Chapter 58
It was an early morning Aceso was walking down the river with a basket of ingredients she had to gather. It was a lovely morning until she saw Naruto carrying three people on his back. They looked broken.
" What happened?" Aceso gasped as she ran over.
" Found them like this in the middle of my training," Naruto answered.
" Do you need help?" Aceso asked as she held out her hands.
" Nah, this can count as training for me as well," Naruto laughed. " Believe it!"
" Well, we need to take them to the infirmary, I can look at them," Aceso informed.
" Great!" Naruto laughed. They got the three men to the infirmary and Aceso checked upon them, while she had Naruto go inform Tsunade.
" Who are you?" a man asked as Tsunade entered the room.
" I'm Doctor Matsuba," Aceso answered. "My brother found you in three in terrible shape, what happened?"
" We came all the way from the Katambi gold mine," a man informed.
" One of the most abundant mines in all the Land of Rivers," Tsaunde recalled, Aceso glanced to see her walking over. " Anything else we should know?"
" About 6 months ago, a bunch of goons calling themselves the Kurosuke family showed up and ran the magistrate of the town," another guy explained. " They've taken over the village and are killing people left and right."
" We need your help," the last guy pleaded
" Of course," Tsunade agreed. " The Leaf Village will gladly help those in need. Doctor Mastuba, may I speak with you?"
" Of course," Aceso agreed. " You three rest up, we will be back." She went and stepped out into the hall with Lady Tsunade. " What is it, my lady?"
" I am putting together a team, for this and I want you to tag along as a medical ninja" Tsunade ordered.
" Uh-" Aceso began.
" I'm not asking, I'm ordering," Tsunade interrupted her. " You are going and that's final." Aceso started at her. "Got a problem?"
"No," Aceso denied quickly. "I have open heart surgery later today, and three more in the next coming days. But I'm sure I can find someone to take my place while I am away."
" Meet me in my office in 20," Tsunade ordered before walking away. After taking care of the rescues, Aceso went to the office to find Team Gai and Naruto waiting for her.
" Good you're all finally here," Tsunade huffed.
" I'm sorry for being late," Aceso apologized after closing the door. She then went on and explained everything the three people told them.
" That is unforgivable!" Lee exclaimed at the killing part.
" Once these men have regained their strength, your objective is to escort them back to the Kakatbami Mine," Tsunade instructed. " And take out this Kurosuke Family. A simple mission really. They're probably just a pack of money-grubbing hoodlums."
" So what am I doing here?" Naruto asked. " It sounds like a chimp could do this missionn.
" Who the heck do you think you are?" Tsunade demanded as her expression grew grim.
" Come on grandma," Naruto groaned. " I've got enough on my plate now. With training and looking for Sasuke--" She reached over, grabbed his collar, and yanked him over.
" You think you get to call the shots around here, you pipsqueak?" Tsunade asked angrily. " You're a genin and you'll take whatever mission I give you! I'll send you back to the Academy so fast you'll spin." He groaned. " Neji Hyuga!"
" Yes," He responded.
" You're team leader!" Tsunade declared before throwing Naruto into his arms. " It'll be good training for you trying to tame the untameable."
" I'd rather not," Neji admitted. " But I'll give it ago."
" I'll be out training when you need me," Naruto grunted as he broke away from Neji. " The old bat."
" Naruto," Aceso breathed as he walked over to the door. They all began to follow Naruto out the door.
" Um--sorry about that," Tenten apologized nervously. " They have no manners, you know?" She began to awkwardly laugh. " Uh --wait up, you guys." She took off.
" Doctor Matsuba?!" Tsunade asked.
" Yes, my lady?" Aceso jumped.
" When will they be able to go?" Tsunade demanded.
" Not much longer," Aceso answered. " Recovery is going swell."
" When?" Tsunade asked.
" By tomorrow morning or late this afternoon," Aceso answered. " Most likely tomorrow morning."
" If I hear that you or your pipsqueak of a brother try to flake out on this mission, I will send you both back to the academy!!" Tsunade roared.
" Understood," Aceso squeaked. Tsunade groaned angrily, stoop, and threw her chair out the window.
" Those lousy little brats!" Tsunade growled. " What the heck do they think I'm running here anyway?"
" Milady, if I may," Gai requested as he held out his hand.
" What is it?" Tsunade hissed.
" The Kurosuke Family. What did you say their boss's name was again?" Gai asked.
" Raiga," She heaved.
" As I thought," Gai said.
" What do you mean, Dad?" Aceso asked as they looked at him and Lee ran back into the room.
" Well, I heard a rumor about him when I was out in the field one time," Gai answered.
" Huh?" They all asked.
" What kind of rumor?" Lee asked. He then went and explained the rumor. The two kids left the room afterward. " We must inform others."
" I think Naruto should still be the building," Aceso hoped. They came across a doorway to see him and Sakura standing at a railing, watching three birds. " Big brother!"
" Uh--sorry, are we intruding?" Lee asked.
" Well, what does it look like?" Naruto asked as he leaned against the rail. Lee shook his head and then look to the side.
" No, Lee we must not turn away," He began to tell himself. " In our youth with must always seize the moment."
" Hello, Sakura," Aceso greeted with a smile as they walked over. " How are you today? How's your training?"
" I'm great," Sakura laughed. " Training is going well. Can you help me with something?"
" What do you two want already?" Naruto grunted.
" A word with you, actually," Lee answered as he ran over to Naruto. He grabbed Naruto and they took off the stairs. " See you later!" They ran down the stairs past Kotetsu and Izumo walking past them with Lady Tsunade's chair. Izumo's head had a bump on it and was bleeding.
" Could've been worse," Kotetsu said. " Least it wasn't a desk."
" You're hilarious, you know that?" Izumo asked with a sour face.
" Come help me," Sakura insisted as she grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the practice area.
" Oh, Sakura," Aceso said after they got started. " I won't be in for the next couple of days due to a mission."
" What about helping me?" Sakura asked.
" If I don't go, Lady Tsunade will murder me," Aceso informed with wide eyes. " But I'm sure Lady Tsunade and Shizune can help."
" I understand, " Sakura huffed. " What are you doing on the mission?"
"Oh," Aceso breathed. " She wants me to tag along as a medical ninja."
" That is so cool!" Sakura squealed.
Later that night, Aceso was up late in her room packing the things she needed, she had her backpack on the bed, with few things besides it.
" We won't need the chakra medicine," a voice said, she looked to see Lee putting the medicine back in the cabinet.
" You really shouldn't be in here all the time," Aceso pointed out as she walked over and grabbed it.
" You did say I could come here if I needed something," Lee reminded her as he took the ointment and put it back up.
" Yeah, back when you were a resident for a while," Aceso recalled as she grabbed it.
" Well, I wanted to know what you know about the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist," Lee said as he took out of her hands once more. He then put it on the top of the cabinet out of her reach.
" Not fair," Aceso huffed as she looked up at it.
" What do you know?" Lee asked.
" Well, I don't know much about this Raiga guy," Aceso said. " Well...Zabuza is known as the Demon Hidden in the Mist."
" How so?" Lee asked.
" Before he was a student he killed over one hundred academy students," Aceso answered, Lee, gasped. " When I encountered him, he had this boy with him, about our age...Haku....he was a kind person, spectacular ninja, but he had a soft spot."
" Anything else? " Lee asked as Aceso looked back at the ointment.
" Zabuza carried around this huge sword...called Kubikiribochi, belonged to the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist."
"And Kisame Hoshigaki?" Lee asked.
" Well...he travels with Itachi Uchiha, both part of the Akatsuki," Aceso answered softly as she got on her tiptoes and started to reach for the ointment.
"Itachi is Sasuke's older brother, the one that--" Lee began.
"Yeah," Aceso nodded.
Lee noticed Aceso was a bit off. "As for Kisame?"
" From what I can tell, he is no longer part of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist. He carries a large sword as well. It can absorb somebody's chakra, didn't see it fully in action." She put a knee on the counter and hoisted herself up. " Either way...both are dangerous...and if this Raiga is anything like them...we are going to need this." She grabbed the ointment and then handed it to Lee to hold so she can get down.
" I still think we won't," Lee denied as they went over to her backpack. " It's a simple mission."
" We will," Aceco insisted. " This one may be tougher than you believe."
" I am ready for a challenge!" Lee exclaimed. " I can take anything thrown at me!" He punched the air, Aceso smiled as she continued to pack in the rest of the materials as Lee flopped on the other side of the bed. "Red Rose?" He pulled up a blanket.
"Hm?" Aceso asked as pulled out another mattress from underneath her bed.
"You sounded different when you mentioned Itachi," Lee brought up.
"You know how I used to be close with the Uchihas, right?" Aceso asked, Lee nodded as he looked over at her. "A long time ago, when I was four, this man would come in every night and beat up every person he could touch."
"That's horrible," Lee gasped as he sat up. "Did he hit you?'
"A couple of times, he broke into my room a couple of times," Aceso answered as she sat on the mattress with her back facing Lee. "He used to date one of the nurses in the hospital, he wasn't very kind to her. And when she finally broke up with him, the man held a grudge against every medic." Lee went over to go sit next to her. "One day, I got cowardly and left the hospital, hiding at the school for a couple of days."
"You were just a kid," Lee reminded her.
"Still cowardly," Aceso said as she finally looked at him. "I made my dads worry so much that made a request to the Uchiha police. It was Sasuke's dad that picked it up, Itachi tagged along, the senseis took care of the man that kept causing terror to the hospital, while Itachi and his dad found me. That day, Itachi walked me back to the hospital, promised that everything would be alright. I got really close with the Uchiha clan after that. Then three years the Uchiha Massscare happened and Itachi left the village, now Sasuke has left the village."
"The very person that promised that everything would be alright ended up doing something so horrible," Lee said. "That would make anyone sad, I can't imagine on Sasuke is feeling."
"I don't think any of us do," Aceso stated. Lee opened his mouth. "Get some sleep, we have a mission in the morning." Lee leaned back, spawling out pulling the blanket over him. She'd appreciate it if he could just go home and use his own bed, she doesn't mind pulling out the extra mattress, but she does appreciate her time alone.
The next day, the men were strong enough to travel back to their mission. Aceso stood at the gates with them, including Neji, Tenten, and Lee.
" All right, we keep a close eye on our friends here as we head for Kakabami, then deal with the Kurosuke Family once we arrive," Neji instructed.
" There is a shop that is very close to that village," Lee brought up. " It can be our home base." Neji nodded in agreement.
" Why do you know about a shop out there?" Tenten asked.
" Sorry," Lee apologized as he held up a finger. " That is a surprise for the journey." He smiled and his teeth shined.
" We're just waiting on Naruto then," Aceso said as she looked back inside the village.
" Naturally," Neji sighed.
" Wel this whole mission is based on info from Gai-sensei," Tenten pointed out. " Maybe Naruto just didn't buy it."
" That is not true, Tenten," Lee disagreed. " He will definitely be here. Naruto knows Gai-sensei's intel is rock solid."
" Terrific," Neji breathed as he looked away with disbelief.
" Huh?" Hachidai asked as he looked up.
" Here I am!" Naruto shouted as he jumped down from the entrance, landing in front of everyone. " So, we're all here. Let's hit the road, everybody."
" That's not your call," Neji pointed out.
" Let's do it!" Naruto cheered as he turned and marched forward. He stopped, turned, and quickly walked back over to them. " Hey--uh--which way is it?" Aceso giggled and then Rokusuke started to lead the way. He seemed to be in a rush to get back to the Gold Mine. Aceso walked next to Naruto, he seemed he wanted to be on the mission more than yesterday. They then stopped to eat and regain strength, Aceso opened a new medical book and read up on new medicines as she ate. Rokusuke quickly ate and drank water and got up.
" Calm down, Rokusuke," Hachidai advised. " It's gonna be OK. These shinobi will save our village." They looked over to see Naruto balancing on a pile of rocks on one foot.
" Heh-heh," Naruto laughed. " Nothing like a little post-meal training." Aceso and Tenten giggled at the sight of him.
" I will not allow myself to lose!" Lee declared before the rice into his mouth, hoped down, and then went to go train more.
" Well, I'm not losing either," Naruto insisted as he tried to avoid the flying rock debris from Rock Lee. They all laughed, but Rokusuke.
" How long do you ninja plan on resting here?" Rokusuke demanded. " We need to keep moving if we want to save Kanpachi."
" Have you gone mad?" Hachidai asked. " Come on. You know how long he's been in that coffin. It's hard, but--" Tenten and Aceso looked at each other sadly, they quickly began to move once more. Aceso now walked next to Tenten.
" So, this Raiga guy is part of the Seven Swordsman of the Mist?" Tenten asked.
" According to Gai-sensei, yes," Aceso answered. " Those guys don't mess around, so far the two I have met are tough."
" We can take this guy down as a team," Tenten said. " We have nothing to worry about." Aceso looked at her and nodded with a smile.
" I was right!" They heard Lee shout from behind them, they looked to see he was pointing straight ahead. " It is just up ahead! The Curry Shop of Life!" They walked a little more, till they saw a building come into view and an elder woman watering the grass. " Grandma Sansho!"
" Wait, is that?" Grandma Sansho asked as she turned around. " Well, goodness me."
" Long time no see!" Lee laughed as he ran over to her. He picked her up and spun her around happily.
" Oh, my, my, my, my!" Grandma Sansho laughed.
" I told you I would return one day!" Lee cheered.
" So, um--this is Lee's shop then?" Tenten asked.
" It would appear so," Aceso said, they then looked to see the three men looking off in the distance.
" That mountain is the Katambi gold mine," Hachidai informed as he pointed straight ahead.
" Huh?" the others asked as they looked. They soon went inside and sat as Grandma Sansho prepared them some food. They would be staying there for the night and the remaining of the mission. Aceso sat at a table with the three from the Land of River.
" Grandma Sansho's curry saved my life back then," Lee informed as stirred his spoon in the glass of water.
" Huh?" Aceso asked.
" You mean it's good though, right?" Naruto asked.
" No, it honestly saved my life," Lee admitted. " I am in its debt. This back in the days when I had just become a genin. Gai-sensei had brought me out to these parts to introduce a new training regimen."
" Oh, of course, I remember," Grandma Sansho recalled. " That brings me back." She started to tell the story about the time she met Lee for the first time and how her Curry saved Lee's life.
" This is the curry of life," Lee said as Grandma Sansho put a plate down in front of everyone. " Now, Sansho went to all the trouble of making us this curry. So let us dig in!" He clapped his hands together. " I cannot wait!" They all watched as Lee took the spoon out of the water. He scooped up some curry and rice, everything was happening in slow motion. He put it in his mouth and began to chew happily, as he chewed his face turned bright pink. His eyes opened. " Delicious!" His whole face was almost as red as Aceso's hair. He then started to eat faster. " This is just so delectable! Mm. A myriad of flavors! The spices are blended to perfection. Plus, whatever these little hard chunks are, they're amazing!" Everyone turned their plate and put a spoon full in their mouths. All their faces turned bright pink and started screaming from the spiciness.
" Mm, so good," Lee cheered as everyone became breathless. " Oh, by the way, where's Karashi right now? Is he out?"
" Oh, well, the boy was very moved by your work ethic," Grandma Sansho began. " And began attacking life with quite a new vigor. SO much that he left the shop and set out for town. I shouldn't have pushed him so much. Always telling him to be strong. I'm going to be a man, he said." All their faces turned back to normal, Aceso grabbed her glass of water and slowly sipped on it, letting the water cool down the insides of her mouth before swallowing. " Part of the Kurosuke Family."
" Huh?" Rokusuke gasped as Lee slammed down his plate, shaking with anger.
"Hm?" Grandma Sansho asked. " Oh, please. You mustn't worry yourself son." Tenten shakingly grabbed for her water and drank it all. " I'm not blaming you."
" Too late now," Tenten breathed.
" I am responsible for this," Lee said as he grew angry with himself.
" Oh, dear me," Grandma Sansho said.
" Neji!" Lee exclaimed as he shot his hand in the air. " Request to incorporate the rescue of Karashi into our mission. We will bring him back from this road of evil he has taken!" Tenten held up water to Neji's hand, he took it and drank it.
" Very well," Neji agreed after he finished. Grandma Sansho thanked him silently. " We will use the shop as a base of operations, and start scouting the village." Naruto sat back up. " Then we can come up with a strategy and make our move."
" Roger," Lee said. Neji nodded and looked at the people that requested their help.
" You three had better stay behind here," Neji suggested. " If we face the Kurosuke Family things will definitely get dicey." They all nodded and went to come up with a plan and get some rest.
" This is terrible!" Hachidai said he ran to the boy's room and opened the door. " Rokosuke! He's--he's--he's gone!"
" He must have gone into town alone, " Sangaro concluded." The blasted fool!"
" That spells trouble," Tenten said as she and Aceso walked up. " Neji, if those guys find him then--"
" Too late trying to map out a strategy at this point, guys," Naruto said as he got up. " We better get straight to business."
" Right," Lee agreed as he got up. " Let us get to business.
" Let's hurry," Aceso insisted. They then all ran off, going straight into danger and ready to save others.
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