Chapter 43
They all raced in hoping to stop Tsunade and Orochimaru at any cost. They soon came across the site where the castle collapsed and even more things were destroyed.
" Woah, what the heck happened here?" Aceso asked.
" Well, well," Jiraiya said as they looked around. " I'd say something put Tsunade in a bad mood. She's got a foul temper."
" Well, okay, but where's the grumpy old bat now?" Naruto asked as he walked toward the giant dent in the ground. He walked past the broken wall, and then stopped, he looked down to see a jacket.
" Which way?" Shizune asked as Tonton sniffed it. " Well, Tonton?"
" Oink," she said.
" Okay, let's go!" Naruto yelled as they took off, grabbing the jacket. Aceso took out an arrow from her pack and readied it in her bow. Soon they saw Tsunade was facing off with Kabuto as Orochimaru stood off to the side.
" Smoke bomb," Aceso said as she raised her arrow and as Kabuto raised a knife up to Tsunade.
" On it," Naruto whispered, he threw a smoke bomb and Aceso shot her arrow. Smoke covered the area and she heard someone cry out. When the smoke cleared, they all stood in front of Tsunade protectively and Kabuto was looking at the arrow stuck in his leg. The wind started to pick up.
" It's been a long time, old friend," Orochimaru said. Aceso looked over at him, he was a very pale man, with golden eyes with slitted pupils, purple markings around his eyes, and fang-like teeth. Straight waist-length black hair with some locks covering and framing his face or to his shoulders.
" Long time, indeed," Jiraiya agreed. " And I can't say it's improved your looks any, old friend."
" Huh?" Naruto asked as he looked forward at Kabuto, he was glaring at Aceso. " Hey! Kabuto."
" Naruto," Kabuto said as he looked at him.
" You've met this guy before, Naruto?" Jiraiya asked.
" Well, of course, I have," Naruto confirmed. " We took the Chunin exams together. He was one of the very few to not get looked at by Aceso after the second phase. What are you doing here, Kabuto?" He was wearing a sound village ninja headband.
" Out of the way!" Tsunade ordered as she pushed Jiraiya to the side and charged.
" Oink!" TonTon squealed as she bounced off him after he fell. " Stay outta this! I can handle them!" She swung her leg and Kabuto ducked down. She swung her leg and kicked the knife out into a rock, starting to run. He turned and they started throwing hands. " So, you recovered quickly. No matter." He was dodging all her attacks. " You're still not at 100 percent." He was now against a rock. " The game's up kid." He plucked the knife out of the rock. " Too late for that!" She swung her fist. Then Kabuto stabbed his own hand. Tsunade shakingly stepped back as his blood dripped onto the ground.
" You justu's worn off," Kabuto revealed. " Now I am at 100 percent." He put the knife down as Tsunade continued to tremble, his blood was all over her. " I knew that I'd never been able to take on two of the legendary Sannin at the same time. But now at least I got one down!" He landed a punch, she flew back into Shizune.
" Lady Tsunade!" Shizune gasped as they flew back a little and landed on the ground.
" I don't get it," Naruto said. " What's going on? I'm confused. Did I miss out on something? How come Kabuto and Grandma Tsunade are mixing it up?"
" I see you're as slow as ever, Naruto," Kabuto laughed. " No wonder you're no match for Sasuke."
" Huh?" Naruto asked.
" If you want your answer, just look at his headband," Jiraiya suggested as he stood up. " He serves Orochimaru."
" That's right," Kabuto confirmed. " I'm a spy from the Village Hidden in the Sound."
" But...a spy? That's impossible," Naruto said, he was in disbelief. " You don't really mean it." Kabuto held the same killer look on his face. " But you--You helped us get through the Chunin exams. You saved our lives."
" He's been dropping out before the third phase of the exam each time he took it," Aceso recalled.
" Only in order to gather information about all of you, including you, Doctor Matsuba" Kabuto added. " Indeed, I learned one very important thing about you Naruto. You lack any ninja ability. You're not a bit like Sasuke." Naruto went from brokenhearted to angry as he shook.
" You don't have to do everything yourself, you know?" Shizune said from the back. " Let me help. I'm here to serve you."
" Go on, glare at me all you want," Kabuto encouraged. " You're still just a pint-sized Genin in over his head. And a Doctor that should have just stayed in the hospital. I admit that demon inside of you Naruto had me worried for a time. But surrounded by three of the legendary, Sannin, I see how insignificant you are." He yanked the arrow out, blood slowly seeped out, and Tsunade trembled even more. " Next to them, you're a mere child sitting at the grownups' tables. Stay out of it or die." He held a smirk on his face.
" Oh, yeah?" Naruto growled before taking off.
" Naruto, no!" Jiraiya protested as he tried to move, but he was still too weak. As Naruto ran clones popped out on both sides. Kabuto already was able to defeat two of the clones.
" Dirty," Naruto growled as another clone was defeated, the Kabuto sprayed blood over Naruto's eyes. He then managed to take down all the clones, he used the last clone and threw it at Naruto, and he went flying back. Aceso caught him and she slid back, then Shizune spat a couple of things out of her mouth. He tilted his head and blocked the needles. Kabuto jumped up and went beside Orochimaru.
" Thanks, Aceso," Naruto said as he stood up and wiped the blood off his face. Kabuto then took out a food pill from his pocket.
" Plasma pill," Shizune said.
" Plasma pill?" Naruto asked as Kabuto ate it.
" Well of course," Jiraiya said. " He's trying to replace the blood that he's already lost."
" So, he's a medical ninja," Aceso said. " Like Shizune and me."
" We can't have too much blood, can we, Kabuto?" Orochimaru asked.
" Lord Orochimaru, isn't it time to take the bandage off your arm?" Kabuto asked. He chuckled, then used his teeth to take it off. The others got back onto their feet besides Tsunade.
" So that's Orochimaru," Naruto growled.
" Well, now we can finally get down to business," Jiraiya said. He looked down at Tsunade. " Shizune."
" Yes," She nodded.
" I'll let you take care of four-eyes over there," Jiraiya offered. She grunted and looked over at Kabuto. He then looked forward. " Just leave Orochimaru to me." They all stared at each other. " There's just one thing. I need Tsunade to do something about my body before we get started here."
" It may be a while before the full effects of that drug completely leave its system," Shizune explained. " I'm very sorry, but it can't be helped, Master Jiraiya."
" What? You gotta be kidding me!" Jiraiya exclaimed. " Oh, well. What can you do, right? I'll just have to face him as I am. Tsunade, use your recovery ninjutsu and rest. If she can't Aceso you take over."
" Yes, sir," Aceso nodded.
" What about me? What should I do?" Naruto asked.
" Don't do anything," Jiraiya answered. " You just stand guard over Tsunade with the pig, okay?"
" Oink," Tonton agreed.
" Come on, I want to fight this guy," Naruto urged. " He's gotta pay for what he did."
" Forget about it!" Jiraiya snapped. " That jerk with the glasses is right. You're in over your head. Our opponent's one of the Sannin, like me, and the man who killed the Third Hokage. This an eye for an eye. I'm the only one who can fight Orochimaru. And four-eyes over there could go toe-to-toe with Kakashi if he had to."
" Don't worry," Naruto assured as he got ready in battle stance. " Not a problem. Shadow Clone--"
" Hold on, Naruto," Jiraiya cut him off. " Your clones won't work here. You needn't bother. There isn't any point."
" What?" Naruto exclaimed.
" It wouldn't even be a decent diversion," Jiraiya said. " You'd be wasting your chakra. They're a dangerous pair. Now, then, how about we get this thing started?" Kabuto put his blood on Orochimaru as Jiraiya bit his finger.
" Summoning Jutsu!" Kabuto and Jiraiya shouted as he put their hand on the ground. Kabuto and Orochimaru stood on a giant snake, with another giant snake next to it, as a tiny orange frog appeared for them.
" What's up?" Gamakichi asked.
" What the--" Jiraiya exclaimed as Naruto panicked. " Why are you here? Where the hell's your father?"
" Hey, hey! Long-time no see," Gamakichi greeted.
" Well, Jiraiya still playing the fool, I see," Orochimaru laughed. " You always were ridiculous, but this time you've outdone yourself. Clearly, our Tsunade has gotten to you somehow."
" Your Jutsu did require a sacrifice," Kabuto brought up as he stood up. " Perhaps she was thinking ahead. Drugging him somehow to suppress his power."
" To think she would make a sacrifice of Jiraiya," Orochimaru taunted. " Well, just as ruthless as ever, aren't you, Tsunade?" He laughed some more. " You're as big as a disgrace as the day we met. " Aceso knelt beside Tsunade and began to perform a healing Jutsu on her.
" Summoning Jutsu!" Naruto shouted he then slammed his hand on the ground. When the smoke disappeared another small frog appeared.
" Wait a minute, it's-" Shizune began as Aceso removed her hands from Tsunade. The frog was a lighter orange.
" What happened?" Naruto asked. Jiraiya let out a sigh. " Where the heck did I go wrong?"
" Hi, everybody," the frog greeted. " Hey, friend, how are ya?"
" Hey, Gamatatsu," Gamakichi greeted. " Why did you pop out? Where's the old man?"
" Ah," Gamatatsu sighed. " Gamakichi, what's going on? This is the first time anyone's ever summoned me. I'm finally getting a chance to shine."
" You dummy," Gamakichi grunted. " Get some munchies and go find a place to hide, will ya?"
" Wait, they got snacks here?" Gamatatsu asked. " Geez whiz, this is the coolest."
" Let's begin," Orochimaru ordered, Kabuto jumped off the snake and the snakes came down towards them. " I want you to leave Jiraiya to me." Kabuto landed on the other snake. " The rest is yours to play with as you will."
" Now, that is a shame," Kabuto smirked. " I'd been hoping to test my mettle against one of the Sannin!" The snakes slammed into the ground, debris flew up everywhere, they all jumped trying to avoid the snakes, she held Shizune led out a grunt signaling she's been hit. Aceso immediately went toward the sound and found her on the ground with Tsunade.
" You go for four-eyes," Aceso noted.
" Hm," Shizune nodded, she got up and shot needles at Kabuto from her arm as Aceso pulled out a knife, and stay close to Tsunade, ready to defend her. Kabuto formed blue chakra in his hand and punched Shizune, she went flying back.
" Ninja Art, Poison Fog!" Shizune shouted as she opened her mouth. A poisonous purple fog came out toward Kabuto. He then appeared out of the ground, grabbing Shizune by the ankles and she fell onto the ground as he came out of the ground more. " My leg tendons..." Kabuto turned and started to go for Tsunade, Aceso did a Jutsu and threw a knife, rope wrapped around the handle of the knife and around Kabuto's leg and held him back.
" Clever," Kabuto complimented. " But not clever enough." He threw a knife, Aceso's eye glowed green, she did another Jutsu and a green glowing wall appeared, the knife bounced off, suddenly she felt her ankles being grabbed and as was thrown, she hit a rock and fell onto the ground. She grunted and looked up to see Kabuto getting closer to a trembling Tsunade, his hand was raised. Tsunade smacked his hand away. " What tragedy, I had only the utmost respect for you as a fellow medical ninja." Aceso slowly got back onto her feet.
" Stay back! Get away from me!" Tsunade cried out.
" Please, get a hold of yourself, Lady Tsunade," Kabuto ordered. " Else the name of Sannin, of which Lord Orochimaru is counted, weep for shame." He began to kick her.
" Get away from her!" Aceso cried out as she charged him, knife in her hand.
"Foolish child," Kabuto ticked as looked at her. He threw a couple of throwing stars at her, and she dodged them easily, she jumped up and swung her leg, he dodged it, grabbed her leg, and slammed her to the ground. " Pathetic." Aceso's eyes glowed green and a green glowing translucent wall appeared.
" Ah!" Kabuto cried out as he kicked it.
" Stay off of her," Aceso panted as she took out a knife and plunged it into his foot. He let out a cry.
" You brat!" Kabuto growled as he grabbed he and swung her into the wall.
" Ah!" Aceso grunted as she fell to the ground and the wall disappeared, Tsunade was staring at her.
" I'd be more worried about yourself," Kabuto grunted as he stepped on Aceso and prepared to punch. He slammed hit forward, only to be stopped by Naruto's headband. Aceso looked up to see Naruto standing in front of Lady Rsynade with determination written all over his face.
" Back off!" Naruto growled. " That's enough, already, you traitor!" Blood seeped from his forehead. " Get off my sister!" He put his hands out and began the Jutsu he's been training all week on. When he finished holding the Rasengan in his hand and was yelling, he jumped forward, Kabuto smirked, built up a blue attack chakra in his head, dodged Naruto, and touched ht back of his leg. He was now off of Aceso.
" Naruto!" Aceso gasped.
" I don't know what Jutsu you learned, but you'll need to be more subtle than that if you want to hit me," Kabuto advised. Naruto sat up, he was groaning in pain as he grabbed the back of his leg.
" Darn it," Naruto grunted.
" It looks like you fractured the thigh bone in your left leg during your little tussle with the serpent," Kabuto noted. " If it were only the bone, you could still move, but it's beyond that now. I've severed the lateral vastus muscle in your right leg, as well." Naruto looked at him and Kabuto laughed. " What's the matter? Are you frightened? Hope you don't feel like running away." He then pulled out a card. " Naruto, as I remember, you were nothing but big talk during the first Chunin exam. Don't underestimate me. I don't run away. I don't care if I'm a Genin the rest of my life. You guys aren't going to scare me off. I'll still be Hokage someday. So where's all your big talk now?" Aceso pulled herself onto her elbows, sitting up a little. " You're not a kid anymore, shooting your mouth off like that. Admit when you're in over your head. Sometimes it's better to run away."
" Don't listen to him Naruto," Aceso grunted. " Don't go back on your own word to yourself." He gasped.
" Come, now," Kabuto said trying to distract Naruto's thoughts. " What's the matter? Why such a look? If I kill you, you can kiss your dreams goodbye." Kabuto began walking toward Naruto. " Little kids think life is so easy. That's why they're always going on and on about their dreams. That's why they never give up." He went over and started to kick around on Naruto.
" Leave him alone," Aceso grunted as she moved her arms forward, she was struggling to get up.
" They go chasing after some stupid dream, and they die," Kabuto taunted as he kicked more. He went to go kick, and Naruto stopped him with his hand.
" That's enough!" Naruto growled as he threw Kabuto's leg away from him. " I'm not gonna run away. I never go back on my word! That's my nindo!" He got back onto his feet, looking Kabuto dead in the eyes. " My ninja way!"
" You should have stayed out of this, Naruto," Kabuto warned as he build up chakra in his hand. He swung his hand and smacked Naruto, he flew and slid over to where Aceso was struggling to get back on her feet.
" Why do you--" Tsunade began as Aceso refocused and crawled over to Naruto. He was trying to get back up. " What are you doing?" Aceso took the ointment out of her bag, she then opened it and put some on Narutos' forehead.
" Thanks for that," Naruto said as he planted his feet on the ground. " Do you think that hole connects to anything?" He was whispering softly.
" Huh?" Aceso asked as he looked down, there was a hole in the ground, that was probably a burrow to a rabbit's hole, which meant there could be another one. "Possibly." He looked at her, they nodded, a plan was made, and Naruto straightened back up as Aceso prepared it.
Tsunade's eyes widen and she gasped lightly, as Naruto gained a little more strength, he was trembling a little less.
" All right, Grandma," Naruto began.
" Still haven't had enough?" Kabuto asked. " What did you give him?"
" Not telling," Aceso said as she dragged her body over the whole, she did her Jutsu, the rope slowly and nonchalantly moved around in the grass and through the rabbit hole.
" Get ready to pay up, on our bet," Naruto advised as he put his hands in a sign. " That cursed necklace of yours is about to be mine. Shadow Clone Jutsu!" A clone appeared as Aceso in front of Tsunade with a knife out, but let her see what was happening.
" Enough! Naruto, you don't have to protect me!" Tsunade called out. " Stop, already!"
" I warned you not to be stubborn," Kabuto warned as he took out a kunai knife. " Now you die!" He charged at Naruto. You've just thrown it all away! Dreams don't come true when you're dead!"
" Just get out of the way, Naruto!" Tsunade cried out. " No lookout!"
" Don't you worry about me," Naruto smirked as Kabuto got closer. " Now!" Aceso had two ends of a rope tied in her hand, she pulled, and Kabuto tripped over and flew up.
"You will never learn," Kabuto smirked.
" Dreams never die no matter if someone dies," Aceso said as she did another Jutsu. The ropes all around her body shot out and tied around Kabuto's limps as he launched the knife between Naruto's fingers, it slit the skin between his fingers open and held up his other hand. His other limbs were all stretched out. The end of the rope was all wrapped around Aceso's waist, as long as she remained focused, and had enough charka, she didn't need any sort of tree or bar to make some spread eagle like that.
" Until I become Hokage, I don't care what happens. I am not gonna die!" Naruto announced Kabuto was stunned. " Okay, let's see you dodge me this time. Here goes!" His clone did the hand movements in his one free hand, the ball of chakra was building up.
" He's channeling chakra again, like before," Kabuto noted. " No! This different!"
" Now I see," Tsunade noted. " He made the clone to gather up his chakra. Ingenious. "
" Compress the chakra," Naruto recalled. " Keep it going!" He moved it forward.
" That's impossible!" Tsunade gasped as Naruto slammed the Rasengan into Kabuto's chest.
" Rasengan!" Naruto yelled. Kabuto cried out as the Rasengan grew brighter and Kabuto slammed a hand into his chest. Aceso released her ropes from Kabuto's body and Naruto released the Rasengan, it stayed in perfect form sending Kabuto flying back.
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