Chapter 45

Once Naruto was recovered they sat in the tavern getting food, catching him up on a few things.

" What? The Fifth Hokage?" Naruto exclaimed.

" Mh-mm," Tsunade nodded.

" Unbelievable," Naruto grumbled. " I'm out of it for a few minutes, and I wake up to find out she's the Hokage."

" Is, uh, something bothering you, Naruto?" Aceso asked.

" What's wrong?" Jiraiya asked.

" Come on," Naruto grumbled as he looked at the two. " Shouldn't be the Hokage be kind and wise, and everything? Like the old man used to be? And she's, well, mean and greedy." Aceso glanced to see an angry expression engulfing Tsunade. " And with a nasty temper. And she's not all that smart."

" Smarter than you," Aceso commented.

" Nothing personal or anything," Naruto said as he put his hands up in defense. " But it's a big job, and I'm not sure if she's up to it."

" Right, well, Lady Tsunade, are you ready to order something?" Shizune asked nervously.

" On top of that, she's a 50-year-old lady who uses Jutsu to look like a young woman," Naruto continued to complain. " I just wonder if we really want a Hokage like that? You know, someone who's living a lie."

" Let him have it," Aceso insisted.

" You want to take this outside, kid?" Tsunade growled as she got in his face. Shizune began to panic as Jiraiya just sighed. They went into the back alley like before, Naruto and Tsunade stood ready to fight each other. " I may not be anyone's idea of perfect, but I am Hokage now. And even though I shouldn't dirty my hands on a little squirt like you, one finger's all I'm gonna need." She held up one finger.

" Not this time, grandma," Naruto denied. " And stop calling me, squirt!" The others backed up a little. " Right now, I'm just a kid, but I'll be Hokage myself one day!" She gasped softly, the smirked as the wind whistled, kicking up dust.

" Oink," TonTon said.

" You asked for it!" Naruto exclaimed before charging toward her. He went to go punch her, but she dodged and knocked his headband off like before. She prepared to flick him in the forehead once again. She removed her finger and kissed in that spot instead. Naruto was taken back by the action, she stepped back and put a hand on him.

" You'll grow up to be a fine man," Tsunade smiled.

" You bet!" Naruto smiled as he blushed a little and put his hands behind his head. Everyone smiled at what happened, Aceso had her hands folded under her chin as she smiled, embracing happiness.

" Oink, oink," TonTon smiled.

" Okay, let's go home, everyone," Jiraiya announced. "To the Leaf Village!"

" That sounds like a good idea," Aceso agreed.

" Whoa!" Naruto protested as he looked at them. " Wait, a second! I haven't eaten yet!"

" Naruto," Jiraiya laughed as they all laughed.

" Hey, What's so funny?" Naruto asked. " I've been unconscious. I'm starving!" Soon they ate some food and hit the road for home. Naruto and Aceso were in the back as the three adults were a few feet ahead. Naruto was running a little as Aceso slowly trailed behind. Tsunade looked back at Naruto.

 " Come on Aceso!" Naruto laughed as he grabbed her hand and ran more, Aceso was caught off guard and almost fell.

"Naruto," Aceso groaned.

" The faster we get home, the faster I can have Ichiraku!" Naruto cheered, and Aceso laughed as they continued to catch up with the others.


The group walked for a couple of hours before Tsunade told them of a place. They were stopped at a crosswalk.

" A hot spring?" Aceso asked.

" That's right," Tsunade confirmed. " Just up the road here, there's a sweet little town with a beautiful hot spring."

" Hot Spring Resort," Shizune read from the pamphlet. " It says here the hot springs promote health and beauty."

" Forget it," Naruto denied. " We've got a long way to go before we get home, and everyone's there waiting for us."

" You know, for once, I agree with him," Jiraiya spoke. " We really oughta be getting back. For all we know, the village could be in trouble."

" We really have been gone for a while," Aceso added.

" Oh, loosen up," Tsunade sighed as she held her head up high. " One day's not gonna make that much difference." The three of them all groaned shaking their heads. Tsunade got close to Jiraiya. " I heard it's popular with women, and they allow mixed bathing."

" Hm?" Jiraiya asked before walking in the direction of the town.

" What's up?" Aceso asked.

" Where are you going?" Naruto asked.

" Oh, um, I got this kink in my, uh--Jiraiya began as some color appeared on his cheeks. " Well, everyone deserves a break once in a while."

" That's not what you were saying a second ago!" Naruto recalled.

" So it's settled," Tsunade smiled. " Come on, let's go."

" Oink," Tonton groaned as they followed Jiraiya into the town.

" What do you think changed his mind?" Naruto whispered to Aceso.

" Maybe he really wants a break," Aceso suggested.

" There has to be something more," Naruto disagreed.

" Maybe Tsunade is right, one day won't be so bad," Aceso said, she was trying to get Naruto to agree more than herself.

" Why are you changing your mind?" Naruto asked as he got close to her face. " Do you enjoy being away from the village?"

" You got it all wrong," Aceso said as she waved her hands frantically. " We had a rough day yesterday, maybe relaxing at the hot springs won't be so bad before coming home. "

" We have hot springs there," Naruto reminded her. " Don't you have patients to look after? Training to do? Tea to have? What about Bushy Brow!?"

" I'll use this time to make more medicine," Aceso said. " And I'm sure they have tea here."

" I guess one day won't hurt," Naruto sighed.

" Welcome! Welcome, good people!" A woman greeted them as they walked into the hot spring building. " And pig!"

" Welcome!" a whole bunch of people greeted. They all got situated, Aceso was now in a room with Tsunade Tonton, and Shizune, it was a nice change. She stood out front with them.

" Since we've got time to kill before dinner, I think I'll hit the Pachinko machines," Tsunade said.

" Really? You sure you don't wanna try out the hot springs?" Shizune asked.

" Please, with those two buffoons in the water?" Tsunade laughed. " Forget it. Let's go."

" I'm not allowed in there," Aceso reminded her. " Can I take a look around the town?"

" Go for it," Tsunade encouraged.

" Oink," Tonton sighed as they all walked away from the hot springs. The two adults went into the casino as Aceso walked around the town, checking out the shops. She was now leaving a herb shop when something jumped on top of her. She jumped, she glanced to the side to see a kitten on her shoulder.

" You're are so cute," Aceso smiled as she let it sniff her hand, she then set out to walk to another shop. " What's your name?" The cat meowed and rubbed its head against her head.

" Grain!" a voice called.

" I know a Grain," Aceso said as she picked up the cat and held it in her arms. " Grain was a kitten I rescued. " She looked at the kitten and gasped, it looked exactly like the one from the river.

" Grain!" the same voice called. Aceso slowly turned to see Temari, she seemed to be looking for something. " Grain!"

" Temari?" Aceso asked. Temari stopped what she was doing and looked over, her eyes landed on the kitten.

 " Grain!" Temari shouted as she ran over. " What are you doing here?" She took the cat in her arms.

 " Stopped here before heading back to the village," Aceso answered. " What are you doing?"

" We stopped here before heading back to our village as well," Temari answered scratching behind the kitten's ear. " We were about to leave when Grain decided to make an escape." Aceso giggled.

" How was your mission?" Aceso asked.

" Succesful as always," Temari answered with pride. " I'm guessing you are on another one."

" Nope," Aceso denied. " Just finishing up, we finally found the person we needed to find," Aceso informed.

" It took that long?" Temari asked.

" She was a hard person to find," Aceso answered. " No journey is a journey without complications, but all is good."

" Well, thanks for finding Grain," Temari smiled at her. " Been a big addition to the family."

" That's good to hear," Aceso smiled more.

" I was surprised when Gaara brought it to us during the Chunin Exams," Temari answered. " I was even more shocked that he didn't kill it."

" That is surprising," Aceso agreed. " It was good seeing you."

" Walk with me Doctor Matsuba," Temari said. " Are you in a hurry?"

" Oh, uh, no," Aceso denied as she began to walk with Temari.

" Excited to return to your village?" Temari asked.

" Absolutely," Aceso smiled as her face lightened up. " When we get home, Naruto and I are going to get some ramen and then I'll see Kakashi, he's been hurt and he's going to be healed. And then I'll go see Ino and talk to her. Nice girl, nicer than Sakura anyway."

" Anyone, you miss a lot?" Temari asked,

" Kakashi, Ino, Hinata, Kurenai," Aceso listed. " Gai-sensei."

 " How about Lee?" Temari asked.

 " Huh?" Aceso asked some color rose to her cheeks. " Of course, I miss him," Temari smirked. " What?"

" Oh nothing," Temari smirked more as they turned a corner, running into Kankuro and Gaara.

" Grain!" Kankuro cheered as he took the cat and held him happily close to his face. He looked over at the red hair girl. " We keep running into each other."

" I've noticed that as well," Aceso agreed.

Then they heard people running in a panic, Aceso glanced over to see a pig bounced into sight, the piggy it looked like had been hit.

" Oink!" the pig cried out.

" Tonton?" Aceso gasped as she rushed over to her.

" Naruto!" Tsunade yelled angrily, Aceso looked over to see Tsunade charging at Naruto. He was standing with two other guys. " Hand over that suitcase right now, or you'll be sorry!"

" Here!" Naruto shouted. " Give it to me quick!" One of the guys handed him the suitcase. He ran over to Aceso and handed her the suitcase. " Guard this with your life!" 

" What's going on?" Aceso asked as she hugged her arms around it Naruto picked her up bridal style as Tsunade appeared behind them. 

" No time to explain!" Naruto yelled as he threw a smoke bomb and took off running in the other direction. The Sand Ninja siblings all looked at each other questionably.  " Gotta be careful to not let her nail me with a direct attack! One false move and I'm toast!"

" Why did you drag me into this?" Aceso asked as she looked over his shoulder.

" She's less likely to hit you than me!" Naruto exclaimed. " By the way this Bunzo and Senta."

" Watch out! Coming through. Coming through!" Bunzo shouted as they ran.

" Excuse us!" Senza shouted.

" Hey, what's going on man?" a bystander asked.

" Stop this!" Tsunade yelled as she ran after them. " You fools are making a spectacle of yourselves!"

" Well, we wouldn't be if we didn't have you chasing us!" Naruto shouted. " Time for Shadow Clone Jutsu!" He put his hands up. A hundred more Naruto and Aceso appeared with the suitcase. They all went in different directions. They rounded a corner to find Tsunade no longer behind them.

" So what's happening?" Aceso asked.

" If Tsunade doesn't repay the debt she owes those guys they can't go home to their families," Naruto exclaimed.

" That's awful," Aceso breathed.

" That's why we can't let Grandma Tsaunde get her suitcase back," Naruto said.

" Stop!" a bunch of Tsunades shouted, they looked back to see a whole group of them.

 " AH!" the two panicked as Naruto ran faster as the crowd of Tsunade's chased them.

" Naruto!" the two guys shouted as they appeared out of an alley.

" Naruto! Get back here, you little--Oh, when I get my hands on you!" Tsunade yelled as they stampeded past the guys.

" Wait! Naruto!" The guys shouted as they joined the chase.

" That's enough of this!" Tsunade shouted, she jumped up and kicked Naruto in the back.

 " Ow!" Naruto cried out as they flew and fell. Naruto was on top of Aceso, and she was on top of the suitcase. " Grandma! Let me go! What are you doing!" More of the Tsunade's joined in beating up Naruto.

" Cut it out!" Aceso cried out as she kept getting squished.

" Ow!" Naruto cried out. The clones disappeared and Tsunade picked up Naruto. " Put me down. Put me down!" He was still holding to Aceso, who was still holding on to the suitcase, his legs were kicking.

" I'll put you down when-" Tsunade began, then Naruto kneed Aceso's arm, and the suitcase flew out, bounced a couple of times, and opened. And a wallet fell out.

" We hit the jackpot!" Senta cheered as he picked it up.

" We've got it!" Bunzo cheered.

" They got it after all!" Naruto cheered as Senta opened the wallet. Tsunade put down Naruto, and Naruto finally put down Aceso.

" Hm?" the two guys asked as they pulled out papers.

" IOUs?" Senta asked as he looked through the papers.

" Every single one," Bunzo said with wide eyes.

"We'll never go home again," both of them cried as they dropped onto their knees.

" What do you think you're doing?" Tsunade asked they looked back to see a Tsunade and a man. " And right in the middle of town."

" Huh?" Aceso asked, she looked at the Tsuande next to them and then at the one in front of them. " Wait, hold on."

" Wait, a second!" Naruto exclaimed with wide eyes. " How come there's two Grandma Tsundaes?"

" So you're involved with this too, Shizune?" Tsunade asked. " What the hell is going on here? Out with it!" The other Tsunade laughed before changing back into Shizune. " Well, you see, Lady Tsunade..."

" Shizune? It was you?" Naruto asked.

" You two," the man said as the other guys stood up. " You're from the Akagi family, aren't you?"

" B-Bose Jirocho!" the two guys stuttered.

" Who?" Aceso asked.

" You don't know who he is?" Senta asked.

" He's a very powerful man," Bunzo informed. " Boss Jirocho is from the Land of Tea."

" He's also an old friend of mine," Tsunade informed. "We just happened to bump into each other earlier today."

" You're Senta and Bunzo if I'm not mistaken," Jirocho gathered. The two were twitching nervously. " It's good I found you. I have a message for you." They looked at each other and then back at the man." They went to where Jirocho was staying and he told them everything, including Tonton.

" What?!" they all exclaimed.

" My debt to the Akagi family is old news," Tsunade said. " I paid it off a year ago."

" Well, what do you know about that?" Shizune smiled.

" You were there, Shizune, Don't you remember?" Tsunade asked. " When we passed by their village last year?"

" I--I forgot," Shizune admitted.

" Where is it?" Jirocho asked as he held out his hand.

" Here," a man said as he reached into his clothes and gave Jirocho a letter.

" I received a letter from the head of the Akagi family," Jirocho brought up. " I'm just gonna read the part that applies to you. If you see Senta and Bunzo, tell them the debt has been paid and they can come home. Shigeru Akagi."

" There, you see?" Tsunade asked as she looked away from them in disappointment.

" What a waste," Naruto complained as the others all nervously laughed. " I went to all that trouble for what? For nothing!"

" That means I didn't need to be brought into the trouble in the first place," Aceso said. They then went to the exit, ready to leave.

" Thank you for all your help, Naruto," Semta and Bunzo said as they bowed toward him.

" Now we can go home knowing we did our best," Senta said.

" Well, goodbye and good luck, guys," Naruto wished them.

" The same to you," they both said. " And thanks again!" They turned and began the rest of the way home.

" So hey, if there was no money in that suitcases, how come you cared so darn much about getting it back?" Naruto asked.

" Well, I didn't think it was a good idea to let everyone in the world see all those IOUs," Shizune explained. " The people of the Leaf Village might not be so eager to make her Hokage if they knew."

" You worry too much, Shizune," Tsunade smiled. " Who cares if I run up a little debt?"

" Yeah. And anyway, that Jirocho guy said it himself," Naruto recalled. " I mean, she's paid off all her debts."

" Well, no. Just the Akagi one," Aceso corrected.

" Huh?" Naruto asked.

" Don't be such a worrywart," Tsaunde advised.

" Oink. Oink, oink," Tonton said.

" Really? We forgot something?" Tsunade asked in wonder.

" Oink. Oink, oink," Tonton answered.

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