Chapter 50

After sending the message, Aceso went back to the hospital and started to make medicine and find supplies. The door to the room opened, she looked up and saw Lady Tsunade.

" Shizune just came back," Tsunade revealed. " Two of our guys are currently being treated."

" Who?" Aceso asked.

" Genma and Raido," Tsunade answered. " Attack by the Sound Four."

" Huh?" Aceso gasped.

" They are currently resting," Tsunade answered. " The Sound four works for Orochimaru, it's a good thing you sent a help letter to our allies. But from what I heard, this village helped attack Konoha."

" Water under the bridge," Aceso answered. " I know they won't try anything funky with us again."

" I have given Lee his medicine, he is currently resting," Tsunade informed. " That boy tried to climb that long set of stairs without his crutch." She crossed her arms. " I trust you are getting ready to leave for tomorrow."

" Yes," Aceso answered. " I've already talked to a couple of groups of medical ninja here, they all know what to do."

" Good," Tsunade answered before leaving.

Late that night, Aceso grabbed her stuff and started to head out, she stopped when the door she was passing opened and Lee poked his head out, he didn't have a crutch with him.

" If you are going to sneak out, I suggest you do it through the window," Aceso advised as she pushed him back into the room and closed the door. 

" I wasn't going to sneak out," Lee denied as he scratched the back of his head. " To be a true shinobi I must be patient and rest."

" That's not what you had in mind," Aceso pointed out. " Do you have the medicine, Lady Tsunade gave you?" He looked at her questionably. " Come on we can't waste any more time." She walked over to the window. He saw that she had her bow and arrow around her.

" How did you know I was going to sneak out?" Lee asked as he stared at her. She opened the window and got on the ledge.

" As you said yesterday, I've been caring for you ever since the preliminaries," Aceso reminded him. " Honestly, leaving through the door would have just gotten you caught easily. The window is the best way to go."

" And the medical squad?" Lee asked.

" I talked over a plan with them earlier," Aceso answered. " They know when to leave, ready?" She held out her hand, looking at him. Lee happily grabbed it. A warm feeling ran through Aceso as if their hands fit perfectly, she didn't know why.

" Never been more ready," Lee answered. The two then left through the window and ran to catch up with the others, in the middle of the night.

" What did you talk to the Hokage about?" Lee asked as they went through the trees.

" That's a surprise for later," Aceso answered. They soon came to a stop when they saw Choji leaning up against a tree. Aceso laid Choji down and took out a few things. " You can go ahead."

" Someone's gotta watch over," Lee denied as he took watch. Aceso did what she needed to do, the treatment she gave Choji increased his breathing, he had taken all three of the colored pills. She gave him the very beginning of what would be surgery to save his life. He would be stable enough to get him back to the village and into immediate operation. Aceso then made a mark on the tree, one only the medical squad would know from her. The squad was close behind. It was now morning, the sun was up.

" Choji's good," Aceso informed as got up. " The squad should be here soon."

" Right," Lee nodded before they took off again, not too long after that they came across Neji, he was badly injured. " Neji!" Aceso took out bandages and immediately began to treat him.  Aceso did certain Jutsu, chakra built up, she put her hands on Neji's chest, and his whole was engulfed in the green. "What exactly does that Jutsu do Red Rose?"

"It transfers some of my chakras into another," Aceso answered. "It helps keep them stable, I wasn't able to hold it long during the Chunin exams, but this should hold long enough for the medical teams to grab Neji and get back to the hospital." She gently lifted up Neji. " It looks like an arrow or something shot through him," Aceso furrowed her eyes brows. " You-"

" I'm not going anywhere until you are sure we can leave him," Lee interrupted her. She looked up at him, he was determined to not leave. " We rescue Sasuke and I will keep my end of the promise." Aceso reached into her pack and pulled out some ink. She then opened it, looked down, and wrote a few things across Neji's bandages. She then removed her hand and Neji stayed engulfed in the green healing orb.

" Neji should be good," Aceso answered. " This repair surface damages, stopping the bleeding for a while." She stood up. " He will need to go into immediate operation when he gets taken back to the village, I'm not sure it's good to leave unattended."

" He looks like he's in good hands," Lee informed. " Come on." She made a mark on a tree for the medical squads and then left. They got to the edge of a forest and saw Naruto facing off with a pale boy.  They saw a Sasuke now with grey hair starting to run off. Aceso took out her rope and had it tied around two trees and went back a bit. Aceso took out an arrow with an explosive tag on it and aimed it carefully. Just as the pale boy with a red dot in the middle of his forehead was bout to slice Naruto with a bone-looking sword. Aceso released her arrow, it landed right behind the other boy, exploded and Lee took this as the perfect opportunity to spin in, kicking the boy away from Naruto. Soon the smoke cleared, Aceso and Lee stood in front of Naruto, and the other boy stood a good distance away.

" Who are they?" the boy asked as Naruto looked at the two.

" It is I, the rejuvenated Leaf Village's handsome devil," Lee answered. " Rock Lee!" He was in a fighting position, ready to deliver anything attack and dodge any attack.

" Little sister," Naruto breathed in surprise. " B-Bushy Brow?" But what about your injuries? Shouldn't you still be resting?"

" Don't worry about me, Naruto," Lee assured as he looked back at him. " Go get Sasuke."

" Huh?" Naruto asked. " Really? Are you sure?"

" Go on, get going," Lee ordered as he looked back at the pale boy, " We can take care of things here."

" Ok, " Naruto gave in. " You two just be careful, will you? He uses his own bones for weapons."

 " His bones?" Aceso asked. " Interesting."

" Watch yourselves," Naruto advised as the pale boy held out his bone sword. " This guy's strength is beyond belief."

" Well, what are you waiting for?" Lee asked as he gave Naruto a thumbs up. " Go! The thumbs-up, Naruto. Remember? You gave it to Sakura. You made her a promise. Do not worry. I can finish this one. I promise."

" You be careful as well, Naruto," Aceso wished, he smiled and nodded and turned to leave.

" I don't think so," Kimimaro denied, he jumped up over their heads and landed right behind Naruto. " Now die!" He swung his bone sword, Aceso appeared in between them, pulled out a knife, and blocked him from swinging down any more.

" I dislike being ignored," Lee informed angrily as he stood behind Kimimaro, in a fight stance.

" Ah," Kimimaro breathed, he then looked up to see Naruto running off.

" Don't be so distracted," Aceso advised as she threw him forward, Lee jumped up and landed his leg on Kimimaros' shoulder. Aceso rolled out of the way.

Back at the infirmary, Tsunade stood in the room with the Jonin that had gotten hurt yesterday, she was staring at the Hokage face statues.

" Still, no matter how you look at it, with Sasuke bottled up in that coffin, there's not a team of Genin on earth take on that bunch and win," Raido said.

" Obviously the two of us can't be of much help in our condition," Genma said. " But if you put together a special squad, send out a tram of Jonin to back them up--"

" That's out of the question," Tsunade denied. " Ever since Orochimaru's attack, we've had to defend ourselves with merely a fraction of our former strength. Other lands have begun to sense our weakness. Every day we're faced with growing dangers, both from within and from without." The two remained silent. " Even at the risk of letting the Sharingan fall into Orochimaru's hands." They gasped. " What I need is every Jonin here to defend the village."

" But, my lady, the problem of Orochimaru--" Raido began. " Well, it won't just go away."

" If he regains his powers, sooner or later he'll be back," Genma pointed out.

" Of course he will," Tsunade acknowledged. " I'm well aware of that. I'm not a fool. And that's why I've already taken certain measures." They heard someone running down the hall."

" She's in here," an aide informed as he appeared at the door, they looked back to see Gai appear at the entrance. He was panting heavily, hit the door, and fell over onto the ground.

" Gai! What is this?" Tsunade asked. " Did something happen in your mission?"

" No," Gai denied as he looked up. " It went without a hitch. And then I ran back as swiftly as my feet could carry me." He lifted himself up a little. " Who cares about my mission? Tell me, how did Lee's surgery go? I gotta know!" Tsunade walked over knelt down and touched his shoulder, he stopped looking panicked.

" It was successful," Tsunade smiled. " In fact, I've Oked him to start training tomorrow. Going easy at first." Gai melted happily as tears streamed down his face. " Well, he probably should stay in bed, but you know him."

" I'm afraid we have a problem, my lady," another aid informed. " It's Rock Lee. He's disappeared from his room."

" NO!" Gai sobbed loudly.

Back over at the fighting situation, Aceso charged Kimimaro, she delivered as many attacks as possible, and he blocked them and vice versa. Lee charged at Kimimaro. He delivered many kicks, and Kimimaro dodged them, jumped up, and then went to got land on Lee.

" Sike!" Lee shouted as he launched up uppercutting Kimimaro. He then let out a battle cry as the two landed. " The next one will be your last."

Back at the hospital, they went to Lee's room.

" Oh, he must have slipped out last night while I was treating Genma and Raido," Tsunade said.

" He's not in Aceso's room," an aid informed as popped in. "She's not seen anywhere either."

" She had to set out," Tsunade informed. " I highly doubt she'd bring Lee along with her." They stared at his empty bed, with pillows acting as a body. " Little fool. He must have gone after them. What's more, he must have been half delirious. Instead of his prescription, he took a bottle of elixir that I had left in here."

Back at the battle sight

Aceso clashed her knife with a sword once again, this blow sent her knife flying out of her hand. She leaned back as the sword came towards her, he was faster than her, the blade skinned her cheek, and he then kicked her.

 " Ah!" Aceso grunted as she went, she tumbled before sliding to a stop, she was on her front. She felt a warm liquid seep out of her cheeks. She looked up to see Lee charging.

" Leaf Hurricane!" Lee shouted as he sent an attack, Kimimaro dodged it, and they both jumped in the air. No matter how many kicks Lee delivered, Kimimaro was fast enough to dodge them. " Your agility is impressive. And you have a most singular style."

" Your style's too direct," Kimimaro commented. " Almost obvious." The Lee charged forward ready to deliver a punch, Kimimaro easily moved to the side." It's over."

" One moment, please!" Lee requested as he held out his hand as he was on the ground. " I am sorry, but if I don't take my medicine at a certain, my friend will be very upset with me. And that time happens to be now. Excuse me, it will just take a minute." He reached into his pack and pulled out the bottle. " To be honest, I never really liked medicine. He took off the cork and began to drink it, all of it. He made a disgusted sound after he finished it. " Whatever it is, it is the worst tasting medicine I have ever--" He drooped forward a little and began to stumble around.

" Huh?" Aceso asked as she looked up more. Lee began to giggle, he stumbled around so much to the point he dropped the bottle on the ground.

" What are you staring at, you stupid jerk?" Lee slurred as two pink spots appeared on his cheeks.

' Is Lee drunk?' Aceso asked herself. She recalls seeing patients come in from drinking too much, or just passing drunk people at night. " Why I oughta--don't--don't move, bonsey." He was making his way toward Kimimaro. " I, uh, I--" He brought his hands up ready to fight and the enemy raised his bone sword ready for an attack.

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