Chapter Three

This one's a bit shorter, but I didn't want to split up the rehearsal dinner to make this longer. Still, this isn't too bad.

Cisco and Harry have a gift for Firestorm, the time travelers meet one of the Earth-38ers, and Stein and Caitlin recall fond memories.

Enjoy chapter three!


"I call it . . . " Cisco grinned and removed a blue vial from his machine. "The calm after the Firestorm."

"What is it?" Jax asked from where he sat with Stein.

"It's efficient decelerating serum," Harry answered as Cisco handed the vial to Stein.

The elder half of Firestorm stammered in shock, looking at it. "It – it – it's a cure?!" Cisco and Harry both smiled in answer. "We've spent months trying to devise a solution to neutralize the Firestorm matrix!"

"Uh, separate ourselves without blowing up," Jax clarified.

"Or switching bodies," Harry smirked. "We read your notes. Although," he frowned at Stein, "why you wouldn't want to switch bodies with him is beyond me."

"What Squidward here means to say," Cisco threw Harry a look, getting an exasperated one in reply, "is we took the data you extrapolated from Newton and Curie and Galileo Hacks, every one of them, and we ran it through a Conway class nucleo-dynamic synthesizer." He grinned, but Stein and Jax both stared at him blankly, making him huff. "Hold your applause, I only built it myself."

"First off, nobody was clapping," Harry snorted. "Second, that explains why it couldn't splice a proton for a neutrino field."

Cisco scowled when Harry started snickering. "I'll splice the proton from your neutrino field!"

"Fields," Harry corrected. "I've got a million fields."

"Really? Are all your fields this unbearable?"

"Gentlemen!" Stein stood up, interrupting them. "We appreciate your efforts, but how do you account for the destabilization of the Firestorm matrix?"

"We trick it," both answered at the same time.

Stein's eyes widened. "Quark spheres," he breathed, even as Jax blinked, still confused. "They'll convince the matrix that our genetic codes are connected when, in actuality, they're not. That's genius!"

"And you're sure this'll work?" Jax asked. "No powers for either of us?"

"Guaranteed to put out the fire in Firestorm," Cisco nodded.

"One of you takes it – " Harry began.

"Boom, you're back to your old selves," Cisco finished.

"No offense," Harry added to Stein.

Stein looked down at the vial in shock, then cleared his throat. "Uh, just to be safe, I'd like to have Gideon run some tests, calculate dosage. We could take this directly after the ceremony!" he told Jax excitedly. "I can't wait to tell Clarissa and Lily that I'm finally coming home! This is fantastic news, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's great," Jax quickly plastered a smile on his face. "It's . . . everything we wanted, so . . . thanks, guys."

"You're welcome," both answered.

A knock on the door made all four tense. "Am I interrupting anything?"

Stein and Jax turned at the unfamiliar voice, and Harry and Cisco both turned as Lena cautiously poked her head in. "Oh, hey!" Cisco brightened. "There's the CEO genius of Team Supergirl!"

"Really?" Lena chuckled, walking in. "I was trying to find my way back to the cortex when I heard the two of you start shouting, so I avoided coming in until I heard the voices stop."

There was a moment of silence as Cisco and Harry exchanged looks, making Stein and Jax look at each other in confusion. "Right," Cisco cleared his throat. "Well, since you're here, guess that means you get to be the first to meet some of the Legends."

"Oh," Lena blinked, then smiled, walking over. "All right, then. Dr. Wells," she added politely.

"Ms. Luthor," he nodded in return.

"Professor Stein, Jax, this is Lena Luthor," Cisco introduced her. "Lena, meet Professor Martin Stein and Jefferson Jackson."

"Just Jax, please," Jax smiled, holding out a hand.

"As long as you call me Lena," Lena compromised, shaking his hand. "It's nice to meet you. Kara said you formed a metahuman named Firestorm?"

"That's actually what we were just discussing," Harry nodded.

"And, uh, it was a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Luthor – " Lena gave Stein a look, and he smiled slightly. "Lena," he amended, and she smiled back at him. "But I believe on that note, we must be going."

"It was nice meeting you," Lena smiled.

"You, too," Jax nodded, following Stein out the door.

"Hey, is Winn back yet?" Cisco asked.

"Uh, yeah, I think he just met up with Felicity," Lena nodded.

"Cool," Cisco jumped up and down. "I have a bet to make with them."

"Wait," Harry blinked as Cisco headed out. "Are you making a bet on – ?"

"Exactly what you think I am!" Cisco shouted as he left.

Harry looked in the direction Cisco had gone before giving Lena a deadpan look. "You see what I work with?"

Lena smirked. "Then why don't you go back to your own Earth?"

Harry raised an eyebrow, then snorted. "Very funny."


Thunder cracked as the archer in black walked past the vigilante's helmet now displayed on a pike inside the rebel warehouse. He ascended the platform, watching a banner with the Nazi swastika unfurl, then turned and saluted to his men. "Hail victory!"

"Hail Führer!" the soldiers saluted back.

The archer walked off the platform, walking over to the lead scientist. "The rebels' technology is impressive," he said. "It's a good thing you stopped them when you did."

"Can you make it work?" the archer asked.

"Yes," he said hesitantly. "But – " The archer turned sharply to face him, and the scientist swallowed. "I need time to test it, to ensure they haven't set a trap."

Wind whooshed, and the archer and scientist both looked up as a blonde woman in all black, save for the red lining in her cape, suit, and symbol on her chest, descended, hovering in midair at the archer's shoulder. "You have one day," she declared.

The scientist swallowed, and the archer watched his partner in crime fly off again before turning to the scientist. "You heard her," he reinforced the order before walking after her.


A knock on the lab door made Stein hastily look up from his microscope, swiping a vial of yellow liquid from the desk quickly, fearing it was Jefferson behind him. "Almost time for the rehearsal dinner," Caitlin said as she peeked in.

"Of course," Stein smiled as he turned, standing to welcome Caitlin into the lab. "It was just finishing up some personal work. Come in, my dear. How are you doing?"

"I'm OK," Caitlin answered as she walked in, sitting down in the chair Stein offered her.

"Yes, the last wedding we attended together," Stein began, leaning against the table.

"Was mine," Caitlin finished quietly.

"Ronnie was such a great man," Stein said fondly. "I should know. I might have spent more time with him than you did."

"He was the best," Caitlin nodded, and Stein hummed in agreement. "I think he'd be so happy for you, though." She smirked. "You know Cisco and Wells needed my help to come up with that cure, right?"

"Of course, my darling Caitlin," Stein chuckled warmly. "I saw your brilliance written all over it."

Caitlin chuckled as well, smiling. "So what will you do when you're no longer Firestorm?"

"Be a better husband, I hope," Stein smiled back. "And father. There's a project I promised Lily we would work on together. And, most importantly, I'll be spending time with my grandson. I plan to regale him with thousands of bedtime stories from all my adventures, and I intend to teach him chess."

"That sounds lovely," Caitlin smiled fondly, then stood up. "We better get going. Joe said that he'd lock up anyone who missed his speech."

"Oh," Stein snorted. "You better run along." He kissed her cheek as she kissed his. "I'll be right with you."

"OK," Caitlin smiled, walking off.

Stein watched her go, then pulled the vial out of his pocket, sitting back down at the microscope to continue his work.


Like I said, short. Hope it was good, though.

Next up comes the rehearsal dinner, and Oliver and Kara are putting up a tough performance. After all, if you're trying to see how long it'll take your friend to figure out in a relationship, it means no one else around you (save those who already know) can know, either. XD

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