Chapter 49

The next morning came and Aceso came to Lee's room to do the ointment, she more well-rested. She had Lee have him strip the top part of his suit off. She had him sit on the stool and she began to apply the ointment.

" Your hands are so cold," Lee said as goosebumps formed.

" I'm sorry," Aceso apologized as she pulled her hands back.

" I don't mind," Lee smiled back at her as she put her hands back to finish up. 

" I have to go gather some flowers and herbs. I will see you later," Aceso said as she turned to leave the room.

" Red Rose," Lee breathed as he put his suit fully back on. "About what I said earlier in the night."

" Rest a bit more, I'll see you, later," Aceso said as she left. She grabbed a basket and went out, soon running into Neji. " Good morning Neji."

" Good morning," Neji greeted. " How are you?"

" Splendid," Aceso answered. 

" How did Lee's surgery go?" Neji asked.

" Splendid as well," Aceso answered. " He's awake and should be moving around the village soon."

" That is good to hear," Neji said. " Thank you."

"No thank you," Aceso thanked him.

" Huh?" Neji asked.

" Skill was highly needed for the person doing the surgery, but so is the trust and faith of the people close to the patient," Aceso answered. " I received a ton of that from people including you." Neji smiled at her and nodded. They then went separate ways and not too long after that Aceso ran into Naruto and Shikamaru.

" Sasuke left the village last night," Shikamaru informed. " He's falling right into the hands of Orochimaru." 

" What?" Aceso gasped as her eyes went wide.

" I'm assembling a team to go after him," Shikamaru said. " If you can meet me at the gates with medical supplies for us to take, that'll be great."

" Of course, anything you need," Aceso agreed.

" I'd ask you to tag along, but you are probably needed here more," Shikamaru said. " We're going to get a few others." They nodded at each other before going separate ways. Aceso went and gathered as many supplies as fast as possible before heading over to the gate. 

" Is Aceso coming as well!?" a voice asked, she looked over to see Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba, Akamaru, and Naruto running over.

" No," Shikamaru answered. " Lady Tsunade said it would be best if she stays here...for now."

" We haven't run into anyone else," Choji brought up.

" We have," Shikamaru corrected. He nodded up a set of stairs, they looked up to see Neji and Lee standing at the second set talking, and they look down at them. With Neji's help, the two came down the steps and Shikamaru explained everything.

" Yes, I understand," Neji said.

" Yeah, it's kind of a drag, but I figure the more guys we have the better, so," Shikamaru explained.

" Lee, it's up to you," Neji said as he looked at the sad boy. " You do what you must do." He nodded, then turned and began to walk towards the steps, they were all taken back. He then stopped right before the steps.

" Tomorrow I think I will try climbing these steps by myself," Lee said.

" Lee," Aceso breathed.

" I will be fine," Lee assured as he looked back at them. " They can go on without me." All of them went to the gate, Aceso was giving Shikamaru and the other supplies as she was also there to bid them farewell.

" It's time to go," Shikamaru declared as he closed his little bag. " Oh well, at least I got five." Aceso moved on to Choji and handed him a couple of bags of chips, he was very happy and put them in his pack.

" All right!" Naruto cheered as he pumped his fist in the air. " Come on, let's get going everybody, follow me!" Nobody moved.

" Naruto...Shikamaru is supposed to be the platoon leader here," Aceso reminded him.

" I know it's a drag, but--" Shikamaru began as Naruto grunted and looked back.

" You really think you're the best person to direct this operation?" Naruto asked. " You don't seem very reliable to me."

" What's up with you acting like you charge all of a sudden Naruto?" Kiba asked as he stood up. " I mean, taking orders from somebody as lazy as Shikamaru doesn't exactly thrill me either, but still." Akamaru woofed in agreement.

" But none of you get to decide who's the leader here," Choji pointed out. " Because Shikamaru is the only one of us who's a Chunin. That means the elders of the village clearly believe he got what it takes to call the shots on this one." Akamaru moaned.

" If that's the case, then perhaps you should start coming up with some sort of a plan," Neji advised. " From what I heard, Sasuke's gone to the enemy, and there's a real chance they could ambush us."

" Well for starters, this is a rescue operation, so we'll be in the position of pursuit," Shikamaru explained as he stepped forward. " Which means the enemy already has an important advantage over us." He looked back at the others. " That said, I'm arranging us in a deployment formation that can respond to any assault by the enemy. If any of you don't follow my exact orders, we're all going to die." Kiba gasped. " Ok, we'll go with a single-file strike formation. As we all know, the most important position is the spearhead, so that's going to be Kiba. You're upfront." He gasped. " With all the walks you and Akamaru go on you're the most familiar with the Land of Fire's terrain. And with that sensitive nose of yours, you'll be able to track Sasuke's scent, while sniffing out any booby traps the enemy may have set. Moreover, because we'll have two sets of eyes upfront, you and Akamaru will be more effective in protecting our single-file line from an assault. Second, in line will be yours truly, platoon leader. From that position, I'll be able to direct everyone behind using silent hand signals. And because I'm so close to Kiba, I'll be in position to react in any situation. In the middle, the number three position is Naruto. The middle of the line is the perfect location for you because you're the most capable of executing quick moves either in front of you, behind you. You're the cornerstone, and you have the Shadow Clone Jutsu. Fourth, in line is Choji. Choji you might not have any speed, but your striking power is the greatest of the platoon members." Aceso had moved on to Kiba and Akamaru and handed them supplies. " Kiba, myself, and Naruto will launch a surprise attack, then you'll swoop in and finish them off. You're the second wave of our assault. Finally, on the end will be you, Neji. Your position is most difficult, rear lookout. I want you to use your Byakugan to constantly scan ahead for weakness in our ranks." They all gathered as Shikamaru knelt down and took out a scroll. " Got it? Then take a look at this." He scribbled out a few things. " This diagram shows exactly what part of the perimeter you're responsible for. Kiba watches the front. I'm responsible for a wider forward view. Naruto's got the left, Choji the right,  and Neji, using your Byakugan, you cover the entire area to the rear. All right, now I think I should familiarize myself with our arms, weaponry, and medical supplies." He rolled up the scroll.

Aceso moved on to Neji and gave him a few things.

" I'll need to check out all the ninja tools you each plan on carrying into battle, that way I'll know what we have," Shikamaru said. " Are there any questions?"

" Uh-uh, " Naruto shook his head.

" Aceso...if we're not back by tomorrow, I need you to send out a medical squad, you with it," Shikamaru instructed. " I trust you know when to do it and who to gather."

" Right," Aceso nodded. 

" Anything else?" Shikamaru asked.

" No," Neji declined.

" Since nobody else has anything to add, I saved the most important thing for last," Shikamaru brought up. " For as long as I've known him, Sasuke and I haven't exactly been close buddies. In fact, I don't really like him at all." They gasped. " All the same, Sasuke's a ninja belonging to the Hidden Leaf Village. He's a comrade, and I'll put my life on the line to help him. That's the way of our village. I know I usually seem like a pretty lazy guy, but not today. Because now I'm responsible for your lives too."

" Wow, I never thought I'd see Shikamaru acting like a Chunin," Kiba admitted. " Very impressive."

" Ok, as soon as we check out gear, we'll go," Neji said. " Show me your weapons." All the boys took displayed their weaponry. 

" All right, let's move out," Shikamaru ordered.

" Wait!" Sakura's voice called out as she ran over, they looked back at her.

" Are you all right?" Naruto asked.

" Lady Hokage told me everything," Shikamaru informed. " Sorry Sakura, I can't take you on this mission. I know you tried, but even you couldn't convince Sasuke, could you?" Naruto gasped. " Now our only option is for me to find him, and force him back to the village. I'm sorry, but there's nothing else you can do for him." She looked down sadly.

" But that means--did Sasuke turn his back on you Sakura?" Naruto asked. Tears immediately fell from her eyes.

" Naruto, this is a once-in-a-lifetime request," Sakura cried, she was shaking. " Just bring him home. Please bring Sasuke back to me. I did everything I could. I tried, but I couldn't stop him from leaving the village. At this point. There's only one person who can stop him. Only one who can save him. Naruto, it's all up to you."

" Well gosh Sakura, you must really care about Sasuke, huh?" Naruto asked as a small smile appeared on his face and he closed his eyes. " I get it. I can see that deep down, this must be really painful for you. I know you must be suffering." She looked up at him.

" Naruto, thank you so much," Sakura cried as she hugged herself.

" Don't you worry a bit," Naruto said as he gave a thumbs up. " I'm going to bring Sasuke back. I promise that one my life, Sakura.

" Whoa, hold on Naruto," Kiba stepped in. " That's quite a statement, are you sure you should be promising her that, we'll get him?"

" I'm sure," Naruto confirmed. " When I give my word you can count on it. That's my ninja way. Well come on, what're we waiting for, let's get going."

" Any words for us from the Doctor?" Kiba asked Aceso looked over at them.

" I'd like all of you to come back alive," Aceso requested.

" Got it, princess," Kiba smiled.

" All right then," Shikamaru breathed. " This little interruption cost us some time. Let's get moving."

" Right," Naruto cried, they started to leave again.

" Did you see Naruto give you the thumbs up when he made that promise?" Lee asked. " That means he will do it. I can tell Naruto will succeed." Sakura looked over at him and he gave her a thumbs up. They turned and traveled back into the village.

" Do you think they have everyone they need?" Sakura asked.

" Huh?" Lee and Aceso asked.

" Is five really enough?" Sakura asked.

" With how well Shikamaru has already placed the team, it is good," Lee answered.

" You are prepared to leave, right?" Sakura asked looking at Aceso.

" Yeah," Aceso answered with unease.

" What's wrong?" Lee asked.

" Nothing," Aceso denied. She couldn't help but agree with Sakura, that might need a few more numbers. A crutch was put in front of her, Aceso stopped walking and looked up at Lee.

" You have been taking care of me ever since the preliminaries for the Chunin exams, I know when something is wrong," Lee said as they stopped walking. " You think they don't have enough people as well?"

" It's not that," Aceso denied. " Well, not entirely."

" If I was up to it, I would have gone," Lee informed.

" There's barely any genin left to help out and the Jonin are all busy with missions and protecting the village," Sakura pointed out. " Not to mention you'll have to leave tomorrow most likely."

" If you need anything, I can be here for emotional support," Lee offered as he gave a thumbs up and a smile. Aceso stopped walking, they looked back at her. Temari's voice ran through her head.

' Since we are allies...if you ever need anything, just send a message,' Temari's voice echoed through her head.

" Sakura, can you get Lee back up the steps?" Aceso requested.

" Um, sure," Sakura agreed.

" I need to talk to Lady Tsunade," Aceso said. 

" What about it?" Lee asked.

" Details will be revealed later," Aceso answered before taking off. She ran all the way to the Hokage's office and appeared in the doorway.

" Aceso?" Lady Tsunade asked as she looked up at her. She had a book open about medicines. 

" This mission Shikamaru went on with Naruto, Choji, Kiba Akamaru, and Neji," Aceso began.

" I'm sure they will be fine," Lady Tsunade said. " I'm sure you will be useful if you have to go out tomorrow with a team of the medical ninja."

" That's not it," Aceso denied. " I think we should ask for help from our allies."

" Our allies?" Lady Tsunade asked as she looked at her in question.

" I know just the village to ask help from and the people who to request," Aceso explained. 

" Who do you have in mind?" Tsunade asked. 

" These siblings from the Sand Village," Aceso answered.

" I see," Lady Hokage nodded. " I am going to go make Lee some medicine, you write to that village."

" Lady Tsunade?" Aceso asked as she tilted her head.

" I trust you know what to say," Lady Tsunade said as she stood up. " I approve of your request, now get to it."

" Right," Aceso nodded. Lady Tsunade went and made the medicine as Acseo wrote the message, she went to the aviary and sent it.

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