to him.
"Well, it's like with about everything the police," Aceso said. " The police, samurai, ninjas...along those lines...they aren't really needed if they don't have people to protect...and the people wouldn't have protection if it wasn't for those others."
" So you are saying we all need each other just to exist?" Kakashi asked.
" It's like that in even the simplest places," Aceso said. "What water without fish and what's a fish without water? Everything is kind of hand-in-hand I guess."
" That's quite a wise way of thinking," Kakashi said. " Got some sort of old soul inside of you? How would Gai sensei feel about that?"
" You can be wise at any age," Aceso laughed. " Though it is said wisdom comes with age and experience."
"Well you are only 13, so what's your experience?" Kakashi asked.
" Very little," Aceso admitted. " Though I do work in a hospital, and what's a doctor without patients? And are patients without a doctor or a nurse, or medical ninja in general?" Kakashi smiled at her. He then led her to an open lake.
"Back to our lesson," Kakashi said.
" Oh right," Aceso recalled.
" Learning your nature is easy, the hard part is learning how to control and use it properly," Kakashi informed.
"I'm ready," Aceso insisted.
"This going to take a few tries, so don't get frustrated if you don't get it right away," Kakashi warned. " Watch carefully." He put out his hands. " Snake, Ram, Monkey, Boar, Horse, Tiger. Fireball Jutsu!" He turned to the water and a big ball of fire shot out. Aceso's eyes were wide. " Now you try." She faced the water. She began to do the hand signals.
" Snake, Ram, Monkey, Boar, Horse, Tiger," Aceso said as she did the hand signs. " Fireball Jutsu!" She opened pursued her lips and opened and shot out a small ball of fire.
" For someone that was a big ball of fire when they were younger, that was certainly small," Kakashi laughed.
" It was a bit pathetic," Aceso giggled in agreement.
" Think of this way, I'm at the adult version, you're are at a version of a baby and the only to get better is to grow...and this case train," Kakashi advised.
" I understand that part," Aceso said.
" No slacking this time around," Kakashi warned. " You never know when the Hokage will send you out and I want you to prepare for anything."
" I understand that as well," Aceso acknowledged. After training with Kakashi for a bit, she had to go back to the training field to work on taijutsu with Lee.
" We will hold off on the training tomorrow," Lee said as she blocked a kick.
" Got a mission?" Aceso asked as he blocked her hand.
" A very challenging one with Gai sensei, we leave tonight," Lee answered.
" If you leave tonight, then what are you doing here?" Aceso asked as she furrowed her eyebrows.
"I'll always find time in the day to spend time with you," Lee answered.
"Huh?" Aceso asked as she stopped, color rose to her cheeks. Lee landed a punch and she flew back a little. She was now on the ground looking up at him.
"Don't let your guard down," Lee scolded as he looked down at her.
" I'm sorry," Aceso apologized.
"Besides being caught off guard you're doing quite well," Lee complimented as a smile formed on him.
"You're a great teacher Lee," Aceso returned the compliment. " But really, shouldn't you be getting ready for your mission?"
" And miss out on training?" Lee asked. " Unacceptable." Aceso looked at her watch, and she frowned. " What's wrong?"
" Our training is going to have to end today," Aceso answered as she got up. "I have to get back to the hospital."
" Oh," Lee sighed.
" I have medicine to make then, I'm helping Sakura with her training," Aceso informed. " Good luck on your mission." She turned to leave.
"One more round," Lee requested as he grabbed her wrist, she looked back at him. " Then I'll walk you back to the hospital."
" You think I'm going to get lost?" Aceso asked as she raised an eyebrow.
" Aceso!" a voice shouted, they looked to see Sakura running over to them.
"I'm afraid I have to go," Aceso said. " But I will see you when you get back." Lee pulled her close and hugged her tightly, he never hugs her this much.
"I'll see you later," Lee agreed before leaving.
" What was that about?" Sakura asked as she finally got over to her. Lee was now out of sight.
" Not sure," Aceso admitted. " Is everything alright?"
" Can we do training early today?" Sakura asked.
"Got something to do later?" Aceso asked.
"You do," Sakura corrected. Aceso tilted her head. "You got moved to the night shift."
The next morning after Aceso's shift and some sleep, she headed up to the Hokage building. Lady Tsunade needed her for something, when she got there Kakashi was telling them about a situation in the village.
" Gai and Lee imposters, here in the village?" Tsunade asked.
" Real ninja would have used transformation Jutsu to disguise themselves," Shizune pointed out. " Who are these guys? They sound pathetic" Tonton whimpered in agreement.
"The village must be doing well," Tsunade stated. " The wackos are moving in."
" Not that I think these clowns pose much of a threat, but I thought it was worth reporting anyway," Kakashi admitted.
" No matter how harmless they may seem, we can't have intruders running around freely," Shizune said. " Should we run them out of town?"
" Do we have to right away?" Aceso asked. " Can we have some fun with them?"
" And what do you just have in mind Doctor Matsuba?" Tsunade asked as she smirked.
" Lady Tsunade!" Shizune squeaked with big eyes and Tonton oink.
" Who knows, it might be amusing," Tsunade smiled easily. " We'll think of them as a sort of training for the people of the village." There was a fire coming off of her.
" But are you sure?" Shizune asked.
" I wouldn't worry much about that," Kakashi assured. " I can't imagine anyone being dumb enough to actually fall for these imposters."
"So what do you have in mind Doctor Matsuba?" Lady Tsunade asked. Aceso then explained everything she had in mind.
" By the end of all this, they will probably want to never see our village again," Aceso finished explaining. Lady Tsunade's fire rose higher and her wicked smile grew wider. There was two small fire's in Aceso's eyes as well.
" You concern me sometimes Aceso," Kakashi said as he looked at her. " I think Gaara's been a bit too much of an influence on you." He let out a slight sigh.
" I'm not sure what you're talking about," Aceso denied as she looked at him.
Aceso was now walking along a trail with an empty basket, she soon came across a tree where Lee and Gai's imposters, Naruto stood at the bottom.
" Gai-sensei! Lee!" Aceso called. " Are you two alright?"
"They've been teaching me some of their taijutsu training," Naruto giggled. " They are so cool!"
" They are?" Aceso asked as she looked at him oddly. She quickly figured out that Naruto thought these two were the real deal.
" Yeah, they were getting Sakura's laundry from a high cliff, and they ended up being blown away all in the name of taijutsu training," Naruto explained.
"Well if you could be so kind and help me out?" Aceso requested. " I have to go pick some herbs."
"But the taijutsu training," Naruto said.
"Please," Aceso requested. " It would mean a lot. You can train in between picking."
" Lets' go!" Naruto agreed, the two guys groaned as Naruto pulled them off, and they went to where Aceso was gathering herbs. They began to pick herbs, the Gai imposter let out a scream.
"What is this?" the Lee imposter asked.
" By the way, be aware of the biting Grasshoppers," Acseo advised as she looked back. The grasshoppers were attacking the two imposters, as Naruto was watching.
"Why don't you just swat them away?" Naruto asked.
" It would defeat the purpose of the training," the Gai imposter said.
" Oh, I get it!" Naruto squealed. " Knowing your opponent's attacks!"
"Exactly," the Lee imposter laughed. Soon they finished, the boys were all laying on the ground in pain from the grasshoppers, they had bug bites all around their bodies.
" There you two are," Tsunade's voice charmed through the air.
" It's Grandma Tsunade," Naruto noted as he looked up at her.
" I've been looking for you two," Tsunade informed. " I need your help." They looked scared. " It's my dear friend. She hasn't been feeling very well."
" Good luck," Aceso smiled before walking away.
A little bit later, the sun was setting. Aceso sat upon a tree branch with Tenten, she was making some flower crowns when they saw the two imposters shot up into the sky, they sparkled as they left the village.
" Look, fireworks!" Tenten pointed out.
" So pretty," Aceso smiled.
" I don't know where they came from or what they were after but I doubt we'll see them again anytime soon," Tsunade said.
" Your plan worked, after all, Doctor Matsuba," Shizune admitted. " Those two won't be coming back to our village anytime soon."
" It was magnificent," Tsunade agreed.
" You certainly seemed to be enjoying yourself," Shizune noticed. " You even summoned Katsuyu."
" It was a team effort," Aceso recalled as she put a flower crown on Tenten's head.
" Well, now that all the fun and games are over, you should really be getting back to work," Shizune pointed out as Tenten and Aceso joined everyone on the ground.
" Yes, ma'am," Tsunade groaned.
" You too, Doctor Matsuba," Shizune ordered.
" Yes, ma'am," Aceso smiled.
" I wonder, do you really think Naruto really fell for them?" Sakura asked as Aceso put flower crowns on the rest of their heads. They all took them and smiled at them, before putting them back on.
" Naw, no one could be that dumb," Tenten denied. " Not even him." Aceso felt someone put a hand on her shoulder, she looked back to see Lady Tsunade.
" Come on, we got work to do," Tsunade informed as she took the last flower crown and put it on Aceso's head.
" Right," She smiled as they made their way back. Aceso now stood on the laundry rooftop, she was folding clothes as the sunshine warmly.
" What were those imposters all about?" a voice asked. She looked over to see Lee sitting on the ledge. He had a flower in his hands, he was looking at the flower crown on her head.
"Back already?" Aceso asked.
" Went on without a hitch," Lee smiled. " But please do not dodge the question...those imposters?"
" I'll tell you all about today as long as you tell me about the mission," Aceso smiled. " I want to hear everything." Lee got up and went over to help, she took the flower crown off her head and put it on his head. They spent the rest of the time doing the laundry and telling each other about their day.
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