Chapter 38: The One At The Beach

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."- Friedrich Nietzsche

"So, how have you been fiancee?" Shehzer is grinning at me.

I scowl back, "Stop calling me that. You're not my anything."

"But you just let an innocent woman believe that I am. Saving face Mina? or perhaps you couldn't wait to accept me as yours?" He leans forward, eyes sparkling with suppressed humor. "You want to legalize the drug industry? Really?"

I snort, "Innocent? Maleficent is tamer than THAT auntie...and I haven't accepted you; I simply used you to make a point." I grab a dessert plate just to to look busy.

He grunts disbelievingly.

"It's true. I just lied, and I used you to cover up for me, like I would use a tissue paper. Sneeze. Snot. Trash." I arch my eyebrows daringly at him. "Still want to marry me?" I add the last remaining Baked Alaska portion to my plate. I haven't eaten dinner yet, but the dessert was already wiped out from this particular table and I was tempted by the last slice. I guess most people had the same idea; grab dessert before it runs out.

He stares expressionlessly at me as I dip my spoon into decadent sweetness. He shrugs and says, "I think we both know that you're doing this on purpose. To get me to back off."

My hand is remarkably steadier than my nerves as I deposit a spoonful of heaven in my mouth. Shehzer swallows as an involuntary moan escapes my throat, Whoever invented this food; I LOVE YOU TO THE LAST ATOM!

"Can I have some of that please?" He nods at my plate. I clutch it protectively to my chest, as I moved out of his reach.

"Over my dead body, Doctor. This is the last bit left, and I don't share food. Specially stuff that has chocolate in it." He grins as he advances at me, "Aww come on Minnie Mouse, is this how you treat guests at your party? Just one bite please?"

I look around for an escape; most people are strolling along the beach, or lazing around on the lawn chairs we had scattered around. I spot a secluded rock jutting beside the beach house we had also rented. I quickly shed my heels as I prepared to run. I hike up my skirt with one hand, shrieking with laughter as Shehzer kept following me. I must have looked ridiculous in my fancy dress, running up the crudely built stairs to the top of the rock. My chocolate stealer calmly strode after me as if he knew he could catch up to me without running.

I was panting by the time I reached the top; it only had space for one person to sit. The sides of the rock were pretty steep, so I knew there was no way Shehzer would do anything to topple me from my perch. The view from this slightly high vantage point was absolutely gorgeous. The sun was pretty much ready to set, and the Arabian Sea looked blood-red, and majestic. We could see fairy lights around the event pavilion light up as the sky darkened. I reminded myself to thank Ahmed (The event planner) for such a breathtaking beach arrangement.

I was halfway through my coveted dessert when Shehzer reached the step below my perch. I didn't like the lustful glances he threw at my plate.

"I think it'd be a smart move." I start conversationally.
He replies distractedly, "What would be?"

"Legalizing the drug industry will reduce the bloated profits that the drug mafia enjoys. It will also destroy the whole illegal cartel system, hence fewer families will be financially ruined. The government will be able to state an exponentially higher will also eliminate the whole Forbidden Fruit charm of drugs that lures teenagers to it. They'll be like, 'Wow, I can buy this shit at a grocery store without the possibility of arrest?...Meh.' We can effectively ruin the industry with legalization." I finish off with a leisurely dessert bite.

"I think it might be a lack of sugar in my body, but you actually make sense..." Shehzer looks slightly dazed at my insane theory, "If I weren't crazy about you, I'd totally let you start petitioning for drug legalization."

I ignored the nose-dive my stomach took at his words; He's crazy about me??? I managed to nod non chalantly, as I worked my way through the ice-creamy part of the dish. It was hidden under a super moist mousse layer, which tasted divine. I think I may have been overly theatrical in my enjoyment, because my audience was irritated.

His eyes darkened as he growled; "You don't have to make those freaking moans when you eat it! It's hard enough watching you gobble it up, I don't need to hear the soundtrack."

I smirked, "You mean this sound?" I popped in another spoonful and Mmmm-ed my way through the entire swallow. EMV is cowering under her bedsheets; 'Stophersomeonepleasestopher! She is auditioning for a bloody TVC here.'

"If you weren't perched on this rock, that damned dessert would be mine." He grunts back. I am feeling quite sick with all the sugar, but I eat some more just to spite him. After a while, I take pity on him and offer him the tiny remaining piece on my plate, he snatches the treat and proceeds to clean up the cake bits. It seems oddly intimate, what with him using my spoon.

"You do know that we might still have some of this stuff leftover with the caterers?" I add casually. He pauses halfway through chewing to glare at me. "Are you kidding me? How can you be so evil woman?"

"That's moi. E-V-I-L. is my middle name. Still sure you want to marry me?" I prod him. I am dreading his answer already. My actions had been pretty low. I know for a fact that I would never marry someone who'd lie about Chocolate. Just goes against the very nature of womanhood.

He stares at me for long moments before sighing and putting the empty plate away. The light ocean breeze is making his dark hair fall lower on his eyes than usual; a tiny chocolate smudge near his stubbled jaw is distracting me.

"Mina? This isn't about me. I know it. You know it. I have had feelings for you since we were little kids." he chuckles at my stunned expression. "Yes. 11-year olds do develop crushes, believe me. I was quite the little pervert..."

I am drawn back to hazy memories of us as kids.

"Can I please be your friend?"

"Can I just shake your hand? Please?"

"You creep! you used to bug me to be your friend all the time!! OMG!" I am howling with laughter now. Shehzer pretends to look offended before he joins me. "I--I-I'm never letting any future daughter of mine play with boys!...they are such pervs!..." I wheeze out.

"If she looks anything like you, we'll have to keep her locked up in a tower." He states firmly. My heart goes crazy at his words, and I suddenly want to run away. I casually stand up and dust off my slightly ruined dress hem. Shehzer stands up too, he is gazing hopefully at me, and it is too much for me. I can't handle this right now. Or maybe ever. This man here can break me. Something Areeb wasn't able to fully accomplish. Can I ever trust him?

"We should get you some real food. I made Ali order a live crab guy!" I chirp overly brightly to him, completely ignoring our moment. He is silent as he helps me navigate the stairs in my dress.

It is almost dusk, so it takes a while for me to spot my heels. By then I was so comfortable with the barefoot sand strolling that I simply stuffed it inside one of Kulsoom Nani's huge carrier bags. She was dozing away on a lawn chair, so she didn't harass Shehzer as I expected her to.

I spot Mom and Dad chatting with some friends. Much to my discomfort, they beam at Shehzer and me, as we make our way towards the open air, live food area we have arranged. One specialty that I had insisted on were the local crab guys. Karachi beach has like hundreds of these indigenous fishermen who catch and cook live crabs for a living. It is amazing seeing them catch stuff straight from the beach for us to eat. Slightly barbaric, but totally cool! I am not really a big fish fan, but crabs and shrimp are my favorite, and I am crazy about watching the crab guys prepare our food in a tiny portable wok.

The whole experience of sand under my foot and the spicy smells just reminds me of the million reasons why I love the beach. A lot of those reasons used to be about Areeb, but not anymore. I refuse to let his memory taint my passion for this place. Shehzer is fascinated by the whole crab thing. I have to translate the crab guy's words because Shehzer has difficulty catching onto his thick Sindhi-Urdu dialect.

Most guests started leaving after dinner, but our close family, and friends still hung out. As I made my way towards the open pavilion, Shehzer nodded towards a slightly raised platform. "What's that?"

A panel of studio lights (not yet open) was placed at the ends of the platform, and I could spot a couple of LED disco balls strategically placed at corners. I grin back. "Oh. THAT is a surprise for Adiba!" My bestie was about to be blown away by her husband. "THAT, is a dance floor."

Ali and his posse of old school/University friends had planned the whole "After-Party" for tonight. I had informed a few of Adiba and my friends and cousins to join in as well. Everyone here loves an excuse to dance, so it worked out pretty well!

Mom and Dad along with most of our older guests had left earlier to avoid all the "Noisy Racket" we "young people" were likely to produce. Kulsoom Nani had refused to budge from her lawn chair, "There's no way you can keep me away from a party. Someone has to ruin it eventually, and I want to do the honors! Hmph!"

At first, when Ali and his pals kicked off with a cheesily choreographed version of "Abhi toh Party Shuroo Hui Hay" I was ready to give him hell for it, but they actually weren't that bad! Adiba's face was one of stunned delight as she beheld my brother making an idiot out of himself in public.

I hooted with laughter when he whipped off his formal suit and threw it at Adiba, it was hilarious because one of his buttons got stuck in the process, and ruined the entire effect.The smoke machine, and the dizzying lighting helped to mask the funny missteps the guys did.

Our friends and family hooted and howled, making Ali blush to his hair, but he perservered. Foremost among the hecklers was Adiba herself, who wolf-whistled like a gangster, and yelled at Ali to "SHAKE THAT BOOTY BAYBEEE!"

After the dance, he picked up a Mic and requested Adiba to join him for the next song.

I think there was a unanimous "Awww" from the crowd when my brother swung his new wife into his arms, as Chris Brown's Forever played in the background. This was another one of Adiba's fantasies, and they looked so cute together, despite the fact that Ali's contribution to the dance includes just stiffly standing in one place, while Adiba twirled and whirled enthusiastically around him!

I almost forgot Shehzer next to me as I discreetly wiped away a tear from my face; I was so happy for both of them! He gave me a wistful smile, and moved to stand closer to me.

As soon as the song ended, Adiba started yelling out song requests for the DJ. She reached for my hand and pulled me among the charged up group of our friends as one of our old favorite bollywood dance song "Balam Pitchkari" blasted from the speakers. I figured, that it was truly the best way to ignore my conflicted feelings for tonight.

Shehzer watched from the sidelines as I lost myself in the upbeat dance moves. The song is an old anthem for my old group of art school friends, and back in school we even made up our own funny version of the dance steps that we now do amidst the appreciative audience.

I am still giggling over the ridiculous song lyrics, which literally translate in English to say;
"Darling when you threw a liquid projectile at me, an ostensibly balanced female started drinking. When you wore jeans and oscillated your pelvic girdle in one direction, the neighbour's sister-in-law lost her mind...." Say whaaaat?
Bollywood is freaking hilarious!

Shehzer seems to be enjoying himself when I join him on the ground, after finally wearing myself out from all the dancing. I am sweaty, and out of breath; my hair is beginning to escape it's chignon, but I am giddy with happiness.

"Won't you join us?" I ask him breathlessly.

He shakes his head, "Nah. Too many people dancing at once. I'm kind of claustrophobic." His expression darkens slightly at this statement and I wonder if there's a story behind his fear. "Besides, the view was better from down here. Why didn't you do your moonwalk? I love it!" He grins cheekily at my red face.

"It is hideous and you know it!" I whack his arm in mock annoyance.

"Seriously Mina. Teach me your moonwalk! It's adorable." He pleads repeatedly until I give in. So even though everyone else was doing a flash-mob Bhangra at the moment, and the music is hardly appropriate for it, I instructed Shehzer in doing the world's silliest foot shuffle. I almost stopped twice when he started howling with laughter.

"I...I..sorry Minnie...that..that.. lawnmower you throw in the end just kills me..." He gasps.

I deliberately stomp on his feet for laughing at me, forgetting that I was barefoot, and he was wearing dress shoes with his blazer.

"Owww! Your foot is too hard!" I wince, hobbling away to the distant shore.
"I'm sorry you hurt your foot, while trying to hurt my own." He quips back sarcastically, "Where are you going?"

I sink down at a place where the waves continually lap up at my feet. After the heat of the dancefloor, the cool ocean waves soothe my sandy, sweaty, throbbing feet.
Shehzer kicks of his own shoes to join me. I absently start rubbing my feet with the wet sand.
"What're you doing?" He looks curiously at me.
"World's natural pedicure dude. Try it!"
He seems skeptical but rubs his feet with the the sand too. I teach him to wriggle his toes in, and laugh when he confesses his fear of unknown sea creatures emerging from the sand.

"Okay, Okay, you gotta do this thing once, it's super cool!" I hike up my dress almost to my knees as I wade in slightly deeper water, it's pitch dark so I doubt he can see much.
He sighs, and rolls up his dress pants to follow me. "What now?"

I hold out my hand towards him, and he grasps it after a moment of hesitation. We keep still as the next waves crashes around our feet. I gasp out loud because it is colder than the last one. As it retreats away, it moves the sand under our feet, so it feels like we are gliding forward together even though we're not actually moving by ourselves. I giggle with excitement over this, because it's one of my favorite things to do at the beach.

"What, that's it? That was your thing?" Shehzer rolls his eyes at me.
"You insensitive jerk!" I yell at him and yank my hand away, managing to push him into the water. He emerges a moment later, sputtering in indignance. His suit is pretty much ruined as it drips with salty water, clinging wetly to his muscular frame. Good.

I stomp back to the shore in a huff. I just shared something special with him, and he mocked me, treated it like it was nothing. I hate him.
EMV is filing her nails leisurely; 'Sure you do. Because his actions are just despicable. It's not like you lied about chocolate recently or anything.'
"SHUT UP" I yell at her.

"I haven't even said anything yet." An annoyed retort came from behind me. I turn to find a dripping Shehzer scowling at me.

"I wasn't speaking to you. It's a stupid.voice inside my head." Upon seeing his blank stare, I add maliciously, "That's right. I am a weirdo who has a bitch inside her head! Still want to marry me?"

"WOULD YOU STOP TRYING TO GET RID OF ME?" He yells back at me. I am too surprised by his tone to say anything.
He breaths a few times to get his temper in control.

"Mina. I don't know if it can get through.your thick skull, but I am in love with you. It's not a matter of ifs and buts for me. You could have a third eye, and I'd still be crazy about you. For me, this is real, and undeniable." He rakes his hand back to pull wet strands of hair from his forehead, his eyes are agitated, I can see the sincerity and passion lurk within the brown depths. "I know you don't feel the same way about me. Yet. But I think I can love you enough for the both of us. Your brother said that you're over Areeb. If that's the case, then what's stopping you from saying yes?"

I am without words. Without excuses. Without tantrums. It is terrifying me, his feelings. What if I don't ever fall for him? Will his love be enough for both of us? Won't this cause him to leave eventually?

"Mina. I am yours, if you want to have me. I don't think I was ever meant to be with anyone else." He whispers, his heart on his sleeve. I know I have to say something soon.

"Shehzer. I'm scared" I croak back.
"I am scared too." He confesses.
"Why are you scared?"
"Because for the third time in my life, I handed a beautiful girl, my heart on a platter. Not sure It can survive another foot stomp." he smiles weakly.

"I want to get my graduate degree soon." I finally blab to him.
His face relaxes with a glimmer of hope.
"I'll get you enrolled in MSA, it's the best art program in the world!"
"I want a honeymoon in Russia." I counter back.
"Love, I'll take you to Atlantis if you'd say so." He is grinning widely now.

"That was just a test. I hate too cold places." I shuffle my feet nervously. "Oh, and while we're at it. Lemme make something clear, I cook stuff because I love to eat, not because I have ovaries. Capiche? Don't think you're getting a free chef or anything." I narrow my eyes at my fiance.

He throws his head back in laughter. "Ahh, Minnie, don't worry your feminist sensibilities over this. I won't be killing any lizards and rodents either."

I snort back, "Good. Because THAT doesn't exactly require any balls."

He chokes back his laughter to gaze adoringly at me, "I love you so much."
I just blush at that, suddenly unwilling to say more.

He nudges me softly towards the dancefloor, and vows, "I swear I'll make you love me too. We'll be very happy Inshallah! You'll see. Now let's go tell your family."

Please Allah, don't take him away from me, is the only thought that runs through my mind. Don't let him break me too.

Author's Note:

Hey hey hey!
Sorry it took a while to pen down this one. I do bits and pieces during my study breaks.
The translation for "Balam Pitchkari" is something I came across on Facebook, so not my own stuff! It was so hilarious I just had to add it! :D
Not all Pakistani weddings have dance after-parties, but the trend is catching on pretty quick. To each, their own, I guess. ;) 

Thanks fratboylove for the amazing cover!

Don't forget to vote and lemme know your thoughts!

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