Chapter 29
Naruto started to go up to the waiting area.
" Naruto, I need to tend to you as well," Aceso brought up.
" Go up with him, " Genma allowed. " Just make it back before the next match is over."
" Yes, sir," Aceso nodded and followed Naruto up to the waiting area. She had him sit down as she started to treat him. Naruto was laughing as Shino and Shikamaru were around him, asking about the fight. She then looked at the others, she knew which fight was next. " Any sign of Sasuke?"
" No," Shikamaru asked. " What a drag."
" Hey!" a person shouted from the crowd. " What's going on here? Hurry up and start the next match." A bunch of people joined in on the shouting.
" Come on, let's go!" someone shouted.
' I hope he shows up soon' Aceso said as she looked back at Naruto's fingers. " Things are about to get ugly.' She helped up Naruto and they went over to the rail
" Sometime before night falls!" another shouted.
" That Sasuke, what in the world does he think he's doing?" Shikamaru asked as she leaned over the rail. " Forfeiting?"
" A wise man never courts danger, leading to a wise decision," Shino said.
" Sasuke would never miss a fight," Aceso said. " He's more a person that likes to stroll into danger."
" I agree," Naruto said. " He's definitely gonna be here, believe it." He then looked over at Gaara, and he looked back, both glared at each other.
" Hm?" Shikamaru asked looking between Naruto and Shino. Then a Jonin appeared before the proctor and talked to him, before disappearing.
" Listen. everyone," Genma began as he faced the crowd. " One of the competitors from the next battle has not arrived yet, so we're going to postpone this match briefly and simply jump ahead to the battle that would've followed this one."
" That's good," Naruto breathed in relief.
" For now," Aceso said.
" Hey, that means my battle's one match closer now," Shikamaru panicked. " What a drag!"
" Then on to the next battle," Genma announced. " So Shino and Kankuro, come down."
" Proctor!" Kankuro shouted. " I withdraw."
" Huh?" Shikamaru, Naruto, and Aceso asked as they looked over at him. Shino looked over as well.
" I withdraw, so please advance to the next match," Kankuro wished. The crowd jeered angrily.
" Why would he withdraw?" Naruto asked.
" Not a clue," Aceso whispered. " He came to the hospital for supplies two days before phase three began."
" Ugh," Genma groaned. " Due to Kankuro's withdrawal, Shino Aburame wins by default
" What?" A man demanded.
" We came here for a real match," another man complained. " We don't wanna see this." Temari took out her fan, spun around, and used the wind to descend towards the ground.
" Oh man," Shikamaru panicked.
" And you are?" Genma asked after she landed.
" It's my turn, right?" Temari asked.
" Well, you're sure an eager one, aren't you?" Genma asked. " Fine, let's start the next match then." He looked up. " Hey, you up there. Come down."
" Oh, come on," Shikamaru groaned. " What are you doing moving these matches up like this?"
" You've been preparing for this Shikamaru," Aceso reminded him.
" But why does it have to be my stupid match that gets pushed up?" Shikamaru asked. " Oh man, this is such a drag."
" Shikamaru Nara, come on," Genma urged.
" All right!" Naruto shouted as he jumped over and taped Shikamaru on the back, a little too hard. " Go on, Shikamaru. You can do it!" Shikamaru was flailing his arms, then Naruto gave him another pushed and he fell over the railing.
" Be more gentle, why don't you?" Aceso asked looking at Shikamaru, who staring up at them. He was on his back, he didn't look very happy,
" It got him down there," Naruto laughed. People then started to throw things at him as he just lay there.
" People are so rude," Aceso groaned.
" What is it?" Temari asked as she tapped her fan onto the ground. " You plan on giving it up to?" He looked over at her.
" Come on, come on. Get up and fight!" Naruto yelled as he stomped his feet. " Get it together, Shikamaru! You're gonna get going sometime this year?"
" I don't recall being in the cheering section," Aceso said as she glared at her brother. " I have to head back down anyway." She backed up and started to make her way to the doorway.
" This is a great spot!" Naruto shouted as he pulled her back as the crowd booed.
" Well, if you won't move, I will," Temari declared. She started to charge at him.
" Hey, I didn't start the match yet," Genma brought up.
" I forgot," Shikamaru groaned. " This girl's a spunky one. I hate spunky." He took out two kunai knives as she jumped and came down at him.
" Aah!" Naruto exclaimed as she slammed her fan into the ground, and dust blew up. It cleared and Shikamaru was no longer there.
" Huh?" Temari asked in surprise. She looked up to see him standing against the wall.
" It really doesn't make a whole lot of difference to me whether I ever become a Chunin or not," Shikamaru admitted.
" Not surprised," Aceso breathed.
" But I guess I maybe I shouldn't let myself get beaten by a female," Shikamaru said, Temari grunted. " So, let's do it." She picked up her fan and swung, the wind blew all around. The dust cleared revealing two kunai knives stuck in the wall. Shikamaru was now crouching behind a tree, staring up at the clouds.
" Get, your butt in gear!" Naruto shouted.
" Let's go Shikamaru!" Aceso shouted.
" Ninja Art. Wind Scythe Jutsu!" Temari shouted as Shikamaru stood up.
" I'm going to head down now," Aceso said, she turned and left before Naruto could stop her. She got a little boost down the hall from the intense wind and went rolling down till she hit the wall at the end.
" You ok?" one of the Jonin asked.
" Just dandy," Aceso smiled up at him. They helped her to her feet and she went down. When she got to the doorway she saw Temari putting her fan on a line and Shikamaru up against the wall 15 meters and 32 centimeters away. Shikamaru looked back up at the clouds. He looked at Temari, put his hands into one circle, and closed his eyes. Moments later he opened his eyes and looked up.
" So you have some fighting spirit, after all?" Temari gathered. " Aagh!" He hit another intense wind towards him. He put his arm up and ran in a direction with a kunai knife in his left hand. The trees were getting cut up and took off his jacket. The wind died down and Temari was still hiding up in a tree. " You can't hide forever. Come out, coward!" She produced another window storm with her fan. A kunai knife flew out and almost hit her if she didn't dodge it. She blocked another with her fan." She looked down to see a shadow coming toward her. " What the--It's still coming. She jumped back right before it could hit her.
" You're pretty quick on your toes," Shikamaru noted.
" Now I see what you've been up to," Temari gathered. " You weren't just hiding, you were killing time, waiting for the sun to get lower, and the shadow of the wall to get longer. " The longer the shadows, the farther your range us, right?"
" Temari!" Kankuro shouted. " Over your head!
" What is that?" Temari asked as she looked up to see Shikamaru's jacket tied to a kunai knife in the air. She looked down and saw another shadow forming. " OH, no!" She jumped back.
" I've got you now," Shikamaru said. He had her dancing around, trying to get away from his shadow. His parachute fell onto the ground. She opened her fan and stood up.
" She learns fast," Shikamaru gathered. " I'll give her that." Temari then looked up at the sun and then back at him. She slammed her fan to the ground. His shadow retracted, and Temari started to do hand signs.
" Clone Jutsu," Temari said, then she froze and gasped. She was shaking, and everyone gasped.
" It took a while, but my Shadow Possession finally worked," Shikamaru said as he put his arms apart, Temari did the same thing.
" No," Temari denied as her eyes widened.
" How the hell did he do that?" Kankuro demanded.
" Look behind you," Shikamaru smirked as he turned his head. " I'll let you." She looked back to see a shadow had come up from the hole and attached to her from behind. " Don't you recognize that hole? It's where Naruto popped out of the ground and knocked Neji for a loop. The hole in front of you is where he went into the ground. The two are connected."
" Now I see," Temari twitched as she looked at him. " I never thought of the shadows underground."
" That was your mistake," Shikamaru said. The two started to walk toward each other and Shikamaru's moves.
" Yeah, he did it!" Naruto cheered. " He pulled off an upset."
" You got her! Way to go!" Ino shouted. Shikamaru had them both raise their right arm, he had his eyes closed. Everyone was intensely watching, he slowly opened his eyes,
" The hell with it, I give up," Shikamaru said.
" Huh?" Temari gasped.
" Huh?" Naruto and Aceso asked.
" Huh?" Ino gasped.
" He what?" A man demanded.
" You've gotta be kidding me," another man shouted.
" Loser!" Someone shouted.
" What? What did you say?" Temari asked.
" I used up all my chakra on that Shadow Possession Jutsu," Shikamaru explained. " I'm good for about another 10 seconds, and that's it. Bummer, and here I'd already planned out the next 200 moves in my head. But my chakra's running low." He had them both put their arm down. " Anyway, if I was doing this thing, it would just mean more work." Aceso smiled and shook her head.
" The winner is...Temari," Genma announced, Aceso immediately went on the field and headed over to the two as the Jutsu was released.
" What the--?" Temari asked.
" Uh, man, I'm beat," Shikamaru groaned.
" Ointment?" Aceso asked as she walked up to the two.
" No," Temari denied.
" I sure would want some," Shikamaru said. " Check for any other injuries."
" Sure," Aceso breathed as she applied for the chakra medicine right above his fist net shirt, it absorbs into the skin and Aceso continued on with treating him.
Up where Lord Hokage sat with Lord Kazakage.
" What exactly did she put on him?" Lord Kazekage asked.
" Oh, just a little bit of ointment she invented about two months ago," Lord Hokage answered.
" What does it do?" Kazekage asked.
" Give the ninja a bit more chakra," Lord Hokage answered. " Mainly to help them to her feet, and if it is applied during a battle, it would be given the ninja a little extra strength to keep fighting."
" What the heck was that?" Naruto shouted from the waiting area. " Forfeiting the match when he had it won! Geez!" He pounded the rail. " Man, that really ticks me off. That lazy son of a--" He then jumped out of the waiting area. " I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind."
" Stretch it out," Aceso advised, Shikamaru started to do a little stretch.
" Hey, I want to talk to you, you idiot!" Naruto shouted as he ran up to them.
" Eh, who are you calling an idiot, idiot?" Shikamaru asked as he stretched back.
" Why'd you give up?" Naruto demanded. " Are you really that lazy? Or are you just a big chicken?"
" Hey, it's over," Shikamaru reminded him. " Let's just forget it, okay?"
" Are you kidding me?" Naruto exploded. " No! It's not okay. You had that match won--"
" Would you just skip it?" Shikamaru asked,
" Naruto there's another match," Aceso reminded him as he continued to complain.
" I mean, to quit right when--Huh, another match?" Naruto asked. They looked at him as Shikamaru bent back again. " Yeah, that's right!"
"Huh, at last!" a man shouted. " This is the one we've been waiting for. Uchiha's next!"
" Yeah, but who's this Gaara guy he's up against?" another guy asked.
" Don't know, " the 1st guy said. " He's a mystery. But he doesn't stand a chance against this Uchiha kid.
" Don't get too excited," man two warned. " I heard that Sasuke Uchiha had to pull out of the match."
" What! No way!" a guy shouted.
" They still he's still injured from some accident that happened in training," Man 2 explained.
As the crowd shouted angrily, waiting for Sasuke. Down at the bottom, Shikamaru was still bending backward, Naruto was looking around, and Aceso was applying bandages on Shikamaru's elbow. Then a Jonin appeared behind Genma.
" Lord Hokage wants to wait 10 more minutes," the Jonin revealed before disappearing.
" I see, a 10-minute reprieve, huh?" Genma asked.
" Man, if he doesn't show I'll kill him, " Naruto warned. " I swear I'll kill him."
"I'll get at him for leaving the hospital," Aceso said.
" Uchiha! Uchiha!" the crowd began to chant. Aceso then glanced at Shikamaru.
" Shikamaru, if you stretch anymore back, you're going to overextend it," Aceso informed. " Unless you are more flexible than you seem."
" What a drag," Shikamaru groaned.
" I still need to put ointment on your forehead," Aceso said as she put ointment on her finger.
"No need to rush," Shikamaru said, he started to stand up straight as Aceso slowly looked up.
" Come on Shikamaru, you should listen to the doctor more!" Naruto insisted as he tapped on Shikamaru with a little too much effort. Shikamaru went forward, and crashed into Aceso, the two fell back and Aceso felt something soft on her lips.
" Get off my sister!" Naruto shouted as the crowd fell silent. Aceso put two hands on Shikamaru and pushed him up.
" Did we just kiss?" Shikamaru asked with wide eyes.
" YOU KISSED?!" Naruto boomed.
" It was an accident!" Aceso exclaimed as she lifted Shikamaru up higher. He had her between his arms, hands planted on either side.
" THAT IS BULL!" Naruto shouted as he rolled up his sleeves.
"You're the one that pushed me!" Shikamaru shouted. " What a drag!"
" Doesn't matter!" Naruto exclaimed before jumping up, he was heading straight down, with his fist ready.
" Oh, man," Shikamaru groaned. Aceso moved one hand to Shikamaru's stomach flipped him onto his back next to her and held up one hand as Naruto flew down at her. Her eyes glowed green and Naruto stopped in midair. She moved the side, her eyes went back to normal and Naruto fell flat on his face.
" What was that!?" Naruto shouted as he jumped to his feet and pointed at her.
" Not sure," Aceso admitted.
" Not sure," Shikamaru groaned. " What a drag."
" Not sure?" Kankuro asked from up in the waiting area.
" It's the Matsuba Kekki Genkai," Shino answered, they looked at him. " She most likely didn't know about it, due to the village wanting to keep her family a secret from her." The two sand brothers exchanged looks.
" Didn't know about it?" Sakura asked over in the other stands. " How?"
" Well, she's the last of the Matsuba clan right?" Choji recalled. " Nobody has probably told her about it."
"I heard about that clan," Ino said. " What exactly happened to it?"
" I'm not quite sure, from my guess she's the only one left," Choji guessed.
" All right, the time limit has expired," Genma announced. " So I'm officially calling this match..." Shikamaru got on to his feet when leaves started to flow into the area, Aceso held out her hand and let one settle on her hand. When it died down, they saw Sasuke in a black jumper suit, with the Uchiha symbol on his back, and Kakashi, they were standing back to back. Everyone's eyes went wide as their mouths dropped.
" Sorry, we're late," Kakashi apologized. " You wouldn't believe the traffic."
" Lies!" Aceso denied.
" Sorry, I left the hospital Aceso," Sasuke apologized. " I should have given you a heads up."
" And you are?" Genma asked.
" I'm Sasuke Uchiha," Sasuke answered as he looked at the proctor. The whole crowd cheered loudly.
" Huh, so you decided to show up after all," Naruto smiled.
" So what about you?" Sasuke asked. " Did you win?"
" You know it," Naruto confirmed.
" Heh. Well, don't get too full of yourself," Sasuke advised. " You're still a loser."
" Sorry if we kept you waiting, but, um, how late are we?" Kakashi asked as he put a hand on the back of his head. " I mean, it's not like Sasuke is, well, disqualified or anything, right?" They all looked at Genma.
" Like master, like pupil, even down to your lousy sense of time" Genma smiled.
" Well, what about it?" Kakashi asked.
" You know, you were so late that extended the deadline for you, twice in fact," Genma revealed. " And it's lucky for you we did because you just made it. No, he's not disqualified."
" Oh, that's a relief!" Kakashi laughed. " You had me worried there for a minute. So we're okay. Hm?" They looked up to see Gaara and Sasuke both staring at each other.
" Just make sure you don't lose to this guy," Aceso requested as Naruto pulled her up to her feet.
" Got it," Sasuke confirmed.
" Hey, Sasuke!" Naruto exclaimed. " Don't lose, 'cause I want to fight you myself."
" Got it," Sasuke confirmed as they stared at each other.
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