Chapter 17
" All right, moving on to the next match," Hayate informed as the screen ran through names
" There's one Sound Village ninja left," Kiba said as Aceso patched up Shikamaru. " There's me, you, Naruto, Choji, Neji, Lee, and that Sand Village guy. Just don't put me up against him, that's all I ask."
" This year's rookies look like they could be quite a challenge," Neji noted. The screen finally stopped on Kiba and Naruto.
" Yeah, it's here!" Naruto cheered. " It's here, at last, the moment I've been waiting for. Finally, I get a chance to show what I've got."
" Look at that, it's us against the kid," Kiba smiled. " Hey Akamaru, I think you and I just won the lottery." The dog barked happily.
" I am going to die of old age before I get my turn," Lee cried as he turned around sadly. " I just want a chance to show Red Rose what I am made of. She's going to get tired of waiting. All I want is a chance. Is that too much to ask?"
" I'm guessing you're the red rose," Shikamaru grunted as Aceso put her things away.
" It could also be Sakura," Aceso suggested.
" She has pink hair not red like you," Shikamaru reminded her.
" Good luck, Naruto," Sakura wished as he laughed. " Do your best."
" You know it, Sakura!" Naruto exclaimed.
" It's my time to shine," Naruto smiled. " Pay attention little sister, this match will be over quickly." Aceso walked over to the railing as the two went down to face off.
" Now the seventh match, Naruto Uzumaki and Kiba Inuzuka," Hayate said.
" I've been waiting forever for this," Naruto stated. " Sorry, Kiba. Don't take it personally if I blow you away."
" That's what I was just going to say," Kiba said as he pointed at Naruto. " Only not so politely. Right, Akamaru?" He barked.
" Oh, yeah!" Naruto shouted. " Well, talking is easy. Let's see what you've got to say at the end of the match."
" Little squirt," Kiba grunted as he put Akamaru on the ground.
" Wait, a second," Naruto protested. " Are you kidding? What's the puppy doing here? He's just going to get in the way."
" Deal with it," Kiba ordered. " I never go into battle without Akamaru." He barked.
" Come on, isn't that against the rules or something?" Naruto asked.
" No," Hayate denied. " Like Shino's bugs, they are a part of him. He is within the rules."
" Whatever," Naruto groaned. " Fine with me. I do my best work with a handicap."
" We'll just see about that," Kiba laughed as he stood up. " Akamaru, you stay right here and leave all this to me. I've got it."
" Go on, Naruto!" Sakura cheered. " You can't lose to this jerk."
" Oh man," Choji groaned. " Kiba is so lucky."
" Look, I feel sorry for you," Kiba said. " So I'm going to finish you off with one shot, K?"
" Yeah? Is that right?" Naruto asked. " Man, you're even dumber than you look if you think you can beat me"
" You sure talk tough for such a little squirt," Kiba said, Akamaru barked in agreement.
" When you're ready, you can begin," Hayate declared. Kiba squatted down and did a hand sign. Soon chakra appeared all around him. He was on all fours, his nails grew out, and he reminded Aceso of a werewolf.
" Here I come," Kiba said. He took off and jabbed Naruto in the stomach. He flew all the way to the other side. " This little guy is going to be out for a while. " He looked at the proctor. " You can call the match. Aceso, come get your brother."
" Thought as much," Shikamaru smirked.
" Yeah," Ino agreed. " I thought Kiba might be too much for him, but that was fast."
" Oh, Naruto," Lee breathed. " That was embarrassing."
" Don't count him out just yet," Aceso said as she grabbed onto her left braid. As Kiba turned around and walked away, Naruto got back onto his feet.
" What?" Kiba demanded as he looked back. " No way." Naruto got back onto his feet, panting.
" Don't ever--don't ever underestimate me!" Naruto warned.
" Yeah!" Lee cheered as Aceso put her folded her hands together and put them up to her mouth happily.
" Naruto!" Hinata gasped with a smile.
" Atta boy, Naruto!" Sakura cheered.
" Yeah, yeah," Kiba scoffed. " More tough talk. Look at yourself in a mirror. You're a mess."
" Ha!" Naruto laughed. Blood was flowing out of his mouth. " I just wanted to see what you've got. Frankly, you hit like an old lady. You have a better chance of winning this if you send that puppy in to fight for you."
" You're going to regret that," Kiba growled. " Come on, Akamaru." He barked, the two then charged at Naruto. He took out smoke grenades from his pockets.
" Smoke grenades?" Naruto asked.
" Take this!" Kiba yelled as he threw them. Purple smoke filled the air, Naruto was nowhere to be seen. Naruto left the smoke cloud, to run into Akamaru, who jumped over and bit him.
" He fell for it!" Kiba cheered. Akamaru bit his hand and Naruto went back into the smoke.
" What the?" Ino asked.
" Darn," Shikamaru groaned. " The best part and I can't see anything." Kiba landed outside the smoke, watching for it to pass. Naruto was down and Akamaru sat beside him wagging his tail. He barked happily.
" Yeah!" Kiba cheered. " This fight is over." Kiba held out his arms and Akamaru ran toward him. " Good doggy. Way too-" Akamaru jumped up and bit Kiba's arm.
" No way!" Aceso gasped as she leaned over the rail a little to get a closer look.
" Hey, Akamaru, what are you doing?" Kiba asked. " What are you doing?"
" Surprise!" Naruto's voice came out of Akamaru. " Gotcha!" There was smoke and Naruto was now standing where Akamauru was.
" You used a transformation Jutsu!" Kiba exclaimed. " You little--get off! Let go of me!" He managed to shake Naruto off.
" You smell even worse than the dog, Naruto insulted.
" What did you do with him?" Kiba demanded as he looked over Naruto's shoulder. " Where is he?"
" He's right here," Naruto informed as he held up a worn-out Akamaru.
" How did you--ok," Kiba began.
" Woah," Ino breathed. " Is that really Naruto? Who would've thought that Naruto would be a match for Kiba?"
" To balance a transformation Jutsu and a clone Jutsu at the same time--there's no way he should be able to do that," Shikamaru said in disbelief. The other Naruto was on his feet.
" Wasn't that amazing?" Hinata asked. " Amazing!"
" That was awesome, Naruto!" Aceso cheered.
" What do you know?" Kiba asked. " Gotten a little stronger, I see. But not nearly stronger enough. Because now I'm getting serious."
" Oh?" Naruto asked. " Well, good. I was hoping you would because I want to seriously knock you out."
" That boy never ceases to amaze me," Lord Hokage admitted.
" I don't know what happened, but this ain't the Naruto we used to know," Shikamaru admitted. The clone Naruto then charged at Kiba, with his fist ready. Kiba closed his eyes, breathed in, opened his eyes, and smirked.
" Naruto, if I were you, I'd let Akamaru go," Kiba advised as he reached into his pocket. He flipped over a treat and Akamaru immediately ate it. The dog started growling, getting bigger and red. He let out a roar, kicked Naruto and the clone disappeared.
" What the heck happened?" Naruto asked. " What was that thing you fed him? How come all his fur just turned red?"
" Are you sure you want to stick around to find out?" Kiba asked. He took in the food pill as well. " Let's go, Akamaru!" Kiba had fangs, Akamaru hopped on to his back. " Beast Mimicry." Smoke came out, and when it cleared there were now two Kibas, one was glowing in chakra. " Man beast clones!
" He's got a crazy look in his eyes all of the sudden," Naruto noticed. " Hey, wait, a second, he took something! No fair! That's cheating! He oughta be disqualified."
" Food pills," Aceso breathed. " They're just another tool. They're allowed."
" Not helping Aceso!" Naruto yelled. " You're no help at all!"
" Sorry," Aceso breathed.
" I don't get it," Shikamaru said. " What was that stuff he ate?"
" Those are food pills," Choji answered.
" They're what?" Ino asked.
" It's something the military developed," Choji answered. " An energy booster that's so powerful that the troops who take it can fight for three days and nights without a break. But after extended battling, it can result in high levels of anxiety and almost total exhaustion." They looked back at the battle. " Right now, Kiba and Akamaru's Chakra is at least doubled in strength."
" Let's finish this," Kiba growled. " Afterwards, I'll take the Doc on a date without her brother's permission."
" She will not go out with a freak like you!" Naruto shouted, Aceso shook her head and rolled her eyes.
" Now!" Kiba shouted the two jumped up and aimed toward Naruto. " On all fours! Jutsu!" Naruto jumped away at the last minute. Kiba charged him once the smoke cleared, and Naruto dodged him. He ran up the walls, then jumped down on Naruto, he dodged once more.
" Naruto!" Sakura cried out.
" It's bad news for Naruto," Asuma declared. " Kiba already fights like a wild beast. His chakra is intense enough even without enhancement. The idea of these pills doubling the strength of his chakra--well, they're the perfect weapon for Kiba." Kiba sliced and cut off someone of Narutos' hair, the blonde spiky kid was very off-balanced. Dodging everything that Kiba was throwing at him. Both of them charged, and Naruto jumped up.
" Now I got you!" Kida exclaimed as he looked up and charged as Naruto came back to the ground. " Man beast ultimate taijutsu!" He spun around, and gained enough speed to look like a giant bullet, Akamaru did the same thing. " Bang over bang!" They both hit Naruto.
" Ahhh!" Naruto cried out as he went flying. Naruto fell on his head, spat out blood, and rolled onto his face.
" I told you it was going to get serious," Kiba reminded him.
" I will--I will be Hokage," Naruto insisted weakly as his fingers twitched. I will."
" And how are you going to do that?" Kiba asked. " By lying flat on your face?" He laughed. " I got news for you. I'm going to be Hokage. Kiba laughed mockingly and Naruto clenched his fist. " Come on, do you really believe a weakling like you can be Hokage? You must be weak in the head." He laughed more. Naruto shakingly got back up onto his feet, very slowly.
" On your feet Naruto!" Sakura yelled. Aceso leaned on the rail, to the point, that only her eyes were visible and watching the battle.
" Sorry, but you can forget dating my sister and you can forget about being Hokage," Naruto stated before looking up. " Because I'm the top dog around here."
" You're kidding," Kiba said in disbelief. " You're a real glutton for punishment, aren't you?" Naruto smirked. " Ok. It's your funeral. I'm gonna make sure you don't get up again." They charged at Naruto. " Let's go, Akamaru!"
" How many times are you gonna use that move?" Naruto asked.
" Just once more," Kiba answered. The two Kibas turned into the giant spinning bullets once more. Naruto jumped up, he barely missed it, Akamaru and Kiba crisscrossed each other. Kiba threw some more smoke bombs. " Fang over Fang!" They spun into the smoke. The two Kibas slid out of the smoke, and all the way over to the entrance.
" Ha!" Kida laughed as Naruto wiped the blood off his mouth. " Looks like you've run out of gas, kid."
" Yeah, bring it on, dog breath," Naruto edged on. " Cause no matter how many clones of yourself you make, I'll still have enough gas to beat you!
" Ha! You always got a snappy comeback," Kida acknowledged. " Let's see you come back from this! Ready, Akamaru?" The other Kida growled in agreement. The two charged threw the smoke bombs and spun into the torpedoes.
" What's going on?" Sakura asked. " I can't see." The smoke started clear.
" Here we go!" Kiba shouted ready to finish his last attack, but down below was another Kiba.
" Very clever," Kakashi complimented.
" Huh?" Sakura asked.
" Wait for the smoke to clear," Aceso suggested. " Then you'll see." The smoke finally clears and everyone saw that there were a total of three Kibas.
" Whoa," Sakura breathed.
" Perfect!" Aceso cheered.
" Good one, Naruto," Sakura added. " Brilliant!"
" It's genius," Hinata complimented.
" He's made himself look like Kiba, so Kiba doesn't know which one to go after," Aceso explained. " He's got to be careful because he might be attacking Akamaru."
" And meanwhile, Naruto is safe attacking either one," Lee added on. " Brilliant idea! Woo-hoo!" Flames appeared in both of his eyes.
" He's got him completely stymied," Sakura said. " Ha!"
" Ok," Kiba breathed. " So I've seen you've gotten better at the transformation Jutsu. But you forgot one little thing. I admit you look just like me, and that threw me for a minute. But I still know which one is you. You can't hide from me. " He began to strike a fist. " Wanna know why?" He punched a Kiba and he went flying. " I can smell you, kid." He touched his nose. " There's just no getting past our sense of smell. Tough luck. Games over." The Kiba puffed out smoke, and lying on the ground was Akamaru. Aceso stood up a little straighter, eyes glued to the puppy. " So it's you!" Kiba turned around and socked the other Kiba, this one went flying as well. " Messing with me!" That one puffed smoke and another Akamaru appeared.
"What?" Aceso and Kiba asked. The first Akamaru that was hit got up and transformed back into Naruto. Kiba turned to see Naruto coming straight at him and he kicked him right in the face.
" Atta boy!" Sakura cheered.
" Amazing big brother!" Aceso cheered.
" That was just amazing!" Hinata cheered. Kiba shakingly sat up and looked at a passed-out Akamaru.
" Ha!" Sakura laughed as the tension between the two became more intense.
" Who would have thought the Naruto I used to know could ever be that smart?" Ino asked.
" Little squirt," Kiba hissed.
" The smart shinobi is careful how he uses his Jutsu," Naruto explained. " Otherwise it's liable to come back and bite him on the butt, dummy!" He put his thumb down. He then bit his hand, drawing blood.
" You're not the only one who's gotten better at the transformation Jutsu," Kiba informed as threw down a smoke bomb, only so it covered him. When the smoke cleared everyone gasped, down below, standing in the battle was a duplicate of Aceso. Naruto's eyes went wide and he stepped back. Gaara on the other side looked across the way at Aceso then down at the other one. Aceso reached into her shuriken and pulled out a bunch of shurikens.
" So, are you finally getting serious, Kiba?" Naruto asked.
" It's me Aceso, your sister," Kiba/Aceso protested.
" If that was the case then why do you have four ropes wrapped around you instead of three?" Naruto asked.
" Huh?" Kiba/Aceso asked.
" The real Aceso only has three robes on her body, the fourth one is still on Rock Lee," Naruto explained. Aceso looked at Lee, he indeed was still wearing it.
" It's quite the fashion statement," Lee smiled as he posed. " I'm bracing my youth."
" Just don't bring it into battle," Aceso requested.
" It'll help me embrace my youth as I battle," Lee said as he pumped his fist.
" Nicely said Lee," Gai agreed as he pumped his fist. Aceso glanced over at Gai, he smiled right at her.
" You may have thrown me off, knowing that I would never harm my sister. That means it's time to unveil something special I've been saving. " He put a sign up by his face. " My super-secret killer move!"
" Your what?" Kiba demanded as he transformed back into himself. " You gotta be kidding me."
" Huh?" Sakura asked.
" Where did he come up with that?" Aceso asked.
" You can leave it to Naruto to have a trick up his sleeve," Lee declared as he pumped his fist. "Well done!"
" Ha! Super-secret killer move," Kiba mocked. " Get outta here. It's a bluff!"
" Yeah? Well, try me and find out," Naruto suggested. Kiba spat out blood. " You ready?"
" Whatever he's got in mind, I'll make sure he doesn't get a chance to try it!" Kiba declared as he charged Naruto. He threw the shurikens, Naruto quickly dodged them. " Beast Mimicry- All Fours Jutsu!" Kiba was now charging at Naruto while on both hands and feet. He punched Naruto, sending him back. He appeared right beside Naruto. " Well, what are you waiting for?" He landed another punch on Naruto's face.
" No, Naruto!" Sakura protested.
" Naruto!" Hinata gasped. When the smoke cleared, Naruto was lying on his stomach.
" Looks like I'll be going on a date with your sister after all," Kiba smirked.
" Can't I have a say in that part?" Aceso asked as she scrunched her nose.
" On your feet, Naruto!" Sakura yelled as she leaned over the railing. " Don't let this beast take your sister on a date!" Aceso groaned and put her head against the railing, and she quickly looked back down.
" He's coming at me so fast, that I don't have a chance to build up my chakra," Naruto said as he got to his feet, Kiba charged once more. He jumped up, and aimed down, slicing at Naruto, he jumped away with his arm bleeding.
" Hey, kid!" Kiba yelled as he charged at Naruto. " Heads up!" He sliced at Naruto, sending him flying.
" Naruto!" Sakura cried out.
" Ha!" Kiba laughed. " You wanted me to get serious, so I got serious. You get it now? You were just kidding yourself. You never even had a chance." Naruto got back onto his feet.
" I absolutely will not lose," Naruto insisted. " Guess that means you're out of luck."
" I'll give him one thing," Choji began. " The kid doesn't give up."
" Mhm-mm," Ino agreed.
" Naruto's like a bad cold," Shikamaru described. " Kiba can't seem to shake him off."
" Atta boy!" Sakura cheered. " Look at him. He's starting to crack. You've got him right where you want him."
" Now, Naruto!" Lee insisted. " Go for it!"
" Hey, what are you waiting for?" Naruto demanded. " You tired?"
" You're a scrappy little squirt, I'll give you that," Kiba admitted.
" That's enough of this," Naruto declared. " It's time to unveil my new technique."
" Go for it!" Kiba insisted as he started to charge, Naruto yelled. " Too late." He slid behind Naruto. " I got you now." He aimed for a fatal spot behind the legs and then Naruto farted in Kiba's face.
" Ahhh!" Kiba cried out as he jumped back, covering his nose.
" Ehh," Everyone sounded in disgust.
" Oh, nasty!" Kiba groaned. " Ugh!"
" Was that his new technique?" Aceso asked.
" Disgusting," Sakura scrunched her nose
" Whatever works, Naruto!" Aceso cheered. " You slowed him down, at least."
" I wish I could say I planned it," Naruto laughed as he looked back at Kiba. But anyway, the time has come to unleash my new technique. Shadow clone Jutsu!" About four more Narutos had appeared. " You've kicked me around pretty good so far." The Narutos surrounded Kiba. " Now it's payback time!"
"Well?" Kiba asked as he looked around. One of the Naruto's leaped forward, striking a punch, followed by the other Narutos. Three of them kicked him up, as one jumped up spun, and slammed him into the ground with his foot, his face smashed into the cement.
" Uzumaki Barrage!" Naruto shouted. All the Narutos stood there panting as Kiba laid flat on his face. Soon the clones disappeared only leaving the original one behind. Hayate walked over, bent down, and turned Kiba's head. The boy groaned in pain. He looked at Naruto with wide eyes and coughed, he got up and backed away.
" The winner is Naruto Uzumaki," Hayate declared. Aceso immediately appeared beside Kiba.
" Woo-hoo!" Lee cheered.
" Ow! Ow!" Kiba cried out as Aceso turned him over. " Take it easy."
" Yes, Naruto!" Sakura cheered. " That's my teammate! Way to go!"
" Unbelievable!" Shikamaru gasped.
" I am taking it easy," Aceso said as she pulled out medicine. She opened it, and then spread some across Kiba's head and chin.
" Who would have thought he could beat Kiba?" Shikamaru said.
" A major upset," Choji agreed.
" Mh-hmm," Ino agreed.
" You are so pretty," Kiba smiled weakly up at her.
" Kiba, it doesn't matter if you beat Naruto," Aceso began. " It's my permission you need to take me on a date."
" Did I land one?" Kiba asked as other medics came over with a stretcher.
" No," Aceso denied as she cleaned up the blood off of his skin.
" What!?" Kiba roared as he sat up straight, he then collapsed back on his back.
" She denied you, buddy," Naruto laughed as he panted. " Believe it!" He turned towards the stairs. " Meet ya up there sister!" He then ran up, smiling, feeling stronger. The medics carefully placed Kiba on the stretcher. Akamaru was placed in front of Aceso. She placed her hands on him and healed him. Akamaru was whimpering.
" How is he?" Kiba asked.
" A treat away from being better," Aceso answered as she held out one. " You did beautifully Akamaru." He wagged his tail happily and took the treat.
"What kind of treats are you giving him?" Kiba asked.
"Your sister gave them to me," Aceso answered. "Made them specifically for him." They lifted up Kiba. And Aceso gently put Akamaru on top of Kiba.
"He still seems a bit hurt," Kiba said as he studied Akamaru.
Aceso the puppy's head. "He'll be just fine."
" We'll take it from here Aceso," a medic said.
" Don't leave your room till I get there," Aceso told Kiba.
" I'll be waiting," Kiba wiggled his eyebrows.
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