Chapter 2

As the journey continued, they were being transported on a boat, it was extremely foggy and they were told to be very silent.

" This fog's so thick, you can't see anything," Sakura commented.

" The bridge isn't far now," the boat rower informed. " Our destination's just ahead, The Land of Waves." They all looked up to see a half-completed bridge.

" Whoa!" Naruto shouted. " It's huge!"

" What? Quiet," the boat rower demanded. " I told you no noise. Why do you think we're traveling like this, huh? Cutting off the engine and rowing, moving through the dense fog so they don't see us." Naruto covered his mouth as everyone looked at Tazuna and the boat rower.

" Mr. Tazuna..." Kakashi began. " Before we reach the pier, I want to ask you something. The men who are after you, I need to know why. If you don't tell us, I'm afraid I'll have to end this mission when we drop you ashore." The man grunted and everyone looked at him for an answer.

" I have no choice but to tell you," Tazuna answered as he lifted his head before opening his eyes. " No, I want you to know the truth. Like you said, this is beyond the scope of the original mission. The one who seeks my life is a very short man who cats a very long and deadly shadow."

" A deadly shadow?" Aceso asked softly.

" Who is it?" Kakashi asked.

" You know him. At least I'm sure you've heard his name before," Tazuna assured. " He's one of the wealthiest men in the world. The shipping magnet, Gato."

" Huh? Gato? Of Gato Transport?" Kakashi asked. " He's a business leader. Everyone knows him."

" Who? Who? What? What?" Naruto asked.

" Gato is a very powerful tycoon from a famous company, that's true," Tazuna confirmed. " But below the surface, with the same ruthless methods, he uses to take over businesses and nations, he sells drugs and contraband using gangs and ninja. It was one year ago when Gato first set his sight on The Land Waves. He came to our island and used his vast wealth to take control of our transport and shipping. Anyone who tried to stand in his way simply disappeared. In an island nation, a man who controls the sea controls everything. Finance, government, our very lives. But there's one thing he fears, the bridge. When it is complete, it will join us to the land, and that will break his control. I am the bridge builder."

" So that's it," Sakura concluded. " Since you're in charge of the bridge, you're standing in this gangster's way."

" That means those guys we fought in the forest, they were working for Gato," Sasuke added.

" Ahh, hmm," Naruto sounded.

" I don't understand," Kakashi admitted. " If you knew he was dangerous, knew he'd send ninja to eliminate you, why did you hide that from us?"

" Because The Land of Waves is a small, impoverished nation," Tazuna answered. " Even our nobles have little money. The common people who are building this bridge, they can't pay for an A or B-ranked mission. It's too expensive. If you end the mission when you drop me ashore, there will be no bridge. They'll assassinate me before I reach home. But don't feel bad about that. Of course, my sweet little grandson will be upset." He then began to imitate a child. " Grandad! I want my Grandad!" Sakura and Naruto groaned. 

' He is guilt-tripping us and it's working,' Aceso thought to herself.

" Oh, and my daughter will condemn The Ninja of the Hidden Leaves, denouncing and blaming you for abandoning her father and living her life in sorrow," Tazuna continued. They all groaned more. " Oh, well. It's not your fault. Forget." They groaned and sighed as we looked at each other.

" Well, I guess we have no other choice," Kakashi gave in. " We'll have to keep guarding you."

" Oh, I'm very grateful," Tazuna said with appreciation.

" We're approaching the shore," the boat rower informed. " Tazuna, we have been very fortunate. No one has noticed us so far."

" Nice going," Tazuna complimented as they went into a tunnel. As soon as they got to the other end, they saw a whole village, sunshine, and trees growing out of the water.

" Yeah!" Naruto breathed with excitement. Soon they were let off at a dock.

" That's as far as I go," the boat rower informed. " Good luck."

" Right," Tazuna breathed.

" Thank you for taking such a risk," Aceso thanked him.

" Just be careful," the boat guy advised before starting up the engine and sailing away.

" Okay. Take me to my home," Tazuna ordered as he turned around. " And I mean get me there in one piece."

" Right," Kakashi confirmed, they all turned around and began walking. Suddenly Naruto ran forward and looked around.

" Over there!" Naruto shouted as he threw a knife, and everyone tensed up. " Hm. It was just a mouse."

" Mouse? Yeah right," Aceso scoffed.

" Everyone can see through your stupid act," Sakura added. " You're so obvious, it's embarrassing!"

" Naruto, those are kunai knives," Kakashi reminded. " They're dangerous!"

" Stop trying to scare me, you scruffy little dwarf!" Tazuna exploded.

" Hey!" Naruto spoke. " Is someone hiding over there? No! They're over there!" He then turned as Aceso crossed her arms. Naruto threw another knife.

" That's it, Naruto!" Sakura snapped as she marched over to him and punched him.

" Ah!" He yelped as his head went forward. " Wha- Why'd you do that? Someone is really following us. I mean it!"

" Yeah, right," Sakura said in disbelief. " Quit lying and acting like a dumb kid!" Kakashi looked over the bush, Aceso went as to see a winter white bunny shaking badly as a kunai knife barely went above its head.

" You need to be more careful Naruto," Aceso scolded. " Look what you did!" She ran over to it and took the knife out from the tree.

" Ah! A rabbit! Ah!" Naruto exclaimed as he ran over as well. " Ah! Oh, I'm sorry little rabbit!" He picked it up and held it close. " I'm sorry."

" All this fuss over a rodent?" Tazuna asked.

" Look out!" Kakashi suddenly shouted after moments of Naruto and Aceso crying over the rabbit. A giant sword came flying out of nowhere, everyone ducked as it went over their heads and slammed into a tree. They looked up to see a man standing on the handle of the blade, he was shirtless, had a white mask over his face, elbow sleeves.

" Well, well," Kakashi said as he stepped forward. " If it isn't Zabuza Momochi, rogue ninja from the village hidden in the mist." Suddenly Naruto started running and Aceso got up in front of him, stopping him from going any further.

" Aceso!" Naruto shouted.

" This guy is way too advanced for us," Aceso said.

" You're in the way," Kakashi agreed. " Get back."

" But why?" Naruto demanded.

" He's not like that other ninja, he's in a whole other league" Kakashi answered. " If he's our opponent I'll need this." He went to go lift his headband, and everyone gasped. " This could be treacherous."

" Kakashi of the Sharingan Eye, did I get that right?" Zabuza asked. " It's too bad, huh? But you'll have to hand over the old man."

" Uhh," Naruto sounded.

" Now quick!" Kakashi ordered. " Manji formation!"

" Manji?" Aceso asked. She didn't get a whole lot of regular ninja team training after the academy, just a ton of medical training and those formations.

" Just do what we do," Sakura advised.

" Protect the bridge builder, and stay out of this fight," Kakashi ordered. " I taught you teamwork. Now it's time to use it." He then lifted his headband all the way up, showing one eye, that was read with a symbol in it. " I'm ready."

" Well, looks like I get to see the Sharingan in action," Zabuza stated before facing them. " This is an honor."

" Everyone keeps saying, Sharingan, Sharingan. Will someone please tell me what Sharingan is?" Naruto requested.

" Sharingan," Sasuke began. " A rare power that resides in the eyes. The user of this visual Jutsu or Doujutsu can instantly see and comprehend any Genjutsu, taijutsu, and ninjutsu, and reflect the attack back on the attacker. The Sharingan is a special, rare form of Doujutsu. However, there's more to the Sharingan than that. A lot more."

" You got it right, boy," Zabuza confirmed. " But you only scratched the surface. The Sharingan can analyze an opponent's technique, and then copy it to the smallest detail. As for you, Jonin, in the assassination unit of the hidden mist, we had a standing order to destroy you on sight. Your profile was in our bingo book." It began to get foggy like when they were on the boat. " It called you, ' The man who copied over 1,000 Jutsu.' Kakashi, the copy ninja."

" Wow, that's so cool!" Naruto blurted out.

" Enough talking," Zabuza ordered. " I need to exterminate the old man, now." Kakashi's students all surrounded him, weapons up.

" Come on Aceso," Sakura ordered.

" Sorry," Aceso apologized as she quickly joined them, and positioned herself in the back.

" So I'll have to eliminate you first, eh, Kakashi?" Zabuza asked. " So be it." He grabbed the sword and jumped, soon he was standing on the water.

" He's over there!" Aceso exclaimed.

" Standing on the water!" Sakura added. Zabuza had one hand in the hair and the other by his mouth.

" Ninja art. Hidden mist Jutsu!" Zabuza said. He then disappeared and the fog got heavier.

" He vanished," Naruto noticed.

" Sensei!" Sakura breathed.

" He'll come after me first," Kakashi informed.

" But who is he?" Aceso asked.

" Zabuza Momochi," Kakashi answered. " The ex-leader of the HIdden Mist Assassination Unit. He's a master of the silent killing technique."

" S-Silent?" Naruto stuttered.

" As the name suggests, it happens in an instant," Kakashi answered. " Without sound or warning of any kind. It's so fast, you pass from this life without realizing what has happened. The Sharingan cannot fully neutralize it, so don't lower your guard." They all gasped nervously. " Well, if we fail we only lose our lives."

" How can you say that?" Sakura demanded.

" This mist is getting thicker and thicker," Naruto noted.

" The Land of Waves is surrounded by ocean," Tazuna informed. " The swirling mists are ever-present."

" Sensei," Aceso called out as the mist grew so thick that he disappeared from view.

" Eight points," Zabuza said.

" What's that?" Sakura asked.

" Larnyk, spine, lungs, liver, jugular, subclavian artery, kidneys, heart," Aceso answered. " All are significant kill points."

" Aren't you an intelligent one? Now, which will be my kill point? " Zabuza asked. Everyone's eyes grew wide. Then a blue chakra appeared in the mist, it was coming from Kakashi.

" Sasuke!" Kakashi shouted Aceso glanced to see that Sasuke had a kunai in his hands. " Calm down. I'll protect you with my life. All of you. I will not allow my comrades to die." He looked back at them with a smile. " Trust me." He looked back forward.

" I wouldn't be so sure," Zabuza warned. Suddenly he appeared in between the ninjas and Tazuna. " It's over." Kakashi turned around, he leaped at him ready to strike, Zabuza leaped as well, everyone separated to avoid getting injured, Aceso used a long rope that she wrapped around her waist, wrapped it around Tazuna, and pulled him further away from the man. Zabuza yelled, they looked to see that Kakashi had jabbed a knife into him, but only water was leaking out, then the real one appeared.

" Sensei! Behind you!" Naruto shouted as he pointed. Kakashi glanced behind him, then looked forward to seeing the other Zabuza turn to water.

" Die!" Zabuza ordered as he swung his sword and slashed through him, but he too turned to water.

" Don't move," Kakashi warned, he appeared behind Zabuza and put a knife to his throat. " Now it's over."

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