Chapter 26

Naruto was now at the front desk of the hospital, it was Aceso's day off and she was nowhere in sight. She didn't want to be found, so she was hiding out in the forest.

" But she said she would give me more medicine," Naruto said. " Can't I go look in her room? I am her brother."

" Just make it quick," the lady ordered.

" Yeah!" Naruto cheered as he ran off, he opened the door, and the moment he opened he saw many people inside, including Kurenai.

" Naruto," Kankuro said. " Where's your sister?"

" Why are all of you in here!?" Naruto exclaimed.

"Looking for Doctor Matsuba," Kurenai answered. " Do you know where she is?"

" No," Naruto answered, he looked at saw they were holding many containers. " Is there any left?"

" No," Sakura answered.

" What a drag," Shikamaru groaned. "I could really use some right about now."

" A green jumpsuit," Tenten asked as she opened a drawer. "Nice." She pulled out a bow and arrow."

" Don't go looking through her stuff, Tenten!" Lee exclaimed.

" Sorry," Tenten apologized as she closed it.

" Gai always gives Aceso a jumpsuit for her birthday," Kurenai answered. " She refuses to wear and keeps them in a draw with the bow and arrow." 

" Haha! Home movies!" Kiba laughed as he picked some off the shelves.

" Put it back Kiba!" Ino shouted.

" You don't want to watch them?" Kiba asked. " I know I do."

" Put them down," Kurenai ordered. " We should get going now."

"I'm sure she won't notice if we take them," Kiba said as he picked up more and gave it to Akamaru.

" Kiba!" Hinata exclaimed. "Please put them back."

"Let's just watch one," Choji said.

"Fine," Kurenai gave in, they took one and went over to a room, and put it on a projector.

" Why are we doing this?" Gaara asked angrily.

" We can get back to training as soon as it's over," Kankuro assured him as a picture popped up.

" Gai Sensei!" Lee cried out happily.

" Shhh!" Tenten groaned as she covered his mouth. The home movie started playing.

" Turn the camera around Gai," Kakashi's voice spoke. " Give it to me." The camera was handed off to Kakashi, he fixed it and now the camera was fixed forward on a small girl with short red hair, in a high-side ponytail. She had black pants that went to her knees, red wrappings on her legs, and a purple sleeveless hoodie.

" Red Rose!" Lee cheered.

" Shut up bushy brow!" Naruto shouted.

" Sorry," Lee apologized as they returned to the screen. Aceso was hanging upside on the ceiling, she was hanging on to a rope-like Spiderman would hang on to a web.

" Here they come," Gai cheered.

" Shut up," Kakashi said. Around the corner came Kurenai and Asuma, they were chatting about something. Aceso then threw a kunai knife with a piece of paper attached to it and lodged it into the wall right before them.

" You missed squirt," Asuma said as he looked up at her.

" Not quite," Aceso denied, the paper went off and blue paint went all over the two. " You two fell for it!" She was laughing.

" You fell for that!" Kiba exclaimed.

" You just had to show this one," Kurenai grumbled, but she smiled a little at the memory.

" What is going on here?" a voice demanded, the camera turned to see Lord Hokage and another man, he had red spiky hair.

" Is that-" Temari began as the sand village genin gasped.

" Father," Kankuro nodded. The red spiky hair guy walked up to see Aceso, her back was still turned.

" Aceso," Lord Hokage said. " Did you do this?"

" Maybe," Aceso answered she turned around, her eyes went wide and she let go of the rope and fell. She then looked up at the tall man who stared down at her. She then got up and ran over to Kakashi and hid behind his leg. They saw that Kakashi wore traditional anbu clothes.

" Don't be shy Aceso," Asuma said as he wiped paint off his face. " This is the Rasa, the Kazekage." She stayed at Kakashi's leg. He bent down and started to talk to her, practically distracting her.

" He came he to look at the hospital," Lord Hokage informed. " I wouldn't have shown him it-"

" It's alright Sarutobi," the Kazekage said. " I'm guessing this is Momo's child?"

" Yes, she is exceeding greatly she wants to be strong like her papa!" Gai smiled as he pointed to himself. Ino then pressed pause.

 "Talk about a change in careers," Tenten stated as she tilted her head. 

"What changed her mind?" Naruto asked. "What made her stray from the original dream?"

"Well, that day Gai was going to show her how to open the first gate she was about four if I remember," Kurenai answered.

"Red Rose!" Lee yelped. "What happened?"

"A few months before, Aceso saw a man being raced down the hallway with a club with a ton of spikes on it, wedged deep inside pass by." Kurenai smiled. "Gai completely freaked out that day. Instead of going to train with him, Aceso snuck up the vent to watch the injured man go through an operation."

"That's so graphic for someone as young as 4," Sakura said. "How did she not throw up?"

"She just didn't," Kurenai answered. "I remember Gai and Kakashi having to go to the Hokage's office for the all the times Aceso snuck in at night to grab books on medicine and medical ninjutsu." Kurenai laughed a bit, as the others were a bit shocked.) Ino pressed played.

" She looks about the same age when I first met Fizzy and her sister Momo," Rasa noted.

"I believe you took them in as your sisters right," Sarutobi recalled. Everyone sat up a little straighter.

"Yeah, when I was eight," Rasa recalled with a small smile.

"How is Ms. Fizzy doing?" Gai asked.

"Doing a lot better, looking after my kids at the moment," Rasa answered. Back in the room, the sand siblings glanced at each other, Temari and Kankuro recalled Momo and Fizzy, while Gaara just recalled Fizzy. " If I brought her along, I'm sure she would have stayed here for good like Momo."

"What makes you think that?" Lord Third asked.

"Aceso has her mother's eyes," Rasa answered.

"Well, Momo is her mother," Asuma stated. Back in the room, currently, everyone in the room that was watching the screen went dead silent.

"That means Aceso's mom is from the sand village," Kankuro concluded quickly.

"Our village," Temari said.

"Technically this means she's our cousin," Kankuro added as they refocused on the screen. Rasa looked back at Aceso.

"I just hope her daughter doesn't have the same temper," Rasa admitted. "Two weeks after Gaara was born, Momo hit me so hard that there was a handprint on my cheek for three weeks." Rasa looked at Aceso, she hid behind Kakashi's leg more. " How old are you?" Aceso remained quiet.

" He won't bite you," Kakashi assured. Aceso hid behind his leg more, holding on to his pants tighter. " She just turned three in December. On the 31st to be exact."

" My youngest will be turning four by the time I get back," Rasa informed. " He has red hair just like you." Everyone looked at Gaara, his attention was fully grabbed, they looked back at the home movie.

" Does he have a name?" Aceso asked.

" Gaara," Rasa answered. Her sea-green eyes were piercing into him. " I'll show you a picture." He knelt down and held out a photo.

" Get closer," Kakashi said.

" Come on," Kurenai said as she walked over, she grabbed Aceso's hand and brought her over to Rasa, she looked at the photo.

" He looks nice," Aceso said, Rasa reached out a hand, Aceso let go of Kurenais' hand and ran to Gai, hiding behind his leg.

Kurenai bowed her head. "I'm sorry, Aceso can still be a bit shy around adults she doesn't know."

"Gai is it?" Raras asked looking over at him. "You referred to yourself as papa?" Gai nodded as he picked up Aceso.

"Kakashi and Gai are your niece's primary caretakers," Lord Hokage answered. "Been taking care of her since they were about 14." This time Tenten pressed play.

"Hold on," Tenten began. "Gai-sensei and Kakashi-sensei were trusted with a baby? Sounds kind of reckless."

"A lot of the villagers thought the same," Kurenai said, this grabbed Naruto's attention.

"Let's pop in another," Ino suggested as they switched out tapes.

The screen now showed Aceso's room door, and Kakashi and Gai stood outside the door.

" Aceso?" Kakashi asked as he knocked on the door. Something hit the door, and the door opened revealing an older Aceso, she lay in bed looking miserable. " How are you feeling?" She gave him an iffy hand movement.

"Over did it in the operation room," Kakashi smiled as he sat next to her. He picked up her hand, and they all noticed they were wrapped heavily. 

"definitely wasn't expecting it," Aceso admitted.

" This is what happens when you don't give your body enough rest," Gai laughed as he sat at the end of the bed. Aceso still seemed down. 

Kakashi put a hand on her head. "Don't be so down, kid. You did five-night shifts in a row."

"I was hoping to pull six," Aceso admitted with a slight smile. 

"You know what I say," Gai laughed loudly. "Some progress is better than none at all, even if it's one step more than the day before." Aceso smiled up at him. Gai then revealed a bouquet of flowers. "I had my students pick flowers for you."

Aceso's eye lit up. "These are beautiful, thank you."

" I picked those!" Lee exclaimed. " A Lotus Flower!"

" So did the rest of us," Neji reminded him.

" Shut up," Tenten said.

" Another one?" Naruto asked.

" Sure," Kiba said. 

"How many night shifts can she do in a row now?" Kankuro asked. "Just out of curiosity."

" Eight," Kurenai answered as Kiba popped in the next tape.

The whole group watched as an Ibicki held Aceso's hand as they walked through the Sand Village, she was about four now. She was holding the hand of the Jonin and the hand of a stuffed animal, a bunny in particular. Other ninja were with them at the moment.

"Kiba, where did you grab this from?" Kurenai asked.

"A top-shelf," Kiba answered.

"This isn't good," Kurenai said as she glanced back at the sand villagers.

"Should we stop?" Hinata asked.

"Keep going," Kankuro ordered. They all looked back at the scene had changed and Ibicki was fixing Aceso's hood while putting a camera on her.

"Ibicki-sensei, why did we bring a camera?" Aceso asked.

"Gai made a request of getting a recording," Ibicki answered. "Now while the others are in the meeting, what will you and I be doing?"

"Chakra control," Aceso answered.

"What will you not do?" Anko asked.

"Cause trouble," Aceso answered.

The scene changed and Ibicki was putting Aceso on the ceiling. The camera angle is clearly given by Ibicki, but now the screen was split in two, so they could see Aceso's point of view as well.

"Stand up," Ibicki ordered. Aceso slowly stood up, she started to fall, Ibicki caught her and stuck her firmly on the ceiling where her feet were placed. "Now walk." She put one foot forward slowly. "Take your time, no need to rush." She took a few more steps, before being interrupted.

"Why are you on the ceiling?" a voice asked, Aceso looked down to see a boy with spiky red hair, and seam foam green eyes, he didn't have the love word on his head. Everyone glanced at Gaara, then back at the screen. This is probably why she seemed so familiar to him.

"Why aren't you on the ceiling?" Aceso countered.

"Be nice!" Ibicki scolded as he flicked her head. "This the youngest child of the Kazekage."

"Sorry," Aceso apologized. "My name is Aceso."

"I'm Gaara," the boy said. "H-How old are you?"

"Four and a half," Aceso answered. "What is your age."

"Five," Gaara answered. "Why are you on the ceiling?" Aceso went to go answer, but suddenly her feet popped off and she started to fall onto Gaara. Suddenly sand appeared and put a wall between the two, sand flew everywhere, Aceso was faced down. She then looked up and saw all this sand, she then got up and crawled and looked over the edge.

"Did this sand come from you?" Aceso asked.

"I'm sorry," Gaara answered as he looked down.

"I think it's cool," Aceso said.

"You do?" Gaara lit up as he looked back up at her.

"Sorry for almost falling on you," Aceso apologized. 

 Ibicki said as he grabbed her, she placed her feet back on the ceiling. "If you keep talking, you'll be doing ten laps around this place on the ceiling."

"You sound like Papa," Aceso said as she looked at him. 

"Get going," Ibicki smiled. 

"Nice to meet you Gaara," Aceso said before continuing on with training. The film shifted and Aceso was now outside a door, hanging upside down by her rope, no adult was seen, she knocked on the door. It slowly opened revealing Gaara, he looked up at her.

"Are you always upside down?" Gaara asked.

"Are you always on the ground?" Aceso countered as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why are you here?" Gaara asked.

"All the adults are busy," Aceso answered. "I wanted to know if you wanted to play." Aceso went farther down her rope till they were eye-leveled.

"Y-You want to play with me?" Gaara asked.

"You don't seem busy," Aceso said as she tilted her head.

"What are we playing?" Gaara asked.

"Tag!" Aceso exclaimed. She touched his head, hopped down from the rope, and took off. Clips of tagging each other pop up, and even Kankuro and Temari got involved, and all of them are smiling. Now the two are looking over the edge of the building, it was night, and the moon was full that night.

"Do you have to go back tomorrow?" Gaara asked as he looked at her.

"Yeah," Aceso answered. "I miss my village."

"Oh, "Gaara said as he became sad.

"That doesn't mean we can stop being friends," Aceso said.

"But- "Gaara began.

"Distance shouldn't mean a thing when people are friends," Aceso said.

"What are best friends?" Gaara asked.

"Asuma-Sensei told me that a best friend is a friend that we really admire," Aceso answered.

"Can we be best friends?" Gaara asked.

"Absolutely," Aceso smiled, this made Gaara smile as well as they looked at the moon. "The moon sure is pretty," Gaara nodded in agreement.

"We see the same moon, right?" Gaara asked.

"Yeah" Aceso answered. "Dad told me all about the moon, though I don't quite remember everything. "Just we see the same one." She then started to take a kunai out of her pocket.

"What are you doing?" Gaara asked as he started to back away.

"I want to show you something I haven't shown anyone else," Aceso answered. "Just promise not to tell anyone."

"Sure," Gaara answered with uncertainty.

"I know this won't work on you," Aceso said as rolled up her pants leg. She then made a cut on her leg.

Gaara then scooted closer to her. "Why did you do that?"

Aceso started to do hand signs, she placed her hand over her leg, and the green healing chakra appeared. "I told you I wanted to show you something." Gaara watched the cut begin to close up on its own. 

"What is it?" Gaara asked as he touched the spot. 

"Medical Ninjutsu," Aceso answered. 

Gaara looked at her. "You are going to make a great medic ninja." Aceso lit up as she stopped the jutsu. (Back in the room, Naruto glanced back at Gaara then back at the screen.)

"That's the goal,"  Aceso smiled bigger. "To be the greatest medic to come out of the leaf."

"If you keep at the rate you are going you could become the greatest in general," Gaara said, this made Aceso smile even more. "Though if you want to become the greatest, you should have a more signature look." Aceso's smile dropped a little as she tilted her head. "Do you trust?"

"I don't see why not," Aceso said. Gaara took out her ponytail and then got behind her. He then started to put her hair into the braids she wears to this day. " I think you'll be a good ninja."

"You do?" Gaara asked.

"Positive," Aceso smiled back at him. "And then maybe we can team up sometimes." Gaara turned her head back forward.

"Does your dads know about the medical ninjutsu?" Gaara asked.

"No," Aces denied. "As far as they know, I'm still on the path to being strong like papa."

"Why don't you tell them?" Gaara asked. "Don't you feel guilty?"

"Of course I do," Aceso confirmed. "I'm just scared I'll disappoint them and break papas heart. He was so happy when I told him I wanted to be strong like him."

"From the way you talk about them, they won't be disappointed at all," Gaara said.

"Perhaps you are right," Aceso agreed. 

"I'm done," Gaara said as he flipped the braids in front of them.

"I like them," Aceso said as her fingers ran through the ridges. "Thank you, Gaara." She looked back at him.

"Best friends forever," Aceso said as she held out a pinkie finger. "And that's a promise." Gaara wrapped his pinkie finger around hers and smiled. 

" I think we're done," Kurenai grunted, she went to go turn off the projector, the something appeared on top of it. A small person with golden yellow hair and golden yellow eyes.

" Why don't sneak a peek at Aceso's future?" the girl giggled. She was glowing.

" G-ghost," Naruto trembled in fear as everyone looked.

" No," they giggled. " I'm a spirit ninja of the timeline and you all have one. I'm going to be in so much trouble for being here, but I couldn't resist!"

" Wouldn't seeing the future, affect the future?" Sakura asked.

" I can erase your memories of it, so not really, and there's this really cute part I want you all to watch, you are all a part of it" the spirit giggled. " So are you in?"

" I'm curious," Choji admitted. " Since we are all there."

" Yay!" the girl cheered. " First, it seems like you guys are acting like this is the first time you've all met her."

"I've known I met Aceso, but I don't recall when," Ino admitted.

"I'm will fix that," they giggled. " We already saw how she met Gaara for the first time so that one won't get played, I can also show clips of each of you being treated as patients by her. " The screen was blank and it showed Naruto's name.

"Alright, I'm up first!" Naruto cheered.


Four-year-old Aceso is going from roof to roof a late night, she has a lunch box in her hand, wrapped tightly.

(Naruto starts to smile as he recalls the memory as well.) She throws down a rope, while upside down, Aceso slowly goes down the rope. As she's about to place the box on the ground, four-year Naruto opens the door, and it's clear he has a cold.

"Just who are you?" Naruto sniffed as he wiped his snot.

"Aceso Matsuba," Aceso smiled.

"I'm trying to sleep here," Naruto said as he began to close the door.

Aceso flipped over, her feet landed on the ground. "I brought you soup." Naruto looked back at her. "Miso Soup, my papa always makes it when I have a cold."

"How did you know I had a cold?" Naruto asked as he narrowed his eyes. "Were you stalking me?"

"I saw you earlier at the hospital," Aceso answered. "You on debating whether or not go in." Naruto tilted his head. "I live on the top floor at the hospital, but I saw you while I was on the balcony."

"How do I know you didn't poison it?" Naruto asked as Aceso picked up the lunch box.

"My dream is to be the greatest medic to come out of the leaf village," Aceso answered. "I want to help everyone I can, that includes you." She held out the lunch box.

Naruto started to smile. "I plan to the Hokage one day, the greatest of them all." He took the lunch box. "The greatest Hokage to be should have a great medic at their side."

"What is your name?" Aceso asked.

"Naruto Uzumaki!" Naruto chimed as he pointed to himself with his thumb. Aceso smiled as Naruto stared at her. "Has your hair always been that red?"

"Uh?" Aceso asked as she put her hands on her head. "I don't really like it."

"What!?" Naruto yelped. "It's awesome!" 

( Naruto smiled, he couldn't believe he forgot that memory.

"I still want hair that red, believe it!" Naruto laughed.

"It'd make you even louder," Sakura groaned.

The screen changed to when they were both older around the age they currently are.

Aceso is staring at Naruto who is on the hospital bed with a ton of needles sticking out of him.

("Ahh!" Naruto cried out as he saw himself.)

"Naruto..." Aceso began. "You got into a fight with a porcupine?"

"It broke into my apartment and started to eat my ramen! What was I supposed to do?" Naruto asked.

("You are such a dweeb," Sakura twitched.

"Up next is Sasuke," the girl giggled. They all looked forward, more attention grabbed, especially since it was Sasuke.


Aceso was now sitting at the edge of a dock, she was reading a book, she was about 4 years old, and it was sunny out. She glanced at the water to see people walking on the dock in the reflection. She looked back to see Itachi Uchiha and somebody.

"Good morning, Itachi!" Aceso greeted as she looked back. ( Everyone's eyes went wide at the mention of Itachi's name.)

"Good morning, Aceso," Itachi asked. "Having a good morning?"

"Yes, and you?" Aceso asked.

"Yes," Itachi smiled. "What are you doing all the way down here?"

"Just reading," Aceso answered as her legs dangled over the water, she was swinging them back and forth. "Who is with you?"

"This is my kid brother, Sasuke," Itachi informed as they stopped right behind her. "I am about to leave for a mission."

"But you promised to show me a new Jutsu," Sasuke grunted.

"Next time, Sasuke," Itachi stated. 

"Who is this?" Sasuke asked.

"This Aceso Matsuba, the little girl I told you about the other day. The one that lives at the hospital." Itachi answered. "You two are the same age, I'm sure you two will be good friends." He turned and walked away. Sasuke took a seat next to Aceso.

"So, you're aiming to be a ninja as well?" Sasuke asked.

"A medical ninja," Aceso answered. "You?" He nodded happily.

"I am starting the academy in two years," Sasuke answered.

"I am sure you'll be a splendid ninja," Aceso informed. "You do come from the Uchiha clan."

"I want to be like my big brother," Sasuke said. "He's awakened the Sharingan at age of eight."

"That's impressive," Aceso said.

"Why did you start the academy so early?" Sasuke asked.

"I have a hard drive to help a medical ninja and work at the hospital," Aceso answered.

"Why?" Sasuke answered.

"I've lived at the hospital as long as I remember, currently living there. So many people are coming in, many injured, many sick, there's a lot of pain, I want to help and try to minimize the pain," Aceso answered. "I want to save lives." ( " She is so precious," Ino said as her eyes filled with admiration toward Aceso.)

"If I ever have to go in, I hope you're my doctor," Sasuke said, Aceso looked at him. "You're really pretty." (Ino and Sakura froze, and they began to become a little jealous.)

"Uh, thank you," Aceso said as she blushed a little. "You are pretty cute too."

"So, this means we can get married?" Sasuke asked. (Everyone's eyes went wide.)

"No," Aceso quickly denied.

(Ino and Sakura let out a breath of relief as everyone else snickered. "Never thought I see the day, Sasuke would get rejected," Kiba snickered.

"You shouldn't laugh when she has rejected you as well," Shino brought up. "You should feel the same kind of pain as young Sasuke."

"Why did you have to bring that up," Kiba groaned.)

Sasuke looked completely heartbroken. "We are just children Sasuke, no need for us to think of marriage...besides feelings change."

"But just imagine a kid with red hair and the Sharingan and medical skills," Sasuke said. "We would be a powerful family." (Sakura and Ino are returning to being jealous.)

"No," Aceso denied once again. "You're too young to be thinking like this."

"But we would be a cute couple," Sasuke said.

"There's so much more that goes into a romance than being a cute couple," Aceso argued.

"Fine," Sasuke gave in. "Though by the time we are 19 and neither of us is in a relationship, we will get married."

"Huh?" Aceso asked.

"Promise?" Sasuke asked as he held out a finger.

"19 is awfully young," Aceso informed.

"Promise?" Sasuke asked again.

"Promise," Aceso gave in as she pinky swore at him.

"So how about a kiss? To seal the promise?" Sasuke asked as he started to lean. (Ino and Sakura's eyes went extremely wide.) Aceso squinted her eyes at him, with her book and whacked him harshly, he fell into the water. (Naruto, Choji, and Kiba all laughed hard.) Sasuke resurfaced, he grabbed the ledge and looked up at her. "I think you missed."

( "Sasuke!" Naruto roared angrily.

"He's not even here!" Sakura reminded him as she punched him.

"Right," Naruto whined as he grabbed his head.

The screen changed, they were both their current age.

Aceso was wrapping Sasuke's fingers together. 

"Aceso," Sasuke began. "They will heal, right?"

"All you did was overextend your fingers, they should heal by the end of the day," Aceso assured him.

"Up next is Sakura," the girl giggled.


It was another nice day, Aceso was about 7, she was now a genin, and she was out picking herbs. She heard someone crying, she looked up to see a girl with pink hair, she was sitting under a tree crying. Aceso looked down at her basket, and then got up, she went over to the girl.

"Are you alright?" Aceso asked as she sat in front of the girl. The pink-haired girl looked up at her.

"No," the girl answered.

"What's wrong?" Aceso asked.

"People keep making fun of me, for my forehead," the girl answered. Aceso noticed that her forehead was quite large.

"I think your forehead makes you extra pretty," Aceso informed.

"You do?" the girl asked in surprise.

"Yeah," Aceso answered. "Everyone has things they don't like about themselves; we just have to learn to love those flaws."

"Do you have something you don't like about yourself?" the girl asked.

"My hair," Aceso admitted. "I hate how red it is, quite a loud color."

"Is that why you wear it in braids?" the girl asked.

"No, a friend of mine I think braided them, so I left it like this," Aceso answered. (Everyone glanced back at Gaara, he was feeling a bit flustered.) "But I do like how it keeps my hair out of the way." She smiled at the girl. "I'm Aceso."

"Sakura," the girl sniffed.

(This will include Sasuke and Ino," they  said as they dangled their legs.) 

Aceso is working peanut butter through her hands through Ino's hair.

("My hair!" Ino cried.)

"Naruto is going to get it," Sakura said on the screen, Aceso looked over to see Sakura with a ton of gum in her hair.

("My hair!" Sakura screeched.)

"So, what exactly happened?" Aceso asked.

"Naruto was having a bubblegum contest with Konohamaru when the bubbles were the biggest --," Ino started to explain.

"That twerp!" Sakura growled as she made a fist. There was a knock on the door.

"Aceso?" Tenten asked opening the door.

"Oh good, Tenten," Aceso smiled. "Could you get started on Sakura?"

( " Now, Hinata," the girl giggled, Hinata turned red as Neji looked annoyed.


It was a snowy day, Aceso was at the library, she was studying up on the material. She heard a thump, she looked to the side to see a young girl. She had Hyuga eyes. The girl was on the ground, surrounded by books.

( "So ungrateful," Neji commented, and Hinata blushed in embarrassment.)

"Do you need help?" Aceso asked softly. She got up, she walked over to the girl.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause so much noise," the girl apologized.

"You're the hurt one, are you okay?" Aceso asked. The girl nodded. "I'm Aceso. You're from the Hyuga clan, right?"

"Yes," the girl answered. "I'm Hinata."

"Your name is pretty," Aceso said. The girl gasped.

"Thank you," Hinata blushed heavily.

( "Hinata did you have a crush on Aceso?" Kiba asked with a laugh.

"Oh no," Hinata denied as she blushed heavily. "I-uh-"

"Probably just got shy," Tenten smiled.)

Aceso was now fixing Hinata's knee, wrapping it.

"So, Kiba bit you? Aceso asked she looked at Hinata.

"It was an accident during training," Hinata assured. 

"Uh-huh," Aceso breathed.

( "Good going dog breath," Naruto grumbled.

"Shino is next," the time girl giggled.


Aceso was in the forest, she was looking for a certain herb, she was about nine years old. Suddenly, she jumped when she saw a centipede crawling by her foot.

"If you don't go after them, they won't hurt you," a voice said. She jumped again, she looked to see a boy with shades. "Bugs are quite marvelous creatures if people bothered to learn about them." She saw bugs crawling up his face.

"You must be from the Aburame clan," Aceso noted.

"My clan is insect handlers," the boy answered. "I am Shino and you must be the young medical ninja everyone talks about...Aceso Matsuba." She nodded. "My bugs—"

"I don't mean to interrupt Shino...but do you have a name for all your bugs?" Aceso asked. Somehow that even got Shino caught off guard. "I'm sorry if that was a personal question." ( Back in the room, Shino had a small smile appear underneath his jacket.)

"No, it's just nobody outside the clan really asked that question before," Shino answered.

"So, do they have names?" Aceso asked. Shino nodded.

The screen changed, Shino's back was toward the screen.

"Alright, Shino, for the next part of your physical, I'm going to need to look at your eyes," Aceso informed as she scribbled the information on her clipboard. (The Leaf villagers all sat up straighter. Aceso looked up as Shino placed his glasses on the table next to him. 

"Is something wrong?" Shino asked as a slight blush formed on Aceso's cheeks.

"No," Aceso answered she shook her head. "Your eyes are pretty."

(In the room, Shino's face turned a little red, as Naruto glared at him. 

( "Up next to his the beast and his puppy," the time girl said.

" This oughta be good," Kiba smirked, Akamaru barked in agreement.


On a windy day, Aceso was walking down the streets of Konoha, she was about seven years old. She was carrying a basket full of herbs. Though she was having trouble keeping her balance, due to the wind. A big wind gust came through, and she fell backward and into someone. The lid to her basket opened and her herbs all flew out.

"Bummer," a voice said. "Good thing I was here to catch you." Aceso looked back to see a boy with a puppy on his head, the puppy barked.

"Sorry about that," Aceso apologized. "Your puppy is really cute." ( Akamaru barked happily.)

"Yeah, he gets that from his owner," the boy laughed. "The name Kiba and this is Akamaru.

"Aceso," Aceso answered as he sniffed her. "What are you doing?"

"Taking your scent," Kiba answered.

"Why?" Aceso asked.

"So, I can recognize it," Kiba answered. "The Inzukua clan is known for remembering scents and...your scent is warm and sweet."

"I didn't know that scents had a degree of hot and cold," Aceso said.

"Would you like to pet him?" Kiba asked as he looked up at the puppy.

"Can I?" Aceso asked as her eyes sparkled. Kiba closed the gap between the two and Aceso reached up and pet the puppy. "He's so cute."

( "Back away dog breath," Naruto warned.

"Naruto, this is in the past," Kiba reminded him.

" Has her scent changed?" Ino asked.

" Still as sweet and warm as ever," Kiba answered with a heavenly look on his face. Naruto glared at him.

The screen changed. 

Aceso had her hand in the middle of Kiba's back, he was laying on his stomach. Arrows were sticking up everywhere.  Akamaru was laying in a chair.

"Kiba, can you explain," Aceso said as made her turn a chakra blue.

"A couple of kids were doing target practice and overshot," Kiba explained as Aceso cut the pieces of clothing around the arrows. "They would've hit Akamaru if I didn't step in."

("I'm sure Akamaru is happy you stepped in," Hinata said softly. Akamaru barked happily.

"Those snotty nose kids," Kiba grunted angrily.)

"I'm going to numb you for the first half, I might have to get Mitate for the second half," Aceso said as she got the solution ready along with pulling out a needle.

"Why would you have to get Mitate?" Kiba asked looking back. "You've done this before."

"I can do's just that you are my friend," Aceso said as she examined the injured areas. "I'll just have to put you out."

"You think I can't handle the pain?" Kiba asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm not weak."

"I'm aware of that," Aceso said looking at him. "I should probably get your permission first."

"On what?" Kiba asked.

"Kiba there are arrows in your butt," Aceso reminded him, Kiba quickly realized as his face turned red.

(Kiba with a happy face. "I take everything back I said about those kids." Naruto glared at him angrily.

"The next two are the other sand siblings," the time girl informed. They all glanced at Temari and Kankuro.)

Kankuro and Temari

Aceso was still in the sand village, she was five years old, Baki was giving all the kids a lesson. Aceso was sitting next to Gaara.

"Who's the new kid?" Temari asked.

"This is Aceso, she'll be with us only for today," Baki answered. "Maybe two."

"Where is she from?" Kankuro asked.

"The leaf village," Baki answered. "So, we are only going to cover basics, such as the geography of all the lands."

"Who are they?" Aceso asked.

"Those two are Gaara's older siblings, Temari and Kankuro," Baki answered. "Now pay attention."

"I bet the Leaf village ninja aren't as tough as people say," Kankuro said. "All of them are just a bunch of weaklings."

"You sound like you're only talking," Aceso eyed him. Gaara scooted a little away from Aceso.

"Bring it, redhead," Kankuro urged as he rolled up his sleeves. Aceso and Kankuro were now on the table rolling around, throwing hands, soon Aceso was on top of Kankuro, she had him pinned, hands above his head.

("Maybe you should pick on people your own size," Temari advised.

"Why am I the only one she fights with?" Kankuro asked. "Gaara it seemed like you feared little doctor for a second. Gaara glanced at him in a warning.)

"You lost to a girl two years younger than you," Temari snickered.

"Ah, shut up!" Kankuro groaned, and Aceso and Temari giggled.

"Can we get back to the lesson?" Baki groaned.

"Sorry," Kankuro and Aceso apologized as they returned to their seats. The lesson then went on.

"So, does that sum up everything?" Baki asked. Gaara and Temari nodded. "Kankuro and Aceso."

"I'm quite confused about where all the bridges are located," Kankuro admitted. "I doubt Aceso understood anything, she's drawing stick figures." Kankuro looked over. "That one has quite a large head."

"That's because it's you," Aceso answered without looking at him.

"Round two!" Kankuro said as he stood up and rolled up his sleeves again.

"You boys have such fragile egos," Temari frowned as Aceso and Kankuro returned to fighting each other. "Take him down, girl power!" (Kankuro glared at Temari as she just smiled.)

"Hey! Don't take her side!" Kankuro yelled as they continued to roll around. Aceso then slammed Kankuro on his back, hands above his head again. Baki stood at the board, pinching the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed.

"Pinned ya again," Aceso huffed as she looked down at him.

"Can you two stop fighting?" Baki requested as he grabbed their ears.

"She started it," Kankuro glared at her.

"Ladies do not start fights," Aceso denied. " But they sure can finish them."

("I didn't think she was ever a feisty one," Naruto admitted. "But she sure can fight!"

"We were kids," Kankuro reminded him as he rubbed his back.

"She's feistier than you think," Kurenai brought up.) 

Kankuro was sitting in the room with her hoodie off, his hair was showing. She was pouring water in his ear.

"Kankuro, did you sleep with your ear on an anthill?" Aceso asked.

"Even if I did, I didn't think they'd get past the cloth!" Kankuro defended himself. Aceso titled his head towards a bucket, water came out along with small bugs.

("That's so gross," Sakura said as she put a hand over her mouth, a couple of the others did the same.)

The door opened, and she looked to see that Temari had brought Hinata and Shino.

"Oh good," Aceso smiled.

"What are they doing here?" Kankuro asked as the door closed.

"There's this bug, I'm not entirely sure what it is, and it seems to not want to come out," Aceso answered. "I need to Hinata look directly into your head, and described it to Shino."


Aceso is wrapping up Temari's hand. "How did an argument with Kankuro lead to throwing knives at each other?" Aceso asked.

"You'll understand, the day Naruto starts be a pain about this area," Temari answered as her eyebrows twitched.

("He already is a pain," Sakura commented.

"Why do you have to be so mean?" Naruto cried.)

 "Just because a boy is flirting with you, doesn't give your brothers the right to scare them off, I could've done it myself. Or maybe I liked the guy! Kankuro started to pull Gaara into his schemes." Her eyebrows started to twitch more.

"Naruto already does that kind of stuff," Aceso admitted.

"Oh yeah," Temari raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, the other day Lee got a bit too close, and Naruto wasn't having it," Aceso explained, Temari started laughing.  

( Lee blinked in surprise.)


Gaara is sitting in a chair with the top part of his shirt removed, and Aceso standing next to his shoulder, it was split.

("No way," Temari breathed. "That's impossible." Everyone was surprised, this had now really grabbed Gaara's attention.)

"I'm going to have to stitch it," Aceso said as she grabbed a needle and string.

"That's fine," Gaara said. He looked to see Aceso trying to poke him with the needle, only for the sand to keep getting in the way. "It's hopeless."

"Not necessarily," Aceso as she put the needle down, she put the string between two fingers. She then engulfed her hand in the healing chakra. "This might be a little uncomfortable." Gaara nodded, looking back forward. Aceso's hand with the string did a tight zig pattern, till she reached the end. She then held up her other hand, did a sign then the skin pulled together, and Gaara sat up a little straighter in an alarm. 


Aceso was sitting at the front desk of the hospital, that was her job for today. She seemed about nine. The door opened and in walked Choza and a little boy.

"Not a doctor yet?" Choza asked.

"Not yet, Mr. Choza," Aceso denied. "I take my test Monday. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Just bringing in my son for his check-up," He answered as he put a hand on the boy's shoulder. Aceso looked over, and down at the boy. "He's Choji, the next head of the family."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Aceso," Aceso greeted with a wave.

"Do you-do you how much longer?" Choji answered. "I'm kind of hungry." Aceso looked down at her paper and saw Choji's name.

"The doctor will be here in ten minutes, you two are quite early," Aceso answered.

"I wanted Choji to get to know the next big face of the hospital," Choza answered.

"Oh, thank you," Aceso blushed heavily.

"My stomach," Choji groaned. Aceso reached into a drawer and pulled out a bag of barbeque chips and held it out for him.

("She hasn't changed in that part," Choji smiled as he pulled out a bag of chips.)

"I was saving this for later, but you can have them," Aceso offered.

"Really?" Choji asked as a smile appeared on his face.

"Take it," Aceso insisted.

"You're the best!" Choji laughed as he grabbed the chips. "Barbeque is my favorite!"


Aceso was staring at Choji a bit annoyed from the chair as Choji seemed unbothered, Shikamaru was also in the room. 

("I don't think I've ever seen Aceso that irritated," Ino admitted. "And why with Choji?")

"You are not annoyed about indigestion, are you?" Shikamaru asked. "This is a monthly thing."

"It's just that he flirts with my staff each time he's in here," Aceso stated. "Choji, can you please flirt with them less?"

"Oh, come on Doc," Choji laughed. "It's only natural for a patient to flirt with the nurses here, you included!" This caused Aceso to seem even more annoyed. " Everybody does it. Even Shikamaru does it."

"Shikamaru!" Aceso scolded. 

"Hey, don't bring me into this!" Shikamaru exclaimed. "Don't make it a drag!" 

( "Shikamaru is next," the time girl said.)


Aceso was about four years old, she was sitting on the rooftop, and she was folding clothes with one of the nurses. Suddenly the door opened revealing a boy about her age and his mother.

"What are we doing here mom?" the boy groaned.

"Since I can't give you chores to do at home, you will be helping out at the hospital today," the woman scolded. "Come on hurry up before the laundry is all done."

"Thanks, for having your boy help us, Ms. Nara," the nurse thanked her.

"It's not a problem, it gets Shikamaru out of the house," Ms. Nara answered.

"What a drag," Shikamaru groaned. Aceso looked past the blowing sheets and saw the boy looking annoyed. The boy looked at her. "Did she get in trouble as well?"

("Kankuro or Sasuke probably annoyed her," Tenten noted.

"I'm guessing it was Sasuke," Naruto snickered.)

"How rude!" Ms. Nara scolded as she whacked his head.

"Ow!" Shikamaru groaned as he grabbed his head.

"It was my fault," Aceso spoke up as she hopped down from the ledge.

"This is Aceso, she's a permanent resident of the hospital," the doctor informed.

"Why is she sick?" Shikamaru asked.

"No," the nurse answered.

"No more questions and get folding!" Ms. Nara snapped before leaving the rooftop.

"What a drag," Shikamaru groaned. "I'd rather watch the clouds."

"I'm sorry if we are taking up your time, but we do appreciate the help," Aceso said as she returned to pulling the sheets down.

"How long will this take?" Shikamaru asked as he began to help.

"With the three of us, we should be done in a half-hour," the nurse answered, Shikamaru didn't look too happy.

"I know it's not the best spot, but if you lay on your back, you can see the clouds pass by," Aceso informed. Shikamaru looked up at the sky, he saw the shapes passing by with ease.

"Join me on the watch," Shikamaru requested.

"Sure," Aceso agreed with a smile.

(Shikamaru smiled a little, he recalled that day, it was a simple easy day.


Shikamaru was sitting on the bed, as Aceso was examining his foot, she had it elevated. His foot was caught in a trap. ( "That looks gross," Naruto said as his cheeks puffed.) 

"Shikamaru, you aren't normally one to mess up," Aceso said as she stuck a need into his foot.

"Everyone messes up at some point," Shikamaru said. "It sure is a drag. How long do I have to wait until I can return on duty?"

"It should only be a day," Aceso answered as she carefully started to remove the trap from his foot. 

"Up next is Ino," the time girl said.


Aceso was heading into the flower shop, she had some money, but not a lot. She looked at all the individual flowers, she looked about eight.

"Can I help you?" a girl asked walking up to her. Aceso looked over to see a girl with long blonde hair, and blue eyes.

"Yes, please," Aceso answered. "My dad's birthday is coming up."

(" I don't picture Kakashi as a flower guy," Choji admitted.

"You underestimate him," Kurenai smiled. " Especially when it comes to her.)

"I have the perfect ones for you," the girl answered. "My name is Ino." She began to lead Aceso over to some flowers. "I've seen you around before."

"Oh, my name is Aceso," Aceso informed.

"I thought you didn't- "Ino began.

"Oh, I don't," Aceso answered. "But Kakashi-sensei- "

"You seem too nice to be a ninja," Ino cut her off.

"My bad," Aceso apologizes as she scratched the back of her head. 

"It's a great deception," Ino said. "To be so kind, to just surprise them with a bone-breaking move!"

"I don't break bones," Aceso denied. "I heal them." The girl looked at her oddly. "I'm a medical ninja, I work at the hospital here."

"You're so adorable!" Ino gushed as her eyes sparkled. "Gerberas and lilies should be a good flower to give for his birthday."

"Thank you for your help, Ino," Aceso thanked her happily.

"You remind me of a flower," Ino informed as Aceso picked two lilies and one Gerberas.

"Huh?" Aceso asked as she looked at her.

"A rose," Ino answered. "If you were a flower, I'd give you to Sasuke, the biggest rose, to represent how much I feel about him...maybe then he'll acknowledge me and ignore Sakura!" Aceso saw there were two balls of fire in Ino's eyes.

("I should still try that," Ino said.

"Not unless I get to him first!" Sakura warned. "Ino-pig!"

"Billboard brow!" Ino hissed.

" Now on to the last three, Guy's team, starting with Neji," the time girl said.


Aceso was now ten years old, she was finally a doctor. She knocked on a door in the hospital.

"Come in," a voice said. She opened it to see a boy, another one with Hyuga eyes. "Where's the Doctor?"

"Oh, I am the doctor," Aceso informed.

"At that age?" the boy asked.

("Sounds like you," Tenten sighed. " Harsh as ever."

"I wasn't so sure about trusting a doctor that young," Neji said in his defense.)

"Um, yes," Aceso nervously, she looked down at her clipboard. "You must be Neij." The boy looked annoyed. "I'm Doctor Matsuba, but you can call me Aceso if you'd like. Can you tell me what's wrong?"

"I've been feeling nausea lately, and there's been a constant ringing in my left ear," Neij informed.

"You most likely have an ear infection," Aceso informed as she set down her clipboard and put on gloves.

"Just get rid of it," Neij requested.

"Of course," Aceso agreed. She put her hand on Neij's left ear, her hand glowed green. She focused till the infection was completely depleted. Neij looked surprised when Aceso pulled her hand back.

"I guess you really did earn the title Doctor," Neij stated.

"Oh, thank you," Aceso smiled at him. "Though I am still going to have to give you some medicine."

"Do what you need to do," Neij answered in a gentler voice. "I feel better knowing I am in good hands."

"That means a lot, thank you," Aceso said as she smiled. "Most people would have kicked me out of the room when I first entered."

"I wanted to, but then I wouldn't be able to see what you can do, thank you," Neij said. "You have talent."

"Thank you," Aceso smiled at him. " But I only got to this spot because of a lot of hard work."

(" I think that's the nicest thing I've heard from you," Lee admitted.

"It's wise to be kind to your doctor," Neji said. "They are in charge of helping with your health, make them extremely angry and they can easily kill you."

"Cause that's comforting," Tenten stated.

"I don't see little sister, capable of killing anyone," Naruto spoke up. " She's too nice."

"She can if she really wants to," Kurenai corrected. " She just wishes to never have to come that...but if looks could kill, Sasuke would be long gone.")

Neji was sitting on the bed, his arm was covered in rashes, his hands taped up.

"Neji, you are a pretty bright shinobi," Aceso said. "Did you not see the poison ivy?"

("It looks like you went frolicking through it, you idiot, Tenten said as she looked at Neji.)

"The poison ivy was my best choice over falling into the rose bush," Neji answered. "Would you rather be taking out thorns?"

"You know this rash is going the last one to two weeks," Aceso brought up as she placed a gel on his arm, it absorbed into his skin. The rash slowly started to disappear. "How did end up in poison ivy anyways?"

"Training with Gai-sensei," Neji answered as he looked away. 

"You're next buns," the little girl said to Tenten.


Aceso was now eleven, she had just finished trying to help Tenten with her medical skills. She ended up killing the fish, she was trying to heal.

"No!" Tenten sighed. "I'll never be able to follow in her footsteps."

"Who's?" Aceso asked as she cut up the fish.

"Lady Tsunade, one of the legendary Sannin," Tenten answered. "I want to be a strong kunoichi like her, so I plan on following in her footsteps. You seem to be fine, what's your name again?"

"I'm Aceso," Aceso answered. "You're Tenten, right?"

"That's right!" Tenten said.

"Why do you want to follow in Lady Tsunade's footsteps?" Aceso answered.

"I want to be inspiring like her," Tenten answered. "You're following her footsteps, right?"

"No, not really," Aceso denied. "I became a medical ninja to be closer with my parents, but I also want to become the best one throughout all the lands."

"That is so sweet," Tenten said as tears streamed down her face. (Everyone besides Gaara had happy tears streaming down their faces.)

"You should set your own legendary mark, Tenten," Aceso suggested. "Then girls would want to follow in the footsteps of the legendary Tenten."

( " I like that sound of that," Tenten smiled even more.)

"That seems quite difficult," Tenten said. "Wouldn't it be easier to follow in the footsteps of someone else?"

"Setting your own mark is easier," Aceso answered. "The only guidelines you really have to follow are yours, not someone else's." Tenten stared at the girl. "No matter the outcome, I am sure you are going to be quite a strong kunoichi, now take this to your team, I'm sure they would enjoy some food." She handed Tenten a platter of fish that was just used.

"Isn't that the fish- "Tenten began.

"Yes," Aceso answered. "Sure, the lesson didn't go well, but you did get some sushi in return, so there is a win here."

"Thanks," Tenten laughed.

("Guess there really is a bright side to everything," Choji laughed. " Man, that food looked good.")


Tenten was laying on the bed with ice strapped to her head as Aceso was stitching a spot by Tenten's belly button back together. She was patched up in a couple of other places as well.

"So, what happened?" Aceso asked.

"I was working on a new jutsu," Tenten answered as she put a hand behind her head. "It sorts of backfired."

"I can see that," Aceso smiled. "I am going to have to keep you here overnight."

"Oh good," Tenten smiled.

("You seem a little too excited to be staying there for a night, Tenten," Lee said.

"Yeah, normally people are itching to leave it," Kurenai added. "Even Aceso did when she was little. Lost count how many times she snuck out." )

"Hm?" Aceso asked as she looked at Tenten.

"Due to being grounded, you aren't allowed to leave the hospital, right?" Tenten asked as a smile formed on her face. ("Out of all the people to get grounded," Naruto said in shock.)  "And that incident that happened between you and Lee on a mission is the reason why you are grounded."

"What are you getting at?" Aceso asked as panic started to go over her. 

"You and Lee accidentally kissed while on the mission," Tenten began. "Lee won't shut up about it, and now I want to hear your side of it."

"Tenten, you can't just ask that kind of question!" Aceso panicked even as she grew even redder.  (Lee as Naruto glared at  him.


"Last is bushy brow," Naruto commented as he continued to glare at the injured boy.

"This one's pretty cute and will reveal a secret," the time girl informed.

"I want to know this secret," Kiba insisted. "No, holding back." Akamaru barked in agreement.

"Since these are past memories, I won't erase them, but this secret I will," the time traveler girl informed.

Rock Lee

Aceso was walking down the streets of Konoha with Gai-sensei, she was about eleven years old. She had a basket of herbs.

"How is your first year of being the youngest doctor?" Gai answered.

"Quite eye-opening," Aceso admitted. "I like it. Papa, how is your team?"

"All of them fill my heart with their youth," Guy answered as tears flowed out of his eyes. "They impress me every day."

"Tenten?" Aceso asked.

"A weapons specialist," Gai answered.

"That's amazing! Aceso gushed. "I'm happy she found her thing! And Neij?"

"Probably one of the strongest Genin ever," Gai answered as he flexed. "He is always spot on with that Byakugan."

"That's good," Aceso smiled. "And...I don't think I've met your third student yet...Rock Lee, right?"

"He's quite a way in his taijutsu," Gai answered. "Still had quite a lot of work to do." They rounded the corner, they almost collided with a boy, he was tall, shinning black hair, thick eyebrows, headband on his forehead. "Here he is right now." (Everyone glanced at Lee, he was starting to recall the memory.)

"Gai-sensei, who is this?" the boy asked as some color rose to his cheeks. (Color rose to Lee's cheeks in the room again, Naruto and Sakura looked at him oddly.)

"Aceso, this is my student Lee and Lee this is Aceso, she's the young doctor that I've spoken of, she's like a daughter to me," Gai introduced the two.

"How is your training coming, Rock Lee?" Aceso asked.

"Splendid," Lee answered with a sparkly smile. "Despite my shortcomings of not having Genjutsu or ninjutsu, I shall show the world that I too can be a splendid ninja through hard work."

"Don't forget to add your heart to it as well," Aceso said.

"My heart?" Lee asked as he tilted his head. 

"Yeah," Aceso smiled. "By working hard and putting your whole heart into it, I'm sure you will become a splendid ninja, perhaps one of the strongest."

"You really think so?" Lee asked as hope-filled his eyes. "You really think I can become a splendid ninja- "

"You have my full support," Aceso answered as she gave a thumbs up and a smile. Gai sensei was on the side with tears of joy flowing out of his eyes.

"I shall return to my training; your youthful words are so sweet and inspiring!" Lee said as tears flowed out of his eyes.

"Here," Aceso offered as she dug in her pocket and pulled out a small heart made out of pieces of grass. " So you don't forget it, have my heart." She held it out for him with a big smile and her eyes closed and Lee's face turned a dark shade of red. Her eyes opened as Lee took it, he turned even redder. " If you don't like it-"

" I will cherish this forever!" Lee cried more, he then ran off. As Lee turned the corner. 

"Rock Lee has really pretty eyes," Aceso spilled; her cheeks became rosy.

(Choji choked on the chips he was munching on, and everyone's eyes went wide as Lee's face turned a bright red. )

 Gai sensei started to laugh.  "Please don't laugh." Gai continued to laugh even more. "Papa!"

("I'm guessing this means, she has no interest in Sasuke," Sakura smiled with hope.

"Not so fast billboard brow!" Ino warned.

"That was unexpected," Temari admitted. Lee was turning a brighter red.

"Lee, breathe," Tenten advised as she nudged him. "You're going to pass out."

"She likes my eyes," Lee said as a smile grew on his face. 

"Don't get too into this," Naruto warned. "Her brother is still in this room.")

"There's no shame in that kid" Gai stated. "You are just embracing your youth." He laughed some more. " I thought you were going to say something more serious."

"But it is serious, just don't tell him that I said that," Aceso pleaded. "It's embarrassing."

"If it's serious to you, then I shall too consider it a serious matter," Gai smiled more.


Aceso had just left a patient's room, she wasn't looking where she was going when she almost ran into Lee, he had skidded to a stop, and he started to unwrap an injured hand.

("Woah, bushy brow, you got better," Naruto noted, and Lee lit up.)

"You really shouldn't run in the hospital," Aceso advised.

"Apologies," Lee said he held up his hand, it was bleeding. "Can you fix this?"

Aceso took his hand, his face grew a little pink. "Lee, this is a simple stitch that you know how to do quite well."

"You do it better," Lee said with a pleading smile. 

(Choji was now angry. "How can Aceso get mad at me flirting with the nurses, while Lee's flirting with her openly?"

"None of you should be flirting with my sister," Naruto warned as he glared at Choji.

 The screen went black.

"Now on to the serious stuff," the time travel girl said in a serious voice.

The screen changed and they all looked. It started off where a noninjured Lee and Aceso were battling this one guy with a bone for a weapon, the scene changed and the person was about to step on Acesos head with a sharp bone pointing out of it and stab Lee then sand block the attack and pulled the two out of danger. They see the bone guy managed to break through Gaara's sand. 

"That, that's impossible," Kankuro stated. The screen changes to see that they are upon three sand piles, while there's a bone graveyard down below.

"What types are trees is that?" Tenten asked.

"They are all bones," the fairy answered.

"Bones?" Sakura repeated. Gaara and Aceso facing each other, and the chakra ointment is out.

"This must be a really formidable opponent," Lee said. "To have pushed you that far." They then see the bone guy shot up getting ready to strike Gaara. Aceso tossed the ointment to Lee as she places her hand on Gaara, her ropes wrap around Gaara, she then yanks him back to her sand pile as Aceso steps forward.

"The rate the opponent is moving, there's no time to take out a kunai," Shikamaru noted.

"Aceso is well aware of that," the fairy stated as she swung her legs. "Along with the fact she was out of kunai."  Gaara's eyes went wide, and the screen changed to see Aceso on the ground with her eyes closed as Gaara and Lee are both doing everything they can to stop the bleeding.

"Little sister," Naruto breathed in horror.

"No need to worry, your sister will be fine," the Fairy said as the screen changed to Tenten trying to help Aceso with her injuries.  Aceso is sitting on a stool, she was wearing a loose crop top shirt, that stopped right above her belly button, it was tight around that area. And she had many bandages the rest of the way down her torso and on her hand, she fighting off Tenten's hands.

"I'm fine," Aceso insisted.

"You are going to get an infection if the bandages aren't changed," Tenten insisted.

"They don't need to be changed yet!" Aceso insisted as she swatted away her hands.

"They would have been changed two hours ago if you weren't asleep!" Tenten said. Suddenly, Shogi boarded was placed on the table to the left they looked to see Gaara.

"Scared to lose?" Gaara asked, Aceso smiled up at him. As those two placed shogi, Tenten changed the bandages. They all seemed to be chatting to each other with ease. Once the bandages were removed, they saw the three big holes, when it got patched back together, and a fourth hole that was just dented.

"Tenten? Aceso" A voice asked they looked back to see Hinata. "Lady Tsunade said the medicine for Neji should be ready."

"Come on in, Hinata!" Tenten insisted with a smile, Hinata went past Gaara and over to Aceso. Tenten put the cloth, soaked in medicine, into one hole in Aceso's body. 

"Yeah, it should be it should be on the counter," Aceso answered as the cloth popped out of a hole on her back. 


"What happened?" Naruto asked as they watched the screen. " My sister got hurt...badly."

"That's a surprise for later," the spirit giggled.

"It's not a very good surprise," Choji stated.


"Aceso," Gaara spoke up, the girls in the room all looked at him. "Wouldn't it go faster with a medic?"

"I wanted Tenten to do it," Aceso answered.

"But I'm not a medic," Tenten reminded her.

"Just because you can't wield medical ninjutsu, doesn't mean you shouldn't learn these types of things," Aceso answered. "To know some medical practice will come in handy." Tenten lit up.  

The scene changed once more and Hinata was talking to a blonde woman.


Tenten lit up. "It's the legendary sannin, Lady Tsunade!" 


"Can you go ask Lady Aceso for these medical files," Tsunade requested as she handed Hinata a folder? "And then come right back to me. She should be awake."

"Yes, my lady," Hinata agreed. The scene changed and Hinata opened Aceso's room, Aceso was fast asleep on her bed. Her bed was just a mattress, and a small black stance around it on the bottom, it was up against the wall. Hinata walked over, put the folder on the dresser, and shook Aceso awake. "I need a few medical files."

"Later," Aceso said in a sleepy voice, she grabbed Hinata's wrist and pulled her into the bed. Hinata let out a squeak and Aceso cuddled Hinata and closed her eyes. Hinata's head was right on the left side of Aceso's chest, Aceso had one arm around Hinata, the scene fast-forwards a few seconds and now Hinata was asleep.

"Hinata!" Kiba exclaimed as they watched.

"Sorry," Hinata blushed as they watched, the scene fast forward, now the door opened again revealing Temari.

"Sleeping on the job," Temari tched as she took the fan off her back and walked over to the bed. The scene fast forward and now Temari was asleep with her head on the right side of Aceso's chest, Temari was curled up and had a hand on Aceso's stomach.

"You never fail a mission," Kankuro huffed.

"Nor do I sleep on it," Temari grunted. The door opened once more, and Ino, Sakura, and Tenten all walked in.

"Cuddling without me?" Ino asked in annoyance. The screen flipped and now those three girls were asleep as well. Ino was on Aceso's left shoulder, Tenten was on Aceso's stomach, and Sakura was on Aceso's left shoulder, all cuddled into the other girls. The blanket that they were under was now only covering Tenten fully, everyone was waist down-covered, except Aceso, she was covered by the other girls.

"Getting a few files shouldn't be that difficult," Shikamaru said as he rolled his eyes. "What a drag...Lady not going to be very happy."

"This my favorite of Aceso's future," the spirit giggled. "It's going to get better."

"Huh?" they all asked. They looked back at the screen to see the door opened and Naruto entered the room with Shikamaru. The screen flipped and now those two were both on the bed asleep.

"WHAT!?" Both boys exclaimed as they went anime pale. Shikamaru was against the window, on his side as his back was to Naruto, who was under Sakura and Shikamaru, cuddling them. The scene fast forward, the door opened again, and in walked Neij, Choji, and Shino entered the room.

"I would be foolish to join that," Neij scoffed. The moment he said that the scene fast forward and Neij was on the very end of the bed, on his side, with his back against Hinata's back. Shino was a bit down, laying between, his legs hanging off the bed, Choji fell asleep on Naruto, cuddling into Shikamaru, his head on Naruto's chest.

"Who's a fool now?" Tenten snickered as Neij looked at the screen in horror. The scene fasts forward and the door opened revealing Kankuro and Kiba and Akamaru.

"How many people are fitting on that small bed?" Kankuro asked as he took off Crow.

"Not sure, but I say we join," Kiba laughed, Akamaru laughed in agreement. The scene changed, Kiba was now under Ino and Hinata, and Akamaru was on top of his head. Kankuro was underneath Temari and Aceso.

"How is she not waking up?" Kiba asked with wide eyes as they watched. "That's so many people."

"I think it's cute," Tenten giggled.

"It's embarrassing," Gaara grunted from the back as the door opened on the screen, they saw Gaara and Rock Lee had walked in.

"Is she using a Jutsu?" Lee asked.

"No," Gaara answered as he stared at the pile of people. "We should grab the files." As he looked at the paper. "You know where they are right?"

"Why would I?" Lee asked as he looked at Gaara.

"You are in here a lot," Gaara answered, Lee's cheeks turned pink. "Lady Tsunade has been waiting three hours for this."

"She can wait a little bit longer," Lee yawned as he stretched.

"That's enough people," Gaara shook his head.

"One more won't hurt," Lee smiled as he got on the bed, he put himself between Hinata and Tenten, his head was on Aceso's side, right below her chest, and his body went across on a diagonal across the others.

"We aren't here to sleep," Gaara scolded as he folded his arms. The scene flipped and now Gaara as well on Aceso's side, his head right below her chest, his body going towards the window and he wasn't asleep, but his eyes were closed. He didn't have his gourd on him.

"You all failed the simple request!" Kurenai explained. "Just to nap!"

"We look comfy," Naruto laughed.

"She's injured....and we all cuddled on her!" Sakura exclaimed.

"Technically, I'm under her," Kankuro corrected.

"Embarrassing," Neij grunted. Gaara nodded in agreement, but his eyes were glued to the screen, he saw himself shift under the covers a little and curl up to Aceso a bit more, his hand was underneath Tenten's head, Lee's arm was under Tenten, his hand stuck out and laid on top of Akamaru, who had moved and was in the middle of Aceso's chest. The scene fasts forward and Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai, Gai, a woman holding a pig, and Lady Tsunade were in the room, all looking at the group cuddling and asleep.

"So much youth," Gai smiled as tears streamed down his face. "All of them...embracing their youth together."

"I sent Hinata 6 hours ago to gather some files," Lady Tsunade grunted. "I expected her to return to me in five minutes, not stay here for 6 hours!" She was tapping her heel furiously.

"They all must be extremely tired," Asuma laughed as Kakashi grabbed the envelope. He opened it and went over to Aceso's bookshelf and pulled out a folder. As he did this Aceso opened her eyes. She looked very alarmed by everyone around her.

"Did you put a Genjutsu on them?" Kurenai asked as they all walked over and stared at her.

"The only person I remember joining me is Hinata," Aceso admitted as she yawned. She looked down to see Akamaru in front of her face, she looked to the side and the sides to see where everyone was placed.

"Stop moving," Hinata groaned as she shifted awake.

"Hinata!" Tsunade hissed, Hinata's eyes snapped open, and she looked a bit fearful. "I sent you to retrieve files, 6 hours ago!"

"That's my fault," Aceso said as she looked at the woman. "I said later...and well...I wasn't expecting so many people to be sent for some files."

"So, it took fifteen other individuals to fail in getting them?" the woman holding the pig asked.

"I'm sorry," Hinata squeaked. "We all are!"

"All of you are banned from this room for weeks," Kakashi said as he walked over with a few papers.

"I don't think they are awake to hear you," Aceso pointed out.

" I'm awake," Gaara informed as his eyes snapped open.

 Naruto shifted on the bed. "I haven't slept this good in weeks!"

"How did you all manage to fit on here?" Shizune asked. 

"If there's a will, there's a way," Lee yawned as he opened his eyes. 

The screen went black.

" Time to erase your memories," She smiled happily.

" Thankfully we can relive it," Kiba said. The spirit giggled and erased their memories of seeing that section of the future and disappeared.

" I'm going to take Akamaru on a walk," Kiba said he got up and sped out of the room.

" This was his idea," Sakura groaned as they all quickly left.

" We should return the tapes," Temari suggested as she grabbed them. They went back to the young doctor's room. They opened the door to find Aceso sitting on her bed, she was reading a book. Gaara stared at her hair, it was in two braids. He started to groan and grabbed his head.

" Can you knock?" Aceso asked as all three of them stared at her. " Is everything alright?" She looked behind her. " Is there a centipede?"

"No," Kankuro denied as he shook his head. " We just wanted to get some medicine."

"One of the nurses downstairs should be able to help, but I should have a ton in my right cabinet," Aceso answered. She glanced at Temari's hand. " What's that you got there?"

"Oh, nothing," Temari answered as she put the tapes in her pocket. " Something I brought from home."

" That's nice," Aceso smiled.

"Well, we should probably get going," Kankuro said.

"I'm going to stay," Gaara said, his siblings were just as surprised as he was. Gaara had no idea why that came out of his mouth.

" I was just about to go to the store, but I wouldn't mind if you tagged along," Aceso said as stood up. "Well...if you don't wanna go that's fine too..."

"No, I'll go," Gaara agreed.


It was now four days before the first day of the final phase of the Chunin exams. Aceso was folding laundry on the roof, as she waited for the sheets to dry, she had the book open and was taking notes.

" Aceso!" a voice cheered, she looked up to see Naruto and a man with long white hair. " This is my teacher Jiarya, I wanted you to meet him, it's part of my training."

" Part of your training?" Aceso asked as she stood up.

" You two don't look like siblings," Jiraiya said as he leaned over to her.

" He adopted me as his sister," Aceso said as she backed up a little. Then Naruto gave her a hug. " What's going on?"

" Pervy sage says I need to give a girl that's important to me a hug," Naruto said. " Sakura punched me, so you were next."

" Pervy sage?" Aceso asked as Naruto backed up.

" I told you to stop calling me that!" Jiraiya exclaimed as tears flowed down his cheeks. The two then left and continued on with their training.

Later that night she was working at the hospital, when something appeared right outside of it, making the building shake. Smoke rose up.

" What was that?" a nurse gasped. When the smoke disappeared, Naruto lay on the ground unconscious and beside a toad handprint.

" Naruto!" Aceso gasped. They got him into a hospital room, and Aceso applied treatment to him.


By the next morning, Naruto was still in bed, and Aceso was at the front desk grabbing a few things.

" Aceso!" a voice shouted, she glanced over to see that Shikamaru was running up to her. " Is it true that Naruto's in the hospital?"

" It's true," Aceso nodded.

" What happened?" Shikamaru asked.

" Chakra depletion from training, he was totally knocked out when he arrived last night," Aceso explained. " He's in a room sleeping at the moment."

" What a drag?" Shikamaru shook his head. " Can I see him?"

" Of course," Aceso nodded. " Don't expect him to do much talking."

" What a drag," Shikamaru said as she led him down the hall.

" How's your training going, Shikamaru?" Aceso asked.

" I've been working my butt off," Shikamaru said. " I wish I never signed up for the Chunin exams."

" A lot of people who love to be in your spot," Aceso informed.

" Not you," Shikamaru pointed out. " You're a Jonin medical ninja and you tried lot give that up."

" Being a doctor isn't easy," Aceso said. " Everything requires work, but it all matters how passionate you are about it."

" I'm not really passionate about anything," Shikamaru said as they stopped at the room.

" Anything?" Aceso asked as she opened the door.

" I'm the guy kind of guy that would rather lay on his back watching the clouds," Shikamaru said. " Nice and easy."

" Then you're passionate about clouds," Aceso said as Shikamaru said.

" Sure," Shikamaru smiled.

" Take as long as you need," Aceso said. " See you later, Shikamaru." She then closed the door and walked away. She was walking back to the front desk, she was almost done with the day. As she approached she saw Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro standing there, looking her way.

" Hello, Doctor Matsuba," Temari greeted with a smirk. Aceso opened her mouth to respond but was quickly cut off by screaming. She jumped as a couple came running into the hospital, the woman had water running down her legs and was holding her belly. The woman then sat down and laid on her back.

" I can't keep going!" the woman cried out as the man dropped beside her and grabbed her hand. Aceso dropped her stuff, grabbed a couple of towels and other supplies, and appeared beside the couple. Aceso barked orders at other medics as they helped the woman get situated on the floor, the woman had her back arched up, her legs were up, and Aceso was at the other end, ready to catch the baby.

" When I count to eight I need you to give a big push," Aceso ordered.

" I can't," the woman sobbed. " Ahhh!"

" I'm sure you can," Aceso assured. " 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...push!" They pushed hard, this went on for an hour until the baby had finally come out. Aceso cleaned off the baby as it cried out.

" Is it over?" the mother panted. " And the baby?"

" A healthy baby boy," Aceso answered as she placed him on the mother's chest. The mother started crying out happiness, as a blanket was placed over the baby. They then got the mother and baby on a moving bed.

" Have you thought of a name?" a medic asked.

" Zero," the woman smiled at her baby as she got taken into another room. The male she was with, followed them asking a million questions. Aceso turned around to see the Sand Village sitting on the side, all very quiet.

" You stayed for the whole thing?" Aceso asked.

" You delivered a baby," Temari blinked.

" You sound surprised," Aceso said.

" You delivered a baby," Kankuro repeated.

" I've done it many times before," Aceso said. " Normally the mothers make it to a room, but this does happen from time to time, sometimes they don't even make it to the hospital and do home delivery.  Did you three need something?" She went to go wipe her eyes and stopped.

" We did, but we don't anymore," Kankuro said as they stood up. " I'm never getting that out of my head."

" We need healing ointment," Temari informed as she walked over.

" I can get it to you as soon as I clean up," Aceso assured.

" We can get it tomorrow," Temari said. The three left, Aceso cleaned up. She then admitted Choji into a room for a bad case of indigestion.

" Choji, you should slow down when you eat," Aceso advised as she wrote on her clipboard.

" But the short ribs are just so delicious," Choji smiled.

" And that's what landed you here," Aceso said. " I'm not saying you should eat less, I'm saying you should eat slower to avoid bad indigestion and maybe not so much red meat."

" That's the best part," Choji said.

" Eat some fruit and vegetables," Aceso advised. " And drink lots of water." She put his medicine next to her on the table. " You should be fine by tomorrow and be able to attend the Chunin Exams, and watch Shikamaru and the others."

" Thanks, Aceso," Choji laughed. After that Aceso then went to Lee's room with tea. She liked going to have his room to have tea with him, it was nice to actually have someone to talk to while she lived here. And he was quite funny, he was sad, but tried to not let her ever know it.

" Why was there screaming?" Lee asked as soon as she opened the door. 

" Someone went into labor," Aceso answered as she put the tea beside the bed.

 Lee nodded. " Who delivered the baby?"

" I did," Aceso answered.

" You are enjoying your youth," Lee said as he picked up his tea. " Would you ever want a baby?"

" Haven't thought about it," Aceso admitted. " If I do, I don't want them to have my hair color."

" I like your hair color," Lee said.  " I think it's pretty."

" Thanks, Lee," Aceso breathed as she blushed.


It was now the day before the Chunin exams, Aceso was walking down the empty halls looking down at her clipboard. She got to sleep in and the staff went on a lunch break by the time she came down.

" Aceso?" a voice asked. She turned to see Sakura with a flower. " Can I see Lee?" She stopped walking.

" Yeah," Aceso answered. " He may not be awake."

" That's alright," Sakura said as she caught up, the two girls went to Lee's room. " How is Lee doing?"

" He's slowly getting better," Aceso answered. " And I am getting closer to succeeding in the surgery, it's not good enough, but it is closer."

" You don't mind taking care of him?" Sakura asked.

" I love taking care of my patients," Aceso informed. " Oh, you should also see Naruto after Lee, he should be awake by today."

" I'll make sure to stop by," Sakura nodded.  " He'll be ready to fight for tomorrow, right?"

" Of course," Aceso nodded. They went into his room and as predicted, Lee was asleep. Sakura sat down on the chair and replaced the flower. The wind was a bit strong that day, in short gusts.

" Ok," Sakura said to Lee. " Well, I hope you like it."

" I'm sure he will," Aceso nodded as Sakura got up. " I'm going to stay here and start the next round of ointment.

" And Naruto's room?" Sakura asked as she headed towards the door.

" Should be just on the other side, I think Shikamaru might be in there as well," Aceso answered, and the Sakura left closing the door. Aceso went over to the cabinets and began to pull things down. Then the room began to shake, she looked back to see the vase shaking the curtain blowing inward. She looked back as the door opened. " Sakura, is that you? Did you forget something?" There was no response. She then heard groaning, she looked to see Gaara. " Gaara!" He didn't look over, he was groaning in pain, clutching his head. He then looked up, veins popped out in his eyes, his large sea form green eyes were now small and bouncing all over his eyeballs.

The cork to his gourd popped off and sand started to go over Lee.

" Gaara!" Aceso protested as she got in front of the bed, holding out her arms.

" I'll just take you out as well," Gaara wheezed as he lifted his other arm. " I was saving you for last." The sand started to wrap around her, and continue around.

" Please, don't do this," Aceso requested with a pleading look. She tried to find his eyes. " Why are you doing this? I thought we were friends."

" We were never friends," Gaara growled, he then started groaning and grabbed his head.

" Never?" Aceso asked softly, her heart broke, she didn't realize it, but a teardrop fell onto the sand. " I don't want to fight you." She put out a hand and a wall of sand shot up stopping her from going any further.

" You are too weak to fight me, you have no strength to kill anyone, you can't kill me even if you tried, I would have created your useless body into the sand before you could inject a knife into my neck," Gaara said as he went to close his fist, but stopped. Gaara then froze as if he could not move. " I can't move my body." There was shouting and Naruto appeared out of nowhere and landed a punch on Gaara. He was now facing the other two, Aceso clenched her hand and out the ball of it in Gaaras's hand, so he wouldn't be able to close his hand.

" Ah!" Shikamaru cried out, Aceso glanced over at the two. She could see Naruto had just woken up and was in a t-shirt and shorts.

" What the heck are you doing here you rat!?" Naruto demanded. " Get your sand off my sister!"

" Hey, man," Shikamaru groaned. " Go easy. I'm using my shadow possession Jutsu. So when you're bashing him, you're bashing me too. You got it?" Aceso saw the shadows were connected, Gaara definitely couldn't move.

" Oh, sorry Shikamaru," Naruto apologized. Sand pieces fell off of Gaara's face.

" Out with it," Aceso ordered as Naruto went over to Shikamaru. " What were you trying to pull?"

" Well?" Naruto demanded as his fist tightened. " Are you gonna tell us what you were gonna do?"

" I was going to kill him," Gaara answered simply.

" What?" Naruto gasped.

" And then your sister," Gaara said, Shikamaru gasped.

" You already beat him once in the competition," Shikamaru reminded him. " What's your problem? Wasn't that enough for you? Do you have some kind of personal grudge against him or something?"

" What has my sister ever done to you?" Naruto asked Aceso's heart was beating rapidly as it was breaking into pieces.

" I have nothing against either of them," Gaara answered. The three gasped. " It's not that complicated. I simply want to kill them, that's all."

" You know what!?" Naruto exploded pointing at him. " You're sick in the head. You're crazy."

" Yeah," Shikamaru agreed. " You think we're going to just stand by and let you do whatever you want? You sick selfish psycho. I should've warned you to stay the way the minute I saw you pulling herbs with Aceso."

" That's my fault," Aceso shook her head. " I was being naive."

" There is no harm in trying to make friends," Shikamaru said. " You were just deceived."

" If you don't stay out of my way, I'll have to kill you two as well," Gaara warned.

" Oh really?" Naruto exploded. " Well let's just see you try it."

" Hey, whoa kid," Shikamaru protested. " Take it easy." He looked back over at Gaara. " Yeah, yeah. We watched your last match against Lee. We know you're tough. But you know, Naruto and I have a few little tricks up our sleeves as well. We were holding back during the competition. There are things you haven't seen yet. On top of that, hey, it's two against one. Possibly three against one if Aceso joins. So don't be a fool, ok? Just take my advice and go quietly."

"I'll say it one more time," Gaara threatened. " If you get in my way, I'll kill you." His eyes began even more deadly looking.

" And I'll say it again," Naruto shouted.

" Back off, will you?" Aceso asked she could sense that Shikamaru was trying to come up with a plan. " We don't want to go there."

" This guy fights like he's mad," Shikamaru added. " Like he's a demon or something."

" He can act like a demon if he wants to, but you know what?" Naruto asked. " I got the real thing inside of me."

'So he's learned the truth of the Nine-Tailed Fox' Aceso thought to herself.

" Idiot," Shikamaru elbowed him. " Leave this to me. What's the point of getting him mad?"

" A demon, huh?" Gaara asked as he closed his eyes. " My demon is as real as yours is." He opened his eyes once more. From my birth, my upbringing was not what most people would consider a happy one. To ensure that I became the strongest of Shinobi, my father has cast his ninjutsu on me, infusing my unborn self with the sand spirit. I destroyed the life of a woman who gave birth to me. I was born a monster."

" That doesn't mean you're born a monster," Aceso disagreed. He glanced at her, at the fist, and back at the others.

"Its name is Shukaku and it's the living incarnation of the old monk of the sand village who'd been sealed up in a jar of tea," Gaara explained.

" Yeah," Shikamaru breathed as he started to shake. " Some kind of demonic Jutsu. But to use it on a baby? Before it's even born? Man, that's creepy. Gee, what a swell guy your dad must've been. He really must have loved you a lot."

" You speak of love?" Gaara asked. " The two of you speak of love?" He looked at Aceso, her eyes were piercing him, and tears seemed stronger than a few minutes ago. " Don't measure me by your standards. Love. Family. The only emotional ties I have to my family are the ones I'd like to wrap around their necks. " Aceso gasped, she recalled the time the two were down by the river. " They're only ties of hate. " They gasped. " Given life by the death of my mother, I was brought into being nurtured as the salvation of the village. I was the Kazekage child. My father taught me the innermost secrets of the Shinobi. He pampered and protected me and left me to myself. For a time, I thought that was love. And that was when everything started."

" When what started?" Aceso asked.

" What was it?" Naruto asked. " Answer my sister's question. Are you gonna tell us or not?"

" Go on," Aceso urged. " What started? What was it?" He looked up with an evil smile and a crazy look in his eyes.

" In the six years since I became six years old, my father tried to destroy me more times than I can count." They gasped, it was awful.

" You just finished saying how your father pampered and protected you," Shikamaru recalled. " So which is it?"

" Those who get to be too strong are apt to become feared," Gaara answered. His hands were shaking, Aceso didn't know how much longer Shikamaru could hold. " The Jutsu that gave me birth had unbalanced something in my mind. Even the fools in my village finally realized I had emotional problems. My father, the Kazekage, had created me as his ultimate weapon. But I eventually became a threat to the very village I was meant to save. By the time I was six, I became a figure of terror to the villagers, To them, I was a relic of the past that they wished would disappear. So you see, I had failed at the purpose for which I was given life. What then was left for me in this existence? Why go on living? For a long time, I couldn't find an answer to that. But in order to live, you need a purpose. To exist for no reason is the same as being dead."

" What is this guy talking about?" Shikamaru asked Aceso looked over to see that Naruto seemed horrified.

" Naruto, are you alright?" Aceso asked him. He glanced at her and back at him.

" Then in time, the answer came to me," Gaara continued. "To put it simply, Aceso's reason for living is to save lives, my reason for living is in the killing of others. For years I lived in fear of those who were sent to murder me. But now I am at peace. I killed many would-be assassins. And it was while I was doing it that the truth was made clear to me. I live solely for myself. I Love only myself. As it was the death of my mother that first gave me life now it is the death of others that sustains me. That makes me almost happy to be alive. And there's no end to it as long as there are still people to kill in this great, wide, crowded world. I will never disappear."

" Hey, where are you going?" Shikamaru demanded as Naruto stepped back. " What's wrong?" The sand came out in large amounts, going all around them.

" Stop this," Aceso pleaded. " Please Gaara."

" Don't even think about it," Gaara warned as the sand went up to her wrist.

" Naruto!" Shikamaru gasped. " Hey, wake up. Oh man, what a drag."

" Naruto!" Aceso squeaked.

" Now, let me feel alive," Gaara said as the look in his eye grew even eviler.

" Incoming!" Shikamaru shouted as the sand shot at them and tightened around Aceso.

" All right, that's enough," Gai's voice flooded the room. They gasped and looked to see he was standing in the doorway.

" Gai-Sensei," Aceso gasped as she pulled back away from Gaara a little.

" Save it till tomorrow," Gai advised. That's when the final competition begins. You're just wasting it today." He walked into the room. Is that what you want?" Gaara grabbed his head and began groaning in pain. The sand started to be sucked back into Gaara's gourd and Aceso stepped back away, taking her hands fully off of him. After he was down groaning, he slouched and began to walk out of the room.

" All the same, I will kill you," Gaara threatened, as he stopped at the door and looked back. " Just you wait. I'll kill you all." He then left the room, his footsteps echoing their thoughts.

" Let's leave the pretty lady to her work," Gai said. " You two have a big day tomorrow." Aceso turned to Lee, somehow he slept through this whole thing, she heard the others walk out. " You know Lee's supposed to be protecting you, not the other way around?"

" Comrades always have each other's backs," Aceso said softly as she walked over and grabbed the ointment. " Lee should be strong enough to leave the hospital for a little tomorrow. But he needs someone by his side at all times."

" I can handle that," Gai said as he gave a thumbs up. " Where will you be?"

" I have to go early," Aceso answered. " I will be down at the bottom gate waiting for it for a match to end, so I can go address medical attention as soon as possible." She looked at Gai Sensei, he was staring at her and glancing at Lee.

" Thank you, everything you are doing for Lee means a lot," Gai said.

" Thank you for training a kind person," Aceso said. " It's not every day I get a patient as kind as him."

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