Chapter 62
The next few days were simple and gentle, Aceso started her mornings off early, she had completed a few surgeries and did some medical training. She had a lot on her mind, from Sasuke to the Akatsuki to even Lee. Each time he came up in her head, she would get all warm and fuzzy. She had just opened the door to the rooftop top to go grab dry sheets to see Hinata seeing on the ledge.
" Good morning Hinata," Aceso greeted with a smile, she jumped a little before looking back. " Sorry, didn't mean to spook you."
" It-its okay," Hinata smiled softly. " Lady Tsunade wants to see us in her office."
" Oh, what for?" Aceso answered.
" A mission," She answered. Aceso nodded, she put the basket down before they started towards the office, she was still in her work uniform. " So...uh...the other night?"
" Other night?" Aceso asked.
" Brother Neji and I saw-" Hinata began as she twiddled her thumbs nervously.
" Did you see a ghost?" Aceso asked. Hinata shook his head. " Then what?"
" You and--uh--you and--uh--Rock Lee," Hinata answered softly, Aceso's face turned bright red. " So-do-do you like him like that?"
" Like him?" Aceso asked.
" Do you feel the same way about Lee the way I feel Naruto?" Hinata asked.
"Well since then, I do get quite warm and fuzzy inside if he comes to mind," Aceso admitted as she turned a darker shade of red. She started to twiddle her thumbs as well.
" So you do have a crush on him then?" Hinata asked as she looked at her. Aceso stopped walking as a look of horror crossed her face. A crush? Kakashi and Gai had her swear-off boys, she didn't even think of pursuing anyone.
" Is-is that what I'm feeling?" Aceso stuttered as Hinata grabbed her hand so the two could continue walking.
" Nothing to be ashamed of," Hinata giggled as she pulled Aceso along. " I think it's cute and so does brother Neji."
" I-" Aceso began.
" We won't tell anyone," Hinata assured as they entered the office. Everyone from the Chunin exams besides Shikamaru and Sakura was in the office, Aceso and Lee made eye contact, and both quickly looked away from each other. Neither has spoken to the other since the incident. Lady Tsunade then explained the mission they will be doing.
" No way! No way!" Naruto protested. " You gotta be kidding!"
" Hmm," Tsunade sighed.
" I want to be sent on a real mission, not get stuck with babysitting," Naruto growled. " That's not what I signed up for, no way, forget it!"
" The team assignments have already been announced and posted at the Academy," Tsunade informed as she held up the paper.
" Hey, I'm sorry," Naruto apologized as he turned away his head stubbornly. " That's not my problem. Now, I've gotta get back to my training." He turned for the door.
" But aren't you going to be Hokage one day, big brother?" Aceso asked.
" Wha?" Naruto asked as he looked at her.
" Do you really think a future Hokage, should go around disappointing the young kids at the academy?" Aceso asked. " This will also give you a great chance to gain more leadership skills."
" And that's what this mission is about," Tsunade added. " Achieving a goal while protecting the lives of the people on your team. In fact, of all the missions I could assign you this one's the ideal training for becoming Hokage."
" The ideal training?" Naruto asked. " Really?"
" But, if you don't want to do it, you don't wanna do it," Tsunade said. " I'll just reassign your team."
" Hey!" Naruto panicked as he waved his arms frantically. " Can't you take a joke?" He grabbed the paper from her hands. " I was kidding. Joke. I was only pullin' your leg, Grandma Tsunade, that's all! I mean, come on! Hokage training? Like I'd ever miss that! I was going to do that all along!" He laughed some more. " All right then, lemme just see who I've got on my team. Ugh." His face fell into annoyance. Everyone started to leave.
" Doctor Matsuba?" Lady Tsunade called out. Aceso stopped walking, she turned to look at the woman.
" Yes, Lady Tsunade?" Aceso asked as everyone walked out.
" Doctor Matsuba, you'll be waiting at goal point, to hand out the secret document to the first team to reach you and give first aid treatment if needed," Lady Tsunade informed. " Though I doubt it would be needed."
" I figured as much," Aceso smiled.
" Also, after this is over, I have something very important I want to talk to you about," Lady Tsunade informed. " This mission is two days and one night, by then I will know how to deliver the information to you."
"Information?" Aceso asked as her attention was grabbed more.
" This is for after, now get going," Lady Tsunade said. Aceso nodded before heading out. She then was put where the teams would be heading, she had the secret scroll next to her as she made some medicine. Aceso wondered what Lady Tsunade needed to talk to her about. Was it to give up her status as a ninja? Fired from the hospital? Medicine questions? Soon nightfall came and a storm was rolling in. It started storming, the rain was getting heavier and heavier.
Down at the operation tent, the Jonin and Chunin were all gatherings. " We called back all the teams at the foot of the mountain," a guy reported.
" All right that's good," Iruka said. " Then that leaves Narutos team."
" Iruka Sensei," Shikamaru said. " Has anyone tried to get in touch Doctor Mastuba and I found one of Naruto's group backpacks marked on an unmarked trail.
" Naruto! You wouldn't would you?" Iruka gasped. " We'll go get Naruto's team and Doctor Matsuba"
" Right," they all nodded. Back up at the goal point, Aceso sat shivering as the rain poured down, the wind kept blowing some at her. She had a little fire going, she stared at it as the flames crackled. She ended up falling asleep, not even waking up to the sound of a boulder blocking her way out. Before Iruka's group could reach the site, Kakashi got to her first. He used Chidori to blast away the boulder, and then picked her up, putting her on his back.
"Aceso?" Kakashi asked as he shook her awake as he walked back to the village, umbrella in one hand. He used the ropes around her body, to tie her securely to his body
" Dad?" Aceso asked. " What's going on? What about your mission?"
" Went on without a hitch," Kakashi answered. " I believe the training exercise with the academy kids got canceled due to the weather."
" Huh?" Aceso asked.
" You fell asleep, you were so asleep, that you didn't hear a boulder come down and block your way out," Kakashi answered. " You need to be more careful."
" Sorry," Aceso apologized. " My ninja skills have become quite pitiful."
"You could use a little work on the field," Kakashi agreed as they came closer to the buildings. "But they are not pitiful."
" You have another mission coming up?" Aceso asked.
" I'm sure I can get a little time off," Kakashi agreed. " Miss training with me and Gai?"
" Sometimes," Aceso answered with a small smile. " Hey--uh--Dad?" He glanced back at her. " Did you by chance ever know my biological father?"
"I did," Kakashi answered. " What's spiking up your curiosity?"
" I just don't really know anything about him or my mom," Aceso answered. " I want to know what they are like."
" I suppose it won't hurt to tell you," Kakashi said. " You've never asked me this before."
" What were their names? " Aceso asked.
" Aeson and Momo," Kakashi answered. " Your father had bright red hair like you, with sparkling golden eyes. He was a medical ninja as well, highly respected at the hospital. As for your mother...she had orange hair like a carrot and green eyes like you, she was from another land, she was a medical ninja as well."
" So I'm a complete mixture of them?" Aceso asked.
"Sure," Kakashi laughed.
" How did they die?" Aceso asked Kakashi glanced back at her. He couldn't deny that she was getting older, this was the first time she's ever really asked about her parents.
" Thirteen years ago, they were traveling to the Land of Wind," Kakashi answered. " To the Hidden Sand Village."
" Huh?" Aceso asked as she lifted her head. She put her arms around him and had the ropes returned to around her body. " What business did they have there?"
" Your mother is originally from there," Kakashi answered. " Lord Third never really wanted us to talk about this with you."
" He probably had a good reason," Aceso said. " So how did they die?"
" It's not how they died, but why," Kakashi said.
" What do you mean?" Aceso asked as the rain started to die.
" Your mother was from the Sand Village and your father is from the Leaf village, it was quite a scandalous romance at the time since our countries weren't exactly allies at the time. Some people saw it as a piece of the puzzle to strengthen our bond between the countries, some saw that it would just weaken us. Some believed your mother would betray the village and spill our secrets to the Sand."
" So they died because of love?" Aceso gathered.
" And hatred," Kakashi answered. " One can't go anywhere without the other. There's also more to it."
"So how did you get stuck with me?" Aceso asked. " Wouldn't you have preferred more free time if you weren't training or on a mission?"
"It's a parent's duty to spend time with their children," Kakashi answered. This made Aceso smile a bit more.
" That doesn't fully answer my question," Aceso answered. " So why not just put me in the condos as they did with Naruto or just give me to some random civilian?"
"Your mother made me promise that I would look after you. It was her dying wish." Kakashi answered. " Their love was technically forbidden for the longest time, to fall in love with someone from the old enemy country? To bear a child with wasn't exactly highly looked upon. And you were the result of their love, and people weren't exactly happy. Your father has that green glowing eye kekkei Genkai, you got it from it. The rumor got around that your mother planned on traveling back to the Sand Village, and your father happily agreed. People believed that the kekkei Genkai should stay only here in the Leaf Village. He was the last member of his clan, and they believed that he should stay here with his eyes or die with it."
" So what happened?" Aceso asked.
" Are you sure you want to learn more?" Kakashi asked in weary.
" Positive," Aceso answered.
" I think it's best we save that another day," Kakashi denied her request.
" But that doesn't answer why you ended up looking after me," Aceso pointed out. "You didn't have to keep your promise."
" Well, that's's because I wanted to," Kakashi as he smiled more.
" You did?" Aceso as her voice went up a pitch in a happy tone. " You just so happened to volunteer?"
" Not exactly," Kakashi said.
" The night your parents were heading to the Sand Village, you were being taken along," Kakashi began to explain, Aceso remained quiet, he was about to reveal what he did not want to tell her. " Your mother wanted you to be familiar with both villages and be able to call both a home no matter what. So, Danzo saw this as a perfect opportunity and sent out his men. If only we were quick enough, your parents would still be alive...when we got there, one of the root anbu was about to plunge a kunai through your little baby body. In a quick summary...Lord Third was able to defend off the other anbu, while I took care of the one that had you, scooped you up, and defeated the guy."
" Weren't you part of the root and anbu at one point?" Aceso asked.
"Not anymore," Kakashi answered. " I became part of the anbu at 13, and the joined the root at some point, and around...23."
"You became a dad at a very young age," Aceso giggled. " Thank you." She then went silent and her smile dropped. " So they were targeted by the people of this very village?" Aceso asked. Kakashi's eyes went wide, he realized he had said too much. " I know of the root more than you think, Papa Gai never let me go near any of the members when I was younger."
" Aceso..."Kakashi began.
" I'm not angry," Aceso said. " A bit sad, but not angry."
" Not even a little?" Kakashi asked.
" I know not everyone in the village feels the same as the Danzo and the root," Aceso said. " And I know not all root members are the same, as far as I can remember, you've never tried to kill me. Sure you pushed me hard during training, but nowhere close to killing."
" You don't want revenge?" Kakashi asked.
" I'm already serving my revenge by being alive and living here," Aceso answered.
" That's got to be the softest version of revenge I've heard, no violence involved," Kakashi said as he looked back forward. " Definitely like your father in that part, he was kind as well." He used a hand and patted her on the head.
" So the minute you rescued me, you took the duty of looking after me," Aceso gathered. " On that night I gained three dads. My biological dad, Papa Gai, and you."
" How about we make that official?" Kakashi asked.
" Huh?" Aceso asked as her eyes grew wide.
" Later today, we will go and get adoption papers," Kakashi answered.
" Can I keep my last name?" Aceso asked. " I want to keep that part from my birth parents."
" Not Hatake?" Kakashi answered. " Your last name is bound to change at some point." Aceso laughed.
" You are one of the most important people to me," Aceso informed. " But I would like to keep my last name, just change the parentage or guardian title."
" We'll hyphen it," Kakashi proposed. " We can meet in the middle."
" I like the sound of that," Aceso gave in as her eyes started to close. The sun was starting to rise.
" I'm one of the most important people in your life?" Kakashi asked going back on the comment. Kakashi was quite happy to have Aceso in his life, a lot of people didn't like the fact that he looked after her. People did call him the friend-killer, but the little redhead girl seemed to depend on him for parental love. They had now walked into the town. Very few people were out due to the time of the morning.
" And my hero," Aceso added as she closed her eyes fully.
" So what about a mother figure?" Kakashi asked.
" Gai-sensei in a way," Aceso answered. "You two are the best parent figures a child could have had."
" I wouldn't say that," Kakashi denied. " I think you're getting ahead of yourself, we're not around all the time."
" But you both are around and that's all that matters," Aceso said. " Best in my eyes anyway."
" Good morning rival," a voice greeted, they looked forward to seeing Gai sensei standing in front of them. " And good morning to you Aceso." He smiled and his teeth shined. " How about a challenge, Kakashi?"
" What do you have in mind?" Kakashi asked.
" Rock, paper, scissors," Gai answered with a thumbs up.
" What are you doing up so early, Dad?" Aceso asked.
" I'm getting in my morning workout, I have to get the power of youth flowing through my blood!" Gai answered with a laugh. " So that challenge?" The two battled it out, Kakashi won, and then the two went to the Hokage's office with Gai following them. " What are you up to rival?"
" Getting adoption papers," Kakashi answered.
" Taking in some youthful youths?" Gai asked with a smile.
"Yeah, this one," Kakashi as he looked back at the sleeping girl on his back.
" Didn't you already take her in?" Gai asked as he put a hand under his chin to think. "Well, we both did technically."
" We're doing it legally through papers," Kakashi answered. " In a few weeks, she'll be Aceso Matsuba-Hatake." Gai's eyes sparkled as tears of joy flowed out. " One more thing, she knows about her parents." Lee was about to round the corner in the distance. He stopped and hid behind the wall to listen in.
" She knows about the root?" Gai asked in a low tone. " That they eliminated her parents."
" Yes," Kakashi answered.
" And tried to eliminate her?" Gai answered.
" Yes," Kakashi answered.
" How-how did she take it?" Gai answered nervously.
" Let's just say, she definitely takes after her father in a few ways," Kakashi answered. " Soft and gentle, she took it better than I thought she would."
" What happened to her parents?" Lee asked as he stepped out. Both Jonin's eyes went a little wide as they looked at the young boy.
" Lee," Gai began. " I'm not sure I am the one to tell you."
" No, I want to know," Lee insisted.
" Lee, I think it would be better if Aceso told you," Kakashi informed. " I didn't tell her everything as well." He stared at the two.
" Say about you take little miss to her room, while Kakashi and I go up to Lady Hokage," Gai offered.
" I-" Lee began.
" We can go look at cake designs with Neji and Tenten."
" Cake designs?" Lee asked as the subject was successfully changing.
" Kakashi is adopting Aceso as his official daughter with official papers," Gai answered. " So what do you say rival? Hand our kid into my youthful student's hands as we go proceed with business." Before Kakashi could even answer, Lee was behind him, he took Aceso off of Kakashi and into his arms with ease.
Later that day Aceso was awake, she was in the Hokage building, suddenly her office door opened and Naruto bolted out followed by Lady Tsunade.
" Lady Tsunade?" Aceso asked. " You wanted to talk to me right?" The two stopped in their tracks.
" Just you wait, Naruto," Lady Tsunade growled. " Everyone out of the office, this is a private matter." Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon all quickly left the building as Naruto stayed. " You too, Naruto."
" Whatever you can say too little sister you can say to me," Naruto huffed as he crossed his arms. " I bet she'll get handed an actual mission." Aceso looked at Tsunade, she looked a bit stammered. " I knew it!"
" A mission?" Aceso asked in surprise.
" Yes," Tsunade answered. " I'm going to have you will leave this village two years."
" Huh?!" Aceso and Naruto exclaimed in horror.
" I want you to increase your medical training even further, travel around the world as a doctor rather than as a ninja," Tsunade answered. " That means you'll have to give up your headband for a little." Aceso felt very relieved at her words.
" Huh?!" the two exclaimed again.
Tsunade explained even more. " You'll remain a ninja, but you'll be traveling as a doctor openly and a ninja in a secret."
" To increase my medical training?" Aceso asked as she titled her head.
" Your medical skills are impressive for someone your age. People do talk about it, you became a doctor at 10 years old, that's quite legendary, even to outsiders," Tsunade answered. " Plus, if I recall you have a dream of traveling around as a doctor and healing others." Now Tsunade was about to play Aceso like a drum, as she did to Naruto yesterday. " I expect you to come back with new medical inventions, new antidotes, and stronger."
" And when do I leave?" Aceso asked. "Right away."
" I'll let you know when your departure date is when the time comes," Tsunade answered. "This is to be a solo mission."
" Absolutely not!" Naruto denied. " She could end up dead! She's not going alone and she'd not going general!"
" Naruto!" Tsunade scolded. " That isn't your decision, nor does she really have a choice. If anything goes south in the future, there's a possible chance Aceso would have connections to people from different lands, different countries, and with those connections, alliances can form and strengthen our country."
" Do you really think a friendship bond is enough to create an alliance?" Aceso asked.
" With most people no," Tsunade admitted. " But with you...yes."
" Huh?" Aceso asked.
" The sand alliance is very strong, not just because of a treaty, but because of the bonds with people between the villages," Tsaunde informed. " Gaara has told me that Naruto has shown him how hatred was not the way, Naruto broke that glass ceiling on him, and now is striving to do better. But he also told me how the ceiling had a few holes in it, and those holes are from you, Aceso. He had every chance and headspace to kill, why do you think he didn't?"
" I've wondered the same thing," Aceso answered.
Tsunade leaned against her desk. " Naruto is able to understand Gaara's pain, while you never saw him as a monster, you tried to understand his pain, and your..."
" Like my dad," Aceso answered.
" I was going to say more like your mother," Tsunade answered. " Your father was gentle and soft, but your mother accepted everyone no matter the situation." Naruto looked at Aceso and back at Tsunade. " You have a heart of gold, you accept people no matter how people viewed him. You're one of the few people that never looked at Naruto with hatred right? You know as well as I do, once you heal someone, they will trust you till you break that trust. If anyone can easily gain the trust of others it's you, and I know you can accomplish that while you are away. You may not have my physical strength, but your heart is strong and that's equally important. So what do you say?"
" It has to be no," Naruto denied.
" I'll do it," Aceso agreed.
" Aceso," Naruto breathed as his voice became small.
" It'll be alright, Naruto," Aceso assured with a smile as she looked at him. " No matter where I go, I know your love and protection will be there even if you are not."
" But it's two years," Naruto reminded her. " I can't just let my sister go on a suicide mission all alone!"
" It's not a suicide mission and I won't be gone forever," Aceso said.
" Won't you get lonely?" Naruto asked.
" Physically yes," Aceso answered. " But mentally no, I know that when I come back to the village, I'll have a family to return to and friends as well."
" You have to write at least once a month," Naruto added.
" I will," Aceso answered.
" So you'll do it?" Tsunade asked.
" Yes," Aceso answered.
" Good," Tsunade smiled. " I'm not sending you now, but I will need you to be ready when I say so." Aceso then left the building with Naruto, for rare moment he was lost for words.
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