Chapter 47

The next morning Lee woke up, he was quite confused about why he was laying down. He slowly sat up, he looked up to see Aceso asleep on her chair, pieces of paper were on the floor. He used his cane and scooted the paper to him, he picked it up and saw it was a skeleton outline of him. There were notes all over the paper. He gasped and looked at the sleeping girl and then back at the paper.

' Was she up all night?' Lee asked as he slowly got up and grabbed the blanket at the end of her bed. He walked up and taped her, she slowly fluttered open. 

" What is this?" Lee asked as he held the paper in front of her face. She rubbed her eyes and looked at it more.

" Notes from yesterday," Aceso answered as he threw the blanket on her.

" I thought I told you, I will no longer hold you to your promise," Lee brought up as Aceso covered herself with the blanket.

" I'm not breaking a promise Lee," Aceso said as she looked up at him. " As Naruto's sister I shouldn't go back on my word."

" But the burden," Lee brought up.

" Lady Tsunade says it's worth a try," Aceso told him. " But only if you agree to it." She looked at the clock and her eyes went wide. " I'm late!"

" For what?" Lee asked as she got up.

 " I'm supposed to meet with Lady Tsunade," Aceso answered as she dashed into the bathroom, Lee then took this moment to leave the room. Aceso came back out to see he was gone and then dashed off to the Hokage office. When she got there, the two of them were reading the book and notes more.

" To activate all of his cells at once--" Tsunade began. " If it were just one by one, it'd be a snap, but all of them together, that'll be tough."

" Tough but possible," Aceso stated.

" Tell me," Tsunade began. " Why do you want to save this boy so much? What makes him so special?" She flipped the page. " Are you trying to surpass me?"

" No, ma'am," Aceso denied as she shook her head. " Improving my skills is great...but saving a life is even greater. Making sure their dreams can become a reality is great. I chose to be a doctor because I always found it the most rewarding when I see a spark of hope twinkle back in someone's eyes. Seeing people be happy is a great reward." Tsunade smiled at her. " Also Lee's my friend and I made a promise."

" So what makes him so special?" Tsunade asked.

" What do you mean?" Aceso asked. " I'd fight just as hard for anyone else."

" I don't doubt that," Tsunade nodded as she flipped back. The two worked and studied hard for most of the day.

" That's my nindo, my ninja way, to heal as many people as possible," Aceso informed. " I always find that when you heal people, a bond of trust and friendship forms." Tsunade looked at the young girl as she took notes and studied the pages she made copies of. They worked for the rest of the day, without realizing how late it was getting. 

" Any progress with the cell activation Jutsu?" Shizune asked as she put a cup of tea in front of them.

" At the end of the day, this is all about chakra," Tsunade answered. Tonton was fast asleep on her lap. " But with so many different types of cells--skin, internal, muscular--to activate them all at once---"

" It's gonna be a bit difficult," Tsunade admitted.

" Really?" Shizune asked. " Well, that doesn't sound too bad then."

" Are you trying to test my patience?" Tsunade asked.

" No," Shizune laughed nervously. " I have the utmost faith in you Doctor Matsuba."

" Hmph," Aceso grunted as she looked out the window. They worked for the rest of the night, making marks on the book instead, making notes on everything. The procedure of success grew to 58%.

The next morning Aceso stood at the bottom as Lady Tsunade stood on top of the Hokage building, for her inauguration. Some people looked up at her question, while others looked up at her with pride. Aceso was really starting to look up to this woman. Lady Tsunade then took off her cap.

" From this day on," I shall protect the Hidden Leaf Village as the Fifth Hokage!" Lady Tsunade declared as she looked down at her people. Everyone cheered happily. After the ceremony every started to spread out, going back home or just talking to people. Aceso was going home, she was a bit tired from being up all night.

" I'm putting my life in your hands," a voice said, she stepped looked back and saw Lee trying to catch up. " I will go through with this operation?"

" Are you sure?" Aceso asked as he got closer.

" I am sure it will be a success," Lee said. " I trust you."

" I trust you as well," Aceso said as they began to walk back towards the hospital. " A lot of people do think it will be a success, it's even more reassuring you think so as well."

" It's not only that," Lee said. " They all faith in you, and I should as well. I am sorry if it seemed like I did not."

" No worries," Aceso said.

" Aren't you going to stick around?" Lee asked.

" Oh, no," Aceso denied. " I was up all night, I'm a bit tired. You should stay."

" I want to make sure you get home safe," Lee said as he held out his good arm. " I will keep up my end of the promise." Aceso looked up at him, he gave her thumbs and his teeth shined as he smiled.

" How about some tea?" Aceso asked as she held onto his arm gently. 

" Sounds good to me," Lee smiled more.

All the way back at the crowd, Gai and Kakashi were walking the two kids walk off.

" Those two seem to be getting along," Kakashi said.

" Embracing their youth with every step," Gai laughed. " Lee has decided to go with the surgery. I have no doubt that our girl will make this operation successful. If Lee dies, then I shall die as well."

" Gai," Kakashi breathed looking at him. "I'm not sure if Aceso will be okay with losing her Papa."

" I say this knowing it will be successful," Gai assured. " I told Lee that he must never tell her what we discussed for the outcomes."

" I had to remind Aceso that anything is possible," Kakashi said. " It's a good thing Lady Tsunade came back when she did. Already she seemed to have inspired Aceso." 

" Well, would you look at those two love birds," Kurenai smiled as she walked over, she was seeing the Aceso and Lee getting smaller and smaller as they walked toward the hospital.

" LOVEBIRDS!?" Kakashi and Gai exclaimed with wide eyes, then they both fainted.

Days later Aceso was walking through the village with Ino's team, she had just finished running errands.

" Man, I could really go for some barbeque," Choji complained.

" Man, what a drag," Shikamaru groaned. "Let's do ramen instead."

" Would you like to join is Aceso?" Ino asked.

"  Me?" Aceso asked in surprise.

" Do you know anyone else named Aceso?" Shikamaru asked as he looked at her. " So are you joining or not?"

" Oh, sure," Aceso agreed. They went over to the ramen place to see Team 7 eating there. But only Kakashi had a bowl in front of them.

" Hey, Sasuke!" Ino cheered as the three ran over with smiles on their faces, Team 7 was not happy their view from Kakashi was being blocked. " What a coincidence!" Naruto and Sakura yelled and started fighting the others as Aceso walked over.
" Get out of the way you- Ino- pig!" Sakura yelled.

" Aw, man, I can't see squat," Naruto complained.

" Ah, all done," Kakashi said as he put his hands together. " That was tasty."

" So fast," Everyone said as they looked at him.

" Something wrong?" Kakashi asked as he looked over at them.

" No," Sakura giggled. " What makes you say that?"

" What the?" Naruto asked they looked over to see the chef with a happy face and his daughter with heart eyes as they looked at Kakashi.

" Huh?" Kakashi asked.

" Ok, now I'm curious," all of the Team 7 students said. Team 7 dragged Aceso to the spot they usually meet Kakashi.

" What's going on?" Aceso asked.

" Haven't you always wondered what's underneath that mask?" Naruto asked.

"Multiple times," Aceso admitted. " He could have a third nostril for all we know.

"That's it," Naruto growled. " Nothing's going to stop me from seeing that face.

" Yeah, but how?" Sakura asked. " You got any ideas?"

" Don't you worry," Naruto assured as he pulled out a flashlight and showed his fangs. " We'll see it one way or another.

" I'm asking how, you stupid little troll!" Sakura snapped before punching him to the ground.

" All right, smartypants," Naruto groaned as he rubbed his head. " How do you propose we do it?" A giant bump formed on his head.

" Well, we-" Sakura began.

" We'll just have to tail him around for the day," Sasuke informed. " He'll take off the mask eventually."

" Oh, Sasuke, I swear, you are so smart," Sakura gushed.

" Yeah, as much as I would love to stay and help, I have other things to do," Aceso said before going back to the hospital.

Aceso spent the rest of the day doing work after it stopped pouring she went and hung up sheets and clothes.

" Aceso," A voice said. She looked up to Kakashi and his squad. " We have a low-rank mission of helping out a farm, Lady Hokage would like you to tag along and pick up ingredients."

" Of course," Aceso agreed. 

" See you at the gate, sis," Naruto said as they walked away. She quickly got ready before meeting up with them, Kakashi was giving his squad weird looks. 

" Oh, we're ready alright!" Naruto and Sakura declared.

" Then let's go," Aceso said as she walked past them.

" All righty then," Kakashi smiled. " Good to hear." They started off to the farm. 

" Oh, welcome," the woman greeted happily once they arrived. " My, my, my  welcome." She got close to them, the kids leaned back as she went back and then got closer. " Welcome. Welcome!" She led them to a table full of food.

" Oh, wow!" Sakura gushed as Naruto laughed. Sasuke wasn't letting it take him over and Aceso was wandering about the medical ingredients. 

" That looks good," Naruto laughed,

" How lavish," Kakashi complimented, they all sat down on their mates and stared at the food.

" Huh? What's the matter with you guys?" Kakashi asked. " No one's picking up their chopsticks"

" OH, it's nothing," Aceso assured as she looked up at him.

" Don't wait on us, Kakashi Sensei," Sakura added. " You go ahead and eat."

" Actually, I'm kind of on a diet right now," Kakashi brought up.

" A diet?" Aceso asked as Naruto picked up the kettle.

" Oh no," Naruto said fakely. " My hand slipped." He nonchalantly threw it at Kakashi. Aceso shook her head, Kakashi flipped the table making all the food fall onto the ground.

" Are you out of your mind!?" Sakura yelled as they all yelled.

" Sorry about that," Kakashi apologized. " My hand just slipped."

" What do you mean your hand slipped?" all four of them demanded. All four of the kids huddled up.

" Ok, what's our next move?" Sakura asked.

" Don't worry about it," Sasuke assured. " I think I got a plan."

" What kind of plan?" the other three asked

" Hmph," Sasuke smiled. They ended up in the hot springs, Sakura and Aceso wouldn't be able to see anything since they were on the girl's side.

" Oh man, I wanted to get a look too," Sakura huffed.

" But with these hot springs, we're out of the loop," Aceso groaned.

" I want to see," Sakura groaned as she sunk lower into the hot spring and gurgled the water.

" What's the hold-up, Kakashi-sensei!?" they heard Naruto yell.

" One sec," Kakashi said. " I'm coming."

" Hmm?" Aceso asked as Sakura stopped gurgling the water.

" I gotta see this," Sakura insisted as she went over to the rocks, she tried to peak through the wall.

" Sakura?" Aceso asked as she raised an eyebrow.

" Watch and learn," Sakura advised. " A real ninja is at work...Oh, I can't see a thing." Suddenly she heard a bunch of yelling and water splashing.

" What's going on?" Aceso asked.

" This is killing me," Sakura answered skipping the question. They all then packed up and left the Hot Springs. The kids all looked defeated as Kakashi was happy.

" Come back any time," the woman encouraged. " Thank you very much."

" Thank you very much," the assistants said all at once. " Safe journey to you."

" Come back any time," the woman encouraged as they walked away. " Come back anytime." Soon they made it to the farm, it was cute.

" All right, you all got jobs to do," Kakashi reminded them. " You'd best get to work. Dismissed." Aceso went to the door and grabbed the ingredients she was sent for as the other three huddled. When she came back out she went and helped put Kakashi fix a fence, she held up the wood as he hammed. Then a small group of rogue ninjas ran towards her and Kakashi, it was obvious that it was Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke.

" Hey, Kakashi Hatake!" Naruto yelled out.

" Huh?" Kakashi asked as he turned and looked at them. " What are the three of you up to?"

" W-What are you talking about?" Naruto asked. " We're just three wandering ninjas. It's not like we want to see what's behind your mask or--"

" You idiot!" Sakura hissed as she pushed him over. " Don't say any more than you have to.

" Hold it right there!" a voice shouted, three ninjas, dressed like the other tree popped out. The guy was laughing. " Kakashi it's time you pay for your transgress. And the price is death, delivered in the form of this elixir, which will make you weep uncontroll--" He screamed dropping the botel. Kakashi had his squad all tied up

" That's funny," Kakashi said. " I was just wondering how long you fellows were going to hide for." He put the other three don. " You finally decide to show yourselves." They started to back up as Kakashi looked down. " First things first, Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, why on earth are you dressed like that?"

" Well, the thing is--" Naruto began as they all sweated nervously.

" You fools!" Sakura yelled as she pointed at the ones following them. " You fell right into our trap. We've known all along you were targeting  Kakashi Sensei."

" That's impossible," the main guy denied. " Are you telling me that our machinations were exposed from the very beginning?"

" Of course," Sakura confirmed. " This was all just a ruse to lure you guys out. And you fell for it, hook, line, and sinker."

" So we were caught up in your web of deception," the guy trembled.

" Drat!" one of his minions grunted. " We underestimated them because they were kids."

" Well, I'm not sure I really get what's going on around here," Kakashi admitted as he touched his head. " But whatever. You can these three Aceso." She hopped over the fence and those two walked over to them.

" Ahh!" the three cried out as they backed up. And got on their knees. " Please forgive us." They were hailing and stopped when they got close.

" Words aren't going to help you," Kakashi warned. " Give it to them." Aceso did her Jutsu and she the rope tie up all three of them and let them swing like a yo-yo.

" This is just like years all over again," the main guy complained as Aceso dusted off her hands. " Swinging like an oversized yo-yo. You've got her to get us all trussed up in the same stupid rope--"

" Hey, by the way, who are you guys?" Kakashi asked.

" And he doesn't even remember who we are," the three guys cried waterfalls. After that, they went back to the village leaving the three rogue ninjas hanging.

" Hey, Kakakashi Sensei?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah?" Kakashi asked as he took his nose out of the book.

" What are you hiding under that mask?" Naruto asked.

" What?" Kakashi asked as he lowered the book. " You want to know what's behind my mask?"

" Yeah," Naruto confirmed.

" You should have just said so in the first place," Kakashi said.

" So does that mean you'll show us?" Sakura asked.

" Sure," Kakashi agreed. " I don't mind." They all got close together to get a good look. " What's the big deal?" He reached up to his face. " All right."

'How many nostrils?' Aceso asked herself.

" Behind this mask," Kakashi began as he started to pull it down. " Is another mask." He pulled it down revealing another one. " Pretty cool, huh?"

" Huh!" the four exclaimed in horror before falling over. Kakashi started laughing.

" Are you freaking kidding me?" Naruto demanded. " What the hell kind of ending is that?"

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