Chapter 46

They arrived home late at night, Aceso was walking the halls of the hospital in peace to her room. She honestly missed this place a whole lot, she missed her own bed as well. She was walking down the hall when a door opened and she felt her braid be lifted up. She glanced back to see bushy brow staring at it, his thumb was feeling the ridges, and he was using the wall to help keep himself standing up.

" You should be asleep," Aceso said softly, his eyes flickered to her eyes.

" Am I-" Lee began as he leaned closer as she turned to face him fully.

" Not asleep," Aceso said, his face lit up, he dropped his crutch and engulfed her in a tight one-arm front hug. Aceso was sure that if Lee was at his full strength, then he would have broken her back. 

" I'm happy to see you too," Aceso smiled as she hugged back.

" What took so long?" Lee asked as he pushed her back.

 " We had a difficult time finding the lady and then we ran into some trouble," Aceso answered. " We just got back. I'm sorry if I woke you."

" Sakura said you weren't coming back," Lee informed.

" Did you believe her?" Aceso asked as she tilted her head.

" You been gone for two whole moons," Lee brought up as he grabbed a braid once more. " But you came back as youthful as ever."

" I'll see you in the morning," Aceso smiled. " Get some rest, Lee."

" But-" Lee began.

" I'll tell you everything in the morning," Aceso assured. " Lady Tsunade should be here tomorrow."

" As in the Sannin?" Lee asked as his eyes grew wide.

" Yeah," Aceso nodded. " She was the one we were looking for. She's the Fifth Hokage."

" Fifth-" Lee began, but he was cut off by Aceso's hand.

" Pipe it down, we're in a hospital," She reminded him. " I'll see you in the morning." She then removed her hand and walked away. Lee's face was bright red.


The next morning Aceso was checking up on patients as if she had never left, she soon Naruto in the hall.

" Is Grandma Tsunade coming?" Aceso asked.

" She's not here yet!" Naruto exclaimed before taking off. She shook her head and went off. An hour or so later she entered Sasuke's room and found Sakura sitting beside his bed looking depressed.

" Good morning Sakura," Aceso greeted as she closed the door. She didn't even look over. Sasuke was still asleep.

' I guess the effects are different on each person,' Aceso thought to herself and scribbled the note down.

" May I come in?" Tsunade asked as she opened the door and walked in.

" Uh, who are you?" Sakura asked as she stood up and looked at the woman.

" Of course," Aceso smiled as Shizune walked in.

" Sakura! Sakura!" Naruto yelled as he ran in. " You'll never believe it! She's gonna help make everything okay again!" He laughed and looked over at Sasuke. " Wow, whatever you gave him Aceso, really knocked him out. But don't worry Sasuke's going be all right now."

" You gave him something!" Sakura growled as she looked at Aceso as Lady Tsunade walked over.

" It didn't know it would last this long," Aceso said as she put her hands up as Tsunade looked at the flowers. " Honestly, it was just so he stayed asleep and didn't give Gai-sensei a hard time." 

" Pathetic," Sakura growled then looked at Tsunade. " You must be the one Gai-sensei told me about. Oh, please if you can be more useful than Aceso and save Sasuke--"

" Well, I'm sure Aceso treated him to he was recovered," Tsunade smiled. " I'll see if there's anything I need to do." She looked down at him, focused, and put her hand on his head. He shifted and his eyes opened before she could even begin treating him. He was groaning softly. 

" Sasuke!" Naruto cheered.

" Looks like Doctor Matsuba is better at her job than you think she is," Tsunade smiled. Aceso was taken back by the compliment, she was feeling quite honored.

" Oh, Sasuke," Sakura cried as he sat up. He looked over at Aceso. He had a blank look. " Sasuke!" She flew forward and put her arms around him.

" Hey, you're awake," Naruto smiled. He stopped when he saw Sakura sobbing violently at him. He then slowly walked away and Tsunade watched. He addressed her with his finger as he was out of the door. " Come on. You're not done. Come on Aceso." They went over to Kakashi's room and healed him.

" Disgraceful," Tsunade sighed as Aceso sat on the chair beside him. In all her years of knowing him, she's never seen him this torn. " To be taken completely out of the game by two low-life punks like that. I thought you were supposed to be the best."

" Sorry, to disappoint you," Kakashi apologized.

" Okay, that's Kakashi-sensei," Naruto smiled. " Now just one more, give Aceso some advice and you're all done!"

" Rock Lee--" Gai began, they looked back to see an anxious Gai-Sensei. " He's right next door. Next door!"

" Come on Tsunade," Aceso smiled as she stood up. They left the room and went down the hall, they saw Lee walking all alone.

" Lee!" Gai yelled. He gasped and looked up at them. Gai pointed at Tsunade. " Look who's here to see you. It's Lady Tsunade." He laughed as Tsunade looked at the boy.

" Is this one of your students, Gai?" Tsunade asked.

" Yes!" Guy confirmed happily with a fist pump. " He's more than a student. He's like a son."

" I see," Tsunade breathed. " Naruto."

" Huh?" Naruto asked as he looked back. 

" Do you really have time to be dawdling around here?" Tsunade asked.

 " Ah, you're right," Naruto agreed. " I almost forgot I'm supposed to meet Iruka-sensei."

" Better run along," Aceso smiled at him.

" Right!" Naruto agreed as he began to take off. " I'll let you two take it  from here!"

" All right," Aceso breathed before they went to Lee's room. They had him sit down and remove the top part of his green suit, it was easy to see that Lee was extremely fit. Lady Tsunade put a hand on his back and examined the damages.

" No one will hold it against you if you give up on being a shinobi," Lady Tsunade said. He gasped.

" Huh?" Gai asked.

" Oink," Tonton whimpered sadly.

" But-but you're not serious," Gai denied. " You're exaggerating, right, Lady Tsunade?"

" His injuries have left numerous bone fragments embedded in his spinal column," Aceso explained.

" It's a miracle he can still move at all," Lady Tsunade admitted. " He's physically incapable of carrying out the duties of a shinobi."

" This is some kind of test, right?" Gai asked. " You don't really mean that? Just give Doctor Matusba the tips."

"  Even if I or Doctor Matsuba were to able to operate--" Tsunade began. The truth was coming out, and it was not going to be easy to take in.

" Don't listen to her, Lee!" Gai ordered. " That's not Lady Tsunade." He pointed at her in anger. " It's an impostor. It's some kind of demon that's transformed to look like her. Who are you? What do you want?" Lady Tsunade looked back at him, Shizune put a hand on him sadly and shook her head.

" Oink," Tonton whimpered.

" So I have no chance?" Lee sighed. " It is hopeless."

" No one but me and Aceso could even attempt this operation," Tsunade explained. " But even with our skills, the risks would be enormous." Aceso was surprised to hear Tsunade speak so highly of her skills, Aceso always thought her skills would be inferior to Lady Tsunade's medical skills."

" Aceso said there would be risks," Lee recalled. " Though I'm not sure if she knew the outcome."

" What risks?" Gai asked.

" The chances of it being successful are 50-50 at best," Tsunade explained. " And if it should fail...he'll die." Everyone's heart in the room dropped. "It's best you give up being a shinobi. Find a different path."

" Lee," Gai breathed sadly as Lee breathed heavily. In silence, they saw him put his suit back on fully, grab his crutch and stand up. "Lee." He then silently walked out. " If I had known you were going to do this. I would have never let you see him."

" Don't say that!" Shizune scolded, she was surprised to see Tsunade put her hand out.

" I understand your pain," Tsunade said. " Believe me, I get no pleasure from this. But he needs to know the truth and to know it now. A choice has to be made. Putting it off won't make it any easier. And doubt Doctor Matsuba would want to be responsible for his death." 

That night neither of the two bothered each other about having tea, Aceso sat awake in bed, staring at the posters on the ceiling. The next morning, she was going to go gather herbs, she was carrying a basket when she came to the crossroads with Naruto and Lee. All of them stopped before they could collide.

" Hey, busy brow and sister," Naruto greeted, he then looked at Lee and pointed. " How you doing?"

" Naruto, Red Rose, good morning," Lee nodded.

" Morning," Aceso greeted.

" Morning," Naruto smiled.

" So did Grandma Tsunade check you out already?" Naruto asked with excitement. 

" Uh-" Lee began.

" Well, come on, what'd she say? What advice did she give Aceso?" Naruto asked. Lee and Aceso both looked at each other and then looked away. " It's a good thing she came, 'cause you know the village is in trouble, don't ya? We're gonna need every ninja we got."

" Yes, you are right," Lee agreed.

" So Aceso you need to heal him so he's can get better and get back up to full fighting strength as soon as he can, okay?" Naruto added.

" Uh, yes," Aceso answered.

" Help!" two kids shouted as they ran over. " Hurry!" They looked to see Moegi and Udon running up to them.

" What is it? What's wrong?" Aceso asked as they stopped.

" It's Konohamaru," Moegi spilled.

" Huh? What do you mean? " Naruto asked. " What's going on?"

" He's blockaded himself," Udon answered

 Mm-hm," Moegi whimpered.

" Ah! He's fone what?" Naruto asked.

" And where?" Aceso asked.

" In the Hokage's office," Moegi answered.

" I will go try helping out with Konohamaru," Naruto said. " You two go back to whatever you were doing." He then took off with the two kids.

" Where are you heading off to?" Lee asked as the two avoided each other's eyes.

" I was going to gather some herbs," Aceso answered as she looked into her basket. " Where are you off to?"

" Nowhere in particular," Lee asked, then she recalled something. " There might be some herbs you can pick along the way."

" Aren't you supposed to be in rehab?" Aceso as she began to walk with him.

" I think I'm going to skip it today," Lee said. " It may not be worth it anymore. " He seemed very depressed.

" I think it is," Aceso disagreed.

" Not anymore," Lee denied. " If I can no longer be a shinobi--my dreams are destroyed...I don't see the point in rehab."

" Hm," Aceso breathed as they began to walk across a bridge, there was a river underneath.

" I'm going release you of your promise," Lee brought up.

" Huh?" Aceso asked.

" My injuries are severe and I don't want you to feel useless for not being able to heal me this time," Lee answered.

" Lee," Aceso breathed as they stopped

" I can no longer protect you if I can no longer protect you then you no longer have to heal me," Lee said as stopped and leaned over the railing.

" Promise or not, it's kind of my job to heal people," Aceso answered. " Including you."

" I am unhealable," Lee said softly.

" Uh-" Aceso began as she looked down at the water, she was having trouble finding words. " It's-it's a very risky operation--"

" Aceso," Lee cut her off, she looked at him. " You are not the kind of person to kill someone, so no one will hold you to it if is not performed."

" The choice is up to you Lee," Aceso said. 

" Even so if I were to die, I would not want you to live with the guilt of being responsible for my death," Lee explained. " It would damage your youth. And you must not let that power be destroyed."

" You shouldn't let it be destroyed either," Aceso said. " I should go gather flo-herbs, I shall see you later?"

" Lee!" a voice called out. They looked over to see Sakura, she had a bundle of flowers.

" And that's my cue," Aceso breathed before walking away. She went out into the field and gathered some herbs, after an hour she stopped and sat against a tree studying a book, the one Lord Hokage gave her, she had her papers out.

" Shouldn't you be back at the hospital?" a voice asked, she looked up to see Kakashi standing in front of her.

" I must have lost track of time," Aceso said as she slumped more against the tree.

" I don't need my Sharingan to know that you're lying," Kakashi said as she sat down next to her. " You're thinking about Lee?"

" How could you tell?" Aceso asked.

" Gai told me what Lady Tsunade said yesterday," Kakashi brought up. " So the either he doesn't go through with it and give up being a shinobi, or he goes with the surgery, where the outcome is a Shinobi one or he makes a new friend with the grim reaper."

" Hm," Aceso grumbled as she looked back down at her book.

" You are not going to give up are you?" Kakashi asked as he raised his eyebrow.

" If he agrees I don't want my hands to be the one to be the cause of a terrible outcome, not towards a friend for sure," Aceso answered.

" It'll be a success," Kakashi said.

" How do you know?" Aceso asked as she looked at him.

" Trust me," Kakashi said as he got closer and looked down at the book. " You are not one to let anyone die at your hands."

" This operation is different," Aceso said. " It's almost impossible."

" If four-year-old Aceso heard you say those words, she would kick you," Kakashi said as he picked up her papers.

" Huh?" Aceso asked.


Kakashi was at a training field with four-year-old Aceso, the training field had many stations including a pull-up bar. At that moment Aceso was trying to do her pull-ups.

" 5," Aceso breathed as she brought herself up shakingly before dropping and falling onto the ground.

" Fifteen more to go," Kakashi said as he picked her up, she put her hands up and grabbed the bar. " 20 seems impossible, doesn't it?"

" Nothings impossible," Aceso said as she started to pull herself up. " Impossible is only a word for those that aren't trying hard enough."

" Is that so?" Kakashi asked.

" Yeah, Papa says nothing is impossible as long as you put in the hard work and embrace the power of youth," Aceso answered as she did her pull-ups.

" I feel like you're spending too much time with Gai, " Kakashi sighed as he leaned against the post. " And what is impossible for you?" 

" Impossibles can turn into possibles, and possibles can turn into success," Aceso answered. " Nine."


" So are you going to turn that impossible into a success?" Kakashi asked.

" If Lee agrees, then yes," Aceso answered.

" That's the spirit," Kakashi said. " Then you can keep your promise."

" Lee said he released me of the promise," Aceso informed.

" But you haven't turned your back on it, have you?" Kakashi asked.

" No," Aceso answered. She missed spending time like this with Kakashi, but she's glad he now has a team to teach to be excellent shinobi. She recalls calling him Dad once a long time ago, and he never bothered to correct her, he said he'd play house with her and be Dad when she needed him to be, and whenever he wasn't busy with missions.

" Doctor Matsuba," a voice said, they looked over to see Tsunade walking over to her. " You have a book that I'm looking for."

" I'm not quite done," Aceso informed.

" Then let's look at it together," Tsunade smiled. " Sometimes there are better outcomes with two brains at work." Aceso looked back at Kakashi.

" Go on," Kakashi laughed. Aceso smiled, she got up grabbed her stuff, and went off with Lady Hokage.

" Lady Hokage...if this operation were to happen..." Aceso began. " I want to be the one to perform it."

" That's a lot of responsibility and risks," Tsunade informed.

" I know," Aceso answered. " But I made a promise...and I want to keep it."

" You are a highly skilled medical ninja, I give you that," Tsunade said. " You are one of the youngest doctors I know, but are you sure you would be able to do this? Knowing the outcomes?"

" Yes," Aceso answered. " Before we found you. I've been studying and training the operation on a skeleton and after that Master Jiraiya had me do it on a was a success...but I know a bird is a completely different structure than a human. I just need your advice and a little bit more training."

" I see," Tsunade breathed. 

" But I will only do it if Lee agrees to operation," Aceso said. " The surgery may seem impossible, but impossibilities can be turned into success."

" Let's talk about this more over a drink," Tsunade suggested.

" I'm too young to drink," Aceso reminded her.

" Then I'll drink and you'll have tea or water, " Tsunade insisted.

 She brought Aceso into a bar, she got a beverage as Aceso was just brought water. Underage isn't really allowed in, but nobody was about to argue with the Hokage. The two of them then opened the book and began discussing and reading some of the passages.

" It's all in revitalizing the cellular structure," Aceso explained as she flipped open to one she had bookmarked.

" Huh," Tsunade breathed as she looked at the page.

" Ah-ha! So there you!" Shizune spotted, and they looked up to see her. " Not only did we catch you, but you also brought a child in here."

" Shh," Tsunade breathed softly. as they went back to the book.

" Aah!" Shizune gasped as TonTon looked over the wall. " Lady Tsunade, are you actually studying?"

" Oink!" Tonton gasped.

" Be quiet, will you?" Tsunade ordered. " We're trying to concentrate here." She flipped the page."

" Ahhh!" the two exclaimed. " What did you say? You've never concentrated on anything but gambling!"

" Oh, just calm down," Tsunade huffed. 

" We were just discussing that medical ninja, Kabuto. Remember?" Aceso asked.

" Um. What about him?" Shizune asked as she finally calmed down.

" Specifically, his body's ability to create new cells," Aceso answered. " If only I could apply that technique to a patient..."

" You mean Rock Lee, don't you?" Shizune asked as she walked over.

" Even if it only increases his chances from 50 to 51 percent, I think it may be worth a try," Tsunade gave in. " I believe Doctor Mastuba will be able to do it."

" Lady Tsunade, Doctor Matsuba, the success of that technique depends so much on the person doing it," Shizune informed. " There's no guarantee either of you would be able to pull it off."

" Only one way to find out," Tsunade said as she picked up her bottle. Shizune gasped. " I mean, I am the Fifth Hokage, after all." She then held up her bottle and gave it a swirl, it was empty. " Aw!"

" Just this once," Shizune said as she held up a full bottle. " I'll make an exception." The two adults sat down and drank, as Aceso had some tea, they discussed what needed to be done. Aceso made a sketch of an outline of Lee and the insides of a human. So it would be easier to picture, she had all the bones and muscles labeled, and then made another with the ones damaged on Lee. It had gotten late and Tsunade sighed after taking a shot.

" Hm," She breathed.

" What is it, Lady Tsunade?" Shizune asked.

" Oh, nothing," Tsunade dismissed as they looked at the book and the notes Aceso made. Then Tsunade flipped the page. Not too long after that they all went home and got some rest. Aceso walked up opened the door to her room and saw Lee sitting on her bed, with his head turned towards the window, she closed the door and walked over to see that his eyes were closed. He was quietly snoring.

" Lee?" Aceso asked he didn't shift. She then carefully moved him so he was lying down. She sat on a chair, looked at her papers, and made notes more before falling asleep.

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