Chapter 63
The project Lady Tsunade gave Aceso was quite startling, news spread around to some of the others, and they had not taken it so well, or they were high for it. (Mainly Sakura.) At the moment Aceso got sent on a simple mission with Naruto, Hinata, Kiba, and Akamaru. Hinata was sitting on a picnic blanket with Naruto, Kiba and Aceso playing with Akamaru. It was a beautiful day.
" Akamaru!" Kiba laughed. Akamaru barked happily as they ran. " Wait up, Akamaru!"
" Naruto, I, uh-- Well, I-- I made some lunch for you," Hinata said as she held out the food. " If you're hungry, go ahead."
" Ah, thank you," Naruto smiled as he grabbed it. " Hm." The longer he stared at it, the more he realized the food was made into his face, whiskers and all. " You gotta be kidding. Why are you guys acting all goofy out here? This isn't a picnic, you know?"
" You're right, sorry," Hinata apologized as she knelt her head as Aceso, Kiba, and Akamaru came over.
" Aw, come on, lighten up will ya?" Kiba asked. " This mission's gonna be a cinch, even with only four of us."
" You made the stink about it being boring, remember?" Aceso brought up.
" Hm," Naruto breathed as he looked back at the memory.
Aceso stood in front of Lady Tsunade with Hinata, Naruto, Kiba, and Akamaru.
" This missions boring and I don't wanna go!" Naruto ranted. " Go catch some petty thief! Come on! Anybody could do it! Why's it gotta be us!"
" Look, normally I'd just send Kiba, Hinata, and Shino out as a squad like usual," Tsunade admitted. " But the thing is Shino's already gone out on a mission. And I'd figure sending you along would be better than nothing."
" What'd you say, Grandma?" Naruto demanded. " I am better than nothing!"
" We'll do our best," Hinata assured after glancing at Naruto.
" This mission is kind of a snooze, you know," Kiba agreed with Naruto. Akamaru barked in agreement.
"This is also the perfect opportunity for Aceso to find safe villages to stay at when she is traveling," Tsunade added. " Instead of a safe house, it could be a safe village."
"I guess that makes it a little better," Naruto admitted as he glanced at his sister.
" Well, no point picking a team leader," Tsunade admitted. " Not for this one. Your mission is to capture this man. Gosunkugi." She held up a photo. " Also known as The Nail. He stole the Misogi tea jar, owned by the Land of Tea's feudal lord. He's keeping somewhere in the Land of Stone we believe. Enough talk. Get moving. I want him caught ASAP."
" Just when I thought this mission was getting better, it only got lamer," Naruto groaned.
Back on their way to look for the thief.
" Akamaru!" Kiba called as he threw up food shaped like Naruto's head. " Dig in!" He happily caught it in and ran over to his boy. " You know, the occasional easy assignment never hurts."
" I agree with Kiba," Aceso stated. " Nothing wrong with taking it easy."
" That's the spirit!" Kiba laughed as Akamaru tried to bark with his mouthful of food.
" If it's so easy, let's just get it done!" Naruto urged in frustration. " What if Pervy Sage comes back to the village and I'm stuck out here?"
" I'm sorry, Naruto, forgive me," Hinata apologized. " I just--Well I was so happy to be sent out on something with you." She put her hands over her mouth nervously.
" Huh?" Naruto asked getting real close to her, cupping his ear. " What are you mumbling about, Hinata? Can't hear you!" She turned away. " And how come your cheeks are so red? You're a weird one."
" You're one to talk," Aceso said.
"Well, good news Mr. I'm-In-A-Hurry," Kiba began. " Look." He stood up and pointed forward, they looked in that direction to see giant stones. " The Land of Stone's on the other side of that pass. Might as well eat it. No point being bored and hungry." Naruto grunted as he looked at the food in his hand.
" I sure didn't expect to be eating my own face when I woke up this morning," Naruto admitted before biting in. " Oh, wow. Seriously, Hinata you're gonna make somebody one heck of a wife!"
" What?" Hinata stammered in surprise as her face grew red. Aceso giggled silently before the four set off towards the sight. It was a long walk through valleys between mountains, soon they got to the top of one and looked down at the town below.
" There's post station one," Aceso noted. It looked bare, almost like a ghost town." Let's check it out."
" Looks a little rough, don't you think?" Kiba asked. " Not exactly a safe-looking area, don't you think?"
" Hm," Naruto breathed. They stared down at the town a little more before a flock of crows flew past them.
" I say we still check it out," Naruto said. " Sometimes the roughest of places can serve as a safe house." They went down to the post station, and very few people were in sight. Tons of tumbleweed crossed paths with them. " Why are they staring at us? Don't all these slackers have somewhere to be?"
" I'm not getting the easy vibe on this one anymore," Kiba admitted. Akamaru growled in agreement. He barked before jumping out of Kiba's hoodie. " What is it Akamaru?" They looked up to see him growling at some of the men staring at them. " What do you think? That Gosunkugi guy--you figure he's here somewhere?" Akamaru growled even more.
" Speak of the devil!" Naruto roared as he threw a kunai knife, it's dug its way into the opponent of a poster on a wall.
" It's a photo," Hinata acknowledged.
" Well, at least it's of the right guy, so," Naruto said.
" Reward, Three million," Aceso read.
" So, what's that about?" Naruto asked.
" Hey, look," Hinata insisted as they looked over. " They've been put up all over the place." There was a wanted poster of the man on each wall available.
" All right, I'm gonna ask the locals what's up!" Naruto declared. They walked over to a tavern, Naruto eagerly opened it. " How's it going?" The customers all stared as they made their way towards the front.
" Can I help you?" the guy behind the bar asked.
" Oh, we're not customers, we just have a question, if that's alright?" Aceso corrected.
" Is that so? If you kids ain't buying nothing, then beat it," the bar guy demanded.
" Well, if that's the way it gotta be, one ramen!" Naruto requested.
" Hook me up with a cheeseburger, and some milk for the little guy," Kiba requested.
" A cheeseburger and some milk?" a customer taunted as the bartender grew furious. " You gotta be kidding me!"
" Hey! And the ramen!" another customer added. " You can't forget that." They all laughed.
" I don't care much for smart-alecky brats, so get out!" the bartender growled.
" We've got money to pay for it," Naruto informed as he held up a stuffed Gama.
" It ain't about the money," the man huffed.
" Well, you shouldn't carry such a big bag of coins," a guy said as he grabbed Naruo's wrist. " Isn't safe. I'll do you a favor and hold onto it. I mean you wouldn't want one of these ruffians getting his paws on your dough."
" Hey, you in or out?" a guy asked from the table. " The cards are getting cold."
" I'm coming, just keep your pants on," the big guy said. " You want some of this money or not?" He looked down at Naruto. " You stupid or something? Let it go."
"You're the one who's gonna let it go!" Naruto threatened. He jumped, kicking the man in the under the chin, sending him flying back on the table of the men playing cards. " You like that?"
" You mouthy little brat," the guy growled. " You wanna fight me?"
" Something like that, genius," Naruto confirmed as he squared up. " Bring it on!"
" You punk!" the guy growled as he took out a sword.
" Are we really gonna do this?" Kiba asked
" Yeah, Naruto, look," Hinata agreed. They looked to see the card people all getting up, ready to fight,
" Come on, let's not get too hasty," Aceso pleaded as she stepped between them and put her hands up. " Man, this is bad."
" Glass of milk, if you please," a man said as he stood up, he had a few scars on his face.
" Who the heck's this guy?" the big man demanded. The guy walked over to the bar, leaned on it, looking at the worker.
"Right," the bartender agreed, suddenly getting nervous. He nervously poured a glass. " Enjoy."
" Much obliged," the guy said as he picked up the plate, the glass of milk sat on. " Now, now." He put the plate down in front of Akamaru. He poured the milk onto the plate. " No need to be shy. Drink up. Courtesy of that gentleman over there, Old Mr. Cueball." Akamaru happily licked up the milk.
" So I'm Old Mr. Cueball, huh?" the man asked. " Really funny, jerk. And why would I buy milk for some random mutt?" He started to charge forward. " You gotta death wish or something?" He raised his hand weapon, and in a flash, his sword broke off in a single slice from another weapon." The man that got the milk for Akamaru then jabbed the guy in the stomach and then in the back
" One Michizo, Reward if captured," the man said as he pulled out a wanted poster. He put it on the bar table. " The credit goes to you, barkeep, you can take the milk money out of his bounty. And buy yourself a new table while you're at it. Feel free to keep the change."
" That guy's strong," Kiba noted as they watched him walk out.
" I'm sorry," the man apologized as he stopped at a table. " Was he yours? My apologies." He then continued to make his way out.
"Hey! Wait up!" Naruto called as he followed the man out.
" Something you want, young man?" He asked as the others followed out.
" That was awesome," Naruto complimented. " What's your name, old guy?"
" The name is Sazanami," the man answered. " I'm a bounty hunter."
"That is so cool," Naruto smiled as he turned to leave. " Old guy!" They began to walk with the man. " You know what? That one thing you did earlier was totally amazing."
" Hm?" Sazanami asked as he glanced at Naruto. "That business with the sword, you mean?"
" You drew your sword on Old Mr. Cueball so fast, I couldn't even see it," Naruto fangirled.
" It was really surprising," Hinata stated.
"When someone says in a blink of an eye, I bet you that's the kind of thing they're talking about," Kiba said.
"When you're a bounty hunter, you stare death in the face every day," Sazanami told them. " I could have more lives than a cat, but it wouldn't help any if I can't draw faster than the guy in front of me."
" Well shucks howdy!" Naruto giggled. "So what do you bounty guys do?"
" Well, it's simple," He answered. " Sometimes people put out a reward on the bad guys who are too tough to catch for free. Bounty hunters round those bad guys and earn the reward or bounty. It's the same thing."
" I get it," Naruto.
"So that means, this guy has a bounty on him too, right?" Aceso asked as Naruto pulled out a picture. " A really big one."
" That's a picture of--" Sazanami began in disbelief.
"But how come they put so much money on this guy's head if he's nothing but your everyday crook?" Naruto asked.
" An everyday crook you call him? " Sazanamo asked. " Boy, that man's hardened killer. He's murdered dozens of people for the sake of robbing their courses. They don't get any worse than this fella."
" No way," Hinata gasped.
" That's awful," Aceso said softly.
" Are you kidding me?" Kiba asked. " Can this really be true? They didn't tell us anything about it."
"Well, perhaps the feudal lord who's paying for this mission didn't even know it himself," Hinata suspected.
" A mission, huh?" Sazanami asked.
" Uh, yes sir," Aceso answered. " The four of us are Hidden Leaf ninja out on a super important mission."
" We came to this town to capture Gosunkugi," Naruto added.
" Is that so?" Sazanami asked as he put a hand under his chin. " You mean you kids are ninja?" He laughed. " Well, I'll be. Can't say I ever met a ninja who wasn't old enough to shave before."
"Hey! Don't make fun of us!" Naruto responded. " Got it old guy?"
" Begging your pardon there, kid," He said. " Didn't mean to rule you up. What's say you let me make it up to you? Some milk, maybe?"
" Get serious, do I look like a puppy to you?" Naruto asked. " Ramen!"
"Yeah, I'll forgive you for a cheeseburger," Kiba added.
" I guess. if it's ok, then I'll have ramen also," Hinata added. " I'm sure Doctor Matsuba, would like some as well."
" Fair enough then," Sazanami agreed. " Right this way."
" Hey, old guy!" Naruto said as they followed. " What about miso ramen with pork?"
" Fine by me," Sazanami allowed. "Have whatever you like." They followed the bounty hunter for a while till they stopped by a few big boulders.
" So, where the heck are we going?" Naruto asked. " Man, we're not even in the town anymore. Hey! I don't see any ramen shop."
"This should do," Sazanami said as they came to a stop. He turned back towards the four ninjas and the ninja dog. " I don't see a ramen shop either. Guess I'll just have to forget about my treating you. Would've been a tasty last meal. I'm sorry you're gonna miss it.
"What are you saying?" Aceso asked. The man smirked evilly at them.
" This is the end of the line," Sazanami revealed. " You kids are going to die out here.
" Now wait a sec!" Naruto growled as they all got into a fighting stance. "What's the big idea?"
"Well, you four kids know Gosunkugi is here, and that is a right fatal fact," Sazanami answered.
" Yeah, so what? Why does it matter?" Naruto asked.
" Gosunkugi is my prey," Sazanami revealed. " Mine alone. I'm not handing him over to you or anyone else."
" Well, good for you," Kiba said harshly. " So why don't you go catch him already and leave us alone?"
"Sorry," Sazanami apologized. " Wet behind the ears though you may still be, it doesn't change the fact any that you're Leaf ninja."
"What does that have to do with anything?" Aceso asked.
"It's better to have fewer competitors," Sazanami answered as he drew his sword. "Best to have none whatsoever."
" Don't do this," Naruto insisted.
"Now," Sazanami decided before bolting towards the ninjas. Naruto threw a couple of kunai, all got blocked. He flew past them, before grabbing hold of Hinata holding the sword to her throat.
"Hinata!" Kiba exclaimed.
" You rat!" Naruto growled.
" Naruto, help!" Hinata cried out.
" Ninja Art, Beast Mimicry!" Kiba exclaimed as he got on the ground. " All Fours Jutsu!"
"Ain't that a sight," Sazanami said as he jabbed the back end of her sword into Hinata, and she fell over. "Your move."
" I'm way faster than this guy," Kiba said as he took off towards him. He went into the tall grass, then shot out, aiming towards Sazanami. The swordsman jumped, and the two clashed as they went past each other. " Darn it. Where'd you go?"
" You're too slow," Sazanami revealed as he appeared behind Kiba, he jabbed him in the neck, and Kiba fell over. Akamaru ran over barking angrily, he jumped up, and he too got smacked down.
"Just leave us alone," Aceso said as she did her Jutsu, her ropes shot out and went around the man.
" No, can do," Sazanami disagreed as he tugged on the rope harshly, she flew forward as he got out of it and tied her up, her eyes closed as well. " Just you and me, son." He faced Naruto. " We gonna go this the easy way or the hard way?"
" Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto shouted as he put his fingers together. * more Naruto's popped up in a wide circle.
" Bravo," Sazanamo complimented.
" You're gonna pay for this, you hear me?" Naruto threatened. Sazanami took a stance as the Narutos all charged,
"This ends now!" Sazanami declared as he raised his sword. He sliced down causing three of the clones to disappear.
"Up here!" Naruto shouted from above. After Sazanami defeated that clone, he took on another Naruto that came out of the ground. Sazanami used the butt of his sword to jab Naruto harshly, knocking him out.
"Well, almost had me there," Sazanami admitted. "Forgive me, kid. I did what I had to do. I'll defeat him whatever the cost.
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